Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

MGLN is a bit odd for the genre, in that it has plenty of magical boys as well. Yes the main character and many that are "in focus" are girls, but there are plenty of boys as well, going all the way back to the beginning. Yuuno Scrya and Chrono Harlaown come to mind...
oh i know that, but it's main focus is magical girls, its why the most screentimed characters are nearly all the girls with a couple guys thrown in, i mean the series is called "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha" afterall lol, it just sets expectations sometimes
Naruto: Wait, my team was already doing that. Were the other teams not?
If he could, Kabuto would agree that Naruto's opponent was not.
Tenten using Shibuki here could also be considered about neutral as far as promotion goes because with a goal of winning its use was a tactical error, but it also works out as being about the best place she could have chosen as a trial run with it to assess what she needs to work on to use it in live combat given the nonlethal status of the matches and having shown her skill when using a more familiar weapon already.
Explosive tags that she doesn't have full control over does not lend itself to minimizing deaths, on top of it being bad form to have the audience need medical attention after your match.
At first I thought the fight with Neji was a bit of a let down, then I realised it was a perfect puncturing of both his angst and his pride. Well done.
The goal was to puncture both. :V
Style technically has no official name because Uzu never officially named it. :p
Ok ive been binging this but had to comment by chapter 8 something ive been thinking about from chapter 1.

now, im aware that fanfics naruko trope has ped my expectations, but in chapter 1 when the tome was ng changes, i fully expected him to be turned into a girl (MGLN is a magical girl series afterall), when that didnt happen i thought the yoko clone was foreshadowing of him wanting to be a girl, especially when he bought dresses without question right away. and now that Sasuke found Naruto as yoko, i now hope Trolling author will troll by making Naruto with Hinata as himself but also with Sasuke as yoko and all 3 are aware of the situation but dont mind so theres like a 3 way marriage between them when they get older. i dont even know why, my mind just expects it. heck when i first saw the show as a teen, when naruto learned how to turn into a girl i wanted him to get with sasuke as a girl, was never a fan of sakura, and im meh on hinata as i never watched that far.

anyway, i had to get that out there before i could continue, my brain just wouldn't let the idea rest
I do not ship Female!Naruto and Sasuke. Or Naruto and Female!Sasuke. Or Naruto and Sasuke, or Female!Naruto and Female!Sasuke. Or any other combinations you want to throw out.

While I will admit that I was never much of a fan of Sakura either, I prefer her over Sasuke in general. I did not fall into the "Sasuke is the coolest character in the cast" camp and feel that canon Sasuke is an unredeemed asshole.
I don't recall Sasuke ever finding out that Yoko was Naruto. I don't think anyone but his team and Karin know about that, do they? When did Sasuke find that out?
I believe the statement was more "now that Sasuke has run into Yoko" in a general sense.
While I will admit that I was never much of a fan of Sakura either, I prefer her over Sasuke in general. I did not fall into the "Sasuke is the coolest character in the cast" camp and feel that canon Sasuke is an unredeemed asshole.
i never liked Sasuke either, but he apparently hits all the right buttons for my brains shipping protocols.

I believe the statement was more "now that Sasuke has run into Yoko" in a general sense
yes, just meant sasuke running into yoko, but yoko is Naruto and given the context of my comment referring to yoko as naruto was prudent :)
I agree with Canon Sasuke being an unredeemed a**hole. Also, I ship him with Sakura, his canon choice for bearing his offspring.

Neither should influence the OP's work on the 'weight' of my opinion alone.
By the time Canon Naruto started Sasuke was a heavily traumatized teenager with entire subscriptions worth of issues. Could he have been turned away from that early? Yes. Was Kakashi the right person to try and do this? Hell no. Sure, from a skill perspective Kakashi was a great fit, for Sasuke, but as an actual teacher he sucked, really, really badly. Even in canon he seemed to be trying to force teamwork and synergy between his three genin while essentially slacking off. Then between rounds two and three of the Chunin exams he completely ignored Naruto in favor of dumping him on Ebisu "to refine his basics" which is something that as Naruto's teacher Kakashi already should've done. Hell, ANKO would've been a FAR better teacher than Kakashi.

