Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Chapter 15 - The Forest of Death, Part 1
Team Yurei had taken the time to cast Knight Armor replacements for their maid outfits, which had been mildly annoying to get right when they'd first been ensuring that all the seal tags stuck around instead of being stored away, before leaving the Uzumaki compound together. They stopped along the way to the Forest of Death to grab freshly baked cinnamon rolls, sesame dumplings, and a bowl of ramen to go and were still the first team to reach the training ground.

"So what have you done to annoy the crap out of the proctor of this stage?" Tenten asked via the communication jutsu as they ate their snacks.

"Ensured that if I want we can be the only team that passes," Naruto answered.

"And how did you pull that off?" Hinata questioned.

"Replaced all the heaven and earth scrolls in their crate with transformed paperwork clones holding the scrolls. If they dispel then the scroll is left behind, but I can summon any of them to me at any time to get their scroll and they can reverse-summon themselves to the compound or the summoning stones. Well, except for the four scrolls I have in one of my seals already. Those paperwork clones have an apology note that the scroll was already taken."

"...when did you have time to arrange for that?"

"I made the extra clones needed when I made my daily set this morning. The crate of scrolls has been sitting in a largely-unsecured storage room for three days without anyone even checking on them. Though I did have to replace all of them, since I don't know what order they're going to pull them from the crate, which was annoying given that they definitely won't need them all."

The two girls gave him a look that told him they knew that 'largely-unsecured' meant 'behind a heavily-locked and possibly-guarded door but with a way to slip in through abuse of shapeshifting'. Which was, to him, essentially unsecured. They could've at least thrown a tamper-evident seal on the crate!

Toma arrived just as they were finishing up their snacks, leading a group of chunin that included one carrying the crate of scrolls. They headed into a tent that had been set up in advance, though only after the proctor grabbed a clipboard and pen from one of the chunin and headed over to Team Yurei.

"Since you're here already," Toma said. "You can sign the waiver that says that the village isn't responsible if you get seriously injured or die in there now."

"I wonder how many of these are on file for us," Tenten asked as she took the clipboard. "I know we had to sign one when we were fixing the fence, and the time Anko-sensei took us into the forest for killing intent training. Did we sign one when we went through the tunnel to the central tower to help with that plumbing issue in Anko-sensei's preferred quarters?"

"She snuck us in unofficially," Hinata noted. "And was annoyed that she'd done so only to find that maintenance had fixed the problem already. So no."

"Oh, right. Forgot about that, and that the Hokage got her to confess to doing it with a single disappointed look."

It wasn't long before other teams started showing up, each being given the waivers to sign as they arrived, and with ten minutes to spare all the teams had arrived and signed their waivers. Though Naruto was concerned because one of the two Kusa teams felt wrong all of a sudden...and from what he could hear the Kiri team had finally realized that he was likely the Uzumaki who had encountered Zabuza and were planning on 'dealing with him' in the forest.

"Okay everyone," Toma called, producing one of each scroll from a pouch. "The way this is going to work is that each team will get a single scroll and be assigned an entry gate. Some of you will have a heaven scroll and some of you will have an earth scroll. You'll have five full days, a hundred and twenty hours, for your entire team to make it to the tower in the center of the training ground with one of each scroll. Opening the scrolls before you are inside of the tower is an automatic disqualification for your team, as is entering the tower without at least one of each scroll or all three team members present. During the five days you cannot cross the border of the training ground so as to simulate being in the field. How you obtain both scrolls is up to you. Be aware that there are many dangers in the forest even before taking into account other teams."

Each team was given a scroll and a gate number without anyone seeming to notice that the scrolls were transformed clones holding scrolls. Naruto found it mildly amusing that the heaven scroll they received was one of the clones with a note instead of a scroll, leaving them with only four real scrolls hidden in one of his storage seals. To be fair to the other Konoha teams, he had those clones dispel themselves as soon as they were in bags or pouches so that they'd all have actual scrolls. Well, with the exception of Kabuto's team who had gotten one of the other three 'just a note' clones by pure chance. The remaining two notes were with the Oto team and Team Baki and Naruto had decided to have the clone in Kankuro's pack dispel to leave the note and the one with the Oto team reverse-summon itself to the compound to leave no trace.

