Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

@Crilltic, what are the two The Motherland Calls statues in the banner on the first page supposed to represent? That's been bugging me for a while.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.

I don't know how good Elita is at deception, but it's better not to tell her our suspicions, because we don't know how common blue eyes and black hair is around here. In any case, Elita knows full well he was an assassin and that he took a punch to the face and a sword to the gut. It stands to reason that a guy that hates mages won't have a healer waiting on the wings, so all Elita has to do is investigate all nobles that didn't show up for the wedding for face bruises and signs of having been stabbed recently.

Also, we should consider investing in the ancient and hallowed art of buffing. This might help getting around the antimagic.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.
I feel trying to lie could make us more suspiscious.

Telling the truth, but leaving no details and watching to see the reaction would provide the same result with less risk.

EDIT:Whoops, quoted a post.
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A fireball would fizzle out if aimed at an anti-mage, but they have not demonstrated an ability to put out regular fires, and setting a building on fire should burn them just fine. Or collapsing a ceilings that has no bullshit protection on top of them. Or icing the floor, or interacting with the environment in a number of ways.

Our magic is not limited to throwing stuff at our opponent. A bit of tactical thinking can help us out here.
[X] Make something up on the spot.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

I sincerely hope Illona had the presence of mind to bring the armour. Then again, it is Illona, so there is not much hope.
There's always Asya.
Only of the rumors thats false is her love life really.
Yes, the mythical creature called Illona's love life. Surely it will spotted someday soon. :V
I was arguing for that action last turn. My problem is that Alectai assumed that "traditional marriages" are functional when I doubt that is often the case if you read about our sisters....
Your eldest sister refused to get married under any circumstances, your second eldest was therefore the primary daughter for marriages (AKA the one who all the pressure was on to get a politically stellar marriage, at least until the Ash Maiden left), and Elita rules over what can be charitably called "a den of vipers". None of them are particularly good examples of romantic love. Not that Illona knows that.

As for the whole, "traditional marriage" thing. Illona isn't going to be sold off by her parents and subordinate to her husband. Because A) her parents are either missing or potentially non-existent and B) Illona isn't really inclined to be submissive to anyone who is not God or Her Mother (but then I partially repeat myself).

Also, while inheritance along the male-line was widely practiced, and is still the norm in the Border Princedoms, Ahervare and Hastrijan. The Ash Maiden didn't so much throw a wrench in that practice among Sylltāji as light the entire thing on fire and then blow it up. This has caused...some friction.
All we have right now is a suspicion based on them sharing hair and eye colour. For all we know it could be a complete coincidence and we're totally wrong. I mean, is black hair and blue eyes that uncommon in Ahervare?
Black Hair and Blue Eyes is the trademark sign of Straydor heritage in your bloodline. It basically means you married into them at some point. Not necessarily directly of course, because all the male-line descendants caught a curious case of dead.
@Crilltic, what are the two The Motherland Calls statues in the banner on the first page supposed to represent? That's been bugging me for a while.
Who do you think they represent?
A fireball would fizzle out if aimed at an anti-mage, but they have not demonstrated an ability to put out regular fires, and setting a building on fire should burn them just fine. Or collapsing a ceilings that has no bullshit protection on top of them. Or icing the floor, or interacting with the environment in a number of ways.

Our magic is not limited to throwing stuff at our opponent. A bit of tactical thinking can help us out here.
Illona tried icing his feet and the floor. It just dissipated when he got near it.
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Illona tried icing his feet and the floor. It just dissipated when he got near it.

So, it's not just "Counters magic aimed at me", it aggressively targets the results of magic too.

That's... Incredibly powerful. I imagine in light of that, that if we were to just collapse a roof on him, he'd miraculously be unharmed by it.

I can see how the Straydors maintained power as long as they did if they had a trump card like this up their sleeves. It took a literal demigod descending from the heavens to beat them--and mostly because she had a lot of bullshit on her side that didn't count as magic--our Sight for instance wasn't impaired against him for instance.
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So, it's not just "Counters magic aimed at me", it aggressively targets the results of magic too.

That's... Incredibly powerful. I imagine in light of that, that if we were to just collapse a roof on him, he'd miraculously be unharmed by it.
If the roof was there before you started casting shit, he'd be in a tight spot. Literally, not much room under a collapsing roof.
If the roof was there before you started casting shit, he'd be in a tight spot. Literally, not much room under a collapsing roof.


