Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.

I suppose we can brief our sister in full later when we can be alone with her again.

Also new training targets:
Improved sight
Improved Weapons Training
More learning (to take advantage of sight) and martial (for straight combat boost)
You know I didn't consider shipping Ilona with Asya, since we need to secure an heir.

Unless the flame has some sort bullshit magic ritual to allow same sex impregnation.

I am personally waiting for Illona to break past the 35 stat cap for Piety, become less human through bullshit magic and faith, and through that go through immaculate conception.

She is already being viewed as a prophet by many, and it is not that hard to believe considering who her family is.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.

Also, considering our piety, that antimagic must be pretty strong to work against us.
Oh yeah, good idea
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X] Inform Elita fully in private.

Not sure if its needed, but if her prospective husband's family is trying to kill her, she should be informed

Two, one to find the hidden passageway, and one when fighting the assassin. It's how you cracked his mask to see his eye.
Bet he was pretty surprised to be hit by the princess worst at fight.
Oh yeah, good idea
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X] Inform Elita fully in private.

Not sure if its needed, but if her prospective husband's family is trying to kill her, she should be informed

Bet he was pretty surprised to be hit by the princess worst at fight.
Well without magic we have a combat score of 19 which puts us at seasoned combatant so not that bad anymore, still training up our sight (which should give +1.5 assuming it boosts learning by 1 more and changes to 1/4 learning) and the next weapon training trait which could be +4 Martial and +15 to rolls, giving a +6 combat score. Of course now we need to get a trait that lets us apply our intrigue score to combat as well.
Okay, so the obvious issue here is:

There was not just an assassin. There was a whole fucking bevy of assassins.
They are specifically targeting mages. This wraps both us and our sister up in it.
They were prematurely triggered by Asya, and were probably targeting the wedding.
Normally you would point to the commonality of hair/eye colour, however, Brice was picked to bring a faction on board and common ethnic markers between the groom's party and the mage-busting assassin's party point to a non-trivial possibility for a double-cross scheduled to occur at the wedding.
There is a certain sensibility in the marriage as a trap. Mage's blood runs in the family. Marriages attract family.

Don't divulge that the trap has been sprung. Brice may attempt to follow up. He is armed and armoured. If they also have magic resistance, we are in trouble. However, we do have three members of the Flame Guard, but zealots are known for the kamikaze approach, and it does us precious little good for him to die after we do.
More practically speaking, however, we need to coordinate with Elita and Asya to determine origins for the assassins, ideally without Brice being aware of what we know (if he is crooked, of course, he will soon learn of the misfortune that has befallen the assassins).
May I mention the assassin's eye and hair color and compare them to ones of the fiance?

In the aftermath of someone with green eyes spying on us this suddenly seems relevant.

Are we sure we want to tell anything?
Problem is, it's pretty clear we've been in combat of some kind. And partial truths are easier than lies.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

...IllonaxDiceRollerOTP. It continues being true...

Anyway, on the choice. Yeah, the result of critting during the combat was something that let us get physical information on the assassin, which happens to coincide with the physical characteristics of lovely Mister Brice. I'm going to jump right on this paranoia train -- he is not included in the loop. He doesn't even see the loop. In fact, if done properly he should be totally unaware that a loop exists.

But fortunately, they as of yet shouldn't expect Illona to make such a ludicrously paranoid leap to conclusions even if it does turn out that somebody cracked a mask. So, given that we have deduced their likely treason through the power of insane luck and ludicrous paranoia, their planned ambush is A) dead; and B) a now-ambushed ambush, which is a supremely unhappy ambush indeed. For them. We'll have fun. And celebrate, in the name of ludicrous paranoia.

So! A wedding. I love weddings; drinks all around! No, I don't feel that the wine is more bitter than usual, Lord Straydor. Why, have the servants given you dregs? Dear me, is that a cough you have?

I should probably stop gloating. I make rolls in my own quest, and I don't need the bad juju...
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

He shudders and gradually regains his footing, his hand clutching his face, where a piece of his mask has fallen away to reveal a brilliant blue eye.

He totters slightly, and you catch sight of a pitch-black hair before he tumbles off the sword out through the ruined remains of the window.

So all of our assailants have brilliant blue eyes and pitch-black hair?

Good to know.

Have Asya round up all people with that description and execute them.

That'll solve the problem.
Guys, when you tell him it's an assassin, if he's in on this assassination, you're probably giving up the jig.

[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

So all of our assailants have brilliant blue eyes and pitch-black hair?

Good to know.

Have Asya round up all people with that description and execute them.

That'll solve the problem.
Would you not?
Problem is, it's pretty clear we've been in combat of some kind. And partial truths are easier than lies.
Tell them Asya fell out a window and sustained injuries in the fall.

Don't mention assassins, because when the other guy may be one of the assassins, he's probably going to put two and two together. Maximum ambiguity for maximum effect.
You know I just love this update because I feel like it encapsulates everything I like about Ilona. it's like she's this fantasy adventure series character that drops into right into game of thrones.

Everyone else is worried about dynastic betrayals at weddings and she's off finding secret passages containing ancient black books, fighting masked assassins in quipy duels and getting the vaguely romantic with the action girl; who is off on her own fighting in an 80's action movie at the same time (can you say spotlight episode). God I can hear the theme song.

