You know bloody well just why that is, Ritsuko.
Well... it's "knowing" vs. "admitting what she did". I always saw Ritsuko as a person who is deeply in denial (in canon, and in most fanfiction where no one reaches to her).
Try the MAGI system clock, ladies.
Frankly, I don't believe they would have access (none of them would be particularly adept at accessing MAGI, especially not through one-direction sensors). Best they can do is to try to glance at some clock display in opportune moments. Or maybe ask Gendo for some wall clocks as part of redecoration. Or poke the pilots to think about current date/time.

Shinji: Asuka... I've been thinking...
Asuka: That's new, baka.
Shinji: ...
Asuka (facepalming): All right, spit it out. Sometimes you think useful stuff. Speak.
Shinji: I noticed I have an inexplicable urge to think about current time and date when I enter Entry Plug. This is weird, as if I tried to remember when the battle happens.
Asuka: Fuck.
Shinji: ???
Asuka: I feel the same. Weird.
Shinji (smiling): Maybe Evangelions want to know what time it is?
Asuka: To what, be able to make appointment to meet for a spot of tea?
Shinji: You're right, it's stupid. Must be a coincidence.

Deep down in the Cages, Ritsuko and Maya stared at Unit-01 and Unit-02 in utter confusion, colored with panic.

They were not aware Evangelions were able to sneeze.
Someone's just a little touch-starved... then again, it's been 11 years since she's really touched anything at all outside her mindspace.
Yup. Theoretically (I guess - I'm no psychologist), Yui could be very much insane (well, more than she is in canon) after so many years alone - but that would not make a good story.
Welp, Yui has successfully made the leap to 'surreptious hand touches.' if this rate of progress continues they will be frenching in the cages in under a month.
Quoting my beta-reader: "Considering how reserved Japanese people stereotypically are, this is a neck-breaking speed of advances. They may even be holding hands by time Zeruel comes!"
Also if Yui tried talking to Gendo he'd only think he was going crazy up until Yui admitted her crush on Kyoko, and then he'd just kind of sadly nod and lock himself in his office with Misato's stolen beer stash.
... I'm already writing one "Gendo who drinks a little too much", but I admit that reveal his wife/ex-wife/dead wife essentially left him could drive him to drinking. Unless he thinks "Nah, this is just a phase; her body made her robosexual. Cyborgsexual. Evasexual. Whatever" and sinks deeper into denial.
See, the whole ultra deep denial thing would be true if it was anyone other than Yui telling him she was into ladies now, but once Yui herself said it he'd just turn into a fifty year old EOE Shinji with a hobo beard and a drinking problem that makes Misato look knurd.
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Well... it's "knowing" vs. "admitting what she did". I always saw Ritsuko as a person who is deeply in denial (in canon, and in most fanfiction where no one reaches to her).
Just a bit!
If Ritsuko was any deeper in denial, she'd be an Egyptian river deity!
Yup. Theoretically (I guess - I'm no psychologist), Yui could be very much insane (well, more than she is in canon) after so many years alone - but that would not make a good story.
Quite. After 11 years of what's basically 'locked-in syndrome', Yui would be utterly incoherent. That's why I usually assume she's either able to manufacture an internal world to keep busy, as you've done here, or she's in a semi-coma when Unit-01 is powered off.
Chapter 3.2.
Day of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu gets a little bit confusing. And a little bit hotter.


Chapter 3., part 2. – Into the fire
The following tea time was somewhat silent. Cluttering of teacups and sound of cutlery touching the plates were the only sounds; even the insects that were usually making time-and-season-appropriate sounds in the bushes were absent. Kyoko found this odd but was somehow at a loss how to break this awkwardness without making it worse.

To her relief, Yui broke the silence first. "I'm sorry, Soryu. I…"

Kyoko tilted her head a bit. "For what?"

"I… I believe I made you uncomfortable. I apologise for…", she trailed off, seeing the confusion on Kyoko's face.

"You… haven't… why?" she asked, her voice underscoring the state confusion.

"I… I was under the impression it was… never mind", Yui waved her hands in front of her and produced a large fan from nowhere. She spread it and hid most of her face behind it.

Kyoko raised her eyebrows at the theatric prop, decided to ignore it, and shook her head. "Ikari. I just had a strange day… night and a day… Time. Strange time. Weird time. The time when I was poked and prodded my… Core?" she sighed in confusion. "I'm sorry, it's hard to describe, and even harder to avoid making it sound weird. No, you did not make me uncomfortable. I'm fine", she paused and smiled. "If anything, your company makes me feel better."

Yui made an indistinct sound and kept hiding her face behind the fan. 'Is that a blush?', Kyoko stared at her host – well, at what was visible of her host. 'No, not possible. She's just as confused as I am with the situation', she decided and reached for more cake.

Yui took a deep breath and calmed herself. Well, tried to calm herself. The thought that her current mood could trigger another alarm was adding to a vicious cycle that could only be broken by diverting her thoughts elsewhere. It was time to act.

"Soryu!" she slammed her fan on the table so fiercely that all the china and cutlery clanked in unison; Kyoko jumped up, immediately focusing on Yui's face.

"What is it?! Another alarm?"

"No!" Yui shook her head, determination clear in her eyes. "Tell me about poetry. German poetry."

Kyoko tilted her head so much and so fast that she felt pain in her neck. "What."

"Or music. I had very little education in that culture. Please", Yui's tone was almost pleading; fingers of one of her hands were gripping the seat, while the other hand was wrapped around the fan. Something was creaking from the pressure, Yui was not sure which one it was.

Kyoko shook the surprise off. She was slowly becoming used to strangeness around here, but every once in a while, her host managed to throw her off track.

"Well, I'm not exactly the best person to talk about it", she started reluctantly, but Yui's focus definitely made her reconsider. "… but I guess I can try. Are you familiar with works of Goethe and Schiller?"

"Superficially. Tell me", Yui blurted out.

'This is weird. But hey, this is not the weirdest thing to happen to me today. She has reasons, I'm sure. I just have to remember to ask her what they were. Before I start to think up my own', Kyoko shrugged internally and entered the lecture mode.

"As far as I remember – and this was not my degree, so my knowledge ends on high school, both of them began in the movement that was called Sturm und Drang…"


Kyoko went on the subject for a while. This was, obviously, not her specialty, but a good lecturer should be able to take several facts and weave a narrative around them; if the lecturer can additionally keep the narration itself interesting, they can hold the attention of students – or student, in this case – for a while.

Kyoko had no idea whence the unusual request came, but she came to trust Yui's judgements along the way… and there was no harm in indulging her host. After all, Yui was listening intently, clearly focused on Kyoko's voice when she described literature she became familiar with in high school.

