Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

[X] Make something up on the spot.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

I sincerely hope Illona had the presence of mind to bring the armour. Then again, it is Illona, so there is not much hope.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

I am completely against trying to make up a lie on the spot unless someone can come up with an actual workable lie. I refuse to tell them that Asya fell out a window.

The man shakily gets to his feet in front of the window, only for Asya to slam the sword into his chest. He totters slightly, and you catch sight of a pitch-black hair before he tumbles off the sword out through the ruined remains of the window.

She's holding a bloody sword! Or I assume it's bloody; it says he tumbled off of it. That means he got stabbed right?
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Illona does have a reputation for being a strange girl...

...and having a winged dog-sized creatures fly around her Citadel...
...and having her eyes glow...
...and nearly becoming a Köngur...
...and having a djinn lover/bodyguard/whatever-the-rumors-are...
...and conjuring spirits out of thin air...

At that point I think any lie would be believable as we are somewhat of a mad scientist figure. Except with more madness and less science. Breaking windows is really tame compared to the rumors that must be floating about Väljad.

Anyway, it's not like we're the ones who need to come up with a lie.
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She sighs, "Fine, if you must know, he is pleasant enough. It's more a political arrangement. They are the strongest noble family, with them in my hand I can give my reign some much needed solidity."

"Oh." you think back to some of the blackmail material you've gathered on the Border Princes, and the far away look in Sauliā's eye when as a child you would ask when you would see your niece and nephew again. Now it looks like your other sister is walking the same path. A small voice inside you tells you that the same will likely happen to you, but you push it down, no time to think about that as you put a hand on Elita's shoulder. "Just so you know, I'll be there if you need me Elita."

Yeah i want a happy mc and marriage doesn´t seem to be a good topic for her.
What to do ... . I want her in a happy marriage and not one that she thinks of as a duty for a new heir and children that she doesn´t see.
The problem is that she outranks everybody, but her sisters. The positiv thing is that our rule isn´t questioned by anybody under our control (maybe the border princes but if they try something the pop. will kill them).
Additional to that she is the head of the church and i can´t she her marrying someone that doesn´t follow the first flame.

I hope at this point for a Asya/Illona ship. Happy ruler for the win (and if we have/get a longer lifespan the partner doesn´t died of old age for quite some time) .
I hope at this point for a Asya/Illona ship. Happy ruler for the win (and if we have/get a longer lifespan the partner doesn´t died of old age for quite some time) .
As much as I ship it (and by the First Flame, after this update I ship it hard), there's nothing about arranged marriages that requires unhappiness. And even so, with our luck there's a chance we won't even need a marriage to solidify our ties and can just coast by on Diplomacy crits, leaving Illona free to marry whatever bloke she wants.
Yeah, its a little off from modern expectations, but even if theres no particular attraction initially, such things can grow.

Its not like romance is a pure on-off switch. Or exclusive. As long as the effort is invested.

Just avoid actually poisonous relationships and it'd be fine
Ow--so, confirmation that Antimagic is both a thing in this setting, can be mass produced enough that at least one order of assassins can have it on their operatives, and is effectively no-limits in that human stat caps can't counter it (Since Illona's spells were just bouncing off his his antimagic and she's almost at peak human magic ability)

That's a pretty scary combination that is--especially since they want our heads because "You're a fucking magic user".

What's even worse is that he was stronger than our superhuman spirit-elf bodyguard blender on top of that. Even one guy on this level would be scary--if there's actually more? Then it calls into question just how absurd the Ash Maiden actually was that she could bitchslap these guys without using any miracles (Which these guys apparently no-sell).
Ow--so, confirmation that Antimagic is both a thing in this setting, can be mass produced enough that at least one order of assassins can have it on their operatives, and is effectively no-limits in that human stat caps can't counter it (Since Illona's spells were just bouncing off his his antimagic and she's almost at peak human magic ability)

That's a pretty scary combination that is--especially since they want our heads because "You're a fucking magic user".

What's even worse is that he was stronger than our superhuman spirit-elf bodyguard blender on top of that. Even one guy on this level would be scary--if there's actually more? Then it calls into question just how absurd the Ash Maiden actually was that she could bitchslap these guys without using any miracles (Which these guys apparently no-sell).

Yeah ow that antimage.

The thing about asya is that she most likely fought for the last 2 day almost none stop.
The other thing is she isn´t superhuman her stats are in human range she simply has a higher cap.

Here :
Asya Talashīrr
Diplomacy: 9+5 = 14
Martial: 17+6 = 23
Stewardship: 16 = 16
Intrigue: 8 = 8
Piety: 17+5 = 22
Learning: 4 = 4

0-9: Bad
10-14: Passable
15-19: Good
20-24: Great
25-29: Extraordinary
30-35: Legendary

She is great but she has still room to grow. What makes her scary in a fight is this :
Blade-Mistress: The dance of death is a complex and deadly art, but there are some who have mastered it as only a true artist can. To them, killing is as natural as breathing. +6 Martial, +20 Combat Skill
Yeah ow that antimage.

