Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Diplomacy: 9+2+1+2-2 = 12 - You are a capable diplomat.
Persuasive: A silver tongue can be the best key, and yours is gilded indeed. +2 Diplomacy and better chance to persuade people.
The Gift: Something rare and special burns within you. You have been blessed with the stuff of legend and myth. Magic burns through your veins, weak and uncontrolled but it is there. But beware, the stories of magic are often fantastic, but also filled with evil and twisted pride. With power, comes temptation +4 Piety, +2 Diplomacy. 1/6 of Piety added to Combat stat.

Heiress-Queen: You are one of the Heiress-Queens of the Ash Maiden. Marked in fire and coronated with the ancient rites in full. You blood is divine fire, and your word carries great weight, even among those who wish it didn't. +2 Diplomacy
Tenacious: The second point of the soul. You are granite in the face of adversity, never backing down from a challenge, and others look to you for strength. But sometimes you are impossible to argue with. +2 Martial & Stewardship, -2 Diplomacy (Can be inherited)
I believe that should be 9+2+2+2-2 = 13

What happened was:
Hidden Potential: A whisper in your ear, a shadow in your eye and a feeling in your chest. You've always felt different, perhaps something more lurks inside you. Something much sought and long forgotten, but beware, those legends rarely end well for anyone. So perhaps it's better if it's nothing. +2 Piety, +1 Diplomacy. ???
turned into The Gift, so its +1 upgraded to +2, but was not updated in the calculation.
No doubt she is still waiting with growing exasperation for a husband to drop as battle loot...

(Damn those low drop-rate rare items)

Or the following conversation took place;

Illona: Sister dear, why has our elder sister Valda never taken a husband?

Elita (blushing): Well, you see Illona, she's very close to that shieldmaiden of hers.

Illona: Jasta? But why does that matter?

Elita: They're very close, dear sister.

Illona: Like me and Asya?

Elita (incandescent): No, no, not like that. Like... here's a book of decadent Straydor literature that'll answer all your questions.

Illona (reading): Oh. Oh my.
I thought Illona was 16 in the opening?
That might have been left-overs from an earlier draft I didn't quite catch, I went through a lot of different iterations of the timeline and who you could play as before settling on this one

In any case I don't see many advantages to prolonging the search for a marriage very long. Waiting until 30+ years old would be ridiculous, and honestly given it might take multiple years to finally give birth to an heir I'd set 24 years old as a deadline to find someone. Multiple children as an insurance policy and to cement the influence of the dynasty are also desirable as long as we're not dealing with fucking Gavalkind succession.
*Evil laughter*

Given that Valda is a lot older than Illina her failure to marry may be a problem if she has no direct heirs. Does she have any children? Do any of Illona's sisters? I suppose the Ash Maiden's example suggests illegitimacy may not be that much of a problem.
Well, there's also some debate over whether or not the Ash Maiden's daughters were even born from a man at all. And in any case, just because the Ash Maiden did something without repercussions doesn't mean you can necessarily do that without repercussions.

As for kids, Sauliā has two, but much like their father Illona didn't see them much, even when she was living in the capital. She got the sense that there was something going on between Sauliā and her husband, but she never asked Sauliā about it. Valda has no direct heirs that Illona knows of, so right now if she were to die, Vana would be inherited by one of her sisters. Most likely Sauliā. Same with any of the other Queendoms.

Or the following conversation took place;

Illona: Sister dear, why has our elder sister Valda never taken a husband?

Elita (blushing): Well, you see Illona, she's very close to that shieldmaiden of hers.

Illona: Jasta? But why does that matter?

Elita: They're very close, dear sister.

Illona: Like me and Asya?

Elita (incandescent): No, no, not like that. Like... here's a book of decadent Straydor literature that'll answer all your questions.

Illona (reading): Oh. Oh my.
This is a completely valid theory about why Valda has never taken a husband.
I thought Illona was 16 in the opening?

