Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

It isn't that you have to marry her or else but rather saying they have already been married in all ways that matter for some time already except on paper so they are now going to treat it as being married enough for the current situation at hand.

No, its still an 'or else'.

An unmarried couple *do not* spend time together like that unsupervised. Doing so among noble classes is how you start grudges.

In this case its less of a shotgun wedding and more of a "You've been spending this much time with my daughter so clearly you intended to marry her. Right?"

Sneaking off with an unmarried Heir is a biiiiiig no no. Like "There may be well be war for this."

It was still incredibly improper for you to have done so, but by agreeing to marry you remove most of the downsides from your bad manners.

In fics where Hiashi pulls this on Naruto and Hinata its usually fairly good natured, him 'demanding' they marry is actually his way of showing approval. Both kids get what they want, and he gets to see his daughter happy, without compromising the hardass clan elder role he has to play. He doesn't have to demand marriage, if he was actually pissed he could demand punishment/compensation instead.
No, its still an 'or else'.

An unmarried couple *do not* spend time together like that unsupervised. Doing so among noble classes is how you start grudges.

In this case its less of a shotgun wedding and more of a "You've been spending this much time with my daughter so clearly you intended to marry her. Right?"

Sneaking off with an unmarried Heir is a biiiiiig no no. Like "There may be well be war for this."

It was still incredibly improper for you to have done so, but by agreeing to marry you remove most of the downsides from your bad manners.

In fics where Hiashi pulls this on Naruto and Hinata its usually fairly good natured, him 'demanding' they marry is actually his way of showing approval. Both kids get what they want, and he gets to see his daughter happy, without compromising the hardass clan elder role he has to play. He doesn't have to demand marriage, if he was actually pissed he could demand punishment/compensation instead.
I'm referring to the modern legal context when I was defining the term as it is a legal term. It mostly originated in the early US history were actual legal documentation and formal weddings weren't viable for much of the population so simply moving in and saying they are married was the norm and they needed a legal way to avoid one of them saying the marriage never happened later. The situation you are discussing isn't common law marriage it is just pressuring them to get married.

Indeed sneaking off with an unmarried heir would be a massive scandal and it is odd that it isn't a bigger deal* but a lot of oddities like that crop up in Naruto due to the clash of it being a shonen action manga that occasionally pulls elements of actual real politic ninja politics but only when it doesn't get in the way of ninja action. In a lot of ways Naruto characters act more like modern people than the way you would expect from the world they live in is supposed to work.

*Particularly because the Caged Bird Seal exists to prevent this kind of thing (the bloodline getting outside the clan) so clearly care about this stuff.
*Particularly because the Caged Bird Seal exists to prevent this kind of thing (the bloodline getting outside the clan) so clearly care about this stuff.
Correction, the true reason that the Caged Bird Seal exists is to ensure the enslavement of the majority of the clan, otherwise the punishment/torture function wouldn't be necessary, and it would be applied to every clan member instead of only the branch family members.
Protecting the Byakugan from theft is at best a lie given to the public to prevent an everybody vs Hyūga civil war.
A branch member is away on a long-term mission and gets captured. How does the clan know to activate their seal? How do the activate the seal remotely.
A main clan member is away on a mission and gets captured. How does the clan ensure the safety of their byakugan?
It's possible that long ago Hyūga modified some cursed seal into Caged Bird seal, but it resulted in such a mess that they can't rid of the pain function without breaking the whole thing.
Correction, the true reason that the Caged Bird Seal exists is to ensure the enslavement of the majority of the clan, otherwise the punishment/torture function wouldn't be necessary, and it would be applied to every clan member instead of only the branch family members.
Protecting the Byakugan from theft is at best a lie given to the public to prevent an everybody vs Hyūga civil war.
The torture function is easy to explain away; the seal is designed so it can be activated remotely if someone is captured. By using the activation technique at low intensity and/or short duration you can instead use it for torture since brain/eye destruction is probably extremely painful. Not applying it to every clan member can also be explained this way; the seal can only be remotely activated by someone not sealed with it

This of course all falls apart however when you consider they let Hinata go out on missions. Such an approach would work if the main branch only stayed in the clan compound/Konoha. They don't however and so the whole Caged Bird Seal is useless since an enemy that really wanted a Byakugan would just target Hinata, or other main branch Hyuga, while she is out on a mission.
This of course all falls apart however when you consider they let Hinata go out on missions. Such an approach would work if the main branch only stayed in the clan compound/Konoha. They don't however and so the whole Caged Bird Seal is useless since an enemy that really wanted a Byakugan would just target Hinata, or other main branch Hyuga, while she is out on a mission.
The Caged Bird Seal seems to be a way for Kishimoto to make the way branch families within a clan were sometimes abused in Japan's past clear and obvious to modern readers, without needing to spend too much time on it. It's just that the way he did it has implications that he may not have intended (or he did, and forgot to actually make it clear that 'protecting the secrets of the Byakugan' was an excuse in-story... or he just thought he didn't need to make it any clearer).
I don't know whether this is canon or fanon but as I understood the CBS also had a dead-mans switch so that it would activate upon the death of the person who has one. Presumably either the torture aspect was added later or they simply have a different version for the main branch that just doesn't have the torture aspect.
I don't know whether this is canon or fanon but as I understood the CBS also had a dead-mans switch so that it would activate upon the death of the person who has one. Presumably either the torture aspect was added later or they simply have a different version for the main branch that just doesn't have the torture aspect.