Sorry, this topic always seems to get a bit of a rant from me but I stand by those words. Sasuke was a broken mess at the start of canon and Kakashi only made it worse. As for Sakura I know fanon likes to trash her a lot because she's so underwhelming compared to her teammates but that's compared to "The Prodigy" Sasuke and "The Jinchurikki" Naruto, both of whom are WAAAY above any average Genin, which Sakura was, until Tsunade got her hands on Sakura anyway.
By the time Canon Naruto started Sasuke was a heavily traumatized teenager with entire subscriptions worth of issues. Could he have been turned away from that early? Yes. Was Kakashi the right person to try and do this? Hell no. Sure, from a skill perspective Kakashi was a great fit, for Sasuke, but as an actual teacher he sucked, really, really badly. Even in canon he seemed to be trying to force teamwork and synergy between his three genin while essentially slacking off. Then between rounds two and three of the Chunin exams he completely ignored Naruto in favor of dumping him on Ebisu "to refine his basics" which is something that as Naruto's teacher Kakashi already should've done. Hell, ANKO would've been a FAR better teacher than Kakashi.
If you think about it, Kakashi was probably the worst choice for Sasuke, from an issues standpoint. Kakashi's method of dealing with issues is wallowing in them, to the detriment of punctuality and socialization and all that jazz. Not facing them and overcoming, just thinking about them all the time and 'woe is me'ing. That's about the last thing you want to do with a kid scarred by the deaths of his family and on a major revenge bender.
Then between rounds two and three of the Chunin exams he completely ignored Naruto in favor of dumping him on Ebisu "to refine his basics" which is something that as Naruto's teacher Kakashi already should've done.

And Ebisu proved to be a good choice: not even half an hour, and he had managed to get Naruto to water walking (even if in a shoddy way 'thanks' to Orochimaru messing with Naruto's Seal).

Problem with Kakashi in a teaching position is that the man was a genius when he was his students' age, and he had never learned how to pass on knowlegde to non-geniuses.

Counter with Ebisu, someone that with his tutoring career had to work with average students.
Naruto as Yoko and Sasukes interest in her reminds me of another fanfic where naruto and tsunada totally trolls Sasuke as a fake girl. Did a quick search and it's Spying-no-Jutsu by daniel-gudman. Reading it again now as it is hilarious and somehow nostalgic as one of the very first fanfic I ever read.
Counter with Ebisu, someone that with his tutoring career had to work with average students.
I'm not saying Ebisu was a bad teacher, I'm saying that Ebisu shouldn't have been needed if Naruto had actually gotten an actual competent teacher in the first place. IMO Naruto didn't succeed because of any of his teachers (even Jiraiya), rather he succeeded in spite of them. Admitttedly I only really watched up to the end of Pein's invasion in Shippuden but honestly none of those who were actually supposed to be Naruto's teachers actually taught him much of anything. Sure, Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan (if you can call that actually teaching), then during the "training trip" he tightened up Naruto's taijutsu and taught him a bigger version of the Rasengan. Big fu**ing whoop. Three years is a lot of time for training, even on the road. Surely there was a hell of a lot more that lazy piece of sh*t could've taught Naruto, maybe some Ninjutsu to give Naruto some ranged options or Fuinjutsu since, oh golly gosh. both his parents were apparently at least Seal experts, the Uzumaki clan was renowned for their use of seals and to top it off Jiraiya is also considered a Seals Master.

IMO from the very beginning Naruto was saddled with a lot of crap and then to add insult to injury he gets not one, but two crappy teachers. There's a reason why there are so many fanfics where lots of people are conspiring to keep Naruto weak and ignorant after all.
I'm not saying Ebisu was a bad teacher, I'm saying that Ebisu shouldn't have been needed if Naruto had actually gotten an actual competent teacher in the first place. IMO Naruto didn't succeed because of any of his teachers (even Jiraiya), rather he succeeded in spite of them. Admitttedly I only really watched up to the end of Pein's invasion in Shippuden but honestly none of those who were actually supposed to be Naruto's teachers actually taught him much of anything. Sure, Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan (if you can call that actually teaching), then during the "training trip" he tightened up Naruto's taijutsu and taught him a bigger version of the Rasengan. Big fu**ing whoop. Three years is a lot of time for training, even on the road. Surely there was a hell of a lot more that lazy piece of sh*t could've taught Naruto, maybe some Ninjutsu to give Naruto some ranged options or Fuinjutsu since, oh golly gosh. both his parents were apparently at least Seal experts, the Uzumaki clan was renowned for their use of seals and to top it off Jiraiya is also considered a Seals Master.

IMO from the very beginning Naruto was saddled with a lot of crap and then to add insult to injury he gets not one, but two crappy teachers. There's a reason why there are so many fanfics where lots of people are conspiring to keep Naruto weak and ignorant after all.