In any case I don't see many advantages to prolonging the search for a marriage very long. Waiting until 30+ years old would be ridiculous, and honestly given it might take multiple years to finally give birth to an heir I'd set 24 years old as a deadline to find someone. Multiple children as an insurance policy and to cement the influence of the dynasty are also desirable as long as we're not dealing with fucking Gavalkind succession.

Given that Valda is a lot older than Illina her failure to marry may be a problem if she has no direct heirs. Does she have any children? Do any of Illona's sisters? I suppose the Ash Maiden's example suggests illegitimacy may not be that much of a problem.
The Ash Maiden's empire was split among all her children instead of just inherited by the oldest. So yeah, I think we're dealing with partible inheritance here.
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Also, @Crilltic, what do we know about the houses represented in our council such as the Zemnieks and the Vecais? How are they prospering relative to the other nobility, are they terribly important towards the realm on their own right or are the advisers that they have among us sort of their big break?
Also, @Crilltic, what do we know about the houses represented in our council such as the Zemnieks and the Vecais? How are they prospering relative to the other nobility, are they terribly important towards the realm on their own right or are the advisers that they have among us sort of their big break?
The members you have are transplants from Runāja, and that's where a majority of their holdings and power lie. The members you have with you are individuals who either followed you here (Alina), or were already her and decided to stay (Alfred). The Zemnieks are a minor noble house, really the reason Alina followed you out here is that she was a childhood friend of yours, and also she was the fifth daughter of their house.

The Vecais are more powerful, being one of the major component houses that make up the Eunii, though the current head of the house is Alfred's son. The Governor position held was more of a sunset appointment.

Both of them are certainly benefiting from having family members on your council, but it's more of an abstract benefit. If you ruled Runāja their positions on your council would likely carry far more political weight and direct benefits.
Okay, so that means that the political blowback from reassigning Alina if we came across a better diplomat wouldn't be tremendous. Though I imagine kicking someone off the council when they know a number of secrets is maybe not a fantastic idea if it's an acrimonious parting, at least it wouldn't ruffle that many feathers in this realm.
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@Crilltic we are missing the 5th and 6th legion from the front page as well.

Also we now have 6 legions (2 deployed) for 30k infantry, 5k in horse archers and 1k from two units of elite heavy cav. We did unlock light cav so maybe a unit or two of those? Also we did reduce the border princes opinion of us but we may need that diplo slot to work on the empire or help our sisters more.
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Wait, when did we get 2nd Flame Guard Regiment? Was it always there? I don't think we trained them.
So, hmm, looking at the map a few things stand out.

There's actually a fairly substantial coastline along the White Sea. Amir-sol is a major port city, bustling with commerce. Hastrijan is right across the waters, though the land border is shielded by a mountain range and the Astrazi Desert. There hasn't been much mention of naval power before, but it seems like it has the potential to be really, really important. Is that because it just isn't within the bailiwick of Illona's demense and direct vassals, or because the rules are complicated enough already naval combat and naval units would be a pain to deal with?

Though that river valley running down the length of the Hastrijani border looks fairly promising as a source of development and a defensive buffer. Is that river navigable the whole length? I presume it flows to the sea, so if so it might be highly useful to found a city near the source of the river and build a spur of the Queen's Road to it. The existing city near the mouth of the river could also be fortified, and the river used to supply a chain of fortifications of the mountain passes between them and the new city. The new city would also provide a base from which to mount patrols of the Astrazi Desert border on the off-chance the Hastrijani have the idea of slipping across it to outflank the defenses.

Also I note there's very little detail beyond the Kurlak Mountains. Is the territory there just poorly mapped, even if under Väljad's nominal control? Establishing settlements out there or enforcing tighter controls might then open up some opportunities to improve trade with the mysterious powers of the east, or at least to make sure the caravans can reach Qur-dalan in greater safety.