The rest of the clones would need to decide what to do during the next eight to ten hours before Naruto ended up sleeping and they dispelled, short of him deciding to summon them or something. Or maybe he'd get knocked out in a fight and they'd dispel then, perhaps? That was likely enough, in theory, that Yoko was intentionally absent from the shrine with a note posted that she was feeling under the weather and didn't want to risk making others sick left behind...and three younger girls from the civilian families in the area were currently hunting for something close enough to a normal shrine maiden uniform to not be disrespectful so that they could help out. Attempt to help out?

Naruto wasn't holding out a lot of hope, given the way the girls had acted in the shrine up to this point.

Shikamaru was unusually happy with Rio today, because she was taking the blame for them bowing out of the chunin exams. They were too inexperienced to be worrying about trying to get promoted, but if he had done anything to pull them out or prevent them from entering in the first place then he'd have gotten far too much complaining from his mother. That this also ensured that there was no chance of being made to go up against any member of Team Yurei later was an added bonus. Sure, Tekuno-sensei was going to push for them to do more training now, but after hearing that the next stage was in the so-called Forest of Death?

Training was a lot less stressful than a multi-day life-or-death struggle, and if they'd passed the second stage then they'd have been pushed into even more intense training to prepare for the finals anyway. No, better to stick to a less stressful and infinitely more manageable training routine. Except that he'd realized that something more than the usual was going to be needed, just from watching the scuffle in the classroom.

Which was why he was looking for where to buy a decent set of weights. If all three members of Team Yurei were wearing some, in addition to Lee? They were likely a good way to improve in key ways, no matter how troublesome they'd be to get used to at first. All chunin should ideally be able to handle themselves in multiple ways and Shikamaru knew that he was fairly limited on the physical front. Nara generally were, leaving that to the Akimichi side of the Ino-Shika-Cho dynamic. It was time to step up and get out of the training rut that had stopped applying when Ino had made rookie of the year.

"So our first goal is to meet up with Karin," Tenten sent with the communication jutsu. Their plan was to only speak out loud if interacting with other teams now that they were in the forest proper. "And you've got a couple hundred clones running around the forest already to help keep an eye on as many teams as possible for the day."

Naruto confirmed, though he was frowning. "And they've already told me that we're likely the primary target for...three to four teams right now? I already knew that the Kiri team is trying to track me specifically, one of the two Kumo teams is looking for us in general, the Ame team at the next gate over decided that we were going to be the closest team to them and should be taken out first, and I don't know how to count the Kusa team that felt wrong before we started splitting up with one of the three heading this way."

"Which one is going to reach us first?"
Hinata asked.

"The Ame team, easily, followed by the lone Kusa shinobi."

"Well, perhaps we can put on a good show for one of the various hidden cameras? I see a clearing with one up ahead."

They set themselves up for the approaching Ame team, themselves and several basic traps arranged to hopefully give the camera watching the clearing a good show without doing anything obvious to reveal that they knew where the camera was. It didn't take long for the Ame team, named after their team leader Shigure, to reach them. The three Ame genin landed at the far edge of the clearing and walked forward, the tall and hatless Shigure in front with his six umbrellas on his back and obviously-blinded right eye. Baiu was to the left from Team Yurei's point of view, leaving Midare to the right.

"Allow me," Hinata sent to the others as she stepped forward alone. This particular team had a glaring weakness revealed in the information provided on them, though Naruto and Tenten did have to be ready in case they didn't focus their attacks on Hinata.

"You should give your scroll up now," Shigure said. "No team willing to act like mere maids has any hope against our might."

"My apologies," Hinata said with a slight bow. She was delaying a little while using chakra threads to adjust the positioning of a couple of the traps. "But we will be unable to comply with the demands of obvious simpletons such as yourselves. Your village obviously doesn't train its shinobi properly and we couldn't possibly disgrace ours by simply handing a scroll over. Why, you just barged into a clearing your enemy had been waiting for you in without checking for traps."

