Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

I wonder...can Kaguya sense when her "children" are absorbed by the Tome?

If so, she's about to enter panic mode. All of that planning and setup, completely ruined by an Outside-Context Problem.
AFAIK there is no indication that any part of Kaguya remains conscious inside the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, or indeed inside the Ten-Tails itself.

Furthermore the fact that Kaguya did not revive until Zetsu possessed Madara's body and used it as a vessel to reincarnate Kaguya, despite the Ten-Tails having been fully revived and functional for quite some time prior to this, suggests that Kaguya's revival requires more than just reviving the Ten-Tails.

IIRC mention is also made of Kaguya going mad or being 'lost' or something along those lines when she merged with the Ten-Tails, which would further support the thought that bringing back the Ten-Tails alone is insufficient to reincarnate Kaguya.
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@CmptrWz, a question: When Kurenai mentions the five sharingan users in the village (with one technicality), who is she referring to? I know Itachi, Shisui, Kakashi (who I assume is the technicality) and Sasuke, but that leaves one out.

Also, where and when did Madara (or some other random Uchiha) attack? I might just be stupid but I can't remember that coming up, not *after* the attack on the clan.
Izumi was one of the few adults that survived.

And Obito attempted to get the aid of the clan in finding Kurama, ended up nearly ending the clan instead...
Kaguya, however, decided fuck that shit, dying was for other people who weren't her. So she betrayed Isshiki, the 'noble' who was supposed to be overseeing her, and blew his legs off, leaving him for dead. (How exactly the Elemental Nations Ten-Tails then developed to adulthood without a live Ōtsutsuki sacrifice is unclear, perhaps she fed it Isshiki's legs and that was sufficient? Dunno. Also, surprise surprise; Isshiki survived. Dammit Kaguya, when you kill somone make sure that they are dead for fuck's sake.)
Obvious solution: Throw Isshiki to the Ten Tails, he had a reincarnation kama ready, reincarnates, gets his legs blown off, and then she stupidly doesn't finish him off before he can make another resurrection kama attempt.
Tanuki and fox are both canids. Naruto became part-fox first and has been for several years now, giving the features plenty of time to 'settle' and become part of his self-image. Kurama apparently had far more chakra than Shukaku does. Between those factors I would expect Naruto to still mostly look like a kitsune if they decide to have him absorb the one-tail's chakra.
Amount of chakra in the original tailed beast doesn't matter a whole lot to the process.

And the Tanuki/Fox being reasonably closely related is why they're compatible, but adding in Cat would "destabilize" Naruto. Too far removed from Fox.
I think Tanuki for Hinata and Kitteh for Hanabi is a better plan myself, but then I'm a sucker for cute kemonomimi floofs. That would also require being able to kill one of the bijou and still get a usable, transferable template out of it, which I'm not sure they can do. Even then there's still the hachibi to deal with later, and didn't Hinata's canonical original defnse technique do something withafterimages or actual extra arms formed from chakra? Surely octocow would be a better match for that (and her water nature) than a ghost/fire cat...
I will admit that I considered this, but they're also trying to keep the number of people that know specific secrets down.
I wonder...can Kaguya sense when her "children" are absorbed by the Tome?

If so, she's about to enter panic mode. All of that planning and setup, completely ruined by an Outside-Context Problem.
Even if she was conscious in her broken-up and sealed into pieces state, they're more like her grandchildren. :V
Obvious solution: Throw Isshiki to the Ten Tails, he had a reincarnation kama ready, reincarnates, gets his legs blown off, and then she stupidly doesn't finish him off before he can make another resurrection kama attempt.
That would be a solution yeah, except that Isshiki didn't have a Kāma ready and had to shrink his legless body down to miniature size and physically parasitize Jigen by flying into his ear and taking over his brain, explicitly because after getting his legs blown off he was too weak to use the Kāma.

... but powerful enough to miniaturize, fly/levitate, phase/burrow through flesh, and bodyjack someone (possibly made aware of something being wrong by last step)? Riiiight.
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That would be a solution yeah, except that Isshiki didn't have a Kāma ready and had to shrink his legless body down to miniature size and physically parasitize Jigen by flying into his ear and taking over his brain, explicitly because after getting his legs blown off he was too weak to use the Kāma.

