The only other Extra fic I've read is shadeknight's, but that ran into the problem that Extra is focuses more on finding out the opponent while the SI already knew the Servants and the Masters weren't characterized at all.
Shadenight's tale did have issues with characterization of... basically everyone, come to think of it. Felt like it relied on readers
From what I've gathered from @InfiniteDaze, the Extra fic has a lot of the same fundamental issues as the Stay Night prequel. I'll see if I can find some of the quotes off Discord, but it's definitely not something I'd recommend.

Generally not aware of any decent Extra fics actually set in Extra, though, yes.
I would prefer the more experienced Wizard protag actually winning if it makes sense in the narrative since we can look to canon if we want to read about them (though it probably would be better to just not have Hakuno in the story so that these kinds of arguments don't appear in the comments). I think an Extra story would probably work better with non-canon servant opponents though, since the readers won't just look up the Servant from the initial description (or just focus on the enemy Master's interactions if you use canon ones).
Mm, you've got a good point here. I know I quite enjoyed that FGO fanfic Zerban wrote partly due to how it involved a bunch of Servant they invented themselves, drawing from myth and legend as he did. Even had one in the vein of Nursury Rhyme, being the manifestation of a fictional story, IIRC.

And yeah, just avoiding having Hakuno in the tale in the first place would be better, as would having the protag win the war if it's reasonable based on their past actions and abilities.
From what I've gathered from @InfiniteDaze, the Extra fic has a lot of the same fundamental issues as the Stay Night prequel. I'll see if I can find some of the quotes off Discord, but it's definitely not something I'd recommend.

Generally not aware of any decent Extra fics actually set in Extra, though, yes.

To give my two thoughts on it...

Characterization? Non-existent. The entire thing is like a stream of consciousness and literally only the protagonist, his servant, and the Aozaki siblings have any truly memorable characterization. Everyone else is like... a doll that kept on changing masks. It's, and I say this very loosely, technically functional, spiritually dead. It's the equivalent of sightseeing in a desert or taking an anesthetic, it just sort of numbs your brain.
Can you even summon King Hassan normally? I know the Moon Cell allows summoning of divine spirits, and isn't under the same restrictions as the Fuyuki system, but... KH is a Grand Servant, right? So wouldn't he and similar people be non-summonable in a normal class?
I think it states that he renounced his position as a Grand Servant, atleast for the duration of FGO.
The relinquishing of the Crown:
7th Singularity said:
@ Mashu
He ... ?
Is there somebody else coming to help?

@ Merlin
Oh, indeed there is.
One final trump, held in reserve.
And so, who was it that called Him here, do you suppose?
It wasn't Lord Gilgamesh. It certainly wasn't the Grail of the King of Magecraft.
... It shouldn't be necessary to explain it, really.
It was you, Gudako-kun.
He mentioned that it was to repay a favor owed to you that he abandoned (捨てる) the Station of the Crown (冠位).
And the enemy that stands before us is an Evil of Man -- a Beast.
From the very start, the requisite conditions for his manifestation in this land were met.
The battles that you've fought until now have not been without meaning.

@ Dr. Roman
-- It can't be.
You mean, the one that suppressed Gudako's vital signature (生命反応) when she entered the Underworld was ... !

@ Merlin
Glance heavensward, O Sea of Genesis (原初の海)!
For there, your Death (死神) awaits!

* Ziusudra overlooks the Underworld from Uruk.

@ Ziusudra
... That which cannot die, cannot be said to have lived -- for a life absent of mortality cannot be life.
Yours is an eternity without advance -- a stagnation of endless slumber.
O Beast of Calamity -- Evil born of Man.
Your rejection is in the end owed to the very benevolence (慈愛) by which you sought to impose Regression (回帰).

@ Tiamat

@ Ziusudra
Though the Station of the Crown is to me unnecessary, there dwells within this blade the Proof of the Strongest (最強の証).

* Ziusudra reveals himself as the Old Man of the Mountain.

@ Old Man of the Mountain
A Goddess fallen unto beasthood you may be, but being that you are indeed the Mother of Genesis (原初の母), it is only proper that I give my name.
-- of the depths of the Shadowed Valley (幽谷の淵), I come to entreat you with the darkness of Death (暗き死).
I am Hassan-i-Sabbah -- the Old Man of the Mountain.

* The Old Man of the Mountain leaps into the crevice of the Underworld.