There may also be economic opportunities from the Silent Forest if relations with the Nomads improve. They could fairly easily access it to hunt for furs and other boreal commodities (honey, pitch, syrup) and of course sweep the Frost Sea coast for anything interesting (Amber, perhaps?), and trade it at the markets of Qur-dalan. Though perhaps it would also be expedient to found yet another new city to spread influence to the steppes directly, as a nexus of trade and ultimately conversion, and run the Queen's Road on a northern spur?
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So, hmm, looking at the map a few things stand out.

There's actually a fairly substantial coastline along the White Sea. Amir-sol is a major port city, bustling with commerce. Hastrijan is right across the waters, though the land border is shielded by a mountain range and the Astrazi Desert. There hasn't been much mention of naval power before, but it seems like it has the potential to be really, really important. Is that because it just isn't within the bailiwick of Illona's demense and direct vassals, or because the rules are complicated enough already naval combat and naval units would be a pain to deal with?

It's not really Illona's baliwick. The Scarlet Empire was always more a land power, and Hastrijan's superior naval forces made several key differences in the Battle of the Gates. Likewise, most of the naval power in Valjad is under the control of various noble houses, who use it to fight pirates (and each other) mostly. The largest naval force on the block is Hastrijan, but they mostly use it in a defense role rather than attempting to project power with it. At least recently.

Though that river valley running down the length of the Hastrijani border looks fairly promising as a source of development and a defensive buffer. Is that river navigable the whole length? I presume it flows to the sea, so if so it might be highly useful to found a city near the source of the river and build a spur of the Queen's Road to it. The existing city near the mouth of the river could also be fortified, and the river used to supply a chain of fortifications of the mountain passes between them and the new city. The new city would also provide a base from which to mount patrols of the Astrazi Desert border on the off-chance the Hastrijani have the idea of slipping across it to outflank the defenses.
It's not navigable the entire way through, only the lower half is. The upper half is too rocky and shallow to support water-craft of any appreciable size.

Also I note there's very little detail beyond the Kurlak Mountains. Is the territory there just poorly mapped, even if under Väljad's nominal control? Establishing settlements out there or enforcing tighter controls might then open up some opportunities to improve trade with the mysterious powers of the east, or at least to make sure the caravans can reach Qur-dalan in greater safety.
It's very poorly mapped, mostly because it is almost completely uninhabited. It's nominally under your control, but much like the northern steppes, you have very little ability to effectively project power into those areas.
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Turn 4 - Rumor Mill
Rumor Mill:

The Center Cannot Hold:
The conflict in Runāja reached a new height after a brief lull, mediated by the Heiress-Queen in an effort to restore stability and mend fences between the Eunii and the Granii. However the fragile recovery was shattered when the second son of the House Vecais's leader was assaulted and nearly killed by masked men on the streets. Even now his life hangs in the balance, and although no one knows who did it, a torn seal bearing the crest of the Granii was found nearby. What hope there was for peace has been shattered, as tensions sky-rocket once again between the two blocks.

Political Expedience: Vana runs red with the blood of petty lords. They're infighting over the scraps of the large gold discovery two years ago has finally reached a point where the Heiress-Queen stepped in to intercede. With her legions she marched through, smashing any lordling who thought to challenge her as she parceled out the land on her own accord. Some of the lords took offense to this, and rose their flags in rebellion. Now their bodies hang from the mountains they tried to claim. Word is their houses were put to the flame, their land divided among their peers who remained loyal. A dramatic statement indeed.

Blood of the Ancients: Rumor has it the Heiress-Queen in Ahervare is entering a courtship with the scion of the House of Landric, one of the oldest noble houses in Straydor, and one that managed to largely escape the Ash Maiden's bloody conquest of the lands through luck, diplomacy and a hasty but apparently genuine conversation to the Faith of the First Flame.

A Death of a Lion: News has reached you from Hastrijan that the Emperor is dead, according to news from the palace he died in his sleep after a sudden onset of pneumonia. Right now the Crown Prince, Kavan, rules from the capital. But there are murmurs elsewhere, rumors that the Emperor did not fall sick, but was poisoned by Kavan to secure his succession. You don't know the truth to these rumors, but the fact remains, you can't seem to find any information about where the missing elements of the Hastrijani military are located.

