Underneath the twisted blue moon

It was plan "let's order some intrigue" that won, which proposed zero selling actions.

Edit: Also, votes end in 24h for this one.
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Wait, are you saying the winning plan didnt?
How the hell did that get though?!
Everyone agreed! Salvage the bloody ranches!

Edit: just checked, the plan did indeed refuse to salvage the ranches.
We're already off to a grand start!

I thought it was clear that I didn't think selling the ranches was worth it since I thought it would bring us more heat. If you didn't realize that I didn't sell them than I don't know what to tell you except to pay attention to the plan you are arguing against more.
So Myriam used one of her action to SL if I understood things correctly, which is good because we took far to little advantage of them last round.
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[X] Plan We Need Advisors
-[X]The strange inquiries
-[X] Yes ( costs 200,000 Galleons)
--[X] Gold Mine. Estimated output post building: 10,000 Galleons per turn.
--[X] Lumber Mill. Estimated output post building: 16 Wood per turn.
--[X] Crystal Mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Crystals per turn.
--[X] Gem mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Gems per turn.
---[X] Yaxley: + 20,000 Galleons per build, Guaranteed quality.
-[X] 'Little' Montmorency.
-[X] Farmer, Farmer, and Farmer.
-[X] Special farming techniques.

Speaking frankly, knowing what's going on in Hogsmeade isnt that valuable to us. That's Dumbledore's territory, and he's got that on lockdown.

Knowing who's trying to poach potential Hero Units that we could be taking on as advisors to buff our action economy is
[X] Plan We Need Advisors

On one hand I would like confirmation in character about the hogsmead thing but it's fine
[X] Plan We Need Advisors

My reasoning for picking the advisors was that it was setting off alarm bells in my head, since it reminded me of the party Tom Riddle had last quest. Looking at the description once again, I see no reason not to take it.
[X] Plan We Need Advisors

My reasoning for picking the advisors was that it was setting off alarm bells in my head, since it reminded me of the party Tom Riddle had last quest. Looking at the description once again, I see no reason not to take it.
Additionally, theres no small chance that someones either trying to set up a counter version of said party we'd need to save them from, or some other faction is trying to set up a quasi-Avengers thing we'd want to have an in on.
The problem was that everyone was doing the same thing and there was a scramble to gather resources before the predicted end, said Myriam, who declared, that after careful accounting and consulting with other alumni from the Academy, Dace had two years to brace for impact.

After some thinking, I believe gold will probably be of some worth until everything crashes. Then, it will be some time before it climbs up back in value. Until then, Dace can use some profits of the mine to fuel his city building.

[X] Plan Will Gold Really Matter? Yes, at least for a couple years.
[X] The odd sightings in Hogsmeade
[X] Yes ( costs 200,000 Galleons)
-[X] Gold Mine. Estimated output post building: 10,000 Galleons per turn.
-[X] Lumber Mill. Estimated output post building: 16 Wood per turn.
-[X] Crystal Mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Crystals per turn.
--[X] Yaxley: + 20,000 Galleons per build, Guaranteed quality.
[X] 'Little' Montmorency
[X] Farmer, Farmer, and Farmer.
[X] Seeds for rare plants.

Went with Odd Sightings, in case they might be some nonmagical humans who have somehow slipped through the Muggle Repellent Wards. With the government focused on fighting and putting at fires, it's not unreasonable that certain maintenance actions have been neglected.
I see benefits with both.

Checking out the rumors seems to have the most benefits. It is also rumors so the DC for succeeding is probably higher. The whole thing might end up being nothing.

Should Charles O Sullivan tell me something?
After some thinking, I believe gold will probably be of some worth until everything crashes. Then, it will be some time before it climbs up back in value. Until then, Dace can use some profits of the mine to fuel his city building.
Hrm, the issue is more that the return on investment for the gold mine is 4 years whereas the city gives more taxes in a year than it costs to construct right now. If we manage to set up a larger settlement with that gold before everything crashes we should be able to develop the land ourselves more easily than the reverse in terms of costs(though quality and speed are not guaranteed).

