Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

The way it worked in Game One was the mafia couldn't kill and recruit on the same night, but recruitment is like killing someone but double-bad so that's a little different.
Uh. We totally could, actually. It's just that the killer and recruiter had to be two separate people. Also, the only people that could be converted died early.
Well, I at least didn't vote TFA on day one, like you did.

A) I already said I regretted that. B) I was on the fence for the longest amount of time because day one was a fucking cluster fuck don't you dare deny that it wasn't a clusterfuck.

Anyways. You've posted more than I have, s'truth. That 'stones in glass houses comment' was uncalled for and I apologize for that. And I will handily admit I kept my head down on day one.

But like, fuck's sake what the fuck do you want from me. I've done analysis based on the votes. I just now posted my own list of likely suspects. I've been coming up with scenarios wrt what the hell happened on the first night. I've done my abject best to engage with the rest of the thread even though I know diddly squat and it fucking shows because I'm not @Blazinghand or @Ellf.

The fuck do you want from me?!
Well, true, you posted more on this day. But yeah, pondering and opinions are what can help deduce things.

And I also on your suspects as well.
Okay, right.

@LupineVolt, you have yet to respond. I'm going to give you a little incentive.

[x] Vote Lupine Volt

I already find you a bit suspicious, and I certainly don't find you very helpful. I suspect you'll turn it back on me, but that's what'll happen regardless. At some point, someone's going to attempt to argue that I'm scum. After all, I'm alive, and LDJ's investigation failed.
Allow me to follow that lead for pressure.

And as a reminder, hammer is at 5 votes now, so don't suddenly pile in more.

[x] Vote Lupine Volt
Okay, right.

@LupineVolt, you have yet to respond. I'm going to give you a little incentive.

[x] Vote Rum and Coke

I already find you a bit suspicious, and I certainly don't find you very helpful. I suspect you'll turn it back on me, but that's what'll happen regardless. At some point, someone's going to attempt to argue that I'm scum. After all, I'm alive, and LDJ's investigation failed.
Well, I'd first like to apologize, I spent all of yesterday either at work or on the road. Unavoidable and, hey, I can't begrudge y'all from being suspicious.

Now, I know that the past two days (ig) I've been on the unpopular side of the vote, both with the choice to test the Masonry instead of taking them at face value over lynching someone else at random, and for taking Tenfold's roleclaim seriously. However, I'd like to cite that, yesterday, as my main proof of my innocence.

I'm just a vanilla townie, la bibliotecaria. I have no night actions and I have no special circumstances during the days. I simply win when the Cartel/Mafia is defeated and the town is innocent. I'm gonna list my reasoning for voting the way I did for both days, and you all can decide if thats good enough or not.

The first day, when the entire masonry promptly crumbled to dust, I was one of the people suspicious of such an immediete roleclaim. I figured that they could have claimed vanilla townites, or tried at least some form of subterfuge, because revealing their status as Masonry would take away the true punch their power had. So, I thought that perhaps one panicking mafioso and their two teammates decided to hop along on the Mason train to try and avoid suspicion. In addition, the whole pressuring Icarus thing when he had literally done nothing to warrant suspicion (aside from being quiet and hey, people have lives) rubbed me the wrong way.

The second day, I was inclined to believe Tenfold's claim that he was a vigilante character, and that it would be beneficial to keep him around. I mean, if I was mafia, what reason would I want to risk keeping a night-killer that operates alone alive? Thats the biggest threat to the mafia, a bullet in the night that they can't wriggle out of or use their allies to subtely help deflect. I figured that if we kept him alive (not knowing he was actually a serial killer, whoopsie, thats completely a fault on my part) that maybe he'd help narrow the playing field and give us a better chance of making it through to the end.

Call it good logic, call it bad logic, thats all what I was operating under. Now its just on y'all to determine whether or not my librarian story...

Checks Out.
Hey, @LostDeviljho

First of all,yes,I'm here,for a couple hours at least. Libraries are great.
Second, what's your role name? I'm curious.
Hmm, another VT claim... I WOULD like to take it at face value, but the list of suspects is shrinking. And at the minimum, we have two Mafia in this game hiding and lying, possibly 3.
By the way, are we still assuming we're dealing with a group of 3 mafia or possibly just two because of 13 players and serial killer?

