Field Exercise I: Wednesday End
"Pretty exciting—" Miss Leaf munches "—day for you kids, huh?" After finding Mr. Watterson, your group went back to Cortondo to escort him and his Pokemon to the local Deux Association headquarters. Where he is currently getting chewed out by his superior/wife, Leila Watterson.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to Group 2?" says Theodora, who seems to have finally given up trying to eavesdrop on the Wattersons. You and your friends are sitting on a coach a short distance away from the office the married couple were in. So Theodora's been stretching her head back to try and listen.

"They're done with their tasks. Finished up before your group, even. I think Atticus and Nemona have already rushed off to go and prepare for their Gym battles." Which brings you to the current source of your anxiety. You have less than an hour before your Gym Trainer battle.

While intellectually you know that you could probably win, there's that nagging feeling of doubt. If you can't even beat Nemona, how are you gonna beat an actual professional? Someone whose job it is to battle.

Elise gives you a look before talking. "Speaking of, when's your Gym Trainer appointment? Mine's not till 6 PM."

"It's at uh…5 PM…" You say sheepishly to incredulous looks from Theodora and Leaf.

"Kid, what are you still doing here? Go! In fact, Group 1, you're officially dismissed for the day. I'll deliver the payment and reward for the task to Pirotin Inn later. Still gonna be staying here for a bit, gotta talk to Leila." With permission granted, Group 1 disperses.

You head to the Gym building where your appointment is going to be held, while Theodora and Elise take Ostia to watch some Gym battles in anticipation for the fights of the other members of Class VII. You'll meet back up with them once your Gym battle is done.

You make it to the venue with around twenty minutes to spare. The Gym buildings dedicated to battling are divided into two. There's obviously the main building built into the old fort where Katie's battles are held. But there's a modern office building right next to it where most of the administrative busywork of the Gym is conducted, including the Gym Trainer battles.

You head to the front desk to present yourself, where you're given a number and are directed to a waiting area with a few other trainers. It sort of reminds you of your time during the Entrance Exam. While you aren't as nervous here as you were back then, it's still not a great feeling. Not helped by the stares you keep getting while wearing your Mesagoza uniform.

With some time before your appointment, you head to the women's bathroom for a pep talk with your team.

Waiting to make sure no one else enters the washroom, you release your entire team at once. Probably the first time you've done so since you caught Drilbur.

You look over your assembled team, there's Roland who seems to have a sixth sense for when you're about to ask him to battle. He's back to his usual energetic self, looking up at you and crooning in anticipation. Renne stares at you with that usual blank face of hers, though she does blink her eyes a little, likely having just woken up. You give your best apologetic smile before finally turning to the newest member of your team.

Drilbur once out of her ball immediately clutches her nose and begins looking around. You kneel to ask them if they're okay.

'It seems her nose is rather sensitive.' Renne provides. And you just released her in the middle of a public bathroom. You immediately apologize to Drilbur and move to return her to her Pokeball. Only the shaking of her head stops you.

'She says that bringing out the entire team must mean you're about to say something important.' Huh, you look Drilbur in the eyes, trying to confirm what Renne just said to you, to which the Ground-Type vigorously nodded their head. Alright, you'll have to make this quick, then.

"You and Roland will be battling a trainer later, when we win we'll be allowed to battle a Gym Leader tomorrow." You say, putting more confidence in your words than you actually feel. "They're the strongest trainers in settlements like these and they help trainers like me and the local wild Pokemon get stronger."

From what you remember from your lessons, a lot of the Pokemon employed by a Gym are either recruited from local Wild Pokemon populations or are under the direct ownership of the League. In some Gyms, rosters are filled out by the offspring of the Gym Leader's Pokemon. That of course doesn't include any Pokemon owned by the Gym Trainers or a Leader's personal team.

"Afterwards we're gonna you two are gonna do some last minute training later tonight with Erika and her new Pokemon." You say while pointing to Roland and Drilbur. You got the message from your friend earlier. She wants to introduce her new Pokemon to you and it'll be a good opportunity to train up and catch up with Erika.

"I know you said you didn't wanna participate in any Trainer battles, Renne, but it's still important for you to be a part of these little team sessions." You preempt what you think the Espurr was going to say, causing the Pokemon to look away. You scold the other two for snickering, at least Roland stopped when he noticed that he was doing it alongside Drilbur.

You're picking up a little tension between the two of them. You look at how Roland hisses and argues with Drilbur who just laughs at him more. You're slightly reminded of how Timothee was with the other kids a while back. Reacting way too hard to light teasing and jokes, especially about him and Tamara. It'll be something you'll have to work on later.

You check your ARCUS for the time and notice that you only have a few minutes left. You wrap up your pep talk and recall your team back to their balls. Making your way over to where the appointment will be held, you stamp down on the trepidation you feel in your heart.
You can do this. If you want to have any chance of catching Nemona and doing your family proud, you have to do this. To be the very best you can be.

You're led by a staff member into a large hall with multiple Gym Trainer battles already ongoing. There were a handful of arenas and judging from a glance, seemed to be slightly smaller than the ones you're used to. The arenas themselves were the familiar flat grasslands with a large pond that you remember from your entrance examination. Though this had a decent number of trees and shrubs and bushes scattered about.

At a corner of the hall, next to a table were a number of Gym Trainers in discussion with one another. Next to them were a number of papers and Pokeballs and seated right beside them was a Kadabra, eyes aglow, likely maintaining the barriers used in the arenas. There's also a terribly bored looking Sawsbuck.

You wonder what they were doing when the Pokemon's horns began to glow, both of them pointed at one of the arenas. On the field were the tattered remnants of destroyed grass, foliage and trees. Right before your eyes, all of them began to regrow and repair. The broken top half of the tree even extends itself and crawls its way towards one of the tree trunks.

"...Ganzorig?" You're snapped out of observing the Sawsbuck in action by the sound of your last name. You reply affirmatively and are told to prepare you and your Pokemon for your battle by an exhausted looking Gym Trainer. They've probably been at this the whole day, huh?

Now focusing, you get a better look at your opponent. He's a stocky man around your father's age. He's wearing the uniform you've come to associate with the Cortondo Gym, a light green shirt and pants with white highlights. It's also obvious that from the look on his face and the energy drink on the table next to him that he's exhausted.

"Greetings Challenger, this battle is meant to test and see if you pass the minimum baseline of challenging the Cortondo Gym." The trainer says in a tired tone, like they're reading off of a script. "It'll be a 2v2, no fatalities allowed, no switching and the challenger must send their Pokemon out first. Are you ready?"

You nod and immediately send out Roland, the least you could do is get through this as fast as possible. The Gym Trainers must be overworked with how the Circuits just opened up. Roland floats on down to the middle of the arena, little chest held up high, eager for battle.

The Gym Trainer sent out a Venonat, right into one of the trees in the arena. You briefly see the Pokemon poke its head out of the canopy, making a cute little noise at Roland. You take deep breaths to steady yourself as your opponent counts down to the beginning of the battle.

At the sound of zero, you immediately order Roland to sink into the shadows so he can close the distance. Back in the tree Venonat's eyes glow blue, reminding you of your Entrance Exam when Psyduck used Confusion. By the time Venonat had gotten their attack off, Roland was already halfway to the tree, having jumped from shadow to shadow. He briefly locks up, before shaking it off and continuing on his way to Venonat's position.

With their attack failing, Venonat is ordered by their trainer to begin setting up a Poison Powder for when Roland gets close. You click your tongue, trying to remember what scrap of details and knowledge you know about Venonats.

Remembering that Venonats are attracted to lights, you shout at Roland to start building up Infestations and a Will-o-Wisp in his mouth as a distraction when he gets close. Roland jumps into the shadow of the tree Venonat was on, his mouth filled with flames and bright sickly green lights.

The Venonat was clinging atop one of the tree's branches, eyes darting left and right waiting for Roland to strike. Their fuzzy exterior glistened with purple poisonous dust.

Just then, a handful of Infestations flew off from Roland's mouth as he peeked his head up from the ground. The bright lights distract Venonat and it tears its eyes away from Roland for a few seconds. They only snap back into attention by their trainer's call, but that's all Roland needs. He floats as close as he can get and unleashes Will-o-Wisp point blank, burning away the layer of poisonous dust and knocking the Pokemon out of the tree.

You capitalize on this by having Roland refuse to let up, following up his attack with a Crunch, biting into the Pokemon until they fainted. Roland turns to you and croons in delight as the Gym Trainer recalls their Pokemon.

The next Pokemon, a Pineco, goes just as smoothly as the first. That was surprisingly easy. Roland barely even got scratched.

"Congratulations, please return to the lobby to receive the appointment for your Gym Test…"A look of disdain flashed in the Gym Trainer's face, as their eyes flicker down to a tablet in his hand, the look vanishing just as quick. "Apologies, I meant Gym Battle. Have a nice day."

You call back Roland to you, congratulating him on the battle, your starter melting into your hands in delight. You scratch the grooves connecting his horns to his head the way he likes as you make your way to the lobby.

Your appointment is tomorrow night, which means you'll be able to leave Roland and Drilbur at the Pokemon Center overnight after the battle without issue. Afterwards you head out of the office building, making your way to the Gym proper.

It's time to see a Gym battle.

"Katie! You're up in five minutes." Oh, she needs to wrap this call up fast.

"Gotta go, Leila. Thanks again for doing this, I'll transfer the payment over by tonight." Katie says in a hushed voice. She'd expected some people in the Trainer Association to be working for the Count, but someone as high-ranking as Bragg being one of them is beyond worrying.

"Don't worry it's on the house, Bragg made it personal. Call you later if anything new comes up." With that, Leila hangs up and leaves her mind a whirl with new information.

Multiple Trainer Associates in the Count's pocket, entire Pokemon populations up and vanishing, and whatever the weird machines are. She can feel a headache coming. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she readies up for her next battle. Hopefully that'll take her mind off of it.

Adjusting her iconic chef's hat to make sure her mic is good, she also double checks the Pokemon she's gonna be using for the next challenger. A number of 0-badges to open the battle, a few 1-badge and 2-badge Pokemon to serve as aces and one or two 3-badges (contained in Great Balls) just in case. A standard 1st Badge challenge line-up. She even has little stickers on all of them to denote which Pokeball contains what Pokemon.
"Katie!" Yells one of her Gym Trainers, causing her to hurry up her pace.

Making her way to the stage, she looks around at the audience. Live attendees peak around dusk and start to decrease as the night goes on. The clamor and ambient noise of a crowd in anticipation fill the air. She lets it wash over her as she puts on her best and most comforting smile.

Now on the elevated platform above the field, she examines the young man standing across from her. Wearing an unfamiliar red Mesagoza uniform, the young man had short silver hair and a calm placid expression hiding their nerves. So this is the Class VII. She puts a little more effort into her smile to try and soothe the young man's nerves. Some of the tension bleeding off of his shoulders shows that it had some effect, at least.

While she lists off the rules of the battle, she looks around at the audience, a little habit of hers back from when she was just a challenger going through the Gyms. It lets her see the mood of the crowd as a battle begins. Her eyes looks over the people in the stands, seeing their faces and—


There, sitting right next to some other students wearing the same uniform as the challenger is—was one of her closest friends. They grew distant after she went to Mesagoza and Alice went on her journey. This is the first time she's seen her in the Gym. She looks away, focusing back on her opponent. That's in the past now, little use reminiscing, she has a job to do.

The announcer bids the challenger—Atticus Hanzo—to release his first Pokemon. A red beam of light reveals a Spinarak, on the larger side for its species. Coloration and the patterns on the Pokemon hint that it's likely a breed from one of the northern forests in Paldea. Tagtree, probably.

Atticus had directly released his Pokemon onto one of the trees in the arena. Good, a lot of first time trainers forget to make use of the Pokeball's mechanism as a way to position their Pokemon. A common mistake is them releasing their Pokemon right in the middle of the field and being forced to scramble to cover during the battle proper.

She runs a finger through the Pokeballs in her belt. Something easy to get in the mood of things should work. Settling on a Pokeball, she releases her first Pokemon right onto the field's pond. A young Surskit, one of the children of a Gym Trainer's Masquerain.

A standoff between Spinarak in the trees and Surskit in the water, both a decent amount of distance from one another. It was broken by the sound of the announcer's voice, as both Pokemon made their moves.

"Hattori, just like we practiced!" Atticus shouted at his Pokemon prompting them to vanish into the tree's thicket. Webs and strings begin to shoot out of the tree and onto its surroundings.

"Water Gun," says Katie, as Surskit draws water from the surrounding pond to send at where she last saw the Spinarak. The attacks fail to garner a response, either having been resisted by the Spinarak or missing entirely.

She tells Surskit to close the distance with Aqua Jet, to which the Pokemon complies. This way, she and Surskit can play into the challenger's hand and probe at whatever he's planning. It would do no good to shut him down this early, a half-formed plan in her head to flood the area around the tree, abandoned.

Sinking down into the pond, Surskit readies themself and after a brief moment, a burst of water erupts from the surface. Launching themself onto the tree the Spinarak was in, behind them was a water bubble the size of Surskit's head. At that moment, the Spinarak chose to make their move.

Webs began to shoot at the Surskit, who intercepted them with short streams of Water Gun from their bubble, sometimes using the force of their attacks to dodge webs it couldn't hit in time. As it neared the tree, needle thin strings shot out from Surskit, right onto a branch. Using their momentum, Surskit swung their way to land onto another branch. With their spindly legs, they skittered closer to the trunk of the tree to face their opponent.

However Atticus uses that moment of Surskit repositioning to attack. "Now, Hattori!" He yells as Spinarak emerges from hiding in the canopy, carrying a ball of web in their mandibles the size of their own body. Spinarak flings it at the intruding Surskit who uses their bubble to react with a Bubblebeam to break the web ball.

The Bubblebeam punches through the center of the web ball, reaching the target, sending Spinarak almost flying before they caught themself with a String Shot to the trunk of the tree, swinging their way back to grab onto it. But inside that web ball was a glob of purple liquid hitting Surskit and the branch, the mix of webs tying them both together. The sizzling Acid blinds Surskit and melts parts of the bench they were standing on.

Hm, a mix of Acid and Sticky Web is impressive for a first timer. The fact that the web ball hadn't dissolved from the Acid means a decent amount of control in Poison TE.

The attack had trapped Surskit onto a now dissolving branch, causing both to fall down onto the mess of webs and string below. The Spinarak had already crawled their way over to face Surskit just as they were about to fall.

"Electroweb, Hattori!"

Katie's eyes slightly widen as Spinarak shoots a single electrified strand at the threads of the web below. The web lights up just as her Pokemon falls onto it and it crackles as her Surskit is electrocuted. The Surskit convulses in its bid to escape, shooting Water moves at Spinarak to no avail. The Spinarak dodges each attempt, all the while maintaining that singular thread connecting them to their trap, before the Surskit finally passes out.

Impressive, a surprisingly versatile moveset. Judging from afar, the makeshift electroweb isn't as powerful as something a Joltik at a similar level could make but it's effective enough especially with the much longer lasting webs of the Ariados line.

As she runs a finger atop the Pokeballs, feeling the worn surfaces and stickers, she contemplates on who to send out next. Venipede would be able to contest the Spinarak in terms of poison and wouldn't be hindered by the webs as much. Might even force them to terastallize. Dwebble meanwhile would be a much simpler opponent, they'd cut through the webs decently well and would just test the challenger's capability to deal pure damage.

Sighing, she decides to go easy on the challenger, sending Dwebble out onto the field near the tree Spinarak has holed up in. Atticus would still have a single Pokemon left, assuming they're as well-trained as Spinarak then he should have no problem.

A red beam releases Dwebble, who emerges from their shell eager for battle. One of the kids of Cake, her own personal Crustle. A feisty little guy that often gets into squabbles with his older siblings even if they're stronger. Which reminds her, she should probably move one of them to the 5-Badge lineup once they evolve.

As always, Dwebble opens with a Fury Cutter on their own shell, a little trick she picked up when she was still early in her career. It lets her Pokemon squeeze just a little bit more power onto their attacks from the get go.

"Cut right through, Dwebble!" With that, Dwebble skitters into action and slashes through the now no longer electrified webs. The strings and webbings were almost as thick as a finger from how many of them were barring the way from the tree.

It's when one of Dwebble's claws gets stuck that Spinarak strikes again. "A focused Electroweb, then use Agility back into the canopy!" Spinarak shoots a singular thick string right at the webs Dwebble was stuck in. The string hits and the surroundings erupt into a small field of electricity, much stronger than the one used against Surskit. But curiously, it's much more contained as well, only up to a small circle surrounding Dwebble. And it doesn't last as long either.

Dwebble emerged slightly singed, their defenses having resisted the attack, though they remained still trapped in the web. "Rock Blast, Dwebble!" Katie shouts as with their free claw, Dwebble first stabs then cuts into the ground around them. Rocks and stones almost as big as them, jut out from the earth across the web field, tearing and breaking, freeing Dwebble. Ruffling in the canopy alerts her to the challenger's response.

Two more of those web balls fly towards Dwebble, forcing Katie to respond. "Break them with Rock Blast, then retreat into your shell." Stones as big as her hand fly from the ground impaling the web balls, breaking them. As expected they contained more of the same Acid used earlier. Said acid splashing onto Dwebble's rocky shell, only causing minor damage in the form of some chipping.

She looks over to the challenger Atticus, to see how he's reacting and to her surprise he seems worried. His brows are furrowed, his mouth pressed into a thin line and he's scratching at his right wrist. Did she misjudge? If he doesn't have any Pokemon that can punch through Dwebble's defenses then he's in trouble.

With a word from her, Dwebble jabs both his claws into the ground, pulling out a rock in the shape of a discus. A modified Smack Down. And now to wait for the opportune moment.

Another batch of web balls are thrown from the canopy. At a glance, they seem smaller than the prior ones, so it seems the Spinarak is tiring out. In the seconds before their attack hits Dwebble, Katie weighs her options.

If she tells Dwebble to Withdraw again to negate the attack, Spinarak will have the opportunity to reposition away from their spot and thus away from a Smack Down counterattack. It'll just prolong the battle and Spinarak will tire out first without a change of strategy on the challenger's end and their options are already limited on that front. But if she tells Dwebble to take the hit in order to get Smack Down off…

It'll force the challenger into their second Pokemon and Dwebble would be in a worse position than if she hadn't ordered Smack Down. It should be fine as long as his second Pokemon is as well-trained as his first.

She gives the order and the expected occurs. Dwebble throws the stone and gets hit with both web balls, which explode into acid on contact. The smoke dissipates, revealing Dwebble covered in webs hindering their movement and their shell sizzling from the acid.

Meanwhile the thrown stone smacks Spinarak with a crunch, knocking them off the tree and onto the ground below. The legs on the left side of their body are broken and with the damage from Surskit's Bubblebeam from earlier, the Spinarak is on their last legs. The next Rock Blast concludes the challenger's first Pokemon.

She looks back at her challenger, who has his Pokeball in his hands, his fingers drumming the top in deep thought. In an official League Battle such as this, trainers on both sides have thirty seconds to decide on which Pokemon to send out next if their Pokemon on the field had been switched out or had fainted. It's also used as a moment to gather one's thoughts and consider one's next options.

And from the look on Atticus' face, whatever Pokemon is in that ball doesn't present them with much. At the twenty-eight second mark, he finally releases Croagunk, his last Pokemon. Curiously he hadn't released this one in the pond, which might mean it doesn't have Dry Skin. Of course, she could be mistaken and it does have that ability and—

Ugh, it's just a First Badge battle, Katie! Don't overthink it, she's supposed to relax with this!

The Croagunk leaps into action with Fake-Out, disappearing in a blur before returning in front of Dwebble with their right arm. Dwebble flinches back, giving the Croagunk the opportunity to puke liters of dark purple ooze onto her Pokemon. Despite the onslaught, Dwebble emerges from it not as badly hurt as they could've been.

She orders Dwebble to retaliate with Fury Cutter, which cuts a deep gash on Croagunk's chest. Causing the Pokemon to leap away and fall back, clutching their chest. Looking at both Pokemon, she's able to put it together.

The challenger might lose this.

The Croagunk is nowhere near strong enough to hurt Dwebble and is already winded from their initial attack. Yet Dwebble is still eager to fight; they haven't retreated into their shell, nor do their legs jitter.

"Dwebble, close in and don't let them get away." She says while holding back a sigh. This might give the challenger the best chance of winning or at least ekeing out a draw. Even slowed down by webs, Dwebble crosses the distance between the two Pokemon decently quick. Croagunk turns and croaks at their trainer for instructions, said Trainer however is clearly panicking now.

If she recalls correctly he's the first of the students to challenge the Gym for this year's circuit. She feels sorry for him. She loves her alma mater but it can be a pretty cutthroat place.

A melee of cuts, slashes, chops and jabs occurs as both Pokemon throw caution to the wind. Dwebble's enjoying himself while Croagunk is trying to do as much damage as they can. Occasionally going for the puking attack from earlier. Poisonous puke melting the already upturned earth and stone surrounding the brawl.

Finally both Pokemon begin to slow their movements, growing lethargic before eventually stopping. The Croagunk cuts and bruises all over its body slumps to the floor while Dwebble's shell has been broken, cracks covering it. Both Pokemon had fainted the exact same time.

A draw.

The audio barrier separating her and the challenger from the rest of the audience goes down as the cheers and sounds reach her ear. As per League rules, battles below the 6th Badge Level that end in a draw are considered a victory for the challenger. Stepping down from the raised platform she makes her way over to the challenger, making a brief stop to the announcer's stand to pick up a copy of the Gym's TM, a handheld cash transfer terminal and of course, the Bug Badge.

Having reached Atticus, she looks him over one last time, the most enthusiastic smile she can muster on her face. Like most trainers who just won their first badge, who looks torn between relief and exhaustion. Surprisingly he lacks the sheer joy some people have after a battle. Well, that's none of her business.

"Congratulations, challenger. May I have your Trainer Card, please?" Atticus hands it over, which she takes to transfer over the ten thousand cash prize as well as digitally marking it with Bug Badge's code, signifying that they've won their first badge at her gym.

As she hands Atticus the TM and his Trainer Card, she decides to give him a little tip. "Speaking as one Mesagozan Student to another, you're a very creative young man. It's rare to see such strategies so early in a trainer's career. But do work on your fundamentals, Croagunk is a Poison and Fighting Pokemon after all."

"Ah, thank you for your advice!" Atticus gives her shallow bow before saying farewell and running off to wave at his classmates at the stands.

Which brings her attention back to…


This time, Alice catches her staring. She awkwardly waves hello at her old friend who briefly returns it before going back to speaking with the Mesagoza students. She sighs and goes to take her ten minute break before her next battle.

They used to be friends when they were younger, close ones too. The two of them and sometimes Peter used to talk about wanting to go on their Journey together.

But her mom got her that scholarship in Mesagoza and the rest was history. She doesn't regret her time there, but it's hard not to think about what ifs.

She hands over the Pokeballs of the Pokemon she used to a Gym Trainer to get them healed and rested up. Checking the Pokemon shifts, none of the Pokemon currently on her are due for a break for another hour. Gym Pokemon operate in shifts, with Pokemon off-duty being let out of their Pokeballs and allowed to rest and roam the Gym facilities. Between the two Gym buildings, there's probably about a little over a hundred Pokemon of various species out at any time.

She checks her phone, finding no new messages from Leila. The poaching problem has been driving her up a wall for months now. Typically most poachers are from impoverished backgrounds and it's a dirty little secret in the poorer provinces that most families know someone who's moonlighted as a poacher once or twice.

But what's been happening in the past few months is too organized, too efficient, too militarized if some of the reports she's getting are true. The Council's breathing down her neck to handle it personally, but she can't be everywhere at once.

"You're up in a few minutes!" The voice of one of her trainers snaps her out of her thoughts. She looks over and it's Julie carrying her Larvesta. Her sister, Cassandra, was one of her better Gym Trainers, one of the few people in the world with a Volcarona. That was before Rika recruited her into her little division for something a year or so ago.

Which just reminds her that she needs to look into training a successor soon. It's standard practice and this job is starting to make her look older than she actually is.

With her break over she makes her way back over to the arena, this time facing a young girl with black hair and a green streak running through it. She's also wearing a Mesagoza uniform while having an almost infectious smile on her face. She smiles right back at the challenger while explaining the rules. Having three Pokemon means she gets to have a single switch.

The challenger—Nemona—nods vigorously as she sends out her first Pokemon, a Cutiefly. Running a finger through the Pokeballs on her belt contemplating her choice. The field's been repaired in the short break she took between challengers. The pond was cleaned, debris and webs removed and even the tree has been replaced.

She settles on Dottler; the Cutiefly line are mostly supportive in nature with the occasional ranged capability. Dottler would be able to contest them at range while healing off any status ailments with Recover. Dottler wouldn't be able to do it for long, but should be long enough that it'd wear down the Fairy-type.

As the announcer begins the battle, the Cutiefly flies all over the battlefield, colored dust and powder trailing in their wake. She tells Dottler to stay in position and to track the fairy's movements, attacking when needed. There's no point in trying to evade and hide against a Cutiefly, they're one of the few Pokemon that can naturally use aura to track enemies.

A back and forth between the two Pokemon begins to play out.

Cutiefly would send gusts of Fairy Wind carrying Stun and Poison Powders at Dottler, who just has to take them. The attacks tear off little bits and pieces from Dottler's carapace allowing for the Powders to sink in and take effect. Dottler retaliates with Struggle Bug, taking the pain of the poison sinking into them and turning it out into attacks that home in on Cutiefly.

The little green lights chase after Cutiefly, and Dottler uses Confusion so that it couldn't evade the attack. The fairy seizes, seemingly allowing some of the Confusion attacks to connect. It seems to prioritize flying across the field and attacking Dottler over using their aura senses to predict its attacks and evade.

This exchange would continue on for another few minutes, broken up by Dottler using Recover to regenerate the damage taken. Cutiefly has no such recourse; their attacks get sloppy, Fairy Winds missing Dottler entirely and sending powders nowhere near where Dottler was. After flying around all over the battlefield, the fairy type finally goes down. She immediately orders Dottler to squeeze in another Recover despite the exhaustion clear in their face.

Katie knows a setup when she sees one. The powders are littered all over the battlefield. From the trees to the bushes and grass, even the odd rock jutting out from the ground is covered in the stuff. Now the question is if the challenger would make good use of—

"You'd be having more fun if you stopped holding back!" Nemona suddenly says as she lifts a Pokeball to send out her next Pokemon. While she couldn't hear the audience, it's obvious from her position how they're murmuring about what the challenger just said. Down one Pokemon and saying something like that. Katie resists the urge to roll her eyes, and politely ignores what she just said.

A red beam reveals Monferno as Nemona's second Pokemon. "C'mon, Sunny! Let's show her how serious we are!" Sunny cheers as they wind their right arm back for a punch before releasing it and vanishing in a blur. Mach Punch.

"Reflect, now!" she orders as Dottler slowly manifests a pink barrier over them. The poison has sapped too much of their strength, as they're unable to get it up in time for Monforno to punch through it, sending illusionary broken pink glass everywhere.

Sunny's fist connects to Dottler's side, sending them back. Dottler's at least recovered enough of their shell to not get sent flying but an indent of a fist is visible on their carapace.

"Send them up, Sunny!" Closing in, the Monferno lifts the weakened Dottler and throws them up into the air, Katie orders them to use Confusion in retaliation but Dottler's too tired for even that. An Incinerate aimed upwards, emerging from Sunny's mouth, cooks and knocks out her first Pokemon.

Hm, maybe she should take her—no, she has a job to do. It's immature to focus and give her full attention in a fight with someone who doesn't even have a badge.

Katie sends out her second Pokemon, a Dewpider, right into the pond. A quick Aqua Ring cleanses the pond of the stray powders that floated their way onto the surface. Before she could do anything else, though, Nemona uses her only switch to recall Monferno.

Third Pokeball in hand, Nemona releases a Wattrel into the skies above the pond. The bird circles up ahead, pumping out its chest to charge electricity for an attack.

Baiting out a Water type by sending her strong Monferno early, at least someone's done their research. Katie drums the top of the Great Ball, one of the two 3-badge Pokemon she brings for situations like these. Usually reserved only for trainers on their second or third year in the circuit, and finally challenging her for their 1st Badge or 2nd Badge. She uses her switch to recall Dewpider before Wattrel could get an attack off.

She looks across the arena towards her opponent. The challenger is looking straight at her, more specifically their gaze is on her Pokeballs. She returns their look with a smile of their own as she grabs a Great Ball.

"Come on out, Shuckle!" Released onto the field was a red and white rock hard shell. There were holes on it and emerging from them were indistinct (and in her experience sticky) yellow appendages. The largest of them had the Pokemon's face on it, two beady eyes, staring up above at the Wattrel.

The look on the challenger's face was beyond ecstatic. "This is what I've been waiting for! Let's go, Mercury, let's have an awesome battle!" Without even a word, Wattrel's wings begin to flap as they circle the battlefield, miniature tornadoes flying from them, accompanied by jolts of electricity coming from their beak.

