Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

I was arguing for that action last turn. My problem is that Alectai assumed that "traditional marriages" are functional when I doubt that is often the case if you read about our sisters....

No, but the difference between them and us?

We don't Need one to get by, or to silence foes-our domestic and foreign affairs range from good to netural.

So we can pick someone who Illona would get along with rather than someone who gives us something.
[x] Have Asya tell everything

It makes zero sense for her husband-to-be to be the mastermind of this plot. Would his house not at least wait until *after* the wedding to kill her, and preferably have an heir out of it? Now they are married into the rulers of the land; without Elita, the queendom as it stands now will be inherited by one of the other sisters and they again become one noble house (granted, an extremely influential one) out of many.

This is a bonding opportunity for them in which he can make use of his family's influence and likely extensive security to make this go off without a hitch for facing whatever survived Asya, and we want to encourage them both trusting each other and growing together so that her realm will be less restive. Telling him lies because we think he may be the one who organized the assassination is not the way to promote trust on either side.

And if you think somehow that he was in fact the one to organize the assassination, then do any of you intend to call off the wedding? Kidnap the bride? Because the chances for murder only get easier when they tie the knot.
[x] Have Asya tell everything

It makes zero sense for her husband-to-be to be the mastermind of this plot. Would his house not at least wait until *after* the wedding to kill her, and preferably have an heir out of it? Now they are married into the rulers of the land; without Elita, the queendom as it stands now will be inherited by one of the other sisters and they again become one noble house (granted, an extremely influential one) out of many.

This is a bonding opportunity for them in which he can make use of his family's influence and likely extensive security to make this go off without a hitch for facing whatever survived Asya, and we want to encourage them both trusting each other and growing together so that her realm will be less restive. Telling him lies because we think he may be the one who organized the assassination is not the way to promote trust on either side.

And if you think somehow that he was in fact the one to organize the assassination, then do any of you intend to call off the wedding? Kidnap the bride? Because the chances for murder only get easier when they tie the knot.

we have word of gm that asya interrupted them :

Your and Asya's rolls for this update were disgusting.

Well, there was a counter, until Asya double-critted on her intrigue roll and found herself in an 80's action movie fighting magical assassins. And killing them.
(Which is sort of the point to get an heir out)
I don't think it was stated anywhere that our dynasty has to be blood-related, and given how our rolls have gone so far I give Illona a roughly 40% chance of accidentally stumbling across an abandoned baby-prodigy somewhere along the lines.

Of course, having our heir be ours by blood would make our claim a lot stronger, given that our blood is clearly made of 55% bullshit.

It makes zero sense for her husband-to-be to be the mastermind of this plot. Would his house not at least wait until *after* the wedding to kill her, and preferably have an heir out of it?
Mind you, the assassins didn't decide when to launch the attack. Asya took that choice away from them.

And if they are using the wedding as a way to draw in more mages (like Illona), then it doesn't matter if it goes through or not.
we have word of gm that asya interrupted them :
Sure, but if the entire point was murder after the wedding as would be the case with her husband's family they should have melted away and regrouped later to snuff her out. There'd have been no use in opportunistically killing them early, as that prevents any sort of valid claim on the throne.
Prince Consorts aren't shit, that's why they're called Prince Consorts.

And that's what her husband would be--his claim on the throne would evaporate with his waifu if she ended up dead before there was an heir to promote him to a King/Queen-Father or something.

So it's unlikely he's aware of this, because he can only lose from such an assassination--and you don't move super ninja killers in place up to a year before you can even move.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure he's personally free and clear--if only because he gains nothing from an assassination, and super ninjas usually have better things to do than lurk in a city for potentially years on end.

His Family, on the other hand, may not be so clever--or more importantly, are more interested in killing the usurper than they are taking the throne themselves. You don't collaborate with antimagic ninja assassins who zealous attack magic users and then ask them to wait for the right moment to let you gain from it.
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most likely from me :
and the info we have:
Yes, I noticed your take and was 'wait, that does not follow'.

She probably spend her day elsewhere, noticed them or something leading to them, tracked them throughout the night, and confronted them resultiong in the scene we saw.

Continuously fighting the assassins, especially near Palace grounds, tends to attract the guards rather quickly.

It makes zero sense for her husband-to-be to be the mastermind of this plot. Would his house not at least wait until *after* the wedding to kill her, and preferably have an heir out of it?
That's what I was thinking. But some of his family may be on it, and I am not sure we are ready for a major confrontation with zero proof on our hands. Hence, secrecy.