"… and that's about as much as I can tell you without making a proper lecture plan, thinking what else I can remember, and referring to external sources… which might be rather difficult now", Kyoko finished, taking a deep breath.

Yui closed her eyes and reclined in her chair. "Thank you", she whispered. Kyoko remained silent and kept looking at her host; her face was actually the only one Kyoko ever saw nowadays, maybe except her own in the mirror. Nonetheless, despite the exposure, some of Yui's mimic expressions were still unreadable for her. The expression Yui now held could indicate tranquility or maybe deep thought… but also a state of intense focus from which she'd jump out with an idea or sudden action.

Nothing like that happened. After several minutes – in which Kyoko realised she hears the cicadas again – Yui opened her eyes and sighed contently. "Thank you", she repeated louder. "I apologise, this must have been… confusing."

Kyoko nodded in response. "Just a little bit. It's the first time I had to recall my knowledge on the subject since…" she trailed off, her throat suddenly a bit tight. "Since I told Asuka about it. Since I read the poems to her", she finished in a small voice, closing her eyes.

She felt a hand touching her own. A soothing voice came. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to remind you of that. Remember, your daughter is out there, quite fine."

Kyoko took in a sharp breath, trying to keep her emotions under control. The last thing they needed now was another alarm for that Akagi person. "She is, yes, I know. I saw her. But I still can't go hold her whenever I want, and I can't tuck her in at night, and can't comfort her if she has a nightmare", she stopped to take a deep breath. "I know she is not four anymore, I know she likely has friends", she continued in a calmer voice, "but it still hurts. I still miss her."

Yui smiled sadly, not letting go of Kyoko's hand. "Soryu… I know. I have the same with my son. We both miss them… and hope for the best for them. And we will give them the best, bright future we can, right?"

Kyoko opened her eyes and nodded. "Well, just like mothers should. I just hope we're able to."

"We will be. More tea, Soryu? We still have some things to discuss, I believe."

Kyoko smiled and presented her cup. The familiar face of Yui Ikari was back.


Kyoko focused, as Yui instructed her to do. She felt her limbs move, sensed her hands wrapped around the controls of the thermal suit claw. The sensation, now conscious, was adding to the discomfort she still felt when operating her current body.

They spent the last few hours of perceived time discussing the intricacies of Evangelion systems, decided on some more tests, and even managed to take a walk. They even reached the hedge maze, when Yui tensed up and realised something was up – namely, they were being moved. Kyoko took that opportunity to put their theory into practice and test her remote perception of Unit-02. While the results were minimal and confusing, she was able to confirm Yui's assessment – and she realised Unit-02 was being re-armed.

Being sent back – or, more accurately, returning to her body under careful Yui's guidance, another thing they wanted to put into practice – felt as usual. The cold waters, the hushed whispers – less pronounced than last time, for sure, but never silent – and the awkwardness of the Evangelion body. 'Business as usual, I guess. At least this… thing is less aggressive after I yelled at it', she noticed with some satisfaction. 'Maybe the violence is the answer sometimes', she thought wryly, before refocusing on the present. 'Eh. I'm not sure if I should treat this as life and my time with Yui as a dream, or the other way around…'

"No! What is that?!" came the familiar voice; the auditory input as on again, and this was Asuka's voice.

"The suit is designed to protect you from heat, pressure, and radiation", came the reply in a calm, measured voice Kyoko already heard somewhere; it took her a moment to recall it – it was Akagi's. "This is Type-D equipment, for combat under extreme environmental duress", the scientist continued. Kyoko started to worry – extreme environmental duress did not sound exactly like something she would like to experience.

"Is that my Unit-02?" Asuka continued in a confused voice. She started to argue and several comments were exchanged, before another, strangely collected voice cut in.

"I will go in Unit-02."

This elicited a strong protest from Asuka. "Sorry, but I don't want you touching my Unit-02! I'd rather do it than let the First take my place."

Kyoko listened to the discussion with mixed feelings. 'Well… it's good that she's so assertive, this certainly helps her in life. But I'd wish I taught her how to stand for herself without antagonising people around her…'

'On an unrelated note, that voice… She spoke of "going in Unit-02", so she must be a pilot as well. But this voice sounds familiar…'

"I know it's uncool, but put up with it, okay?" Kyoko heard Asuka again. 'Is she speaking to me?', she wondered for a moment. 'I still didn't figure out how to turn visual on without activation… but I guess she is. I wish I could nod or smile to her', she thought glumly. 'And no, she's not talking to me, she's talking to the machine she pilots', Kyoko forced a tinge of sadness down.

'She does not know of me, after all.'


The visual input came in along with the Entry Plug insertion. For a moment, Kyoko was confused. The familiar wide field of vision was limited by a front-facing porthole. Moreover, Asuka looked like a red balloon with a head instead of the familiar appearance of a teenaged girl. 'War zur… is that the "special equipment" they were talking about? Well, I guess Evangelion technology was progressing after we were gone…'

"Roger that!" came Asuka reply to some indistinct chatter on the comm, and Unit-02 started to walk. Kyoko focused on her body again; she felt the limbs moving, but it was her will they followed; they moved on external orders. On Asuka's orders. Or, actually, Kyoko moved them as Asuka willed; she wanted to move them as Asuka dictated, it just felt… right. It felt good.

'I wonder what will happen if I…'

She resisted that good feeling for a moment and willed her leg to remain stationary instead of letting the order flow from pilot to Evangelion.


"Was zum Teufel…", Asuka startled when Unit-02 stumbled and almost fell. She managed to grab a railing, but this felt really wrong.

"Asuka? Are you all right?" Misato called out to her.

"This equipment is jamming! It just blocked my joint!" Asuka yelled with annoyance. "How I am supposed to dive in that?!"


'I… probably shouldn't have done that', Kyoko realised with worry when she felt the loss of balance, momentary recovery – and Asuka's embarrassment. 'On the other hand, this is how this works… at least functionally', she noted while simultaneously and instinctively relaying the commands of her daughter's mind to uncomfortable alien flesh she now wore. Resisting this was actually so difficult that she felt tired.

'I have no real body, how can I be tired?' she wondered for a moment.

Realising that the conversation continued over the comms broke her out of her reverie.

"I'm telling you, Misato, it jammed!"

The response was inaudible, but it clearly annoyed Asuka. Kyoko focused on the system – 'All right, Ikari has explained its workings, now it's just a matter of applying the knowledge…'

It felt like trying to rearrange her internal organs, but to her surprise, a sudden stream of information assaulted her. Filtering the conversation took her a moment.