The tornadoes fly around the battlefield, causing gusts of wind gathering up dust, debris and most of all Powders in the air. So that's what she's aiming for. She orders to prepare for Sticky Rocks, as they flood their surroundings with the natural adhesive excretions of a Shuckle.

In the holes facing down on the ground, two appendages dig in and begin to upturn the ground around Shuckle. This, combined with the excretions, turns two meters of hard soil into a sticky, glue-like slurry. The rocks and stone too big to liquidate are worn down and sharpened into projectiles.

All of that happening underground. To the audience, it's as if the ground slowly melted around Shuckle turning into mud. Flying up above, Mercury begins their attack. Using their Electric-moves to distract Shuckle, Mercury has the gust and tornadoes close in. Most of them were around as tall as a person, but they towered over the two Pokemon. With a flick of an appendage, walls and waves of the adhesive mud act as barriers stopping the wind or drowning some of the smaller tornadoes and pulls the debris and powders into the slurry.

But the control over the winds Wattrel has is surprisingly decent for a Pokemon at that level. Winds turn hard right and left to maneuver around the barriers. Tornadoes break up and reconfigure once waves pass. While some of the attacks failed to get through, from the purple marks on her Pokemon's skin and glittering powder on Shuckle's shell as they're buffeted by wind.

At the same time, Shuckle hurls and flings mud and glue at Wattrel who dodges and weaves out of the way, they have to. Even a single drop getting on the Pokemon's feathers would lock up that part of the wing slowing their reactions. It starts with tiny little droplets landing on Mercury's back, weighing them down. Then tiny droplets on their wings. Nemona orders to burn them off with Shock Waves and it does that, temporarily freeing Wattrel. But not enough.

Just like how Shuckle is poisoned, Mercury's movements are slowed and lethargic, their wings caked in the adhesive mud, both dried from the Shock Waves and wet from new droplets or flung attacks connecting. That's good enough.

"Smack Down, Shuckle." With great effort, Shuckle's appendages dig into the mud field and pulls out one of the two pillars of stone they'd managed to carve out. It was as large as a person and twice as long as one and with a fling, was currently barreling towards a Pokemon a tenth of its size.

"One last Shock Wave, give it your all, Mercury. Make sure they stick." Nemona yells. Wattrel, chest still pumped, inhales then exhales a positively massive wave of electricity. It flash-dries some of the mud around Shuckle and scorches the grass and bushes that it can reach. The pillar connects and knocks Wattrel out of the air and they crash into the now-dried mud below.

Defiant, they send little Thundershocks at Shuckle, who's still poisoned but covered in powder and dried mud. After a few seconds of struggle, Mercury finally faints and it brngs Nemona down to her last Pokemon. From the look on her, Nemona couldn't be more excited. Their smile is almost infectious, a massive grin on their face. Unable to help herself, Katie smiles, it's one that reaches all the way to her cheeks, one that makes her feel like a teen again, her first real smile of the day.

"Well then, Nemona, shall we finish this? Rest, Shuckle," she says with a flourish. She almost wishes to give the kid a badge even if she's gonna lose. But it's out of her hands. The purple discoloration on Shuckle's skin begins to disappear as a comically large snot bubble forms on Shuckle's nostril.

"I always wanted to hear that! Let's make some fireworks, Sunny!" Nemona yells as she sends her Monferno out again, right on top of Shuckle.

"Into the sky, Sunny! Let her rip!" The Monferno emerged from the red beam of the Pokeball, arms up. With a single move, they throw them down, jets of fire coming from their hands. The fire reached Shuckle and…

For a brief moment, Katie was deaf.

The sheer force of the explosion sends a shockwave through the entire battlefield. It sent debris everywhere, burned grass, flash dried the remaining adhesive mud and even emptied up the little pond in the field. Atop the smoke flying through the air, with fire underneath their feet was a slightly singed Monferno.

At the ground zero crater, with a nearly broken shell and scorched appendages was Shuckle, their natural stickiness all dried up and barely clinging to consciousness. She's genuinely stunned.

As Nemona orders Sunny to finish off Shuckle, Katie wracks her mind to figure out how the challenger did it. The only thing that stands out to her was the Powder.

Of course, one of the rarer Bug moves, the Cutiefly and Vivillion lines learn it naturally. It clings to surfaces and is highly flammable. A way for the two species to combat Fire-Type Pokemon. Highly flammable and explosive, it would cause Fire-type attacks to literally blow up in their face. But applied to something else and given the right spark, and well.

She looks over to see Monferno lifting up an unconscious Shuckle like a title belt, the audience utterly stunned. A young girl who'd been goading her the entire battle despite outwardly losing had turned the tide most spectacularly in just a few seconds. It's battles like these that remind her of why she battles in the first place.

As she sends out Dewpider to a foregone conclusion, she commits Nemona's face to memory.

Nemona Mendoza, huh? That'll be a name to remember.

Drilbur jumps into the air to dodge a low kick from Dlanor, Erika's new Scyther, who follows up the attack with a slash from their right scythe. Your Pokemon parries the attack with a Metal Claw of her own. The force of impact sends both Pokemon flying back away from one another. Each using their respective claws to skid on the ground and stop their momentum.

Jabbing both claws into the ground, Drilbur pulls out a rock nearly as big as she was in her hands and hurls it at Scyther. Erika orders Dlanor to dodge but the Scyther ignores her, instead opting to cut the incoming stone in half. A mistake.

The rock was hollow. The moment Scyther cuts it in half, the mud inside splashes onto their face and blinds Dlanor. The Scyther shakes the mud off their face, just in time to see Drilbur fling herself at them with a Spark. Your Pokemon's fur is standing on edge and electricity coursed through their claws. A direct hit that knocks Scyther back sending dust everywhere.

An enraged look crosses Scyther's face but before they could retaliate, a bell rings ending the match. Theodora is over at the stands managing the match point system between you and Erika. Since you got the first good solid hit in, the spar is your victory.

You give a thumbs up to Erika who returns it while sighing as she recalls a still seething Scyther back to their Pokeball. "Let's take a break for a bit while the arena's repaired." Erika says, eyes turning to the field.

It's been in use for an hour or so now, and it shows. Trees and bushes toppled or torn up. Holes and rocks scattered about from Drilbur or occasionally Cornelia.

After watching the Gym Battle, the three of you decided to head to one of the local Battle Arenas to train and get used to the new members of your respective teams. You've been sparring with one another for a few hours now, learning how to fight with your new Pokemon.

You've also been using this opportunity to train Roland and get him acquainted with fighting stronger Bug Pokemon. While you doubt that you're gonna fight a Scyther on Katie's team, it's better to be prepared than to be caught unaware.

Currently your little group is rotating between fighting one another to give your Pokemon a chance to rest in between spars. At least both Roland and Drilbur seem to be enjoying it. Though from what you're noticing are for completely different reasons.

As you nod to Erika and call Drilbur back to your side, you ponder on how your two Pokemon have different attitudes to battle and other Pokemon. Roland loves battling, a competitive streak against other Pokemon, friendly or not. Meanwhile Drilbur just likes company, whether in battle or otherwise.

You go to pet and scratch behind Drilbur's ear in the way she likes it, but you pull away at the last moment as there's still some remaining static on her fur. Roland, who's wrapped around your neck whenever he isn't sparring, croons in worry.

"It's fine, it'll probably dissipate sooner or later." Drilbur looks up at you in expectation. It seems she wants you to carry her like you do Renne. "Maybe later, alright? I promise." Drilbur yips in delight and goes to run off to where Erika and Theodora were talking to each other in the stands.

As you approach you hear the tail end of what the two were talking about.

"...multiple species of Pokemon just disappearing sounds like a catastrophe. No wonder Pokemon across the province are agitated. This is the sort of thing that escalates into a…oh shit, Mary control your Drilbur, please!" Erika was panicking as Drilbur was running around their legs and occasionally jumping trying to grab at something. You follow Drilbur's eyes to what they were staring at and see a small gem necklace around Erika's bare neck. It was a deep pink gem cut in the shape of a diamond.

"Sorry! She's a little hyperactive, still trying to figure out what a Drilbur's diet should be." You hurry over and scoop up Drilbur in your hands, ignoring the little jolt of static passing through your body. Drilbur turns around and looks at you with a face that radiates smug satisfaction.

Erika dusts off dirt from her leggings and adjusts her cardigan before responding. "It's fine, they seem kind of young for how strong they are," says Erika as she extends a finger to poke at Drilbur's nose before she pulls it away as Drilbur goes to try and bite her. Luckily your grip is strong enough to keep her in place.

"Well, according to Leo, he is one of the stronger Pokemon in his little battalion." Said Pawniard looks up from where they were polishing their blade-arm with a whetstone. Apparently Theodora bought it for him. Drilbur waves to him, which Leo returns reluctantly. "Nevermind that, though, how about you Erika, you've yet to say how you encountered your feisty new team member?"

"Yea, Erika, you haven't introduced me to them properly yet." You do your best imitation of a pout, though it's hard to cross your arms while still holding onto Drilbur.

"Dlanor's a female Scyther, and it's nothing special honestly. I made a little recipe based on how old Pokeblocks used to be made. I encountered a couple of Scythers through this but Dlanor's the only one that stayed and accepted my offer. Though she did challenge Cornelia to a battle." Erika looks proud at having caught a Pokemon on her own. You put down Drilbur next to Leo, hoping that being next to her friend would distract them and you go and hug Erika.

"See, knew you could do it!" You're so happy for Erika, you really are. Erika sputters in response before surrendering and returning your hug. Eventually the two of you let go, though Erika is more hesitant to do so.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mary. I…appreciate…it." Erika says, looking at the end. You only smile at her in response.

"No, I have to thank you for agreeing to help me cram in some last minute training." Nemona's Gym Battle has lit a fire under you. It's the talk of the whole town now, offline and online. If you're to catch up with her, you need all the help you can get.

"If you two are done…" Theodora has an amused look on her face. "Mariana, you mentioned something about a diet for Drilbur? I believe I can help in that regard."

The three of you spend the rest of the night discussing the diets of some of your Pokemon. Erika's Carbink primarily eats stones and rare gems, only occasionally eating berries. Meanwhile Leo and Drilbur are both carnivorous. Meaning you'll likely have to go out of your way to accommodate a diet for them. Apparently both Pokemon occasionally munch and eat raw metals and ores to strengthen their blades for the former and claws for the latter.

Drilbur's evolution into becoming an Excadrill would be reliant on a healthy diet of both meats and metals if what Theodora says is correct.

"You seem really passionate about Pokemon Caretaking, Theodora." You say as the person in question finishes up an explanation of how polishing and sharpening is a necessary part of maintenance for Steel-Type Pokemon.
"I aim for excellence in all fields, darling." Theodora declares with bravado. "It's something I've had interest in since I was younger."

"I can confirm, My Lady was such a precocious child. Don't believe her if she says it all self learned. I taught her everything I know." You and Erika jump out of your skins out of shock at a new person's voice right behind the two of you. You two turn around and it's the familiar face of Virgillia.

"Apologies for shocking you two, it wasn't my intention." From the look Erika gives her, she doesn't believe that and neither do you. You swear you can almost see a miniscule twitch in the ever present smile on Virgillia's face.

"Virgillia! What are you doing here?" Theodora exclaims in shock.

"My Lady, I am always at your side. But in this specific instance it's to remind you and your friends of what time it is." You check the time and it's already nearly an hour to midnight. Your group cleans up for the day and checks out of the Battle Arena because of how late it was.

You say goodbye to Erika as she heads off to Sevaro Inn while you and Theodora go back to Pirotin Inn for the night. Elise and Ostia had already turned in for the night much earlier than the two of you, having decided to go back to the Inn after watching the Gym Battle.

As you and Theodora walk through the moonlit streets of Cortondo, occasionally passing by street lamps and night goers, you stare at the moon in contemplation of the rest of the week to come.

With the battles of the day done, Katie finally gets to rest. Of course her definition of resting for some people is work.

"That's good, eat up." She says prodding a Wimpod belonging to the Gym to eat the meal she's prepared for them. All around her were Gym Pokemon, they were currently in one of the sub-basements of the Gym building, informally a rest area for the Pokemon. Cooking calms her mind and lets her destress for the day. Even if it is cooking for over a hundred people.

Her phone rings, distracting her from her work, excusing herself she takes the call. Only a handful of people know her personal phone-number so it's probably important.

"This is Katie speaking."
"It's Leila, I have bad news. Bragg's flown the coop and he's taken a handful of trainers with him." Damnit their only lead!

"What now?" She asks, a pit growing in her stomach."

"It gets worse." Of course, why wouldn't it.

"Rika's coming." She blinks.

"Well Shit."

No invention has been more representative of the Orbal Revolution than the Airship. While aircraft in a more miniature form had existed prior to their development a scant few decades ago, the Airship had pioneered a new era in travel. From civilian airships like the Viviane-class to the militarized vessels of the Paldean Air Force, these wonders are a ubiquitous part of the modern world.

This vessel is one of them. Sleek, swift, silent and undetectable by radar, the Goa-class is reserved only for the elite of the Imperial Family and Paldean League. Reversed engineered from the Geomantic Church's Nicaea Airship; the Goa's are the primary mode of swift transportation for upper echelons of the Paldean state.

Lacking the long Psychic, and thus mass-Teleportation, traditions of the Shinwan states, many regions like Paldea rely on similar aircraft for swift travel of groups of VIPs.

One of these vessels carries such two VIPs from the Pokemon League Headquarters overlooking the Great Crater towards their destination: Cortondo.

Rika looks down from the side of the airship onto the landscape below, shifting and changing as the Airship continues its flight. It's a calming exercise for her. All sorts of work has been piling up for her the past weeks, years honestly, and it's good to enjoy the little moments. The quiet tender moments with her Pokemon, the rare opportunity where she and Geeta can just enjoy each other's presence and of course…

"Rika, I wanna ride on Skaro! He wants to race the airship!"

Her little bundle of joy. She looks over to Poppy, who's just come out into the passengers deck. She's not wearing her usual silver dress but one of the dresses Geeta picked out for her. It's kind of tacky, but that's Geeta for you..

"C'mon kid, you know that's dangerous." She says walking over to pick the kid up in her arms. "Why don't we watch something, it'll be a bit before we land in Cortondo." They make their way back down to one of the rooms to watch the shows Poppy likes.

It's the little things that keep you grounded.


Pokedollars: 48,000 on your Person
League Points: 6,000 on your Trainer Card
Vote will be by Plan Voting
[X] Day Two Mandatory Tasks: Schemes, Plots and Plan move all around Class VII, just barely out of sight. But for now, why don't you finish up on what Cortondo has to offer.

  • Titanium Tykes: Some big shot VIP wants you to babysit their kid while they're in town for the day. Shouldn't be that hard, you're great with kids. Just ask Ostia! It'll be fine as long as the kid doesn't decide to go off and…where'd she go? All of Group 1 will do a 1d20+PROW Roll. DC 24. DC Lowered by Ostia Bond. Reward halved if Rolls is failed.
  • Rewards: 20,000 Pokedollars, 500 STAT XP

[] Day One Optional Task: Herbal Horticulture: Historically berries have been used as makeshift medicine for Pokemon and even sometimes humans. While modern medicinal technology has long surpassed such practices, certain parts of Paldea still regularly use such medicines to heal sickly Pokemon. However what would normally be a routine harvest of berries and herbs has been complicated by the recent agitation and hostility of Wild Pokemon. -1 AP
  • All of Group 1 will do a 1d20+SKLL Roll. DC 20. Lowered due to Prior Actions. Failing Roll will not apply Wound and will still accomplish Task but no Berry Juice item will be received
  • Group 1 will battle multiple Pokemon that have taken over a local Berry grove.
  • Rewards: 12,000 Pokedollars, 4 Pokemon Materials, 400 Poke XP, Gain 2 Berry Juice (Heal 1 Wound below 3 Wounds and Status Ailment)

[X] Yo! Champ in the Makin': One of the big draws and privileges of Academy Students over regular trainers (aside from the connections and resources made available to them), is essentially getting to cut in line for Gyms during Field Exercises. And what a line it is. With Gyms opening up in August, trainers have begun to flock towards the nearest Gyms to register early and get the chance to fight the Gym Leader. (3/3) -1 AP
  • As a Mesagoza Student, your application to fight a gym will be fast tracked.
  • Will occur at the end of the day after every other Vote option, with the exception of Crystalline Cat.
  • (3/3) The winner of the 2018 Paldean League Conference: she managed to beat Rika and Old Man Tenma, Poppy's predecessor, and lost to Elite Four member Larry Laureano. She's the second-youngest currently reigning Gym Leader, and a proud supporter of La Primera's reformist agenda. A Bug/Normal dual Type Trainer: Katie Aracelli would like to battle. vs. GYM LEADER KATIE ARACELI. MAJOR BATTLE 3V3. Depending on Outcome, Pokemon may gain Wounds. Greatly Increase Bond with Roland and Drilbur

[] ...Do as the Rimeans do: There's still probably some nooks and crannies of the settlement you haven't seen yet. You find that you enjoy exploring places, especially if it's with friends. -1 AP
  • Lowers DC of all Mandatory and Optional Tasks for Thursday and Friday by 2
  • Increases Bond with Elise and Ostia

[] Cortondo Cart: While you've already most of what you expect you'll need for Field Exercise, it won't hurt to go out and buy some extra. You never know when you'll need it.
  • Current Pokedollars: 48,000
  • Allows the purchase of healing items as well as some Simple and Advanced TMs
  • Healing Item Cost Range: 3,000 - 10,000
  • Simple and Advanced TM Cost Range 15,000 - 40,000

[] Dig Deep: With a new member on your team, it seems like a good idea to spend a couple of hours getting to know them. Drilbur is a hyperactive little Pokemon, surpassing even Roland during your first week with him. From how she reacts to everything, she's not used to being on the surface most of the time. Spend some time just the two of you getting used to each others tells and expressions
  • Increase Bond with Drilbur
  • Gain 300 Poke XP (Roll 1d20+SKLL. DC 16)

[] Song of Roland: Even with your new capture, Roland is going to be the star of the show during your Gym battle. Beyond just getting him trained and prepared for Thursday, you should spend some time with him to show just how much you appreciate and care for him. Nothing too extraneous though, he'll need to be rested up for the Gym Battle.
  • Increase Bond with Roland
  • Mutually Exclusive with Dig Deep and Crystalline Cat

[] Crystalline Cat: You're pretty sure you've yet to spend time alone with Renne, Roland was always with you during your sessions with her. Time to fix that, see the sights of Cortondo with her, taste the locales, feel the grass beneath your feet. Hopefully your arms don't get tired from carrying her all day.
  • Increase Bond with Renne
  • Can become a Greatly Increase under a Hard CHRM Roll (DC 26)
  • Mutually Exclusive with Song of Roland
  • Will always happen after the Gym Battle

Pokemon Materials Gained:
Teddiursa Fur, Wooloo Wool, Yamask Shards, Skiddo Leaves, Deerling Leaves
Cash and STAT Gains this turn
26000 Pokedollars, 400 Poke XP, 1 MXP, 600 PROW XP and 200 KNOW XP
Thanks to Tempera for helping brainstorm the Atticus and Nemona Gym battles
Moratorium for 14 Hours
Thanks to Nemastrea for proofreading this update
Last edited:
Field Exercise I: Thursday
[X] Plan: Dragon Bond
-[X] Day One Optional Task: Herbal Horticulture
-[X] Song of Roland

There's a handful of modern hotels around Cortondo, mostly catering to visiting high-end clientele (read:nobility). One of them, located in the east of the settlement, is the Cercle Maeul. A hotel themed around Hoenn culture, built in a style that used to be popular in places like Lavaridge and Lilycove.

And as per the request passed on to your group by Miss Ronah, the location of the VIP who asked for your Group's help.

Elise turns her head to Theodora as your group makes your way towards the front desk, as if she was expecting her to say something.

Theodora blinks, confusion clear, before responding. "What seems to be the issue, Elise?"

"Nothing, I just thought you'd know the VIP is. You always seem to know everything," Elise explains, causing Theodora to sputter and look away embarrassed.

"I-I appreciate the compliment, Elise, and I do have my guesses but it's better to err on the safe side for now," Theodora eventually pushes out. "If you truly want to know, though, I've heard that—"

"Oh, hey. You must be the kids we're waiting for." Your group is interrupted by the sound of someone approaching. It's a woman that looks to be in her 20's, wearing a snappy light gray uniform with black and white highlights. Atop a head of light green hair tied into a ponytail is a similar gray beret. On her left arm is a black armband emblazoned with a red wheel and yellow star, the insignia of the Railway Military Police.

Behind the person is a young girl around Ostia's age, more or less. She has deep black hair and her eyes seem to shine. She is wearing a gray and yellow dress, the kind you've seen worn by a bunch of kids around her age. She looks vaguely familiar.

Unable to help yourself, you look over to Theodora, and yup. Her eyes are wide and one of them is even twitching, she's even holding herself back from saying something. She absolutely knows who they are.

"Good morning, we're Group 1 from Class VII. You must be the client." Elise introduces your group to the woman in uniform.

"Heh heh, sorry, but the commander already left. I was told to stay and give instructions to your class. Sorry for the mixup," the woman sheepishly explains. "I'm First-Lieutenant Cassandra Ascunsion, at your service."

"And this little one here is going to be your charge for the day, say hello to—" Cassandra is interrupted by the little girl pushing past her to get closer to your group. She has a wide eyed look to her and yup, from this close of a view her eyes are definitely glowing.

"Are you guys really Mesagoza students!? I wanna attend but Rika says I'm not old enough, but I wanna know what it's like! People say I'm really good with Pokemon, would that give me a good grade in school?..." Elise, as the physically closest person to the little girl, is barraged with question after question. She turns to you with a pleading look all but asking for help.

Why do you feel like you're getting typecast for some reason?

You push that feeling down as you go and give Elise some backup. You crouch down to answer her questions, stopping her from craning her head up all the way just to look at you. You introduce yourself and the rest of Group 1, pointing at each member so she gets a good look at them.

Elise awkwardly waves at her as the little girl's gaze lingers on her, Poppy's face makes it seem like she's thinking something. After a bit, Poppy nods her head and moves on. Theodora has one of her classic looks, deep in thought while trying to hide it. She gives a polite hello before your introduction finally turns to Ostia. They shyly approach to say hello before going to hide behind you, they seem oddly nervous for some reason.

"And what's your name?" you ask to finish the introduction.

"People call me Poppy!" she proudly exclaims. That definitely sounds familiar, but it might just be a coincidence. After all, Erika once told you that there's a girl in her club named Maria. A lot of people just have similar names. After all, what are the chances that your class would somehow end up meeting a member of the Elite Four?

"Well, since you kids are acquainted with one another now, I'm gonna leave you to it. The Commander bid me to tell you that you'll have to keep an eye on her the whole day, make sure she's happy and entertained and to bring her back here around eight later tonight." Your group nods at the lieutenant's instructions as she lists them off.

"And uh, good luck." A relieved grin makes its way to the woman's face before she leaves as she hurries out of the hotel's lobby. You look over to Poppy and see an enthusiastic and eager expression, a near-constant smile on her face. It almost reminds you of your sister Tamara.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?

"HAVE YOU FOUND HER!?" You shout, panicked, into your ARCUS, receiving a negatory from Elise who's using Murkrow to look from above.

It was just a little storytime! Poppy wanted to know all about Class VII's adventures in Cortondo in the past week and you were happy to oblige. You regaled her with stories about your mandatory tasks, your fights with wild Pokemon and even Theodora pitched in, talking about how Elise fought a Skiddo on her own. Even Ostia was coming out of their shell, talking to Poppy about their Pokemon.

It was going great! The operative weird being, was.

"I'm sure Drilbur can find her, Miss Mary! So you shouldn't worry." Which brings you to why your charge just decided to go off on their own. You told her the story about how you and Theodora caught Drilbur and Leo respectively.

When the topic of conversation went to the Tinkatink that was with the battalion and how there was a local Tinkatink guild, though, everything went wrong.

Declaring that she was going to see 'Tinkie's family', she took out an Ultra Ball, releasing a Skarmory of all things. Riding on Skarmory's back, she flew off to who knows where, giving your group no choice but to chase after her.

Your best chance of finding her would be through Drilbur, who has a vague idea of where the Tinkatink usually are in the Heights. Hopefully she hasn't gotten hurt yet or wandered into a cave.

After nearly an hour of searching, Drilbur manages to find her, lifting some of the worry you're feeling. You give a call to Elise and Theodora, letting them know that you're on the right track and follow Drilbur's directions. You lift up Ostia to carry them, since they're getting tired running around looking. They're surprisingly heavy though.

The place Drilbur leads you to is less of a cave and more of an alcove located in the side of one of the hills and cliffs that make up the Heights. It's been refurbished with makeshift stone tables, beds and even a weird rudimentary furnace. In the middle of the abode, surrounded by more than a dozen Tinkatink, is Poppy, who also has a Tinkaton next to her.

You're starting to suspect she might actually be that Poppy. You don't know how to feel about that.

As you and Ostia approach, you manage to catch some of what Poppy's saying to the group of Tinkatinks.

"...don't worry! Those meanies are going down, Rika said so! Tinkie! You should help them get back on their feet, I'll be fine! This is more important, your family—" Poppy's conversation is interrupted by her noticing the two of you. She waves as if she hadn't just run off based on a whim. Yea, she's definitely like your sister.

The various Tinkatinks look nervous and back away from the two of you, fear and anxiety clear in their expressions. Paying closer attention, you notice that a lot of them are missing their iconic rattle-hammers. Less than half of the Tinkatinks you can see have one, and a lot of them are injured. From what you know about their species, that's not good. Tinkatinks rely on their weapons for even the most basic of tasks.

Turning your attention back to Poppy, she has a big smile on her face, but it feels plastered on. Like there's a little tinge of worry underneath it. Is she scared of getting scolded? At least she knows she did something wrong. You look at the Tinkaton next to them and yup, that's the same Tinkaton you saw while watching that battle with Class VII, massive warhammer and all. Are you really gonna try and scold an Elite Four member?

Yes, yes you are.

"Is this why you flew off without us?" you ask Poppy, to which she hesitantly nods.

You take a deep breath and take stock of what you're gonna do. This Tinkatink guild is important to her Tinkaton and thus to her. Even from just a glance, they're in dire straits. She's offering to let her Pokemon stay here to help them (you're not even gonna get into the impact an Elite Four level Pokemon is gonna have on the local ecosystem).

She is, in her eyes, doing a good thing. But she still ran off without your group on top of a Pokemon. She could've gotten hurt!

Right, you know what you're gonna say now.

"I understand why you wanted to help the Tinkatinks," you begin, "and it's a very nice thing you're doing. But you went ahead on Skarmory without us. You could've gotten hurt. You didn't know where to go, so you wandered in the air for a while, didn't you?" Poppy nods and so you nudge her to look at your Drilbur, who pops out of the ground, startling some of the Tinkatink as you continue. "Drilbur here knows this place, she's from around here. She knows where the Tinkatink live, and we could have helped you get here faster."

"Your heart is in a good place, but ask people for help next time, okay?" you finish. Poppy looks suitably chastised. "We wouldn't want to worry your guardian, after all."

"I'm sorry…" And she looks like she means it. Her Tinkaton gives you a look before nodding. Internally, you let out a sigh of relief.

"That's okay. Now that we're here, why don't we help? Some of them look injured. Ostia and I have some potions with us. Let's fix them up while we wait for the others." Poppy nods, looking grateful for your aid. You turn towards Ostia and they give you an indecipherable look. It vanishes soon after, and they start to pull out of some of the potions they have with them.

Your little group goes around healing up the various Tinkatinks in the alcove. There isn't a consistent trend to most of the injuries; mostly, there's a lot of cuts, scrapes and bruises. You have Roland and Drilbur to help you make splints and crutches from the sticks, wood and stone around the area for the worse injuries while Poppy and Ostia apply bandages and potions on the Tinkatinks that need them.

You're starting to run out of supplies when Elise and Theodora show up. After quickly explaining the situation to the two of them, they get to work alongside yourself, Ostia and Poppy.

While your group is helping with healing up the Tinkatinks, Poppy's Tinkaton has her own task in mind. Gathering up what little scrap and iron they and Drilbur could gather nearby, they're able to replace some of the missing rattle hammers. Not enough for all of the Pokemon in the guild, but enough to re-equip a solid majority of them, at least.

All of a sudden, while you're patching up one of the Tinkatinks, Theodora approaches you. "So is our little charge here…?" she asks, letting you fill in the blanks. You nod, causing an unreadable look to cross Theodora's face.

"Are you alright, Theodora?" you ask, suddenly worried about her. The look vanishes as her characteristic grin returns.

"Oh, just tired from our journey here, I've been thinking about our client since this morning. It's good to have confirmation, that's all." While a part of you doesn't really believe her, you've no reason to think its anything major, so you drop the subject.

