Only found this story recently. Pretty good, I'll definitely keep reading it.
Thank you. And I definitely intent to keep writing it.
I do have one gripe about it, though. There's far, far, faaar too much blushing going on. They're grown women, not shy teenage girls.
There are two takes on that:

1. Watsonian: their behavior comes from the fact that their emotional growth was kind of limited in childhood (we know little about Kyoko's childhood, but it's likely she was not exactly socialising, and Yui certainly spent hers home-schooled and isolated, at best among other children like her, at worst mostly alone), and they didn't have a chance to live through "I'm a teenage girl, oh drama, oh romance" phase (not to mock teenage girls, I'm going with anime stereotypes here). Moreover, they are kind of starved for human contact (especially Yui) and at the same time, afraid of it (the "shy" factor). Add the cultural taboos of Japanese culture to that and you have the current result. They may learn to to act differently in time.

2. Doylist: I started to write them like this to depict their isolation issues and it crept into their characterization - and now I cannot remove it without making it seem like a sudden character change, which would feel clunky. This may change with character development.

Disclaimer: I'm not a psychologist, I just write a story ;)
Great. So the best bet Kyoko has to attempt gaining control of her dark, sundered half is a I-hope-I-remembered-this-right, pseudo-mystical babble of a ritual conveyed secondhand from things Yui heard once that were themselves half-guesswork translations of things from a First Ancestral Race tech manual for a semi-sapient terraforming engine...

There's no way this can go wrong! :V

Ritsuko: "What are you talking about? That's sound, perfectly well-grounded Metaphysical Biology to me!"
Great. So the best bet Kyoko has to attempt gaining control of her dark, sundered half is a I-hope-I-remembered-this-right, pseudo-mystical babble of a ritual conveyed secondhand from things Yui heard once that were themselves half-guesswork translations of things from a First Ancestral Race tech manual for a semi-sapient terraforming engine...

There's no way this can go wrong! :V
Pretty much, just a normal day in NGE, just with even less sanity. There is a good reason why Yui was reluctant to offer, and Kyoko was initially unwilling to take the chances.

I am aware that there could be come more solutions (like "go there and try to talk to it, or try to kill it, without that mystical stuff" or "go there, both of you, and try to ambush it, then move to talking or killing"), but in real life, we often don't make the perfect, informed choices... especially if we're taught to think in a specific, narrow way (in this case, "this is a problem with soul, so the mystical way is likely the best" - if this were, for example, a NGE/Eclipse Phase crossover, the first thought would be quite different). I do hope this did not veer into the Idiot Ball territory in the process.
Ritsuko: "What are you talking about? That's sound, perfectly well-grounded Metaphysical Biology to me!"
Considering how little information they had about that technology, and how garbled and dipped in mysticism it was... to paraphrase Sikorsky, "Project E was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle."
What happened, daughter? – an A/S side-story
What happened, daughter?
This is a story depicting what happened outside the Evas; it outlines how Asuka/Shinji interactions changed under influence of Kyoko and – to lesser degree – Yui. It was originally written as a sketch intended to keep the main story consistent, and since then gained form of its own. As chapter 6. progresses slowly, I thought it would be a good idea to provide my esteemed readers with something less serious to read over the holiday season.

Word of warning: The story is canon in regard to Two Souls and may contain some minor spoilers to characters' actions and motivations; so if you want to preserve Kyoko's PoV as the dominant one, I suggest refraining from reading this. If not – enjoy the shift in perspective and teenage drama. Be also warned of increased risk of facepalms.
What happened, daughter? – chapter 1.
WHD?, chapter 1. – The first shot
Saturday evening, Katsuragi residence

"That. Fucking. Idiot!"

The girl hugged her pillow tightly and murmured the words into it.

It was not that the date was a catastrophe. Far from it. She had a quite good time, despite several minor snags; if she thought of it, it was better than most dates she had since coming here. She would not admit it, but it could even be the best one. Until it came down crashing around her head.

'Yay for my love life. Fuck me. People here are so… perverted and uptight at the same time, something I never thought possible, and to what a degree! He was… is… different. And now, even if I managed to force that idiot to take me out, he can't take the initiative for shit. And he apologises for everything including existing. Hadn't I stopped him, he'd apologise for apologising…'

She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes tight.

'Why, idiot-Shinji… why? Why can't you be like… like…' her thought process broke down.

Asuka Soryu Langley, mistress of self-sabotage and champion of mixed messages was trying to figure out what went wrong. Another subject, waiting patiently in the queue, was the decision what she really wanted.


The subject of Asuka's musings was laying in his bed, sleepless and staring at the familiar ceiling. His mind was full of confused thoughts; he felt many conflicting emotions: joy, confusion, slowly creeping panic, confusion, feelings of loss, confusion, guilt, and confusion.

Shinji Ikari, champion of social ineptitude and master of apologies, was trying to figure out where did he go wrong. Another subject, sitting quietly in the corner, was the question what Asuka wanted to achieve by her actions.


Previous Friday; school lunch break

"Hey, idiot. Got a minute?"

Shinji Ikari, addressed by Asuka in the manner he was used to, raised his head from the notes he was taking to look at Asuka's form looming over him and his desk. "Yeah? What is it, Asuka?"

"I've decided to help you out a little bit" she stated in her usual, confident voice. "Consider it a helpful gesture from a genius-level people person" she grinned.

"Help out?" he blinked. "You mean, with my classes?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, idiot. Raise your market value a little bit. Help you… nah, you'll see."

"O…kay?" Shinji was still showing signs of significant confusion. On one hand, Asuka offered help, even if he did not understand in what exactly. On the other, she was acting in her usual haughty and aggressive manner that made him uneasy.

"Great!" she leaned closer and lowered her voice; he reflexively reclined as much as the chair allowed him to and thanked the gods the school uniform did not have any cleavage. "You're taking me on a date tomorrow. Make it a good one and you'll be amazed by the results!" she grinned again, whirled in place, and went back to her usual lunch spot with Hikari.

Shinji was left speechless in his seat. 'Either this is some elaborate way for her to torment me… or I have just slipped into a parallel universe. Perhaps I should question Doctor Akagi on probability of something like that happening…'

He sighed, his head still spinning.

'Because no matter how low it is, it is still higher than zero. And I guess the chance of Asuka being genuinely nice to me is zero.'



Shinji Ikari was not a stranger to taking risks; while he was not a person to take them recklessly, he was also not someone overly careful. Therefore, he was also no stranger to making mistakes and recognising them. And at this time, as his date with Asuka screeched to an abrupt end, he was painfully aware this was most likely one of his bigger ones.

He was just not sure why did it happen.

It did not start out that bad: once Shinji decided to take his chances, despite his brain telling him this is a bad idea and most certainly a trap, he planned the whole event and asked Asuka – first thing in the morning once Misato was out of earshot and off to work 'to deal with mountain of paperwork' – whether 4 p.m. was fine with her – and she confirmed.

First snag happened when Asuka emerged from her room, all dressed up for a date. Shinji, in his usual white-shirt-black-pants-polished-boots attire, had frozen in reaction to the sight. It was not that Asuka was overdressed – but he realised he never saw her in this particular dress before and she did look stunning. And he never saw her wearing proper, if delicate, make-up.

"Oi, idiot. Forgot how to speak Japanese?" she poked at him.

A more experienced person would most likely turn it to their advantage, quipping about "the wondrous sight rendering them speechless" or another cheesy, but flirtatious and engaging line. Unfortunately, Shinji Ikari could not be considered experienced in human interactions by any means of measure, even considering his age bracket.

Thus Asuka, after waiting for nearly a minute for the expected compliment, rolled her eyes and grumbled: "Ready to go? Or are you going to keep admiring me from across the room?"

Shinji shook himself back to consciousness. "S-sorry. Ready, let's go."

Asuka sighed. 'Well, it can go only up from this kind of start, right?'

Soon she was to realise that the proper term would actually be "uphill".