"… and now, if you could be so kind, Asuka, place yourself in the range of the transporter grip; our automatic deployment system cannot work with this armour. Angel might not be attacking, but I'd rather not be here all day, and Shinji is already waiting", woman's voice came as clear as Asuka's was before – and she seemed annoyed.

"Yes, yes, yes. In position, Captain", Asuka responded in a sullen voice. She brought Evangelion to a stand and clearly waited for something to happen. That 'something' came in a form of a jolt. 'This must be the transportation device… I'm not sure I like the concept of being hauled like that', Kyoko thought absentmindedly. She started to feel uneasy, despite it not being her first time in flight. She pushed the feeling down; burdening Asuka with her emotions almost created a serious problem before, and certainly created an inconvenience.


Fields, roads, rivers, and buildings were passing fast. Kyoko was slowly getting used to it. Asuka's calm mixed with her slowly rising excitement provided an emotional anchor. 'Well, I know it should be the other way around… but no harm is done in having an anchor in the real world… even if it is my own daughter.'

She was still withholding any contact with Asuka except giving her the faintest impression of support. Not alarming her daughter – and everybody else, for that matter – was paramount.

They landed. Kyoko felt the unusually gentle drop from low attitude and noticed Ikari's Evangelion dropping not far from her.

"Hey, where's Mr. Kaji?" Asuka looked around, clearly expecting someone else on site.

"That jerk won't be here! There's nothing for him to do", replied the familiar voice of the woman whom Kyoko considered the pilot's military commander – Captain Katsuragi.

"Damn, I wanted him to see how great I am", Asuka noted in a sulky voice, her disappointment clear, tinged with longing. 'Oh. My. Does this mean…'

She facepalmed mentally. 'Of course. She's a teenager, she has to have some crush. Who could it be? One of the officers, maybe?'

Kyoko sighed internally, trying not to spill her mixed feelings of amusement and sadness to Asuka. She was certainly glad her daughter had feelings and emotions of a normal teenager, despite a childhood without her mother… on the other hand, she would give up everything now to have been with her for those ten years-

She realised too late that her feelings were no longer properly contained.

"… focus, your synch rate is fluctuating. Asuka!" Katsuragi's voice was stern.

"Sorry, Misato", Asuka took a deep breath, ignoring the fact she was breathing liquid with an ease that showed her years of practice. "I just remembered something. I'm with you now."

Kyoko felt the turmoil her daughter was successfully hiding. This could be simply teenager's normal emotional chaos, but there was something else to it, something deeper. Regrettably, Kyoko was far too focused on maintaining her own control to analyse her daughter's feelings. 'Besides, reaching to her now might not be the best idea…' she concluded.

"What are those?" came the boy's voice, shaking her out of her reverie. The emotions have calmed down sufficiently – for now.

"The UN's Air Force is on standby alert", came a reply. 'It sounds like one of the scientists… Akagi?'

"Until this mission has been completed", another voice supplemented.

"Are they going to help us?" Asuka asked, her voice chirpy. 'She sounds happy, but her emotions say something else…'

"No, they're here to clean up", the explanation came in.

"In case we fail", second voice supplemented again.

"What do you mean?" Asuka inquired, worry clear in her voice.

"They will use N2 depth charges to destroy the Angel, and us with it", came a dispassionate reply in Akagi's voice.

"That's… awful", Asuka sounded appalled.

"Who would order something like that?" the boy's voice sounded equally shocked.

"Commander Ikari", came the answer.

'What? They want to nuke the site if this fails? I wonder what Ikari would say about that brilliant idea coming from her husband… she certainly heard that', Kyoko pondered, ignoring voices of the command station that were going through some operational checklist. Only when she realised her body has been grasped and moved once more, her attention returned.

"Unit-02 is in position!" a technician's voice announced. The porthole afforded her very little view, so she focused on Asuka. She was clearly excited, previous distress swept away.

"Roger", came acknowledgement from outside. "Asuka, are you ready?"

"Anytime you are", came a focused reply.

"Launch!", came the order, and with it, Kyoko felt her body being lowered into the boiling magma. The air temperature was increasing with every meter she approached the molten rock surface.

"Uh… looks hot", Asuka noted in slightly worried voice. Her excitement was tainted with worry.

It did not last long; Asuka refocused her attention on the outside, ignoring the rising heat. "Watch this, Shinji!" she yelled over the comm. "Giant stroke entry!"

Kyoko chuckled. 'Danger or not, a sense of humour is always helpful…'

Heat and pressure surrounded her. With it came darkness.

'Well, at least this is familiar… at least it is not cold.'

A whisper answered indistinctly in the darkness. Suddenly, she felt very cold, despite swimming in a volcano.

'Not. Now', she gritted her teeth.

Asuka reacted with a tinge of confusion and moved her jaw. A moment later, she shook her head and refocused on the dark outside. A technician's voice started to list descent parameters: "Current depth, 170. Speed of descent, 20. No problems detected."

The operation has entered the most dangerous phase. There was no time for distractions.


Thank you for your patience; next update is more likely to come on time.
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Or maybe without the camera. That'd be creepy and you gotta respect people's privacy after all.

Up until a half-month ago, Evangelion was one of those shows which I already knew all about through it's fandom but had never actually seen. But around the start of the month I sat down and started watching it and managed to rope my mum's interest in. She's a psychiatrist and hence queued into the psychological dynamics ("Shinji's pretty depressed and obviously has some father issues." "Rei doesn't seem to have a lot of self-worth." "Asuka appears to have some kind of inferiority-superiority complex, I wonder what kind of childhood she had.") and has gotten quite interested. Anyways, despite all my prior knowledge I've only somehow recently become aware that there are two competing theories about why Yui was absorbed into Unit 01 (which is also incidentally when I became aware that Yui willingly went into 01, prior to that I thought it had been a genuine accident): either she wished to try and avert instrumentality (or better control it) from within Unit 01 but misestimated her husband's reaction to her apparent loss or, and this is the less charitable interpretation, she was quite aware of what her husband's reaction would be and the whole thing was some selfish bid at both self-preservation and ego building to be the last remaining monument of humanity.

Or at least that's my understanding of the two interpretations. I kinda like the first one more. Not because I am that charitable towards people, but more because it leads into Eva's "Poor Communication Skills leads to Bad Things" shtick. Anyways, the whole point of the above spiel is to ask the author about which interpretation they are running with. I'm kinda getting some vibes of the first one but if I'm wrong and it's really the second... well, I can't think but Kyouko might be a bit upset when/if the relevant revelations reach her.
Wow, Yui's almost as good at friendly conversation as her son!


