Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Given that the name was noted as being used or very similar to other jutsu by the Uzumaki in this fic, I will assume that every village has some version of the shadow clone but the fully autonomous with memory feedback functions are specific to the version Tobirama made.

They could be less Naruto shadow clones and more like the basic clone or a clone made from shadows. Good for use at night. Not so much during the day. It sounds like they could have had a few types that all fall under it. The memory feedback and able to do other stuff without direction? That'd mean it needs a proper name though! How else would you know what we are talking about?

To be fair the everybody he mentioned are his parents who likely have abnormally high standards and him assuming that his parent's standards are normal.

He has also been chatting with the Toad Sage and Mio now. I'm taking it not that they have very high standards. I'm taking it that this is just what everyone with actual sealing experience says the standards are. I would be fine if the kids were wow you can do storage seals, but it was about food over weapons/items.

It's like what's taught in the academy might only teach how to do weapons and items due to a lack of teachers or few students. It might be a field where any good students are taught if only to make sure the knowledge/skills are passed on. Too damn few do it and anyone that has some basics is called a seal master by others.
It's more likely that outside of Uzumaki's and real seal masters like Jiraya, everyone else that dabbles in seals rarely go beyond basics of how sealing works and picking a specialization on a single branch. Even Orochimaru who styled himself a scientist wasn't ever known for anything besides cursed seal and thats just a slightly modified copy of someone else's natural ability + horcrux. The fact he was so hung up on Sharingan, when he could have brute forced any jutsu via clones goes to show he wasn't that good at thinking creatively.
Naruto isn't becoming a seal master. He just mentioned that everyone that he spoke to about basic storage seals says that they should be food quality for 6 months if not years. That means the Akimichi are horrible at seals and pick people that are barely passable in it as well. Maybe there is a shortage of those with basic sealing skills? This sounds like something each and every Akimichi should know how to do but has been outsourcing it rather than learning it properly.

The village doesn't have many seal masters left. The toad sage is often out on missions and maintaining his spy network/perving on women. Minato is dead, his wife is also dead. Obviously in the story Hinata's clan has a seal mistress within their ranks, but the clan is somewhat insular. It's like how the village only has one genjutsu master, and she's not really a "master". Just the best the village has.
He has also been chatting with the Toad Sage and Mio now. I'm taking it not that they have very high standards. I'm taking it that this is just what everyone with actual sealing experience says the standards are. I would be fine if the kids were wow you can do storage seals, but it was about food over weapons/items.
If it was just Naruto's parents and Jiraiya then I could buy it being a difference between what real sealmasters consider standard and what the average seal "master" considers standard. However we've seen nothing to suggest Mio is some sort of legendary sealmaster like the other three. So this instead suggests that the Akimichi just don't have access, either now or before their previous supply died, to a decent sealmaster. Which would fit rather neatly with Konoha as a whole having a serious shortage of sealmasters. The Hyuga being the exception also fits since the Caged Bird Seal is a core part of the clan's identity and structure so maintaining a group of skilled sealmasters is a necessity for them.
And with this new form of 'obvious things that may have been overlooked' Hizashi's musings may reach the Hokage, and make him wonder it was actually a delayed thing Minato set up in order to properly kill the fox.

I can't remember if it was canon or fanon that the seal was meant to slowly drain kyuubi's chakra into naruto to eventually kill the kyuubi. I'm leaning towards thinking it was fanon though.
And of course, because real seal masters consider "food safe for six months" to be a basic level of proficiency, they would assume that anyone else who studies seals has the same standards.