Second snag hit when Asuka realised what movie they were going to.

It was especially jarring after a hope spot provided by the dinner. The meal was a modest one, but Asuka was not a person that would expect Shinji to take her to an expensive restaurant; it was not the point nor the problem – the food was decent, and it was just the part of the date ritual. The fact that their conversation over the food felt a little bit forced in the beginning was only a minor nuisance that spoiled her mood for a relatively short time – she soon realised Shinji was a good listener, and she always had something to say on every subject.

"'Fantastic singles and where to find them'? What are you, stupid?" Asuka looked at Shinji with disappointment in her eyes.

"But… I thought…" he stammered out.

"A romantic comedy? Really?" she shook her head and sighed.

"If you don't like it, we can go see something-" Shinji slipped into his defensive stance.

"It's. Fine." Asuka replied, rolling her eyes. "Don't get worked up in knots."

Shinji turned away and mumbled something.

"If you're saying you're sorry, I am going to kill you right now", Asuka warned in irritated tone, ignoring his clenched fists. "Come, I don't want to be late for the trailers."

He did not move. She poked him in the shoulder blade. "Come, idiot. I'm giving y-it a chance."

Shinji took a moment to follow her; he wanted do make sure his tears were not visible. His thoughts went along the line of 'I'm giving her what she wanted, aren't I? What am I doing wrong?'. To that, he had no answer.


The killing blow came when they left the movie theatre.

"I was expecting a movie with such colourful title to be a little more… I don't know, creative?" Asuka mused. Her expression was difficult for Shinji to read at the moment. This probably came from the fact that he rarely saw her in mode different than 'angry' or 'indifferent'.

"Sorry", he reacted reflexively "I thought you would like it, it had good reviews, it sounded like a good idea for-"

Asuka turned to him abruptly. She opened her mouth and closed it immediately, her teeth clenching and eyes closing shut. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Never mind, I will survive", she muttered, opening her eyes. "What now?" she looked at him with cheer that most people would recognise as forced.

Shinji missed that little fact. "I-if you didn't enjoy it-" he tried again, his panic rising.

"Cut it, idiot. I'm fine", she insisted. "What now?"

"I…" Shinji's brain decided it was a good moment to go on full autopilot to weather the storm, which is, as any pilot would tell you, not the best idea. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Stop it" Asuka growled through her clenched teeth. For some reason she could not understand, her vision was turning blurry. "Stop being such a wet-"

Obviously, another "I'm sorry-" was the worst possible thing to say in this very moment. But it was also the first that came to Shinji's mind, still operating on autopilot. Thus, he said it without thinking.

Asuka's hand curled into claws and a series of emotions flashed on her face: anger, disappointment, exasperation, irritation, and finally resignation. She mumbled an angry "oh, fuck it, I'm done".

She then turned her voice to the sweetest and highest-pitched tone she could muster: "Thank you very much for the evening, it was lovely a date. But it's getting a bit late. I think I will head home now. See you, darling!"

She turned on the spot and walked out as fast as she could without running.

Shinji stood there alone for a long time before he sank on one of the couches, bereft of any will to move. People were passing him, paying him no attention. He only moved when cinema staff approached him to make sure he was still alive.


Shinji reached Misato's apartment late – he was in no hurry, after all – and noticed the familiar and dreaded smell: Misato was making dinner.

"Oh, hello Shin-cha-" she stopped in her tracks, seeing his face. "What happened? Are you all right?" she asked in concerned tone, rushing to him.

Shinji shook his head and averted her eyes. "I'm… fine. I think. I will be. Just a bad day" he replied, his voice just above a whisper. He sounded tired, even exhausted. "Is Asuka back?"

"Yes, she's in her room, she said she needed to study…" Misato replied, missing the small expression of relief on Shinji's face. "Are you sure you're okay? I made some dinner if you're hungry, I tried to go easy on spices…"

Shinji shook his head. "No, thank you Misato. I'll… I'll just go to bed early."

Misato nodded. She knew she should ask some questions, perhaps get to the bottom of things – but she was too tired to do that. The boy was somehow sadder than usual, yes, but didn't teenagers suffer from mood swings all the time? 'He'll be fine, I'm sure. Now, let's finish this damned diner, open the well-deserved beer, and poke Asuka that she should eat something, lest she never catches up with me!'


Later that evening

Asuka shut the door to her room and leaned against them. Misato's cooking was never good, but it was passable this time. Still, it was a far cry from the wonders Shinji created every time it was his turn to cook – which was most of the evenings.

But this time he was not even at the table. 'He said he was tired and apologised for not being able to cook or even be a good company', Misato said. Asuka stomach clenched when she heard that. She knew well there was far more to this than just 'tired'; she beat down a creeping feeling of guilt that slowly grasped her chest. Instead, she dug into the food, hoping that the pain and suffering caused by their guardian's cooking will turn her attention elsewhere. And it did – for a little while. She rushed through her evening routine, ignoring Misato drinking herself to sleep. And now, she was finally safe in her room, alone.

She realised a bit too late that it also meant 'alone with her thoughts'.

She sat herself at her desk and tried to distract herself, to calm her mind, to ease that feeling of guilt grasping her. A book she wanted to finish and return to Hikari. A manga she found funny just a few days ago. Some gaming magazine she bought yesterday. Still, her thoughts kept drifting to that scene: to her impatience, to his indecision, to her outburst, to his retreat, to her annoyance, to his indecision, to her mocking voice…

To his face. To his face that for a second looked like she had slapped him. The more she recalled that image, the more she felt like she kicked a puppy. A friendly, clumsy puppy that only wanted to be a good company, that for some reason could not be up to the task – but was doing his best…

She shook it off for a moment. She changed into the oversized t-shirt she slept in, removed the connectors with increasingly shaking hands, brushed her hair ineptly, and dropped onto her bed.

A sob shook her body and a sudden feeling of revulsion towards her own behaviour rose inside of her. She grabbed a pillow to muffle the sound and hugged it tightly.

"That. Fucking. Idiot!"
Oh Asuka, Shinji is one of those guys who you need to be EXTREMELY DIRECT with in order to get somewhere.:lol
In her defense, she did tell him to take her on a date as directly as possible without yelling it from a rooftop (which he'd likely miss) or delivering it in writing (which might've worked but would be a little bit odd). She just assumed it would be smooth sailing from that moment, but...

Asuka: How could you possibly mess up planning something as simple as a date?
Shinji: Hold my teacup.

...on the other hand...

Shinji: How can you mess up being nice - or at least patient - for three hours when the other person is doing their absolute best to be nice to you and entertain you?
Asuka: Hold my popcorn.

I'm not judging any of them, this is left to the reader. And it is far from over. In the next chapter: Shinji takes the lead! No fanservice, though.
That was actually painful to read. ;_;
Both of them trying so hard, but just unable to communicate... Which is their canon difficulty, still as harsh as ever. Maybe even more so, because they're actually trying to reach out to each other here.
That was actually painful to read. ;_;
You got me panicking here for a second :D
Both of them trying so hard, but just unable to communicate... Which is their canon difficulty, still as harsh as ever. Maybe even more so, because they're actually trying to reach out to each other here.
They're still their canon selves, after all, with all the issues and troubled minds. Asuka has been encouraged to act a little bit differently, and Shinji is reacting to that... but it does not mean she knows what she is doing. And it's not that either of them had good relationship examples to work with, neither from their own parents nor their current parent substitute.
*Shinji and Asuka's attempt at a relationship part 345*
Yeah, pretty much. I guess this GIF would be more accurate if there were two people falling, in some versions they'd catch their hands, in others... well.
What happened, daughter? – chapter 2.
WHD?, chapter 2. – Taking the lead: the first time
"Distance is approximately 25000"

"Here it comes. All Evas, start positions", Katsuragi ordered. All Evangelions dropped to one knee in response; Shinji held his finger on the cable ejection button.

