Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Malformed/mutated meridians, but perfectly fine Chakra network and Chakra points.
This means that, the result of a given hand seal when used to mold a technique is different and wrong. Invoking Dog, Horse, Monkey results in Dhorg, Hog, Morskey.
Gai isn't exactly a specialist in reverse engineering ninjutsu formation hand seals, and lacks a byakugan or sharingan required to even see the problem and address it correctly.
Pretty sure that's fanon, because canon is quite unspecific. It just says that he is no good at genjutsu or ninjutsu. The way it's stated, it isn't even an inability to do them at all, just that he's really bad at them to the point that there's no point in him trying to pursue the matter.
I'm curious about the girl that's with Rock Lee and Neji. The only 3 that I know of in that age group are Lee, Neji and Tenten. I don't recall it ever mentioning any teams just ahead of Naruto's class. We only see Kabuto's team and various late teens/adults for the chunin exams. It's like where were all the other teams near their age?

I don't think this will actually change team Gai much. O.k. his girl will likely be trained to make that Earth Shield. I can't see either Neji or Lee training harder than they did in canon. Neji will be getting all the various little upgrades that Naruto has sold/given to his clan. Most of them don't do squat at actually increasing his combat effectiveness. What they do allow though is for him to blend in without anyone having a clue what clan he is from. No telling how that'll change things.

For Lee, it's not so much him training better or anything. It's things like additional skills being needed. I can see some cross-team sparing. When that happens, it'll likely force them to learn new skills. Nothing will be making him much stronger than he already is. It's more about being aware of weaknesses and having tactics/plans for various options.

Also thinking about it, Lee and Neji are both heavy combat close range fighters. Tenten was the mid/long range specialist on the team. We don't know what skill set the new girl has. She could focus on illusions, healing, or other things. Weapons were Tenten's thing. So I can see her focusing on something else.

I sort of want a POV from Ino. There were several girls mentioned as having crushes on him. Ino seemed more likely to actually pay attention a bit. The clan kids should figure out that there was no way that Naruto or Hinata failed out. So that means, they are either in a different class or graduated. For the first few days/weeks, I can see the girls thinking that the pair are just in another class. They'll be trying to figure out which class though.

How long will it take for them to figure out that the pair graduated? Most of the clans have valid reasons for not advancing their heirs early. The social/development bit of all the clan kids being in the same class was also likely a big thing as well. Now that Hinata and Naruto have made it, will any of the other parents change their minds on things?

I doubt it. They didn't graduate that early. At this point, it would be easier on their end just to wait that extra semester for their kids to test through in the next batch. No real rush/reason for letting the kids try to test out early.
Pretty sure that's fanon, because canon is quite unspecific. It just says that he is no good at genjutsu or ninjutsu. The way it's stated, it isn't even an inability to do them at all, just that he's really bad at them to the point that there's no point in him trying to pursue the matter.
I remember that at least the early translations implied that he literally couldn't. something about Gai telling Sakura that the reason lee doesn't back out of melee to use some ninjutsu or genjutsu was not he didn't want to, but because he can't.

that said I'm fairly sure that you're correct in that it's vague about whether not Lee's inability to Ninjutsu is a physical or mental issue.
"TEACH ME!" Tenten said, suddenly on her knees in front of Naruto. "PLEASE!"

Ahhh, that's the stuff. I've been waiting for this payoff for ages.

And now that the secrets are coming out, the WTF!? factor will increase. Looking forward to it!

I remember that at least the early translations implied that he literally couldn't. something about Gai telling Sakura that the reason lee doesn't back out of melee to use some ninjutsu or genjutsu was not he didn't want to, but because he can't.

that said I'm fairly sure that you're correct in that it's vague about whether not Lee's inability to Ninjutsu is a physical or mental issue.

Well, he still has enough chakra control to do basic chakra skills like water and wall walking, as well as dispelling genjitsu.