Still. "Ice on the floor miraculously fading away in my presence" is somewhat more powerful than just traditional "I can't be touched by magic" stuff. Even if it doesn't include a literal miracle clause.

Since it seems even the consequences of magic just fall back before them.

Unless, of course, it's that magic in this setting is literally calling in matter from the ether, and that 'Icing the floor' doesn't actually create what the world recognizes as "Water", but instead, just is the platonic idea of ice coating the floor.

It depends on if Illona icing the floor would have the ice melt as normal over time, or if it would disappear if she stopped maintaining it.

Actually, @Crilltic , we're experienced enough at this point that we'd know this by now, wouldn't we? Would summoned ice linger until it melted normally? Or just stop being once we stopped using the spell?
Actually, @Crilltic , we're experienced enough at this point that we'd know this by now, wouldn't we? Would summoned ice linger until it melted normally? Or just stop being once we stopped using the spell?
It lingers until it melts. Your clothes also didn't become magically uncharred as soon as you stopped lighting everything on fire. As much as Illona wishes they did because she really liked that dress, and that bed, and that other dress. Also the fire on the floor went out when he walked by it, but now she notices the rug is still charred, and wet.
It lingers until it melts. Your clothes also didn't become magically uncharred as soon as you stopped lighting everything on fire. As much as Illona wishes they did because she really liked that dress, and that bed, and that other dress. Also the fire on the floor went out when he walked by it, but now she notices the rug is still charred, and wet.

So, he doesn't straight up cancel matter or consequences, but the intent of the magic just stops in his presence. Ice turns to water, fires snap out despite having plenty of fuel.

I suspect then that we just straight up wouldn't be able to have the juice to drop a rooftop on him unless we were well out of his range--and I note this guy was sneaky enough that the first warning we had of him even being a thing was when Asya tackled him through stuff--which means that their response to "Overwhelming consequences from out of range" is to just not be noticed until you're already in their killzone.

But yeah, that does explain how the Straydors were unstoppable for so long in a fantasy setting where magic is a thing, when they have dudes that magic just refuses to have anything to do with--and that's normally what you'd need to overcome an entrenched interest in a fantasy setting when they probably have a monopoly on most of the Fun Toys.

At least until the Ash Maiden showed up when they were already not really at their best, since their super ninja antimagic assassins would last all of five seconds before falling under the weight of her divine blessings that make her OP without actually counting as magic.
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So, he doesn't straight up cancel matter or consequences, but the intent of the magic just stops in his presence. Ice turns to water, fires snap out despite having plenty of fuel.

I suspect then that we just straight up wouldn't be able to have the juice to drop a rooftop on him unless we were well out of his range--and I note this guy was sneaky enough that the first warning we had of him even being a thing was when Asya tackled him through stuff--which means that their response to "Overwhelming consequences from out of range" is to just not be noticed until you're already in their killzone.

But yeah, that does explain how the Straydors were unstoppable for so long in a fantasy setting where magic is a thing, when they have dudes that magic just refuses to have anything to do with--and that's normally what you'd need to overcome an entrenched interest in a fantasy setting when they probably have a monopoly on most of the Fun Toys.

At least until the Ash Maiden showed up when they were already not really at their best, since their super ninja antimagic assassins would last all of five seconds before falling under the weight of her divine blessings that make her OP without actually counting as magic.
We need to get us some divine blessings then. Get Combat up enough that we can kill assassins even if they cancel out our magic.
We need to get us some divine blessings then. Get Combat up enough that we can kill assassins even if they cancel out our magic.

We've got one with the eyes, but yeah, these guys are good enough that we'd probably need multiples--given how Asya couldn't beat the boss on her own (Fatigued or not)
Elita's Husbando is a Straydor, isn't he? It might just be that the hair and eye color is a Straydor trait--meaning that the order of antimagic assassins is a Straydor influenced or owned organization.

They--as a household--are not exactly known for being totally unified and operating in lock-step. Indeed, they couldn't, even in the face of losing everything.

The clue can indeed be useful without pointing a smoking gun at her Husbando--by pointing out the Antimagic Ninja was of his Dynasty, it might help narrow down who could have pointed them our way.
Would be a FAR better idea to leave whether to tell him to Elita, who is far more aware of her local intrigue situation, than to potentially torpedo her plans regarding ferreting out the plotters by revealing that we already ruined the assassination before it started
Black Hair and Blue Eyes is the trademark sign of Straydor heritage in your bloodline. It basically means you married into them at some point. Not necessarily directly of course, because all the male-line descendants caught a curious case of dead.
Sounds like a good case for a familial grudge there.