"All we have is a roughly estimated trajectory from optical sight-"

"Oh. Shit", Doctor Akagi's voice came in the background, loaded with dread.

"What is it?" Katsuragi turned her attention away from the pilots.

"This… I… MAGI estimates have changed…" Ritsuko's voice betrayed she was on a verge of panic. There was a moment of silence as the comms were cut.

Shinji clenched his teeth. This was not good.

Seconds passed. He looked up at the ball of fire, rapidly approaching the surface. Suddenly he realised he knew where it was likely to impact.

"Misato?" he called, his tone uncertain.

"Stand by", came a reply in a perceptibly shaking voice. He did not like that shakiness. Something was telling him the command centre was not going to be much of a help.

"It's going to hit soon, we can't wait!" he called out in unusually stern voice, much to his surprise.

"Stand by", the reply was even shakier. 'They won't have it in time', a thought came to him. 'It's up to me and me only. I must lead them', another followed.

"Damn it! It's coming closest to me! I'm taking the lead!" he shouted over the comms, at the same time starting to run towards the growing fireball. The ground began to shake.

"Finally, for once…", Asuka spoke up in vitriolic tone as she ejected the umbilical cable from Unit-02 and started her own run scant two seconds later.

"What was that supposed to mean?" he asked in annoyed voice, speeding up.

"That you could man up once in a whi-" Asuka tried to reply, only to be cut by Misato's angry voice.

"Shinji! Asuka! What are you doing?"

"Misato, I see where it will hit, trust me!", Shinji replied with certainty that surprised even him.

"Major Katsuragi, your orders?" Rei Ayanami requested, showing hints of confusion.

"Damn it", came a barked reply, followed by a few seconds of silence. "Rei, assist them. Shinji, I rely on your judgement."

"Roger that", Rei and Shinji replied in near-unison.

"Misato!" in Ritsuko's voice was the last sound that came from the command centre before the comms were cut again.

Unit-00 started its sprint towards the point Unit-01 had marked on the map.


The command centre was silent, save for the beeps of the machinery and single voice calling the distance.

"Distance 12000… Distance 10000… Distance 8000…"


Asuka's face was grim and determined, her will focused on one thing: getting there. She refused to acknowledge the fact that there was no way she would be there in time to catch it. The ground was breaking under her feet as she ran towards it, the cars were being flung aside, the buildings broke from the sheer force of her movement.


"Distance… zero?"

The entire remaining NERV staff realised they were holding their breaths. By all conceivable metrics, they should currently be in the middle of the process of being vaporised by high-velocity, AT Field assisted impact of an Angel.

But for some reason, it was not happening.


The Angel-turned-fireball was hanging scant metres from the ground, just above a hill, held up by an increasingly visible barrier. Shinji's words were punctuated by gasps. "I… will… not… let… you… kill…"

Asuka kept running, straining Unit-02 muscles beyond their safety limits; needles of pain were shooting through her legs and she was aware that she was most likely damaging the Evangelion. Making out the silhouette of Unit-01, she dimly thought it resembled some sculpture she saw recently… or maybe some mythical figure?

There was no time to think of it. There was team morale to be upheld. "Don't you dare die there, idiot!" she yelled angrily just before reaching Unit-01.

Unit-02 threw her hands up and extended her own AT Field. The strain on Unit-01 lessened visibly, but this only levelled the playing field; the Angel continues to press on, its unrelenting eyes staring unblinkingly on those who dared deny it its prize.


"Unit-01 and Unit-02 on the impact site. Unit-00 approaching", a tense voice of Maya Ibuki reported.

"Do we have any visual?" Misato inquired, her voice equally tense.

"None, any sensor that was out was fried few seconds after the AT Fields collided", Maya replied.

"Hold on there, kids… it's all in your hands", Misato whispered.


"Wondergirl, would you please hurry a teeny bit up? It's getting a little bit heavy", Asuka stated, somewhat panicked tone contrasting the flippant wording.

"Incoming. Field at maximum on arrival" came the dissonantly serene voice of Rei Ayanami. The twenty seconds it took Unit-00 to join the fight felt like an eternity both pilots who were holding the sky from falling on their heads.

Once it did, Unit-01 let go of the sky and started to tear into the AT Field of the Angel. Seconds later, Asuka screamed and grasped the knife, going for the opening Unit-01 created. The unblinking eye of the alien abomination cracked and bled unholy ichor; the AT Field it generated suddenly disappeared.

"All to me, keep the AT Fields close!" shouted Shinji over the comms a second later. Asuka, to her surprise, obeyed instinctively. She pulled Unit-00 with her and hugged Unit-01 tightly.

Darkness and pressure surrounded them for a moment, followed by a blinding blast and wave of heat, perceptible despite the AT Fields.


"I believe we have survived" a dispassionate voice commented. Evangelion systems permitted audio signals only in the reserve power mode.

"Yes, I think so… it still hurts" groaned a boy's voice.

"Hey, be glad, idiot, that means you get another chance", grumbled Asuka. "But, in the meantime, could you get off me?"

"It's not that I can move-" Shinji protested.

"But you could-" Asuka tried to say something, but seemingly lot the track of thought for a moment.

"Asuka?" Shinji probed after several seconds of silence.

"What? Why are you suddenly so concerned?" Asuka barked back, her voice dripping with venom. "You want to protect me? Very noble of you, very manly of you, someone who could not even man up enough to-"

The comment was cut short, but the line was still open for few more seconds before going silent.


"Pilot Soryu has deactivated her communication unit, Ikari. I believe it was deliberate", Rei chimed in, her voice impassionate as usual.

Shinji blinked. "But… why?"

"Unknown. It is unusual of her to interrupt her own aggressive reply." Rei's voice remained unchanged despite forming something that could be, by her standards, considered a joke.

Shinji chuckled.

"Well, I guess it's just two of us now, waiting to be rescued", he quipped.


The silence that fell after that was only a little awkward.


This chapter is shorter, so it comes earlier than schedule would dictate. I'll be writing more-or-less normally thorough the holidays, so there is a chance for a regular update in early January.

I must admit this side-story is more fun to write than I thought, and is currently taking most of my focus. Still, I already have the ending for this part of it, so Two Souls will continue normally once this one is done.

Kyoko: Ikari, I know this may sound a little cruel, but, about your son-

Yui: No, no, it's alright. He gets it from me, you know.
"Finally, for once…", Asuka spoke up in vitriolic tone as she ejected the umbilical cable from Unit-02 and started her own run scant two seconds later.
Boy, this is really not the time for it, Asuka... So of course now Shinji bloody notices it! For pity's sake, Shinji, do you only kick your brain into gear when your life is on the line?
What happened, daughter? – chapter 3.
WHD?, chapter 3. – Taking the lead, the second time
A day after the battle with Sahaquiel

"Hey, idiot."

Shinji cowered under Asuka's scrutiny. "Y-yes?" he replied meekly. "Is something wrong with your bento?"

Asuka stared at him for a moment, her face expression inscrutable. 'Really? I approach him as usual, and he immediately thinks I'm hostile? That I have a complaint?'

She shook herself out of it – 'not the time to ponder it' – and lowered her voice. "No, it's fine, as always, and don't act as if I was about to kill you. I… I know I wasn't very helpful last time, okay?" she paused and sighed. "I wouldn't mind if you… well, if we did it again."

Shinji processed the thought for a while. "You mean the… date?"

"No", Asuka's voice quickly became irritated. "I mean being squashed by an Angel and your Eva again, it was a re-ally cosy feeling", she blurted out in a vitriolic tone, paused, closed her eyes, and sighed. "Of course I mean the date" she shot her eyes open and glared at him as if she was questioning his intelligence. Which, at this moment, she indeed was.

"But you said it was… bad? You r-" he stopped, encountering the Death Glare. "You left… displeased. Annoyed. Ang-"

Asuka rolled her eyes, then fixated them on him, stopping his words right there. She seemed to ponder her options for a moment, finally deciding that she has used enough verbal violence for one meeting.