Especially since, given that basic fortifications cost 30 stone and 30 wood in the first quest and that with a single Marketplace ore was 2000 Galleons per stone to buy(but only sold for 250) without the economy having collapsed? There being no Quarry means that setting up walls is looking to become that much more expensive after the crash. Unless we somehow manage to cobble something together with wood and dirt.

Of course, if the Montmorency stores keep their value next turn, we should be able to afford it still without leaving our budding city vulnerable to raiders.
Since Flamel is some big shot this time. How did Riddle get his stone that time . Was that one of the things he robbed from Fumble
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Flamel last quest went back to France during turn 3, since the Overlord knew better than to poke at the crazy old man. While he left, the Stone was still in Gringotts. The goblin-manned bank. The Overlord then got the idea of having a few plants steal it, but the Death Faction got wind of it and ganked the transport.
Turn 1 : Winter 1981
[X] Plan We Need Advisors
-[X]The strange inquiries
-[X] Yes ( costs 200,000 Galleons)
--[X] Gold Mine. Estimated output post building: 10,000 Galleons per turn.
--[X] Lumber Mill. Estimated output post building: 16 Wood per turn.
--[X] Crystal Mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Crystals per turn.
--[X] Gem mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Gems per turn.
---[X] Yaxley: + 20,000 Galleons per build, Guaranteed quality.
-[X] 'Little' Montmorency.
-[X] Farmer, Farmer, and Farmer.
-[X] Special farming techniques.

Estimated cost : 570,000G

Winter 1981

December 1st​ 1981

As Dace watched the people milling around his territory from inside his manor, he mused on whether it was wise of him to basically broadcast his ties with a known Death Eater supporter, before banishing that thought. The Yaxleys were professionals, and nobody would begrudge him for hiring them when he was also funding Dumbledore's little vigilante club.

Someone knocked at his door and he called for them to enter, which is how he could freely admit to being surprised upon seeing Francesca Yaxley following his maid Sarah.

Francesca was a woman in her early seventies, with a head full of silver that cascaded over her shoulders, but a face that aged gracefully, a copper monocle over her right eye and plain but high quality burgundy robes. He got the impression of her being a no-nonsense woman, as her reputation would suggest, and for a minute, he wondered why she would align herself with the Terrorist, before seing her sniff haughtily when Sarah presented her with a chair, the muggleborn rolling her eyes behind her back as the older woman sat down.

[Erudite] Activated.

Ah, he remembered now. The Yaxleys were hurt rather badly during the witch hunt led by the religious nuts and their muggleborn servants who wanted to supplant the local purebloods. He would have to tread lightly around this topic.

Empathy roll : 47 + 0 (Empathy) = 47 : Failure, [Manipulative] activated.
Manipulation roll : 47 + 60 (Manipulation) = 107 : Pass.

In fact, he just got an idea.

"Thank you Sarah, you may go." He dismissed the maid, who curtsied before heading out of the room. Francesca looked at him with with what he thought was approval over the display of dominance.

"Good evening, Mrs. Yaxley, my apologies for not coming to greet you, however, I was unaware of your coming here?" He formulated it as a question, making it clear that he was wondering about the motives of this surprise visit. The woman nodded gracefully and produced several sheets of parchment.

" I had a few of my men do some preliminary scouting over the nodes you located, and I received some results contradicting the report you forwarded to me." Upon hearing this, Dace's brow furrowed.

"Nothing that would cause the contract to become invalid, I hope?" The woman shook her head, cackling a little.

"Believe me, I would love it if all cases were like this one. No, it is not a matter of too little material, in fact, this is exactly the opposite." She showed the Dace the parchments regarding the Gold and Gem mine." You can see here, and there, that there are smaller, adjacent pockets hidden under denser stone layers. The resources here are more abundant and of higher quality than estimated, which this opens up a few possibilities, if you care to listen to them."

