Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

I noticed that, but kind of assumed that the fourth being talked about was Gaara. Since, while not explicitly listed as one of the four, it was revealed that he was no longer a jinchuuriki during the announcement.
Maybe. But since every other time in the section they kept mentioning three, it seemed more like it was an mistake listing off four only at the start.
Sealing the body doesn't prevent the user from ending the technique entirely, sending all the reincarnated souls back to the Pure Land, and then doing it again from scratch. But that isn't really viable for re-summoning sealed dudes most of the time.
Hard to know how that interaction would (theoretically) work, since a seal that seals a person whole could likely still hang on to the soul if the technique was ended/the sealed person dies.

More importantly though, is the fact that the user implicitly can't end the technique like that to begin with, according to canon. Once it's used, it's self-sustaining. Madara talks about it when he gets Edo-Tensei'd, that it's a jutsu with a huge flaw: that if the person revived by it knows the correct handsign, they can just break the "command" portion of it entirely and go do their own thing as an immortal zombie with infinite chakra. Including if "their own thing" starts with shanking their summoner, because their summoner can't do anything about it. If the summoner could just end the jutsu, then even if they lost "command" they would still be able to cut their losses and desummon the target before said shanking occurred.

Now, this does leave a plot hole in that if that's how the jutsu works, then why didn't the Hokages summoned by Orochimaru just break his control? They would have know the hand sign, after all. Tobirama for sure would have, even if Hashirama didn't, because the jutsu was created by Tobirama in the first place. The only Watsonian answer I can think of is that they weren't really taking the whole thing very seriously when Orochimaru summoned them, for some reason. Which seems like a pretty dumb reason to me, but I could see it making sense as some kind of cultural thing. Never underestimate cultural differences, after all.
Point of order, the original Edo Tensei, you know the one Orochimaru used here in canon, didn't summon the person permanently. That feature was only present in the modified version, which Kabuto isn't here to modify, so it will take a bit longer for Kaguya to return.
We have no reason to believe that was part of what Kabuto changed about the jutsu, and we do have reason to believe otherwise (see above, because Madara wouldn't have known about Kabuto changing it). I'm pretty sure the whole thing with Kabuto "perfecting" the jutsu was just an explanation for why the Hokages summoned by Orochimaru were so much weaker than they should have been post-powercreep. Soft-retconning them as having been that way because the jutsu was half-assed (sorry: "incomplete").
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Hard to know how that interaction would (theoretically) work, since a seal that seals a person whole could likely still hang on to the soul if the technique was ended/the sealed person dies.

More importantly though, is the fact that the user implicitly can't end the technique like that to begin with, according to canon. Once it's used, it's self-sustaining. Madara talks about it when he gets Edo-Tensei'd, that it's a jutsu with a huge flaw: that if the person revived by it knows the correct handsign, they can just break the "command" portion of it entirely and go do their own thing as an immortal zombie with infinite chakra. Including if "their own thing" starts with shanking their summoner, because their summoner can't do anything about it. If the summoner could just end the jutsu, then even if they lost "command" they would still be able to cut their losses and desummon the target before said shanking occurred.
You've made a minor error of logic: Madara notes that, if the reincarnated soul knows the hand seals, they can sever the summoner's contract with them. This grants the reincarnated soul full control of their own actions, all the benefits of an immortal body, and prevents the summoner from releasing them from the Impure World Reincarnation.

The summoner can always end the Impure World Reincarnation with the correct sequence of hand seals followed by saying ' Release( Kai) ', and there's a whole part of the story where the goal is to use an illusion technique on Kabuto to get him to do this so as to end the technique. However, as Madara notes, if the reincarnated soul severs the contract then the summoner releasing the technique will not work on them.

