I personally run double Tamamo with waver support and Robin. 2 maxed out fox weddings through battle suit mystic on a Robin Hood NP chained right after a waver NP does ridiculous damage.
So apparently the Red Dragon anime genderbent Urobuchi's character.
I think the only way that could have been funnier was if they did it to Nasu's instead.
That's why I like Shirou. Because he doesn't. Because he acknowledges both that a) Yes, if you really are stuck in that white room and you have no other options, you kill one to save to ten. But also that b) It's never that simple. You can be a superhero, if you try.

... Not always. Reality isn't that nice. But the mode of thought that saves the most people looks like Shirou's: acknowledging reality, but defying it anyway, even if you fail.
Uhh...did we read the same LN? Because that never comes up. Not once it it stated or even implied that he can fulfill the ideal of a Hero of Justice who saves everyone or that such a thing is even feasible. As a matter of fact, Archer blatantly states that it isn't and Shirou admits that he's right, but that such a truth doesn't invalidate the beauty of that ideal.

...Well, there's the Superhero bad end in Heaven's Feel where he does what his ideals dictate and ends up becoming Kerry 2.0, but that seems contrary to what you're saying.

Even UBW is less about being able to save everyone and is more about Shirou just being happy with himself and his life, facing the same fate as Archer without regret. Also learning to live for more than his ideals and for the sake of others. The idea that said ideals are attainable never really enters the equation, in any of the routes.

That's mostly because Nasu likes to glorify the perspective and aspects of the individual over that of the masses. In other words, putting personal feelings, wants, and desires over the obligations and needs of the masses and greater whole. Even when the larger perspective is addressed, it's usually done through a personal, individual lens. The protagonist is saving the world because they, personally, disagree with the antagonist and what they're doing.
Well, 68 rolls later and I have a lot of new shiny Gold CEs and a second copy of the pirate sluts.

No Shuten-Doji though.
Man, watching Shiki's NP do more than 300 thousand is amazing. Watching Jeanne Alter do 500k is also pretty awesome.

I've also learned that you can't resurrect via seals or quartz when Ibaraki wrecks you. It does looks like you keep the damage done to her if you wipe, though obviously you don't get the drops.
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Hey, does anyone know what the Sola Ui CE does? I got two of them, and I'm wondering if they're worth keeping.

Same question with the new 3 star CE with the monk-looking guy on it.

You know...I'm seeing a LOT of people roll 2 of her at once. And a lot of salt from other people in response.

Luckily, this one's MINE! :V
Fuck that's a lot of health.
News for Grand Order:

5* Assassin Shutendouji
Meh, I'll skip this roll.
5 million HP on Level 90, only 15 turns to beat them. Jesus Christ I have no clue how that's even possible without Robin Hood tier schenanigans.
Yeah, I'm probably going to want to pull out my Robin for this event.
I really don't like either oni's design. I saw Shuten Doji's final ascension art and I'm not a fan, voice is nice though.

I just want the Kiyohime CE because a 25% attack boost on males that persists the entire battle will probably be pretty helpful against later bosses, though obviously not against Ibaraki.
It was turning out as a hopeless fight. My luck had been bad from the start, with Waver missing 80% crits, Vlad understandably not getting any, and Karna's cards being all over the place, rarely aligning into the Brave chains I needed from him. Then, Ibaraki focused all attacks on Karna, forcing me to use the Master dodge to keep him alive for just a bit longer. It was a good call - Ibaraki turned her attention elsewhere the next turn, and Karna survived to be healed. Alas, that had a price. Waver fell first, his demise as if a harbinger of my inevitable defeat. Vlad bit the dust soon after, fortunately stalling Ibaraki's NP for another turn with his final action.

D'Eon stood valiantly, soaking damage for the team, shielding Tamamog and Karna, both of whom had less than 1k HP by that point. That was not the plan - his taunt had a purpose, a purpose it would not be allowed to fulfill, the circumstances forcing me to use it long before its intended time. He fell on the third turn, beaten, broken by the blasted "Rashomon"*. My secret weapon and last hope jumped onto the stage - Robin Hood, armed and dangerous... but not ready. And he were not allowed to prepare, as Ibaraki's barrage of crits took him out before his NP bar could be filled.

And so, only two remained standing against the monstrous enemy. Exhausted, with a turn of cooldown still remaining on their skills, they could only stand and prepare, understanding that one of them would fall as the oni's dreaded Noble Phantasm was ready once more. Alas, the Cat died, brought low from near full health, and Karna miraculously remained standing with but a sliver of HP remaining.

2 turns were left until the end, Ibaraki's bar was still near a third full, and Karna's HP was once more brought below a thousand.

Having never used a Command Seal to heal a Servant before, I hesitated for a moment. Was it worth it? I looked around the screen. If I got a crit on my Arts or Quick card and survived the turn, Vasavi Shakti would be ready again. A Command Seal disappeared from the Master's hand, restoring Karna's health...

...And with that, for just those two final rounds, luck seemed to turn my way. The Arts card did not crit, and neither did the Quick. The Buster between them, however, did, and Ibaraki's multi-hit attacks filled the rest of the gauge, just barely. I checked and realized that the Master attack buff could be used again, and Prana Burst was ready as well. It would still not suffice - I knew the numbers already. But luck graced me, stars fell on Karna's Buster cards and fulfilled their promise. If the damage dealt on that last turn had been but a few thousands less, I would have failed. But, it was just enough - Vasavi Shakti, two Buster critical hits, and the extra attack dragged Ibaraki over the edge, and it was over.

Now, you may be wondering, what's the point? where is he going with that needlessly wordy retelling? Well, honestly, nowhere, really. I could have just said the following from the start and saved all of us a bit of time. But emotions sometimes drive us to do silly things.

Anyway, Ibaraki can drop Kintoki CEs. I must say, I have never been so glad to have used a Command Seal in a battle.

* Yup, I'm calling Ibaraki's NP "Rashomon" until I get a correct name for it. And by Rashomon, I mean sake. :V
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