@ Old Man of the Mountain
The Evening Bell (晩鐘) tolls with your name.
Unto the Will of the Heavens (天命), I consign those wings -- !

* The Old Man of the Mountain cuts at Tiamat's wings, eliciting a cry.

@ Dr. Roman
-- Beast II Saint Graph Pattern (霊基パターン), undergoing reorganization ...
This is incredible ... He didn't merely cut away the Wing-Horns of the Goddess Tiamat; he imposed upon her "the Concept of Death" (死の概念)!
The physical scale of the Goddess Tiamat remains unchanged, but the underlying Saint Graph has conformed to the standard pattern of a Servant!
She can be defeated!
As of this moment, the complete annihilation of Beast II has become a possibility!
Not much is known about King Hassan's status outside of this particular context.
Is the relinquishing of status permanent? Unknown.
Is he actually deceased? Unknown.

It's implied that he can refuse the call of summoning, but that alone might not be anything special; capacity to refuse has been suggested not be particularly rare.
Heroic figures that are categorically unsummonable tend to be people like Merlin -- who happens to still be alive. This may have applied to Scathach as well until the Incineration.
It may be the case that King Hassan is / was likewise -- or not. Hard to say.
The low ME ones like Kintoki and Beowulf
the Normal ones that you can't reason with
And the EX rank that are different flavor of batshit insane.

The low ME ones are useless.
You summon a Berserker because his ME give him an edge in a battle(remember, we are talking of generic classes, not particular heroes), with a low ME one he practically not any different from the other Knight classes.
On top of that the ME make it less attentive against the Assassin.
So it's practically a Knight Class that perform worse against Assassins and Casters.
Low-ME might not be "useless," if Berserker happens to be the only Class remaining, and a Master doesn't want to accidentally get themselves killed -- either by excessive mana expenditure or otherwise.

An absence of Thaumaturgical Resistance as a Class Skill is a minus, yes -- but whether or not the Berserker would be inattentive against Assassins is arguable.

Would low-level ME actually detract sufficiently from their mental faculties that they wouldn't be able to respond against Assassins? Kintoki is practically sane, and doesn't act too differently with or without ME. Tamamocat is fairly perceptive, even if her priorities are kinda off. Would they utterly not be able to respond if an Assassin came after their Master?

I don't think there's much evidence either way.
I just want a Moon GW fic that looks into code-casting/hacking more since Hakuno was so bad at it and so it was only everyone that could use it. I'll take the link for the post-war fic, though.
IIRC, most of the Cost-Casting that appears in the games comes in the variety of executing a predefined "hack," rather than actively manipulating code. The direct, real-time manipulation of code falls typically within the domain of abilities exclusive to high-level AI, with few exceptions ...
Last edited:
KH is a Grand Servant, right? So wouldn't he and similar people be non-summonable in a normal class?
Grand anything is just a container, though. A standard War would have the seven classes prepared in advance and then the clause of only summoning people who have connection with that archetype—Artoria as Saber, for example. If you classify for Grand [X], you also classify for [X]. So, Solomon was a Caster in Grand Order backstory, but he can be Grand Caster. I don't believe we're ever told or shown humans summoning a Grand Servant, though.

Moon Cell might be capable enough to do it (spiritrons all the way), but favoritism generally isn't its thing:
Holy Grail War (circumstances) p. 194 said:
Moon Cell does not desire "the strongest individual."

This battle for survival is just an object of observation, and functions as a method to adjust and calibrate the metrics used to measure humans.

Of course regardless of what the victor wishes for, and what kind of conclusion their wish may bring about, everything is recorded in order to better understand humans.
In short, it's unlikely you'll see a Grand Servant in a War unless it has something to do with Human Order.
The low ME ones are useless.
You summon a Berserker because his ME give him an edge in a battle(remember, we are talking of generic classes, not particular heroes), with a low ME one he practically not any different from the other Knight classes.
Kintoki and Beowulf have really good stats and NPs though, and while Kintoki does have to pass a luck check to go nuts, Beowulf has a better Mad Enhancement on demand because it's also combined with Bravery, rather than sealing Bravery like Herc's does. I get the argument you're trying to make but the only low Mad Enhancement Berserkers we have are actually pretty damn solid regardless.
EDIT: Speaking of which, is there any good Extra fics? I really liked the focus on 1v1 and the importance of information control.