"Then make sure it is not that bad again, all right? It's not that hard, idiot."

Shinji watched her walk away back to her friends. His heart was racing, and his mind was more than a little confused. On one hand, this meant he did not screw up as bad as he thought he did; she was willing to give him another chance. On the other, this was an easy way to repeat the failure that the previous date turned to; not to mention, this could be some trick for her to take revenge for a wasted Saturday.

On the third hand, she did not seem vindictive. In the past, she would not approach him at all, or perhaps limited herself to mocking him. This time, she could even be called forthcoming and helpful – in comparison, of course.

He sighed heavily, forgetting the bento in front of him. 'I could use some advice… but from whom? Toji and Kensuke are out of the question unless I want a lot of questions and no advice… I could ask Hikari, but I guess that'd mean mostly comments about propriety and 'being too young', not to mention she could tell Asuka…' he pondered. 'Misato, perhaps?'

For a moment, he was considering whether the currently-single, alcohol-driven, kind-of-immature Major was really his best bet in seeking relationship advice, but after going through his list of options, two remained: Misato… and Rei. He decided, based on his intuition, that Misato was likely to have more experience.

He was, obviously, not mistaken. But he was also not prepared for things to come.


"… and this is how you put it on", Misato reached for a banana to illustrate her lecture.

Shinji was just sitting there, eyes wide, face burning red. 'It's good my ears are not touching anything. I think they are beyond ignition temperature for my clothing…' a somehow absurd, stray thought came to his mind, making him aware that he was prepared for the incoming physics test on thermodynamics.

This all started when he had asked her an innocent question: "How to make a date work?" While he did get some useful advice – which explained why his choice of the movie was poor ("Asuka might be a teenage girl, but not all of them enjoy romantic comedies – I think they're stupid, for example") and that they should start with the movie, not the dinner ("You have something to talk over the dinner, and even if you don't, it's a great conversation starter!"), he also got an amount of teasing about his feelings towards Asuka – and then, The Talk, or, as Misato described it, "an precautionary instruction in case my advice works well, which I am sure it will". His protests that they both were far too young for that were silenced by Misato's claims to know enough about teenagers to know better. His only grace was the fact that Asuka was away due to some business with her friends, so he did not have to suffer her teasing in addition to the mortification of The Talk.

On the good side, Misato promised to be discreet about his questions, or actually not to even mention they took place – assuming Asuka ever asked. He knew this was a blessing, and the knowledge he was receiving would be useful in the future.

This did not change the fact that Shinji would actually prefer facing Sachiel again than to sit here right now and watch Misato demonstrate her great skill in applying a condom to the banana. Her frank and clinical explanation of most common problems that may occur, accompanied by a list of solutions to them did not help.

"… and in that drawer – the second one from the bottom – is the condom stash, should you need one in an emergency. But I'd rather you buy them on your own, consider it a test for your maturity and readiness, okay?"

Shinji nodded, his face still burning. "Misato…" he paused. "Thank you for all the explanation… but I really don't think all this will be necessary. We're fourteen and-"

Misato raised her eyebrows and stared at him with clear doubt in her eyes. "Fourteen is enough for hormones to go wild. I hope it will not be necessary, yes, I am actually counting on your reason and self-discipline here. Yours more than Asuka's, I think. But if you both get carried away… let's say I'd rather have you prepared than caught with your pants down", she chuckled at her own joke.

Shinji nodded carefully. "Yes, Misato. Sorry to take your time with that."

Misato stared at him for a moment, then waved her hand dismissively. "No worries. It's my duty as a guardian!" She smiled broadly, then her face turned thoughtful. "I guess Asuka should get her talk sooner than later…"

It took her a moment to realise Shinji was trying to get her attention. "Yes, Shin-chan?"

"Could you please wait with it for a few days? I don't want it to be too obviously connected?" he pleaded, his face still showing embarrassment.

"You think? Hm, maybe" she paused, doubt in her voice. "But only if you promise not to do anything she'd have to be prepared for on the next date. Can I have your word on that?"

Shinji nodded. "If my word is enough, then yes, I promise", he smiled.

Misato smiled back. "It is. Good boy. And now, could you start with the dinner? I'm getting hungry… unless, as long as we are on the topic, you want to know something more?"

Shinji shook his head vehemently. "Misato, you already told me far more than I wanted to know!" he protested. "Thank you, there's no harm to knowing, but please, don't add anything to this", he smiled sheepishly. "I'm going to make dinner", he added and headed to the kitchen.

Misato pulled a beer she stashed underneath the table. She emptied the can in two moves, feeling like she deserved it. She managed not to show it, but this has been the most stressful talk she had in the last few weeks, beating most debriefings with Gendo. And she knew The Talk with Asuka could be even more difficult. With that thought, she headed to the fridge for another beer.


Next Sunday evening

'Fuck. Me.'

Asuka's head met the desk for the first time.

'It was going so well…'


Earlier that day

The beginning was, as previously, uneventful. Shinji discreetly followed Misato advice and got tickets for an early afternoon movie – this time, taught by experience, he chose something with a very innocent title and good reviews: "Cottage in the Forest". Shinji did miss one detail, though.

It was a horror movie.

It did not seem like this for the first twenty minutes. The plot was kind of sensational, kind of mystery, kind of teenager movie. And then the monsters emerged.

Shinji suddenly realised this could either go very well, or – knowing his luck – go very poorly. With his brain busy following the plot, seeing all the dark scenarios, and worrying in general, he missed the small fact that Asuka was grinning. Not overtly so, but anyone paying attention to her could easily tell she was enjoying herself.


Another jump scare would have probably just startle Asuka a bit, as it was exactly that: just another one. But this one came with a far stronger shock to her system: Shinji grabbed her hand, squeezed it, clearly in fear, and then let go, clearly embarrassed.

'Oh my. Perhaps I should get my hands on some old classic to watch at home and see him react like that even more? Great Invincible Shinji, scared? That's a new one!'

That made her smirk; a moment later this smirk turned into a confused smile. 'Why do I want him to do this?'

She found no answer to that, at least not any she would consciously accept. So she went with: 'Hah, of course. Because I'm braver than he is, and he knows that!'

Satisfied with solving the problem, she returned her attention to the screen, just to facepalm as another protagonist met his grisly death in an extremely obvious and avoidable trap.


They left the movie theatre feeling a little bit awkward, with Shinji silently leading to a pizza place. After some discussion they managed to place their order, agreeing it should not be with hot sauce but taking far too much time to discuss the toppings. Taking a seat in the corner, Asuka smiled internally: 'So far, so good. Let's hope this goes well-'

"Asuka…" Shinji started. 'Uh-oh.'

"Mm?" she shook herself from the pondering. 'Okay, you got this, you're supposed to talk during the date. It's just his usual meek self.'

"Sorry for the movie, I was sure it was something far more… innocuous" Shinji tried to explain himself.

Asuka took a deep breath, released it, and repeated the procedure several times.

"Will you ever learn not to apologise? It was…" she hesitated. "It was better than the previous choice, okay? Besides, I might not love horror movies, but it was not really scary", she half-smiled.

"Oh, I was worried-"

"That you endangered my feminine innocence and scarred me for life? Please, Third." 'I was startled, that's different from scared, right?' "And you grabbed my hand twice. What was it? Were you scared?" she leaned towards him, smirking.

Shinji's face turned red. "I was not-" he protested meekly, fully aware he was not fooling anyone. Still, he was kind of smiling.

"Oh, that was a sight, believe me: great invincible Shinji, scared like a little girl. I really thought you would just run away!" She laughed out loud. Small mercy was that the words were kept at the tone of their conversation and no one else heard them; still, they were more than enough to make Shinji's expression drop. He clenched his teeth and managed to maintain a stoic face, but his whole posture screamed about how hurt he was.