You have your own suspicions on who your client is, especially with the name you heard Poppy mention when you arrived.

Once you're finished up, Poppy approaches you and Elise.

"Tinkie wants to stay and help. She says she'll come back once some of the Tinkatinks evolve. And don't worry about her being too powerful for the other Pokemon, Tinkie is too lazy to fight unless I tell her to." Poppy says, politely ignoring Tinkie blowing a raspberry at her before returning to work.

"That's great! As long as it's okay with you and your guardian," you say in response. You don't want to get on the bad side of someone who you're suspecting is also an Elite Four member if Poppy comes back with one less Pokemon.

"I'm sure Rika will be okay with it!" You send a look over to Theodora who's near enough to eavesdrop. "But that's not all!" Poppy suddenly exclaims, as she steps aside to reveal a Tinkatink behind her. One wearing a Pawniard helmet.

Is that…the same Tinkatink that you encountered earlier this week? A cry from Drilbur confirms it as your Pokemon rushes over to greet them.

"Pinky wants to join me so she can get stronger like Tinkie did when she joined my…dad." You mention how cute the two of them were together, ignoring the hesitation at the end there, not wanting to spoil the moment.

A cute little scene of Drilbur and Pinky plays out as your Pokemon drags the latter to play and dance with them. She even introduces the Tinkatink to Roland, causing him to grumble but play along.

Drilbur messing around with Pinky causes more Pokemon, whether the ones belonging to your group or Wild Pokemon, to join in the chasing and play-fighting.

As work crawls to a halt you take stock of the Tinkatinks. With the help of an Elite Four Pokemon, even temporarily, they should be back on their feet sooner or later.

Now's probably a good time for a break. You go over to where Ostia is. They're currently staring at Pokemon playing around, a strange expression on their face. Do they also want to play?

You ruffle their hair, causing them to giggle and laugh. The day might've started out hectic, but it's not looking half bad right now.

With Poppy's curiosity sated, your group- including her (she wanted to come along)- now head to the location of the day's optional task. Elise had received the instructions of what type of berries to get and where to get them from Miss Ronah, passed along by the client, a local Geomantic Priest. After your group finds enough, you're supposed to head back so that the local parish can make some Berry Juice.

While you're tasked with gathering berries of multiple varieties from a local berry patch, the most important among them are wild Sitrus Berries, more commonly known as Gold Berries. It differs from its more common and domesticated sibling in effectiveness, taste and most of all size. The wild variety here is easily almost twice as large as a regular Sitrus Berry- and twice as powerful.

The entire family of berries from Oran to Gold have long been observed to have some healing properties for Pokemon. Even wild Pokemon that consume only meat, stone or metals regularly ingest some when injured.

Back in the Highlands, cultivation of berries like that is rare. The soil simply isn't built for it. But wild groves of berries aren't uncommon. From what Jenkins told you, those areas alongside major watering holes serve as neutral grounds for a lot of the Pokemon in the Highlands. The best way for an Andosin hunter to disappear is to trespass into one with ill intent.

In the rest of Paldea though, Berry cultivation is an entire industry with Oran and Sitrus berries being grown and harvested in industrial quantities, the former much more so than the latter. Beyond just their usage in Pokemon food and cuisine, they're supposedly part of the ingredients that make up Potions and other similar healing items.

As you approach the grove, the hallmarks of a Pokemon attack are clear. Broken fences, abandoned tools and other debris typical of such an occurrence lie scattered around the ground. The grove itself is located in the furthest northern edges of Section 35, not that far from the place your group fought Lokix and the other wild Bug Pokemon.

So your group is suspecting a member of the little Triad as the culprit behind this. "Which one of the three do you think we're gonna encounter?" you idly ask as your group walks down a path framed by various berry trees plucked clean by Wild Pokemon.

"I wouldn't be opposed to facing Lokix again despite how strong he was. We're much better prepared now," Theodora says, causing an incredulous look to appear on Elise's face.

"I don't think we've actually fought the Ninjask yet. According to the locals, they have a Shedinja following them around. So technically, it's more of a Quartet than anything," Elise contributes, quickly moving past Theodora's suggestion.

"Well, I think—"

You aren't able to finish your sentence as a web shot hits your side, knocking you down. Roland is shocked from his resting position around your neck, worry, confusion and then anger flashing in quick succession as he searches for who dared to attack you.

You brace yourself for impact so you don't get hurt by the fall. From your position on the ground you see Nincadas and Tarountulas emerge from the trees to attack.

In one of the larger trees lay Spidops, who's firing off Sticky Webs and String Shots at your classmates, trying to pin them to the ground and their Pokeballs to their sides. You yourself are wrapped in web and string, your other two Pokemon trapped in their Pokeballs. You try to wiggle and find a way out but to no avail.

Your classmates are faring somewhat better. Elise, using Rin, has cut down any web or thread that gets close to her or Poppy, who's hiding behind her, stars in their eyes. Ostia has sent out both their Pokemon and are fighting off the onslaught of Bug Types. There's an absolutely furious look on Ostia's face.

Theodora meanwhile is stuck in the same boat as you are, only managing to release Leo before getting webbed down like you. The two of you share a look, reaching an unspoken agreement to never mention this to anyone else.

The battle goes on. Despite being horrendously outnumbered, Group 1 is winning handily. With their web attacks no longer being effective, the commanding Spidops seems to have retreated, picking up their fallen and fainted as they go.

In the skies Roland and Murkrow savage any Pokemon they can swoop down and grab, dodging String Shots and Poison Stings all the while. The former Crunching and Biting without mercy nor hesitation, maw filled with his erstwhile prey. Once his quarry no longer moves, he tosses them, now burning from the ghostly flames of a Will-o-Wisp, at another Pokemon. Murkrow on the other hand is actually eating some of the Wild Pokemon, mostly focusing on the Nincadas, piercing their shells and pecking into their soft interiors for a snack.

Down below Argy and Poly push back the Wild Bug Types, their Psychic and ranged moves throwing the attacking Pokemon away as Ostia grabs you and Theodora to pull you over to where Elise is. Leo is currently cutting his trainer free, but it's taking some time, the sticky web slowing him down despite how sharp the Pawniard's blades are.

Elise, freed from having to parry and counter Spidops' attacks with their retreat, has been helping Ostia's Pokemon fight off the Bug Pokemon. Argy is grabbing Tarountulas and throwing them upwards towards the waiting maws of Roland and Murkrow or towards Rin's blade.


Elise suddenly twists around to meet an attack from behind, pushing Poppy out of the way as they parry a strike from a newcomer. Ninjask. Elise pushes them back and readies herself to counterattack when Poppy finally speaks up.

"That's not very nice, Mr. Ninjask! Skaro, show them some manners!"

A deafening squawk fills your ears as a powerful gust of wind blows through the grove. All the wild Pokemon, a little over two dozen of them, are blown away, instantly taken out. The webs trapping you and Theodora are cut into pieces with not a single hair on your body being touched by the wind.

Ninjask itselfs is blown away by the wind, cuts tearing their shell and wings, only saved from getting torn apart by a Shedinja emerging from the shadows to grab them before disappearing.

In just a few seconds, what was a battlefield is now silent except for the wind slowly dying down and the sound of your own heartbeat. The trees and the environment aren't even touched, not a leaf nor a blade of grass out of place.

Slowly you get up, finding yourself surprisingly weak in the knees. You were more scared during the few moments of Skaro's attack than you were during the entire battle.

You suddenly feel two weights slam into you, one into your stomach and another from above. You look down and see Ostia hugging you and Roland wrapped around your neck, shaking in worry.

"I'm fine guys, barely even scratched."You do your best to assuage their worries, to little avail. "C'mon, let me up at least." At that, they do finally let you stand up properly. While Ostia backs off, calming down now that you're okay, you're starting to worry about Roland.

He's still shaking and wrapped tightly around your neck. It doesn't hurt since Roland can make himself partially intangible, but that heart to heart with him is probably gonna have to come sooner rather than later.

With the wild Pokemon gone, your group gathers the needed berries for your task. A lot of the berries in the grove are gone, mostly the Oran and Sitrus berries. Theodora muses out loud that that's how the Triad are able to bounce back from their constant skirmishes and battles aso quickly.

Berries in hand, your group now heads to a local parish of the Geomantic Church. Located on the very edges of the settlement itself, it is one of a handful of churches in Cortondo. The largest and oldest of them lie near the center of the town, decreasing in age and size the further out you go. Though that really doesn't mean much when comparing a church built nearly millenia ago to one 'only' built in the last two centuries.

The building that your group approaches is rather small but built on a large plot of land, the structure is made of white brick and old painted tiled roofs. Aside from the church there's a small apple orchard populated by a handful of Applins wandering about. As you head towards the entrance there's a nun waiting at the front that spots your class (and Poppy), waving to you once she does.

"You must be Class VII! My name is Felicia. Thank you for helping us with gathering berries. Things have been so hectic that we needed new stock and…" The nun has a bright sunny disposition and is an utter chatterbox. Little strands of orange hair occasionally slip out from under her habit as she leads your group towards the parish itself. You notice that she has two Great Balls on her belt, which doesn't surprise you- every member of the church you've met has skilled Pokemon with them.

As your class enters the church, shock and alarm ripples through your group as you take in the sight within. Dozens of Pokemon of various species were inside, many of them bearing injuries covered over by blankets or bandages.

There's a huge variety within, from Woobats to a Lurantis couple that had a small Fomantis with them, a couple of Butterfrees and even a Munchlax of all things. Looking above you see various bird Pokemon common in Cortondo and Mesagoza just resting in the railings and pillars of the church. There was only a single human that you can see, an old lady sitting down surrounded by Smolivs.

But none of them could compare to the Pokemon kneeling in front of the dais towards an altar of Xerneas. One armed and even now wreathed in Dark Type Energy, it was Lokix.

As if noticing your arrival, Lokix stands and turns to look at your group. The platform they were kneeling on is elevated so it looks as if they are looking down on you and your friends.

Elise doesn't hesitate to get in between your group and the Pokemon, Rin already drawn. All the other Pokemon react negatively, some of them even getting between your group and Lokix. Despite the injuries many of them had, all of them seemed willing to stand between you and the Bug-Type Pokemon.

"Please do not draw steel in this holy place. Let us not commit to any actions we may come to regret." A voice, deep despite the age, interrupts the stand off. An old man emerges from one of the side rooms of the Church, dressed in a priest's habit. Lean, tall and completely bald, he reminds you of the other old men that Jenkins sometimes drank with. He also has a Flittle perched on his shoulder.

"Apologies, Father Garcia! I forgot to tell them about our uh…guest. It's my fault, if anything." Felicia interjects, bowing in apology, causing the man to sigh as if this is a common occurrence for him.

Elise, eyes still glued at Lokix, slowly and with great hesitation returns Rin to their sheathe. With the threat gone, all of the Pokemon across the church return to what they were doing as tension slowly bleeds off. Father Garcia nods in thanks to Elise and the Pokemon before turning towards Lokix.

"While your visit has been enlightening, I believe it's time for you to go your way. May we meet again in better times," Father Gracia says, causing the Bug-Type to turn and kneel towards the altar one last time before heading towards the exit.

The exit behind your group. Shit.

The tension returns as Lokix slowly, almost lazily approaches your class. Their eyes flicker towards each member of your group.

Elise returns a glare as they pass her. Her hand never leaves Rin's hilt even for a moment.

A look of curiosity and contemplation flits over Theodora's face, one you're absolutely baffled by.

Lokix stares at you and Ostia. You do your best glare at the Pokemon, likely to little effect. Roland wrapped around your neck hisses at them in response, causing Lokix to make a scoffing sound. Your hands tightly grips Renne and Drilbur's Pokeballs, your fingers hovering over their buttons.

Ostia stares at them from behind you, caution and distaste clear on their face.

Poppy meanwhile looks like she's having the time of her life, eyes wide staring at Lokix, who suddenly stops in front of her. Your group tenses in suspense, which is quickly broken by Lokix giving the young girl a shallow bow of all things. One that Poppy returns.

And with that Lokix steps out the door to leave. With them gone, your entire class turns towards Father Garcia, a thousand questions at the tip of your tongues.

He gives a pained smile at your expressions "Well, I suppose an explanation is in order."

"How long has Lokix been visiting this church?" Theodora immediately asks before anyone has even a chance to sit down.

Father Gracia, wanting to thank your class for helping with the berries, decided to serve your class a meal in gratitude. You're now currently in one of the back rooms of the church, the father himself taking the opportunity to answer your question while Sister Felicia and another Sister by the name of Letitia prepare lunch and handle the berries respectively.

"This is the second time he has visited, though technically it is his third. He had… arrived here with his trainer a few months back. Her name was Marida." He hesitates in saying the latter half as if he was contemplating whether to say that part at all.

"So he is a Trainer Pokemon," you say, remembering your discussion with Alice earlier this week and yesterday at the Gym. It was one of many topics your class had been discussing with her before Nemona had—nevermind, you're getting sidetracked.

"Aye, and a skilled one at that, going toe to toe with my Appletun when his trainer had challenged me to a battle," Father Garcia explains as he prepares the table, placing plates and utensils.

"Why didn't you report him to the Trainer Association when he showed up?" It's Elise's turn to ask questions. She's barely hiding the indignant tone in her voice.

"I contemplated it, but he had approached seeking aid and guidance and I could not turn him away. Not when many of the Pokemon seeking refuge here had vouched for him." Which brings up another question.

"Why are there so many injured Pokemon here? Why can't they go to a Pokemon Center?" Ostia asks the question at the tip of everyone's tongues.

"This church is a refuge. It has always been a tradition of the Church to aid any Pokemon that seeks help within its walls, Wild or not. Before Pokemon Centers, parishes like these were responsible for the well-being of the Pokemon of Trainers in the centuries prior. As for why there are so many here today…" Garcia's gaze briefly flickers towards Poppy who's munching on apple fritters that the nuns brought. She and Ostia are seemingly in a competition to see who can devour more without the other members in the class noticing.

"Let's just say that even good and necessary work has its consequences. But that's enough talk. Come, consider this my thanks for accepting our request. The berries you delivered will go a long way in helping the Pokemon outside." At that the two nuns enter the room with lunch. Apple pie, apple-braised chicken thighs, more apple fritters for Ostia and Poppy to devour and finally apple juice to water it all down.

Not wanting to impose anymore, and with Gym battles approaching for two members of your group, your class says farewell to Garcia's little church. Heading back towards Cortondo, your class barely discusses the events of the day, already exhausted despite the fact it's nowhere near over yet.

At Poppy's insistence, your class heads to Pirotin Inn to rest and recuperate. While Poppy goes with Elise and Ostia to watch TV, Theodora announces that she's going to train and bond with her Pawniard. Meanwhile on your end, you're gonna take this opportunity to have that little talk with Roland.

Heading to one of the bathrooms in the Inn (why are all of your talks with your Pokemon in bathrooms), you sit down in one of the stalls to have a chat with Roland.

"How are you? Doing alright?" you ask him. It's been a pretty stressful and hectic week, all things considered and you have a feeling it's not over yet. Roland gives you a look, all but returning the question towards you.

"I'm doing alright, Gym nerves aside. How are you handling being part of a team?" Even though you caught Renne a few weeks ago, it's only really now that Roland has regular contact and interacts with other Pokemon outside of a battling context.

Roland responds with a blank face and a low hiss. You sigh.

"While I get you have an issue with Renne—" Roland interrupts you with another hiss, one filled with a surprising amount of venom.

That bad, huh? You expected him to not like Renne, but this is starting to worry you.

"Look, you're hissing at just the mention of her name. That's not healthy, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see you get along with other Pokemon but…" Roland refuses to respond, curling into himself, a funny image considering he's still floating.

Eventually he peeks out and just stares at you. It's one of those moments where you wish you can actually talk to Pokemon rather than just pantomiming to communicate and understand them.

"Give her a chance, she's helped us a couple times now already, even when it would've been easier for her to not do so. You don't have to like her, but what you're doing is not good." Roland slowly nods in response. It's probably the best you're gonna get from him for a good while.

You hold back another sigh, you have a feeling this isn't the end of things yet.

"What about Drilbur?" In contrast to the hostile hiss from earlier, Roland chirps indignantly, almost petulantly. It's something you recognize without a shadow of a doubt. Sometimes you forget just how young he is.

"Oh c'mon you know she's just messing with you. It's like you with Timothee or Cornelia." Roland chirps a denial as you grab him to pet. He makes a show of resisting before letting himself sink to your touch. He does love getting spoiled.

"You're like my brother, I know these things and she's just being playful. Don't take it too personally but if she does push too far, it's important you tell her instead of bottling it all up." Roland makes grumbling noises but doesn't disagree.

"C'mon we have a Gym Battle later, let's rest up for your big debut." Roland brightens up at the prospect of battle. You've already explained to him what a Gym Battle entails and he seems ecstatic about it. "It's good you're excited, but remember the plan alright?"

It's been a strategy you've been brainstorming on and off for the past few days, taking in what you know and seen of Drilbur and Roland's capabilities. It's going to serve as your strategy for the upcoming Gym Battle.

You're somewhat confident in it, but you know that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. And it definitely can't compare to the thing Nemona had done yesterday, which you're still processing in your head.

What is your plan for the Gym Battle?:

[] Seismic Shadow: Drilbur's good at digging, like- really good at digging. Not quite a master at it yet, but more than good enough for your purposes during this battle. It was during one of the sparring matches between Roland and Drilbur yesterday that you got the idea. Drilbur will focus on digging around the battlefield, using her Ground and Rock moves to pelt and attack the enemy. Outcroppings of rock, dirt and stone casting shadows across the field, and below, vast dark tunnels leading all over will create the perfect field for Roland to take advantage of, striking like a shadow from anywhere he pleases.
  • Drilbur will focus on Ground and Rock moves. Roland will focus on Ghost and Status Moves.
  • Katie's 2nd Pokemon might be something that tries to wrest control of the battlefield away from you.
  • Katie's 3rd Pokemon might be something good at hunting slippery and evasive Pokemon.
  • Will form the foundation of your future battle style.

[] Fast and Furious: Drilbur and Roland are stronger than what most people probably expect that a no-Badge Trainer might have. Beyond that, both are speedy Pokemon with the potential to either chip away at their opponent or to punch right through at the opportune moment. The game plan is simple then; Speed times Force, equals Victory. Drilbur has a number of moves that can make her strikes hit faster and hit harder. That combined with her trump card in the form of her rare Electric Tera Type and accompanying move could lay the groundwork for weakening and paralyzing the opponent for Roland to sweep in. From there Roland will take advantage of his superior speed and evasiveness to do as much damage as possible as fast as possible. Slipping away from the grasp of his enemies to weave in and out of their defenses to strike at the opportune moment.
  • Drilbur will focus on Steel, Status and Electric moves. Roland will focus on his moves that increase his Initiative and allow him to avoid damage.
  • Katie's 2nd Pokemon might be something that matches your first, blow for blow.
  • Katie's 3rd Pokemon might be something tough and hardy or something that can keep up with fast Pokemon
  • Will form the foundation of your future battle style

Pokemon Materials Gained:
Applin Seeds, Ninjask Wing, Spidops Web, Flittle Feather
Cash and STAT Gains this turn
32000 Pokedollars, 400 Poke XP, 500 PROW XP
Items Gained:
Berry Juice x2
Moratorium for 12 Hours
Thanks to Tempera and Illuma for proofreading this update
Last edited:
The Witch and The Wyrm
A glimpse into the future.

It's actually pretty difficult to find recordings of old Conference battles these days. It's not too bad if you want to watch battles from within the last decade or so- Nemona has an entire folder on the cloud dedicated just to Leon's first televised battles, even though they've been scrubbed from most hosting sites by now- but if you want to watch anything from much further back than that, it can get really hard to find recordings of them that are actually watchable.

It gets even more difficult when you're looking from videos from certain regions. She has nothing against Kanto, really, but the country had clung stubbornly onto physical media for far too long. Even now, Kanto and Johto are some of the holdouts still actively producing and selling DVD's of their Conference battles.

She'd found some of Red and Blue's battles online. The big, flashy ones, between the two of them, and a handful of battles where they'd allied with each other against other opponents too- Lance and Clair, Jasmine and Koga.

They're good videos. Don't get her wrong; she's learned a lot from watching the two of them fight. They're so… interesting, so unique, even though neither of them holds a candle to Dawn. She's never seen anyone utilize an Espeon as such a close-range melee combatant before; Red's Espeon fights almost more like a Medicham or a Mightyena than an Espeon, darting in for powerful Psychic-boosted kicks and awful bites that had more than once left her worried that the other Pokemon might sustain serious injuries from the attacks.


There's just something about those videos that feel sanitized to her. Like they're… not scripted, exactly, but like they're putting on a mask for the cameras. Not letting their true feelings show through.

She'd wondered about that for a long time. Hadn't understood why anyone would want to mask how they feel in a fight. She gets it more now, though.

No matter how hard she'd looked online, she'd never been able to find a rawer version of one of their fights. The first one. Maybe even before the first one, before they even reached the Conference. Back when they were just two kids out on a journey, taking every opportunity they had to pit everything they had against each other with no stakes but their own pride on the line.

She'd given up on finding them. It was no good. They're too old. There's too many other trainers around nowadays everyone focuses on. Maybe if she really dug around, spent days and days trawling through the back end of search results online looking for small forums with five or six members last active nine years ago… but she doesn't have time for that. Too many things on her plate nowadays.


Imagine her surprise when Leaf had passed her a VHS tape on the afternoon before school had closed for the holidays.

"Keep it quiet, huh?" she'd said with a wink. Nemona hadn't responded then, too confused by the gesture and the strange item she'd been given-

But now she's here at home, sitting in the back study with an old CRT monitor she'd found online and a VHS player hastily set up in front of it, avidly watching as Red and Blue stared each other down across the arena, faces drawn up in tight smiles and eager lights burning in their eyes, and she understands now.

The room's dark. She'd had to turn the lights off; the only place in the room the monitor could sit close enough to a power point was precariously on the edge of a desk where the cord just reached, and that meant that the light reflected right onto the screen when it was on, making it almost impossible for her to see.

So she's sitting there, huddled on her father's office chair, staring at the grainy screen flickering occasionally, and she watches Red and Blue fight.

She should watch their Pokemon. Later on, she will. There's so much she can learn here- they're both showcasing such interesting fighting styles, back when they were so experimental, before they'd figured out what really worked. Already, something in the back of her brain is ticking away, wondering what she can take away from this, whether Sonny can replicate the white-hot flames Charizard is throwing from its tail.


Her gaze isn't riveted on the Pokemon fighting on the field.

She can't tear her eyes away from Red and Blue.

Their Pokemon aren't fighting, but they're not paying attention to that, other than to occasionally call out commands when something catches their eye. They're experienced enough not to need to watch the specifics of each fight. No-

- they're watching each other with expressions that are almost hungry.

Her chin rests atop her knees as she watches the two of them. They hardly blink as they look each other over. At times, she swears Red almost forgets to breathe, so focused is he on every twitch on Blue's face. They pace around the outside of the arena, steps perfectly matched- opposing forces, like two magnets pushing each other away until they're so far apart they flip and draw each other in again.

Then Blue smiles, and Red snarls- but she can see the tilt in the corner of his mouth, the little flick of a smile that's washed away by faux-rage and intense focus as Blue's Pidgeot darts in, a hurricane forming in its wake, and all she can think is;

I want that.

Here's the thing you need to understand about Nemona;

There's a thousand people she'd call friends. People she'd met when she'd been fighting in Mesagoza. People she'd met at school. People she'd met challenging the Gyms. People she'd met out in the wilds doing the hundred little tasks people had asked for her. Gym Trainers, Gym Leaders, even some criminals. Anyone she's ever stood across from on the field and stared down as she throws out her Pokeball and referees count down, three, two, one, battle!.

She has the number of three Gym Leaders in her contact list and Larry on speed-dial. There's all of Class VII, there's everyone at the Battle Arena, there's all the finalists she's fought against and exchanged numbers with so they can stay up to date and share training tips.

She has friends.

She has friends. She has friends. She has friends.

She'd been intending to come back home while school's out for the year regardless, so she hadn't been annoyed at all when Geeta had asked her to spend some time helping Mesagoza's new hire acclimate to the area.

Clavell- Mesagoza's new Director, replacing Ayala and Harrington after they'd been fired and quit respectively. He's not the only new hire, not by a long shot, but the rest of them are going to have to fend for themselves- she's not going to give up these precious few weeks with her parents to help anyone else out.

The man is nice enough, if a bit formal. She wonders sometimes what it was that he did before accepting the position here- why he'd accepted the position here, really- but it's never felt like a good time to ask. Evidently, whatever he'd done had paid pretty well, though; he'd bought a house almost as big as her own, but where hers houses her whole family and they have three part-time housekeepers to keep the place clean, he lives alone but for a single live-in maid.

She'd worry a little about him being lonely, except-

Nemona's been to actual forests less populated than Clavell's house. He'd brought with him a veritable menagerie of Pokemon, more than she, Manuel and Jacinto have between them. A Sandygast who cleans the beachfront behind his house; a Bulbasaur and a handful of Flabebe, who tend to the beautiful wild-looking gardens; a small hive of Combee who buzz around all the gardens nearby; on and on and on.

They don't spend much time at his home, though. She wouldn't be doing a very good job acclimatizing him to the region if they spent all their time there. So, instead, she'd kind of combined two of her jobs.

She doesn't do much work with the Rangers, personally, but there's not a whole lot of strong Trainers who live around here. When she'd been growing up, they'd often have to wait hours or even days before someone from a neighbouring city would travel over to come deal with whatever problems had cropped up.

The town was usually peaceful, so it'd never really been an issue. The worst problem they'd ever had was when a nearby Oinkologne had led a herd of Lechonk into the middle of town and started eating all the flowers there. They hadn't even done much damage- a Ranger with a Makuhita had shown up and rounded them all up by that afternoon.

But now-

No. She's at home. She's on vacation. She really doesn't want to think about everything happening in Paldea lately.

Clavell's a surprisingly sharp man. Well, it's not surprising, exactly; they wouldn't hire him on as Director of the academy if he was stupid. But he puts on a good facade of it all the same, and it's easy enough to slip up around him and forget that he's not just a doddering old man.

He's also a surprisingly good battler, which is why she doesn't feel bad at all about dragging him out on tasks like today's. A powerful Houndoom has been agitated recently after one of the Houndour in the pack was injured by… something; she's not quite sure what, and neither were the people who'd put in the request. The Houndoom's been roaming around in the caves nearby, and she's been tasked with relocating them away from town.

It shouldn't be hard. The Houndoom had fled at the sight of just the Ranger's Herdier, a little third-badge Pokemon.

She'd caught a little Rockruff just recently. It's nowhere near as strong as the rest of her team, which makes it perfect for tasks just like this. Any of her other Pokemon would have no problem handling the Houndoom, of course, but that won't permanently solve the issue- it just tells the Houndoom they need to stay away from her. Convincing it that anyone could beat it should do a much better job making it stay away from civilization once she's temporarily caught it, and that's much easier if she can use a Pokemon like it.

Clavell's own Houndoom is following them from the shadows beside the trail, but he's good at hiding- good enough that Mercury had struggled to see him the first time they'd come to Clavell's house to introduce themselves. He seems to blend into the shadows, well enough that there's not much chance the wild Houndoom is going to spot him.

Her Kilowattrel and Ribombee are tracking the wild Houndoom from the air. She'd thought about having one of her other Pokemon do it, but they're her best combination for tracking Pokemon- Cutie can sense their auras, and Mercury can pass information on to her easily thanks to his lightning manipulation. Quick flashes light the air any time she wanders off-path, and if they need her attention more directly, they're both fast enough to attend to her directly.

So, she and Clavell mostly engage in small talk as they walk down the winding paths around Cabo Poco.

She knows, at this point, that Clavell used to be a researcher working with the government to investigate- something. She has security clearance now, but for whatever reason, he's refused to tell her what he was researching still. He clams up every time she tries to push for more, which…

Well, it's frustrating. But it is what it is. She's getting used to people shutting down when she tries to push for information on particular topics. She's supposed to have security clearance, but there's a difference between being given the title and actually being trusted with secrets, it seems.

He used to work in Unova as a school teacher, too. A ten-year career, according to his resume. Experience drawn from prior work as a public speaker, and before that from a degree in the arts, had given him a job at a small school in Nimbasa, where he'd worked for three years before getting a job as the vice-principal at a larger school in Striaton. The principal had retired two years later, leaving the position open for Clavell, who had worked at the school for five years before returning to Paldea for… 'personal reasons'.

More secrets. She won't tell anyone, but she's getting a little frustrated at how many of them seem to surround her nowadays.

Clavell is a man with two children and seven grandchildren and no spouses. She has her suspicions about why this is; she's seen photos of a severe-faced Clavell and a blank-faced woman a few years older than him displayed on his bookshelves, and a single colourful photo of Clavell placed strategically behind a potted plant in his living room, smiling with his hands around another man. She hasn't mentioned them, even though he saw her looking, and she thinks he appreciates her for that, just a little.