Side note, I feared we had hit a jester last execution. The fluff really worried me.
By the way, are we still assuming we're dealing with a group of 3 mafia or possibly just two because of 13 players and serial killer?

Side note, I feared we had hit a jester last execution. The fluff really worried me.

Based on typical 13 player setups, it is possible there is 2 Mafia OR 3 Mafia; both are common ways of doing setups with an SK. C9++ allows for both to happen fairly likely.
Well, I think it's time to put my thinking out there. Basically, the mafia fucked up big time by killing Shard and Snark. Allow me to explain.

Let's take out list of players.


Nani and Joe are in a Mason. Unless TFA was bug-fucking insane and forgot to confirm they were bullshitting, they're confirmed.

LDJ is an investigator who called out Tenfold. You cannot just make such accusations, especially not on day 2. If he was wrong, Tenfold would have tore into him.

I'm me and not mafia. Not need to give myself a reason when I know my role.

Who's left:


5. 5 we may not be sure off. But Blazinghand was certainly vocal so far about things. Unless he's one giant lure, he'S been very towny.

Ellf, COULD be acting. But then he poked Volt and so far, no issue I see with him.

Even more so? Let'S look at day one votes.

TheFanficAddict: 6 - Deadly Snark, TenfoldShields, LupineVolt, LostDeviljho, Gen, Icarus
Icarus: 6 - Nanimani, Shard, Megaolix, Blazinghand, Ellf, JBJ

Our three left, Gen, Icarus and Volt ALL voted TFA. Icarus, it was fair, but the others two still willingly lynched someone innocent.

But still, 3 left on my list. A group of 3 mafia? Those 3 stick out. Two? Then one of them is real town.

THAT is why I said Mafia fucked up at the start of this. They lynched unconfirmeds. I could even die tonight because I may hit close to the mark, but it would narrow down the list of unknowns even more.


Either all 3 of you are mafia or two are. But even if someone acted pretty well to evade notice, I do not think all 3 of you are innocent. That, I'm pretty sure of.
Well, first off, 'willingly lynched someone innocent' is not true. I was voting because I a) Didn't really buy the Mason Story after all of the events that went on day one, and b) didn't really see the point in lynching Icarus for not being suspicious. So don't act like we were willingly pointing our guns at a girl scout, they were suspicious and I wanted to confirm.

Secondly, with your three prime suspects, you're only willing to believe that a mafioso could lynch TFA. An intelligent mafia would spread their votes out amongst many options, so they don't highlight themselves like you just convienently did.

You're also overlooking the possibility that a Mafioso would consider jumping on the mason train. If the three Masons all selected someone else to vote in order to defend themselves, a Mafia member might try and jump on board to get that voting power behind a lynch to another townie. The mafia needs every opportunity it can get to lynch innocent townspeople or third party. Aiming squarely for Icarus, one or two of the mafia members, if they were smart, might go all in. Hell, even if Icarus is a mafia member (a definite possibility) then one might vote against him on the off chance of sucessfully establishing an alibi for themselves over what they might see as a lost cause.

Cause I mean, who would really expect so many people to agree to lynch the incredibly suspicious masonry? I bought it, Snark did it to fuel his master scheme, Tenfold did it instead of possibly aiming at another power role. Icarus was of course acting in self defense. I legitimately don't know about Generica, they might have decided they believed in the arguments presented (mostly by Snark, a non mafia member) or they might have been keeping eggs in multiple baskets.

But, if the guns are being pointed my way, I'm gonna have to go and defend myself. And even the person I'm gonna vote for knows its coming, so lets all look at this because we had to eventually.

[X] Lynch Ellf

You're a veteran mafia player, you've held a pretty firm grip on the leadership of the game so far, and the first day your rapid fire ultra-pressure tactics revealed the entire masonry and led to the Icarus vs. TFA vote. Now that our officer is apparently useless after announcing himself, he decided his first target of investigation was going to be you. You've also avoided being targetted in the night by the Mafia in spite of this.