She triggered two of the traps as she was finishing the last sentence, groups of kunai launching at each of Baiu and Midare. They spun and looked ready to dodge, only to realize that the six kunai coming at each of them were going to miss. Instead they started looking for a follow-up attack or trap, so neither of them noticed the ninja wire connecting pairs of kunai. This meant they were taken by surprise when the wires struck them, the kunai looping around them to tie them up. Chakra threads struck out to ensure that the kunai pairs pulled tight and tied together to secure the duo.

Tenten had been generally annoyed that the byakugan made that kind of thing trivial for Hinata, and Naruto as well even if she'd not had time to complain about him having a byakugan due to only finding out today. She'd grumbled that he was too good at it before without knowing why anyway.

"And assuming that just because the kunai aren't going to strike you that they're safe to ignore as well," Hinata continued with a sad shake of her head. "I'm amazed that your little village lets you out without a minder at all, though I suppose that those two did position themselves to shield you. Purely by accident instead of intention, I'm sure."

Shigure scowled and looked over his left shoulder, likely finding it easier to do so in that direction due to his blinded right eye. He saw Midare struggling to free himself from the ninja wire, then turned back to Hinata. "You'll find that I'm harder to catch with such trifles even without them shielding me, and I can see that you're a Hyuga. They excel in taijutsu, but have many issues at range, which must be why you resorted to the traps at all." A moment later he was pulling his umbrellas off of his back and throwing them up into the air, held there by his chakra as they spun faster and faster.

And this was where the glaring weakness came in. Stupidly, the information Ame had provided on the team included the use of the supposedly-unstoppable 'senbon shower' and that they collectively didn't carry kunai or shuriken out of pride in their skills with senbon. Something easily confirmed with the byakugan at this point. Naruto's byakugan also easily showed him Hinata starting up a supersized version of a dust-collecting vortex jutsu, formed into a dome spinning around her but just barely not touching the ground so as to not give it away. It was fully in place before Shigure triggered the release of the senbon from his umbrellas, his chakra directing them all at Hinata with incredible accuracy, but as each one hit the cleaning jutsu it was captured as though it was a large piece of dust. The fight between Shigure's chakra directing the needles and the cleaning jutsu's pull allowed many of the senbon to almost, but not quite, reach Hinata before her chakra won out and pulled the senbon out of his control. Not that they'd have harmed her by then anyway, having lost enough momentum to have no hope of piercing her barriers, but her Knight Armor wasn't even tested.

She did a little 'tut-tut' that she'd practiced quite a bit to get right before she released some soapy water from her mouth, mixing it in with the vortex to clean the likely-poison coatings off of the senbon. Just after the spray of senbon ended, with all three Ame genin staring in shock, she pushed the now filthy water off to the side, into a hole that formed in the dirt before covering it back up again to bury the likely-poisoned water. The now-dry senbon were then gathered with a few chakra strings and adjustments of the vortex, slapping together into several bundles spinning around her. Lengths of ninja wire came out of her sleeves and tied up each bundle as she gradually dropped the vortex, her chakra strings stacking the bundles of now-pristine senbon along one arm even as Shigure nearly-instinctively caught his umbrellas.

"You really shouldn't throw your toys around like that," Hinata chided. "You could have put someone's eye out. Nor should you have left them so filthy. Who knows what could have happened if you or your friends had stuck yourselves?"

"I guess she noticed that he attempted to target her eyes," Tenten noted.

"It was a bit obvious," Naruto agreed. "Not exactly an uncommon tactic against Hyuga though."

Hinata then stepped forward, the senbon vanishing one bundle at a time into one of her seals as Shigure started backing away. He stopped when he was next to his teammates. Baiu was working his way free, but more ninja wire shot out of Hinata's sleeves to hit the two bound shinobi. This time it was under the control of a clothing-mending jutsu, stitching their sleeves to their sides and their pant legs together. "Now then, I'll be nice and let you take care of your friends, but only if you hand over your scroll."

Shigure gulped, but produced their scroll and tossed it to Hinata. She nodded as Naruto and Tenten body-flickered over to the traps, disarming the unfired ones and storing all of them, then the team left the Ame genin in the clearing. The various kunai that had been launched by the traps were left with them, though how long it would take them to realize that they were the best choice for dealing with the ninja wire was unknown and largely unimportant to Team Yurei.