Asuka caught this sight in the corner of her eye and suddenly stopped laughing. Two thoughts mixed in her head: 'Come on, fight back, it was beginning to be fun!' and 'Oh damn, did I just fuck it up? No, no, no, no, tell me I didn't!'


Asuka's head met the desk for the second time.

'I'm not saying he is not cute with his 'little puppy' personality, especially that he showed teeth several times already. It's… just… so…'

She sighed heavily, ignoring the tears pooling slowly in her eyes. She was too angry to cry yet. She was not sure at whom was this anger actually directed: at Shinji, or at herself.

'He's just so… fuck, I can't even name it. He's so… Shinji-like. I could apply him to a third-degree burn and it would start healing, but if I tried to hammer a nail with him, he'd apologise to the nail first…'

She paused.

'Okay, now I'm just thinking nonsense. What can I do with him? He is so sensitive, so empathetic that I feel like I can hurt him by looking at him the wrong way. How was I supposed to know this was a sore spot?'

She sighed again, shaking her head.

'He wants me, yes – no wonder, who wouldn't – and I wouldn't mind dating him… but not like this! Not when I have to watch every word, not when-'

Her fists clenched.

'-not when he is so tense.'

The memories of the date's sad conclusion flooded back.


'I guess this one is shot dead' was Asuka's realisation when their food arrived soon after. 'Why is he so sensitive… God above, this is so stupid… why a comparison to a girl would make him clam up?' she sighed.

'Let's see if I can salvage it. I don't think this is how it's supposed to work… but hey, this idiot would be lost without me.'

"Hey, i-Shinji. Didn't that werewolf look little stuffed to you?" Asuka poked.

"I guess… but some other monsters were quite fine, I think…" he replied in a soft, cautious tone and twitched a bit.

"And what you think of the final sequence? That red button was a bit cliché, right?"

"Y-yes. And it was a little too bloody for my taste", he admitted.

"Hey, the movie's over, there's no reason to still be on the edge, ready to run, you know?" Asuka blurted out. When the last words left her mouth and she noticed changes in his face, her brain lit up with red lights, most of them saying "POSSIBLE HUGE MISTAKE". It was, of course, too late to take it back. All was left was to hope her jab would stir him into action and make him push back.

Of course, she could equally well expect him to spontaneously transform into a short-haired version of Rei. It would have about the same probability.

"I… I know. I won't run" he replied, his voice small.

Asuka could swear she heard the sound of a heavy shell closing. This was still the same Shinji, but what she saw a few minutes ago and this… well, those were two different people. Annoying as it was, she saw the current version more often, but definitely preferred the open one.

She stared at him. 'What should I do now, use a crowbar? No, too likely I'd beat him to death with it.' She sighed. There were several things she could try… 'But judging by my current luck and his attitude, after her next attempt, this idiot would be crying in the corner and the pizza place would be burning to cinders around us. No, fuck that. I guess we're not… what's the word? Compatible?'

She sighed again. There was a nagging voice in the back of her head telling her she is wrong on that matter, but she was simply too tired. She returned to her food.

For some reason, the previously-delicious pizza now tasted like ashes.


Asuka Langley-Soryu and Shinji Ikari were walking fast, trying not to look at each other. The situation has been already awkward, but in contrary to most people whose date has gone sour, they could not simply separate: they were living under one roof, after all.

Asuka stopped in the shadow several metres from the door to Misato's apartment; Shinji followed suit.

"Okay" she took a long breath. "I guess I owe you an apology. This whole thing was a bad idea" she finally stated. "No more dates, ever. To make it easy for you, let's say I will murder you – painlessly, out of my goodwill – if you try to ask me again. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Asuka" he nodded. "Sorry about it all", he added.

"… and I may murder you creatively and inventively if you don't stop apologising all the damn time. Understood?"

"Yes, Asuka. So-" he stopped himself under a death glare.

She sighed. "All right. Let's go home. I just hope Misato's out or asleep, so I don't have to listen to her stupid comments."

The door opened with a soft hiss. She entered the dark apartment. Shinji, dejected but resigned to the situation, followed her, hoping for the rest of the night to be uneventful.

And, for once, his wish was fulfilled.


Asuka's head met the desk for the third time and remained there.

'He is so stupid! He didn't even question my 'no more dates', he didn't even try to fight for me! He just stood there, with this kicked puppy face!'

She shivered at the memory. She really felt increasingly horrible. He was doing his best, it just did not work twice. A thought that she was at least partially to blame in both cases did not occur to her, though.

'What I am to do, push him against the wall and kiss him? He'd likely think this was an accident, or react in some random way! Grab his hand and make him touch me? He'd be apologising for inconveniencing me, expecting to be hit, and then he would clam up again. He is sometimes so deeply in denial of the fact that if he went deeper into it, I'd call him Sobek! And then he'd miss the joke! Even if I…'

A thought struck her. A stupid, absurd, insane, idiotic, wonderfully simple thought. She barely contained herself and almost cried out loud. 'God above, I'm a genius!'

She scrambled to her feet, then stopped herself mid-stride. 'No, not here, not now. He'd panic. He'll think it's some trick. Let him cool down. In a day or two… yes, he will not even see it coming!'

She giggled, thinking of the perfection of her plan.

'Maybe, maybe, maybe I can make it work…
dating is like headbutting a brick wall: either you break on through to unexplored vistas, or you scar yourself forever
Asuka stared at him for a moment, her face expression inscrutable. 'Really? I approach him as usual, and he immediately thinks I'm hostile? That I have a complaint?'
Pattern recognition? Come on, Asuka. You usually are going to growl at him over something, since you don't know any other way to approach him that isn't exposing a vulnerability, and that's something you can't abide.
On the other, this was an easy way to repeat the failure that the previous date turned to; not to mention, this could be some trick for her to take revenge for a wasted Saturday.
On the fourth hand, Shinji, your really cute roommate just asked you out a second time. On her initiative!
"… and this is how you put it on", Misato reached for a banana to illustrate her lecture.'re a big help, Misato. OTOH, I'm not sure what else Shinji would have gotten, since your own romantic track record isn't exactly stainless either. Hell, you're even aware yourself that you and Kaji tried too hard to use sex to patch over insecurities and not talking to each other enough.
Next Sunday evening

'Fuck. Me.'

Asuka's head met the desk for the first time.

'It was going so well…'
Oh crap...

Asuka, 'No more dates ever' is not the note to strike after a screwup like this, even in irony.

And now you've got a 'great idea'. Uh oh.
dating is like headbutting a brick wall: either you break on through to unexplored vistas, or you scar yourself forever
Well, yes, from my experience it is exactly how it works. And it gives you a headache in each case.
Pattern recognition? Come on, Asuka. You usually are going to growl at him over something, since you don't know any other way to approach him that isn't exposing a vulnerability, and that's something you can't abide.
From my experience, people who have only one mode of approach to people - and it's usually the confrontational one - simply don't see it as anything unusual and are sometimes surprised when reactions are hostile or retreated. Had a co-worker like that, a person I genuinely hated talking to because he was simply brash and aggressive by default (I thought I was the only one, then it became clear that whole team had this problem); he was otherwise a great guy and perfectly mellow after a drink or two. And when our boss finally discussed the matter with him, he was surprised that people had any issue with him, because "it's how he always was". It got cleared up, but only because my boss had patience for the guy and we trusted in his approach.

In Asuka's case... well, who's going to talk to her about it? Misato? She's no authority in her eyes, not when she sees her drunk. Ritsuko? Too busy with her work, too dismissive of people's problems, and too "they're your responsibility, Misato". Gendo? He doesn't even care about his own son, let alone a disposable asset he sees Asuka as. Kaji? Maybe, maybe he had a chance to get through, but he's the only person she has a different face for, so he doesn't even see the problem, and Misato will not tell him for several reasons, mostly of pride (it'd mean she failed as guardian and she'd be asking for help this way) - so, not going to happen. Hikari? Likely to be dismissed. Rei? Dismissed outright, if not rebuked with self-evidencing hostility. Shinji? Not unless they begin to really trust each other. Maya? Knows too little to become involved.