I may not be as good at this game as you are, but I can at the very least ask you, @Ellf, to defend yourself too.
Well, I think it's time to put my thinking out there. Basically, the mafia fucked up big time by killing Shard and Snark. Allow me to explain.

Let's take out list of players.


Nani and Joe are in a Mason. Unless TFA was bug-fucking insane and forgot to confirm they were bullshitting, they're confirmed.

LDJ is an investigator who called out Tenfold. You cannot just make such accusations, especially not on day 2. If he was wrong, Tenfold would have tore into him.

I'm me and not mafia. Not need to give myself a reason when I know my role.

Who's left:


5. 5 we may not be sure off. But Blazinghand was certainly vocal so far about things. Unless he's one giant lure, he'S been very towny.

Ellf, COULD be acting. But then he poked Volt and so far, no issue I see with him.

Even more so? Let'S look at day one votes.

TheFanficAddict: 6 - Deadly Snark, TenfoldShields, LupineVolt, LostDeviljho, Gen, Icarus
Icarus: 6 - Nanimani, Shard, Megaolix, Blazinghand, Ellf, JBJ

Our three left, Gen, Icarus and Volt ALL voted TFA. Icarus, it was fair, but the others two still willingly lynched someone innocent.

But still, 3 left on my list. A group of 3 mafia? Those 3 stick out. Two? Then one of them is real town.

THAT is why I said Mafia fucked up at the start of this. They lynched unconfirmeds. I could even die tonight because I may hit close to the mark, but it would narrow down the list of unknowns even more.


Either all 3 of you are mafia or two are. But even if someone acted pretty well to evade notice, I do not think all 3 of you are innocent. That, I'm pretty sure of.

Quick counterpoint that I'll come back to in a few hours:

If I was town, and lets just pretend for the argument's sake that I am, then the mafia would be aware that both of their lynch targets were innocents. They could have voted either way. I would actually be more inclined to believe that people who voted for me are mafia because I might have had a town power that I could have used at nightfall.

If I was lynched instead of TFA, then nobody could 100% confirm that the mason existed while also simultaneously making the mason near-useless.
Hey, @LostDeviljho

First of all,yes,I'm here,for a couple hours at least. Libraries are great.
Second, what's your role name? I'm curious.
La Policia
False. The investigator could be checking any member.


Why did you vote to lynch TFA again when you could have checked any of them?
I assume you read Snark's arguments? They convinced me, particularly the bits about it letting me use my (possibly only) night action on something actually useful.
Well, true, you posted more on this day. But yeah, pondering and opinions are what can help deduce things.

And I also on your suspects as well.

To be fair I based my suspects list mostly on "How bad would it be if such and such were maf."

Like if @Ellf is maf that's worst case scenario given how he's been dictating conversation and generally contributing.

If you're maf that would be second worst case scenario because you're a veteran.

@Nanimani and @Joebobjoe are confirmed so they're out.
Honestly @LupineVolt and @Icarus are the most suspicious in my eyes.They've posted less than fucking @Shard IIRc and Shard died on the first fucking night.

I was on a plane for most of today or else I'd have started a bandwagon but imma gonna pressure them.
Honestly @LupineVolt and @Icarus are the most suspicious in my eyes.They've posted less than fucking @Shard IIRc and Shard died on the first fucking night.

I was on a plane for most of today or else I'd have started a bandwagon but imma gonna pressure them.

You know, we've been on on nonactivity all game. Seems the intelligent maf would get to posting by now. Megaolix is more sus on that front.

Anyways, who thinks punching the hammer was a good idea, by the way? I did have things I wanted to say, you know.
Fighting off a bug. Happy with putting a bit of pressure on Ellf.
[X] Lynch Ellf
While they've collated a lot of info on other people we have next to nothing on Ellf. Find it somewhat suspicious. Going to sleep now so won be able to respond to defenses for now.
You know, we've been on on nonactivity all game. Seems the intelligent maf would get to posting by now. Megaolix is more sus on that front.

Anyways, who thinks punching the hammer was a good idea, by the way? I did have things I wanted to say, you know.

@Nanimani you're a beautiful intelligent person with a twisted mind please say what you wanted to say.