"What the fuck was that?" Shito asked, gesturing at the monitor that had been showing the one-sided battle.

"Mostly a dust-collecting jutsu," Kurenai replied. "Throw in a general soapy-water jutsu because the senbon were probably poisoned, and a mending jutsu fed ninja wire instead of normal thread."

"...that 'dust-collecting' jutsu just acted like an advanced version of a wind wall. Far better than any I've seen Asuma pull off too."

"She oversized it a bit. Normally it's only half a meter or so at most."

"I just wish we got audio on these things," Anko said. "I'm sure she slapped them down verbally in some way too. She turned some of the Hyuga lessons on dealing with nobles into some properly infuriating lines when we had them practicing the maid routine."

"So how much does your team charge for a copy of those 'cleaning' jutsu?" Gai asked.

"Meh. We only held off on dropping a copy into the archives to preserve some of the surprise."

"And Hinata wouldn't have used it against someone using kunai or shuriken," Kurenai added. "Even when oversized like that the jutsu has limits. Senbon are light enough to be grabbed at that scale, but Naruto discovered that you need to get it significantly larger for shuriken and we didn't bother figuring out how large it had to be for kunai."

"Sucks to be that team though, having their village advertise that weakness of theirs."

Unlike the Ame team, they weren't expecting the single approaching shinobi from the Kusa team to have skills anything like what the paperwork from their village said. Largely because just after they'd left the Ame team one of Naruto's clones outside of the training ground had spotted the team's corpses, minus their faces, indicating that the three had been replaced before making it to the training ground.

He'd summoned the clone with that team's scroll and let Hinata add it to the one she'd gotten from the Ame team, then hand two of the four he'd started with to Tenten as well so that each of them had two scrolls. They'd luckily ended up with three of each, meaning that if needed any of the three of them could get the team into the tower now.

Also unlike the Ame team, there wasn't a good clearing to arrange an intercept point in, even before taking into account that the lone individual approaching seemed to be specifically avoiding anywhere that had a camera. Which made it obvious that they didn't want to be seen by those monitoring the limited cameras in the forest. Naruto knew that Old Man Hokage had some other way of checking on things though, so had one of his clones outside of the training grounds find him...and in the process learned that it was a crystal ball jutsu of all things thanks to the clone watching the old man get a lock on him.

The first thing the approaching shinobi hit them with was a massive wind jutsu with three 'branches' in the flow, obviously intended to blow them away and separate them. This failed entirely, their Knight Armor and surface-sticking being easily up to the task of keeping them from being blown away. Naruto had needed to hold onto Hoshi, but in a worst-case scenario could have just summoned the little guy back. The wind died down a moment later, and the supposedly-Kusa shinobi landed on a branch near them just afterwards.

"I suppose that I should've expected your skills to be underreported," the shinobi said. "Though you could at least have the decency to look like that ruffled your outfits."

"Who are you," Tenten demanded, broom in her hand and likely wishing she'd brought actual swords instead of filling her seals with cleaning supplies.

"Surely you read up on your opposition."

"And I'm sure that you'd love for us to assume you're limited to the skills of the corpse whose face you're wearing," Naruto replied. "We're not stupid enough to assume that you're actually Shiore."

"Now how did you discover that, I wonder?" The shinobi reached up and pulled the stolen face off, the odd effect keeping things shaped correctly releasing as they did so, but it only took Naruto a moment to recognize the face of Orochimaru.

Anko-sensei and Jiraiya had both ensured that he knew what the rogue Sannin looked like, for remarkably similar reasons. As well as went into varying levels of detail on not trusting the man.

"I suppose I shouldn't expect any less of my apprentice's students though," Orochimaru continued. "Still, I have a couple of things to take care of, such as ensuring that Naruto here really isn't the one holding the nine-tailed fox." He reached into a pouch, only to pause as he didn't find what he was looking for. Frowning, he checked another pouch and two pockets. "Huh. I'd hoped to get some cooperation to save time by offering you the scroll you need in exchange for a few minutes of examining your stomach, but it appears that someone managed to get it from me. How...unfortunate, though I have to admit that I'm impressed with whoever pulled that off."