Saddest thing is that while the issues underlying Asuka's behavior are not easily solved, the behavior itself is the problem that could be somehow approached and perhaps eased, making Asuka more approachablem, thus easier to help with other issues. But there is literally no one who can fix that particular problem at the moment.

Okay, this was supposed to be quick example of why Asuka acts like this, but suddenly it grew into a dissection of her situation. Still, I'm leaving it as written just to keep her perspective in mind.
On the fourth hand, Shinji, your really cute roommate just asked you out a second time. On her initiative!
Overthinking, the bane of insecure people.'re a big help, Misato.
Did anyone except anything else from her? :D

On the other hand, it's not that she is entirely wrong to give him The Talk. It's just not what he asked for, and definitely not what he needs at the moment.
OTOH, I'm not sure what else Shinji would have gotten, since your own romantic track record isn't exactly stainless either. Hell, you're even aware yourself that you and Kaji tried too hard to use sex to patch over insecurities and not talking to each other enough.
Easy way out, keeps the relationship together for a while and raises the temperature. Then, the steam boiler explodes from the temperature and resulting pressure, the more you patched up, the worse the explosion.

Damn it, it was supposed to be an optimistic story.
Asuka, 'No more dates ever' is not the note to strike after a screwup like this, even in irony.
Well, the screwup was not exactly horrible, on the scale of "made your date uncomfortable for a moment" and "destroyed your date's mind" this scores around "ruined one evening". On the other hand, this was a second chance, and Asuka is not the most patient person in history of humankind.

At least she's marginally allowing the thought that this time, it was her mistake, even if she blames Shinji for being overly sensitive.
And now you've got a 'great idea'. Uh oh.
I'm running a plot/idea that may look odd at first (but not OOC, in my opinion) and will be playing out across this one and the next (got the sidestories planned at least four chapters ahead, but this one ends in two, then it's back to main story). Frankly, I'm a little bit unsure how it will be received.

In other words, I'm placing trust in my dear readers not eating me alive (in matters of character psychology and realism) for what I have planned.
What happened, daughter? – chapter 4.
This one came out a little bit longer than expected, and contains a little bit less awkwardness.

On related note, chapter 6. of the main story finally progresses and I will be able to start publishing it on schedule (which likely means something like second half of February). It came out a little bit - OK, a lot - darker than I anticipated and I guess will be first chapter of Two Souls to use a trigger/content warning. Kyoko is facing some real demons, after all.

But before that occurs, there are still two more chapters of "What happened, daughter?". Enjoy chapter 4., where Asuka has had enough and puts her plan into motion.


WHD?, chapter 4. – "No more dates!"
Next Friday, school afternoon

"Hey, idiot. You, me, Sunday, the mall", Asuka ambushed Shinji in an empty school corridor and rattled all the words in two seconds while pinning him to the wall with her forearm against his chest.

Shinji blinked. "Wha-"

"Yes or no?" she stared at him, her eyes narrowed.

"Y-yyes?" he managed to stutter out. Asuka, noticing his difficulty breathing, lessened her pressure and let him detach himself from the wall. "B-but you said 'no dates anymore, ever'? And 'I will murder you inventively if you try to ask me out again'?"

"What makes you think this is going to be a date?" she asked offhandedly, studying her nails intently.

"You just asked-" he started.

She turned to him and focused her blue eyes on him, transfixing him and pinning him to the wall far more effectively than with her arm.

"This. Is. Not. A. Date. You didn't ask me out, did you? We go to the mall, we spend time there, we try to enjoy ourselves, maybe see a movie, maybe eat something, then we go home. Is. That. Clear?"

"Yes?" Shinji's brain, this time, decided there was absolutely nothing to apologise for, thus he used option #2: cautious agreement.

"Great. We leave at three. Don't be late" she added while walking away.

The utterly confused Shinji was left alone in the school corridor. "What just happened?" he asked the empty walls.



"Hey, Asuka, are you possibly free tomorrow?" Hikari inquired, catching Asuka between the sweeps of the corridor.

"Mm? I'm kind of busy, pilot business, why?" Asuka replied in a slightly tense tone. 'Technically correct, the best kind of correct!'

"Oh. I'd have a small favour to ask of you, but if you're busy… can you hold your next Sunday open for me?" Hikari requested, her voice mode rapidly approaching pleading, an unusual contrast to her barking of orders she presented in front of the class.

"For you? You're planning some girl's day out?" Asuka raised her eyebrow.

"I mean… a friend of my big sister Kodama is insisting that I introduce you to him…" Hikari trailed off, unsure.

"I'll… think about it, okay?" Asuka's expression showed barely contained disgust at the idea and her voice expressed it more clearly than she might have wished for. "Can't make promises, though" she added in the same tone.

"But… you said you're not dating anyone… so I thought you would welcome…" Asuka's glare stopped Hikari's words.

"Does this mean I have to meet anyone that says they want to?" her voice raised only minutely, but it was enough to make Hikari twitch a bit. "I'm tired of all those love letters and invitations, you know. All those pervs and useless people", she huffed.

"But…" Hikari tried once more.

"Hikari, I said I'll think about it and I will", Asuka sighed. "You caught me by surprise, all right?"

"… thank you."


Sunday evening

Asuka Langley-Soryu and Shinji Ikari were walking slowly, like they had all the time in the world. It was very different from the times when they were returning from school: it was usually far more hectic, them just to get home. But this… this was something else.

Asuka was almost done with her waffle, a final treat she has gotten herself just before the food stall closed. Shinji was walking along, watching her in the corner of his eye; to his bemused eyes, she seemed… content? Maybe even happy?

He tensed a bit. This entire not-a-date has been fun once he overcame the initial confusion.


Earlier that day

Asuka emerged from her room wearing jeans and an Iron Maiden t-shirt; a small red backpack with some danglers was hanging from her shoulder. She glanced at Shinji, who wearing his unusual white-shirt-black-pants attire.


He blinked when he noticed her. "Ah. Yes."

She tilted her head. "Not happy about a prospect of hanging out?" she looked at him inquisitively.

He shook his head. "Sorry. Just… thoughtful. I talked to my father today… it's rarely pleasant."

"Your-ah" Asuka's face became slightly pale, then her face turned slightly red when she realised what day was today. "Listen, if you don't want to go-" she started quickly.

He shook his head again. "No, it's fine", he smiled a small smile. "If I stay, I'll be sitting here and thinking too much. And…"

She raised her eyebrows. "Yes?"

"You said something about 'enjoying ourselves', right?" his smile grew a bit wider. "And I'm holding you on your word."

Asuka blinked. She wanted to crack some comment in the vein of 'who are you and what did you do to Shinji Ikari?', then decided to bite her tongue. Her jokes brought the last attempt low; time for them will come, someday, maybe even today, but not at this very moment.

'Stupid me, forgetting the anniversary of his mother's death… Let's not make it a mess, shall we?'


Once they were on their way, Shinji – feeling relaxed, to his surprise – raised the subject on their school being refurbished after under the pretence of fixing some Angel-caused damage.

"Well, it'd be nice if the paint stopped flaking, but really, they could've picked something nicer than dull grey and shitty brown, don't you think?" Asuka complained.

"You know the school looks should help us focus, not distract us?" Shinji raised his eyebrows. "If they painted it red, it would certainly match your hair, but would make us too angry to actually do something, like the bull cape."

Asuka sighed. "Bulls are colour-blind. It's not red that makes them mad, it's the movement. And okay, I'm not saying red. But some livelier green, or maybe some yellow? Come on, it looks like some museum or a tomb. What's the message? 'Bury your aspirations, ye who enter here' or 'shitty atmosphere, get used to it'?"