And if you think somehow that he was in fact the one to organize the assassination, then do any of you intend to call off the wedding? Kidnap the bride? Because the chances for murder only get easier when they tie the knot.
We plan to investigate this. That's what 'Lona does. Let go, Asya! It'd be perfectly safe!!

Seriously, though, we need to look into it first before we involve someone whose forces may be compromised even if they themselves aren't.
And if you think somehow that he was in fact the one to organize the assassination, then do any of you intend to call off the wedding? Kidnap the bride? Because the chances for murder only get easier when they tie the knot.
All we have right now is a suspicion based on them sharing hair and eye colour. For all we know it could be a complete coincidence and we're totally wrong. I mean, is black hair and blue eyes that uncommon in Ahervare?

On the other hand, the fact that we needed a crit during the fight to find out what the assassin's hair and eye colour were.... Anyway, we can't call off the wedding based on just this suspicion. Or kidnap sis. So.... Ill007na and her trusty sidekick Asya must search for more evidence!
All we have right now is a suspicion based on them sharing hair and eye colour. For all we know it could be a complete coincidence and we're totally wrong. I mean, is black hair and blue eyes that uncommon in Ahervare?

On the other hand, the fact that we needed a crit during the fight to find out what the assassin's hair and eye colour were.... Anyway, we can't call off the wedding based on just this suspicion. Or kidnap sis. So.... Ill007na and her trusty sidekick Asya must search for more evidence!

Elita's Husbando is a Straydor, isn't he? It might just be that the hair and eye color is a Straydor trait--meaning that the order of antimagic assassins is a Straydor influenced or owned organization.

They--as a household--are not exactly known for being totally unified and operating in lock-step. Indeed, they couldn't, even in the face of losing everything.

The clue can indeed be useful without pointing a smoking gun at her Husbando--by pointing out the Antimagic Ninja was of his Dynasty, it might help narrow down who could have pointed them our way.
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Elita's Husbando is a Straydor, isn't he? It might just be that the hair and eye color is a Straydor trait--meaning that the order of antimagic assassins is a Straydor influenced or owned organization.
That wouldn't surprise me at all to be honest. Of course the Straydors would want to kill the Ash Maiden's children.

I thought the Husbando's family were the first to convert to the Sylltaji faith though. Unless they were planning this ever since then, I don't think they're behind this.
Blood of the Ancients: Rumor has it the Heiress-Queen in Ahervare is entering a courtship with the scion of the House of Landric, one of the oldest noble houses in Straydor, and one that managed to largely escape the Ash Maiden's bloody conquest of the lands through luck, diplomacy and a hasty but apparently genuine conversation to the Faith of the First Flame.
...Matters certainly aren't helped by the fact sister was expecting someone to violently interrupt the wedding anyway and neglected to tell us who the relevant assassins and/or weddingcrashers are in detail. Like, the groom's extended family?

I admit, I partially just want to vote 'make something up' to see what kind of absurd story Ilona comes up with.

edit: Hasty and 'diplomatic' conversions to another faith tend to be 'apparently' genuine but not actually so. It would make sense if there was some kind of religious motivation at work here...
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That wouldn't surprise me at all to be honest. Of course the Straydors would want to kill the Ash Maiden's children.

I thought the Husbando's family were the first to convert to the Sylltaji faith though. Unless they were planning this ever since then, I don't think they're behind this.

As I said, the Straydors were incapable of working together even in the face of losing.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they just used contacts in his household to get in close to begin with, just to sabotage his chances of getting in power, while killing a hated foe at the same time.

Thing about households that can see the writing on the wall is that you can usually trust them to act in their own best interests.

And it's for that reason I'm in favor of Full Disclosure

[X] Have Asya tell everything.
I'm sure that the husband will take it well when we say "Sorry we didn't tell you about all the potential murder, we thought you might be one of the suspects!" Men also love not being permitted to help in any way when their loved ones are threatened.

If we are worried about his family, his help is even more important as he actually knows them well and can form ideas of reasonable suspects. We on the other hand can hardly tell one Straydor figure from the other.