Hiruzen missed the opportunity to leave it at that. He could have just told them that it had been rediscovered and was in the archives. Those interested in learning it would be welcome to look it up, and he was confident they had the ability to learn it. :D

But if he had done that, Hiruzen couldn't have had the pleasure of seeing their reactions.
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I can't remember if it was canon or fanon that the seal was meant to slowly drain kyuubi's chakra into naruto to eventually kill the kyuubi. I'm leaning towards thinking it was fanon though.
Hmm. I've read fics where the seal was meant to filter the chakra before passing it into Naruto's system so it didn't kill him. That is most likely a creation of that writer.
I wonder how widely known the Uzumaki sealing thing is. They might have thought that only one or two seal masters were in the clan or that they had really good methods of passing their teachings on. The non Uzumaki that targeted them might not have realized that it was a family talent that made learning them vastly easier.
Very. During the Uzushio filler arc, it was mentioned that ALL the other villages (besides Konoha) targeted Uzushio due to the Uzumaki being too good at seal techniques. Almost like it was a bloodline limit.
I can't remember if it was canon or fanon that the seal was meant to slowly drain kyuubi's chakra into naruto to eventually kill the kyuubi. I'm leaning towards thinking it was fanon though.
Canon, but don't remember if it was mentioned during the seal repair episodes, the death Kami episodes, or the Fourth Shinobi War episodes.
I wonder if Hinata, as a prank and with the Huyga helping, could handfast\betroth Naruto without telling Naruto. Hiashi and Hinata's Mom telling Naruto to call them 'Father' and 'Mother', Hanabi calling Naruto Big Brother. Being gifted the Byakugan. Hinata's mon giving Yoko mother-to-daughter style advice. Naruto and Hinata being offered a joint bedroom to share, with just a simple wood-framed rice-paper folding partition 'separating' two futons ('separating' because these kids are shapeshifers that can walk on walls and bend space via the substitution and rapid-step jutsu), and etc, etc.

I wonder if Naruto can make a 'chakra mixing seal' where one could put in two (medium difficulty) or three (hard) different elemental chakras and the use the mixed chakra for be a jutsu?
Mind you, I fully understand both the attitude of the dieting girls, AND the reaction of Naruto and Hinata. I am dieting. I absolutely need to lose at least another 20 pounds, if not 40 pounds. But I'm also exercising three times a week. I can have a big appetite to begin with, so dieting has been rough. But throwing in regular exercise? That makes it far too easy to either blow my diet or blow through my groceries too fast just trying to maintain a high enough caloric intake to account for exercising for fifteen minutes, three days a week. To lose weight at a fast but still healthy 1 pound a week, I need to keep my caloric intake around 2000 calories a day if I'm exercising. If I wasn't exercising, the needed caloric intake for losing one pound a week would drop to just shy of 1700 calories a day. And that's me TRYING to lose weight.

If I was as active as Naruto is in general before becoming a ninja, I'd need to consume 3,452 calories per day, just to maintain my current weight. At minimum. And that's without chakra usage.
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Considering that they managed to give each other their bloodline limit and secret clan techniques it's entirely possible they already are.
Hmm... This is the Hyuga family stalking Naruto much like a tiger in the tall grass does a deer. The tiger is low and careful, his gaze transfixed as the deer is distracted by some delishious grass. The tiger tenses - claws out, fangs open, legs squat so to power the comming pounce.

To extend the metaphor, Hinata the tiger pounces on Naruto (betrothing\handfasting him) and starts eating him (planing the actuall wedding).

Though a part of me kinda wishes that Hiashi would just rip the bandaid off and use particular obscure clan rights (creative reading might be involved) and just declare Naruto and Hinata married as soon as they become Genin.
If I was as active as Naruto is in general before becoming a ninja, I'd need to consume 3,452 calories per day, just to maintain my current weight. At minimum. And that's without chakra usage.

Look at the really high end trainers like ultraweightlifters or triathletes. These are people who'll eat 8000+ calories a day doing non-magical stuff.

Thinking about someone like Choji, you'd be hard pressed to actually consume the volume of food needed to not have you starving to death, but that's what shonen 'big eater' powers let you do.

That or their stomachs are like Superman and literal fusion/matter conversion reactors.
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Look at the really high end trainers like ultraweightlifters or triathletes. These are people who'll eat 8000+ calories a day doing non-magical stuff.

Thinking about someone like Choji, you'd be hard pressed to actually consume the volume of food needed to not have you starving to death, but that's what shonen 'big eater' powers let you do.

