Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

And sometimes a before taste that you didn't realize was there until you eat and realize that was what was different for the past few hours.
Reminds me somewhat of the Antipasta of Discworld.
This dish is created some hours after the meal, whereupon it exists backwards in time. When done properly, it delivers an intense flavour explosion when it arrives, splattering all over the walls.
4. Fire/Lightning/Normal - Milder burns, guess lightning is moderating fire effect?
5. or 4a. Fire/Lightning/Medical(damaging) - Fries nerves directly
6. or 4b. Fire/Lightning/Medical(healing) - ...burns out nerves that aren't the target's? The hell did Orochimaru do THIS time?

Fire/Lightning added

I think I figured out why Fire/Lightning is less significant burns. Heat and Vibration - that's a microwave isn't it. It's not that the burns are less severe it is that they are evenly distributed throughout the body.

Which begs the question of the arrival of instant meal heating seals. Charge the seal, let sit for 3 minutes, hot meal without any fire or light, and less chakra spent than a sheep
This reminds me of Brockton Bay's Celestial Forge with its "three day old technology".

And, just for completeness' sake (because anyone could look for it themselves), Brockton's Celestial Forge, the original Worm/Celestial Forge fanfic by @LordRoustabout. This is a link to the first actual chapter. Warning: This fic is currently at 1.7 million words in the main threadmarks (i.e. not counting omakes) and updates nearly every Wednesday - usually about 7 hours after @CmptrWz updates Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard?, a Worm/Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha fanfic currently at 1.2 million words in the main threadmarks.

(Yes, I am taking advantage to try and drive hits to two good fics. :))
Fair warning to anyone who's not already reading Hybrid Hive, the story may not be for everyone. The plot is a slow burn for a fair length of time, and it isn't primarily about Taylor going out and punching other people in the face. In fact, her first patrol doesn't happen till a fair way into the story. And she doesn't go on very many patrols at all. In truth, her dad is the one that keeps pushing her to make public appearances rather then continuing to work on projects for most of the story. Hybrid Hive is more of a Slice of Life following a magical researcher then it is a superhero/villain story.

EDIT: put a word back in which somehow got dropped
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Fair warning to anyone who's not already reading Hybrid Hive, the story may not be for everyone. The plot is a slow burn for a fair length of time, and it isn't primarily about Taylor going out and punching other people in the face. In fact, her first patrol doesn't happen till a fair way into the story. And she doesn't go on very many patrols at all. In truth, her dad is the one that keeps pushing her to make public appearances rather then continuing to work on projects for most of the story. Hybrid Hive is more of a Slice of Life following a magical researcher then it is a superhero/villain story.

EDIT: put a word back in which somehow got dropped
This description isn't wrong, but it is spectacularly misleading.
If someone goes in expecting a Wildbow style constant stream of bad decisions, worse situations, and violence, Hybrid Hive is very obviously not the kind of story they want to read. Thus my warning of "if these elements are what you think a Worm story must be like, you may not enjoy the story". By the same token, Taylor Varga is set in a superhero setting and follows a superhero, but is not a superhero story. Not really. Going out and punching crime in the face isn't the that story's main focus either.
It (Hybrid Hive) does follow the common rule that Taylor is the Queen of Escalation, but does so in a way that also might put some people off (while others would quite enjoy it), that I'm having trouble summarizing clearly in the time I'm willing to devote to this post. She also makes some decisions that may put people off (and not necessarily the ones that put me off, which were partly Doylist; not planning to rehash those arguments, though).
Fair warning to anyone who's not already reading Hybrid Hive, the story may not be for everyone. The plot is a slow burn for a fair length of time, and it isn't primarily about Taylor going out and punching other people in the face. In fact, her first patrol doesn't happen till a fair way into the story. And she doesn't go on very many patrols at all. In truth, her dad is the one that keeps pushing her to make public appearances rather then continuing to work on projects for most of the story. Hybrid Hive is more of a Slice of Life following a magical researcher then it is a superhero/villain story.

EDIT: put a word back in which somehow got dropped

The same can be said about most of com-wiz stories.
If there is ANY combat AT ALL it is not the focus of the story.

Every comp-wiz story I have read is HEAVILY character focused slice of life. With a good comedy (but not slapstick) bent.
A lot of the draw is seeing the "canon" characters reacting to WILDLY out of contex actions by Taylor and her cohort.
Hell, Hive!Taylor only ends up doing "date-like things" with Amy because a TherapyBot tells her the same thing as a half a dozen other characters including her father: namely that avoiding personal relationships with other humans is bad for her mental health (possibly with a side order of "Emma wins")... and Amy ignores stalling, is just as messed up as she is, and they both have a similarly low tolerance for idiocy.
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Sounds like you need a stabilizer element. Which one is "form without substance" again?
Yin or Yang might work as a stabilizer yeah, and canon gives us Sage Chakra which definitively works to stabilize the Rasengan's various elemental forms.

I think I figured out why Fire/Lightning is less significant burns. Heat and Vibration - that's a microwave isn't it. It's not that the burns are less severe it is that they are evenly distributed throughout the body.

