My kneejerk reaction for dealing with powerful nobles in a realm where our sister has been having a lot of troubles with their like is to treat them with some degree of respect. We could very well blatantly troll them by saying that Asya was practicing rolling through windows to snuff out flaming dresses as a drill in the event of a tragic candle accident at the wedding, and our realm wouldn't really suffer. I don't know if it's best to demean their nobles like that and insult their pride, though; they have long memories for such slights, and it's marginally adding on to the woes of our sister for little to no return.
We will be leaving this realm shortly, and like it or not her husband needs to be a pillar of support for her. That's the entire point of this marriage, to shore her up with the nobility and protect her from the schemes tey'd otherwise play at. If you think there are sneaks in his service, now is the time to ferret them out while Elita has absurdly skilled/lucky allies over and the plot is criticallu weakened from Asya's badassery.
Burning the nobility that she is using to administer here that constitutes the bulk of the converted may very well have adverse effects beyond simply inspiring rebellion.I find it sad that she doesn´t do it like vana. Burn the nobles that try something. Also i find it more likely that he will betray her for power than help, but that is my opinion.
Well, there may be a time where we want Brice to trust Illona. Lying to him now would make that a lot harder.What is it that we are afraid of, why is it imperative that anyone believes us?
They're worried the person Ilona's sister is going to marry is connected to the assassin. So they think they should hide what happened from him.The more I read the less I understand what the "lie on the spot" voters are trying to achieve. Being confused is a natural state for me so I'll admit it: I'm confused. What are you guys aiming for?
This is a worst of all worlds option.[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.
The best way to lie is simply by omitting context. If Brice is with the assassins he'll know anyway, and if not Elita can decide how far to trust him with things like being a mage. I'm not particularly concerned with the threat of him trying to finish the job because that would be really, really dumb of him.
They're worried the person Ilona's sister is going to marry is connected to the assassin. So they think they should hide what happened from him.
This is a worst of all worlds option.
It leaves Brice (and Elita) in the dark if he's clean, whereas if he's not clean he'll almost certainly immediately guess everything we didn't want to tell him (i.e., the trap was sprung too early, we're still here, his assassins presumably aren't, time to put contingencies into place immediately).
I cannot help you there.No, I understood that but they also seem to believe that the assassin escaped. Which would mean the fiancé, if involved, would find out soon. In fact we would be giving him more information as lying would imply we suspect his involvement. That's the part I don't get. Their plan seems to achieve the opposite of what they want.
We actually are vulnerable here; neither us nor Elita is armed or armoured, the sword is stuck in the assassin's chest, Asya is on her last legs. As this is a zealous order of mage-hunters, then if the jig is clearly up, we very much are at risk of a kamikaze-style attack from Brice. So long as he is resolved to die he stands a very good chance of catching the guards flat-footed.Unless you think an hour or two is really meaningful on these "contingencies" or that he's going to attack right away?
There were several assassins. We cannot hide the fact there was an attempt on our lives. Claiming anything otherwise is pretty damn stupid.This is a worst of all worlds option.
It leaves Brice (and Elita) in the dark if he's clean, whereas if he's not clean he'll almost certainly immediately guess everything we didn't want to tell him (i.e., the trap was sprung too early, we're still here, his assassins presumably aren't, time to put contingencies into place immediately).
I think that assuming Brice doesn't have the anti-magic is on a par with assuming a gun isn't loaded; until verified otherwise, assume it is.If Brice attacks and doesn't have the anti-magic, he dies. If he attacks with the anti-magic, then the guards will almost certainly stop him as long as Asya or Illona can defend themselves. If he attacks and kills Elita or Illona or both, he dies. And then Valda inherits and will kill his entire family and burn Ahervare to the ground in vengeance.
The assassins aren't in sight.There were several assassins. We cannot hide the fact there was an attempt on our lives. Claiming anything otherwise is pretty damn stupid.
There's absolutely no way we can hide this attack of the conspirators have people inside of the palace.
The reason we don't want to tell Brice everything is we don't know him and how he would react, we don't know how much about magic and assassins he knows about, we don't know what Asaya knows after hunting down these bastards for two days, and considering her lack of knowledge of Strayador culture and language she doesn't know what she knows. We don't want him flying off the handle or using something revealed here for his own political gain.It leaves Brice (and Elita) in the dark if he's clean, whereas if he's not clean he'll almost certainly immediately guess everything we didn't want to tell him (i.e., the trap was sprung too early, we're still here, his assassins presumably aren't, time to put contingencies into place immediately).
As this is a zealous order of mage-hunters, then if the jig is clearly up, we very much are at risk of a kamikaze-style attack from Brice. So long as he is resolved to die he stands a very good chance of catching the guards flat-footed.
If Brice was willing to die to kill Elita, he had a thousand chances to have done it by now. The man is her fiancé. He probably even had chances when he could have planned things out ahead of time and not deal with two unknown individuals. Unless you think this man has three members of Elita's guard totally loyal to him with him at all times just in case he might stumble upon a chance to kill her.
Edit: Again, this is really straight-forward. If we think he's clean and doesn't have anything to hide, full-disclosure. If we think he's a potential risk, don't divulge anything.