Kyoko: .....kay.
"No!" Yui shook her head, determination clear in her eyes. "Tell me about poetry. German poetry."

Kyoko tilted her head so much and so fast that she felt pain in her neck. "What."
I agree with Kyoko here. Wut.

Is Yui that interaction-starved/nearly-crazy from solitude? Crushing on Kyoko? Both?

And yes, please don't distract Asuka while she's bungee-jumping into a volcano, Kyoko. And be ready to grab Unit-01 when it comes to help!
the whole point of the above spiel is to ask the author about which interpretation they are running with
This is a little bit of a spoiler. So, read the following at your own risk.
I base Yui's logic mainly on her last words as a human (NGE series version): "I want to show my child the bright future".
What she does is supposed to give humanity what she thinks is the best (so, a charitable option from those you listed). And Shinji is her main motivation in that regard.

The EoE monologue about being a testament to existence of humanity could be interpreted as not happening yet, or her Plan B (or anything from B to Z, considering its finality).

There is more to it, but whenever I tried describing it, it always came out far too spoilerific.
And here we figured Shinji got all of his social awkwardness from his father. :V
Well, she has been alone in this mindscape for a little while, working only with stuff that bent to her will easily. Kyoko is... less malleable.

Kyoko: .....kay.
I agree with Kyoko here. Wut.

Is Yui that interaction-starved/nearly-crazy from solitude? Crushing on Kyoko? Both?
I based this behavior on actions of a specific person I knew, who (as a teenager) sometimes simply demanded "Distract me. Now." That person eventually stopped needing that, but IMO it would not be a far stretch to assume that Yui's mental and social development ground to a crawl inside Eva. The point here was exactly that - "distract me so my own train of thought does not drive me into panic and does not trigger an alarm" (the paragraph above her "Soryu!" outburst was supposed to explain just that). It was not rational.

And for the crush component... it is present in some form (although reasons for it are not clear even to Yui, nor is she very aware of it), but may or may not be acted upon. This was originally conceived as a romance story (the idea was taken from thread about weird pairings, after all) before it grew bigger; whether it goes in that direction now, I am no longer certain.
Chapter 3.3.
The day of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu remains rather hot. And not in the good sense.


Chapter 3., part 3. – Into the fire
"Visibility zero. I can't see a thing", Asuka reported over the comms. "Switching to CT monitors", she added a moment later. Kyoko felt the command flow and the sensor adjust. "Even with this, visibility is no more than 120", Asuka kept reporting. Kyoko focused on sensations coming from her surroundings, only to regret it a second after.

It was hot outside. The thermally-shielded diving suit was certainly doing what it was supposed to do, her flesh would be burning otherwise, but she certainly felt the heat and pressure. Heat and pressure that steadily increased as she was sinking deeper into the volcano.

'I'm not a tactician, I guess they do it better, but if this goes wrong, if the Angel attacks, would Asuka be able to do anything?', she pondered. The conclusion was kind of obvious, but not something to dwell on in this condition.

"Depth 400… 450…", a voice from outside reported, counting up every fifty meters. When the voice said "800", Kyoko thought she heard something creaking, likely under the pressure. At "850", she was sure she heard it right. When the voice said "1000", the sensation of pressure confirmed something was going wrong.

"1020. We're over the maximum safe depth", said the operator's voice. Unit-02 kept going down. 'Right, "safe" is not what they do here…' Kyoko noted with dismay. Asuka took a deep breath; a feeling of determination reached Kyoko. 'This feels like it is important to her. Is this about her sense of duty? Or perhaps just the desire to prove herself?'

"Depth 1300. Estimated target level", the operator kept her impassive voice. The descent slowed down and stopped.

"Asuka, can you see anything?" came in another female voice; it was Katsuragi.

"No reactions detected. It's not here", Asuka responded with worry in her voice. Kyoko focused on the readings, ignoring the discussion that began in the command centre. The movement resumed slowly, and so did the depth reports. Kyoko kept looking out; she tried to squint her eyes, but this ability was another one her Evangelion was apparently missing.

A cracking sound broke her focus. The external heat abated when a cold shiver crept up her spine. Her Evangelion's spine. 'This is getting confusing again', she spared a thought before she realised Asuka was less worried; Kyoko felt more determination, a strong desire to continue, to prove something.

"A crack has occurred in the second coolant pipe", a little less dispassionate voice called from the command centre. "Depth 1480, we're over the maximum allowed depth."

"We haven't made contact with the target yet. Keep going", commander's voice was still calm and stern.

'And I was expecting an abort command, silly me…' Kyoko thought. She was actually getting angry. Not that she cared much for her life – the Evangelion's fear responses seemed to be non-existent – but Asuka's life… well, that was something entirely else.

"How's it going Asuka?" came the commander's voice. 'Like she is concerned for her safety…'

"Looks like we're still good. I just want to hurry up, finish this, and take a shower", Asuka replied with confidence that confused Kyoko. 'I really hoped she'd be more reasonable…', she thought with worry. 'On the other hand, I wanted her to be courageous and confident… and well, she certainly is. "Be careful what you wish" for at its best…'

"There's a nice hot spring near here. We'll hit it once we're done", came the reply. "Hang in there a little longer."

Asuka tried to answer but fell silent when another crack came to her attention. Her determination strengthened, with a tinge of fear tainting it. The counting resumed, now giving values above maximum depth; this approach did not put Kyoko at ease.

Another cracking sound; Asuka looked down, and report about lost weapon came in. 'Not. Good' rattled in Kyoko's head. Panic was rising, but this was the last thing she needed now. She focused on her options. 'Maybe I could force an abort if Evangelion displayed some anomalous reading…', she pondered, 'but then they'd just put her back here, likely with the same equipment that was already stressed; this commander of theirs seems to be a little bit too determined to pursue this task.'

In confirmation of her thoughts came the voices from the command centre; Katsuragi was overruling the suggestions to stop the operation, and Asuka was playing right into her hands with her confident statements.

'Is this woman actually consciously manipulating her?' a new thought came to Kyoko's mind. 'I'll have to ask Ikari about her…' she noted. 'But now, options. Aborting is not a good idea. Can't run, then, it means I should try to do something to protect Asuka.'

Kyoko focused on the body she was wearing. Comms were silent, aiming her concentration. 'She's piloting this body just fine, so I would have to do something independent of her…'

"There it is!" yelled Asuka, breaking Kyoko's focus. Chatter from command centre increased; Kyoko tuned it out, concentrating on the darker spot in her vision. Her intense focus aligned with Asuka's.