I do recall one fic that I liked and thought was pretty good. It was pretty slow and they only manage to write up to the second week but it was pretty interesting how they expanded the setting. Now I can't promise it'll be to your liking but... Here is the link if your curious.
Hmm, an interesting analysis. Do we ever see what a Caster with time to prepare and set up the battlefield/item collections is like? The only one that comes to mind is Semiramis, and she's something of a special case due to her Assassin/Caster hybrid class.
All of what Semiramis did that required preparation stemmed from the Caster Class she was hacked into. The only reason she was even nominally an Assassin is because Shakespear needed to be Caster. The Garden of Babylon is explicitly the NP she would have as Caster.

Other than that, Paracelsus's workshop in Fragments, and that's about it. Medea didn't do much with her abilities, but apparently she can make an 'Other World' with enough time.
And there are those in every class.
King Hassan for Assassin, Solomon for Caster, Gawain(Just barely) for Saber, Karna/Enkidu for Lancer, Gilgamesh for Archer, [Insert Ridiculous Servant for Rider].

As I recall, we're told that Gilgamesh isn't supposed to be available for a normal Moon Cell Grail War - he was literally sealed off in the Far Side for being too ridiculously unfair as a viable contestant.

We don't have a ridiculous Rider? Gawain being considered ridiculous for the Saber class is a tad surprising, though - I always felt him being functionally invincible prior to Rin turning off the sun was a gameplay thing, and that he was just massively boosted stat-wise at midday. Which was basically all the time due to how the Moon Cell areas were set up, come to think of it. Boy did Leo luck out there :p
Tripling the stats of a Servant in the ballpark of Gawain's stats is pretty ridiculous, honestly.
Yanno there's a reason why Sunny Gawain is never beaten on screen in a slug out

King Hassan brings the Sandstorm

Extra is a stall match until Hakuno's allies turn off the sun

Chaldea fights Gawain inside the castle
Gorgon sisters
Class: Archer
True Name: Euryale
Gender: Female
Source: Greek mythology
Region: Europe
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 134 cm
Weight: 30 kg (reported by Medusa)


Setting creation: Hikaru Sakurai, Nasu Kinoko
Original character design: Takeuchi Takashi
Character design: AKIRA
CV: Asakawa Yuu

Main works appearance: Fate/hollow ataraxia
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: A
Invalidate A rank magic and below.
Magic used by magus of modern era would not be able to injure her.

Independent Action: A+
Euryale possesses the Independent Action Skill at high rank.
A goddess is freedom in and of itself.

Goddess' Divine Core: EX
A Skill representing one's status as a goddess perfected since birth.
Has the effect of preserving the absoluteness of mind and body. Repels all sorts of mental interference, halts body growth, and change nothing of the body no matter how much calorie is consumed.
A composite Skill that also comprises the Divinity Skill.
Personal Skill
Bloodsucking: C
Restores magic energy by means of bloodsucking.
Restoration is possible with anyone's blood, but because she likes Medusa's blood the most, sucking Medusa's blood would greatly restore her magic energy.

Alluring Melody: A
The natural disposition of beautiful voice.
Against male, it works an effect similar to that of a fascination magic; evasion is possible with Magic Resistance Skill.
A degree of effect reduction is also possible even if the target does not possess Magic Resistance skill as long as the target has the will to resist it.

Whim of the Goddess: A
Her nature that manifested as a Skill due to her being a goddess.
It bestows various effects, but not necessarily limited to beneficial ones.
Eye of the Euryale
Gaze of the Goddess

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~99
Maximum target: 1 person

Eye of the Euryale.
The charm of the goddess, capable of turning heroes into captives by a single blow, taking form as a Noble Phantasm.
On her bow, her bewitching charm; on her arrowheads, her sweet, sweet whispers. An arrow that will shoot down the hearts of any male, be they a human or a god.
Its appearance is truly divine. Also cute. A golden bow patterned with heartmarks all over it.

Say, isn't that the God Cupid's... is what her younger sister was about to say before meeting a terrible fate.
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: anata
Third pronoun: kare/kanojo
*She calls Stheno "watashi (Stheno)" for both second and third pronoun

- Character
A beautiful maiden, purity and chastity themselves given form.
Her character is free and unrestrained, her action without concern, her smile overflowing, and her words and deeds pure.
The perfect goddess, the ideal woman.
A "cute maiden" who thoroughly behaves spoiledly and makes men cares about her. Beautiful and adorable things, she freely and unconditionally loves; while ugly things, she unconditionally hates.
At least, that's how she pretends to be-----
The truth is, although she is endowed with purity and chastity, at her core one can say that she is extremely sly and capricious. She thinks that as long as she keeps quiet about it no one will get mad, and that it's not a fraud if no one knows about it. (ALthough she would end up on a self-loathing afterwards.)
She possesses a sort of timidity, one that differs from her other self (Stheno).