That or their stomachs are like Superman and literal fusion/matter conversion reactors.
There's also the probable fact that most foods are more calorie dense than IRL foods, not to mention special foods or recipes for foods that are extremely calorie dense as well.
Eh, it'd be just sensible design. If over the course of six days you put six different jugs of milk in the fridge, you don't use the newest jug of milk first. You use the one that'll expire soonest.
Except I've had college roommates who would just load the fridge with multiple containers with no sorting, and then just keep pulling from the ones closest to the front of the shelf. And then get disgusted when hitting the back of the fridge at the end of the month and finding a gallon of unusable gunk where they expected to have a gallon of milk.

You know, I kinda want Choji to find out about Ichiraku's, mainly because I wanna see him and Naruto get into a ramen eating competition.
I actually find it hard to believe that Choji's clan aren't aware of the shop. Probably the only reason they don't frequent Ichiraku's is that there's no way for the proprietor and his daughter to handle supplying more than one customer at a time with an appetite like Naruto's, and they haven't shown any inclination towards expanding the shop, which would be necessary if the Choji and his relatives made it a frequent stop for the clan.

"Oh! You know it too? Then why did you ask me to teach you it?"

"I what?"

"The scroll I found it on called it the paperwork jutsu."

Naruto had to promise his parents to never utter even half of what the old man or his clone had said in the following five minutes.
The payoff was entirely worth the wait. :rofl:
...and Hanabi gave up all pretense of being a serious little girl observing all of this and glomped his tail, prompting a glare of death from Hinata that went ignored.
Ah. She has chosen correctly. :D
The only problem there was that 'change back' for the clone ended up being to Naruto's default form, fox ears and tail included. For Hinata and Hanabi the problem would be that they couldn't include their clothing in the shapeshifting.
I was going to say that this would be awkward, but then I read the next sentence. Well, I guess that's going in the "techniques of last resort" bin...
a new seal that made the clan even more effective, especially when paired with the solid disguise technique, and had somehow missed that Hinata and Hanabi had picked up an entirely different seal
Wait, that's right, he has both.
...Are there any differences in what they do?
The clan heads all shared a look, and Hiashi had a bad feeling that they were about to feel like complete idiots.

"No guesses?" Hiruzen asked, and they all shook their heads. "This morning I personally updated the central archives to add the additional name of the jutsu. It can now be found under both the name Uzushio gave it, the paperwork jutsu, as well as the name Tobirama Senju gave it, the shadow clone jutsu."

Yep. Complete and total morons, the lot of them, because now that it had been said aloud the implications for being able to get through paperwork were obvious.
It just keeps giving! :rofl:
I love the fact that some apparently noticed and didn't bother to mention it, too. Those forms are going to be hilarious when they finally get reviewed... I wonder how much "obvious" knowledge was getting overlooked?
I guess with ninja always trying to "look underneath the underneath", they have a tendency to miss the blindingly obvious due to looking for the hidden stuff that may not exist.

I just had an amusing thought. What if the 3rd Shinobi War and the destruction of Uzu was not because most of the Hidden Villages were scared of Uzu's power, but because they were jellous of the fabled Paperwork Jutsu and were trying to steal it. Well, mostly because they were trying to steal the Paperwork Jutsu. And given the protections of clan scrolls shown in the Naruto's clan home, that failed utterly due to nobody being able to find the clan jutsu scrolls.

Even more amusing if all the various "solid clone" techniques share the memory transfer ability of the Shadow Clone technique, all the attackers already had something capable of doing the same thing.
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Except I've had college roommates who would just load the fridge with multiple containers with no sorting, and then just keep pulling from the ones closest to the front of the shelf. And then get disgusted when hitting the back of the fridge at the end of the month and finding a gallon of unusable gunk where they expected to have a gallon of milk.

Okay, so people with any sort of foresight at all don't do that. Or they intentionally put the newest stuff in the back. Actually, that's what grocery stores do too. When buying milk, always look for a jug in the back, cause that's where the newest jugs are, thus the expiration date will be further out.