Shinji knew Asuka made jokes from time to time. His problem was that he never knew when. Seemingly, he had to take a chance here. "Well, the first one could kind-of fit, from the European point of view, the Japanese education system is a little bit oppressive. And the second… when was the last time you were able to use the lavatories on the 3rd floor without gagging from the smell?" he smiled with a hint of insecurity.

Asuka chuckled. "Well. You do have a point. But why advertise it so much?"

"Well, if they painted it green, you'd associate it with jungle, wouldn't you?" his smile grew a little bit more confident.

This was the first sign that something was really off: they were having a civil conversation on a subject they disagreed on – and Shinji was not on edge. Neither of them noticed that – they were enjoying each other's company.

And that was the second sign something was off.


The third sign that something was off – ignored exactly like the previous two ones – came once the two arrived at the arcade floor.

"Okay, what do you think should we hit first?" Asuka took a look around. Shinji hesitated. He was aware that his choice would likely influence the course of this d-time together. So he started weighing his options, his stomach clenching slightly.

Asuka caught his troubled expression. 'Oh. There we go. All right, better luck next time.'

She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards some racing game. "Haven't seen this one last time. Let's try it… and let's see how all this time in simulators improved your reflexes."

Shinji, startled by this sudden interruption of his pondering, followed.

"And don't hold back, if I find you did, I will kill you."

Shinji nodded and regained his ability to speak: "Asuka, I don't have to hold back, you're better anyway. But don't worry, I won't make it easy for you."

"Damn right I'm better" she grinned, taking the red #1 seat. "Come on!"

Shinji put a coin in the game and took his #2 place.


Two minutes later

"You bastard! Cutting in my way like this? I'll show you!"


Twenty minutes and several more coins later

"Well, that was fun" Asuka stretched. Shinji did his best not to look; it was not hard, he practiced this skill on hard mode already – with Asuka in her plugsuit. "Thank you", she smiled. "What now?"

Shinji hesitated only for a second. "Are you hungry?"

"Mm… trying to get me fed so my reflexes are dulled? Fat chance, Third. Not yet. I want to beat you in something else" she smirked.

"They have some shooters here", Shinji suggested.

"Blah" Asuka stuck her tongue out with disgust. "Don't you have enough of that in combat simulator?"

"Point taken. Air hockey?" he tried again.

"They have this here?" she asked with surprise. "All right, it's been a while, but get ready to have your ass handed to you" she grinned.


"Asuka…" Shinji started in his usual vein when they reached the food court after a hard-won Asuka's victory. Winning 4:3 in matches could not exactly be described as 'ass-handing' victory – but was still a victory.

"Mm? Whaf if it?" she asked, swallowed, and corrected herself. "What is it?"

"What's the t-shirt about?" he blurted out a question. "Is it something about your Eva?"

Asuka blinked at him several times. 'Seriously? He must be joking…'

She put the half-eaten burrito down, wiped her hands, and pulled at the t-shirt, making the picture on it straighter – and making Shinji avert his eyes for a second. The shirt was a pretty standard – if a tad worn out – Iron Maiden merchandise, with band's name in their iconic font on the top and a variation on Eddie's face; this particular one had Eddie grinning – not that he had much choice – from a mostly red background and reaching with a clawed hand for some guy in VR helmet.

"This, idiot-Shinji, is not about my Eva. Not all I do is about piloting, you know?" she noted dryly, trying not to think how much a lie has that recently become. "This is about a certain band I love and whose concert I went to, after much pleading with Misato and making her lie to several people, when I was ten – lucky me I was tall for my age – and they were on a tour in Germany when they were promoting their 'Flames of Antarctica' album."

Shinji blinked. "Oh. I thought-"

Asuka's eyes narrowed. "What exactly were you thinking?" she inquired, leaning towards him.

Shinji's brain was trying to calculate whether this was the moment to trigger the fight-or-flight response. The lizard part of the brain was saying that the imminent threat had not finished her easily accessible food yet, so the risk of an attack on him was lightly mitigated. On the other hand…

"I'm waiting… and it better not be something inappropriate, Mr. Ikari, or I'll brutally force you to buy me a milkshake as a punishment for your insolence!"

Shinji shook his head. His brain took it as a cue to reboot, leaving Shinji to run on instinct for a moment.

"Insolence is your thing, Asuka, not mine" he blurted out. "I just thought the shirt was your way of saying 'I'm a maiden made of iron and don't touch me, or you'll look like the guy on the shirt'".

Asuka, who was just nonchalantly taking a sip of her soda, narrowly avoided spraying it on Shinji. Luckily for her, a coughing fit covered her surprised reaction. 'What was that? Is this Shinji talking, or has some alien just hijacked his body? And what makes him think I would… Oh, yes, "murder you inventively" line… right. Well, he's learning, that's for sure… and well, technically I am a maiden.'

"Asuka! Are you all right?" his concerned voice reached her finally over the coughs and thoughts. She noticed that he was no longer seated before her – he was standing next to her, his warm hand on her shoulder.

"I'm… I'm fine" she managed. "Sorry, went down the wrong hole", another cough followed. 'Err wrong joke, backtrack, backtrack!'

Shinji visibly relaxed and slowly returned to his seat. 'Phew. Went over his head. And was it my imagination, or was he reluctant to take that hand away?'

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her heart that was suddenly racing, surely only from the coughing fit.

"Yes, I'm all right" breath in, breath out. "And no, this was not a warning. You just touched me and you're alive, right? It's just a band, and I like it, so I wore the shirt, that's all. And how come you don't know about them?" she abruptly changed the subject.

"I… They're not Japanese or American, right? I don't know much about foreign music, except what's played around in radio or TV. I'm more familiar with classical music."

"They're British. Oh boy, you're getting an education as soon as possible. I've got all their albums, and some are on a cassette that'll surely fit that old player of yours", Asuka grinned. "I will not d-" she bit her tongue, her brain adjusting on the fly. "I will not allow this degree of ignorance to persist when I can help it!" she exclaimed, picking up the burrito and biting into it aggressively.

Shinji just nodded. His brain just noticed that his user was both alive and still talking to the girl that was just regarded as a potential mortal threat and turned the urgency of the suggested responses down a notch.


Shinji's wrist found itself in a grasp of Asuka's warm hand for the nth time today. He did not object, but instead fought down a moment of panic when he realised she was pulling him towards a movie theatre, while simultaneously scanning the posters.

He knew it could end up very badly. With his heart pounding, he awaited the sentence – and, likely, the instant execution.


"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Asuka hissed.

"Paying for the tickets?" he replied with confusion.

"You paid the cars and the food, I paid the air hockey, so I'm paying the tickets, right? It's only fair. This is not a date, remember?"

"But-" he tried to protest.

"No 'buts'. And no funny ideas" she bared her teeth in a fascinating mix of smile and threat.

Shinji's brain took the recommendation of the lizard brain and passed it along with its stamp of approval. It was only one word: YIELD.

He thought it prudent to follow this advice.


Later Sunday evening

Asuka finished eating and licked the jam off her fingers; Shinji felt a sudden, conflicting needs: both to stare and to look away. He also realised that, for some inexplicable reason, he was blushing.

"Hey, idiot" Asuka prodded. "You there? Base Langley to Shinji Ikari, do you copy?"

Shinji shook his head and focused on the half-smiling, half-smirking face five centimetres from his own. "Yes?" he blurted out.

"Eloquent as ever. Let's verify something. Had fun?" she poked him in his chest. "Was today fun?"

"Y-yes, Asuka" he stammered out. "Yes" he reasserted. "Thank you."

She rolled her eyes. "I didn't do it for you, idiot. I was testing a theory. Or checking a gut feeling, I don't know. And you've been helpful."

His heart sank, and clouds began to gather. For a short moment, he thought she cared. But no – he was right, this was some kind of game, some kind of cruel-

His train of thought was interrupted by Asuka asking a question. It was so unexpected, so absurd, that his brain rejected the input on the first try. He blinked in utter confusion.

