Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

It might be better if Kiba didn't get that upgraded net. He'd just be tempted to use it to make his jerky and other food, which is fine for his personal stocks. It'd be bad when he couldn't train his help how to make food like that.

Kakashi actually has a legit reason for wanting the entire team to sweep through a country. I can see Naruto saying something about that machine not doing what Doto thinks is would. Heat up and melt the ice? Sure. Actually, modify the climate to make the entire country able to grow better crops? Not so much. I'd expect a lot of mud, and mudslides to be honest. Then again I could see the machine running for a few hours/days before breaking down.

I loved Yoko's cool Blessed Shrine Maiden of Healing moment. We know its a ninja trick, but the civilians can't believe that. After only two fox girls are able to do it? It seems more like a divine blessing. Great accidental prank.

I can see the Anbu being rather thrilled when their bunkers get upgraded. They likely really need it as well. I could see the routine maintenance not being done often. Having secure secret holes in the ground with basics? Sure. Having them be nice to stay in? Not so much.
at first I was sort of surprised that Lava didn't work given that The Lava Rasenshuriken is one of the canon variants Naruto uses.
but then it occurred to me that it's both techically a 3 element Rasengan(a core of Lava and superheated wind blades) and requires Sage Chakra, so that make senses that it wouldn't work without the reinforcement that the sage chakra provides.
You two are getting a pass on most of them for a number of reasons, including me wanting you to be more productive.

No external injuries to speak of at all, but shredded internal organs."
Double missing words.

Yoko medic-nuking the hospital because she had zero fucks left is a mood.

Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow time! I give it exactly three paragraphs before the plot is horribly derailed.

Also, can we see the first kidnapping attempt from the other side's perspective? Seeing a good Mook Horror Show is a great source of schadenfreude.
Only a day after Kakashi's revelation, Naruto had managed to make eight additional Rasengan variants.
Ignoring the first two (Normal and Medical), as he already had those working:

1. Fire - Burns
2. Wind - Cuts
3. Lightning - Shocks
Water and Earth do not form Rasengan via this method, thus are omitted from the count.

4. Fire/Lightning/Normal - Milder burns, guess lightning is moderating fire effect?
5. or 4a. Fire/Lightning/Medical(damaging) - Fries nerves directly
6. or 4b. Fire/Lightning/Medical(healing) - ...burns out nerves that aren't the target's? The hell did Orochimaru do THIS time?

7. or 5. Fire/Wind/Normal - Hotter, burns to ash
8. or 5a. Fire/Wind/Medical(damaging) - Burns insides to ash
9. or 5b. Fire/Wind/Medical(healing) - Burns foreign living matter to ash

10. or 6. Wind/Lightning/Normal - Increased speed, but no cutting
11. or 6a. Wind/Lightning/Medical(damaging) - More focused, obliterates
12. or 6b. Wind/Lightning/Medical(healing) - Obliterates foreign living matter in area

13. or 7a. Normal/Medical(damaging) - Marginal increase in skin damage
14. or 7b. Normal/Medical(healing) - Only affects non-living matter, presumably due to healing damage done to living matter?

Suppose this doesn't preclude him maybe having worked out, what, six of these the day after that, but it feels inaccurate.
I assume changing the base chakra nature used doesn't change the type of rasengan variant, just refining the effect in some way. And it later gets implied that you need a specific chakra node (bite people to heal them) for the healing versions to work at all. So Naruto was classifying it as Fire, Wind, Lightning, Fire+Wind, Wind+Lightning, Fire+Lightning, Medical (damaging) only, and Medical (healing) only as the types.
Honestly the case of water and earth rasengan failing seems like he will get them working once he shifts to thinking on granting more esoteric effects than direct elemental manipulation, such as earth causing petrification or water melting/eroding on contact, possibly by mixing the element with yin release instead of just the standard elemental chakra.
Exploding Food... if Deidara hears about this he will start worshiping the ground you walk upon.
Plot twist! The reason Naruto's entire clan are all addicted to raman is because someone at some point ether has or will attempted to cook Space-Time Release raman. While the dish it's self was bland and tasteless (considered a failure), every member of the family ever was able to taste the "divine" dish while still in the womb, and spends the rest of their life trying in vain to find and eat that glorious dish they once tasted.
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See Naruto, its the casually eating bombs that convinces people you aren't playing with the same deck of cards everybody else is.
Seen more than a few fanfics where shit like that's pretty much the trademark of anyone whose last name's Uzumaki
The Akimichi are so proud. And jealous.
Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow time! I give it exactly three paragraphs before the plot is horribly derailed.
I'd say half that to a quarter of a paragraph
Plot twist! The reason Naruto's entire clan are all addicted to raman is because someone at some point ether has or will attempted to cook Space-Time Release raman. While the dish it's self was bland and tasteless (considered a failure), every member of the family ever was able to taste the "divine" dish while still in the womb, and spends the rest of their life trying in vain to find and eat that glorious dish they once tasted.
I vote this
Should I be excited or worried about what appears to be the predecessor of the Shokugeki?