When they resurrect with those things all others of theirs vanish, so even if you have a dozen candidates marked you don't have a dozen resurrections. The mistake was not killing him off for good when she had the chance, despite knowing that he could potentially recover and make another one for a future resurrection attempt (or just to finish recovering if she did enough damage to make it impossible for him to fully recover in the first place).
Wait. Canon!Obito/Itachi tortured Izumi with happiness?

... I guess I can believe it of Itachi, he would be just starting out as a missing nin not having planned to and is usually credited in fanfic as being one of the few Uchida who are at least neutral to Young!Naruto (sometimes saying "the boy didn't choose his burden", with the implication that torturing him for it would just be proving the Uchida detractors right) with pretty much all other Uchida either ignoring shitcanning right in front of them claiming "the brat obviously started it, case dismissed" or activly joining in if they think unsympathetic ANBU agents are all elsewhere.
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Wait. Canon!Obito/Itachi tortured Izumi with happiness?
Nah, she was just the only other Uchiha he had positive feelings for besides Sasuke and (already dead) Shisui, but he could only get away with leaving one alive, so he genjutsu'd her into believing they'd lived a whole life together and she was dying a natural, instead of having to see herself and various others get murdered. Contrast with Sakura finding Sasuke just before he went mising nin, and once again Itachi outclasses his foolish little brother in every aspect, even Uchiha Date Rape no Jutsu.
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... especially if Izumi had her eye triggered by the time he got to her. Saving Sasuke can be justified (to "Madara") as that being crueller than flat out torturing/murdering him plus the likelihood that he either doesn't trigger or gets trauma-locked. With a side helping of "inciting Chaos".

Madara: So I hear you spared your little brother. Why shouldn't I kill you as a likely infiltrator?
Itachi: You can believe that. Or you can believe that I'm still torturing the brat. Leaving him alive makes him an obvious collusion suspect which all the Uchida detractors will harp on incessantly, and his specific trauma makes him a shit tier ninja prospect.
Madara: *thinking* Ok then, welcome to Akatsuki.
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Or even saying that he doesn't want to kill the last member of his family/waiting for him to grow so he can take his eyes would also likely work as an excuse. He was ordered to do it by the village too and playing the part of someone who doesn't want to but will anyway also lets him leave his brother alive.
Because I usually look up the other words I have problems with for some reason, and am only slightly better with looking up "Naruto".

I also have an extremely poor opinion of The Last Uchiha.

Or even saying that he doesn't want to kill the last member of his family/waiting for him to grow so he can take his eyes would also likely work as an excuse. He was ordered to do it by the village too and playing the part of someone who doesn't want to but will anyway also lets him leave his brother alive.
Point, I was thinking more among the lines of Itachi being smart enough to tailor his response to the expected expectations of his prospective employer.

Edit: Removed Accidental Double Post
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And the Tanuki/Fox being reasonably closely related is why they're compatible, but adding in Cat would "destabilize" Naruto. Too far removed from Fox.
Though by that logic, it's not like any of them apart from Son Goku would be particularly compatible with apes in the first place.
So guys, how much chakra/mana can Naruto put into his clones?
Just think for a moment about the invasion signal being given, the attack happens, Orochi.... starts taunting, then the flashes start happening, all over, the hostile army....
How far can of the beaten canon track can it be pushed, especially from Orochi...'s perspective?
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If 'Ro-kun knows about the canon track but is still leading the invasion, things are already turbo-fucked. How would he even, though? There's no signs of any time/reality travel shenanigans going on otherwise beyond the implied presence of TSAB style multiple dimensions, which don't appear to generate alternate realities in the "branching timelines" sense.
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The question is whether or not Orochimaru's face-stealing disguise technique is good enough to fool the Tome's sensors, or whether the Tome will be able to tell that something is wrong and draw attention to it, potentially blowing Orochimaru's cover early.

If his cover does get blown early, that could throw the entire Konoha Crush off-kilter, as it relied very heavily on the element of surprise and Konoha (stupidly) assuming that Suna wouldn't be treacherous bastards and break their alliance.