The thing about asya is that she most likely fought for the last 2 day almost none stop.
The other thing is she isn´t superhuman her stats are in human range she simply has a higher cap.

Here :
Asya Talashīrr
Diplomacy: 9+5 = 14
Martial: 17+6 = 23
Stewardship: 16 = 16
Intrigue: 8 = 8
Piety: 17+5 = 22
Learning: 4 = 4

0-9: Bad
10-14: Passable
15-19: Good
20-24: Great
25-29: Extraordinary
30-35: Legendary

She is great but she has still room to grow. What makes her scary in a fight is this :
Blade-Mistress: The dance of death is a complex and deadly art, but there are some who have mastered it as only a true artist can. To them, killing is as natural as breathing. +6 Martial, +20 Combat Skill

Her martial contributes to it but:
In addition, each character has a score for personal combat. Though influenced by a character base martial score, other traits and effects can also have an influence.
Weak or Novice Combatants: Mid 10's at best
Seasoned or Veteran Combatants: Mid-Low 20's
Highly Skilled Combatants: Low 30's
Storied Combatants: High 30's
Legendary Combatants: 40+

Combat Skill: 23/2+20=31.5
So she is considered a highly skilled combatant which is in large part due to the blade mistress trait responsible for 23 of her combat score. But yeah if we can bump her martial a few more points, maybe find her another trait to give a combat boost she can hit storied. Also we may want to see if we can invest in better armor and weapons for her
That's what I mean--she's not superhuman yet, but she's already in the Highly Skilled bracket and she couldn't beat this guy--which suggests he's probably either in the Storied Bracket at least--if not a low Legendary.

And he has this on top of the antimagic. Furthermore, we didn't see a body, so I wouldn't be surprised if he survived getting run through and dropping out of a castle window.

Any one of these would have served as a late generation trump card. This guy had all of them at once. Better fighter than your super fighter bodyguard, no-sells magic, and is apparently either stupidly durable or is wearing relic chain or something that lets him shrug off a sword to the chest long enough to save himself. (Since I don't consider him dead until we see a body--or at least the body explode so we can't do an autopsy to learn his secrets)

The only plus side I see is that it should light a fire under Asya to start pushing her limits again--this was the first fight that she could be said to have lost in terms of martial arts since she joined us. Sure, we didn't die, but that's because Illona is hilariously unpredictable and responded to a murderblender by punching him in the god damn face long enough for her to draw his full attention and get skewered.
Asya killed all his friends over two days of non stop combat remember? She's got a hell of a lot of fatigue.

This guy was probably their elite or leader.
Still worrying, but we have no sign of mass produced.

(Since Illona's spells were just bouncing off his his antimagic and she's almost at peak human magic ability)

I'll highlight that magically speaking, she's built like the Hulk, but she's not actually got much further than professional skill.

Working on her sharingan and upgrading her armor would make up a lot
Huh just noticed he fell out the window so he isn't visible anymore.

Yeah, like I said, I'm invoking the "No Body, Not Dead" rule on him.

Asya killed all his friends over two days of non stop combat remember? She's got a hell of a lot of fatigue.

This guy was probably their elite or leader.
Still worrying, but we have no sign of mass produced.

I'm not sure I'm happier about them having sufficient numbers that Asya took long days butchering them.
Yes. Probably won't be back immediately since his group is dead, and one supercombatant isn't enough.

I wouldn't assume he's mass producible. At least, no more than Asya or Illona are. Enemy hero unit
The good news of course is that now we know Antimagic is a thing, and are not dead.

That means we know not to minmax towards it, since there's scary guys who can just ignore our magic because reasons. We're already at the point of competence with our techniques, and it means we need to Git Gud at defending ourselves without it.

Good on Asya though for starting us out on "Hey, don't use magic in training". That's probably what (ICly) saved us here, because our reaction to magic being pulled away was to sucker punch the guy trying to kill us.
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The good news of course is that now we know Antimagic is a thing, and are not dead.

That means we know not to minmax towards it, since there's scary guys who can just ignore our magic because reasons.
Well I was going to push upgrading our sight next anyways, this has just caused me to want to try and redo the crucible to up our weapons training more now than learning and improving our sight.

Hard part is catching them. All of us were running on poor gear and no sleep though. Heck, Illona was practically fighting naked but for nightgown.

No sword but what Asya brought. No armor. No sleep.
Yeah we may want to spend an action to gear us and Asya up and make sure to wear our armor often
I think she just needs a dagger to bed.

We do need to look to getting married though.

So, combat training + husband hunt or sharingan + husband hunt?

The eye thing might be helpful for noticing future spouse problems
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

Why lie about an assassin?