She gives off a bit of a tsundere feeling.
Particularly, even though she bullies her younger sister Medusa together with Stheno whenever possible. In truth, she loves her. She truly loves her.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
She shows her smiling face towards the Master in a pleased manner.
But to tell the truth, this is due to her enjoying watching someone on the path to ruin. With the Master being the first human she had laid her eyes on ever since a while, she wants to observe his/her suffering to her fill. For her to force unreasonable demands is a matter of course.
Only those who manage to overcome this bargain sale of unreasonable demands are worthy of actual conversation with her.

She has no wish towards the Holy Grail.
If she is compelled to think of one, it would be to "return to the place where the three sisters once were", but she already knows. That it is nothing but a wish that would never come true.

- Speech example
"I am Euryale. Mm, yes, I am indeed a goddess. Although yours would be a short life, do your best to make this most enjoyable for me, alright?"
"I don't care much about Medusa. ...Although, well, I suppose a servant is necessary."
"Now now, hurry up and come out. I (Stheno) had just received such a lovely gift. Just for today, I shall share it with you. "
"I detests noisy people. To say nothing of violent ones. ....No. I just, hate people."
"You are prepared to fall for me, of course?"
She has no ability to fight, and she is unable to survive on her own.
The eternal maiden, unable to live without accepting help from others-----

The second daughter of the three Gorgon sisters from the Greek mythology.
The embodiment of men's yearning, she is a goddess born as the perfect idol.
The same with the eldest daughter Stheno, she was once one of the gods of ancient Greek. Normally there is no way for her to be summoned as a Servant, but for some reason she manifested anyway. She is truly weak, possessing practically no combat prowess, but her Noble phantasm is exceedingly powerful in a certain sense.
Helplessly weak in exchange for eternal beauty...such is a goddess she should have been, but due to becoming a Servant she becomes somewhat stronger.

The Gorgon sisters were originally the same existence, so naturally Euryale and Stheno are eternally identical existences as well, connected together. Existing in a similar way with a certain kind of collective system, they call each other "me".
(The third daughter is an exception; she ended up growing and becoming different in height and build, her heart losing her connection with them.)
An ancient idol.
As a genuine idol, she demonstrates the problematic characteristic of "combat ability being of no use whatsoever, yet filled to the brim with only beauty".
Connection with other characters
Her other self.
She calls her as she calls herself, "me".

Her beloved younger sister. She actually really loves her.
On the surface she calls her "mere slave" and "Meduseless", always bullying her. Her younger sister definitely fears her. And yet...
When Medusa was exiled to the Shapeless Isle by the twelve Olympians, she went together with her, as if it was only obvious that she would do so. She had continued to harbor no fear towards her sister, even as Medusa was gradually changing into a grotesque monster, and met her for the last time.

The boy who had turned monster.
He reminds her of Medusa, and for some reason she just can't abandon him.
Comment from Illustrator
As I was thinking of making them to have same hair color but different clothing detail, I thought what if "the two who I would've normally spend time to mirror trace each other" becoming slightly different little by little? So I had the elder big sister's clothing layer to face inward while hers to face outward. I wanted to use anemone and cyperus for her headdress' flowers, but although I want to split the latter in ones and twos, it became too hard to prepare it, so I ended up with the simple motif instead. She gives off a refreshed feeling comparatively (in contrast with the elder big sister).

(the whole thing is this: ヘッドドレスのはなに二輪草と三輪草, 後者を二つと一つにわけて使いたかったのですがうまく仕込むのが難しく単純なはなモチーフにな っています, 比較的スッと気持ちを出してくれそうな姉様のイメージです and it was long and some parts I'm not sure I get right so if somebody got a better rendering of it Im all ears.)

Class: Rider
True Name: Medusa
Gender: Female
Source: Greek mythology
Region: Greece, Shapeless Isle
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 57 kg

NP: A+

Setting creation: Nasu Kinoko
Character design: Takeuchi Takashi
CV: Asakawa Yuu

Main works appearance: Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia, others
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Invalidate magic with chant 3 verses or less.
It is hard to damage her even with great thaumaturgy or ritual spells.