"Thank you," Naruto said with a grin.

The man looked at them curiously. "Very interesting, and I bet you're not going to tell me how you managed to get the scroll away from me either. I don't suppose that you'd be willing to allow me to take a look anyway, since you already claimed the payment for me doing so?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "I've been warned repeatedly by people I trust that you aren't to be trusted."

"Ah. And I can't really blame you or the most likely candidates for that advice either, so it seems that we'll have to do this the hard way."

A moment later the man released a veritable wave of killing intent, at least five times more powerful than anything thrown at the team before then. They froze for a moment, but Naruto pushed through the fear and decided to fight fire with fire as a hopeful distraction by focusing his own killing intent on Orochimaru. His hope was that it would at least break the Sannin's concentration, and for half a second it seemed to work.

Then there was a blurred sequence of hand seals and a snake came out of the man's mouth to send an impossibly long sword straight at Naruto. The thing was glowing, barely paused as it struck and shattered each of the Knight Armor protections, and went through his cheek and out the back of his head in the middle of him trying to dodge. It then swung downwards as it retracted, leaving the bottom of his head before passing down through his shoulder and cutting a good way into his rib cage.

Unable to even yell in pain as he fell to the forest floor, he barely noticed as the Sannin vanished in a body flicker. He was too busy being hit by clone memories and chakra as they all forcibly dispelled while trying to maintain focus on converting his chakra to medical chakra to attempt to heal the massive injuries. Hinata was next to him at the same moment that he slammed into the ground, immediately trying to use her own skills to help put him back together even as the Tome switched from the necklace form to its book form on his chest to aid as well. In the background he half-noticed Tenten dropping them underground with an earth jutsu and Hoshi summoning another fox or two, but his personal focus was on keeping his own healing going and as much of his blood as possible in. And whatever the poison from the blade had been from getting too far into his system...

Orochimaru had almost left the far end of the training ground entirely before he'd recovered enough to stop himself and catch his breath. That...whatever the fuck it was had terrified him, making him feel like he was drowning in an ocean of banal yet somehow critical paperwork while his less agreeable subordinates were hunting him down. Obviously a deviously clever modification of killing intent, now that he could actually focus on thinking about it, and one that no normal person was ever likely to be able to manage. Even Konan, who could literally be one with the paperwork couldn't manage an effect like that as she still had a healthy fear of paperwork. Like all of her paper being used up as paperwork, at least as he understood things. It had only come up a couple of times while he'd worked with her as a member of Akatsuki.

From what he knew of killing intent, only someone who had truly mastered and held no personal fear of paperwork could so much as hope to generate feelings like the boy had. Similar to how the less you feared a killing blow the greater your ability to manifest normal killing intent, though there were those that thought you had to not fear death itself to manage that. He was well aware of the distinction thanks to his own research.

Sadly, a combination of several factors meant that the boy was probably dead. A complete lack of nine-tails chakra, blood on Kusanagi that made it obvious that it hadn't been a clone technique, and the severity of the cut inflicted made for survival being a near-impossibility. The blood was also useless due to the poisons on the blade and discarded before the blade was returned to storage. The almost certainly lethal attack was an unfortunate mistake, and not one that Orochimaru had wanted to make. He held no ill will towards the boy or his father at this point, the latter having been given up as soon as Oto was formed. A small hidden village generated far too much paperwork, Minato taking on Konoha's load? He, Hiruzen, and anyone else that followed could have it.

No, Orochimaru had honestly been willing to trade the scroll they should've needed for a quick examination to ensure that the 'decoy' claim was accurate before moving forward with more destructive ways of flushing out the actual container of the nine-tailed fox. Those would be going forward at this point, but the death of Konoha's last Uzumaki hadn't been in the plans for this stage of things.

Thinking for a moment, he was certain that his skin paled further than normal as he finally put details together into a whole. An Uzumaki who had mastered paperwork? That almost certainly meant a master of the paperwork jutsu. If his panic-fueled supercharging of Kusanagi with more than eighty percent of his chakra to punch through any possible defenses the boy could have up had caused that to be lost again then every Kage on the continent was going to be out for his blood.