Autocorrupt strikes again.
It might be better if Kiba didn't get that upgraded net. He'd just be tempted to use it to make his jerky and other food, which is fine for his personal stocks. It'd be bad when he couldn't train his help how to make food like that.
Alternatively, it provides a "deluxe/exclusive" specialty line that will be in high demand because he's the only one producing it.
at first I was sort of surprised that Lava didn't work given that The Lava Rasenshuriken is one of the canon variants Naruto uses.
but then it occurred to me that it's both techically a 3 element Rasengan(a core of Lava and superheated wind blades) and requires Sage Chakra, so that make senses that it wouldn't work without the reinforcement that the sage chakra provides.
And he had a tailed beast's improved control over lava release to help too.
Double missing words.
Thank you, fixed.
Also, can we see the first kidnapping attempt from the other side's perspective? Seeing a good Mook Horror Show is a great source of schadenfreude.
It works better as a noodle incident, I think. :p
Suppose this doesn't preclude him maybe having worked out, what, six of these the day after that, but it feels inaccurate.
My notes from writing the chapter have Naruto counting the following as "distinct new variants":
  1. Fire added
  2. Wind added
  3. Lightning added
  4. Fire/Lightning added
  5. Fire/Wind added
  6. Lightning/Wind added
  7. Medical added
  8. Medical supporting adding chakra, as there was a slight change to the base All-Medical chakra Rasengan to allow chakra to be added
He's counting based on how you perform the technique and ignoring differing results from different combinations of base and added chakra.
...The pun is strong with this one, I approve. Exploding rice crackers, aka firecrackers.
I had wondered if anyone would spot that.
Ignoring the first two (Normal and Medical), as he already had those working:

1. Fire - Burns
2. Wind - Cuts
3. Lightning - Shocks
Water and Earth do not form Rasengan via this method, thus are omitted from the count.

4. Fire/Lightning/Normal - Milder burns, guess lightning is moderating fire effect?
5. or 4a. Fire/Lightning/Medical(damaging) - Fries nerves directly
6. or 4b. Fire/Lightning/Medical(healing) - ...burns out nerves that aren't the target's? The hell did Orochimaru do THIS time?

7. or 5. Fire/Wind/Normal - Hotter, burns to ash
8. or 5a. Fire/Wind/Medical(damaging) - Burns insides to ash
9. or 5b. Fire/Wind/Medical(healing) - Burns foreign living matter to ash

10. or 6. Wind/Lightning/Normal - Increased speed, but no cutting
11. or 6a. Wind/Lightning/Medical(damaging) - More focused, obliterates
12. or 6b. Wind/Lightning/Medical(healing) - Obliterates foreign living matter in area

13. or 7a. Normal/Medical(damaging) - Marginal increase in skin damage
14. or 7b. Normal/Medical(healing) - Only affects non-living matter, presumably due to healing damage done to living matter?

Suppose this doesn't preclude him maybe having worked out, what, six of these the day after that, but it feels inaccurate.
How about a wind & water one?
Yes, think Frozen, here, should allow snow & ice.
Now would that not be a funny effect, when they are in the land of Ice & Snow???

I do wonder if Naruto will send out a Clone Infiltration Squad, in order to do some setting up or not, though.
At least the whole movie thing, will require some chefs in order to feed everybody, so that's one cover already covered.
Props is another potentially cover, that the puppetry art might allow, which could double as stunt-doubles, when you think about it.
By the time the dust settles, Naruto might have gotten everything he might need, to really worry folks.

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