She's getting to know him, just a little, and for the first time in a while she actually feels a little positive about how the upcoming school year will go.

Here's the thing you need to understand about Nemona;

There's not a single person who will meet her eyes and call her a friend in turn without something burning in the back of their eyes.

Jealousy. Envy. Resentment. Anger. Bitterness.

She doesn't understand it, but she can see it every time she looks at the people around her.

People say all kinds of things about her. They say she's a prodigy. They say she's an unparalleled genius, a once-in-a-generation talent. They say there is something different about her, some ephemeral quality that allowed her to pass all her peers in a month and leave them in her dust in just half a year.

They don't mention all the time she spent with her team. All the long nights she'd pulled, staying out well past dusk at the arenas in town only to come back and try to study under the lamplight as the clocks ticked past midnight, just to wake up at six that morning and do it all again. The money she'd sunk into her team, encouraged by their smiles and their cheery aura and the enthusiasm with which they threw themselves into battles for her.

There's a truth she's afraid to admit to herself, deep within her heart.

Contrary to how it usually works on TV, it's Nemona's experience that people almost never come across an incident while it's happening. Either you stumble across an incident while it's still brewing, when a hundred little signs are bubbling around and whispering to you about the events that are about to occur, or you stumble across an incident well after it's over, when the best you can do is pick apart the pieces that remain and try to determine what happened.

In this case, it's the second kind of incident.

The first sign they have that something's wrong is when Mercury screeches at them from above, a flash of lightning the only warning they have before the shadows a mile up the road split apart. Nemona blinks, and Clavell's Houndoom beside them growls as bone emerges from the shadows, fire licks at the air- and the pack of Houndour ahead of them split off, seeing the humans ahead of them and choosing to flee instead, baying in terror.

She glances over at Clavell, who looks back at her with the same expression. A shared thought flickers between them;

Something's wrong. They're scared. What could have instilled that kind of fear into them?

Nemona racks her brain, trying to think. Kilowattrel is flying in circles overhead, screeching in alarm, but she's not sending bolts of lightning off in any particular direction, so there's no imminent threat. Ribombee is bobbing anxiously overhead, but she doesn't seem to be seeing anything either. Whatever had scared the pack of Houndour probably hadn't followed them, then.

The Houndour had come down the path ahead. What's up in that direction? A beach. More plains if you veer off, with a small river delta a bit off. Near the beach-

Right; a cave system. And, yeah, it's the middle of the day- no self-respecting Houndour would be found walking around the beach or resting alongside a river in the middle of the day. The Pokemon are active at this time of day mostly in shaded or underground areas.

She hesitates for just a fraction of a second, then starts rattling off orders. Cutie; follow the Houndour. If they leave the territory around Cabo Poco, return to her house. If they stop and appear to be regrouping, return. Otherwise, return within the next three hours. Kilowattrel- fly lower; be ready to respond to any threats. Clavell, return your Houndoom; we'll pick this up next-

"Absolutely not." The indignation in Clavell's voice is enough to cut off the rest of Nemona's sentence, causing her to blink slowly at him as she tries to catch up. "I may not be Champion-ranked, but I can assure you I am no slouch when it comes to Pokemon battles myself, miss Mendoza. I will not hinder you, and I will not leave you to face whatever lies ahead of us alone."

A half-dozen rebuttals rise through her mind in an instant. If there's actually a powerful Pokemon around, Clavell's Houndoom isn't going to be much help- that Pokemon wouldn't even make it through the Gym Challenge, let alone anything an eight-badge trainer would face. He'll be a distraction, more than anything, an extra element she has to focus on protecting.

Even so.

She closes her mouth and nods.

"Okay. Let's go!"

Here's the thing you need to understand about Nemona;

She's lonely.

Really. She's so lonely.

It doesn't take them long to make it to the inlet grotto; a little over half an hour at a pace somewhere between a jog and a sprint. They're both winded by the time they make it there, and they had to stop along the way for a minute or two to gulp in air, but they had to hurry- who knows what could be happening up there?

Things are surprisingly calm and peaceful when they arrive, though. Pokemon are still shy at their presence, darting away at any sudden noise, but there's no signs of violence. The above-ground entrance to the cave is still intact, and there's been no localized signs of terrain shifting.

The fact there are Pokemon around at all does a lot to soothe Nemona's nerves. Wild Pokemon are often out and about when dangerous Pokemon are nearby, but they're generally more than just skittish- they either lash out or flee immediately the instant they sense anything unusual.

Still; they're very, very cautious as they make their way into the grotto. They move slowly, careful not to make any sound or noise, and they keep their eyes peeled- Nemona watching out for any threats ahead of them, and Clavell checking constantly for anything that might try and sneak up behind them.

Nothing does, though.

The grotto opens up into a surprisingly large cave system, but most of it is exposed to the elements. It takes them about five minutes of sneaking slowly and carefully in before they make it past the entrance and can peer down the winding, rocky path to a lower entrance of the cave. It's delineated into large areas, mostly linked by the same rocky path. Occasionally, 'shelves' of stone jut out, providing areas where small colonies of Ground and Rock-type Pokemon live, and she can spot several small crevices that likely lead to other caves branching off from this grotto.

There's nothing she can see aside from the usual Geodude and Woobat, though, so after a moment to try and stretch out her legs and check with Clavell about how he's doing, the two of them start venturing down.

The Pokemon in here are skittish. The further down they descend, the more she's convinced that whatever scared the Houndour off was in here; the Pokemon here are far more nervous than the ones outside. Roggenrola run off as soon as they spot her, and Zubat chitter nervously from above, flapping their wings and jeering but refusing to leave their perches.

It's an unnerving ambience- especially when the cave grows tighter closer down to the bottom, forcing her to return Mercury, whose wingspan is just too large to allow him to fight down here without endangering both of the humans. Clavell is forced to return his Houndoom for the same reason, leaving her hand lingering over Sonny's Pokeball.

She's about to suggest pausing and backing up when she spots something down on the bottom floor. Something that definitely does not belong here. A backpack, maybe? Something cloth-like, anyway, with a good deal of possessions spilled nearby.

Nemona and Clavell both push themselves off the small ledge near the bottom with a soft grunt, then look at each other hesitantly. There's absolutely no Pokemon she can identify as a threat down here, just a handful of small Drilbur watching her cautiously from a burrow to the side.

She approaches the backpack-

All the warning she has is a slight whoosh of air, just enough to make her legs twitch in the beginnings of an attempt to leap to the side; and she's struck as what feels like a meteor collides with her from above.

Here's the thing you need to know about Scarlet;

She has never been one for other people. She holds only a handful of people close to her heart, and is wary of giving even that many people access to her truest self.

First there are, of course, her parents. Her mother, she holds in the highest of regards, though she sees her little; she works two jobs to afford their scholarships to Mesagoza even with the money Scarlet herself has contributed, and often she does not return to their house until Scarlet has pretended to sink into sleep. Her father, she scarcely remembers; but what memories she does remember are of being held as thunder crashed overhead, of bandages being applied to scraped knees and gentle cloths being held to burned hands, and she holds those memories close and dear to the deepest parts of her heart.

Second; there is Violet. Her brother, younger than her by thirteen minutes she holds eternally over his head. He is as opposite to her as can be, as open as she is closed-off, as friendly as she is standoffish, as deserving of a bright future as she is certain for a cold one. He smiles where she scowls and he holds out hands where she slaps them away. The only similarity they share is the shadows that lurk deep in their eyes, where none can see them; and for that one similarity she loves him even more.

Third; there is Deinopis, her Tarountula. She has known him for three days, and already she is ready to kill for him. He is a precious bundle of optimism and joy and deep, deep greed. She had woken beneath the shade of an apple tree to find him making cats-cradles with her hands; the Pokeball she had used to catch him had not rolled even once, and he has been her loyal minion since.


There is no fourth. This is as far as she will allow her heart to open. This far, and no farther.

She has to act quickly.

Scarlet darts forward, throwing herself off the Pokemon's back and onto the small ledge before them. The Gimmighoul is already turning, having somehow seen their descent from the very roof of the cavern they'd crawled to; if she doesn't move fast, the little creature is going to disappear, and she's going to have less than nothing to show for all the time she's spent scoping out the grotto.

Her shirt catches on a rock as she struggles to pull herself up the ledge, but she doesn't have time to care. Her jacket covers the worst of the rip regardless; it does throw her off-balance a little, but not enough to seriously stop her. She has to duck her head to avoid a low-hanging stalactite, but then she's striding forward- four paces, five paces, six- and she's close enough to toss the Pokeball with a flick of her wrist, striking the ground in front of the Gimmighoul with a red flash.

The Pokemon screeches and tries to bring itself to a skidding halt, but it's too late. Deinopis emerges from the light, and with a triumphant flourish, has already formed a lasso from the silken ball wrapped around his torso. The Gimmighoul screeches again, but her Tarountula is simply faster; the lasso lashes out, and the modified String Shot lands around the Pokemon.

And that's the game.

The little Pokemon pouts up at her as she approaches, but it knows when it's been beaten. If it wants to press the issue, it can- but Deinopis has already hit it with a String Shot, and is easily in range for a follow-up Bug Bite. The odds certainly aren't in its favour.

Finally, with a huffed groan, the Gimmighoul surrenders. Its shoulders droop low as it places the coin it's holding in its hands and rolls it towards her.

Scarlet scoops the little coin from the ground and holds it up to the light. Yeah- that's an authentic Gimmighoul coin. The pattern's unmistakeable, and the coin itself is soft, made out of whatever kind of fake gold the creatures produce.

With unhurried steps, she moves forwards and picks up Deinopis' Pokeball, though she doesn't return him. The little Tarountula skitters up instead, crawling up her leg and back to come sit on her right shoulder, opposite her single braid. Only then does it drop the String Shot, allowing the Gimmighoul to finally begin untangling itself so it can flee into the dank recesses of the cave once again.

She watches it curiously as it leaves- then there's another grunt behind her, and her attention's already gone from the little Pokemon, back on the group she'd accidentally ambushed. An unpracticed motion taps the Pokeball at her side, only then returning the Tarountula to its ball as it whispers goodbyes into her ear.

Clavell is there. Recognition shines in his eyes as he looks at her, and a whole lot of tension bleeds out of his face. There's a Houndoom pacing around him, snarling as it looks at the large Pokemon she's currently allied with, but it's too scared to actually move over and try to force it to disengage from the girl it's currently…

… licking the face of. Right.

The girl's giggling as the Pokemon huffs in laughter over her, though one hand's also held gently over her side, where its claws are dug into the stone beside her. Right- that landing had to have been pretty hard. They hadn't been able to be picky; the two of them had nearly walked straight up to the Gimmighoul well before Scarlet and the Pokemon had been in position to ambush it properly.

She whistles, and the Pokemon perks up. Its front legs rise up off the girl as it stands on its back two legs, giving her an innocent look. She stares dryly at it, causing it to grin back at her with a dopey expression- an expression that only turns dopier when she shines the coin at it.

"Got it," she says, both triumph and dry amusement clear in her tone. "Come on. Get off her. Give her room to stand up."

It backs up a few steps, allowing the girl to gingerly stand back up. She's favouring her side, though there's no blood showing through her white shirt; probably just a bruise then, since it's nowhere near her ribs. She should offer her a potion or something.

She doesn't, though.

Instead, she watches, tilting her head as the girl looks up at her. Their eyes meet, and Scarlet can't help the way the corner of her mouth tilts up in an ever-so-slightly mocking way as the girl looks straight into her eyes; then the girl's eyes dip down, taking in the fullness of her mouth and the torn state of her clothing, and suddenly she feels more embarrassed than amused.

She should apologize for dropping in on them like this.

Emphasis on the should.

"Well," she says out loud to the quiet cavern, "I didn't expect to see you until the afternoon today, Director Clavell."

The man coughs quietly into his hand, then adjusts his glasses in a vain attempt to buy himself a second to organise his thoughts. "Yes. Well. I must say, I did not expect to see you here either, miss Julianna. Might I enquire as to what you are doing here, and who your… companion, is?"

She gives him a deadpan stare, then holds up the Gimmighoul coin. "Heard there was treasure to be found here," she says, only slightly mockingly. "Not the greatest haul in the world, but it was worth checking out."

Silence stretches for a moment.

The girl's the one to break it.

"And the Pokemon?" she asks, looking at it with an awestruck expression. "I've never seen anything like it before. It looks kind of like a Cyclizar. Are they related?"

Some mischievous impulse seizes at Scarlet in that moment when she sees the excitement twinkling in the girl's eyes.

"Of course not." Her voice is as dry as she can possibly make it. "Honestly, have you never seen a Beautifly before?" She waits a moment for the girl's incredulous look, and Clavell's exasperated shake of his head, before she continues on; "See? Antenna, wings, vivid colouration. He's just a bit bigger than most."

The girl stares at her for a moment.

"You're messing with me," she replies, half-annoyed, half-wonderingly. "There's no way- you are. You're playing a joke on me."

"Of course not." Scarlet shakes her head, putting on her best wounded face. "I've never played a joke on anyone in my life. Please- he's very sensitive about his size. Don't make him feel worse about it."

The Pokemon's head is swinging between the two of them as they talk. At her last words, it seems to catch on; it looks at her for a second, then tries its best to droop, letting out a pitiful little whine.

"See?" she adds, just to make the girl's eyes narrow a little more in frustration. "Now look what you've done. He's upset." She shakes her head with a click of her tongue. "Come on, boy. Let's get out of here."

The girl splutters, but Clavell only lets out another put-upon sigh before she can hear him move to follow her out. A second later, there's more scrabbling as the Pokemon- she's going to have to come up with a name for it soon- leaps after her, crossing the entire intervening distance in a single bound, and then finally an annoyed groan as the girl finally follows, jogging up to catch her.

There's silence for a minute or so as they make their way out of the lower entrance to the grotto. It's a little awkward, having the future head of her school witnessing her adventurers down here, but not really any more awkward than it was when he'd turned up to her house just yesterday, so.

The journey back up to the cliffs overlooking the beach is entertaining enough to make up for it, at least. The girl, who still hasn't made any moves to introduce herself, keeps pestering her to give her more information about the Pokemon stalking alongside her. That's definitely not a Beautifly. If it isn't related to Cyclizar, is it related to Charizard? What type is it? It's what scared the pack of Houndour away, right?

How long ago did you meet it?

She almost pauses a moment at that question.

Well, you see, strange girl I have known for twenty minutes, I lied to my mother last night.

I stood with her in the kitchen as we made sandwiches for my late lunch with Clavell today, and I looked her in the eyes and I told her I was going to go to sleep early that night. She looked at me, and she knew I was lying; and she nodded, and she sent me to bed with an expression that broke my heart because she knows that she cannot afford to provide us with the future she feels we deserve, and there is only one thing that can help us out of this state, and only one of us can do something about it- and it is not her.

I snuck out of my bedroom window while my brother slept easily through the evening light, and with only a Tarountula I caught just days beforehand at my side, I stole my way through the encroaching darkness. I knew it was dangerous, and my mother knew it was dangerous, and we each of us knew that our lives will not improve unless we accept that danger is a part of life.

I travelled down to the beach, where I expected to be lurking in the shadows, hiding from Houndour and Zubat and aggressive Sandygast; but the night was darker than expected, a shadow over the moon fell, and this Pokemon collapsed into the sands in front of me. Its wings were broken and its claws were shattered and it bled from a dozen wounds around its body.

I should have died. It was angry and it was hurt and it was dangerous.

But we looked into each other's eyes, and it recognized in itself that some part of me is the same as some part of it, and I recognized that some part of it is the same as my own heart. And so, I made the worst decision that anyone in my place could have made; I approached the creature, and from my backpack I fed it all the sandwiches my mother had made me, and I healed its wounds with all the potions I had saved for these journeys.

I had four potions in my backpack, and one yellow bottle that when sprayed could ease paralysis and burns and treat poisons. It should not, would be enough for a creature to recover. And indeed, it has not fully recovered; you cannot see it yourself, but I can see the tears in the wings it wears as braids, and the limp in its legs that prevent it from leaping, and the way its eyes flick about even out here on the safety of the open beach. It bears wounds in its body and its mind that medicine alone cannot heal, and I don't know what to do to help it.

But somehow, four potions had closed all the gashes in its body, and one single spray had healed the burns over its body and eased the twitching of its muscles. It is an unnatural level of regeneration that I cannot explain.

I do not know what this Pokemon is. I don't know what injured it so. I don't know why it didn't lash out in its anger and put my broken body into the ground. This is a creature of secrets that I know not even the shape of.

But it looked me in the eyes, and we know now we are inextricably bound to each other. It stood in front of me when Houndoom and its Houndour found me within the cave, and it buried Houndoom to protect me, crushing it below a stone that looks now like it always belonged, like the Pokemon did not summon it in the air and send it crashing down. It looked at me, and as our slitted eyes met each other, I knew; it trusted me.


I am sorry, warm-hearted girl.

But I do not know you, and so these are not the words that I am going to say.

"I met it a month or so ago," Scarlet replies airily, the lie passing easily through her lips. "It was hanging around in the woods around the house when we moved back here. There's actually a whole nest of Beautifly back there, you know-"

"Argh!" The girl stomps her foot, causing Scarlet's smirk to grow even wider. "Stop it with the Beautifly thing! It doesn't even make sense, if you're going to lie you should at least try and make it believable!"

Scarlet nods. "Of course," she says easily. "If I was going to lie, I'd tell a much better one than that. That's how you know you can trust I'm telling the truth, you know?"

It's an easy beat to keep to, even as the girl continues to grow more frustrated with how she's being stonewalled. At every opportunity, simply calmly deny the lie; insist that the Pokemon is a Beautifly in truth, and that she's such a poor liar she can't even bring herself to try. Refute every attempt at pushing back on the lie by simply claiming that the Pokemon is simply a really strange variant- perhaps the first instance of a Paldean Beautifly in existence?

That one is perhaps a step too far. A foot stomps into the ground at the top of the cliffs atop a small grassy knoll, and as she turn back to look at her, the girl throws her hand out at her with a determined expression throws her finger out to point at Scarlet as she shouts;

"Now you're just being ridiculous! If you're not going to tell me, then- then-" The girl runs her fingers through her hair with an expression that is somehow amused, exasperated and annoyed at Scarlet all at once. "Then I'll make you tell me with a Pokemon battle! How about it?"

A part of Scarlet wants to ask; why should I accept? I get nothing out of this. You have seven Pokeballs at your waist, and all I have is Deinopis. Do you think the Pokemon will come to my aid in a meaningless fight against a curious girl?

She really should say that. Really- nothing good for her can come from this battle.

But instead, she makes the mistake of looking at the confident tilt of the girl's mouth, the cocky tilt of her head, the excitement shining in her eyes as the girl looks directly into her own eyes; and instead of a denial, Scarlet just sighs, then offers the girl a little smirk of her own as she pulls Deinopis' ball from her waist again.

"Alright," she concedes, tossing the ball up and down in her hand as she fakes bravado she really doesn't feel. She's already accepted that she's going to lose this battle- if this girl came with Clavell to deal with that Houndoom, there's no way Deinopis will be able to stand against her. But- still; no reason not to put her best foot forward. "One Pokemon each. Clavell, you mind acting as referee?"

The schoolteacher coughs, acting as though he's surprised she'd even remembered he's there. "Certainly," he says a moment later. "I'm afraid I left Orangaru in the care of my dear assistant today, so I will not be able to provide a barrier for your battle. Please practice caution when it comes to the presence of humans on the field."

Well, it's not like Deinopis is much of a threat to anyone on the field right now. Maybe if she ordered him to hit one of them with a sneak attack, but she has a sneaking suspicion no attack from the little Pokemon would ever make it through.

She tosses her Pokeball forward, the movement almost synchronized with the girl in front of her. There's a single flash of light as their Pokemon are summoned, and then-

Hm. A Rockruff.

It's going to be a difficult fight for Deinopis, certainly, but… she hadn't expected someone with seven Pokemon to still have an unevolved Pokemon on her team.

Maybe if she plays her cards right-

There's no point in planning anything out just yet.

Deinopis stands in front of her, flexing its little legs fearlessly at the Rockruff. The Pokemon responds with a low growl, likely trying to intimidate the little bug, but her Pokemon won't scare so easily.

Deep breaths. In, four seconds. Hold, six seconds. Exhale, eight seconds. Close your eyes. Center yourself.

Clavell counts down.





Scarlet's eyes shoot open. Her voice is the first to ring out across the field. "Dei, close in! Use Lunge!"

The other girl hesitates just barely long enough for her to notice it before yelling out a command in turn. "Rockruff! Use Rock Throw! Keep it away from you." Your Pokemon begin moving, but she's not done ordering it around; "Watch out for its strings. Don't let it hit you with them, or you'll have trouble moving around."

The Rockruff barks an acknowledgement out- then its eyes widen, and there's a soft tap tap tap far too close to the little Pokemon already, because Deinopis has sped in at a frankly absurd pace, crossing over two-thirds of the distance just in the time it took the girl to speak her warning. Just a second or two more, and-

But no; even taken aback by the Tarountula's speed, the Rockruff is still fast to react. Just as Scarlet's Pokemon gets close enough to lean back in preparation for a powerful leap forward, a rock shoots forward- followed in quick succession by another, then another. The third curves up, and though Deinopis is fast enough to avoid the first two, the third clips its ball of string as he throws himself desperately to the side. Silk unravels, forming a quick spool that quickly cuts itself, sacrificing near a third of its web-ball to free up its movement again.

Scarlet's prepared enough for that, though. She smirks at the other girl as the string waves around in the air, and the girl's eyes open wide as she opens her mouth to shout out a command.

"Rockruff, jump! They're going for a String Shot! Use Bulldoze when you land-"

Scoffing, Scarlet waves her hand. "Spikes," she orders. The girl looks confused for just a moment- until Dei waves the end of its string around, throwing it not at the Rockruff, but instead at small bits of sharp stone and bark only it can see. The string flicks around, splitting into a half-dozen strands which then split into a further three each; all eighteen fall, landing on the spiky bits of terrain, and with a flick the spikes are shot below where Rockruff is about to fall.

The girl watches the Rockruff- and again, just a short moment of hesitation. Scarlet's mouth tilts down, a frown emerging.

The Rockruff falls, landing directly on the spikes. There's a sharp yelp of pain, but the Pokemon isn't hampered overly much. That's fine; she hadn't planned on the move hurting it overly much. The Rockruff is tough, she can see this from here. They're not going to win this by going for big shots. Their best chance is to play it safe, going for little bits of chip damage where they can.

The move isn't free, though. "Get out of there!" she yells, almost at the same time the Rockruff lands. It's a pointless command; Deinopis had heard the command for Bulldoze just as well as she had, and it has no interest in being hit by the attack. It's already moving to the side, even faster now that it's shed so much of its ball, and the wave of dirt misses it by near a full meter. "Get in close again!"

She hasn't had enough time with the Tarountula to come up with any fancy strategies. It's good with its webs, really good, and it's good with both bug and grass-type attacks. It's fast, but frail- one hit from a wild Nymble had nearly knocked it unconscious the day she'd caught it. Any significant hit will spell the end of the battle.

But there's something else niggling at her.

More rocks fly at the Tarountula. The girl hadn't felt the need to call out the attack; the Rockruff is looking angry as it favours one of its paws, which had landed directly on a sharp rock. Tarountula weaves in and out of them, at one point choosing to throw itself forward into a skid to pass under a particularly fast one.

Scarlet takes a second to assess the battlefield. Rocks litter it, some dug into the ground ahead of Tarountula, forming an impediment as it passed them, some dug far behind.

She has a feeling she knows what strategy the girl's going for.

And Scarlet knows that she's about to get really angry, because the girl isn't doing it.

She watches as Tarountula approaches the Rockruff. Two of its attacks have 'missed', slamming directly into the earth in front of it. There's a large gap between them, through which Tarountula can pass as it moves into range for another Lunge.

Scarlet's watched a few Champion-level battles before. She's seen this exact strategy- Steven Stone had used it against Drake once, though everything was so much faster there. He'd used Ancient Power for it, summoning small meteors from the sky to rocket down at Drake's Druddigon. Drake had missed the truth then too, right up until it was too late; right up until Druddigon attempted to use the two boulders to hide himself from Steven's Cradily. He'd sped past, moving in to position himself for a Draco Meteor-

And the Cradily had released the Rock Tomb it had been preparing, using both boulders to instantly bury the Dragon-type. It hadn't knocked it out- but it had been the final opportunity slipped by, the nail in the coffin of Drake's attempt at beating Steven.

Deinopis approaches the rocks. Scarlet isn't watching it, though; she's watching the girl. She watches the girl's mouth open as the Bug-type passes the rocks- then she watches the hesitation, the moment that allows the Tarountula to slip by and lunge into the Rockruff; and then the girl's mouth firms up, and she yells out, "Rockruff, Bite and-"

Scarlet presses the recall button on her Pokeball. A flash of light washes over the field again, and her Pokemon doesn't have time to give her a surprised look, but Scarlet doesn't care because she's already striding forward to press her finger against the girl's chest, looking her directly in the eyes as she says as clearly as she can;

"Fuck you."

And she turns and strides off, gritting her teeth as she moves on in the direction of Clavell's house as the girl looks at her from behind, bewildered. her hand outstretched as though to stop her from leaving.

Here's the thing you need to know about Scarlet;

Nobody quite understands her. She has been compared to a dozen prickly creatures in her life by as many people, and none of them have quite been accurate.

Her mother compares her to a Luxray. She wears clothes of black and dark blue, and stares at people with the coldest expression many will see in their lives. She is a creature of claw and fang. So much as touching her brings with it risk; should she be in a poor mood, she will respond with stinging retribution that leaves one paralyzed with fear.

This is all truthful and correct. However, it misses many other truths.

Her brother compares her to a Sableye. She collects gems and coins and precious treasures of all kinds, and keeps the shiniest of them all within her own hoard. She is a monster that appears innocent, and then will rend you with a smile when you step within her shadow. Most of all; she is a loyal creature through and through to those she sets her heart towards.

This is all truthful and correct. However, it misses many other truths.

Her father compared her to an Absol before he disappeared. Oh, my darling, he would say while wrapping her in a warm embrace. You are a creature of the darkness, but the darkness is not a part of you; you are its queen and it must serve you. You can use it to save many others, if you set your warm and open heart to it; but you cannot save yourself with it. Yours is a cold and lonely future, my love. Keep your heart open that others might warm it for you.

This is all truthful and correct. However, it misses many other truths.

She would compare herself to a Glimmora. A creature born with greed at its heart, precious and magical gems that shine and shimmer and give birth to a creature that claims all in the world as its own. It is a flower, but an ugly one, carved of stone that bears with it the acrid stench of poison. It is a creature with a special truth; treat me wrong, and I will spit incurable poison into the world that will wither away all you hold dear.

This is all truthful and correct.

However, though she refuses to believe it, this too misses many other truths.

She's resting against the Pokemon's side at Clavell's house when he and the girl finally make it back. She'd made most of the trip atop the Pokemon, darting through the forests where no humans could possibly see them, and now they're lazing around in Clavell's garden.

Thankfully, Scarlet's mood has stabilized over the past hour or so free of the two of them. Mostly. Most of the annoyance she had at the girl's throwing of the fight has disappeared, although with it's gone the playfulness as well. Oh well.

She greets each of them with a neutral nod, which Clavell returns politely and the girl hesitantly. Silence lingers for a moment, then;

"Very well," Clavell says, offering each of them a small, patient smile. "Let's retire into the kitchen, shall we? I do believe dear Clarissa prepared some scones just yesterday. I dare say some tea would do a lot to relieve our aching feet."

Scarlet fixes him with a deadpan look. "Not all of us are old enough that a little walk hurts our feet, old man," she says, and smiles a smile full of teeth at him when he gives her an affronted look. "Sure, though. I could use a bite to eat." A pause, just long enough to be noticeable, before she turns to the other girl. "You coming?"

The girl hesitates. Before she can deny the invitation, though, Clavell interjects with, "I am afraid I must insist, my dear. It wouldn't do to be an ungracious host, and despite the apparent needlessness of our job today, you have done an admirable job introducing me to these parts recently."

Pink touches the girl's cheeks, and she can only nod as the three of them head inside.

It's not silence that fills the air, for once, but it's not conversation between the three of them either. Clavell has an old radio set up in his kitchen, which alternates between playing music that was already old when Scarlet first heard music and playing a soft-voiced radio host reading out local news from a city in Unova. It's enough to keep the tension in the room from being too bad.

Well. On Scarlet's end, at least; because after just a few moments, when the tea is still brewing, the other girl finally breaks.

"Hey," she says hesitantly, looking everywhere in the room except at Scarlet. "Did I do something wrong? I thought- I was having fun with the battle, and I thought you were too, until…"

Scarlet heaves out an aggravated sigh.