Voices from the outside stopped. All Kyoko heard were Asuka's curt, precise reports as she aligned and maneuvered the scuba-diving Evangelion into position and engaged the capturing tool. The few tense moments ended with "the target has been captured", which prompted a spike of pride and sigh of relief from Asuka. Kyoko shared her daughter's pride, but not her relief – after all, they were still deep below any safety limit and had a dangerous cargo in hands.

"Nice one, Asuka", came the voice from the command centre.

"Capture operation completed. I'm coming up now", Asuka declared.

Kyoko felt her body being slowly lifted in the suit; it was slower than the descent, but they were finally leaving. She allowed herself to relax for a moment and absorb the satisfaction and happiness her daughter was radiating.

"Are you all right, Asuka?", came an inquiry in boy's worried voice.

"Of course! Fear is often worse than the danger, as they say. It really was a piece of cake", Asuka bragged. 'Of course, she wants the Ikari boy to see the best of her. All right, at least in this part of her life, she is doing fine', Kyoko smiled to herself, relaxing a bit further.

"But this is more of a sauna suit than a plug suit. I can't wait to get to the hot spring…" Asuka grumbled. Kyoko had to agree with her – while Evangelions did not sweat, they certainly were not immune to overheating. She was not sure what the sensors said, as focusing on them hurt right now, but she felt notable discomfort even trying to ignore the sensations. 'Well, I can endure it for a little longer. Now that it's all over, I can focus on Asuka again', Kyoko decided and concentrated on her daughter's presence, enjoying it as much as she could without alarming anyone.

This, of course, has proven to be a mistake.

A piercing alert sound, a wave of Asuka's confusion, and loud "What's going on?!" indicated the problem all at once. The sounds were distorted by magma and transmitted mainly through the surface of diving suit that encased Unit-02, but they could be coming only from the cage in front of the Evangelion.

'Of course, this could not have gone smoothly. Trap, likely. All right, Soryu, focus. This will be hard, but your daughter's life depends on it', Kyoko thought, chiding herself for the slip in attention.

"Not good! It's started to emerge!" came panicked comment from the command centre. "It's much earlier than we predicted!"

Kyoko focused on the container. The creature inside was struggling inside, fighting to get out – and succeeding if limited sight was to be trusted. Long claws and other indescribable appendages disrupted the containment, causing the cage readings go wild.

"Abort the capture! Jettison the cage!" came a stern command. Asuka obeyed instantly; the remnants of the cage, released from the grasp, started to drop. Ascension speed immediately increased but it was still far too slow for Kyoko's comfort. They were still deep inside a volcano, surrounded by boiling-hot magma. And now, there was an Angel on the loose.

An Angel that was far better suited to operating in this environment than Kyoko's current body – especially considering the diving suit's bulk.

"We're changing the operation! Destroying the Angel is now top priority! Unit-02, prepare for combat as you withdraw!"

"What I've been waiting for!" Asuka exclaimed.

'I'll panic later', Kyoko managed to squeeze out a semi-conscious thought before focusing on Asuka again. The girl's desire to act – to fight – flared up, pushing her fear down, but for all her bravado and lust for combat, she had to be aware that this was not a good situation. 'She is even ignoring the fact she is unarmed…'

"Damn, I forgot I dropped the knife!"

'…or was just too focused on the mission and the upcoming fight. Well, at least we'll die together', Kyoko realised grimly.

'Yes, together, together will we die' came the familiar, cold voice, chilling Kyoko to the bone once more. 'Wird der Teufel genannt, kommt er gerannt…' came to her mind along with a mental teeth gnashing. She directed her focus directly at the voice: 'Get. Lost. I. Am. Busy. Surviving.'

"It's right in front! Releasing ballast!" she heard Asuka's yell and saw the Angel in its full outlandish glory. The sight broke her concentration, but the cold voice's attention shifted as well: some emotion resembling fascination reached Kyoko. 'Interesting, could it be not as mindless as it seems?' she managed to note with curiosity.

"It's fast!" Asuka exclaimed; the dodge was successful, but the enemy eluded her seconds later. Kyoko considered for a moment whether to assist Asuka in moving Unit-02, but then she recalled how it ended the last time. Instead, she focused on the internal matters.

'What… what are you? Talk to me!' Kyoko probed the voice, but incoherent whispers and feeling of dread was the only answer. Another feeling joined in, fleetingly, a moment later. 'Is this… longing? Emptiness? Loneliness? What are you? A piece of Asuka? Another soul? Why would anyone put two souls in an Evangelion?'

"Have you dropped it yet, Shinji?" Asuka's voice once more disrupted Kyoko's thoughts. 'What? Wait!' she tried to recover the feeling, but the voice's presence has suddenly receded. For the first time, Kyoko regretted its absence. Not that there was time to dwell on that.

"No! Go away! Hurry up with it!" Asuka's yells started to sound panicked; she was punching the controls, grasping a weapon that was not yet there. Kyoko reflexively reached to soothe her, picturing her hand on her daughter's shoulders. "Come on–" Asuka's panicky voice stopped mid-sentence, and she blinked, suddenly confused – but also a little bit calmer. It took only a few seconds; she registered the sensor blip of the incoming weapon, grasped it firmly and braced herself as much as she could.

It came not a moment too soon. The Angel charged, far faster than anything should be able to move in this environment. Asuka parried the tentacle that attempted to grab the Evangelion and tried to stab the Angel. She certainly succeeded and managed to get a few stabs, each one targeting anything that could be a weak point, but the beast seemed to be merely slightly inconvenienced.

A huge maw opened just in front of the field of vision and bit down on the diving suit, obscuring virtually any vision. The stabs became less targeted; Asuka was not yet returning to panic mode, but she was coming close. The only sounds coming from command centre were inconsequential debates on what to do to salvage the situation. Kyoko felt her own panic rising.

"I know!" came in the boy's voice.

A sudden realisation came from Asuka. "Just like earlier!" A flash of memories flooded her surface thoughts. 'Is this… a pool? Was that…'

Asuka made a sudden movement; the internal readouts of the diving suit started to turn orange – the cooling pressure dropped.

"Eat this!" she jammed something inside the Angel's maw.

'Oh. I see. Smart. Simple physics', Kyoko just stared at the Angel bathed in coolant fluid and began to marvel at the obvious solution.

"Transfer all coolant pressure to cable three! Hurry!" Asuka almost screamed. Moments later, the bizarre Angel's form started to distort; a single, strong jab finally penetrated its shell and it started to disintegrate. Asuka let out a triumphant yell–

Only to notice readouts on internal pressure and cooling turning red all over. The diving suit started to buckle audibly. Kyoko started to feel the temperature rising rapidly.