Riding: A+
A talent for riding. Capable of managing even beast with the rank of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast. However, this doesn't apply to dragon kin.

Independent Action: C
The ability to act independently for a period even if magic energy supply from the Master is severed.
At C rank, even if she loses his Master she is able to stay materialized for a period of 1 day.

Divinity: E-
Possession of divine spirit aptitude, but it's mostly degraded.
This Skill's rank decrease as a Heroic Spirit's rank as a monster or Mystical Beast increase.
Personal Skills
Mystic Eyes: A+
The possession of Mystic Eyes of the highest level, "Cybele".
Those whose MGI is C rank and below will be unconditionally petrified, while those of B rank will be petrified depending on the result of saving throw. Those of A rank will not be petrified, but suffer a rank down on all of their abilities and receive a "heavy pressure".

Monstrous Strength: B
Temporarily magnifies STR. An offensive special characteristic possessed only by monsters and Mystical Beasts.
Increase STR by 1 rank upon usage. Duration depends on the rank of Monstrous Strength.
Bridle of Chivalry

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~50
Maximum target: 300 person

Increases all ability values by 1 rank upon usage, and increases armor class by 100.
It is utilized on a beast from the age of the gods; a physical attack that pulverizes the enemies by means of a super charge.
While originally Pegasus was a gift given by the sea god to Medusa, it is also said that Pegasus was born of the blood dripping from Medusa's severed neck as she was exterminated by Perseus.
By means of Pegasus' divine protection, upon riding defense power is also raised; the highest level of Noble Phantasm in terms of combination of offense and defense.
In addition, Bellerophon was also the name of a youth who is known to have ridden Pegasus in Greek mythology.

(A bit of trivia but even Gorgon's bond CE also alludes to the question of whether Pegasus (& Chrysaor) are gift from Poseidon or something born out of Medusa)

Bloodfort Andromeda
Outer Seal - Blood Temple

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 10-40
Maximum target: 500 person

Bloodfort Andromeda.
A mystical temple that had been constructed in the "Shapeless Isle" where the three Gorgon Sisters had been exiled to.
The temple, known to petrify those who embark on the island and devour them, was a boundary field constructed by the Mystic Eyes Medusa possessed.
By magnification of the Mystic Eyes' projection, a fixed field is substituted into "the inside of her eyes", and the life force of those inside it is plundered.
An absorption power that literally "dissolves the body" of ordinary persons without any Magic Resistance. Even Heroic Spirits will have their life force plundered as long as they are inside the barrier.
In FateGO it is utilized as her third skill, but because its true name is not released, its output value falls.

(cmiiw but
the eye part is new)
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: anata/** (no honorifics)
Third pronoun: anatatachi/anatagata/** (no honorifics)

- Character
Taciturn and blunt.
Concealing her eyes with a mask, she is a hard one to understand. However, it is not that she doesn't have much in the ways of emotion; rather, she is the type that thinks too much and ended up stuffed with emotion inside.
Furthermore, her mask is not simply for hiding her eyes, but also for sealing her "Mystic Eyes Cybele" that petrifies anything they gaze at; the Mystic Eyes slaying Noble Phantasm "Dark Temple (Breaker Gorgon)".
In battle, she is ruthless and without mercy, willing to prey on unrelated innocents without hesitation if it's by her Master order in the Holy Grail War.
On the other hand, she displays a degree of kindness to those who is not antagonistic towards her Master.
Her appearing indifferent and coldblooded is simply due to her feeling it to be bothersome otherwise, said Artoria.
She likes alcohol, and her hobby is reading.
Being summoned as Rider, it seemed like she had grown a fondness towards bicycle.
Due to being pushed around by her cruel and willful sisters, Stheno and Euryale, she ended up ingrained with a pessimistic nature. It seemed that this sort of power relationship doesn't change even after they became Heroic Spirit, with her being abused with those two's unreasonable demands even in Chaldea.
Although she is a tall and beautiful woman with outstanding build, her standard for beauty is "small and cute"; due to that, she holds a complex towards her own height and grown-up build. As she materialize, that complex of her ended up stirred towards girls with petite build such as Artoria.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
She is, at the very least, display loyalty towards the Master. One that borders desperation.
Even if she thinks that there is something wrong with her Master's standpoint or orders, she is capable of serving them while killing her own personal feelings.
Ferocious and terrifying, yet beautiful. Perhaps similar to that of a Doberman.
She is fundamentally indifferent towards humans other than her Master, but she opens her heart to those she deemed would not injure her Master.