Question? what would an Ilona theme sound like? I imagine something like chip and dale rescue rangers personally but that's just me.
"Oh" she blinks, "your deadpan has gotten a lot better."

You crack a smile, "I know right, it's proved amazingly useful for holding court."
No, Illona. It's not your performance skills that improved. It's just people legit can't tell if your latest crack idea is something you are actually going to go through with.
"Fine~" You whine, "It's a false wall. You see this brick is discolored, and this hole in the mortar here is actually a keyhole."
Sherlock 'Llones.
Her armor is torn and ripped, her arms are bare and covered in bruises and blood. Her hair is a complete mess, and you manage to make out yet more blood and bruises on her face. Though strangely from all the beating it looks like she's taken she doesn't appear any less attractive.
Okay, that is some strange thought to have in the middle of the battle. There has to be a name for this fetish. :rolleyes:

Well. *looks over stats.*
Intrigue: 14+2 = 16 - You can lie convincingly to people who don't know you well
[X] Make something up on the spot.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.
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You know I just love this update because I feel like it encapsulates everything I like about Ilona. it's like she's this fantasy adventure series character that drops into right into game of thrones.

Everyone else is worried about dynastic betrayals at weddings and she's off finding secret passages containing ancient black books, fighting masked assassins in quipy duels and getting the vaguely romantic with the action girl; who is off on her own fighting in an 80's action movie at the same time (can you say spotlight episode). God I can hear the theme song.

Question? what would an Ilona theme sound like? I imagine something like chip and dale rescue rangers personally but that's just me.

I won't be able to unsee this after the last update
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.
[X] Make something up on the spot.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.

Let get our armor and get our bodyguard that nearly die some time to rest. I think it is very very likely that they are part of the family of our sister.
The question is woud her fiance get the throne if our sister die shortly after the wedding ?
Guy now it is a time to be very very paranoid we can tell them later, but if they have anti magic stuff we are most likely fucked as only the mc and asya can fight them. Don´t know to much about our sister but i think that she is use more magic in a fight and when she does so she has less controll than us. All the crits has to do something there. Also to make it clear the assassin and her fiance look to much like they are family and i don´t trust the flame guard with him.

piece of his mask has fallen away to reveal a brilliant blue eye
you catch sight of a pitch-black hair

piercing blue eyes beneath short cut black hair.
Brice. My fiance.

For music well the amount of crits she get seem to wrap something ...
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[X] Make something up on the spot.
-[X]Inform Elita fully in private.
"She's...actually I don't know. I haven't seen her since yesterday morning. After we finished our morning, uh, practice." You blush at the memory. You had been trying to spar, but Asya forbid you from using magic, and you accidentally slipped on a towel and almost knocked yourself out. It was highly embarrassing. "After that she uh, went to get breakfast, and I haven't seen her since."

This here is probably why nobody saw it coming when Illona smashed assassin face.

"Oh I'm not that worried, I just wish you told me so I could dress better. All the dresses I packed aren't going to survive much fighting."

Elita looks you up and down like you're crazy,
Illona's mind: "Should have brought the dragon egg armor"
Elita's mind : "She was worried about ruining her dresses. I swear, this girl..."

"Well, for this first one, magic. I have magic eyes now, and also I saw the same thing in the Citadel. It's a telltale give-away. The key should also work on it too." You pull the small golden key out from under your shirt, mounted as it is on a golden chain. You find it makes for a wonderful piece of jewelry
Speaking of which, we should visit all our sisters. I'd bet they each have a secret chamber for Illona to unlock!

"Illona." Elita speaks very slowly, "Have you been eating too many mushrooms out there in Väljad? If you have been, you really shouldn't be."
I wonder if their spies reported such outlandish things every year that people just conclude that Valjad has a hallucinatory drug problem.

In his shock you counter in the most natural way possible. You slam a fist into his face and feel his mask crack beneath your fist, then you kick him away. He shudders and gradually regains his footing, his hand clutching his face, where a piece of his mask has fallen away to reveal a brilliant blue eye.

"Wha-" The masked man whips around, only for his face to connect with Asya's foot. The kick sends him flying, slamming him into the wall by the window, shattering the rest of his mask.
Okay, we should look for black haired, blue eyed dude with a probably broken nose(by the Flame she has one heck of a punch of she broke the mask like that, his nose is going to be smashed). If he survived being stabbed in the chest and thrown out of the window.

Elita is furiously thumbing through another one of the books, "I think they're a diary, for the various Straydor Kings. They're written in some kind of code though." She closes the book with a snap, "I was so close with the last one, until it got stolen, but now...now I might be able to crack it."

Needless to say, you don't leave the atrium for awhile. Even if you don't make any progress in breaking the code.

By the time you return to the castle proper the sun is already rising into the sky. You both are dead tired, but excited.

Meanwhile the rumors go: "The princesses and Princess Illona's rather attractive Elf bodyguard vanished late at night and reappeared later, their clothing dishevelled and exhausted, whereupon they were evasive to the groom-to-be regarding what they had been up to."

You just KNOW the gossipy servants are going to go there.