"Right when I succeeded… Oh, man, is this it?"

Kyoko realised what was going on. 'The cable must have separated. Whatever you are, it seems your wish will be granted today', she stared into the deep darkness. 'But she will not face it alone. I'm sorry, Ikari…'

Kyoko reached to Asuka, no longer holding back. She imagined her hands embracing her daughter, comforting her, taking her in, giving her peace… Asuka seemed startled by the feeling, but relaxed a moment later. A soft whisper reached Kyoko: "Mama?"

A sudden jolt turned her attention away; the descent stopped abruptly, and Asuka looked up. A pair of glowing eyes pierced the darkness; the cracked glass made the shapes hard to make out, but it could be only one thing.




Writing this part felt a bit like pulling teeth, but it is finally out. One more until the end of this chapter, unless the story plan undergoes sudden and unexpected change.
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'What… what are you? Talk to me!' Kyoko probed the voice, but incoherent whispers and feeling of dread was the only answer. Another feeling joined in, fleetingly, a moment later. 'Is this… longing? Emptiness? Loneliness? What are you? A piece of Asuka? Another soul? Why would anyone put two souls in an Evangelion?'

Ya know, that is a good question. When I watched Evangelion, the impression I got was that it was the "sane" part of Kyouko's soul that was taken up by Unit 02 while what was left constituted the whole "crazy/die-with-me" part. Hence why her physical body remained, if totally bonkers, instead of dissppearing entirely into the Eva as was the case with Yui. But if that was the case, then where is that "die with me" voice coming from (both in this fic and in canon!EoE)? The angelic part of the Eva, perhaps?
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When I watched Evangelion, the impression I got was that it was the "sane" part of Kyouko's soul that was taken up by Unit 02 while what was left constituted the whole "crazy/die-with-me" part. Hence why her physical body remained, if totally bonkers, instead of dissppearing entirely into the Eva as was the case with Yui. But if that was the case, then where is that "die with me" voice coming from (both in this fic and in canon!EoE)? The angelic part of the Eva, perhaps?
There are several interpretations regarding how exactly Evangelions were made and how exactly Cores were created, as the series (EoE included) gives mostly glimpses and suggestions. Which approach I went with should become clear within two or three chapters.
Ya know, that is a good question. When I watched Evangelion, the impression I got was that it was the "sane" part of Kyouko's soul that was taken up by Unit 02 while what was left constituted the whole "crazy/die-with-me" part. Hence why her physical body remained, if totally bonkers, instead of dissppearing entirely into the Eva as was the case with Yui. But if that was the case, then where is that "die with me" voice coming from (both in this fic and in canon!EoE)? The angelic part of the Eva, perhaps?
I heard theories that the latter voice was just in Asuka head at the time given her mental state.
There are several interpretations regarding how exactly Evangelions were made and how exactly Cores were created, as the series (EoE included) gives mostly glimpses and suggestions. Which approach I went with should become clear within two or three chapters.

I'm pretty sure some of the secondary material that was only translated from Japanese in the late-2000s and early-2010s have answered some of those questions.
the soul is like a magnet. split it into two parts and they inevitably meet back up.
...unless you face them the wrong way, in which case, they'll keep repelling each other. Of course, after some time, and several violent crashes, the magnets will likely reconnect.

Or shatter, if they are too strong.

I guess I am overthinking this simile.
I'm pretty sure some of the secondary material that was only translated from Japanese in the late-2000s and early-2010s have answered some of those questions.
Fortunately, NGE wikis contain most of the semi-canon material that was previously inaccessible due to language or medium barriers. Of course, as the material is semi-canon, it can be used rather selectively (in other words, cherry-picked) without departing from established cannon, with only logic and personal opinion as guides. The standard procedure I use (on things that do not change in the given work) is:

1. Check what exactly was said/shown in the series
2. If series provides no answer or provides an ambiguous one, search for secondary sources via wikis
3. If there is no definitive answer anywhere (or the answer is not-very-canon and I dislike it), I make one up and note it down
but it was still far to slow for Kyoko's comfort.
'Get. Lost. I. Am. Busy. Surviving.'
Hahaha, you sound like your daughter, Kyoko.
Kyoko realised what was going on. 'The cable must have separated. Whatever you are, it seems your wish will be granted today', she stared into the deep darkness. 'But she will not face it alone. I'm sorry, Ikari…'

Kyoko reached to Asuka, no longer holding back. She imagined her hands embracing her daughter, comforting her, taking her in, giving her peace… Asuka seemed startled by the feeling, but relaxed a moment later. A soft whisper reached Kyoko: "Mama?"
Going down with her, mm? Best thing you can do for her at that point, yes. Good thing Shinji makes it unnecessary.
But if that was the case, then where is that "die with me" voice coming from (both in this fic and in canon!EoE)? The angelic part of the Eva, perhaps?
They're both Kyoko's voice, and IIRC are ID'd as such in the scripts.
They're both Kyoko's voice, and IIRC are ID'd as such in the scripts.

Huh… I wonder if then it is in some way the partial nature of Kyouko's upload interacting with the Angelic part of the Eva. Or maybe her upload caused some kinda fragmentation in the soul. Oh! Maybe Yui is going to have to help Kyouko reconcile her fragmented soul.

Heh, I know Boreas said all will be revealed (on this subject at least) in a couple of chapters but I can't help but speculate.
Chapter 3.4.
The day of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu finally took a more peaceful turn. For a little while.


Chapter 3., part 4. – Into the fire
"Thank you for pulling me out of there, Ikari", Kyoko smiled at Yui and took her place behind the garden table. The burning sensation on her skin was slowly subsiding; cold breeze, helpfully provided by the Yui-controlled environment, was diminishing it further. The recovery operation, once Unit-02 descent was halted by the timely intervention of Unit-01, was quick and efficient, allowing the souls inside to meet in short order.

Yui smiled back. "It wasn't me", she replied, her smile a bit coy. "Well, not just me, at least."

"What?" Kyoko titled her head.

"My son pulled your daughter out; I merely strengthened my body's AT-Field, so it would hurt him less. Well, that and I assisted him in moving in this rather difficult environment. He chose to help her on his own will, against the orders of Katsuragi", Yui elaborated. "Well, maybe with minimal prodding on my part", she smiled a small smile, quickly hidden behind the teacup.

"Do you think they would… would this help them get along?" Kyoko's eyes lit with hope.