The Caged Bird seal in canon is only applied to branch members. The threat in canon was that the elders were pressuring to have Hinata branded with it and moved into the branch family because her kind nature was considered being "weak".
I don't know whether this is canon or fanon but as I understood the CBS also had a dead-mans switch so that it would activate upon the death of the person who has one. Presumably either the torture aspect was added later or they simply have a different version for the main branch that just doesn't have the torture aspect.
It's explicitly canon – its activation is shown front-and-center when Neji dies during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
Huh. I'll have to let dad know, but the Hyuga aren't in the habit of selling their seals at all and we only called Hinata's a 'single bucket' seal?"

"Yeah. One storage bucket, ten slots, first in first out style so that the oldest cinnamon rolls come out first."

"Huh. That actually sounds more useful than the one I have since I can only fit three in and the most recently stored one comes out first. Definitely going to tell dad, both about the Hyuga and you."
Eh, it'd be just sensible design. If over the course of six days you put six different jugs of milk in the fridge, you don't use the newest jug of milk first. You use the one that'll expire soonest.
I can viscerally feel the software designer influence here.

I hate to break it you all, but this is clearly a Homestuck reference
@Stroth It doesn't activate if the Hyuuga's eye is ripped out, or at least if it's done fast enough, as I'm sure that was the canon explanation for how that dude from Kiri got a Byakugan. You know, the one that was Mei Terumi's 2IC that she was always mis-hearing. He had a byakugan under his eye-patch and also some seals so that it was harder to remove.
Honestly depending on how much of an ass Neji is to Naruto and Hinata initially in this story I could see Naruto making a seal that disables the torture function on the Caged Bird Seal and passes to other ones through either contact or proximity to others with one, but until Neji stops being a dick he is explicitly on an exclusion list for the contagious modification seal.
@Stroth It doesn't activate if the Hyuuga's eye is ripped out, or at least if it's done fast enough, as I'm sure that was the canon explanation for how that dude from Kiri got a Byakugan. You know, the one that was Mei Terumi's 2IC that she was always mis-hearing. He had a byakugan under his eye-patch and also some seals so that it was harder to remove.
Never actually explained in canon but that leaves two possibilities, first is that the seal doesn't fully prevent removal from a living branch member or the second that he got it from a main branch member(which would be further evidence that the protecting the Byakugan isn't actually the real reason for the seal)
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Or it might have started with protecting the eyes, but as all things human, someone corrupted it along the way, especially with all the main/branch split(Most likely Zetsu).
@Stroth It doesn't activate if the Hyuuga's eye is ripped out, or at least if it's done fast enough, as I'm sure that was the canon explanation for how that dude from Kiri got a Byakugan. You know, the one that was Mei Terumi's 2IC that she was always mis-hearing. He had a byakugan under his eye-patch and also some seals so that it was harder to remove.

Never actually explained in canon but that leaves two possibilities, first is that the seal doesn't fully prevent removal from a living branch member or the second that he got it from a main branch member(which would be further evidence that the protecting the Byakugan isn't actually the real reason for the seal)
From what I recall, that eye came from a Main Branch Member.

Also, according to at least one source I once came across, in traditional Japanese families like the Hyuuga only men can form/be moved into a Branch Family, while daughters of the main family cannot become Branch Family Members. If this is true, then Hinata and Hanabi were never at risk of becoming Branch Family Members...
Women in Ancient Japan also weren't front-line fighters ever.

Samurai wives were expected to protect the kiddies while slaughtering any bandits dumb enough to attack the home while the Lord was away... or have a really good excuse like overwhelming numbers, though.
Women in Ancient Japan also weren't front-line fighters ever.

Samurai wives were expected to protect the kiddies while slaughtering any bandits dumb enough to attack the home while the Lord was away... or have a really good excuse like overwhelming numbers, though.

Uhh... That seems a bit at odds with the concept of Onna Musha?

Honestly depending on how much of an ass Neji is to Naruto and Hinata initially in this story I could see Naruto making a seal that disables the torture function on the Caged Bird Seal and passes to other ones through either contact or proximity to others with one, but until Neji stops being a dick he is explicitly on an exclusion list for the contagious modification seal.

I'm don't think "being a dick" really warrants slavery or being branded with a torture seal. It would be morally repugnant if Naruto could fix that and chose not to solely because he didn't like Naji's attitude.
I'm don't think "being a dick" really warrants slavery or being branded with a torture seal. It would be morally repugnant if Naruto could fix that and chose not to solely because he didn't like Naji's attitude.
My thought was more that Naruto doing this would be a response to Neji doing something on the level of his attempt to murder Hinata during the chunin exams thing from canon, it would also be likely that he doesn't get to see a caged bird seal to modify it for a quite a while.
Hiashi's already basically 'written off' Hinata as going to marry Naruto in the chapter. He muses on it when thanking the seal master for the fact that the Shapeshifter version of the seal blocks the Cage Bird Seal and goes "oh good, now neither of my daughters can be sent to the branch family, so Hinata can marry into the Uzumaki family and leave Hanabi as the heir"

It's also mentioned that he no longer has to play some of the elders against each other to prevent Hanabi's sealing, which means he may be able to force through even more changes. Not sure if it was canon or fanon that he'd been planning on barring the Caged Bird Seal but Hizashi's death meant he couldn't force that through.