Vox Populi: Far to the east lies the last of the Heiress-Queens, and if rumors are to be believed, the youngest and greatest of them all. They say that all she touches turns to gold, and good fortune spreads in her wake. Her piety and benevolence are already legendary, even after a short four years of wearing the crown, as has her humility. Despite the magnificence and newfound wealth gracing her reign, she has spent much of the year quashing rumors building her up as divine, instead saying she is merely blessed by God, and that she is as mortal as any other.

The People's King: The nomadic tribes of the northern steppe have begun to gather in a Köngurmöte, the grand meeting of all the clans to determine the Köngur. The high king of all clans is chosen once a decade to serve as a point of unity for the Clans. Since the Ash Maiden murdered the last Köngur, Baldor of the High Plains, in single combat these meeting have been inconclusive. But this time there are stirrings that a new king of the Clans may have the support necessary to gain the title of Köngur, and once again the Clans can ride the steppes under banners united.
Vox Populi: Far to the east lies the last of the Heiress-Queens, and if rumors are to be believed, the youngest and greatest of them all. They say that all she touches turns to gold, and good fortune spreads in her wake. Her piety and benevolence are already legendary, even after a short four years of wearing the crown, as has her humility. Despite the magnificence and newfound wealth gracing her reign, she has spent much of the year quashing rumors building her up as divine, instead saying she is merely blessed by God, and that she is as mortal as any other.
*swoons* She's so wonderful and humble that she tells people she isn't divine when she really is!
Vox Populi: Far to the east lies the last of the Heiress-Queens, and if rumors are to be believed, the youngest and greatest of them all. They say that all she touches turns to gold, and good fortune spreads in her wake. Her piety and benevolence are already legendary, even after a short four years of wearing the crown, as has her humility. Despite the magnificence and newfound wealth gracing her reign, she has spent much of the year quashing rumors building her up as divine, instead saying she is merely blessed by God, and that she is as mortal as any other.
You know, it's the strangest thing, all I could think of while reading this was salt & vinegar chips.
Various front page stat corrections:
Asya Talashīrr (Martial Advisor)
Aljann Blade-Mistress
Missing Combat Skill calculation, should be 23/2+20=31.5

Alfred Vecais (Stewardship Adviser)
Diplomacy: 4+2+3 = 8
Martial: 3-5 = 0
Stewardship: 16+6 = 22
Intrigue: 12-5-2 = 6
Piety: 17 = 17
Learning: 5+6 = 11

Combat Skill: 0-5 = -5
Diplomacy is off, should be 9
Intrigue is off, should be 5

Lilita Vecais (Intrigue Adviser)
Diplomacy: 7+1+3 = 11
Martial: 9+1 = 10
Stewardship: 16+1 = 17
Intrigue: 18+1-2 = 17
Piety: 7+5+1 = 13
Learning: 15+1 = 16
Faithful: The third point of the soul, and the most important. Your faith in the legacy of your Mother, and the First Flame are unshakable. You are Sylltāji through and through . +5 Piety, increased relationship with family, severally decreased relationship with anyone from another faith. (Can be inherited)
Sharp: Your mind is keen instrument +1 to all stats (Can be inherited).
Beautiful: Your beauty and grace is the stuff of song, instantly recognizable by any who have beheld it. For good or ill. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue. Boost to Fertility (Can be inherited)
Diplomacy is off, should be 7+1+4=12
Missing Combat Skill calculation, should be 10/2=5
severally->severely (same typo in all Faithful descriptions)
Andesjz; Priest of the First Flame (Learning Adviser)
Diplomacy: 9 = 9
Martial: 6-2+1 = 5
Stewardship: 18+3 = 21
Intrigue: 12 = 12
Piety: 13+5 = 18
Learning: 18
Missing Combat Skill calculation, should be 5/2+5=7.5
Other Allies:
Valts Birze
Diplomacy: 7+4 = 11
Martial: 17-2+3 = 18
Stewardship: 3+3 = 6
Intrigue: 11-2 = 8
Piety: 6 = 6
Learning: 14 = 14