Yui put down the teacup and smiled sadly. "You read her feelings, didn't you? You tell me. I read his; he would love to be close to her, maybe even love her, but he is afraid she really hates him. And he's at least a little bit afraid of her nature, her temper, her fire", Yui described in a wistful voice.

"Well… I didn't look into her feelings, I prefer not to intrude on her like that. But I don't even have to search her feelings to know this; when she's yelling at him, calling him 'idiot'…" Kyoko trailed off.

"… it's her way of saying 'I care', or 'I want you to notice me', or maybe even 'I like you'. Definitely not the best way, I know, but a way nonetheless", Yui finished for her. "But he doesn't know that, and, well, I can't exactly tell him, can I?"

"I wished I had been there to teach her how to say 'I love you' the right way. I really do", Kyoko dropped her head, staring in the teacup.

"We both do, Soryu", Yui said in a wistful whisper. "Maybe we will, someday."

"Ikari?" Kyoko inquired in surprised voice.

"I think I found a way to leave", Yui turned to face Kyoko.

"Now?" Kyoko blurted out in shock.

"Of course not. When this is all over", Yui looked at her, confused. "We'd have to test it somehow, find a way to test it safely in the first place… but I think it will work", she smiled confidently.

Kyoko nodded and took a sip of tea. 'That… that is good news, for sure. I just wonder when she had time to work on it…'

"Soryu… Did something happen just before I caught your Unit?" Yui asked reluctantly after a long moment of silence.

Kyoko raised her eyebrows in response. "You mean aside me thinking I was going to die horribly, and worse, watch my daughter die horribly?" she tried not to shiver at the memory. She did not think about it back then, as there was barely any time, but realising afterwards what would have happened once the thermal shielding failed was likely to give her nightmarish thoughts for a while. 'On the other hand, "fear of diving in volcanoes" could be filed under "common sense"', she thought with some amusement.

"Yes", Yui's face was serious again; it brought Kyoko's attention back. "I heard the command centre wondering about sudden and unexpected sync ratio jump. For a moment, it exceeded 90%, as I understood. Were you doing anything?"

"Ah. That", Kyoko froze, recalling those tense few seconds. "Yes."

Yui looked at her expectantly.

"I… I thought I was going to die, you know?" Kyoko explained, surprised that she had to elaborate. "And so did she, she was aware the end was coming. So…"

"So you connected to her", Yui finished, her lips tight. "You reached to her. Or spoke to her."

"Hugged her. Nothing else. I wanted to–"

"That was stupid. That was dangerous", Yui's tone was deceptively calm. Still, she sounded like a teacher scolding a student. Kyoko missed that subtlety due to the content of the message.

"She was about to die!" Kyoko screamed, her face contorted with anger. "Have you expected a mother to do nothing when her child is facing death?!"

Yui straightened in her chair and blinked, staring at Kyoko. Kyoko took a deep breath and looked around for the cup that had to land somewhere close. 'I just hope there were no stones nearby… oh, here it is!'

"That's… that's a new one, I must say", Yui spoke up after a while, her voice a little shaky. "Well, you do have a point…"

Kyoko looked up from a rather awkward position she found herself in while trying to lift the cup from the ground, preferably without standing up.

"She is your daughter, of course you wanted to hold her in that situation", Yui continued. "I hate to admit it, but I think I'd do the same for Shinji, damn the consequences. Just…"

"… just don't do this when it'd arouse proper suspicion?" Kyoko finished, recovered cup in her hand, and her voice still shaking a little bit.

Yui nodded. "Yes. Let's hope this will be just another puzzle for them to ponder on. After all, Evangelions are fickle beasts no one truly understands", she smiled with a hint of mischief.

Kyoko seemed to relax a bit; she reached for the teapot, only to notice her hand was shaking. She quickly hid it under the table. Yui continued to speak, but Kyoko stopped consciously registering any words.

'What is wrong with me?', she wondered. 'I'm alive… well, I survived. Asuka is fine. Ikari is fine. No one got killed. I must be overreacting. And all I could focus for a moment was this… cup, a construct of Ikari's imagination, after all. Am I going insane here?'

"Soryu? Earth to Base Zeppelin, are you there?" Yui's voice was mockingly stern, amusement evident behind the words.

Kyoko shook herself back to consciousness. "I'm sorry, Ikari. I must've zoned out", she paused. "No… I apologise", she closed her eyes. "I shouldn't have burst out like that", she took a deep breath. "I guess this whole situation is just making me… anxious."

She twitched when a warm hand touched her own. "Apology accepted, Soryu. I told you, I understand. Perhaps we should call it a day? I doubt there will be any alarm… Angels don't come that often. Just watch out for any signs of attention from our… caretakers, can you do that?"

Kyoko opened her eyes. Yui was leaning over the suddenly narrower table. She was looking in Kyoko's face with concern clearly visible in her expression.

"You're… you're probably right, Ikari. Thank you", she rose from the chair carefully, absentmindedly noticing that the chair was actually half-broken. 'Was that me? No, couldn't be, I'm not that strong', she dismissed the idea.

Yui reluctantly released her hand. "Let's go. Time to rest", she smiled at Kyoko.


Kyoko was staring at the ceiling. Her thoughts drifted back to the very end of the operation, to the moment of her rescue. She remembered the wave of emotions that has risen from Asuka: relief first and foremost, gratitude a close second, and a lot of positive feelings towards the boy that saved her. 'This certainly tasted like affection… maybe even love. But why isn't she acting on it?'

Understanding feelings and actions of a teenager was not an easy thing. Kyoko remembered times when she was one, but it felt like ages ago. And the circumstances were quite different. She did not have to fight life-and-death battles, for instance. 'Not to mention, I had people I could confide in. Does she?'

Kyoko kept staring at the increasingly familiar ceiling, finding no answer.

'She might be afraid, yes… but she does not seem timid or withdrawn. Maybe she is careful, afraid of scaring him off? That would be considerate of her, but she might be missing a great chance on happiness that way…'

Kyoko rose slowly and walked the squeaky floor to the window. The moon was hanging high in the dark sky, almost full. A simulacrum, of course, like everything here, but this was not something she would worry about now.

'I hardly know her. I never saw her grow up', the reality of not really knowing her own daughter hit her once more. 'There's no turning back the time, of course, but maybe there is a way to amend this somehow. If I could just talk to her, understand her, make her understand me…'

She felt doubt overcoming her.

'Or maybe I should help myself first, somehow. Trying to teach my daughter anything while hearing voices in my head sounds like a bad idea. What was this proverb about cleaning your own house before offering advice? Or was it about a splinter in your own eye? On the other hand, it's not that I can talk to a therapist…'

A thought struck her.

