"Prepare for trouble..."
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I don't like the idea of Elite going off by herself....
I suspect that the thread chose to play against a loaded deck.The hell? Did we botch three or four Diplomacy rolls in all that? Since when are we that bad at convincing people of things? We cleaned house at the religious debates...
We should focus on one. Splitting up now would seem...unwise.
But she is not telling us what this is about. Perhaps she isn't so much investigating them as acting on the information she already has.
Yeah, leaning to that.Brice is fishy but we have rank enough that he can't get around us.
I suspect that the thread chose to play against a loaded deck.
She nods, "Yes, there was one." She looks at the expression on Brice's, "Oh don't be so melodramatic, you know as well as I do they happen all the time." She looks at the ruined remains of the window and carpet, "Though I will admit this one was one of the more dramatic attempts. You needn't worry...Illona and her bodyguard protected me just fine."
He glares at you, "I bet they did."
"I would love to be sure of that, but unfortunately, I cannot be sure of it. This is your witch sister? How do I know she has not beguiled you. Who knows what evil magics she knows?"
"Well, isn't that convenient" Brice points to the three soldiers behind him "You three, alert the guards, I want double patrols until the wedding. If there is an assassin I want them found." Then he grabs Elita's arm and glares at you, "You are coming with me, someplace safe, and no more sneaking around late at night."
She's survived this wretched hive of scum and villiany for years. If she's got a lead she doesn't share with us, theres a reason.
He's likely in league, but BEING the assassin would require bilocation.You guys do realize that if Brice is the assassin he is both a better fighter than us and immune to our magic.
Yeah, how Brice acted was not-okay. If he's not in league with the assassin (which is possible, sure), then he's planning on being an equal partner/powerful player.
Rather than what he should be, which is Prince Consort or whatnot.
Always a risk when someone marries. I don't know enough about the setting to know how prevalent sexism is outside of certain exceptions though. Like, the Ash Maiden and her Daughters could be the exception for all we know (because divinity) and the rest of the setting is fairly biased. Who knows? Either way, in real life, reigning Queens marrying was often dangerous for exactly the reasons you'd expect. It was too easy for the husband to say, "Well, now that a man's on the job...I'm King now, follow my orders."
We already know normal inheritance is down the male line. Ash Maiden threw it into chaos because well...Ash Maiden, but existing power structures do not like this sort of stuff at all.Yeah, how Brice acted was not-okay. If he's not in league with the assassin (which is possible, sure), then he's planning on being an equal partner/powerful player.
Rather than what he should be, which is Prince Consort or whatnot.
Always a risk when someone marries. I don't know enough about the setting to know how prevalent sexism is outside of certain exceptions though. Like, the Ash Maiden and her Daughters could be the exception for all we know (because divinity) and the rest of the setting is fairly biased. Who knows? Either way, in real life, reigning Queens marrying was often dangerous for exactly the reasons you'd expect. It was too easy for the husband to say, "Well, now that a man's on the job...I'm King now, follow my orders."
Not our territory, so our sister calls the shots unless you want to wind up marginalizing her ourselves. Also she's the Intrigue sister, she knows all this as much as we do.So how do we marginalise the SOB? Or should we play safe and eliminate the problem? I am talking about Brice of course, he has certainly overstepped his bounds. He might get sufficient support to take over Ahervare. Elita is the daughter of their conqueror and unless Crilltic says otherwise, I will assume traditionally women do not rule in this world.
Elita is marrying Brice for a pretty obvious reason. She needs the power he represents if she wants to do more than stay barely floating in the sea of intrigue, and the constant assassination attempts show that it's not sustainable, they just need to succeed once.Ehh change the equal partner to him trying to be in control and she does as he says than it would be more correct.
He tried to command her and they aren´t even married. He will try to take over it is only a question of time.
How our sister thinks this marriage is a good thing i can understand. Her postion will be even weak with him as a husband than before. Why because of his behavior towards her.
We're not at the limit. We've got 5 more piety points and at least one trait upgrade to go.I doubt it, because it shouldn't be no-selling us when we're pretty much at the peak possible human limit for magic unless they're draining gods or dragons for their counterspells or something.
Also she's the Intrigue sister, she knows all this as much as we do.
I would very much favor staying together. If the anti-magic assassin can get away after he got a sword through the chest, then I wouldn't guarantee that he is still out of action. And if he manages to attack Illona while she is alone, she is pretty much helpless.
By the way, is there not even a pool of blood on the ground? And a trail of blood showing where he went?
You make a point about marginalising Elita. On the other hand, should Brice seize power in Ahervare, we have nasty precedent on our hands. If it can happen in Ahervare, it can happen in Väljad. And there are definitely powerful men who would like that.Not our territory, so our sister calls the shots unless you want to wind up marginalizing her ourselves. Also she's the Intrigue sister, she knows all this as much as we do.
There may very well be, Asya couldn't get a good look because the window is fairly high....actually, yeah. Dude got stabbed. Tough or not, he'll be leaking a bit.
YesAlso, to confirm. @Crilltic, is this 'pick one' choice for each of us?
The symbols Illona wants to look into are the heraldry and crests Asya saw the Seven Knives carrying. The ones she mentioned that causes Elita to go very pale.OK, I'm missing something. What are those symbols that we can investigate?