"If there is one thing I hate in this world more than anything else," she says in the most aggrieved tone she can muster, "it is being looked down on. I know we're weak; I only caught Deinopis a few days ago. You don't need to rub it in like that."

For some reason, the girl flinches at that.

"I didn't-" She stops, then rubs her arms like she's cold despite the ostensibly warm weather. "I'm… I wasn't looking down on you. Sorry. I'll try harder next time."

Rolling her eyes, Scarlet actually audibly groans. "See, that's it," she says snappily. "You were looking down on me. Don't pretend like you weren't. You could have won that fight three times, and that's just what I noticed. There were probably twenty other things you could have done to win right away, right?"

The girl hunches in on herself. Her first answer is too soft for Scarlet to understand it; a prompt has her saying, still so quietly that Scarlet has to strain to hear her;

"Maybe. Probably. Sorry."

Looking her over for a moment, most of the remaining anger bleeds out of Scarlet, replaced by something… not warmer, but softer, at least. She sighs again, but this one's a bit more affectionate, and she gets up so she can go kneel beside the girl. It requires a bit of contortion, but eventually she manages to get herself in a position where she can see the girl's face from below.

Her head's almost in the girl's lap- surprisingly warm and comfortable, honestly- when she speaks again.

"I wouldn't have cared if I'd lost, you know," she murmurs. Her voice is soft, now; these aren't words Clavell needs to hear. "Maybe I'm weird for thinking this, but battles aren't… they're not meant to be things that you take lightly. Isn't that what they say all the time? Battles are how you get to know other people. How am I meant to get to know you if you're lying to me?"

The girl trembles a little. Her hand falls, perilously close to another one resting on her hip. Her head lowers down, resting against the table, just a few inches away from Scarlet's own.

"I don't think many people want to get to know me," she responds, just as quietly. "Ma- most people get upset if I beat them too easily."

Scarlet's lip quirks upwards. "Well," she whispers, her expression breezy and open; "I guess I'm not most people. I don't want to beat you because you decided to take it easy on me. That would be so boring. If you want to battle me, then put everything you have into it."

There's no response that comes from that other than the way the tension bleeds out of the girl. Her shoulders drop a little, like a weight's been lifted off them, and their hands resting together on the girl's hip come together in truth, the girl's hand drawing small patterns on the back of Scarlet's.

They rest like that for a good minute or two, their breaths mingling together in their shared space, until someone discreetly sets two cups atop the table with the sound of someone clearing their thoughts.

"Afternoon tea is served, ladies," Clavell says, breaking the stillness of their little moment. He waits a moment while Scarlet extricates herself from her awkward position, swearing and holding her head where she'd bumped it after being startled by his actions, and then looks off to the side, pointedly not looking at either girl. "Apropos of nothing; should you girls have a few minutes to spare after you are done recuperating, I would have a favour to ask of you."

If Scarlet didn't know better, she would suspect that Clavell had set this up several days ago. Why else would he just happen to have recently agreed to foster two troublesome Pokemon, each of which has been displaying aggressive tendencies towards the local population of Hoppip?

There is certainly no way that he could have predicted that Nemona would challenge her to a battle, though. Much less the aftermath thereof.

Surely, it must just be a coincidence.

A remarkably fortuitous one, though.

The little Fuecoco in front of her gnashes at her ankles, though it doesn't actually get close enough to scrape her ankles with her teeth. She frowns, and kicks at the little Pokemon, who looks up at her with a startled expression and then leaps in again to play-bite at her ankles.

She ignores it for a moment, looking down at the phone-like thing in her hands. The ARCUS system, the girl had called it.

"Are you sure it's fine for me to have this?" she asks again. It's the fourth time she's asked this, but really. This seems like an expensive device; how can the girl just give it away to her?

But again, the other girl just nods with a bright smile fixed in her direction. "It's fine!" she says brightly. "Like I said, I got a new one recently anyway. That one's a little outdated now, but it should do fine. And it has my number in it already, so you can ask me to battle any time you want!"

Well, there's harder ways to get a girl's number. "If you're sure," she mutters again.

Over in front of her, the other girl is talking to her own Pokemon- a little Sprigatito. She can't hear what they're saying from all the way over there, but that's fine. Neither of them have had any more experience with their respective Pokemon than the other, so this time, it'll actually be as close to a fair fight as they can.

Alright. Okay.

She kneels down, reaching a hand out to pat the Fuecoco on his head. He looks at her with a mix of shock and suspicion, but doesn't actually move away from her- if anything, after a moment he leans into the patting.

She could probably pull out the Pokedex and look his moves over like the other girl's doing. Form some kind of strategy to fight with here. Maybe she should even introduce herself to the little Fire-type. Attempt to establish a bond with it early.


Nah. She's not really much of a planner.

There's only one thing she has to say here, really.

"Alright," she says dryly to the little Pokemon, who's still watching her suspiciously. "Think you can give me a hand here? I want to beat that girl over there in a fight. She won our last one, and I don't want her getting a big head over me. Sound good?"

The Fuecoco eyes her, then the Sprigatito. He grunts.

Good enough.

She strides to the middle of the field, holding out her hand for the girl to take. The girl takes her head, then tilts her head, offering her a little smile.

"You know," she says, faux-sweetly; "technically, you lost our last battle by withdrawing your Pokemon. I'm feeling generous, though. I won't make you answer just yet. How does the same wager sound?"

Scarlet shakes her head. "You know, I thought about it," she says, looking up to the sky like she's being all pensive now. This particular speech is pre-planned, but the other girl doesn't need to know that. "But it seems a little unbalanced, doesn't it? You get something if you win, but I don't get anything if I win. Doesn't quite seem fair."

The girl's eyes flick down to the ARCUS, then back up to Scarlet's face. She thinks for a moment, then nods, a determined expression on her face. "That's true. Okay. What do you want if you win?"

For some reason, a bunch of really inane ideas float through Scarlet's head at that. Treat me to cake at a restaurant in Mesagoza when I go there. Take me to see a movie. Let's go watch the fireworks together.

She doesn't say any of them, though. She's set her eyes on a different prize.

She pokes a finger, straight at the girl's chest, where a shiny coin is hung on a pendant. Scarlet recognizes it well; it's a particularly well-kept Gimmighoul coin.

Scarlet pins it directly over the girl's heart, and then says with a confident smirk; "This. I want this if I win."

The girl blinks, bewildered. "My… pendant?" Scarlet doesn't confirm or deny it. "A friend gave this to me… but, I guess that's fair. A secret for a treasure, huh?"

Scarlet just shrugs. "Sure. You ready?"

A confirmation sends her marching back to the opposite end of the flowered field. She stands there, Fuecoco standing confidently- even menacingly- in front of her, flames already licking out of his reptilian mouth.

Clavell stands off to their side- this time, his Orangaru beside him. A shimmering dome lies around them, trapping their Pokemon inside. Noise can enter, but they'll have to shatter the powerful Psychic-type's shield if they want to hurt the trainers. It's about as safe as this battle can get without going to an arena.

And once again, Clavell counts down for them.





Scarlet twists the Arcus, and activates the Tera Orb.

The wyrm hisses, and heat shimmers in the air before it. Its flames already fill the air around it, heating the environment so much the flowers are beginning to wilt. It would be a minor effort of will to suck the heat back into the flames and prevent it from scorching the flowers. Ordinarily, it would do it.

But it cannot afford even a moment's distraction; for across the arena stands a knight clad in ivy and roses, and it knows from bitter experience that even a moment's distraction will lead to inevitable defeat.

It cannot afford to wait. Already the wyrm is sprinting across the arena as fast as its cursed short legs will allow it. Flames lick behind it, small explosions granting it extra force and speed, but it can see already that it is too slow. Energy is flickering around the knight, and the wyrm stands disadvantaged already; the knight's claws are sharper than ever, and its attacks will find purchase even in its tough hide.

Still. It will not grant the knight reprieve to coat itself in that vile energy again. It attempts to- but the wyrm arrives first, bearing with it a stream of flames, and the knight is forced to abandon its efforts and throw itself into the air. The wyrm follows- but leaves storm out, and though its flames consume the leaves, they are enough to blunt the force of the wyrm's embers. The knight lands, and it has scarcely been singed for all the wyrm's efforts.

The knight is fast on its feet, and the wyrm struggles to keep up with its speed. Though it is stationary, its legs make it hard for it to turn fast. There is little it can do to keep up with the onslaught of attacks that follow- dashes in and out that the wyrm struggles to block or dodge. Within moments, a half-dozen cuts and bruises have already appeared over its body.

It is on the defensive.

No. Its eyes narrow. It will not allow this to continue.

The knight hits it twice as the wyrm narrows its eyes, and the blows are painful, but they are not enough to put it down. Then- heat washes over the arena, and the knight is committed to its latest blow for a fraction of a second too long. It is still close when flames wash briefly over it, a wave of heat that washes over the arena and sets all its grass and flowers aflame, and it yowls in pain as the heat of the attack washes over it.

Good. Because the wyrm is now angry at the pain it has endured, and the knight stands still, attempting to beat out the small flames that have scorched its fur.

It takes a moment to remember the lessons of its fathers.

The energy of a wyrm is not the same as the energy of a flame, mine child. Where your predecessors take into themselves the power of the sun and expel it as heat and flame, we take into ourselves only our own power, for we have no need of anything outside of ourselves. We are creatures of dance and song and pure, overwhelming power.

So breathe deep. Breathe, and unleash all that anger within you unto those who would stand in your path.

The rage of a dragon erupts out of the wyrm, and for the first time in this battle, true fear flickers over the knight's face. It knows that if it is to take this blow, it will be the one to fall in this battle.

But the wyrm is not the only one with hidden tricks. Nor is it the only one with a trainer, now.

Even as rage washes over the battlefield, there is a glimmer as the knight is clad in crystal, and in the fraction of an instant before pure force would wash it out of the field and out of the fight, the knight summons a shield of tera steel to stand between the witch that commands the wyrm and the princess the knight now serves.

The metallic sheen of the knight's Protect shimmers, and the rage leaves the wyrm ragged and panting for a moment. It looks down, and it sees beneath it an odd sight;

A single flower remains on the field, unhurt by the wyrm's flames. It is a pink thing; oddly shaped.

And then the trick is revealed. The flower blooms; an explosion of grass rocks the arena;

And Fuecoco slumps against the barrier, unconscious.

Pain lances through Scarlet's head for a moment before it recedes as though it was never there. She hurries forward- but a group of Flabebe is already floating over, lifting the Fuecoco and bringing it over to Clavell, who's standing ready with a bottle of orange potion.

She looks over at the girl instead, who's kneeling down on the ground, patting the little Sprigatito. It's panting some, the burn it'd taken evident over its forelegs, but it's looking over at her with a smug expression.

Of course. She'd just lost to it, after all.

She walks over to the girl, a still expression on her face. The girl watches her approach cautiously- until she holds out a hand, a reluctant smile on her face.

"Good fight," she says simply.

And an expression so bright Scarlet can't look away from it washes over the girl's face in turn. "Yeah!" she exclaims back, taking Scarlet's hand and shaking it vigorously. "That was so cool! That Fuecoco is sooo cool- how did it use its embers like that? That was almost more like a Flamethrower than an Ember! And that Dragon Rage- wow!"

Scarlet just huffs a little. "Yeah, he was pretty cool," she agrees, feeling smugly proud for some reason even though she's never seen Fuecoco before this fight. "Sprigatito was really good, too. I've seen people use Quick Attack as a positioning tool before, but it must be tricky to use it as a positioning tool and an attack like that without leaving yourself open in retaliation. It took a long time to find an opening to use Heat Wave and actually score a hit there."

The girl beams. "Oh, yeah, but the difficulty's more in communicating quickly enough to your Pokemon than in training them to do it. I did get lucky, though. Sprigatito's really sharp; she picked up what I wanted her to do straight away." Below her, the Sprigatito preens, looking up at Scarlet with sharp eyes as a little Flabebe moves in, waving its flower around them.

Scarlet's lip curls. "Yeah. Seems so." She extricates her hand from the girl's, then shoves it in her pocket, looking up at the skies above. "Anyway. Don't think I've caught your name yet. Seems like I should grab it, if we're gonna be rivals."

The girl's breath hitches, and she looks at Scarlet for a moment like she's the one who hung the stars in the sky. Then, she seems to come back down to earth; she shakes her head and slaps her cheeks for a moment while the Flabebe chants. "Right! I never did introduce myself, did I? Gosh, I'm being so rude today. Well- my name's Nemona. Student council president, and Champion-ranked trainer."

Scarlet's eye twitches.

She knew she'd been right about those other Pokemon on her belt.

Still, she offers Nemona a little curtsy. "Scarlet. Treasure hunter. No badges to my name. It's a pleasure to be your rival."

They hold their hands out again, clasping them in acknowledgement of their rivalry;

And the little Flabebe's chant finishes, and power washes out of it, sinking into the charred and blackened earth around them.

The two girl's eyes meet, and a field of pink lilies blooms around them.

Of course, there was a much more serious reason that Scarlet had come here. It just wasn't worth bringing up in front of Nemona- not because the girl was distracting, exactly, but more-

Well; suffice it to say that she waits until Nemona runs out the door, shouting half-hearted apologies to Clavell and something about seeing her in a couple of days to Scarlet herself, before she shuts the door and returns to the kitchen.

There, she finds Clavell sitting, nursing a cup of green tea. On the other end of the table is a small mug of steaming liquid. Not tea, this time; her greater preference in coffee.

The old man seems to know she's much more serious now that Nemona has left, because he watches her as she sits, nursing his tea more than drinking it. They sit in silence until it grows unbearable. Then;

"What happened to my father?"

Her words were calm, but her tone was anything but.

Clavell sighs.

"I'm afraid I don't know," he murmurs; then he raises his hand to forestall the inevitable tirade that was about to spill from her mouth. "But I didn't invite you here just to meet Nemona. I don't know what happened to your father- but I do know where he was working when he disappeared."

His voice is serious as he talks- deadly serious. There is not an ounce of levity in his words.

"You must understand, miss Julianna. Even telling you this much puts me at substantial risk. Were it not for what I have heard of the rumours surrounding that place, I would say nothing. But- I think we both deserve some closure." His eyes flick over, briefly, to a single hidden picture in his house.

"It will not be easy. I don't have the answers on my own. We will need to make friends. We will need to grow stronger. We will need to find allies. But make no mistake; together, we will pierce the veil of secrecy and learn the truth at the heart of Area Zero."

New main quests activated.

The Path of Legends:

There's a girl with fire in her eyes and a hand held outstretched standing at the end of a long path. You have taken but a single step down this path, and already it has been fraught with pain and frustration.

Things will not get easier. Secrets whisper at your hip, and so long as you hold them close to you, you will be at a permanent disadvantage. Eight knights stand before you, and you must face them down with one sword held forever in its sheath. Behind them, the Champion and her loyal servants; and even these you must fight with one hand held behind your back, lest you hurt one who has entrusted itself to you.

But walk this path you must; for though yours is a cold and lonely future, a girl stands at the end of the path who fills your heart with warmth.

The Truth of Area Zero:

There must be no records of this. Even here, in the deepest recesses of your mind- let nothing be written down but for this one truth;

Your father disappeared one night when you were a child.

He was a good man.

You are going to find him.
Interlude: Apprentice Furuwada
"...Of course, Grandmother, I've…made friends here. No, I haven't holed up inside all day!" Erika ignores Cornelia rolling her eyes. This was just supposed to be an update on her duties, why is her personal life under question!?

'Well, I suppose I'll know in time. The portents speak of turmoil, but they always do. Keep yourself safe as always.' A voice sounding like winds through chimes, echoing in a vast cave. It would almost be haunting if she wasn't so used to it. To her it's the sound of home.

With one final farewell to one another, the call ends. Her pendant, shining brightly and carrying Grandmother's voice across the hundreds of miles from Fede to Cortondo, returns to its inert state. Carved from Grandmother's crystal, it allows those trusted to communicate in real time with her (which she'll always lord over Ortega, that rich-kid). Of course, it's a lot less impressive these days considering phones exist, but Grandmother prefers this method.

And Erika agrees. It's more…special.

Even if the venue is… She looks around at the restroom stall she's decided to occupy for her purposes. Subpar is the politest way she can put it.

"You're the one that chose it," says Cornelia, earning her a flick in the head for sassing her.

Most humans can't understand Pokemon, but someone raised from birth around them can intuit the universal language that the creatures use for communication. It's a lot less mystical in practice in her experience, especially since anyone raised by Grandmother in Fede can do it (another thing she lords over Ortega).

Her phone vibrates in her jacket. Checking it, it's a message from Mary telling her that their batch's battles are coming up and that she needs to come back soon. Sending a thumbs up as a reply, she fixes her appearance at the mirror, recalls Cornelia back to her ball, and heads back to her seat with the rest of the Class.

Things haven't changed much since she left. Mendoza's still asking an Elite Four member questions in between battles. Her classmates who have Gym Battles today look like they're about to pass out. Mary looks especially nervous, even if she hides it behind gluing her eyes on every single battle Katie's had since she arrived with the rest of Group 1.

The rest are either listening to Poppy and Mendoza talk, or- in Theodora and Atticus' case- trying to give pep talks to their friends. Speaking of…

"How're you holding up? It's still an hour or so until your turn," Erika asks Mariana, who's already fidgeting in their seat. She doesn't have Roland wrapped around her neck like a scarf like she usually does.

She's much more outwardly nervous without that little ghost with her. Must be a sign that he's getting better at siphoning an overflow of emotions. And Mary, dear friend though she may be, does not lack for them.

Could that be why Roland is much more powerful than the average Dreepy? Most of them can spend decades never reaching the strength that little ghost can wield with ease in battle. Something to consider later.

Mary smiles at her, but it's not one of the good smiles that Erika thinks about for the rest of the day, a smile from someone genuinely happy to see her. This one's without teeth, and it barely reaches her green eyes at all.

"Oh, you know. Just nervous is all. I mean who wouldn't be?" Mary waves her off as she turns to look at the arena instead. "But I'll be fine." A lie.

"What's got you worried?" Erika follows Mary's gaze to look at the arena, the current challenger is on their last ropes, it won't be long now.

"You're one of the stronger trainers in the class and you have three Pokemon. While I haven't seen your Espurr in action, from what Theodora told me she's pretty strong." Erika has her suspicions, Mary didn't train with Espurr last night at all, but it's better to probe for more information.

"Oh, Renne doesn't like battling in Trainer fights, is all! So she won't be taking in my battle with Katie. I'd feel horrible if I pushed her into it." There's more to this Renne, Erika's pretty sure Mary's had this Pokemon for weeks at point, but she'll probe about it later once her friend is in a better mindspace.

."Wait, it says on your schedule that it'll be a 3v3?" Don't tell her that she's…

"Oh, I'll just forfeit if both Drillbur and Roland get knocked out." She can't believe it, Mary's challenging the gym de facto down already one Pokemon! Would she have gone with a 1v2 with just Roland?

Oh, who is she kidding, Mary absolutely would have.

Seeing her incredulous face, Mary responds. "It's just a Gym Battle after all. I can always try again if I lose…" She can't even finish that sentence, she doesn't even believe her own excuses.

"Don't worry though, I have a strategy in mind. I've been ruminating on it for a few days now. I think it'll work." Mary says with enough confidence that it almost convinces her. Almost.

Erika sighs. At least she isn't going into this without a plan.

She looks at Mary and asks, "Do you want me to go over it while—"

The buzzer in the pockets of all the challengers in Class 7 rings as the next hour approaches. That's their signal to head to the waiting area, since their battles are coming up. Shit, she thought she had more time.

"Oh, sorry Erika, I have to go. Thanks for the offer though, maybe next time?" Mary apologizes as she gets up to leave, Elise and Jacinto right behind her. She has an oddly disappointed look on her face.

The rest of Class VII wish the trio good luck on their Gym Battles. Erika joins in half-heartedly as she thinks to herself, 'Does Mary even enjoy battling?'

Jacinto marches up to the elevated platform facing Katie, his nerves clear even from where Erika is seated. His hand is shaking, gripping a Pokeball which- if he's following the plan they discussed yesterday- contains Magnemite.

In exchange for him cooperating and ignoring any barbs Manuel throws at him, she'd helped him prepare for the Gym Battle. Training his Pokemon in general is already handled by his designated role as Nemona's test dummy; her job was to help him make a winning strategy for a Gym Battle. Academic rival he may be, at least he recognizes that she's his superior when it comes to this.

For that, they stayed up late every night for the past few days, watching and discussing Katie's first badge Gym Battles. Seeing which Pokemon she brings out first, second and third in response to any Pokemon a challenger might have.

Katie says her piece, the usual rules for a Gym Battle listed in rote monotone. From afar she notices that Aracelli looks somewhat better than when her group met her earlier this morning. Her shoulders aren't slouched, her eye bags aren't obvious and her voice even sounds healthier somehow.

Well, considering the things that have been transpiring in this province for the past week, anyone would be run ragged in her place.

As per Gym rules, the challenger sends their Pokemon out first. Fortunately for Jacinto, he did decide to listen and sent out Magnemite.

Fact One: Storm is Jacinto's newest Pokemon. Jacinto neither knows the ins and outs of how his new Pokemon fights nor their limits; the best he can hope for is for them to follow his commands. Sending them out first is his best choice.

From analysis, Katie prefers going easy on most first time challengers- though it doesn't always actually make the battle easier for them, as Atticus can attest. From discussion online, Katie expects a minimum level of competence from her challengers. She expects your Pokemon to listen to you and that they're at least capable in a single specialty of theirs.

Thus, Hypothesis One: By sending out Magnemite first, there's only a handful of Pokemon Katie will respond with. They'd watched dozens of videos involving prior challengers to determine how she's likely to respond to each strategy. For instance; ranged Pokemon will often face something that plays along with their specialty. Something slow and tough enough that the challenger is forced to play keep away, but strong enough that if Katie manages to close in, the challenger is punished for it.

A Gym Battle is still supposed to test the Trainer, after all. There would be no point in not presenting them with a challenge.

Katie sends out a Lillipup, the Pokemon barking in delight. Even from this distance she can somewhat make out what the Pokemon is saying. "Joy! Hello…challenger! Are…battle…ready?" The Lillipup howls in between barks.

Not the worse one Jacinto could've gotten. From her research, Katie apparently prefers sending Normal-Types out first against Steel-Type Pokemon. It lets her catch them off guard with Rock Smashes, if the trainer isn't careful. Lillipup is one of the more powerful ones she could've gone with- but also one of the slowest. Is Katie already going easy on Jacinto?

At the sound of the announcer's voice, both Pokemon move into action.

"BEGINNING OPERATION," Storm screeches as they fire off Thunder Waves at the Normal-Type, forcing them to dodge away. The attacks mostly target Lillipups feet with widespread arcing bolts, meaning that to dodge they have to back away, putting distance between the two Pokemon.

If they get a direct hit, Lillipup will get paralyzed. Some get close but not quite close enough, Sections of the Lillipup's fur are singed from the shocks, but none of the Thunder Waves have hit just yet.

But a continuous stream of attacks like that would be exhausting- and sure enough, the gap between each move is getting longer. Two seconds, then a few moments later stretching to three seconds, then four. Looking at Jacinto's pursed lips and narrowed eyes, he does at least notice that much.

Finally, Storm manages to get a good hit on Lillipup. A small shock hits one of Lillipups back legs at the knee, causing it to go limp and for the Pokemon to be sent tumbling backwards as it attempts to dodge out of the way, far too late.

They are, to Jacinto's credit, much farther from Magnemite than when they started. Magnemite has more or less stayed in the area they were released in, while Lillipup has been pushed all the way near the pond, with only some bushes and a few feet between them and the water.

Hmm. Judging from the direction Storm was corralling Lilipup towards, the Normal-Type wouldn't be able to see the pond behind them. Is Jacinto trying to push Lillipup into the water? They'll be slim pickings for Storm if they manage to pull it off.

"Magnet Bomb, Full Power!" Jacinto yells. Three silver lights gather around Storm, growing as big as the Pokemon's eye. Magnemite sends the attack flying at their opponent, who attempts to dodge to no avail. An explosion erupts as the attack hits the Normal-Type, the impact sending them flying up above, smoke trailing them, before they land with a splash onto the lake.

Jacinto pumps his fist in excitement. The crowd politely cheers for him as it seems that he's managed to secure a mostly clean first knockout. But it's not official until the announcer says it is.

Erika looks to the announcer, who's consulting something with the League Kadabra on duty.

"Take a breath, Lillipup before diving back down." Katie says suddenly, cutting Jacinto's celebrations short. The Normal-Type emerges from the surface of the pond, panting for breath and completely wet but still in the fight.

Surprisingly good at swimming, that Lillipup. They must have a Water Tera-Type, she clicks her tongue in irritation. None of the videos about this Lillipup had them getting tossed into the pond so it never registered to her as a possibility. Though she is somewhat mollified by how the little dog looks while paddling.

Jacinto, unlike her, doesn't seem to appreciate the swimming puppy. His face is flushed, his expression almost indignant. He really can't handle getting embarrassed, can he?

"Get above the pond and flush them out!" Jacinto, you idiot. Erika pinches the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

"Yikes." Mendoza's unasked for comment merely confirms what she's already thinking and aware of.

Jacinto's throwing away his advantage because he's getting impatient. He could've had Storm rest up from the constant barrage he had them do.

As Storm floats over to the pond, the expected happens. Lillipup jumps out of the water, taking Storm and Jacinto by surprise.

The Pokemon's feet, or at least its uninjured ones, are wrapped in Dark Tera Energy. Pursuit. A move that gives a burst of speed at unaware or retreating Pokemon. Here, it's being used as a maneuver option, like how Mary has Roland use Quick Attack. With it, Lillipup is now on top of Storm, mere centimeters away from them.

"Rock Smash! Use your head for it!" Lillupup rears their back at Katie's order. Erika looks over at Jacinto. The next few words will decide if she gives up on him or not.

"Sh-Spark, NOW! Everything you have!" Not quite a lost cause after all. Magnemite's entire body is seized by static pouring out of every inch of it. The two attacks connect with each other in another explosive blast.

An unconscious and smoking Lillipup is sent flying onto the field, recalled by Katie before the Pokemon could hit the ground roughly and get hurt any further. As for Storm, the smoke clears revealing that they're still floating. But only barely.

"HULL INTEGRITY C-COMPROMISED. COMBAT EFFICIENCY D-DECREASED BY 80-90-A LOT." Just barely clinging on. At her estimate, they have two attacks left in them before they collapse from exhaustion. A stiff breeze could knock them out honestly.

And with a flash of red light, Katie summons said stiff breeze, revealing her last Pokemon- Volbeat.. With its short stubby limbs, long antenna and their signature bioluminescent tail, a Volbeat is differentiated from an Illumise by the coloration and patterns on its body as well as antenna size.

As Katie's Volbeat flies off to finish Storm, the Magnemite gathering energy and electricity for one last attack, Erika lets her mind wander. From her experience in Fede they're pretty weak Pokemon on their own, but terrifying when in groups with fellow Volbeat and Illumise. Beyond just being able to exponentially strengthen one another, a capable Volbeat and Illumise duo could create complex illusions to trap enemies in.

The two Pokemon are also apparently a common Pokemon for lovers to have. The Hoenn magazine, Written Lily, lists them as a Pokemon more typically associated with already established couples in their recent 'Most Romantic Pokemon' editorial…

But she's getting side-tracked, Thankfully the brief moment where she was distracted was all the time Volbeat needed to take out Storm, so she didn't miss much. Though Volbeat is slightly singed from Storm's last stand.

Jacinto, down to his last Pokemon, sends out that fussy little hellion Swablu.

"If you had sent me out first, child, we'd have already won! Be grateful that—" Swablu chirps as they're released on top of Volbeat. She immediately closes in for a Peck.

That Pokemon makes her wish that she couldn't understand them at all. An extremely smug and arrogant know-it-all, she'd be even more insufferable if the Swablu didn't get constantly one-upped by the other Pokemon in Group 2. Though, she can grudgingly admit to herself, she is impressed that the Pokemon doesn't let any defeat, social or otherwise, get to her. She's surprised Cornelia can get along with the Swablu at all, especially since they're a Wyrm.

Volbeat evades and dodges out of the way of the Peck, still continuing to dodge as Nimbus follows it with Fury Attacks. The Bug-Type has their stubby little hands close to its chest, small bits of static forming between. She doubts it's a Charge Beam, Katie's never pulled something like that out outside of her 3-Badge Pokemon, and as far as she researched, her Volbeats and Illumise are mostly 1 and 2-Badge.

Nimbus, finally seeing an opening, throws their wings back and dives in to close the distance. She hits Volbeat square in the chest with a Peck, almost piercing past the Pokemon's carapace to the soft squishy bits inside- but only almost. And it did dig deep enough that Nimbus is stuck. Not great for Jacinto.

With Nimbus stuck on him, Volbeat grabs her wings, static running through his stubby hands. The current is passed onto Nimbus, causing shakes and convulsions in the Swablu as they finally tear themselves free from Volbeat.