- Speech example
"As aggravating it may be, soldiers do not get to choose their superior. Facing forwards means not of voicing one's displeasure, but of seeking virtue, no? ...Although, it is only in the case that someone like that actually exists."
"Even something like nonchalant gesture hinders my leg."
"Fufu. Now now, don't slouch your back."

(actually where did the first line was from again)
Historical depiction
The youngest daughter of the three Gorgon sisters that appears in the Greek mythology, Medusa.
An unorthodox Heroic Spirit; rather, she is an opponent of mankind, one known as anti-hero.
Previously she had been a native earth mother goddess, but due to the scheme of the Olympians and the fanaticism of the people, she made a getaway to the Shapeless Isle together with her two sisters.
For the sake of protecting her elder sisters, who have no fighting ability, she had continued on the endeavour of becoming stronger, until finally. Medusa was reduced to a snake monster that turns everything she gazes at into stone. She then was cornered by the hero Perseus by means of his many Noble Phantasms, and ended up having her neck severed.
Both of her sisters had been "perfect" goddess from birth, and so they did not grow; however, Medusa herself did grow due to being an "imperfect" goddess. That is the cause of her looking older than her elder sisters.
Role ingame
She did not make any standing out appearance up to 5th chapter, but each of her sisters did appear; Stheno as an Assassin during the 2nd chapter of "Empire of Eternal Madness, Septem" and Euryale as an Archer during the 3rd chapter of "Sealed Ends of the Four Seas, Okeanos", and etc. The sisters' heartwarming (?) episodes are depicted in interlude stories and others.
Role in past works
In "Fate/stay night", she appears as the Servant of the Matou clan's magus. Although there are route where she immediately leave the stage, there is also a route where she joins the protagonist. In "Fate/hollow ataraxia", she freeloads in the protagonist's house together with her Master while working part-time in an antique store, completely adapting into a livelihood in Fuyuki City. The same work's "Gorgon's Storage" episode also depicts the bullied younger sister from when she was still living together with her elder sisters.
Connection with other characters
Althought she had no direct connection with her, because she knows of her sly methods she finds her disagreeble. The sort of thing where one hate someone similar to her.

Stheno, Euryale
Even though every day they still pushed her around, those are days filled with happiness.

If he comes he's dead.
Comment from Illustrator
While Medusa's third phase follows her original design, the concept is even more exposure. Even though I did not want to make it look like a female prowrestler's costume, the result is pretty much that. (Takeuchi Takashi)

(There was a time I thought Medusa is the skimpiest TM could get.
Good times.)

Class: Assassin
True Name: Stheno
Gender: Female
Source: Greek mythology
Region: Europe
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 134 cm
Weight: 30 kg (same body weight as Euryale)


Setting creation: Nasu Kinoko, Sakurai Hikaru
Original character design: Takeuchi Takashi
Character design: AKIRA
CV: Asakawa Yuu

Main works appearance: Fate/hollow ataraxia
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: A
Invalidate A rank magic and below.
Magic used by magus of modern era would not be able to injure her.

Goddess' Divine Core: EX
A Skill representing one's status as a goddess perfected since birth.
Has the effect of preserving the absoluteness of mind and body. Repels all sorts of mental interference, halts body growth, and change nothing of the body no matter how much calorie is consumed.
A composite Skill that also comprises the Divinity Skill.

Presence Concealment: A+
Suppresses one's presence as a Servant. A Skill suitable for covert action.
Personal Skill
Bloodsucking: C
Restores magic energy by means of bloodsucking.
Restoration is possible with anyone's blood, but because she likes Medusa's blood the most, sucking Medusa's blood would greatly restore her magic energy.

Alluring Melody: A
The natural disposition of beautiful voice.
Against male, it works an effect similar to that of a fascination magic; evasion is possible with Magic Resistance Skill.
A degree of effect reduction is also possible even if the target does not possess Magic Resistance skill as long as the target has the will to resist it.