"Hey, idiot, are you listening? I asked if you wanted to kiss", Asuka reasserted and this time, his brain processed it – just with a note of 'certainly a trick'. Still, he could not help but nod. Her face was serious, her hands on her hips challenged him, but her eyes… there was something in them, something that made him less afraid.

"Heh. Not the enthusiasm I expected, but hey, I can understand why you're being shy – you're facing me" she smirked and stepped closer; now not only her face was centimetres away from him, but her whole body as well. He did his best not to think about it too much. He registered a movement of her hands, but before he could react – duck, most likely – he had Asuka's hand on his neck and he felt a pull. Half a second later he felt her lips on his own.

His brain took the tactile input and decided once more it was not only improbable, but simply impossible. Still, it was coming through most of his senses: he saw her face next to his own, he smelled a soft smell of strawberry he came to associate with Asuka long ago, he tasted the same smell on her lips, and – most importantly – he felt her soft lips on his own. The auditory impressions were somehow odd, until he realised it was the thumping of his own heart and sound of his own blood rushing. All in all, the input was so overwhelming that rejecting it was impossible. So, his brain threw an exception, terminating the thought processes entirely.

Asuka broke the kiss for a moment. "This is not a date, so this is not a kiss, so, whatever you do or don't do, I will not kill you… unless you do something really stupid", she whispered in a husky voice, tinged with several undertones Shinji could not fully decipher; it sounded like amusement, hope… maybe a hint of fear? Her words managed to break him out of the stupor, and his instinct took over. He reluctantly embraced – or not-embraced, in the line of thinking suggested by Asuka – her, pulling her closer. Asuka smirked again and resumed the kiss, pushing him towards the wall, shielding his head from the impact with her forearm. The cold, wet concrete under his back helped him regain some more contact with reality.

Not that it helped much. Shinji, while ineptly responding to Asuka's kiss, was just moments from passing out. It was a girl of his dreams, in his arms, kissing him! Or not kissing him, if he was to believe her words. It felt both very real and extremely surreal at the same time.

Fortunately for his consciousness – and, likely, dignity – she ended the kiss before he actually lost consciousness. He refocused his blurry vision on her face; she certainly looked content now, almost like a cat that just ate a lot of cream.

"Haah. For something that was not a kiss, that was nice, eh?" she smirked and licked her lips subtly. Shinji kept blinking in confusion. Asuka grabbed his wrist with a practiced move, sending another jolt to his nerve system. "Come. Misato will ask stupid questions anyway, but I want to avoid her worst if we are late" she pulled him down the street. "Come on!" she insisted in a slightly annoyed voice.

He obeyed and got essentially dragged back to the apartment. To their good fortune, Misato was indeed there – snoring heavily on her futon. The smell of alcohol was obvious. Under other circumstances, Shinji would be disappointed with her; this time, his mind was elsewhere.


Shinji was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what has happened today and about Asuka's parting words: "Well, I hope that this was not the last good time we had. Thanks, idiot." She was still calling him 'idiot', but she was smiling, genuinely smiling… and she sounded really happy.

Shinji Ikari was desperately looking for an answer to the question that has plagued him for the last few days: 'what the hell is going on?'

But this time, contrary to the post-date nights, the confusion was mixed with a rare warm feeling. Something was right, and he was feeling fine.

It was such a rare feeling for him that it actually scared him. Was he allowed to be happy?


Asuka was in her bed as well, clutching the pillow, as she had a habit of doing. This was a great day… but it left her in some confusion. Well, a lot of confusion. 'Could it have been so simple all the time? If so, how could I have missed it?'

She followed her intuition – which finally, after several stumbles, started to give her useful advice – and took the lead. It actually went against anything she was taught, anything she had read about in magazines or watched on TV, but it actually worked. And well, as her tactical training went, if procedures failed to work but improvisation, adjustment, and logic did, you went with them until a better procedure was devised.

She stretched and took a deep breath. Her thoughts went back to the beginning of the not-a-date; the first part of the idea was to deny it was a date, lest he runs away. The other part was to take the lead every time he hesitated.

And it worked.

She had fun, and by the looks of it, he had some fun as well. The movie was fine, even if more than a little stupid and unrealistic. And she could not forget the relief in his eyes and the smile he gave her when she simply said 'hey, this one sounds like fun, let's go see it'. He agreed immediately, despite never mentioning anything about enjoying action flicks.

And then she kissed him. And even made him respond. She giggled at that memory. Of course, she was denying it was a kiss, just as she denied this was a date. This was such a blatant lie she could not believe it would ever work… but he went along with it. And he was not exactly the most adept in his attempts. But it did not matter, it was… pleasant.

'I wonder… Is he really so stupid, or did he just need the pretence? All it took was to take the need to decide from him and suddenly he's a good company?'

She sighed. This was, of course, not the ideal situation. While she refused to admit it to anyone, sometimes even herself, she did secretly want to be swept away by the Prince on the White Horse that would kiss her senseless and love her forevermore. Shinji was as far from this fantasy as possible. Well, he did wear white shirts, but that was about it. He would not sweep her away, and while, in foreseeable future, perhaps she could make him kiss her senseless, she was certain it would take a lot of lessons.

About the last part, loving her, she dared not to think yet. It could simply hurt too much.

'Hell… maybe I'm too old for fantasies? Maybe time to grow out of them has come? If this idiot didn't try to apologise for his very existence, it'd be easier…'

She raised her eyes to the heavens and spoke in a hushed voice: "God above… I know we're not at best of terms, and I am kind of angry with you still… but if this is your way of making it up to me, it's a good one. But if it's some test, and it all comes down crumbling on my head… I swear to you, I am going to snap."

She pondered for a moment.

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I wonder how long, or if, it will take before she realizes that Shinji is messing up on the dates because he's just as nervous and wired as she is.

It is a fair tactic. I have seen more than one occasion in story or in real life where a not-a-date went off successfully when the pressure of a 'real' true date would have been too much.

And boy, is that an interesting prayer, Asuka! :p
Surprise surprise, Asuka. Just relaxing and going with the flow, instead of forcing a ton of stress onto Shinji, actually worked!
It is a fair tactic. I have seen more than one occasion in story or in real life where a not-a-date went off successfully when the pressure of a 'real' true date would have been too much.
Hello, performance anxiety! It can be a murder in our society, let alone in one such reputation/honor-driven as Japanese one. I neither experienced the not-a-date approach nor see it in practice, but I can easily imagine the difference.
I wonder how long, or if, it will take before she realizes that changing is messing up on the dates because he's just as nervous and wired as she is.
I'm not sure what you mean with 'changing' here, I guess it's either a typo or a meaning I am not familiar with. Could you elaborate?
And boy, is that an interesting prayer, Asuka! :p
Well, Asuka has an Attitude towards everyone (perhaps except Kaji... but that's another story), authority figures included, so I find this approach to God to be very in character for her. Especially considering her extensive education and resulting knowledge of the biblical (not exclusive to Bible, of course) logic of "the more chosen you are, the worse it gets". On the other hand, either her education on biblical matters is imperfect or her comment about "walls of Jericho" before Israfel suddenly gains a little bit different light.
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Yui: Iron Maiden? Really? I was at least expecting Rammstein.

Kyoko: You're not in much of a position to judge. I mean, your personal playlist included four YS songs.

Yui: You take that back this instant or this relationship is over!!
Yui: Iron Maiden? Really? I was at least expecting Rammstein.
I was considering Rammstein, but then I thought it would be kind of stereotypical, as it's the only answer you'll get from most people for "name a German metal band". And Eddie was a good setup for the dialogue.
Yui: You take that back this instant or this relationship is over!!
Kyoko: FINE! Face your ex alone, I'll be in Germany talking to mine!

Yui: And how do you want to talk to him if I didn't tell you how to leave the Core?

Kyoko: Why would I leave? I'll be far more persuasive in current body!