That said, IIRC Danzo heavily implied that the Konoha Crush was actually something he cooked up with Orochimaru as a method of getting rid of Sarutobi and the Kazekage in one fell swoop, so most likely Danzo also undermined Konoha's defenses and provided Orochimaru with ways to sneak his dudes through security. So exactly how much difference blowing his cover early would make is debatable.
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The question is whether or not Orochimaru's face-stealing disguise technique is good enough to fool the Tome's sensors, or whether the Tome will be able to tell that something is wrong and draw attention to it, potentially blowing Orochimaru's cover early.

If his cover does get blown early, that could throw the entire Konoha Crush off-kilter, as it relied very heavily on the element of surprise and Konoha (stupidly) assuming that Suna wouldn't be treacherous bastards and break their alliance.

That said, IIRC Danzo heavily implied that the Konoha Crush was actually something he cooked up with Orochimaru as a method of getting rid of Sarutobi and the Kazekage in one fell swoop, so most likely Danzo also undermined Konoha's defenses and provided Orochimaru with ways to sneak his dudes through security. So exactly how much difference blowing his cover early would make is debatable.

Well, in this timeline the invasion is not coming out of nowhere. Not only do they know Oronchimaru's in the area, but that there's an invasion planned. They also now know that Sand is part of that invasion. Oh, and steps are already being taken to deal with various threats. Amusingly Danzo is more aware of the invasion plans being fluffed up. But that's primarily because he's aware that his schemes are falling apart for no discernible reason. The snake bastard is completely convinced that everything is still on track, and that he now knows everything he needs to in order to plan around threats to his plan. All while being entirely unaware that the two genin he was certain he can now plan around? They were both holding back. Oh, and his plan is falling apart at the seams anyway.
Well, in this timeline the invasion is not coming out of nowhere. Not only do they know Oronchimaru's in the area, but that there's an invasion planned. They also now know that Sand is part of that invasion. Oh, and steps are already being taken to deal with various threats. Amusingly Danzo is more aware of the invasion plans being fluffed up. But that's primarily because he's aware that his schemes are falling apart for no discernible reason. The snake bastard is completely convinced that everything is still on track, and that he now knows everything he needs to in order to plan around threats to his plan. All while being entirely unaware that the two genin he was certain he can now plan around? They were both holding back. Oh, and his plan is falling apart at the seams anyway.

On the other hand, it is Orochimaru; dude is the undisputed grandmaster at cheating death and thanks to the sheer absurd number of different techniques he knows, he's very good at adapting to the unexpected.

So while the Crush is unlikely to go even vaguely to plan, I wouldn't write the bullshit snake summoner off yet, not until they have a body and they've tracked down every single piece of soul that he has left lying around. (Which, given how many secret bases he has, might take awhile even for the Tome.)
On the other hand, it is Orochimaru; dude is the undisputed grandmaster at cheating death and thanks to the sheer absurd number of different techniques he knows, he's very good at adapting to the unexpected.
Yeah, my other favorite nickname for him his "Cockaroachimaru" ;) "'Ro-kun" is easier to type, though.
Even better, because he didn't want to alert Anko to his presence (too late, she already knew) Orochimaru doesn't realize that the 3 cursed marks he placed didn't just fail to take root as intended, but were completely removed. Oh, also that Anko had her cursed mark removed too.

It's also amusing that Team Yurei's missions have managed to remain so confidential that Danzo also thinks they have just been doing milk runs, and is entirely unaware of Team Yurei's status as infiltrators of an unprecedented level. The "rookie 9" are more aware of this fact then Danzo is.
An odd thought; Naruto is still learning how to suppress a Bijuu's Chakra with his chains.

Kushina already knows how to do this, and now can walk around in a clone body.

Any reason she can't put on an Uzu Battle Mask, restrain the two targets (in separate attacks, of course) and have Naruto shove the Tome under their shirts or something? After all, the Chains are a known technique of female Uzu Ninja, while Naruto is the only known male user. Having her use them will throw suspicion off of Naruto as a result...