Dace looked at the places she surrounded with circles and saw that, in fact, there were not only a lot more resources than expected, but also that there was a lot of stone here, and quite the respectable amount of flawless marble, too. He wasn't sure how this escaped him, but yet again, he was no professional at this.

"You are the professional here, Mrs. Yaxley, far from it for me to ignore your advice."

The woman smirked at him and produced more parchment sheets.

"Here are the plans for the upgraded mines. This will allow for better yield and also to extract the more... Delicate... resources to be found." An obvious reference to the highlighted Native Gold and Elemental Stones pockets, hidden inside the Gold veins and Gem pockets. " And these, " She showed the second group of parchment sheets. " Are plans for a stone quarry, if you feel brave enough to hire us to build one. Of course, this will require some readjustment of the prices we agreed upon."

Dace nodded and asked for the price and Francesca's smirk grew.

It was quite a lot more, but in the end, he felt it was very worth it. And not just because there were rare alchemical ingredients. Though it was mostly that. After all, with the economy in shambles, he couldn't very well expect any rare ingredient to fall onto his lap, could he?

Total construction costs:

Previous contract.

-Gold Mine. Estimated output post building: 10,000 Galleons per turn. 40,000 Galleons
- Lumber Mill. Estimated output post building: 16 Wood per turn. 40,000 Galleons
- Crystal Mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Crystals per turn. 40,000 Galleons
- Gem mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Gems per turn. 40,000 Galleons

Yaxley rates : 20,000 Galleons per build
+2 Yaxley favorability.
= 240,000 Galleons.

New proposed contract.

-Lumber Mill. Estimated output post building: 16 Wood per turn. 40,000 Galleons
- Crystal Mine. Estimated output post building: 8 Crystals per turn. 40,000 Galleons
-Improved Gold Mine. Estimated output post building: 15,000 Galleons per turn. 2 Native gold per turn. 60,000 Galleons
-Improved Gem Mine. Estimated output post building: 12 Gems per turn. 2 Elemental stones per turn. 60,000 Galleons
-Improved Stone Quarry. Estimated output post building: 24 Stone per turn. 2 Flawless Marble per turn. 60,000 Galleons

Yaxley rates : 20,000 Galleons per build
The Carrow family will be deeply insulted by this.
+6 Yaxley favorability (+4 due to building, +2 due to the insult to the Carrow)
+2 Bulstrode family (Insult to the Carrow)
-8 Carrow favorability (You're threatening their monopoly.)

= 360,000 Galleons.

Does Dace agree to the new contract or keeps going with the previous one?
[] New contract
[] Previous one

The following day,unlike the visit from the Yaxley matriarch, everything went according to plan for the two businesses he intended to move. The farmers and part of his own shop network were moved smoothly, one of the younger Yaxley kindly providing him with a basic plan to settle them, 'just in case' he intended to build a city or something. Not that they were suggesting he was, of course, but it never hurt to be prepared, and several others already called them to work on it anyways.

-2 Parkinson ( but who cares about them anyways?) and Prewett favorability.

January 27th​ 1982

[X] Plan Let's Order some Intrigue
-[X] Visit the Ministry, try to build up contacts.
55 + 40 (presence) = 95 : Bare failure.

Dace entered the Ministry building in London and once again went through the hall with the gaudy golden fountain. Seriously, Dace clicked his teeth, there was an economic crisis in the works and they still spent part of their budget on that kind of frivolity?

"What a waste." He murmured, glaring at the vapid golden faces as if his mind could make them melt away into more useful Galleons.

"Yes, well, they had to do something to keep the morale up."

Dace turned around and looked at the man who just spoke up. Old robes, red hair, looking skittish around him, it was Weasley alright. He pondered on whether or not he should insult the man -damned traitors to the isles served us up to the French on a silver platter-, but as he didn't open up with anything outright insulting, he, too, would refrain from it.