As for the whole marriage thing, as already stated pretty much by definition there won't be a marriage of equals while Illona does not recognize the possibility of a superior partner. So we're looking at the following possibilities:
-Stabilize vassals:
--Border Princes - No known leading figure.
---Pros: Noble, traditional, shore up weakest vassal, acquire more land through marriage.
---Cons: Most likely to maintain grudges from before, individual houses are going to be incredibly weak.

--Nomadic Clans - Brandt
---Pros: Will establish us as Kongur, eliminates risk of Nomad rebellion once elected. Loyalty of horse nomads gives us large core force of light cavalry.
---Cons: Fresh converts at best, likely to worsen relations with Border Princes for marrying a barbarian, Kongur title is not hereditary.

--Merchant Houses - Not really considered an option. They go where the money does.

-Outside connections:
----Pros: Incumbent ruler, comes with the Hastrijian elite.
----Cons: Kinslayer, heathen, potentially mad mage. Too strong to influence.

----Pros: Directly in line for their throne, open to conversion and influence
----Cons: Associated with weakening crown authority. Maximum Lannicest.

----Pros: Weakest, and thus most easily swayed candidate.
----Cons: Weakest candidate and bastard(though we ARE sort of the same given that Father was never identified)
We've got one with the eyes, but yeah, these guys are good enough that we'd probably need multiples--given how Asya couldn't beat the boss on her own (Fatigued or not)
I'd also point to Simurgh, if we're near him when attacked.
Without magic, we have superhuman insight, and are above human average strength(note after the last magic trait upgrade, we're stronger than before), but otherwise just a young woman.

Without magic, a dragon is still a bloody dragon.
I'd also point to Simurgh, if we're near him when attacked.
Without magic, we have superhuman insight, and are above human average strength(note after the last magic trait upgrade, we're stronger than before), but otherwise just a young woman.

Without magic, a dragon is still a bloody dragon.

It depends on how much of Simurgh's biology is actually magical or not. He could have a very bad time if he enters the range of one of these guys and normal physics asserts itself.

Since I'm pretty sure normal physics does not allow for a metal-scaled beast the size of mountains being able to fly on their own power, and spew molten metal from their maws at need.
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OK, there was obviosly a fight just now. There is a dead guy with a mask and a sword lying outside. It will likely be obvious that he fell through the window. How are we supposed to make Brice believe that we don't know anything about an assassination attempt?

[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X] Inform Elita fully in private.
It depends on how much of Simurgh's biology is actually magical or not. He could have a very bad time if he enters the range of one of these guys and normal physics asserts itself.

Since I'm pretty sure normal physics does not allow for a metal-scaled beast the size of mountains being able to fly on their own power, and spew molten metal from their maws at need.

He shouldn't be able to kill a dragon by merely walking up to it due to his fairy-killing skepticism power. Antimagic should protect him from the flaming breath, but not from teeth and claws, nor should his sword magically cut through its iron scales.
Since I'm pretty sure normal physics does not allow for a metal-scaled beast the size of mountains
Zeppelins managed just fine...

There is a dead guy with a mask and a sword lying outside.
Ha. Hahaha.

You think a 35+ skill warrior would just die in a ditch like that? He is probably gone already.

This whole business with mask-shattering crits would be unnecessary if we could just walk out and examine the body.
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It depends on how much of Simurgh's biology is actually magical or not. He could have a very bad time if he enters the range of one of these guys and normal physics asserts itself.

Since I'm pretty sure normal physics does not allow for a metal-scaled beast the size of mountains being able to fly on their own power, and spew molten metal from their maws at need.
I'm pretty sure normal biology wouldn't allow him to survive the feats we've just seen him perform either so...
He shouldn't be able to kill a dragon by merely walking up to it due to his fairy-killing skepticism power. Antimagic should protect him from the flaming breath, but not from teeth and claws, nor should his sword magically cut through its iron scales.

Something had to wipe the Dragons out or otherwise keep them contained, and as we've established, sheer brute force probably isn't what did it.
You think a 35+ skill warrior would just die in a ditch like that? He is probably gone already.
Unless I misunderstand Crilltic, the guy got a sword through his chest. I don't see how can survive that:
The man shakily gets to his feet in front of the window, only for Asya to slam the sword into his chest. He totters slightly, and you catch sight of a pitch-black hair before he tumbles off the sword out through the ruined remains of the window.