No longer constrained, Nimbus flaps their wings and puts some distance between her and Volbeat. From how lethargic she's flying, Erika is pretty sure that the Swablu is paralyzed. Nimbus was only slightly faster than Volbeat before, but now they'll definitely be disadvantaged in terms of speed and evasion.

Not that the damage she's already done isn't big. Volbeat has yet to follow up with an attack, still panting, clutching the place that Swablu had nearly pierced.

"Infestation!" Katie orders, causing Volbeat to take a deep breath to focus, their tail glowing green creating little sprites to chase Nimbus, who tries to dodge away from the attack.

The dogfight continues, this time the roles reversed as the hunter becomes the hunted. Volbeat chases down Swablu, not letting the Pokemon have a moment to breathe. Jacinto is beginning to sweat as keeps ordering Swablu to use Mist to lessen the impact of Volbeat's blows. Erika feels like he's definitely making a mistake, but there's a nagging feeling that she's missing something.

"Hey Erika, what ability does Jacinto's Swablu have?" Theodora asks her as if she's supposed to know it off the top of her head. Well, she does, but wouldn't Nemona of all people know it as well? Why not ask her?

Erika bites her tongue to stop her from saying anything she might regret before responding. "...Natural Cure if I recall correctly. Why?" Sure, it'll help Nimbus recover from the paralysis eventually, but—

"Ah, I see. Let's wait to find out what Jacinto's planning." Mendoza suddenly says, as if that explains everything. What is she not seeing?

A cloud of Mist covers Nimbus as she either takes the Infestations head on or dodges away from Volbeat's occasional Zen Headbutt. Actually, does Natural Cure take this long to heal from statuses? Nimbus should've recovered by now, yet Swablu is flying as though they're still paralyzed.

As Nimbus dodges another Zen Headbutt, Volbeat is now mere inches away from the Swablu. At a word from Jacinto the Mist finally dissipates, revealing Nimbus no longer wreathed in static from paralysis, meaning she's fully recovered from the ailment. Actually, why do her wings seem fluffier than normal?

"Now! Cotton Spore!" The fluffy clouds that are Swablu's wings erupt in an explosion aimed towards Volbeat. The bug is attacked by an onslaught of cotton, covering every inch of his body, from his wings to his limbs.

Oh, she understands now. Using Mist as cover and Paralysis as an excuse, Nimbus had set up a Cotton Guard to cover and defend herself. Even after she had recovered, the Swablu continued building up cotton around them to use for an attack after luring Volbeat in by pretending to still be paralyzed.

The battle slowly comes to an end as Volbeat, trapped in cotton and unable to respond, is pecked to submission by the Flying-Type. One last attack from above sends Volbeat crashing down onto the ground, unconscious, bringing the aerial battle to its conclusion.

"Was the outcome ever in doubt?" Nimbus smugly chirps before Jacinto recalls them. Jacinto looks like he's about to collapse, but despite that she can notice just how thrilled he is.

She politely claps as the rest of Class VII cheer him on his victory. The rest of the audience are also loudly applauding him. From what she's heard they love Katie's battles win or lose. She's a pretty beloved Gym Leader despite recent difficulties. Jacinto looks around and takes a moment to bask in the adulation of others, his cheeks flush from embarrassment.

"Hmph…" Manuel grunts with dissatisfaction near where she was seated. Both Erika and Theodora glare at him, daring him to try and say anything. He blinks first, looking away from the two of them. At least he's also clapping for Jacinto's win.

Giving a brief glance to the crowd while waiting for Jacinto to come back and the next match to start, she catches a few familiar faces among them. Mostly people Group 2's interacted with for the past week. Well, she supposes, they're also people Group 1 has met as well. There was Alice from yesterday, right over there sitting next to a bunch of people she doesn't recognize.

Jacinto makes his way back to the seats with the rest of Class VII just in time for Elise's match to start. Any sort of personal congratulations will have to wait until after, but Jacinto's already in a conversation with Atticus and surprisingly Manuel about it.

As Elise steps onto the raised platform where challengers face Katie, Erika realizes that this is probably the first time she's not seen Elise's Honedge either near her at her side. It's strangely discomfiting.
The crowd quiets down as Katie begins her spiel and explains the rules. She could never imagine becoming a Gym Leader, she hates repeating herself. Elise nods as the explanation finishes and she lifts up a Pokeball to release her first Pokemon.

Her Murkrow is sent out to the field. The Pokemon flies around squawking. "Battle again? This will cost you extra, human!" There's an uncertain and nervous look on Elise's face as she looks up at her Pokemon.

Katie smiles at Elise as she releases a Pokemon Erika hasn't seen outside of pictures before. Eight small wings connected to an oval rocky shell with two eyes and two large claws jutting out at the front.

Anorith. One of many fossil Pokemon brought back from the mists of time. Resurrected by technology pioneered by those ghouls at the Cinnabar Pokemon labs. It feels rather ironic that they made technology that could retrieve the dead from the earth, just for their final fate to be destruction by pyroclastic flow from the Cinnabar Eruption.

She wonders whether this Anorith is first or second generation. From what she's read in a journal, there's been efforts to see if fossil Pokemon could create offspring of their own. It's seen some success, but discussion eventually came too close to "breeding them back to their original forms" for her comfort.

"Battle, Sky-borne?" the Anorith chitters as the Pokemon clacks its claws in a pantomime of a greeting. Murkrow only squawks in response. The former was released onto the field rather than directly being sent to the pond, which means she's going easy on Elise. Murkrow was circling up above it, a greedy look in his eyes.

Elise's voice gins out across the arena "Set up a Haze, then Gust— Wait, Murkrow!? What're you doing!?" Whatever orders Elise might've had for Murkrow were interrupted by the Pokemon just diving in to attack the waiting Anorith.

"I fight shiny bug! Take glittering shell!" Murkrow caws as they swoop in with their claws to grab the Anorith, who's sharpening their claws in anticipation of the former's attack.

As Murkrow approaches, Anorith's claws glow green as they unleash a Fury Cutter at Murkrow's talons, preventing the Flying-Type from grabbing them. An angry and indignant squawk from Murkrow erupts as he circles back around and tries to grab Anorith again, all the while ignoring Elise's desperate attempts to get him to listen.

Murmurs begin to spread throughout the crowd as Murkrow continues to openly ignore his trainer's orders. He repeatedly tries to grab and peck the Anorith, only to be easily kept at bay with Fury Cutters, and later Rock Throws when Murkrow grows wise to that trick and starts to dive in from the side. And the entire time, the Anorith is scuttling closer and closer to the pond.

If they manage to reach water, it's over for Murkrow, insubordinate or not. She's starting to feel bad for Elis. This is humiliating.

"...Murkrow is usually cooperative, if rather temperamental. I wonder what's gotten into them." Theodora suddenly says from behind her.

"Argy called them really annoying. I thought it was mean of Argy but…" Ostia exclaims, a worried look on their face. They've been mostly quiet, content to watch the matches and to cheer on their classmates.

"I don't remember Elise giving Murkrow orders during the fight against Spidops and that meanie Ninjask earlier," Group 1's guest, Poppy, chimes in with her own observation. Theodora hums in contemplation.

"I don't believe Elise has given Murkrow direct orders before, mostly just vague instructions like search or fight. That's going to be an issue for them…" Theodora's deep in thought as the situation continues to deteriorate for Murkrow.

A nasty hit with an Ancient Power clips them in the wing and sends the bird tumbling, giving Anorith the opportunity to make a run for it to the pond while Murkrow is distracted. By the time Murkrow has recovered and soared back in the air, Anorith is already swimming in the water, much faster than they were on land.

"Please Murkrow, just listen to me." Elise is openly pleading with her Pokemon at this point. This just makes her feel sorry for the girl. Murkrow finally turns towards his trainer, squawking in response.

"Fine! Murkrow will listen but Murkrow must win!" Doubtful at this point. If Murkrow had listened from the very start they might've had a chance, but with Anorith in the water basically unscathed, it's a foregone conclusion.

Elise's last attempt to do some damage with Night Shade has some effect. Mist-like clones emerge from Murkrow's shadow and rush the Anorith, exploding on impact, but it's too little too late. To get in close enough for the attack, Murkrow had to fly low above the pond, which is just in Smack Down range.

The stone is launched from Anorith's mouth hitting Murkrow square in the beak, knocking the bird out. Elise recalls him before him could land with a splash onto the pond.

With Anorith winded but mostly untouched, Rin has their work cut out for them. Elise knows it too as she presses Rin's Pokeball up to her forehead, seemingly whispering something, before releasing her Honedge right above the pond. The tachi floats in the air, its ribbon trailing it, flowing from some otherworldly wind.

Elise reaches out her hand as if to grab onto Rin's hilt, before drawing her hand back and shouting her orders. "Helix Sheathe!"

Rin dips the tip of their blade onto the pond as they begin to rotate and twirl. Nothing happens for a second until the blade spins faster and faster, and then a steady stream of water begins to rise up from the pond, surrounding them like an outer shell As the Honedge covers themself with water, the sounds of steel being sharpened fills her ear. The Pokemon's blade glows brighter and sharper in some undefinable way, like just the image of the Pokemon alone is going to cut her.

At a word from Elise, Rin dives into the pond to chase after Anorith, causing an underwater battle to ensue. Silhouettes of both Pokemon are visible from the surface as the sounds of repeated clashes take place. Occasionally streaks of silver or green light peak up from the depths before subsiding.

She's starting to suspect she knows exactly who Elise learned her martial arts style from. Probably the same person she must've gotten Rin from. Erika wonders when was the last time that kooky old vet visited Fede.

Finally the pond's surface erupts in a geyser as something is thrown out of the pond to land back onto the field. Landing belly up, unconscious, was Anorith. Cuts stood out all over their shell and body, and it was missing a few of their tiny wings where they've been slashed in places.

Emerging from the pond, slightly wobbling, was Rin, whose ribbon was cut and blade dented in some places. That's one down, one more to go if Elise wants to win this.

As Katie sends out her next Pokemon, Erika thinks back to all the videos she'd watched with Jacinto. There's only a handful of Pokemon that could be a threat to a Honedge in Katie's early badge lineup. Given Rin's performance there, there's probably only one Pokemon she's going to send out here.

As if Erika had just jinxed it, the red light reveals a long, red Pokemon- Katie's sole Sizzlipede. Apparently it was hatched from an egg that was given by a friend of hers. Katie's Sizzlipede is rather well-represented in the early badge line-up as an answer to strong Steel Types. With its rare Flame Body ability, the small bug is able to create small wisps of flame to jut out from its sides like its evolution.

Elise seems undaunted however, a far cry from her state earlier- though a closer look shows her that Elise is sweating bullets and her stoic facade is close to cracking. She's putting on a good face for the Gym Leader.

"Flame Charge, Sizzlipede! Full Body!" Katie orders as her Pokemon erupts into flames, slithering their way towards Rin's position.

"Helix Sheathe one last time, then go in for Aerial Ace! Give it everything you have, Rin!" Another set of much thinner strands of water begins to surround Rin as they rotate in place awaiting Sizzlipede's approach. They must've taken more damage from Anorith than she thought if they aren't willing to play it safe.

The tachi's aquatic armor is barely completed by the time the Sizzlipede closes in. A good thing, too- because Sizzlipede is one of Katie's most aggressive Pokemon. Just barely in time before it reached them and the clash began.

Wrapped in flames, Sizzlipede twists and slithers around Rin's strikes and slashes. The Honedge is fast, too fast for the Sizzlipede to easily keep up with; it only takes a small slip in concentration for the Honedge to connect with a blow, causing steam to erupt from where the tachi hit them.

In response, the bug keeps spitting jets of flame at the blade, boiling Rin's liquid shell around it. The heat from the attacks is burning the field around them, leaving grass, bushes and reeds cut down by Rin's reckless attacks, then burned to cinders by Sizzlipede.

Slowly but surely both Pokemon's elemental armors begin to fade away. Sizzlipede's flames get weaker and weaker even as the water bubble surrounding Rin gets thinner and smaller, retracting more and more towards the handle . Parts of their blade glow not from their own attacks, but superheated from the heat where the water's retreated away. Rin's ribbon has been burned off in its entirety.

Then, one last slash from Rin strikes Sizzlipede in the chest as the Fire-types spits out one last gout of flame at Rin's eye. Both attacks connect and send the other flying. Sizzlipede lands with a thud, sending burned ash and dust into the skies around them, cuts and gashes littered across their tiny body. Rin clatters to the ground a moment later, their blade half melted and ribbon entirely gone.

Neither Pokemon move. Silence in the arena.


"Both Pokemon are unconscious! By League rules, the challenger is the winner!" The referee's voice echoes across the arena. There's deafening silence for another second- then noise shakes the arena as the crowd goes wild, the sound of cheers and applause ringing through.

Despite the horrendous start, Elise managed to turn it around and eke out a win. All of Class VII, especially Theodora and surprisingly Poppy are cheering and celebrating for Elise's victory. Erika's not even irritated that Theodora hugs her out of sheer relief

Looking at Elise's face though, her expression downcast staring at the two Pokeballs in her hands, you'd have thought she lost the battle.

A little appetizer before the main course of Mary's Gym Battle
Thanks to Tempera for proofreading this interlude
Sun Door III: The Legends of Pokemon: Trails of Tera Steel(PC) — Walkthrough

The Legend of Pokémon: Trails of Tera Steel (PC) -- Walkthrough by Nerdorama

(page 3 of 42)
all in all great to use but very luck dependent until you get the Loaded Dice lategame.

Human combat is rare in ToTS 1, but obviously, when it does happen, you'll be glad you gave her a shotgun.

1.2.7 Mariana "Mary" Ganzorig

Combat Proficiencies
Glove: B
Knife: B
Bow: A
Gun: A

Non-Combat Proficiencies
Prowess: B
Knowlege: D
Skill: A
Charm: B

Club: Cooking

A lot of people sleep on Mary in Tera Steel 1 outside of her excellent recipe proficiencies and memes because, at first glance, she's the "jack of all trades, master of none" type, and you're already using Elise, a better all-rounder statistically, for 95% of the game. On easier difficulties, this is somewhat true, but thanks to ToTS's Nightmare Mode actually meaning something, even on NG+, she's got a lot of useful tools. First off is non-combat stuff: Mary might be second best at everything but Knowledge, but...she's second best at everything except knowledge. Because of how out-of-combat events work in ToTS 1 (see section 1.3 if you don't know what I'm referring to), that makes her a valuable addition to any party configuration, especially since the plot usually limits your choices. Theodora not available? You'll want Mariana for Charm checks. Atticus ninja vanished? Bring her along for acrobatics. No Erika for Knowledge checks? ....probably bring Jacinto, but you get my point.

Where it gets tricky is her Pokémon team. You see the list - Dragapult, Excadrill, Meowtwo Akira Top Percentage Meowstic Renne, etc - and think that you're building a damage and flinchhax team, and you think "I can build a better damage and flinchhax team with Elise". And you're right. Nothing is going to beat Rin with Tera-8L1B for sheer damage output except certain forms of advanced cheese from Nemona's Sunny or Thea's Sharon, and nothing's going to beat her for inflicting Flinch. On Hard and below when you can just faceroll things in a few turns with raw damage, Mary's squad can function as a second wave of screw-you DPS, but it's not really necessary with any kind of optimization.

On Nightmare, if you go this route, you're really missing out, and are gonna have a much more difficult game. Mary's actual specialty is battlefield control, with terrain moves, weather moves, status, etc. All it takes is a little investment in TMs and Roland can be the best DoT abuser in the game, with Will-o-Wisp, Curse, and Infestation, all of which stack, Infestation stacking with itself. Add in Sandstorm, Mud Slap/Dig/Earthquake to both damage and control movement, and the still-extant flinch moves, and the enemy will be lucky to even reach your party before they explode to DoTs (or Renne's artillery backing it up).

[TBA: late game party member commentary]

And on the rare occasion of human combat in 1, remember that Mary is the only character to get good proficiencies in both categories of ranged weapons, so swap out her default knife for a bow or a rifle if you want to use her there.

1.2.8 Atticus Henzo

Combat Proficiencies
Glove: B
Knife: S
Sword: B

Non-Combat Proficiencies
Last edited:
[X] Seismic Shadow

"...the barrier will filter out any sounds from the crowd. It's meant to help challengers focus." the gym trainer explains as she gives out a list of last minute guidelines before your battle. The brief break after Elise's match is about to end, which means it's your turn up there soon.

You're not sure how you feel about that.

You idly fiddle with the mic they gave you, resisting the urge to count the seconds before your battle.

"Please stop that, it's Gym equipment." Embarrassed, you let go of the mic as the Gym Trainer fixes it again right around your neck. "Everyone gets first Gym nerves, but you still have to be mindful, you know?"

You nod as the Gym Trainer smiles at you before talking to someone on their walkie-talkie. "Yeah yeah, they're ready." She turns to you, while covering the receiver of their walkie-talkie. "Well, that's your cue then, challenger. You have a minute before you head up, so do any rituals you wanna do now. Good Luck, Challenger!" With that, the Gym Trainer heads out of the little waiting room you're in, leaving you alone.

You take a couple of deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling.

The staff led you, Elise and Jacinto here as a batch in preparation for your battles. It's a pretty barebones room, with just some couches for trainers to sit in, a water dispenser- which you're pretty sure Jacinto nearly emptied in the short time he was here- and a small coffee table in the middle, with some old magazines in a compartment beneath it.

Two exits, one leading out to a bunch of hallways that the gym staff use to move throughout the building. And the other leading upstairs to the arena and to your Gym Battle. Above it is a light indicating when you're supposed to head out.

Inhale and exhale.

Focus. This is your first Gym Battle, one of many steps that Trainers throughout all Paldea undertake. The first step to making your family proud, to show that their and your hard work wasn't a waste. The first step to catching up to Nemona.

But in the end, none of that matters right now. Nothing matters outside of the next half an hour, outside of this battle. There is only you, your Pokemon and your opponent.

As the light turns green, you head up with confidence you don't really feel and a cocktail of other feelings you've yet to unravel.

Making your way into the arena, the noise and sounds of the audience reach your ears. Cheers not for you, but for a challenger in general were intermixed with support for Katie. If you focus you might even be able to hear the voices of your friends and classmates. Resisting the urge to try and look for them in the crowd, you keep your gaze facing forward towards the elevated platform overlooking the field itself.

'Only the battle matters.' you say to yourself as quietly as you can.

As you step onto the elevated platform, you repeat your little mantra over and over under your breath, only stopping when the platform reaches its peak. Standing across you, smiling, is Gym Leader Katie Aracelli.

"Welcome, challenger," Katie's tone seems a lot less monotone than it was in the fights prior to your batch. Did something happen to snap her to attention? "This will be a 3v3 battle with one switch-in allowed. Both combatants are allowed to Terastallize one Pokemon each. I reserve the right to use any Pokemon I have with me that I deem fit." You sneak a glance at the more than a dozen Pokeballs and handful of Great Balls around the Gym Leader's belt.

"Of course, killing any Pokemon will see you disqualified and your Trainer Card revoked. Now please, send out your Pokemon." It's now or never then.

With sweaty palms holding her Pokeball, you send Drilbur out onto the field, who gives a cute little roar as she emerges from her Pokeball. She briefly looks around in awe at the sheer size of the audience, more people in one place than she's ever seen in her entire life.

Regular Pokeball in hand, Katie sends out her own first Pokemon. Teddiursa, with its fuzzy light brown fur and a pale crescent moon mark on its face, might just be the most adorable Pokemon you've ever seen in your life. You wonder if you can get a plushie or—

Focus! Don't get distracted!

The two Pokemon on the field wave at one another before settling into their respective stances. Drilbur is crouching, head leaning forwards, getting ready to Dig just like you discussed. Teddiursa has their paws in front of them in a sort of defensive stance, getting ready for anything you might throw at them.


"Dig! Take your time with it!" Your plan needs an entire network of tunnels for it to work, and Drilbur will be the one to have to dig them all. Hopefully phrasing it like that will make it seem to Katie that Drilbur is weaker than she actually is. When you told Drilbur about what you were going to say, she was ecstatic, that devious little mole.

Drilbur tears into the soil like a hot knife through butter, sending up dirt, rock and stone behind her. Some of it falls back behind, closing off the entrance to the hole she made. It'll make it difficult for Teddiursa to try and follow her in.

"Move around Teddiursa! Hone Claws while you're at it!" The cute little bear starts waddling around the battlefield, never staying in one spot for two long. All the while, it's grinding their claws together until they are much sharper and much longer than they were before.

So Katie's trying to wait Drilbur out? An issue with Dig is that the move can be exhausting and weaker Pokemon that use it have to surface for air and rest at some point. By having Teddiursa anticipate to dodge, they'd be able to move out of the way of the Dig and strike back while Drilbur is vulnerable. It'd work if Drilbur actually was weaker than she is now.

But just by seeing Teddiursa waddle around the field, watching and waiting for Drilbur, it's clear to you that your Pokemon is much faster, and- as the ground underneath Teddiursa finally starts to shake- likely much stronger too.

Extending to a sizable circle around Teddiursa, the ground shakes and stirs. Stone and rock erupt, sending debris flying everywhere, the earth cracking and forming small trenches and crevices. Teddiursa themself is forced onto their knees from the tremor. A small Bulldoze to clear the way and…

The ground erupts underneath Teddiursa, sending them flying into the air as Drilbur emerges from underground to strike. A look of surprise flashes on Katie's face before she quickly gathers herself and responds. "Dive in and Fury Swipes!"

Teddiursa, pushing themselves off of a rock thrown alongside them, dives in to confront Drilbur head on. Claws glowing white, the bear unleashes a bevy of Fury Swipes onto Drilbur who crosses her arms to defend from the assault. Cuts and gashes begin to form on Drilbur as she pulls back to push the bear away.

Finding an opening, Drilbur slams one of her arms onto Teddiursa's stomach in conjunction with using the rocky debris to force them back. The blow knocks the wind out of the bear's lungs as they wheeze from the strike and are sent tumbling onto the ground, unprepared for the barrage of rock and stones that pelt them and take them out.

As a red beam recalls Teddiursa, Drilbur looks to you, a wide smile on her face, and holds two claws in each hand in mimicry of a peace sign. You smile at the signal, the one you agreed on prior to the battle. It means four tunnel branches for Roland to work with.

"You're doing a great job, keep it up!" You say, causing your Pokemon's smile to get even wider. Drilbur really likes battles, huh? You should probably ask her what nickname she wants at some point. Maybe after the Gym Battle.

Turning your attention back to Katie you squint to take a look at the Pokeball she has in her hand, which is blue with twin red protrusions. Shit, a Great Ball already?!

Katie's 2nd Pokemon reveals itself. Rellor. It's a Pokemon that's pretty common in the more dry and arid parts of the Highlands. Though most of your 'interactions' with them is Doremi stopping mid-flight to swoop down and grab them as a snack. You do know that they have psychic abilities that help them control mud and dirt. Time to see if that extends to rocks.

"Drilbur, pelt them with Rock Throw!" Digging her claws into the ground around, Drilbur pulls out two sharpened stones as large as her head and flings them at Rellor.

"Liquify!" Katie yells as Rellor stands atop its signature mud ball, eyes glowing a menacing pink hue. The incoming stones begin to wobble and shift, portions of them falling away until they are half the size of what Drilbur threw at her opponent. One of them is easily dodged while the other is able to connect, hitting Rellor square in the chest, knocking the Bug-Type back. A nasty welt begins to form on Rellor, but it's nowhere near enough.

You click your tongue in thought. Drilbur can probably keep this up, but pulling stones large enough to bypass Rellor's little trick would undermine the stability of the tunnels she's worked so hard on. And you doubt the same trick you had Drilbur pull earlier will work here.

Maybe you could switch? Though you feel that's committing Roland to early—

"Let's have a peek at what our challenger's cooked up in store for us. Dig."

"Think fast, girlie!" The little bug called Rellor kicks his mud ball towards her, which she easily dodges out of the way of, the ball hitting the ground behind her with a splat. But by the time she turns her focus back to the bug, he's already half way down into the ground, trying to dig into her tunnels!

"Stay out! We need those! I worked hard on them!" Drilbur cries as Mariana tells her to Dig after him. A muffled 'no' is her response from Rellor, that jerk. Well no one digs better than her! Roland's arms are too short and stubby and Renne hates getting dirty to dig like she does. She learned from her mama after all!

Once in the tunnel networks, she could hear the echoes of Rellor messing it up, the vibrations of tunnels collapsing and pathways being covered in sticky mud. That's no good! Drilbur gives chase, tunneling after the Bug Type.

It's dark underground, just like Mariana wanted, but despite that she can navigate easily. How she does it is a little trick mama taught her. If she finds a little stone, she can rub it in her claws and make it all tingle and staticky like she does sometimes with her fur. Once all electrified, she can feel them anywhere as long as she's not too far. It's how mama navigates all the caves and tunnels at home like a pro!

It's also how she's certain that the nasty bug is ruining her work, but she has a little surprise for that jerk once he gets near one. She can feel it, Tunnel Three is getting clogged up with mud and there's something near the sparky stone she left there. She thinks really hard, pulling on the stone near where she thinks Rellor is and yanks. A pained yelp echoing through the tunnels tells Drilbur that she did it.

The bug scurries off as Drilbur nears, and she lets him run. She needs to fix this tunnel up before she leaves. Their little chase continues, as Rellor ruins a tunnel and Drilbur fixes it once she arrives. Sometimes he pops out into the surface to breathe (not her though, she's great at holding her breath!) and sometimes he gets too close to one of the stones and Drilbur pulls on it, hurting the Bug-Type.

"..the pond!"

At some point she starts hearing Mariana's muffled voice in the tunnels. Is she trying to tell her something? Don't worry, Mariana! Drilbur's got this little jerk cornered!

She finally managed to catch up with Rellor who's been scampering all over the tunnels, even digging a new one, that idiot.

..the pond!"

"Stop messing up my tunnels!" Drilbur shouts as she finally corners him, closing in on the digging bug.

"Oh don't worry. If it's a mess you're worried about, I've got something to wash it all away!" Rellor yells at her with an annoyingly smug face, as with a burst of psychic energy he blows a hole open right in front of him. And—


So much of it flooding into her tunnels, sweeping her away in a torrent and almost drowning her, that she has to hold her breath and cover her eyes. The force of the tide is almost overwhelming as she's carried away from the little tunnel that jerk made and into the rest of the tunnel network.

Drilbur jabs her claws into the walls and pulls on the earth, collapsing the way to the rest of the network. To cut the water off from flooding all of it. Only two of the tunnels remain and even then one of them is partially flooded.

Her tunnels…ruined…she worked so hard…mrgrgr…

As the torrent slowly subsides, Drilbur digs her way out, back onto the surface. Wet and water-clogged, her entire body aches and she feels awful. She hates baths, because water always gets into the worst places and never leaves.

"Drilbur, are you alright? Do you want to—" Mariana says but Drilbur cuts her off by doing the little signal she taught her, holding up two claws to show that only two tunnels are left to work with. But Drilbur is still in the fight and she never quits a tussle even when Mama gets worried.

"Surprised…huff… you're still standing, runt." She barely dodges out of the way as Rellor nearly runs her over with that mud ball of his. While he's in better shape than her, it's still pretty bad for the bug type. His carapace is cracked, his right arm is limp and his control of his mud ball is all wobbly. He's also just as wet as she is, having swam against the current out of the hole he made and into the pond.

Drilbur doesn't bother to respond to the jerk, instead stabbing her claws into the ground at the same time Rellor gets ready to kick his mud ball at her once more. Both of them can only take a single attack from the other before going down, it's just a matter of who strikes first.

Drilbur pulls out a rock on each hand as Rellor rears his foot back to kick…

As Mary recalls Drilbur, Erika sees her friend's expression scrunch up in thought, traces of panic clear from how much her hand is shaking while holding Drilbur's Pokeball. If she can see it from this far, so can the rest of the audience, and more importantly Katie.

Typically in an official League-run battle, each trainer has thirty seconds after their Pokemon faints to send out their next one. The official reason is to give each battler some room to think and compose themselves before the next part of the battle. Unofficially, it's used by some trainers and even Gym Leaders as a tool to psych their opponent out, but in this case, the only one Mary is psyching out is herself.

Mary's current expression, eyes closed and biting her lower lip, is one she has whenever she's deep in thought, something usually only reserved when she gets asked questions in class.

"I think I know what Mariana's up to," Mendoza suddenly interjects just as Mary sends Roland out into the field. The little wyrm sends out a small guttural roar as they blur from where he was released to right on top of Rellor. The shock of just how fast its new opponent is causes Rellor to flinch back in surprise.

No words from the wyrm, only action.

Wasting no time, Roland bites onto Rellor's leg and flails the bug around the battlefield, slamming them onto the ground again and again before throwing the bug down into one of the entrances to the tunnels. Roland follows soon after.