Which begs the question of the arrival of instant meal heating seals. Charge the seal, let sit for 3 minutes, hot meal without any fire or light, and less chakra spent than a sheep
Fire + Lightning is one of only 2 Elemental Chakra mixes that doesn't have an obvious established combination result (the other being Lightning + Wind). Given the elements involved, Fire + Lightning = Electromagnetic Radiation does make sense.

It wouldn't be 'evenly distributed throughout the body' though because electromagnetic radiation does not work like that, despite certain microwave oven seller's claims to the contrary. It would, however, be a different type of burn from fire and one that might look like it was less severe, or possibly even be less severe depending on how the energy conversion works out: Brief exposure to microwave causes extreme pain, but very little actual damage as the outer layers of dead skin absorb most of the initial energy. A normal EM-spectrum Rasengan might simply not last long enough to cause severe damage, and it probably also wastes a lot of its power on less useful wavelengths like X-Rays, Radio Waves and visible light, which would account for the less severe burns compared to Fire.

(On the other hand, if it is an EM-spectrum Rasengan, then that would imply the possibility of creating a Gamma Ray Rasengan, which would be... very bad for anything living that got even vaguely near it. Definitely gonna need to be wearing Knight Armor to survive using that technique.)
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I don't think "Gamma ray rasengan" is a thing that will be happening anytime soon. After all, that would be like expecting a 13th century soldier to understand the science and mechanics behind, and to make, an atomic bomb. Even if the fire+lightning varient is EM radiation, nobody in Naruto's world has the first inkling of what electromagnetic radiation even is, or what the dangers might be. And since they can't personally see radiation, it's unlikely they could tell the difference between various types.
Except the one so far capable of advanced versions of the base technique has a Lost Logia grade Belkan Tome Series Device that can both educate him on the existence of gamma radiation and trivially detect it as well.
Except that the database is virtually empty due to damage wiping most of the database out, including a derth of sciences and technology that would allow for the study of radiation. The vast majority of what Tome contains is ninja knowledge from the eaten tailed beasts and Naruto's parents.
I don't recall the databanks being practically emptied in this one though...

*Goes to check*

Only thing I found was that the spell database was reduced to a "starter pack."

This Tome wasn't as damaged as the Device that became Hive.

The issue here was the battery being mostly depleted, and even our technology has managed fairly reliable rewritable memory that doesn't degrage much from mere power loss.
So quite a bit of the static information record could easily be still there. Spells probably require more power to store than static enriched text with pictures.
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Which was the database. The tomes is a spell database, not an engineering and science database. Tome of Orange Sky is not a highly experimental stealth Unison device that secretly contains schematics for pre-Belka tech, it's from the same line as the spell compendium Tome of Night Sky. And Naruto isn't an accidental math prodigy capable of unlimited multi-tasking and building entire technology and spell trees from scratch. Is he a sealing prodigy? Maybe, but that's not the same thing. Does he have insane multi-tasking? Yes, with the shadow clone technique. But even that has it's limitations.
IIRC the Tome of the Night Sky had more mundane / "theoretical" / ect science, history, culture stuff as well.

"Reinforce" was intended to be the same thing Braniac was: a complete-as-possible compendium of all the knowledge the Tome had ever been in the remote proximity of.
Designed to survive even the destruction of the entire world it happened to be on, protecting the knowledge it carried and eternally acquiring more.
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Yes, that is the final product. But would the earlier versions have had as robust of a database? And if 99% of the database is lost, why assume that science and technology were among the parts kept? Tome of Orange Sky is a mostly blank slate due to all the damage and how much time had passed before it could reinitialize.
Again, I don't think Orange Tome was damaged all that much. A crash landing -- even uncontrolled -- isn't much at all to something designed to survive being up close and personal to a literal Earth Shattering Kaboom without so much as a scratch.

The Device that became Hive was physically damaged. As in the actual internals normally hidden away by dimensional fuckery were physically damaged or outright missing.

The extended trip through the Dimensional Sea in this state couldn't have helped much either.
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Again, I don't think Orange Tome was damaged all that much. A crash landing -- even uncontrolled -- isn't much at all to something designed to survive being up close and personal to a literal Earth Shattering Kaboom without so much as a scratch.

The Device that became Hive was physically damaged. As in the actual internals normally hidden away by dimensional fuckery were physically damaged or outright missing.

The extended trip through the Dimensional Sea in this state couldn't have helped much either.

It was heavily damaged and critically low on energy before the crash landing. To the point where it's surviving the crash landing was doubtful. The crash probably isn't what wiped out most of the database. That was whatever caused the damage originally.
I stand corrected. I still don't see why a basic learning package couldn't have survived, but... *sigh*

Clearly this would be too OP or implausible or some such, so....
I still don't see why a basic learning package couldn't have survived
... because the expectation would be that those with access to an advanced Spell Archive like the Tomes would already have a basic education, if not an advanced one, and that the Tome's binding to Naruto is very much ab anomalous situation.

Besides, the Tome is at the core an Archive, not a Spell Creation Tool. The A.I.s based on Naruto's parents and the Tailed Beasts may have such creation skills, but this is also an anomaly.

A text on Calculus doesn't teach basic mathematics. A post graduate Physics text doesn't teach basic Chemistry. Why would a Spell Archive concern itself with advanced nonmagical Physics?