Yeah, the way the education is handled from the get go is iffy to me (at least in peace time), after the academy they should all go through a year of outside learning together where they test team combinations/compositions as well as go through testing and such where they learn through active use of their abilities to do work.
While I will admit that I was never much of a fan of Sakura either, I prefer her over Sasuke in general. I did not fall into the "Sasuke is the coolest character in the cast" camp and feel that canon Sasuke is an unredeemed asshole.

An awful lot of the cast is about as well adjusted as you'd expect a bunch of child soldiers and untreated PTSD cases to be.

Kakashi made Chunin at age six, no wonder even other ninja think he's weird. "Well Adjusted" never even had a chance. He graduated the academy when most of us just start kindergarten.
An awful lot of the cast is about as well adjusted as you'd expect a bunch of child soldiers and untreated PTSD cases to be.

Kakashi made Chunin at age six, no wonder even other ninja think he's weird. "Well Adjusted" never even had a chance. He graduated the academy when most of us just start kindergarten.
To put it another way:

To graduate that early, Kakashi must have been training to kill since he was potty trained, probably before that even.
An awful lot of the cast is about as well adjusted as you'd expect a bunch of child soldiers and untreated PTSD cases to be.

Kakashi made Chunin at age six, no wonder even other ninja think he's weird. "Well Adjusted" never even had a chance. He graduated the academy when most of us just start kindergarten.

To put it another way:

To graduate that early, Kakashi must have been training to kill since he was potty trained, probably before that even.

I personally don't think of the ninja characters in Naruto in terms of this. To me, they are essentially gods from something like a fable or a mythology. You can't fully ascribe human motivations to the Greek deities or to the Norse pantheon. These deities were originally thought of to explain natural phenomena, and the different tales conflict with each other and were created by multiple people over the course of centuries, often when oral tradition was all they had to carry the tales down. I think of all the shinobi from Naruto as similar to those legends.
Yes, how is this supposed to have worked? They're an infiltration team. Surely their promotion can't be simply based on fighting skill without taking that into account?

Tenten is a bit mixed. She clearly made a mistake, but she knows it... yet the fact that she made it at all shows inexperience that should probably lead to her being kept back until she won't do something similar. Or should her experience with everything other than that mean that she goes on and just needs to keep an eye out for silly mistakes?

Breaking the team up outright seems like a bad idea, though. They're really good and probably shouldn't lose that team dynamic for best effectiveness (plus the Doylist reason of being the main characters for so long that it'd be sad to lose one). I'd personally go for promoting them with Tenten on a "you know you screwed up" training/probation.
"That's where the dim-witted comes in. The combinations can't be changed without dismantling the luggage and replacing the locks, so the set was ordered with that combination specified."

Wow, that really is a special kind of screwup. But with how many people use that as their password I can totally see that happening - of course they'd set the same one for their gifts too.
You can't fully ascribe human motivations to the Greek deities or to the Norse pantheon.

Nit pick.

You actually can.

It's one of the defining characteristics of those pantheonic systems that its members, despite being Gods, were still flawed people with quirks, personalities, failings. Zeus is a womanizer, Hephaestus has a bad leg, Thor leaps before he looks, ect.

They were all, in the common sense of the word just people, who happen to have a lot of power. God of whatever was their day job. It came with responsibilities even. All those godly artifacts were personally crafted, some sucker has to wake up and literally drag the sun up in the morning or it doesn't raise, Hermes wasn't just the god of messengers, he was the messenger for the gods as well. If he takes a day off Artemis doesn't get her mail.

The "All knowing, all powerful, unknowable" God we get with the Abrahamic religions is the odd man out, even if they are very popular. Hell the Chinese have divine bureaucrats.
Nit pick.

You actually can.

It's one of the defining characteristics of those pantheonic systems that its members, despite being Gods, were still flawed people with quirks, personalities, failings. Zeus is a womanizer, Hephaestus has a bad leg, Thor leaps before he looks, ect.

They were all, in the common sense of the word just people, who happen to have a lot of power. God of whatever was their day job. It came with responsibilities even. All those godly artifacts were personally crafted, some sucker has to wake up and literally drag the sun up in the morning or it doesn't raise, Hermes wasn't just the god of messengers, he was the messenger for the gods as well. If he takes a day off Artemis doesn't get her mail.

The "All knowing, all powerful, unknowable" God we get with the Abrahamic religions is the odd man out, even if they are very popular. Hell the Chinese have divine bureaucrats.
I've seen it argued, and don't have the background to assess, that what you get from critically reading the mythology that has survived into the literary record and what the actual perspective of historical religious people was are not necessarily at all the same.