"You were saying, darling?" Theodora prompts Mendoza to continue. Surprisingly, commentary on a Pokemon battle is difficult if you can't see either fight.

"So basically, I think Mariana wants to use the tunnels Drilbur made as the perfect environment for Roland to harass Katie's Pokemon. Both Infestation and Will-o-Wisp can be directed from afar, no sight needed, and if any Pokemon tries to approach, Shadow Sneak would both let him get away and attack at the same time. It's pretty smart, though I wonder how her Espurr would fit into her strategy. Her third Pokemon is an Espurr, right?" Mendoza finishes explaining as an unconscious Rellor is dragged out of a hole by an unscathed Roland.

Erika bites her tongue to prevent herself from saying anything. She guessed that the tunnels were for Roland but not the specifics. She could've figured it out if she wanted to. She feels like a hypocrite getting on Jacinto's case for constantly bickering with Manuel and here she is, having to restrain herself.

Erika focuses back on Mary and the battle to distract herself. It's Mary's moment to shine and she refuses to ruin it. Her friend will win this, she's sure she will.

Despair briefly flashes on Mary's face as Katie pulls out her second Great Ball of the battle. Parts of the audience are now openly conversing with one another, gossiping about the turn of events. C'mon Mary, not even Mendoza got two Great Balls pulled on her by Katie. Win or lose, that has to count for something!

Katie sends her final Pokemon out into the field and Erika is starting to think that she actually might be capable of jinxing things. "Ooh, that's not great for Mariana," Mendoza commentates as Erika sends a brief glare her way.

Two tiny wings attached to a fuzzy yellow and white body, Cutiefly basically is built to counter Mary's strategy. Fairy typing to counteract Dragon, Aura detection to hunt down Roland irregardless of any tricks and most of all, it's…


The fae is fast, nearly as fast as him. He slithers away, dodging the jabs from her proboscis, itself brimming with pink light. Roland is certain that if he gets hit by it once, it'll be over. He smacks the fae's face with his tail before fleeing with Quick Attack. He spares a glance over to his human, the anxiety and panic roil off her like smoke rising in the air, dissipating before it gets far.

He knows there is more to this battle for her beyond the 'badge' she had spoken of. He does not understand but he must try. It hurts to see her like this, to feel her ambition smothered and to taste the brewing malaise in her heart.

"Get back in the tunnels, Roland!" his human orders to which he obeys, not bothering to look at the fae who is certainly chasing after him. As he dives down a hole and into the shadows of the network Drilbur had dug, he can feel a light overtaking him. A purple crystalline sheen covers him. Terastallization.

At an intersection in one of the tunnels, Roland focuses, splitting off three copies of himself. He releases the Infestation and Will-o-Wisp he'd been building in his mouth and stuffs them into his copies, sending down the tunnels as decoys. Something to send the fae down a dead end so he can ambush her from behind.

As for himself, he slinks into the shadows of the intersection to await his enemies' arrival. In the dark and cold tunnels, he waits. They are partially flooded, water having somehow seeped in. He doubts that Drilbur is stupid enough to dig towards the pond, so it must have been that rude little bug he thoroughly trashed. It's a shame, he can tell she worked really hard on it.

The fae's arrival is marked by the sounds of a gust of wind blowing through the tunnels. It brings with it the smell of fresh morning dew, prickling at his scales even though they're defended by the thin crystal covering him.

"Where are you, wyrm?" The fae's shrill little voice echoes, signaling that she's near. The Cutiefly reaches the same intersection he was in. It's small enough that it fits both of them, which is good since he's starting to tire.

The fae looks around in search of him. He wills one of his doubles to make noise and sound for her to chase. Splashing of water, shadows on the wall, even a small glimpse of a tail.

Yet the Cutiefly ignores it, still looking around like an idiot—

The fae snaps her head to gaze at exactly where he was. Before he can even react, she unleashes the wind gathered around her at him, forcing him to flee away from her. The fairy quickly gives chase after him. How!?

"Your aura betrays you, wyrm. Hiding is pointless." The fairy taunts him in that same smug, arrogant, self-satisfied, and ungrateful tone as the cat. The shadows allow him to flee faster than the fae can follow, but not by much. He wills his doubles to close in on the fae as a distraction while he thinks.

Somehow, the entire tunnel is being filled by that fairy's wind. It is weaker the farther away she is, but he does not doubt it will still hurt, or that she could manipulate it even from afar. He cannot gather for Infestations and Will-o-Wisp while forcing himself to hide in the shadows, he is to his chagrin not strong enough for it. He will exhaust himself faster than the fae could fall.

Evading and dodging that proboscis attack will be much easier here in the pitch-black underground than up above, so there is no point in surfacing other than to hear his human's voice. A small pang of loneliness distracts Roland, one he thought he left behindin the weeks he had separated from his Father.

No other choice then.

Roland gathers what ghostly energy he can, focusing on tightening it all around him to supplement the Terastallization. He will need it for what he is about to do.

Immersing himself in ghostly energies, he focuses.

The word at the core of a Ghost Type is Memory. It is to be a remnant of what used to be, real or otherwise. To be an amalgam of thoughts and feelings lingering in the world.

Loneliness defines his species, a hole in them always seeking to be filled. He remembers being the runt of Fathers littler, the newborn to be bullied by his siblings. He remembers his first meeting with his human, the smiles, hugs and caresses she gives him, the patient explanations in both training and learning, and he understands that Mariana is more family to him than even his Father.

He remembers her moments of terror before arriving at that Great Nest of Man, both of their fear at meeting Searching Forbidden Fruit and her swine. He remembers the despair of defeat after that first battle with Sunny's human. He certainly remembers the cat's betrayal of his kindness and the helplessness of struggling against her grasp as she nearly killed his human. And he understands that he will hold that first meeting over the cat forever.

He cannot forget any of it. A Ghost can never forget.

Brimming with spectral energy he moves, slithering back towards the fae. He can feel his doubles dissipate, dispatched by the Cutiefly who had only taken some damage from them. The rest will have to come from him. Emerging from the shadows, the feeling of the fairy's wind is nearly overwhelming but it does not matter.

Roland dodges an attempted jab from his opponent's proboscis, and slams his tail onto her head. He's slammed into a wall with a burst of wind and he retaliates by biting her wing. He rams her into the wall of the tunnel over and over again as the wind gets thicker and thicker. Attack, counterattack, attack and counterattack.

He can feel himself getting slower, exhaustion and injuries accumulating. At the same time he can feel Cutiefly's lethargy, the wind is now entirely concentrated around the two of them. A contest of wills to see who emerges victorious.

He will not break first.

The minutes passed after Roland had escaped into the tunnels Drilbur had prepared for him, his opponent chasing after him. There was no way he could dodge Cutiefly's Draining Kiss forever, so you took a gamble.

As the sounds of battle and wind echoing from below slowly begin to die down, you can't help but feel the worst. A part of you has resigned yourself to it, making peace with the fact that despite your Pokemon's best efforts, you've failed.

Emerging from underground slowly, almost painfully so, is Roland. He's dragging Cutiefly with him back to the surface. Once he's out, he throws the now clearly unconscious Fairy-Type to the ground with a thud and himself faints onto the soft ground below.

You can barely hear the referee announce your victory. It doesn't feel real to you. Your knees feel weak, so much so that you're having to grab onto the railing of the elevated platform to stay standing.

The barrier separating you from the rest of the audience goes down, so any thoughts you might have had are drowned out by the deafening sounds of cheers and clapping.

You…you won? You won! You won? Your team won.

Detaching Roland's Pokeball from your belt to recall him, you hold it and Drilbur's ball up to your forehead. Closing your eyes you whisper, "Thank you."

"Um, Miss Challenger?" You're interrupted by the sound of a Gym Trainer's voice. It's the same girl from earlier. "The Gym Leader wants to see you, you still need to actually receive your badge after all."

Oh, right. Stepping down from the raised platform, you let yourself be led to where Katie is waiting, speaking with the referee.

"Congratulations, Mariana." Holy shit, she knows your name. "I enjoyed our battle, it's rare for a trainer to beat me with an extra Pokemon to spare. You Class VII students sure do love to surprise me. Your trainer card please?" She smiles while presenting you with a small golden badge, bearing a stylized representation of a bug on it.

With shaking hands, you hand over your Trainer Card and take the badge. It's shiny and cold to the touch. You resist the urge to bite into it to see if it's real gold. You've embarrassed yourself enough today. You won. You have a badge.

"And I believe that covers it, I've transferred over twenty thousand Pokedollars to your account. Your new badge should also reflect itself in your Trainer Badge." You numbly nod at Katie's explanation. "And as for your TM," She pulls out a disk in a small container from a case on the referee's table, before handing it to you. "Here, it contains the move Pounce. I believe it'll be something your Dreepy will make great use of."

"Again, I can't thank you enough for the help your Class has done to Cortondo this past week." The smile on Katie's face is much smaller, yet paradoxically more sincere. It's the smile of someone that's utterly exhausted.

"Will you be okay?" you can't help yourself from asking.

"I'll be fine." You really don't believe that. "It seems your classmates are calling for you." You turn to where Katie is staring and see Erika waving at you. You can take the hint.

"Thank you for the battle, take care." You say goodbye to the Gym Leader, still really not processing that you just had a personal conversation with them, and head to the stands where your friends are waiting.

Looking back at the arena as you leave, you feel a lot lighter than when you entered. Winning feels great.

With everyone's battles done for the day, there's still one task left to do; accompanying Poppy back to her hotel. Group 2 decided to join, so for the first in the whole Field Exercise, all of Class VII was in one place.

So after briefly going to the Pokemon Center and leaving the Pokemon that needed medical care there (you can tell Drilbur and Roland of your team's victory tomorrow, and ask the former what nickname they wanted), your class is on its way to Cercle Maeul. Eight teens and two kids, traveling in a single group must make for a sight. Thankfully it's night so there aren't as many people out and about in a rural town like Cortondo.

"So yeah, battles like yours where the two Pokemon fighting are barely visible aren't that uncommon in official League fights." Nemona explains to your right, a finger on her chin, eyes closed, as she tries to think of famous examples.

"Your battle was amazing, Mariana. Very few first badge battles I've seen online can compare," Erika says to your left, her arm wrapped around yours. It's slightly chilly out, and your friend's cold so she wanted to stay close to you. You don't mind, though she does pull you closer to her sometimes, which makes hearing what Nemona's saying difficult.

"I don't know, Dawn's battle with Roark is pretty Iconic for a reason. Both Onix and Cranidos in one battle is nuts. I like Gloria and Leon's first gym badge battles, but they'd be better if they weren't Dynamax battles…" You listen to Nemona with one ear as you keep an eye on Ostia and Poppy walking and chatting in front of you.

The two of them vacillate between getting along and squabbling like, well, kids. One minute the two of them are talking about Pokemon, next minute they're arguing about something random and the two would split up. Ostia goes to you all pouty-like, while Poppy waddles up to complain to Elise and Theodora at the front. Then a few minutes after the two of them go back to talking to one another, rinse and repeat.

"Did I hear Leon's name be mentioned? Frankly I find it absurd that you're forgetting to include Raihan in your examples. His and Leon's romantic rivalry is what's iconic," Theodora interjects into your conversation, almost shouting from the front.

"Romantic? It's just a rivalry, I doubt there's anything romantic about it," Nemona responds, confusion clear on her face. You have to agree. Theodora has really got to stop reading tabloids. You still haven't forgotten her talk about Red Isamu and Blue Oak.

"Thea, we're in public. I mean, I don't disagree with you but still…" Elise pulls on Theodora's sleeve. The latter harrumphs away from Nemona, not wanting to continue the argument.

It's good that Theodora managed to get Elise out of her funk after the battle, at least temporarily. There's something in her expression that worries you, but it's good to hear her talking again. She's been downcast ever since the Class left the Pokemon Center.

Erika showed you the official recording of Elise's battle (which reminds you, you should tell your family that the recording for your battle is up, it's a shame they couldn't watch it in real time) and it was dire.

"Mariana, I can understand. But you of all people, Nemona?" Theodora mumbles in a low voice, so low that you almost weren't able to hear it.

"That's crazy," Jacinto says from a bit behind you, causing Manuel to hum in agreement. Atticus is between the two of them and it's worked to prevent an argument from flaring up so far.

"Starting to think insanity is a prerequisite to becoming part of this Class," Manuel snarks in response. Erika looks behind to glare at the two boys causing them to look away and Atticus to chuckle.

Ostia turns to Poppy and does a cuckoo sign with their right hand, causing the girl to laugh. Her voice echoes in the streets of the settlement.

Finally your class makes it to the hotel where Poppy and her guardian are staying. There's currently an informal bet going in your class to see which Elite Four member is Poppy's guardian. You and Nemona are betting on Rika Cayena, while Theodora and Erika are betting on Hassel de Alfornada. Elise suggested the Champion being their guardian for some reason, but you doubt it.
Entering the hotel's lobby causes a surge of elation in you before the realization that you are about to meet your second Elite Four member settles in. Dark green hair tied in a ponytail, a lazy yet intense look in their eye, Rika Cayena is wearing a more decorated version of that uniform from earlier today. The only difference is that the top half of the vest is slung over her shoulder and she is wearing a gray button-up shirt. The hotel's lobby is empty aside from her, the receptionist who's doing her best to seem busy and the woman you met earlier with Poppy, First-Lieutenant Cassandra.

Involuntarily you stand up straighter to make yourself more presentable as you approach. Erika lets go of your arm and stands at attention, almost going into a salute before putting down her arm, her expression in pure panic.

Theodora had an unreadable look on her face, you could almost describe it as calm and placid.

Everyone else has a mix of awe or surprise in their expressions, as the reality of what's happening begins to fully set in for them.

"Rika!" Poppy shouts as she runs up to hug the woman. Rika's expression softens at the sight of the kid as she kneels down to catch Poppy who all but jumps into her arms.

"Oof, you're getting heavier everyday, kiddo." Rika teases, causing Poppy to pout. "Did you have a fun day today?" Rika asks, sparing a glance at your class.
Poppy nods enthusiastically, "I did! I even caught a new Pokemon, I had lots of fun!"

"That's great kiddo, you can tell me all about it later, lemme thank the kind students for the day's work. Say goodnight to them. Don't worry, you can still hang out with them tomorrow." Poppy's turns towards your class as she says farewell.

"Goodnight, new friends! Poppy will see you tomorrow!" Poppy waves at your class as Rika sets them down. That same woman from earlier that morning escorts her from the lobby.

"So, you're Class VII? Some familiar faces among you, but I'm sure all you kiddos know who little ol' me is." Rika says with an easy expression on her face as she looks over your whole class.

"Rika Cayena, member of the Elite Four and Overall Commander of the Railway Military Police. Previously the head of the Aviz Commission investigating the Porto Marinada criminal underground following its integration into the Empire," Theodora suddenly explains with a smile, causing Rika to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? That last one's a deep pull. You're pretty knowledgeable, aren't you, Lady Medali?" Rika responds. You almost miss it, but you're sure you can barely see Theodora's smile slip.

"I'm so sorry, Lady Rika. Please forgive my friend, she just doesn't know when to shut her mouth—" Rika suddenly laughs as Erika tries to intervene.

"Hahahaha, aw man I needed that. It's fine Erika, we have fun here. It's good to see you've made friends though." Erika's face flushes red in embarrassment.

"Um, you mentioned something about tomorrow? Will we still be assigned to you for tomorrow's tasks?" Elise asks as Rika turns towards her. The latter's gaze seems to linger on her for some inexplicable reason.

"...Yea, I'm still gonna be busy with work tomorrow and I need someone to keep an eye on her. And I don't have anyone to spare so…" Rika shrugs as she finishes answering Elise's question.

"Can I get your autograph?" It's Nemona's turn to ask something of Rika, at this point you're almost expecting the rest of the class to speak up as well. Rika pulls out a pen and signs a page from the notebook Nemona brought out.

"Oh yeah, this reminds me. Jacinto, congrats on your first badge. Your pops is gonna call once he's no longer busy." She says while finishing signing Nemona's notebook.

"...he's always busy." Jacinto mutters under his breath.

With her signing done, Rika claps her hands and speaks.

"It's been a long night, you kids, go get some sleep. I'll have Cass transfer over today's payment. I'll see you tomorrow, Group 1." With that Rika dismisses your class and says farewell. Though as you leave you hear something Rika says under her breath.

"She really does look like her, huh…"

With Poppy back home and the night being late, Class VII says farewell to one another for the night and goes their separate ways. In Group 2, Atticus wanted to train with his Croagunk, and he was joined by Manuel and Nemona. Meanwhile Jacinto and Erika both wanted to turn in early so they went back to the inn they were staying in.

As for Group 1, Ostia is tired from the day and wants to go to bed. It's around three hours till midnight when you and the rest of Group 1 arrive back at Pirotin Inn. Entering a front door, deep in conversation with Miss Ronah is Instructor Leaf, a glass of what looks like cider in her hands.

Missy emerges from Elise's shadow, hissing at her Trainer who raises both their hands in mock surrender. "Hey, the cider is non-alcoholic! Lay off me!" Mismagius turns to Ronah for confirmation who just giggles and nods in response.

"It's fine, dearie. I'm no stranger to making sure youngins drink responsibly," the old woman says, causing Leaf to dejectedly mutter that she's in her mid thirties. "But that's enough about us. You kids seem to have had a rather exciting day haven't you."

"Hehe, yea…" Elise says as your group goes to take a seat. While Ostia heads off to their room to get ready for bed, you and Theodora regale the two adults about the day's events.

"Oh yeah, congrats on your Gym Battles kids. Sorry I couldn't make it. Leila had me run ragged." Leaf explains with a sigh while leaning back on her chair. Missy moves forward and wraps herself around your teacher.

"Oh it's fine Miss Leaf, we wouldn't have wanted to distract you from your work anyways," Elise says, politely ignoring Leaf muttering 'I wish you did though…' under her breath.

"Your insight in regards to the battles would be beneficial. Especially in…some aspects." Theodora's facing your teacher as she says it but her gaze briefly flickers towards Elise at the end. Leaf closed her eyes and hummed in thought.

"...I could probably give you kids some feedback on your Gym Battles by next week." Elise's smile briefly falters before returning to normal. You worry about her.

"Though it's really getting late, you kids have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. It's the last day of your Field Exercise. Shuteye is important!" With that, Leaf tells the three of you to turn in for the night.

It's while you were heading up stairs that Leaf suddenly calls for Elise. "Not you though, Elise. I have something to say to my favorite minion."

Elise has an exasperated look on her face as she turns around to go back down the stairs. You and Theodora say goodnight to her as the two of you return to your group's shared room.

"Hopefully Miss Leaf can help her," you whisper to Theodora. Theodora has a worried expression on her face, and she responds after a short sigh.


It's just a little over an hour until midnight. For most the air is surprisingly chilly for how warm Cortondo normally is. For Elise though, it's cold enough to remind her of home.

After that brief talk with Instructor Leaf, Elise wanted to clear her head, so she decided to go on a walk outside for a bit. The moon above is half-filled from her view. It'll be a couple of days until a full moon, she should probably try and prepare a training session with Rin by then. Morning Moon would be a good addition to his repertoire.

She sighs. She's been playing the fight over and over in her head after they left the Gym. She shouldn't have won it by all accounts. She didn't deserve to win it at all. It's her shortcoming as a trainer that caused her horrible performance during it, after all.

Too used to having a direct connection to Rin, her thoughts and plans reaching him instantaneously. According to Miss Leaf it's something that can be worked on and isn't that big of an issue.

It's her relationship with Murkrow that's the problem. Or rather her lack of one.

She asked him to join her on a whim, reminded of her adoptive father's loyal Honchkrow. She needed help during job as a Ranger, for all the good it did. According to Miss Leaf, some trainers get along better with different kinds of Pokemon. Leaf talked about how getting around without a Flying-Type is a pain since she has a tough time with them.

Elise just really doesn't understand Murkrow. There's a lot of times where he's suddenly affectionate and cooperative and the next he's giving her the cold shoulder, it's like spending time with Thea but even worse!

'Have a proper conversation with him on what the two of you want.' was what Miss Leaf said. But does she even know where to start? It doesn't come easy for her like it does for Mariana, who even Rin likes. Her relationship with her Honedge is special, they gravitated towards one another the first time she saw them on her Sensei's hands.

She looks around the area she's wandered to. It's pretty far away from the Inn itself, it'll take a bit for her to get back. It's pretty close to the outer portions of the settlement. All around her, nocturnal Pokemon are going about their routines. Tandemaus scurrying in the alleys looking for food. Shuppets and Gastly going from house to house to feed on the ambient emotions of their inhabitants. A murder of Murkrows perched atop power lines, keeping an eye on other Pokemon in search of potential meals. Beneath her feet, Elise's shadow writhes, a copy of Missy is accompanying her since it's so late at night.

But other than that she's all alone. Not a single person in sight.

There was another reason why she wanted to have Murkrow join her. When she heard from Miss Leaf how Murkrow had been ostracized from his peers, a part of her related with his plight. She didn't have many friends before Mesagoza.

There's Anna Maria, but she's royalty and the spaces between their meetings are measured in months. She used to have a friend way back, but she barely remembers most of her youth.

Huh, here she is wanting to clear her mind and instead she's getting nostalgic.

She should probably get back soon. She has a gut feeling about tomorrow being just as hectic as today.

As she turns around to head back, a tingling feeling alerts her senses. She turns around, instinctively reaching her Rin (which isn't there, Elise, you idiot), and finds a single Pokemon staring at her.

It's a Charcadet. They're badly hurt, their armor dented and broken in multiple spots. Their flame is weak, so weak a breeze threatens to snuff it out. Did they sneak up on her? No, she just didn't notice, too preoccupied in her own thoughts.

The Pokemon takes one step forward and collapses, falling down face forward where they stand. Above her, the Murkrows caw and jeer, some taking off to circle above her and the now unconscious Pokemon. Shit, she needs to hurry and get them to a Pokemon Center.

Rifling through her bag Elise pulls out a Pokeball. Worst comes to worst, she can just release them after they're healed up.

The sole Charcadet she's seen the whole week. As she puts the Fire-type into the Pokeball, telling the Murkrows to buzz off, her gut tells her- things are about to get even worse.


Pokedollars: 100,000 on your Person
League Points: 6,000 on your Trainer Card
[X] CHAPTER END BUG BUZZ: The first chapter is coming to a close, though Class VII are but minor actors in this part of the play. But all stars need a beginning. This is yours.

  • Titanium Tykes Two: Something Big is going on, and Rika wants your Group to keep an eye on Poppy during it. But Elise's new rescue changes the equation, forcing Poppy- and thus Class VII- to action.
  • Rewards: 200/400 SKLL STAT XP, 400/800 POKE XP to all Pokemon. 1/2 MXP to all Pokemon. Greatly Increase Bond with all members of Group 1

What nickname does Mariana think of and Drilbur agrees to once the later wakes up tomorrow?
-[] Write-in subject to medium QM veto

Pokemon Materials Gained:
Applin Seeds, Ninjask Wing, Spidops Web, Flittle Feather
Cash and STAT Gains this turn
32000 Pokedollars, 400 Poke XP, 500 PROW XP, 500 SKLL XP from Gym Battle
Roland and Drilbur gain 1000 POKE XP from Gym Battle. Used Moves gain 3 MXP, Other Moves Gain 1 MXP
Roland and Drilbur Gain 1 Wound due to Gym Battle, will be removed due to Overnight Stay at Pokemon Center
Items Gained:
Berry Juice x2, TM for Pounce (Can be Roland)

Bug Badge Received

Moratorium for 6 Hours
Thanks to Tempera for helping me brainstorm the Gym Battles and for Proofreading
I'll post the Battle Documentation in a bit
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Moon Door I: King's Knight Opening
Aw, c'mon little guy, don't be a grouch. Meet your new partner, they're a Slako—

"Check." Spidops titters, her mandibles writhing in delight. He looks down on the board, with its mismatched pieces where those missing were replaced by what coins, rocks or whatever else Spidops could weave together. He waits, thinking of his next move.

He still does not understand how Spidops gained a fondness for a human game, but it's a decent way to spend time while waiting for reports. They're playing on a chessboard that she stole from one of the human farmers. It's Spidops' most prized possession.

Surrounding them, watching their game are the lieutenants. Mostly Tarountulas and Nymbles now, with only a handful of Ninacadas. Ninjask's little stunt with the berries has cost him a wing and the confidence of his swarm.

The plan had been to see him captured by the humans, but what transpired was also in their favor. Even with the berries, he will not survive the night. Not if Spidops has anything to say about it.

He looks up and she appears even more excited as if it was possible. Their little Triad will be a Duo soon enough. Ninjask would've never agreed to commit to what followed after all.

Well, if everything goes as he wants it tomorrow, it'll just be Spidops. He doubts she'll be able to keep Shedinja from wandering off after Ninjask is gone.

He makes his move, despite how pointless it might be. He has only ever won against her once, when they first met.

One of the threads hanging overhead, their way of communication with their scouts in the forest and the heights, is suddenly pulled taut. Finally a report.

He stands, pushing aside the crate he was sitting on, nearly toppling over the board causing Spidops to curse in at him. This night's base was in one of the abandoned human barns, many of the lieutenants are unhappy but they know it's better than being in the forests right now.

Not while the humans are crawling all over it.

At the entrance was the messenger, a Yanma. One of the few still free of the Thieves, their loyalty bought with the promise of freeing their kin. Riding on them was a Nymble and a Tarountula.

"Report." Lokix says.

"The humans have found and attacked one of the lesser Thieves' lair at the heights. They have found little of those taken. Some of the Thieves escaped, through them this one has found the main den.' Yanma reports, which is then confirmed by the Nymble with them.

"You are certain of this?" Spidops asks as she cleans and puts away the chessboard. She was winning anyways so she's not as irate as she could be at the interruption.

Yanma nods. "The one described by Lokix was seen by this one. They were the one with the claws and tail and the black wings. They had met with the fleeing Thieves and guided them to a cliffside near the Old Settlement where the ground opened up."

Gliscor. The earth was shaking, swallowing her up. Tears in her eyes.

It roils off him, uncontrollable, seeping through the crystalline sheen of Dark Terastalization. All the Pokemon within the barn, except for Spidops, recoils in fear of his weakness. Of his malady.

He clenches his fist, closing it tight, then opening it, then closing it again. He does this until it resides. Until he can see the Yanma in front of him, quivering in fear.

When he had come to following Marida's…death, he had been changed by the Thieves. He could not think clearly, he could not feel pain, he could do nothing but be angry and hate. Lashing out at everyone and everything he could find.

He thought it grief, but he knows better now. The wise man said it was an evil technique wrought by cruel humans to shut the hearts of Pokemon. To turn them into weapons. It was incomplete for him, he could still think after all.

He turns to look behind, there he sees Spidops stanced, web already formed on her limbs. Of his new 'companions' only she knows his malady. Had he fully lost control, she would string him up by the neck and limbs until he either calmed or died, whichever came first.

"Apologies." Spidops waits a few moments before scoffing, releasing her web. The tension bleeds as the news of the threat of him subsides and news of the Thieves spreads. A cacophony of nearly dozens of Pokemon discussing and talking about what is to be done.

He steps back, letting Spidops receive the rest of the reports, confirmations, and additional information of the movement of the humans. She delivers the orders, the summons and requests to those willing to help.

His and Spidops' followers numbered little over three hundred Pokemon, all sorts of bugs from across the east and west of Cortondo, from the human farms, to the forests and cliffs. Scattered by the Thieves, who've been infesting the province for nearly a half a year now.

Many were unwilling to attack humans for food, things were simply not dire enough.

But Thieves are not humans, they are not people, so that is different.

With a word from Spidops, the lieutenants scatter to gather their lesser swarms for tomorrow's assault. Like clouds of limbs crawling on the ground, hopping, swinging, they leave.

"You need not leave after tomorrow." Spidops suddenly says as only the two of them remain. He peers outside, the moon approaches its peak. It will be a few hours still before they will be ready.

"I believe we had an agreement." He does not understand what brought this on. The two of them had used one another for their own purposes. She had used him to get stronger and force the Bugs of Cortondo into line. And he had used her to gather a force for his aims. Once he finds Vigoroth he will leave Cortondo and they will never see one another again. What they are planning could be the foundation of a Domain, Spidops' Domain.

There's an irritated clicking from Spidops mandibles "Fine, be that way."

Spidops crawls out of the barn to prepare for tomorrow, leaving him alone.

It's better this way.

He goes to collect his—Marida's—belongings, a small sling bag containing an old Pokedex. It's solar-powered so he never worried about it running dry. Operating it is difficult, he only vaguely remembers how his trainer sometimes used it. He pulls up the entry for Gliscor and reads despite the cracked screen.

He puts to memory every single detail, wingspan, average flight length, average claw and stinger length, typical moves, ways to detect them despite their soundless flight and anything that could give him the edge. He lost once, he will not lose again.

He reads and once he is tired he rests. He hugs the bag tight and sleeps a dreamless sleep.