Combat Skill: 9+10 = 19
Perfectionist: If you're going to do something, you get it right the first time. Failure is intolerable to you. Everything you do is polished to perfection, but that takes time, so in the heat of the moment you can be left stumbling. +3 Stewardship, -2 Martial
Striking: Your figure cuts a highly appealing, and striking stance, one no one who meets you is likely to forget anytime soon, for good or ill. +3 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue (Can be passed down)
Veteran: You have tossed into the crucible of combat and come out the other side stronger for it. +3 Martial, +10 Combat Skill
Diplomacy is off, should be 7+3=10
The conflict in Runāja reached a new height after a brief lull, mediated by the Heiress-Queen in an effort to restore stability and mend fences between the Eunii and the Granii. However the fragile recovery was shattered when the second son of the House Vecais's leader was assaulted and nearly killed by masked men on the streets.
Damn. Is there something we can do here, I wonder? How good would be our authority in this matter? We may be an outsider to the conflict, but our word might carry among the Faithful...

With her legions she marched through, smashing any lordling who thought to challenge her as she parceled out the land on her own accord. Some of the lords took offense to this, and rose their flags in rebellion.
Really? Really? Someone took offense to Valda's methods and all they could think of was open rebellion? These guys are Darwin's Award candidates. Godspeed, sis.

Rumor has it the Heiress-Queen in Ahervare is entering a courtship with the scion of the House of Landric, one of the oldest noble houses in Straydor, and one that managed to largely escape the Ash Maiden's bloody conquest of the lands through luck, diplomacy and a hasty but apparently genuine conversation to the Faith of the First Flame.
Hope she knows what she is doing. His house could easily be the one behind the recent happenings, or could be trying to lay claim on their former Empire by courting the ruler.

News has reached you from Hastrijan that the Emperor is dead, according to news from the palace he died in his sleep after a sudden onset of pneumonia. Right now the Crown Prince, Kavan, rules from the capital. But there are murmurs elsewhere, rumors that the Emperor did not fall sick, but was poisoned by Kavan to secure his succession.
Well, something tells me we might need more Legions soon. Suddenly those Walls sound like a decent investment.

If the son of late Hastrijan Emperor is unsavory enough for patricide, he might be easy for our conspirators to approach if they think they have proof of our weakness.

But this time there are stirrings that a new king of the Clans may have the support necessary to gain the title of Köngur, and once again the Clans can ride the steppes under banners united.
Hmm. United clans do not sound too bad if we could avoid the scenario Sauliā has run into.
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The People's King: The nomadic tribes of the northern steppe have begun to gather in a Köngurmöte, the grand meeting of all the clans to determine the Köngur. The high king of all clans is chosen once a decade to serve as a point of unity for the Clans. Since the Ash Maiden murdered the last Köngur, Baldor of the High Plains, in single combat these meeting have been inconclusive. But this time there are stirrings that a new king of the Clans may have the support necessary to gain the title of Köngur, and once again the Clans can ride the steppes under banners united.

Drogo is that you?!
Things really are looking up, down, and sideways.

Valda's going sideways. She's making progress in rooting out enemies in one sense, but no doubt in another sense she's made a lot of enemies she doesn't have to. That could be part of why she hasn't married yet, actually.

She can't trust a decent portion of her nobility worth a damn, and 'rewarding' one of them with marriage...well, it's gone wrong before, as one might expect.

There are a lot of possible reasons why she hasn't married, and more than that, they could combine. Politics and sexuality (or politics and having her eye on someone who she can't marry for political reasons) or politics and paranoia or...well, there's actually a lot of ways to slice it.

If we were her favorite sister, perhaps we could learn these reasons, but I suspect that for at least the next while they'll remain in quantum.
Well if we take a diplo action on the tribes combine that with the piety action to spread our faith outside of the facility that should help there.