Now, this does leave a plot hole in that if that's how the jutsu works, then why didn't the Hokages summoned by Orochimaru just break his control? They would have know the hand sign, after all. Tobirama for sure would have, even if Hashirama didn't, because the jutsu was created by Tobirama in the first place. The only Watsonian answer I can think of is that they weren't really taking the whole thing very seriously when Orochimaru summoned them, for some reason. Which seems like a pretty dumb reason to me, but I could see it making sense as some kind of cultural thing. Never underestimate cultural differences, after all.
Actually there are two parts to the explanation for this; the first is that the technique was still incomplete at that point, meaning Hashi and Tobi were only reincarnated at around ~20% power, which is simply not strong enough to break Orochimaru's control. Furthermore, even if it was, Orochimaru almost immediately gets both of them with the binding talisman, suppressing their free will and preventing them from doing anything except following orders.

We have no reason to believe that was part of what Kabuto changed about the jutsu, and we do have reason to believe otherwise (see above, because Madara wouldn't have known about Kabuto changing it). I'm pretty sure the whole thing with Kabuto "perfecting" the jutsu was just an explanation for why the Hokages summoned by Orochimaru were so much weaker than they should have been post-powercreep. Soft-retconning them as having been that way because the jutsu was half-assed (sorry: "incomplete").
It is explicit that the changes Kabuto made to 'perfect' the technique was the capacity to summon reincarnated souls at their full power, instead of a fraction of their power, and the ability to control an arbitrary number of reincarnated souls via binding talismans. Indeed the reason why Tobi basically shitcanned the technique instead of creating an army of immortal undead ninja is because he could never figure out how to control more than a handful of reincarnates at any one time, due to not having the talismans that Orochimaru and Kabuto later employed.
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Beware the old in a profession where most die young
I actually had that as a small scene in my story Memories of Others. A group of attacking Oto-nin found themselves facing Hiruzen's two advisers in battle regalia. The Oto leader ignored one of his underlings' warnings and attacked, only to discover that old shinobi don't need to be fast, they know what the attacker is about to do and how to stop/avoid it from pure experience.
"Heh, just a couple of old people." The Jonin leading the squad of six sneered as he saw the duo standing in front of the Hokage tower. "Kill them!"

Mitokada Homora adjusted his glasses slightly, then pulled at the scroll he was wearing over his chest. The scroll unrolled, revealing lines of fuuinjutsu as beside him, Ututane Koharu shifted into a defensive stance, raising her right arm to reveal that it was encased in a metal gauntlet.

"Screw this, we need to get out of here!"

The Jonin half-turned to glare at the chunin who had spoken. "What the hell are you talking about, traitor?"

"Hey, just look at them." The chunin protested. "They're old shinobi who are ready to fight! No way they'd be standing like that if they didn't have a ton of experience to draw on and you remember that old saying? Experience and trickery will defeat youth and skill. We need to fall back."

"You might want to listen to the young man." Koharu offered and the Jonin shook his head as he unsheathed his sword.

"Kill them, then burn the tower to the ground!"

"Well, he tried to warn you." Homora shrugged, his hands moving to the storage seals on his scroll. "Time to see if my old skills are still sharp enough…"

The Jonin lunged, only to come to a sudden stop as Koharu grabbed his blade, locking it with her metal-encased fingers.

"My turn, young boy." She said with an icy smile.

I suppose you could say that. I mean, he only spars frequently with his brother B, the eight-tails' jinchuuriki, so I suppose that would count as being 'fit'.
Mostly because B is the only one who can keep up with him, it's good training, and the fact that he almost lost his brother when Minato "Yellow Flash" Namikaze Hiraishin'd into a perfect killstrike
And now, a recipe that is guaranteed to make Naruto very happy. Full credit to @Kryslin.

Peanut Butter Inarizushi!

You'll need:
2 cups of sticky rice
Enough aburage pockets (3 Dozen or so) for all the rice. (based on 16 pockets for 1 cup of sushi rice)

1/3rd cup creamy peanut butter (All Natural preferred)
1T Soy Sauce (low sodium)
1T untoasted Sesame Oil
1t Sugar.

Several ofuda to keep pesky foxes out of the kitchen until you're done.