"Then they would have been better served doing something like opening communal gardens, or opening charities to lodge the needy. Anything more useful than pandering to the average wizard's need for flattery would be better." He answered acerbically, causing the red-haired man to flinch.

Gutless little man that one, not even willing to stand up for himself, but also unwilling to take a stand against what he, too, perceived as a waste of resources. Dace turned around and walked away.

He could have continued talking to the man and brought him to his side.

He could have.

He did not.

It seemed that if it was the measure of the average English Ministry worker, then he had to look closer to home.

Further actions available next turn.

February 6th​ 1982

-[X]The strange inquiries
-[X] Find a Security Chief (Martial adviser).
67 + 50 ( Leadership) = 117 : Tier 1 Success! + 5 Leadership (already capped)

Encounter roll : 8

Dace decided that the rumors of people looking into famous battle wizards and witches would be the smarter choice here, considering that his daughter was one of them. Following the indications of his employees, he arrived in the muggle section of London, at the Prancing Dodo bar, just as two groups of rather peculiar people entered.

One was a duo, Sirius Black and his infamous best friend, Charles O'Sullivan, both of them rather well known for their feats as explorers. Some whispered that their relation was closer than friends, but the Black heir was known for his love of the fairer sex, so Dace didn't put much stock in those rumors. O'Sullivan was rather small for a man, with short red hair, and was wearing an impeccable black suit with gloves. His face was clean shaved, and he wore silver earrings. Black was looking more unkempt and relaxed, his black hair reaching his chin, a leather jacket over his shoulders, and a white shirt underneath it, not even tucked under the blue jeans he wore.

The other one, a woman, was what had Dace concerned.

That person was a beautiful woman, who could be anywhere from her twenties to late thirties, wearing a white and pink floral dress, long white gloves, and hip length light brown hair pulled up in a ponytail held up by a white ribbon and familiar green eyes. Her skin was very pale, unsurprisingly, since the woman was a vampire. In muggle London.

Stealth roll : 46 + 75 = 121. Failure.
Perception roll : 73 + 45 = 118. Failure.

He entered the bar as discretely as he could, but as the crowd went in and out, the woman disappeared and he felt something icy run up the back of his neck. He immediately jumped and turned around to see the woman, one of her gloves held in her hand, her left one raised and wagging a finger where his neck used to be before he moved. She was smiling with an expression that could be called mischievous, her fangs clear for him to see, before she turned around and sauntered through the crowd in direction of the Black – O'Sullivan duo.

Dace was conflicted. In one hand, the vampire hadn't expressed any ill will, but she was still a vampire. On the other hand, if she looked that much like a human, as opposed to the usual bat hybrid, that meant she was a very powerful one.

And while the two men were powerful in their own right, Dace knew better than anyone what vampires were capable of, and a bar where she could very well have mesmerized people into doing her bidding was not a good place to fight.

As he was thinking, she reached her destination and was introducing herself, her eyes fixated a bit more on the redheaded man than the heir of Black. It could be that she was hunting, whether for blood or men, however, he couldn't help but think something more dangerous was at play here. As he was trying to decide what to do, green eyes immediately zeroed in on him and the vampire woman waved at him to come over, Death dancing in her shadow.

What will Dace do?

-[] Write in.

Welcome to Dace's school of diplomacy: learn what people want, and offer it to them. Also, today's lesson on why monopolies are a bad thing: If you're the one controlling the market, you get to choose the price. If you control things like... let's say, stone, all the builders have to dance by your tune~

Also, for those who don't check the info section automatically, I put the favorability thingie in numbers to give you guys a more concrete idea of what's going on with the pureblood 28. I won't put in the chart between families though, because even Dace doesn't know all of it.

Edti : Votes by plans and end in 48h
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Penguin mentioned on the discord that it's possible to get away scott free on this, if that wasn't clear here. This was hardly the best possible start to our shadowboxing, though...
Eeeeh~ Either I put it in because it's pretty, or there's a reason behind it~

At this stage of the quest though, that's an OOC question~