It'll probably be a fight between Dreepy and Machop in the end. I suspect Dreepy will win, because we can just go out to any construction yard or place with lots of boulders and then challenge whatever Machop or Timburr is hanging around to a wrestling match, and then bam, we have a new fighting type pokemon on our team.
because we can just go out to any construction yard or place with lots of boulders and then challenge whatever Machop or Timburr is hanging around to a wrestling match, and then bam, we have a new fighting type pokemon on our team.
Yeah, and you just have to walk 5 feet into any cave or dark place and find something to the tune of 16 zubats.
Shame about the low starter rolls, but it's not like Dreepy is bad, and it has some really cool evos. I do love Zubat and its evos, but like said above, that's literally the archetypal 'so common it's annoying' Pokemon. And we're probably not edgy enough to have a Crobat.
Shame about the low starter rolls, but it's not like Dreepy is bad, and it has some really cool evos. I do love Zubat and its evos, but like said above, that's literally the archetypal 'so common it's annoying' Pokemon. And we're probably not edgy enough to have a Crobat.
Crobats are friendship Evos, so they're actually a way for edgy characters to show that they care, really, deep down.

Man I love Silver.
Man. I made an offhand joke about the equivalent of Trails in the Sky happening in Sinnoh several pages ago, but now that we bring it up, it makes even more sense given that Cyrus and Weissman are very similar kinds of crazy. As in "batshit pretentious megalomania even by the standards of other villains in the setting". Weissman was driven mad by seeing things he couldn't understand, Cyrus hates the soul because he can't understand and quantify it, both of them want a world where they're in total control and what they don't understand is Gone. Somewhat different methods given that Weissman is more of a mind control aficionado while Cyrus built Poké-Scientology as a means to control his minions through the power of lying through his teeth, but the vibe is very much the same.
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Are there normal animals in this quest's setting? Because if there aren't then the bit about eating Pokemons should be something that everyone does on the regular and therefore not controversial, right? I just don't get that part of the background.
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Yes there are non pokemon animals mostly livestock, bugs and fish, most other animals having been driven to extinction by pokemon. Most remaining animals are kept in reserves to maintain populations or for non pokemon food. No there will not be any further elaboration on this. This is just to make my life easier
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Speaking seriously, I'm thinking through what strategies we're going to need to go with, pending a finalized character sheet:

Things we don't have:

Social standing
Full fluency in the language that 95% of the setting speaks
A strong Pokémon (yet) (I'm assuming we're going Dreepy because look at it)

Things we do have:

A loving support network
Battle skill
Actual day to day life skills
A dragon we can probably just literally chuck at bad guys like a missile without hurting it.

I think the strategy here is to maximize pluckiness. And probably learn to cook our own Pokémon food.
Fletchling or Axew would have been interesting, but instead looks like Old Man Jenkins found us a Dreepy. It will take a long time to evolve anyways (even with a faster evolve it'll be roughly 4-5th-badge level), but speedy Dragon/Ghost is fun.
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Shame that Dreepy is a Ghost. Grabbing a Mankey for Annihilape feels way more interesting than Machamp, to me. That said, Ghost is hardly a terrible type to double up on.

One of the Tauroses or Conkeldurr would be great as well.
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Shame that Dreepy is a Ghost. Grabbing a Mankey for Annihilape feels way more interesting than Machamp, to me. That said, Ghost is hardly a terrible type to double up on.

One of the Tauroses or Conkeldurr would be great as well.
Well. We could try a Ghost monotype team if we felt like it. It wouldn't be great, but there's apparently enough diversity among Paldean ghosts for it to be feasible.
Don't have to plan out various monotypes just yet, but 2 or 3 ghosts can be good enough. Spiritomb is a thought, but we'll see how easy they are to tame here...
Yeah I don't think having two Ghost types locks us into being Monotype. Even if Annihilape is an incredibly funny Pokémon for the personality I was going for in the original plan.