If using the ofuda, have a Shinto priest or shrine maiden place them for maximum effectiveness around your kitchen and invoke their protection. If you have some sake available, you might be able to get a Good doG to help.

Place the peanut butter, soy sauce, sesame oil, and sugar into a blender. Blend until smooth. If the mixture is really thick, add some water and blend again. It should be smooth and easily spreadable.

While the rice is hot, coat with peanut butter sauce. Mix until the rice is thoroughly coated.

Using whatever method prefer (I recommend a pastry tube or cake decorating bag with a large tip) stuff the aburage pockets until the rice is gone.

Let cool, then if you used them, dispose of the ofuda properly.

Enjoy your Inarizushi, if Inari didn't get them all first.

Contains Soy and Peanuts.

(I honestly have no idea how this will actually taste -- however, most aburage around me comes packed in a can in a sweet broth, and the sesame oil and soy sauce should blend together well with the peanut butter. It shouldn't be horribly bad, though, since the peanut butter dressing comes from a peanut sauce recipe).
Point of order, the original Edo Tensei, you know the one Orochimaru used here in canon, didn't summon the person permanently. That feature was only present in the modified version, which Kabuto isn't here to modify, so it will take a bit longer for Kaguya to return.
Point of order: the "true resurrection" was a combination of using Edo Tensei to bring the person back as an ensouled living corpse, and then using the Rinnengan to restore that corpse to life. This would be possible even with the weakest version of Edo Tensei, as originally created by Tobirama Senju, so there is no need for Kabuto's involvement if you just want to bring her back.

Also, that wasn't one of Kabuto's improvements. The "permanent self-healing summon" was part of Tobirama's original jutsu, which summoned the person back as much weaker than they had been in life, and he could not summon/control many people at once. Orochimaru improved it so that he could summon/control more people at a time, and made them closer to their original strength. One or both of these may be related to the seals he embeds in their heads after summoning — if this was a later addition to prevent the summoned individual from being able to break the Contract, then that would explain why neither Hokage made any move to do so after being summoned; they assumed that Orochimaru was overconfident, and that they could just break the contract and attack him when he ordered them to attack Sarutobi. Kabuto improved it to the point where he could summon/control thousands of people at once, and they came back at their full capabilities.

Kabuto's then made a further improvement, allowing the Edo Tensei to bring someone back with all their aspects in their individual primes, rather than "merely" as strong as they were when they died. (So, Madara had his youthful body, but also the developed chakra abilities and evolved dojutsu from when he was a frail and injured old man, making him stronger than he ever had been in life)
So, there's quite a bit of discussion on Kaguya and Impure World Resurrection floating around in here...

Impure World Resurrection only works because of the God Tree holding onto everything it can in the background. With the tree dying, the technique is going to become increasingly unreliable.

...and yes, this means that the vast majority, if not everyone, on the planet have not been making it to the afterlife properly for a couple thousand years due to the tree doing its best to collect everything in the background.

So I was thinking about this today and thought about the chakra nets. So Naruto has five artificial nodes and I could only think of 4 things that he has which are his chains, the eyes, sensing, the heal on bite. So what is the fifth? Like I can understand that we just don't know what he has for the ten natural ones other than five elements, yin/yang and healing (missing two as far as I can tell unless we know another) but not knowing all of Naruto's bloodlines is weird.
Note that the eyes / byakugan does not have a node.

Naruto's constructed nodes, after getting a couple from Karin, stand at...
  • Chakra Chains
  • Bite-to-heal
  • Chakra Sensing
  • Uzumaki Enhanced Sealing Skills (Those in the Tome did not mention that Karin has a complete version of this when examining her)
  • ???????? (Like I'd tell you everything)
One thing I realised while.making breakfast....