As Lokix sleeps, the wild stirs like a nest put to action. Missives and signals planned for are put to motion, the night humming with the noise of buzzing wings of the Nincadas.

A Wild Hunt gathers.

In a church at the very edges of human settlement, a pair of Lurantis say farewell to their child, entrusted to the care of the little one's Munchlax friend. The Normal-Type promises to share his food with her every day, a very serious oath from his species. The two are some of the few in any shape to leave, but still, they are not alone, for they march out at the head of a small band of Pokemon.

Woobats exiled from the larger colony, those who had not been suborned. Two Applins, the oldest of Appletuns sons. A trope of Squawkabilly's with accompanying Tandemaus riding on their backs. A Tranquil leading a flight of Wattrels, Rookidees and Fletchlings. An old man watches them, he whisper a prayer for their safety and success.

They head northwards towards the desecrated ruins of yesteryear. A procession of those expelled from their homes by the Thieves tearing through the province.

In a forest guarded by a Pokemon millenia old, the earth shifts and a handful of Ursarings march out carrying with them the Pokemon of their home, they are followed by dozens of Sawsbucks and Deerlings, a gathering numbering in the hundreds.

These few Ursarings are the best of their Mother's children at tearing and controlling stone. They will be needed to assault the den of Thieves, who have stolen their young and their neighbors, those who make mockery of their home. Each Ursaring carries on their back Pinecos and Foongus, brimming with power and poison alike.

They march northwards meeting a detachment of the Triad's swarm. The Bug Pokemon carry with them food, berries and the healing liquids of the humans. Payment and tribute alike. Some of the Bugs split off to carry the bounty back to the forest. The rest continue north.

The ruins are quiet.

All that emerges from the heights are a scattering of Pawniard Divisions, numbering a few dozen at most. They had been gathered under a scion of a now lost Bisharp, her armor and shell blue rather than red. A daughter desperate to find her father. The rest are too shaken by the Intruder from earlier within the week to even emerge from the caves and depths, they will let the Hunt pass by them.

In an alcove a number of Tinkatinks whisper amongst themselves, their new guildmaster scoffing at the events unfolding. The child's guardian has the matter in hand, so she sees no reason to take on more work. A whisper in the wind from her teammate carries the moniker lazy to her ear. She responds by calling him a tryhard knowing that he will hear her.

Reports fly from the League forces operating in the area of the brewing Wild Hunt, RMP units stationed across the province are put on high alert. A suggestion to cancel tomorrow's Gym Battles is made and accepted. Friday is declared a working holiday. A settlement braces itself for impact. But they are not the target, they never were.

In the south west of Cortondo, within the venerable manors of the nobility; calls are being sent out, documents, hard drives and records burned and an escape plan to Cascaraffa is being hatched.

A Capo teleports in, past the Dark and Ghost Type nets and barriers established by the League to prevent escape, and discreetly begins extraction. Only of the truly important assets though. The operation has been left to its fate. His erstwhile apprentice need not know that.

Last night, a Charcadet had managed to break into the perimeter of Thieves' hideout and had escaped before it could be neutralized. Extraction of captured specimens of that species are now being prioritized.

Morning light reveals a teeming mass of flesh, chitin, steel, wood and bark. A gathering of Pokemon near half a thousand strong. It cannot compare to the Great Wild Hunts, those that numbered in the tens and hundreds of thousands.

But it is a Wild Hunt nonetheless. The first skirmish of a wider conflict, none but a handful could truly see.
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Field Exercise I: Friday
"So you found them hurt last night?" Poppy asks as you and the rest of Group 1 head to the Pokemon Center you left your respective Pokemon at. Your class had picked up Poppy first thing in the morning as per Miss Rika's instructions. Apparently she'll be busy the whole day, and with the rumors you've been hearing all morning, you have a pretty good idea why.

Looking around, you see shops and stalls closed for the day. Sometime last night, a state of low emergency was declared for Friday and Saturday by the Gym Leader Katie under suggestion from the Governing Council. Surprisingly, there hasn't been a declaration from the Count countermanding it. Even the Gym is closed for the next two days. Though there are still some businesses open, they're usually the larger and major ones and are few and far between.

"Yeah, they were pretty banged up. Thankfully, the Nurse Joys said that they'll likely survive." Elise's relief is palpable just from her voice.

"They would be the only Charcadet we've encountered the whole week, right, Elise?" Theodora asks.

"That is kinda weird, now that you mention it, Thea," Elise says with a frown.

From everything you've learned this week, you don't believe for even a second that such a thing could just be happenstance. Involuntarily, you clench your fist in anger, indignation at what's transpired.

'Do not squish me, human.' Right, you're carrying Renne with you to go and see the rest of your team. You whisper an apology to her. Somehow, you can tell that she's rolling her eyes while accepting it even as she turns her head away from you.

"You okay, Miss Mary?" Ostia asks. They're walking alongside your right, whereas the rest of Group 1 and Poppy are to your left. Apparently they're in another feud with Poppy about something you really don't understand.

You smile at them to reassure your friend. "Oh, nothing. Just have a weird feeling about today, that's all."
'Hm, there seems to be less Pokemon out today.' Renne notes while looking around. Now that she mentions it, there does seem to be less Pokemon around the settlement. Not Trainer Pokemon, like a Herdier accompanying a family or their Trainer but Wild City Pokemon. Tandamaus rifling through alleys and dumpsters, the occasional Ghost-Type peeking through cracks and from behind the more decrepit buildings, and various bird Pokemon resting on telephone wires and rooftops, their chirping and cries forming background noise you've grown used to while in Mesagoza and Cortondo.

That weird feeling is getting worse.

You and Theodora share a look with one another. You two encourage the rest of the group to head to the Pokemon Center a little bit quicker.

When you finally reach the place, it's crowded, Trainers of all shapes and sizes going about their business. Checking up on their Pokemon, making calls, discussing with other Trainers or just scrolling through their phones with worried and or irritated expressions. Right, since the Gym is closed, a lot of battles must've gotten canceled.

Your group's entrance into the rather sizable building went unremarked upon, though some of the Trainers did briefly glance at you before they quickly went back to their business. A lot of them head to one of the hallways in the building leading to the quarters within after finishing up at the front desk. Poppy pulls down the hat she's wearing, likely not wanting to be recognized.

A lot of trainers stay at Centers during their journey, since lodging and basic meals are guaranteed for any participants of the Circuit. It's something Kali used to talk to you about in the past months. Looking back on it, she might've realized that she wasn't gonna pass the Entrance Exam and was looking into how to prepare for her Journey. You wonder what starter she could've bonded with.

You haven't really talked much with her in the past month. Whenever you message her, she seems oddly evasive and distant. Though your mom does say that she's doing well so she might just be busy. Hopefully she's having fun, you wonder how her Journey is—

"Hello, Mary? Can you hear me?" You're snapped out of your reminiscing about old friends by one of your new ones. Elise is staring right at you, a little too close for comfort.

"Uh, what is it, Elise?" you ask, to which she responds by presenting you with two Pokeballs- Roland and Drilbur's. "Oh, thanks!"

You grab the two from her before taking stock of your surroundings. You're seated in the lobby along with the other members of the group. Renne is seated next to you while reading a magazine, all cuddled up with her Mishy doll, while Ostia and Poppy are conversing again, something about a cartoon the two of them watch.

"Wow, I must've been really out of it." You haven't zoned out like that in a while.

'Yes, you didn't even notice putting me down next to you.' Renne snarks telepathically.

Theodora briefly stares at you before turning to Elise and speaking. "Well, aside from the Charcadet you've mentioned, I believe everything is in order?"

Elise nods in response. "Yup. If you guys wanna talk to your Pokemon, go on ahead. I'll wait here until the Nurse Joys finish up with Charcadet."

Well, you did wanna tell your two Pokemon the good news. You excuse yourself from the group as you go off to find a place to chat with your team.

'Hopefully this meeting won't be in a bathroom.' Renne says as you pick her up to have another team talk.

"No promises." You tease the Espurr.

"So you're okay with Ruby?" you confirm with Drilbur, who nods enthusiastically.

Workshopping a nickname with your Pokemon is surprisingly hard, it was either between Ruby or Millium, the Old Pasio word meaning "to crush". She was leaning towards the latter until you showed her what a ruby was. Now you're trying to think of a way to buy gemstones for her to eat. According to what Renne translated for you, it's Ruby's favorite snack.

Hmm, maybe you could ask Erika for some help.

You pat Ruby on the head as you lift her up to sit next to Roland, who's watching the upload of the Gym Fight from your phone. It's kind of awkward and the screen is too small for all four of you to watch. Maybe you should get a personal laptop for yourself sooner or later. There's a limit to how long you can get away with doing schoolwork on your phone.

Finding a private place in the average Pokemon Center is surprisingly difficult. Since it's still the first week of the Circuit, there are a lot of Trainers- mostly from out of town- making use of the various rooms and lobbies of the building.

But you did manage to find one. It's a small break area with a handful of people in it. Your team is currently situated in one of the couches, spending some time to yourselves.

"Thanks for translating for me, Renne," you say to the Espurr.

'You can thank me by buying me something to stimulate my mind. That or Mishy. Either works.' You should probably try and get your Pokemon into hobbies of their own. Chimu loves sewing and your brother taught all of his Pokemon to read.

You notice that the video of your battle is coming to a close, Roland's eyes still glued onto the small screen. Seeing it after the fact, what stands out most to you (besides your expressions, Miss Leaf is right, you do need to work on that) is kind of how boring the later half is to watch. Despite that, Roland is completely engrossed in the battle. Thinking about it, this is the first time he's seen himself fight.

You scratch Roland on the side of his horns as the video comes to a close, the little Ghost leaning into your touch as he curls up onto your lap. Well, little can be done about the lack of entertainment value your battle has. A win is a win.

Ruby cries out, arms outstretched, as she seemingly wants you to lift into your lap as well. With a sigh, you scoop up the Drilbur and place her right next to where Roland is curled up. The small drake glares up at the Ground type as he tries to wiggle out more space from her, prompting a raspberry from Ruby as Roland hisses at her petulantly.

Not wanting Renne to feel left out, you turn your upper body towards her to lift her up and place her much closer to you and the rest of the team. You take great care to lift the magazine she's reading along with her, the Espurr's only response being to roll her eyes.

Here you are, just sitting and enjoying a calm moment with your Pokemon.

This is nice.

The moment is interrupted by a message on your phone from Elise. By the looks of it, she needs your help for something. With a short message informing her that you're on your way, you tell your team that it's time to go.

Ruby hops off your lap to waddle on the floor, while Roland goes off to wrap himself around your neck. Scooping up Renne, you carry her in your arms as you put the magazine she was reading back onto the break room's coffee table.

Another message from Elise, and this one is starting to make the queasy feeling in your gut worse. 'Please hurry, bring Espurr with you'.

Apologizing to Ruby for a bit, you return her to her Pokeball, as you rush over to where Elise says she's currently at. According to a third message, she's currently in the Pokemon Center's courtyard outside with Theodora and the kids.

Making your way out of the Pokemon Center, unease fully morphs into shock and worry as you see your friend. Part of Elise's clothes are burned, but with the lack of any obvious burns, it seems your friend is somehow unharmed. Theodora next to her looks distinctly unhappy, her typical smirk nowhere to be found. Poppy and Ostia both look worried, their gazes on Elise.

"What happened? Are you okay?" You go up to your friend to check up on her. Aside from the edges of her uniform being burned, she seems to be fine. Rin is attached to her hip through a loop on her belt, the Honedge looking up at you with their sole eye.

"I'm fine. Just had some difficulty with Charcadet. It's why I called you here." Did she get attacked?

"If I had known you'd have gotten yourself into this kind of trouble, I wouldn't have let you wander off! At least you could've released them with more precaution, so you wouldn't have gotten attacked!" Theadora scolds Elise, the worry clear in her voice.

Elise shakes her head. "I don't think Charcadet was trying to attack me, Rin says they're too confused for that." Confused?

Theodora sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose. "Just get to the point, Elise."

"Um, right. I need your guys' help to keep Charcadet calm while I try to communicate with them. Your psychic types could prevent them from doing too much damage once I send them out again." Elise says, a strange but serious look on her face.

"Are you sure about this, Elise?" you ask, worried for her doing something reckless. Renne is oddly silent in your arms.

"Yes, Charcadet looked like they were panicking when I first sent them out. I want to know what happened to them. If they want to leave, I'll honor their wishes." When Elise says it like that, you don't have it in you to say no.

"Well, I doubt I can deter you from this course of action. Very well, Sharon can minimize the damage the flames do to the surrounding." Theodora sounds exasperated. Right, you're still on Pokemon Center's property, even if you're outside.

"I wanna help Miss Elise, but Argy would just be mean to them and he's not good at barriers yet." Ostia says apologetically.

"Renne, is it okay with you?" you ask the Espurr you're carrying in your arms.

'Very well, I'm curious about this Charcadet. I have my suspicions as well. A small barrier would not be too much of a request.' Renne answers telepathically, which you relay to the others.

"I'm sorry, I don't have Bellamy with me. They could really help, but stupid rules means I have to leave them back at home because of—" Poppy covers her mouth, stopping herself from telling us any more state secrets. Sometimes you forget that she's an Elite Four member.

"Thanks guys. We can start soon if you want." Elise says a bemused and fond smile on her face.

You have Renne set up two barriers, one separating your little gathering from the rest of the courtyard and one across from your group, but beneath the first barrier for Elise to release Charcadet in. For their parts, Theodora and Ostia release Sharon and Poly respectively. Having the two Pokemon on standby to put out any fires is a good precaution.

"Ready?" you ask Elise, to which she nods in response. Pulling out a Pokeball from her belt, a red beam is shot at an opening in the smaller barrier that Renne had made, releasing the Charcadet within it.

Their entire body was aflame. Its eyes were wide with confusion and panic, almost hazy with the emotions. As soon as it realizes that it can move once again, the Charcadet lashes out sending gouts of fire, which splash harmlessly against the barrier and scorch the grass around them. They do look healthier than when Elise first saw them. She didn't get a good look earlier, having recalled the Pokemon

'That sword understated it. I'm not sure this one even knows where they are or what's going on right now.' Renne telepathically says, to which Rin scoffs through his link with her.

'Sorry Rin, Espurr's right, you do kind of do that at times.' Elise thinks through her connection to her Pokemon, before focusing on the task at hand.

Elise gulps, unsheathing Rin halfway before taking a step closer to the Fire-Type. Rin's ribbon tightens its grip around her arm, and the ARCUS on her hip lightly glows. It wouldn't be a fluent understanding, shameful as it is to admit, her bond with Rin is far from what her Master would say is acceptable, but it'll have to do.

A harsh noise erupts from the Honedge, the sound of a knife scraping against another metallic surface. The Charcadet snaps their head to face her, the cloudy look in its eyes slowly fading. A low rumbling noise emanates from the small Pokemon.

'Thieves! Where!? What!?' The Charcadet all but snarls, prompting a response from Renne.

The Espurr meows at the Chacadet in response. Whatever it was she said causes the Fire Type to relax slightly.

Her master's technique only allows to understand a single Pokemon at a time, so trying for more is difficult. Something about how her—

'Focus, child.' Rin chastises her. She mumbles an apology for allowing her mind to wander.

'I have cleared up a misunderstanding, she had believed us to be Thieves.' Renne's words flash into her mind again. Those must be the poachers then. A picture is starting to form in her mind about what happened to the Pokemon.

"Thank you, Renne, that helps a lot. I can handle it from here." Elise says, flashing a look of gratitude to Mariana and her Pokemon before turning to face the Fire-type.

Now facing the Charcadet, Elise wears a more serious expression, one that would hopefully get across her sincerity to the other Pokemon. "We're not poachers. I had found you stumbling into town, badly injured." Elise's face then softens a little, unable to stop her concern for the Pokemon from seeping through. "Could you tell us what happened?"

The Charcadet stares at her for a moment before turning away, the Pokemon's eyes downcast. The Fire-Type cries out, the sound reminding her of pots and pans clanging together.

'Thieves…took…family…friends…everyone. Found den…too weak…to free. Gone soon…hear Thieves say.' Despair rolled off of the Chacadet, her connection with Rin letting her see what the Fire-Type is feeling.

As Renne translates what Charcadet has said to the rest of the group, Elise thinks.

Fire is passionate. It burns in accordance with its desires. From life giving sun to warm hearth to destructive inferno, Fire is Life. Thus, it corresponds with the Third Form of the Eight Leaves. Her worst form, though she at least remembers its lessons. The world moves in accordance to the wills and desires of all who inhabit it.

Taking another quick look at Charcadet, the Pokemon's flames are now much weaker than they were when she was released. The reality of its situation is setting in and despondency is the result.

Charcadets are one of many Pokemon that are functionally immortal outside of combat. As long as they wish to live and can access enough fuel to keep their flames burning, they can live for centuries. From how strong the Pokemon's flames were earlier, she doubts that the issue is the latter.

Elise tightens her grip on Rin's hilt and before she can stop herself, the words have already left her mouth. "We can't let that stand. Tell us where the poacher's are hiding and we'll help you free them."

Everyone in the group turns towards her, a wide range of reactions to her declaration.

Thea looks at her with a mix of bafflement and approval, almost as if she was expecting this from her. Is she really that predictable? Marianna seems angry, not at her but at what Renne had described. Hesitation warring with a clear desire to agree. Ostia is quiet, a nervous look on their face. Are they scared of what could happen? And finally Poppy, she almost looks excited. The little girl is looking at her in awe.

"Elise is right! Rika said that those meanies have been all over the province for months and they're the ones who took the Tinkatuffs of Pinky's guild!" Poppy says, striking a pose to make herself look bigger. "We can take those bad guys out! Skaro can help!"

"While I do agree with the sentiment, we can't just jump into something like this unprepared. I doubt these poachers would hesitate to have their Pokemon target us specifically." Theodora speaks while staring straight at her, almost as if she's challenging her conviction. Her friend's hand hovers over Leo's pokeball. Right, she mentioned that his father is missing. The poachers are likely responsible for that as well.

Elise maintains her gaze, refusing to look away first. It's Theodora that breaks eye contact first. Her friend shakes her head, a small on her lips.

"We do have Missy just in case." Oh, this entire conversation is probably reaching Instructor Leaf. "But it's irresponsible to bring Poppy with us after Miss Rika told us to keep her safe," Mariana provides, patting Renne on the head all the while. At that statement, Poppy pouts before responding.

"I'm an Elite Four! Miss Rika will understand, this is super-important! Besides, I have my own ghostie to keep me safe." Poppy stomps on the ground, and a nearly overwhelming presence makes itself known before vanishing. The sound of crumbling stone and shifting gears fills your ears before suddenly stopping.

"How about you, Ostia? Are you okay with this?" Mariana asks Ostia, to which they respond with fervent nodding.

"I have to keep Mary safe after all! Miss Erika made me promise to!...Don't tell her I said that." Mariana smiles and pats the youngest member of Class VII on the head while Theodora chuckles to herself as if she finds something funny.

Turning back towards Charcadet, the Fire-type looks at the class with a mix of skepticism and befuddlement. But beneath all that, Elise can see the hope that the Pokemon is so desperately trying to suppress.

"Renne, could you lower the shields?" she asks, to which the Espurr raises an eyebrow at her before complying.

Stepping closer to the Charcadet, Elise gets on one knee to reach eye-level with the Fire-type. "I promise, we'll help you rescue the ones you care for. No matter what."

The Charcadet looks, truly looks at her, almost right into her soul, before responding.

'...Oath." The Pokemon asks.

Nodding, she runs her palm on Rin's blade, drawing blood. It's only a shallow cut. Ignoring the cries of shock and alarm behind her, Elise presents her hand for Charcadet to shake.

Staring at it, the Fire-Types looks her in the eye one last time before taking her hand. The burning heat is painful, but she bites her lip and with Rin's help is able to get through it. Finally the Charcadet lets go, their pact sealed.

Once Theodora finishes scolding and bandaging Elise, the group begins to discuss logistics. According to Chacadet, the main base of the poachers is deep within the ruins of Old Badajoz, a series of caverns and caves connecting the oldest parts of the abandoned settlement with the Heights. Apparently parts of Badajoz go back as far as 2500 years ago.

To prepare for it, your group will split into two. You, Elise and Poppy will go to Miss Leaf and try to convince her to support your cause, or at least allow your class to go help Charcadet, while Theodora and Ostia will buy and gather supplies for not just the trek to the ruins, but also for the battles to come. Theodora is also supposed to try and find anything she can about the ongoing Wild Hunt. Hopefully its target are the poachers themselves.

Finding Miss Leaf would normally be a difficult prospect since she's likely with Group 2, but something tells you that Missy has probably already told her what your group is planning.

Going back to Pirotin Inn, that hunch is proven correct as sitting right near the entrance to the establishment is a thoroughly unamused Instructor Leaf staring right at Elise, eyebrow raised and with an expression all but demanding an explanation.

"Well?" Miss Leaf asks, prompting Elise to step forward. Your friend is clearly nervous, so you give her a look to try and get across your support for her. Elise looks at you and nods, standing up a little bit straighter.

Elise explains Charcadet's situation to Instructor Leaf; the Poacher's base, how the Pokemon of East Cortondo have been taken by them and the info regarding them leaving soon. As your friend finishes, Miss Leaf leans back on her chair, sighing and rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"And if I say no to you kids going out, you're just gonna ignore me aren't you?" your instructor says, prompting you and Elise to share a look with each other. Well…

"Ugghh, you kids are gonna be the death of me." Leaf throws her hands up in exasperation. "Fine, but if you kids are gonna do this, I'm coming with and we're gonna do this right."

Leaf fixes the beret that's part of her Ranger Uniform before standing up from where she was seated. She then turns to the two of you, her face deadly serious, all traces of your easy-going Instructor vanished.

"For the next, I wanna say twelve hours, I'm neither your teacher nor your instructor. I will be your commanding officer. Deputy Rangers Montenix and Ganzorig, am I clear?" The two of you respond with a 'Yes, Ma'am!" while standing at attention.

"Um, what about Group 2, Ins—Commander Leaf?" you ask, worried for the well-being of the rest of Class VII.

"First off, don't call me Commander, we're not going that far. Second," Leaf pulls her vest back , revealing that she only has three Pokeballs attached to her belt. "I left Ditzy with Atticus, they should be enough for anything they might stumble onto while—nevermind. You said Theodora and Ostia are going out for supplies? Message them, I have a shopping list for the two. Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

Leaf instructs Elise on the items the other half of your Group needs to buy; ranging from the mundane, like ropes, flares and such; to the ludicrously expensive, like Hyper Potions, a single of which cost nearly as much as all the cash you had with you.

As the two continue, you see Poppy nod at you and sneak off into your group's room. Right, she still has to convince Rika to let her join. Hopefully it goes as smoothly as yours did.

The Cortondo Railway Military Police Headquarters is located in the west of the agricultural province. From it, the vital rail lines connecting Mesagoza to the west of the Paldea are patrolled and maintained.

It is also currently serving as the base of the Cortondo Anti-Poachers Operation.

The eggheads in the SIL need to think up better names. First-Lieutenant Cassandra thinks as she sifts through reports and updates from the operatives. All across western and parts of eastern Cortondo, a little under one-hundred RMP Trainers are busting down warehouses, conducting arrests and battling the cretins infesting her home province.

Well, most of the cretins. The nobility have kept Bragg's little operation at an arm's length after all.

Cassandra sighs as she finishes double checking a report on a successful raid of a poacher base in the south west. She notes an observation from the commanding operative about how most of the stolen Pokemon they had recovered seemed to be trainer owned. She earmarks the one who made the report for a promotion to pass to Rika's desk. And finally she pulls up a list on her laptop of missing Pokemon reports from the past few months or so, and will you look at that, it's a match.

She'll need to confirm it later, but the sort of things you can do when the garrison looks the other way and half the Trainer Associations are in on it.

"Nasty little scheme Bragg set up, huh?" Cassandra peers over to look at the person who just entered her commandeered office. Messa Watterson, despite how annoying he is, falls squarely on the side of the loyal Trainer Associates. She doesn't envy Leila at all, neither for the work cut out for her nor her spouse.

"One wonders how he managed to slip by your attention, with how thoroughly he'd implicated the Trainer Associations in Cortondo," she grumbles. A pointless barb, she already knows how. Cortondo, despite Katie's best efforts, still remains thoroughly in the nobility's camp. Cassandra pulls up their current estimates of compromised Trainer Associates and blanches.

A third of the Uno Association, a fifth of the Deux Association, over half of the Sei Association and finally a fourth of the Qi Association. Administration, Public Safety, Patrols and Information respectively.

By the end of the day, the Cortondo Trainer Associations are going to be utterly gutted. Even if Leila were to only slap a demotion on those only tangentially related, those who looked the other way or fibbed reports whenever their coworkers were doing something weird, that still only leaves them with sixty percent of their original strength.

Messa takes her little jab in stride, that annoying smirk on his face not even budging. "Oh, cheer up, you. I'm here to send a message from Rika. She's calling for you, apparently you're heading out. I'm taking over your task as chief pencil pusher."

Her head snaps towards Messa as she tries her best to hide her excitement. She fails.

"C'mon, get going, You look like you're gonna rocket out of your chair." She grabs her RMP coat and rushes past Messa, shouting a thank you behind her as she goes. She's been cooped up in a desk since last night and she feels like she's gonna go insane soon.

Double checking the Ultra Balls on her belt, she continues to make her way through the hallways of the building, past the various clerks and bureaucrats attached to Lady Rika's division.

Volcarona, check; Araquanid, check; Orbeetle, check; Numel, check.

Finally reaching the Commander's office, she tries to make herself as presentable as possible, smoothing over any wrinkles on her uniform. Once she's confident enough, Cassandra knocks on the door. "You called for me ma'am?"

"I did, come in." Stepping inside, the office is barebones, mostly holding the personalized belongings of the actual commanding officer of the Cortondo RMP regiments. But she's out on the field today, so Lady Rika has taken over the office for the day.

"That was pretty fast, did you rush over after I sent Messa?" Lady Rika says in an amused tone, and it takes every ounce of Cassandra's willpower to not stutter like a schoolgirl.

She knows she doesn't have a chance, but please, Xerneas. If you're listening, please.

"Messa mentioned something about heading out, commander?" She tries to divert and thankfully, Lady Rika humors her. Her commanding officer pulls out a Poly 11, its marking signifying it as one of the brand new Porygon Phone variants modified for League use.

"Poppy called me a few minutes ago. According to her, she and Class VII have identified the primary poacher's base in East Cortondo via the help of a Charcadet."

Cassandra raises an eyebrow. Charcadet population across Southern Paldea have been on the decline for the year or so. Local populations in Artazon and Cascaraffa have both diminished to the point of being considered no longer present in the wild.

Normally worrying, but especially in consideration that it was those two provinces specifically. The SIL has been screaming about it for months now to no avail as the situation in Area Zero and noble intransigence hinder any sort of action. This might be the lead the League has been looking for.

"You wish for me to accompany Poppy and investigate, commander?"

Rika nods at her before continuing. "According to the Charcadet, a large number of their species and other local populations are held captive somewhere within the ruins of Old Badajoz. This matches up with the activity heat maps gathered by Messa. However, there are complications."

When are there not? Cassandra thinks.

"First, aerial scouts have confirmed that what we're calling the Spidops Wild Hunt is on the move towards the ruins. If my suspicion is correct, that's where Bragg is hiding out. We need him and his co conspirators alive for interrogation." And Wild Hunts don't take prisoners.

She's almost thankful that a Wild Hunt kicked up in her home. Everything the RMP is doing would be so much harder without the State of Emergency the Wild Hunt brought with it.

"Second, you and Poppy are going to be accompanied by the students of Class VII that you met yesterday. Group 1 specifically. Poppy's taken a liking to them, so try to keep them safe. They're around 2nd-Badge in strength according to her." Cassandra has to stop herself from grimacing.

The entire point of hiring Carlos' little pet project was foisting off babysitting to someone else. Now she's having to babysit four more kids as well!? Maybe she can foist it off to Orbeetle, though that'll only leave her with three Pokemon. Two conference-level and one at the seventh badge.

"Lastly, you're going to have company." Rika shows her a picture of a middle aged woman dressed in a ranger uniform. That's…the woman that was with Furuwada's group yesterday.

"Leaf Midorikawa is the Instructor for Class VII, and Poppy said that she'll be coming along to make sure the kids don't get into too much trouble. I'll pass over the dossier SIL has on her, but know that she's around Elite Four level and has four Pokemon with her." Rika finishes as the file is sent to her own phone.

Pulling it up, Cassandra takes a good look at the picture of the Instructor before giving a quick read of the details SIL knows about the woman. A commendation from Lorelei dating over a decade ago, a Ranger with the rank of Color and a suspected Interpol agent, all while being under Carlos' payroll.

Oh, she's dangerous-dangerous.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Decided to split this and the next chapter up due to length
Thanks to Tempera for proofreading this update.
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