'Gods, I'm so dense sometimes!'


Yui Ikari woke to loud rapping at the door of her bedroom. By her reckoning, she has barely fallen asleep – and she was certainly not expecting visitors. Still, when she realised the sounds were real – at least as real as they could be here – she walked to the door. Opening it she faced Kyoko, her hair tied in a messy simple ponytail and her face beaming with excitement. An excitement that was quickly replaced by… embarrassment?

She blinked when she noticed Kyoko blushing and averting her eyes. It took Yui a moment to realise she chose to wear a rather anachronistic – and skimpy – silk negligée tonight. "Oh. Sorry, Soryu. I just like the way the fabric feels on skin…" she blurted out and quickly grabbed a robe. "What happened?"

"Errrrm" said Kyoko, checking with the corner of her eye whether her host was decent again. 'Input data incorrect, please re-enter', her brain responded before deciding to cooperate. "I-I'm so-sorry, I-I had this idea and I thought you could help me so I…"

Yui grabbed her shoulders and looked directly into Kyoko's eyes, interrupting the babble. "Soryu. Focus. What. Is. Going. On?"

"Teach me", Kyoko blurted out, looking Yui dead in the eye.

Yui unwittingly did her best owl impression. "What."

"Teach me how to make my own world", Kyoko elaborated.

"All right… I thought I was supposed to be the odd one", she quipped half-heartedly a moment later when her ability to speak returned. "Can this wait until morning?"

Kyoko looked around, seemingly not understanding the question. "Oh. I'm sorry", she said when realisation appeared on her face. "I… I couldn't sleep, and I…"

"Please, let me take you to your room. You seem… slightly bemused", she gently turned Kyoko around and led her down the corridor.

Yui kept talking about rest and peace of night. Her voice sounded soothing, but Kyoko was not exactly listening to the words. Her excitement was only one of the reasons; the warm hand on the small of her back, guiding her, was another thing that was wreaking havoc with her ability to focus.

"Here we are", Yui's voice and the sudden absence of the hand returned her to consciousness. "Goodnight, Soryu", Yui smiled at her and gently led her inside. "Please, rest. And tomorrow… tomorrow I will tell you all you need to know. And we will put it in practice", she smiled.

Kyoko followed Yui's suggestion absentmindedly. The door closed behind her.

Her thoughts regained their clarity once excitement abated. 'I'm sorry, my dear Asuka. You'll have to wait for your mother a little bit longer' she thought while pondering on her plan. 'I'm so glad I thought of that. What can possibly go wrong?'


This update concludes chapter 3. I am going to take a little longer between updates to work out details of next two or three chapters. Next chapter's first part should appear around beginning of July.
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Her thoughts regained their clarity once excitement abated. 'I'm sorry, my dear Asuka. You'll have to wait for your mother a little bit longer' she thought while pondering on her plan. 'I'm so glad I thought of that. What can possibly go wrong?'

Oh, goddammit Kyo, you don't say that. Otherwise something like this is gonna happen...

*world attempt creation 1*

*world attempt creation 1*

Keep in mind that Yui had to do it all trial and error in her attempts. Imagine how fun it had to be. She's likely to be rather inured to the accidents and side-effects.

Yui: <calmly> Let us try again. This time, please remember to add some moisture to the environment.

Unless Kyoko gets creative, of course.

Kyoko: <a bit sheepish> Sorry. I didn't know you can't swim.
Yui: <a bit sour> Some moisture.
Well... I don't think NERV expenses would cover Evangelion-sized couch. Not to mention therapist with a sufficient security clearance.
You know, I was reading a relatively old comedy fanfic called "Evanjellydonut" and it has this part where Shinji's soul (which is a winged anteater) gets stuck inside of Rei, with the resulting struggle between her own soul and it causing her to behave like Asuka. To get Shinji's soul back in it's original vessel, they figure out that they have to have Rei and Shinji kiss for thirty seconds while synching in the same Eva unit. There's a disagreement over whether to use Eva 00 or Eva 01, so they do a coin flip... which lands on it's edge. Everyone (including Asuka) makes the perfectly logical conclusion that this means they have to use Unit 02 Anyways, the following line made me think of this fic:

"Tell me, Sempai," said Maia, "I know that the EVAs can harbor souls sometimes, but do they have emotions of their own?"

Ritsuko, who was carefully monitoring the readouts from Unit 02 only glanced up briefly at her subordinate, answering, "I never thought about that, but I guess it's possibly. Why do you ask?" Then, quickly to herself, she mum bled, "Wow... 82% synch rate? And climbing!"

"Because I'd swear that Unit 02 has a distinctively lecherous look on its face right now."


(Also, that's Maya talking. I don't know why the author spelled her name with a "i".)
Of course, since this Kyouko is being shanghaied by Yui aboard the SS A+S, I'd guess her reaction would not be to leer...

Not to mention therapist with a sufficient security clearance.

Not to mention, this is NERV. From their perspective, Therapists are something that happens to other people.
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Slightly surprising Kyoko hasn't tried to peer into Asuka a bit more, even if surreptitiously. She's got to be curious.

And great, now she jinxed things...
You know, I was reading a relatively old comedy fanfic called "Evanjellydonut" and it has this part where Shinji's soul (which is a winged anteater) gets stuck inside of Rei, with the resulting struggle between her own soul and it causing her to behave like Asuka.
I am simultaneously tempted and afraid to google it.
Of course, since this Kyouko is being shanghaied by Yui aboard the SS A+S, I'd guess her reaction would not be to leer...
I believe it will look different in the final text, but I have a persistent mental image of Yui in cheerleader uniform (in NERV colours), dancing and cheering behind Shinji and Asuka. Which would, likely, interrupt any moment and make them stare at her with "WTF mom?"/"WTF ma'am?"

Bonus points for Unit-01 performing the cheerleading routine.
Not to mention, this is NERV. From their perspective, Therapists are something that happens to other people.
Yes, this trope is so common in Evangelion fanfiction (as it is well grounded in canon) that I am wondering whether changing it is feasible at all.
Slightly surprising Kyoko hasn't tried to peer into Asuka a bit more, even if surreptitiously. She's got to be curious.
Curious, yes. Respecting her daughter's privacy, likely (I know, stereotypical mother would not, but many do). Worried about breaching some barrier and affecting Asuka's performance (as she did before when carelessly probing and feeling), definitely.

I am not saying she is right or that her fears and motives are correct, of course.
And great, now she jinxed things...
She is a woman of science and reason! She does not believe in such superstition!

Of course, superstition may believe in her and may be listening.