That would to me imply some kind of control issues, basic technique's he can do, more complex ninjitsu he can't.
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I remember that at least the early translations implied that he literally couldn't. something about Gai telling Sakura that the reason lee doesn't back out of melee to use some ninjutsu or genjutsu was not he didn't want to, but because he can't.

that said I'm fairly sure that you're correct in that it's vague about whether not Lee's inability to Ninjutsu is a physical or mental issue.
Him not being able to use any doesn't mean that he never will be, just that he doesn't know any. Or even that he doesn't know any well enough to use in an actual fight. Or at least, that's still just as viable of an interpretation.

But yes, the point is that canon doesn't actually say why he is so bad at them at all, only that he is. That could be some form of disability, true. It doesn't have to be, though, and that is adding to canon. Which is fine, this is fanfiction, but one should never assume that interpretation is definitely the one another author will use. Much less a very specific variety of that interpretation, as with the person I was responding to.
"Some teams are still in rotation," the teacher, who Naruto still didn't know the name of, said to the group. "So the numbering is going to seem a little odd."
I hate that little bit of ascended fanwank. Teams seven, eight and ten were the graduating rookies, so teams with the other numbers must still exist! Or there were ten teams and two thirds of them didnt pass the survival exam just like they were flat out told.

When talking to teams of different graduating years they even blatantly use the team leader's name instead of their number. Almost like the team number could be in use multiple times.
Honestly the most likely options that I can see improving Lee's combat effectiveness are him getting more focus in his drunken fist talent so that he doesn't need to get hammered on a shot of saki first and incorporating stealth like the silent killing style into his repertoire(especially if he starts his fights and interactions by being as over the top and "YOUTHFULL!" as his canon self so that the sudden shift in behavior can create more openings)
Naruto: *launches total solar eclipse level, artillery style kunai barrage*
Enemy Nin 1: "They blot out the sun?"
Enemy Nin 2: *pulls up rock dome* "Then we fight in the shade!"
Naruto: *smirks* "Are you sure about that?"
*hundreds of explosions appear in the distance, with the muted booms heard seconds later*
*view pans back to Naruto standing with a wide grin, one hand on his hip while the other is raised with two fingers up in a V*
*Tenten is drooling, Hinata is gently facepalming, while the other observers are stunned speechless with slack jaws*
Also whose the third on team Gai i wonder?

Which brings up the question, who is Sachie?
Neji and Lee's teammate under Gai.
I hate that little bit of ascended fanwank. Teams seven, eight and ten were the graduating rookies, so teams with the other numbers must still exist! Or there were ten teams and two thirds of them didnt pass the survival exam just like they were flat out told.

When talking to teams of different graduating years they even blatantly use the team leader's name instead of their number. Almost like the team number could be in use multiple times.
In this story, team numbers are kept for at least a year unless there's a good reason to change them before switching to using the sensei name, and graduation cycles can happen twice a year. The teams that graduated six months ago are still in their first year of using the numbers, so you have to skip them.
Hearing this from Hinata literally forced me to stop, go back, and reread the two previous paragraphs, Hinata swearing off cuff is violently out of character.
After years of training with Naruto she's capable of being far less polite than her canon self...and he's capable of being far more polite than his canon self.
Each of the five basic natures had a basic 'fire a ball of the element' jutsu and a paperwork clone variant
Okay, you've got me. I snerk every time the words "paperwork clone" come up in here in a place where they really shouldn't. Mostly because anyone inexperienced with paperwork would think that the item of lesser importance...
But the man was insistent on getting access to sharingan eyes over anything else for payment.

Out of pure spite, Danzo was doing his best to ensure that the secret of the paperwork jutsu did not reach the snake or any of the man's agents in the village in general.
I love this one on multiple levels.
Danzo, as a major spymaster and infiltrator, wasn't aware of the jutsu either.
He is stuck doing paperwork, in part due to his own fault.
He's refusing to share it with Orochimaru out of spite.
Orochimaru is also unaware of the jutsu, but wants it.
Orochimaru is also stuck doing paperwork?!
"It looks far less impressive from that angle."
Wait, does that mean that the absurdity that had Tenten practically confess marriage (is that the right phrase)... was actually less impressive than it could have been had they seen it from elsewhere?!
"Well, if she doesn't want to read that paper, she can try this one."