I don't think it was stated anywhere that our dynasty has to be blood-related, and given how our rolls have gone so far I give Illona a roughly 40% chance of accidentally stumbling across an abandoned baby-prodigy somewhere along the lines.
You may want to read the first page a few more times. The entire reason as to why we should rule according to our faith is that our character is a daughter of the Ash Maiden, who in turn claims to be the offspring of the First Flame. That puts us in really close with the sacred. A precocious orphan doesn't have that working for them, so they would totally lack legitimacy. That'd be a huge problem considering all the conversions we just got done with!
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I'm sure that the husband will take it well when we say "Sorry we didn't tell you about all the potential murder, we thought you might be one of the suspects!" Men also love not being permitted to help in any way when their loved ones are threatened.

If we are worried about his family, his help is even more important as he actually knows them well and can form ideas of reasonable suspects. We on the other hand can hardly tell one Straydor figure from the other.
Hmm, do we know if he knows about our sister being capable of using magic though? Because if he doesn't and we tell him about the assassin who wanted to kill us because of our magic....
Prince Consorts aren't shit, that's why they're called Prince Consorts.

And that's what her husband would be--his claim on the throne would evaporate with his waifu if she ended up dead before there was an heir to promote him to a King/Queen-Father or something.

So it's unlikely he's aware of this, because he can only lose from such an assassination--and you don't move super ninja killers in place up to a year before you can even move.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure he's personally free and clear--if only because he gains nothing from an assassination, and super ninjas usually have better things to do than lurk in a city for potentially years on end.

His Family, on the other hand, may not be so clever--or more importantly, are more interested in killing the usurper than they are taking the throne themselves. You don't collaborate with antimagic ninja assassins who zealous attack magic users and then ask them to wait for the right moment to let you gain from it.

Ehh not completly right. Here is the thing about being king/queen. You can without a problem get the crown if you have enough of the militry behind you. This happen enough times in history. Some noble kills the king/queen + family and then takes over.
They are also an old noble house, but also the most powerful with means they have of all the noble the best chance to run the show after Elita.

The situation in general how would take over if our sister dies here?

Valda and Sauliā have as it is enough problems.
We could try but our nations don´t have the same borders.

So yes i think him/his family is behind it. We only need the evidence.
[X] Tell them it was an assassin, but nothing besides that.
-[X] Plot twist: tell them the assassin was after Lona, he thought she'd be vulnerable away from home.

There, lying w/o lying ^^

We don't have to explain the injuries (fell down the stairs? slipped on the towel?) and assassins are bzness as usual around here. But it's not the plot you're thinking of :D
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Hmm, do we know if he knows about our sister being capable of using magic though? Because if he doesn't and we tell him about the assassin who wanted to kill us because of our magic....
I'm not sure. This is phrased as 'how much do we let Elita say', so if she's willing to go for it then I imagine she's okay with him knowing it. As it's transferred by blood, it obviously affects him and his children... but I would be very surprised if he doesn't know already. Mom was clearly a mage, if these guys are really a hugely important, ancient noble house then they should be at least vaguely familiar with magic and how it follows bloodlines. They should be very well informed, and we've all not kept it quite so secret with miracles and the like.

The situation in general how would take over if our sister dies here?

Valda and Sauliā have as it is enough problems.
We could try but our nations don´t have the same borders.
Vana squished her problems with ample brutality, and regardless of whether or not we have direct borders its clear that the others would allow our forces through to secure a sister's realm from the foul rebels that killed her. They would have to be tremendous idiots to do this at a wedding... and again, why not just wait until they have an heir to solidify the claim? It's likely easier to pull off a murder then rather than at the wedding, anyway.
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I'd suggest not panicking. We know nothing about how the anti-magic field works, or how numerous this order of assassins is. It is not unlikely there's a limit, either hereditary or in the costlieness of acquiring the power. And Asya may very well have completely gutted their active forces. I don't buy that they are a pervasive force, given the rarity of magicians around.

Also as the Ash Maiden was clearly no longer human, if she ever was, there's a possibility that sufficiently powerful magic, or "divine" magic, may be able to overpower them still. There are just too many unknowns at the moment.

The evidence for Brice's involvement with the assassins is uh... same hair and eye colors. Are black hair and blue eyes common among the Straydor or some other ethnic group in the province?

As far as marriage and shipping, well, eh. The tendency of voters to leap for lesbian relationships when playing a female MC is mostly objectionable because there's a sense it's just pandering to an overwhelmingly male interest rather than being an organic development. Yuri (and Yaoi) shipping as a specific genre also tends to be ridiculously idealized and stereotyped in a way that fits in poorly with a quest going for psychological realism. Here, well, Illona does think Asya is attractive, Asya just saved her life, and Illona's probably hopped up on adrenaline and concern for Asya who is clearly more to her than just a bodyguard. That doesn't mean that "more than" includes romantic interest; intense friendships and comradery are a thing. If they don't wind up doing anything that night as Illona helps to tend to Asya, though, I don't expect they ever would.