Up until now, there are going to be some who thought Naruto may have had the Kyuubi still in him as part of a double bluff.
Now? When he clearly has the remnants of a second biju? It's more like he is being used as a disposal mechanism
...most people only know he has the remnants of a single tailed beast, so won't be seeing him as a dedicated disposal mechanism any more than they'd see Hinata as one.
This is largely my interpretation of things both in the story and author posts, so I could be wrong. Magic and chakra are not the same thing. <SNIP>
In this story, Magic and Chakra are both ways to use Mana...or more accurately, Chakra is a specific form of magic with an internal, inheritable "device" doing the heavy lifting in the form of the "net" wrapped around your MGLN-style linker core.

Which means that, technically, all jutsu involving chakra are a form of spells.
You say four here, but then only talk about three. Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata.
There are four genin with special considerations due to recent changes. Three of them are visible changes, Gaara's aren't visible but are still known about.
So, there's quite a bit of discussion on Kaguya and Impure World Resurrection floating around in here...
Orochimaru manages to take his fight against Sarutobi and A to a location where summoning isn't blocked.

Chuckling, he performs Edo Tensei...and Hashirama and Tobirama emerge in such a weakened state that they literally can't use jutsu.

Chuckling, Sarutobi says, "I'm not sure if it's his age, how many times he has switched bodies, or how much he has experimented on himself, but my former student seems to be having some performance issues."
Chuckling, Sarutobi says, "I'm not sure if it's his age, how many times he has switched bodies, or how much he has experimented on himself, but my former student seems to be having some performance issues."

Orochimaru: Sensei, please don't tell me you have accosted me with Jiraya, please! I have some standards of conduct for Kami's sake!
Thursday night I had to go to the emergency room with crippling pain. Friday I was in too much pain to think, let alone do anything else. And I've gotten an even bigger sucker punch. I'm not getting better, and this hospital doesn't have the facilities needed. So I'll be hospitalized for a while now. This story, and the others I read have been a great soothing balm.
Thank you.
In this story, Magic and Chakra are both ways to use Mana...or more accurately, Chakra is a specific form of magic with an internal, inheritable "device" doing the heavy lifting in the form of the "net" wrapped around your MGLN-style linker core.
So if mana is petroleum, magic would be diesel, and chakra gasoline. Could probably refine the metaphor more.
Thursday night I had to go to the emergency room with crippling pain. Friday I was in too much pain to think, let alone do anything else. And I've gotten an even bigger sucker punch. I'm not getting better, and this hospital doesn't have the facilities needed. So I'll be hospitalized for a while now. This story, and the others I read have been a great soothing balm.
Thank you.
Good luck, then.
Sounds like you will need it.
...and yes, this means that the vast majority, if not everyone, on the planet have not been making it to the afterlife properly for a couple thousand years due to the tree doing its best to collect everything in the background.
In response to this information, I must say that I expect Enma will not be happy with the paperwork he is going to be getting in the next few years.
So, there's quite a bit of discussion on Kaguya and Impure World Resurrection floating around in here...

Impure World Resurrection only works because of the God Tree holding onto everything it can in the background. With the tree dying, the technique is going to become increasingly unreliable.

...and yes, this means that the vast majority, if not everyone, on the planet have not been making it to the afterlife properly for a couple thousand years due to the tree doing its best to collect everything in the background.
Ah, well in that case the canon regarding the Impure World Reincarnation is not applicable to this fic.
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You've made a minor error of logic: Madara notes that, if the reincarnated soul knows the hand seals, they can sever the summoner's contract with them. This grants the reincarnated soul full control of their own actions, all the benefits of an immortal body, and prevents the summoner from releasing them from the Impure World Reincarnation.

The summoner can always end the Impure World Reincarnation with the correct sequence of hand seals followed by saying ' Release( Kai) ', and there's a whole part of the story where the goal is to use an illusion technique on Kabuto to get him to do this so as to end the technique. However, as Madara notes, if the reincarnated soul severs the contract then the summoner releasing the technique will not work on them.
Less an error of logic and more of a faulty memory, I think. I forgot about the fact that Itachi was able to get him to release the Edo Tensei once he had him caught in Izanami until you mentioned it, and I thought I remembered the way it was worded in the scene with Madara as implying more than it did.