Hinata took another piece of paper from Anko. Upon reading it, she tore it into pieces. Going back to the first sheet, she braced herself. "Cock sucking shit monkey," she stammered out.

Kurenai shook her head. She didn't make out a lot of that second sheet but the first line definitely said "Naruto, would you please hold my hand?" How lewd.
I lack the words to describe how much this amuses me.
Orochimaru is also unaware of the jutsu, but wants it.
Orochimaru is also stuck doing paperwork?!

He needs to document the procedures and results of his many experiments. It would be inexcusable to duplicate an experiment because he didn't document the exact procedures, ingredients, and results. Doing proper mad science without wasting precious materials and test subjects requires A LOT of paperwork.
I mean, in canon, Lee gave it his all. He pushed himself to the point of breaking on a regular basis, but just got back up and kept going every time. He held nothing back, took every risk, and threw himself into the potentially-lethal kinjutsu with zeal.
It's very much worth remembering, and unfortunately most people don't, that Lee is in fact naturally terrible at taijutsu. He's completely incapable of ninjustsu and genjutsu, possibly medically so, yes. But he has absolutely no natural aptitude for taijutsu either.

He is a ninja, and eventually a very dangerous one, entirely on sheer godamn stubbornness and spite at the fact that the world dared to tell him he couldn't.
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It's very much worth remembering, and unfortunately most people don't, that Lee is in fact naturally terrible at taijutsu. He's completely incapable of ninjustsu and genjutsu, possibly medically so, yes. But he has absolutely no natural aptitude for taijutsu either.

Wait, what? He's fast enough to outpace Sasuke's Sharingan, and went hand-to-hand with Kimimaro(who has an extremely powerful and dangerous bloodline ability) while still recovering from surgery to fix the allegedly permanent damage he'd sustained fighting Gaara at the Chunin Exams, he can be described as a taijutsu monster... and he's naturally terrible at it!? :confused:
I haven't read or watch Naruto for a long time, but didn't Lee often chase around Neji and Sasuke for a spar? I'm guessing here he'll be chasing Naruto only for Gai to make him train more first.
He needs to document the procedures and results of his many experiments. It would be inexcusable to duplicate an experiment because he didn't document the exact procedures, ingredients, and results. Doing proper mad science without wasting precious materials and test subjects requires A LOT of paperwork.
On the other hand, perhaps that's the difference between a scientist and a mad scientist to begin with: a mad scientist doesn't bother with keeping up on his paperwork.:V
It's very much worth remembering, and unfortunately most people don't, that Lee is in fact naturally terrible at taijutsu. He's completely incapable of ninjustsu and genjutsu, possibly medically so, yes. But he has absolutely no natural aptitude for taijutsu either.

He is a ninja, and eventually a very dangerous one, entirely on sheer godamn stubbornness and spite at the fact that the world dared to tell him he couldn't.
Wait, what? He's fast enough to outpace Sasuke's Sharingan, and went hand-to-hand with Kimimaro(who has an extremely powerful and dangerous bloodline ability) while still recovering from surgery to fix the allegedly permanent damage he'd sustained fighting Gaara at the Chunin Exams, he can be described as a taijutsu monster... and he's naturally terrible at it!? :confused:
No, he's just got a pretty normal level of talent at it, and compares himself to Neji whom is well above average.
I hate that little bit of ascended fanwank.
You mean the bit where, in canon, they skipped from team 8 to team 10 because team 9 was still in rotation?

It' isn't fanwank. It's explicit canon in the Anime that they keep numbers in rotation.

No, he's just got a pretty normal level of talent at it, and compares himself to Neji whom is well above average.
Er, no. It's noted in canon that he has at best mediocre skill in basic academy taijutsu when he graduated. Rock Lee's exceptional skill by the time we see him is due to Gai's teaching him and his own hard work to overcome his lack of innate talent. This is explicitly stated in canon as well.