Whim of the Goddess: A
Her nature that manifested as a Skill due to her being a goddess.
It bestows various effects, but not necessarily limited to beneficial ones.
Smile of the Stheno
Smile of the Goddess

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~20
Maximum target: 1 person

Smile of the Stheno.
The charm of the goddess, capable of turning heroes into captives by a single blow, taking form as a Noble Phantasm.
Be it a powerful war veteran or a gentleman filled with integrity, as long as he is a male he will immediately die (fall). The strongest of whispers, filled with words of love.
The languorous gaze is her blade, the alluring whispers her poison.
And after that is the killing blow-----a bewitching adorable pose that drops all pretenses. And the perfect finisher, a heart shape with her finger!
Most men would fall over it, yet when one manages to endure it, she would get quite vexed. (Just vexed. That's it.)
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: anata
Third pronoun: kare/kanojo
*She calls Euryale "watashi (Euryale)" for both second and third pronoun

- Character
A beautiful maiden, elegance and grace themselves given form.
Her action is elegant, her grace overflowing, and her words and deeds prudent.
The perfect goddess, the ideal woman.
Any men would extol her and praise her above. Beautiful and adorable things, she freely and unconditionally loves; while ugly things, she unconditionally hates.
At least, that's how she pretends to be-----
The truth is, although she is endowed with elegance and grace, at her core one can say that she has quite a lazy disposition. She is quite cruel to those who is indifferent towards her. So much that even the watchdog of the underworld (Tartarus) would tremble.
In regards to her younger sister (Medusa), even though she bullies her together with Euryale whenever and wherever possible. In truth, she loves her.
-----She truly loves her. From the bottom of her heart, even beyond death.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
She has no wish towards the Holy Grail.
If she is compelled to think of one, it would be to "return to the place where the three sisters once were", but she already knows. That it is nothing but a wish that would never come true.

- Speech example
"Medusa's the type that would immediately burst to tears when she ended up alone, no? Being her relatives, we shan't allow such disgrace to be."
"Really, such a foolish sister-----"
"I am a goddess. A phenomenon born and desired to turn one captives, no matter how much of a brave hero he is. A slight amount is fine, but do take care to avoid being completely addicted to me."
"I shall teach you. Yes, mm, I shall teach you exceptionally. Of what kind of thing my "divine core" is-----"
She blooms gloriously and beautifully. Until such times when she would be plucked off and broken.*
The eternal maiden, born for the sake of being loved by somebody------

The eldest daughter of the three Gorgon sisters from the Greek mythology.
The embodiment of men's yearning, she is a goddess born as the perfect idol.
The same with the second daughter Stheno, she was once one of the gods of ancient Greek. Normally there is no way for her to be summoned as a Servant, but for some reason she manifested anyway. She is truly weak, possessing practically no combat prowess, but her Noble phantasm is exceedingly powerful in a certain sense.
Helplessly weak in exchange for eternal beauty...such is a goddess she should have been, but due to becoming a Servant she becomes somewhat stronger.

The Gorgon sisters were originally the same existence, so naturally Euryale and Stheno are eternally identical existences as well, connected together. Existing in a similar way with a certain kind of collective system that exceeds even a communion of minds, they call each other "me".
(The third daughter is an exception; she ended up growing and becoming different in height and build, her heart losing her connection with them.)

(*its a bit of an innuendo because it can also mean when a woman is like, "taken".)
An ancient idol.
She is a genuine idol, the embodiment of a whimsical and cruel goddess. A hero may have overthrown any sorts of monsters, yet he would be utterly incapable of overthrowing such a goddess.
Connection with other characters
Her other self.
She calls her as she calls herself, "me".

Her beloved younger sister. She actually really loves her.
On the surface she calls her "mere slave" and "Meduseless", always bullying her. Her younger sister definitely fears her. And yet...
When Medusa was exiled to the Shapeless Isle by the twelve Olympians, she went together with her, as if it was only obvious that she would do so. She had continued to harbor no fear towards her sister, even as Medusa was gradually changing into a grotesque monster, and met her for the last time.

The boy who lately Euryale takes to.
Just what is that thing, I wonder?
Comment from Illustrator
I had told myself that I'm fine, I have the previous design after all, but then later on it was such an immense pressure. The third stage's golden makes my heart all fluttering and scratching; no, to put it simply, I have shown the chink in my armor towards the goddess at the very end! Is what the result of the raging battle within my heart. (Again, be it due to the opening that I've shown or just naturally happens, I really think this goddess is beautiful.) THe shape of the base design's heel sandal really, really makes my heart throb, so I really didn't hesitate over it. (AKIRA)
Fate/Grand Order Mats - Page 245
Would this be a good thread to ask for critiques on the Servants my friends and I were brainstorming for a RPG mini-campaign I'm writing?
Go ahead, but be aware that we can be...harsh.
Hope you're not too mean :p

My friends and I were fiddling around designing Servants, curious on some feedback. We hadn't work out all the parameters, as we were making them for a mini-Fate/X RPG campaign I've been tooling around on.