Conversely Illona thinks Brice is handsome and @Crilltic has confirmed she has a theoretical weakness to handsome and smooth-talking men given her naive view of actual romance. So she's definitely attracted to men and could have a happy marriage with the right husband. At this point given the political stability of Väljad I'd say marriage for companionship and love should trump political considerations, but I guess we need to see the candidates and/or push Illona to find someone she likes.

That is not necessarily incompatible with having Asya as a lover. I take it the Sylltaji Faith practices monogamy? That would cut off one obvious route to that working, having the husband marry (in name only, or not) Asya too. Would probably be awkward anyway given that Illona would outrank any potential husband. Still, well, hardly unprecedented for the monarch to have a Favorite and a decent marriage.

Granted, Asya has a say in all that too.
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I'd suggest not panicking. We know nothing about how the anti-magic field works, or how numerous this order of assassins is. It is not unlikely there's a limit, either hereditary or in the costlieness of acquiring the power. And Asya may very well have completely gutted their active forces. I don't buy that they are a pervasive force, given the rarity of magicians around.

Also as the Ash Maiden was clearly no longer human, if she ever was, there's a possibility that sufficiently powerful magic, or "divine" magic, may be able to overpower them still. There are just too many unknowns at the moment.

The evidence for Brice's involvement with the assassins is uh... same hair and eye colors. Are black hair and blue eyes common among the Straydor or some other ethnic group in the province?

As far as marriage and shipping, well, eh. The tendency of voters to leap for lesbian relationships when playing a female MC is mostly objectionable because there's a sense it's just pandering to an overwhelmingly male interest rather than being an organic development. Yuri (and Yaoi) shipping as a specific genre also tends to be ridiculously idealized and stereotyped in a way that fits in poorly with a quest going for psychological realism. Here, well, Illona does think Asya is attractive, Asya just saved her life, and Illona's probably hopped up on adrenaline and concern for Asya who is clearly more to her than just a bodyguard. That doesn't mean that "more than" includes romantic interest; intense friendships and comradery are a thing. If they don't wind up doing anything that night as Illona helps to tend to Asya, though, I don't expect they ever would.

Conversely Illona thinks Brice is handsome and @Crilltic has confirmed she has a theoretical weakness to handsome and smooth-talking men given her naive view of actual romance. So she's definitely attracted to men and could have a happy marriage with the right husband. At this point given the political stability of Väljad I'd say marriage for companionship and love should trump political considerations, but I guess we need to see the candidates and/or push Illona to find someone she likes.

Thus is not necessarily incompatible with having Asya as a lover. I take it the Sylltaji Faith practices monogamy? That would cut off one obvious route to that working, having the husband marry (in name only, or not) Asya too. Would probably be awkward anyway given that Illona would outrank any potential husband. Still, well, hardly unprecedented for the monarch to have a Favorite and a decent marriage.

All good points, though I'd argue that most shipping (regardless of gender) is ridiculously idealized and often not entirely psychologically realistic, at least the way it manifests in Quests.

At the very least, most Quest-shipping definitely idealizes love in general, as well as relationships in particular, in ways that aren't always psychologically realistic, and so I'm not sure how much I'd pull out gay shipping as separate from shipping in Quests in general.

But 'eh' is probably a good way to address a lot of it anyways.
All good points, though I'd argue that most shipping is ridiculously idealized and often not entirely psychologically realistic, at least the way it manifests in Quests.

At the very least, most Quest-shipping definitely idealizes love in general, as well as relationships in particular, in ways that aren't always psychologically realistic, and so I'm not sure how much I'd pull out gay shipping as separate from shipping in Quests in general.

Gay shipping in Quests tends to draw very heavily from Yuri and Yaoi as genres, which have specific issues on top of the more general issues present in fictional presentations of romance.
Fair point. Though honestly, I haven't seen much Yaoi shipping in Quests by voters, though it might be something I'm just missing?

There's plenty of 'female MC, ship with females' going on, but I haven't really seen the opposite so much.

Then again, I'm hardly an obsessive reader of every Quest on this site, so yeah.
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