Paul Bunyan
Noble Phantasm: Minnesota Tall Tales
Minnesota Tall Tales is a Reality Marble stored inside Babe, Bunyan's ox. When triggered, it blankets the area in ice and snow, causes Paul and Babe to grow to enormous heights, and increases all their physical stats while freezing and weakening any opponents caught by it.

: Caster
Noble Phantasm: Golden Rule
Golden Rule allows Confucius to force the target to experience all damage they deal while under the effects of Golden Rule. While Golden Rule is activated, Confucius cannot target anyone else with it without releasing the current target.

: Assassin
Noble Phantasm: Ides of March
Ides of March summons up wraiths that take on the appearance of close friends and allies of the target. The wraiths repeatedly attack the target until the target is dead or the NP is deactivated. It requires a large amount of magical energy and as such is only used sparingly, if at all, as Brutus does not like remembering how he killed his friend.

William Wallace
: Saber
Noble Phantasm: The Wallace Sword
The Wallace Sword is a constantly active Noble Phantasm. Whenever Wallace gets into a fight, his sword leeches energy and health from whoever he is fighting, empowering him the longer the fight goes while demoralizing and weakening his opponent.

Zhou Tong
: Archer
Noble Phantasm: Hero of Henan and Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan
Hero of Henan: When triggered, Zhou Tong will not miss with any weapon he is using when triggered, regardless of whether it is a bow, a sword, or something else. It has the side effect of draining his own magical energy and empowering his master, weakening Zhou but allowing his master to temporarily keep up with a Servant if needed.

Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan: Zhou's second Phantasm is based on the wuxia lore surrounding him. When activated, Zhou temporarily switches class skills and class with any other class, allowing him to shore up weaknesses in his fighting style depending on the opponent. This NP is extremely energy intensive, and basically requires a command seal to use or it hurts his master.

Saint Longinus
: Lancer
Noble Phantasm: Holy Lance
The Holy Lance is a simple NP. When triggered, anyone stabbed by it experiences the effects that Jesus did on the road to the death, from the beatings to the crown of thorns to the wounds from crucifixion. The rank of this NP increases from C to EX depending on how evil a person was in life. C would be against a heroic person, B or A against someone who did good but also did a lot of morally questionable stuff too, and EX would be against someone like Gilles de Rais who was an absolute monster

: Berserker
Noble Phantasm: Nazirite Vow, Downfall of Gaza
Nazirite Vow: Samson gets A++ in Strength and Durability as long as he keeps his vows, such as long hair, no touching dead things, etc. If any of these vows are broken, his strength and durability fall to C and B, respectively. However, if this happens, his second NP triggers.

Downfall of Gaza: If Samson's Nazirite Vow is broken, he can, at any point after, trigger an attack that kills both him and a single opponent. As long as he can hold on to the opponent for the duration of the triggering, he and the target both die.
Would this be a good thread to ask for critiques on the Servants my friends and I were brainstorming for a RPG mini-campaign I'm writing?

*Legion Of the Salt Lords, the Last Sin Of Humanity*
We are disgust incarnate, show us your brightest, your smartest, everything that make humanity human.
We refuse it, we negate it, we'll destroy everything you hold dear until humanity will stop disgusting our tastes.
Come, and fight us with every characters you hold dear.
You ideals?Your hope? Your characters?
They'll drown in our salt, until you become one us.
We are salt, disgusted by Fan-service and pandering, we became the last sin of humanity.
Show us wrong, Poster of Chaldea! And reach the star beyond us!
But chances are...
You're already one of just don't know yet.

But yeah, don't worry, post them.:V
I'm just joking, don't worry, we are not Tiamat.
Even if i'm totally gonna roll for her if she comes out in the gatcha

Although it's from the Learn More with Manga! thing, right? Is that more than just a silly web comic?
Bunyan made the leap to main FGO as the only 1* Welfare Servant. Bar the random genderflip, her actual sheet is largely serious. Being from America's 'Fakelore', she's a Phantom like Hessian Lobo and others from Shinjuku.