Summoning a messenger snake to tell Kabuto to get to the boy as soon as fucking possible, just in case there was some hope of saving the boy's life, only took a moment. That he honestly wanted to see what his apprentice's team of brats could do helped wipe away other concerns, and if the boy didn't survive then Anko was probably owed an apology.

Hell, even if the boy did somehow survive then he still owed her an apology, just less of one. How to deliver it was an entirely different question though.

It had taken a little over two hours to largely put Naruto back together, using up a good portion of his own chakra as well as Hinata's and that of two of the best healers the foxes had to offer. At least four teams had passed through, or so Hoshi claimed, but their mini-bunker had evaded detection. All three of their 'emergency ramen' seals were emptied into Naruto's stomach, the contents of an entire cinnamon roll seal went into Hinata's, and the two of them fell asleep shortly afterwards.

They slept for nearly six hours, watched over by Tenten, Hoshi, and five other foxes, and Naruto only realized that he'd released his shapeshifting when he'd woken up to find Hinata cuddling his tail.

"It's too bad that your uniform is ruined," Tenten said as she poked at the scraps of the maid dress still on Naruto's chest while he and Hinata ate again. They were foregoing the communication jutsu for the moment as it did take some concentration to use. "Anko-sensei only got us the one set since she didn't think we'd need spares for the exams."

"Um," Naruto said, frowning. He put his plate down and stood up before canceling the technically still-active Knight Armor spell. The barrier layers had all been shattered and the spell-formed dress somewhat destroyed, but it was still an active spell. A moment later the almost-pristine uniform he'd had on when casting the spell appeared on him, the destroyed dress vanishing in motes of light. Grinning, he then concentrated and cast the Knight Armor spell again, forming a pristine uniform and putting all the barriers back in place. "There we go, though I can feel that my hair is still a mess." Patting himself down a little, he nodded. "I'm just glad that none of my seals were in the way of the blade and he didn't go far enough down to catch the resistance belt."

"...I completely forgot that we're using that spell after seeing his sword go straight through you like the protections weren't there."

"It was some kind of armor-piercing effect and I have no idea how to stop it from happening again, but at least I know to dodge sooner now." His parents were working on ideas in the Tome, but hadn't come up with much beyond a 'the next time Orochimaru confronts you, reverse summon yourself out of there instead of standing around'.

In his defense, this was the first time they'd really run into an opponent where that was honestly the best course of action.

"You should both drop the spell and get some sleep," Hinata said. "While we could accomplish our remaining goals tonight we should probably wait until morning. Especially since Naruto doesn't have clones monitoring everyone anymore."

Naruto nodded. "Old Man Hokage probably knows that I survived, since I can't see him not having kept an eye on us until I was stable, but I'll need to send some clones to see him in the morning anyway. Though why am I dropping the spell?"

"Because you're the one that was nearly cut in two and I can tell that you still aren't fully recovered, even if you're getting close. Your chakra will recover faster without the spell active. I'll watch over you and Tenten first, and wake you up around...three-thirty, say, so that I can get some more sleep before we get moving in the morning."

"Right. Well, give me a little time, I want to send a clone to somewhere near the tower with one of the smaller summoning stones so that we have a place in the training ground to escape to if Orochimaru shows up again."

"Send the clone out and then set up a shower. Your hair really is a mess with the dried blood in it."
Chapter 15 - An alternate task (CmptrWz)
"So what have you done to annoy the crap out of the proctor of this stage?" Tenten asked via the communication jutsu as they ate their snacks.

"Ensured that we're the only team that'll have an easy time in there," Naruto answered.

"And how did you pull that off?" Hinata questioned.

"Replaced all the heaven and earth scrolls they're going to hand out with transformed paperwork clones holding notes. They'll dispel just after we're all sent into the forest to leave the notes behind. All but four of the real scrolls were hidden throughout the forest by other clones, each rigged with explosive and fireball trap tags attached to them on top of other protections in their general areas. The notes the clones leave behind will explain that the test was changed without telling the proctors."

The following five days would go nothing like the proctor had expected them to go, but for Team Yurei that was most of the fun.
Chapter 16 - The Forest of Death, Part 2
Naruto had discovered that part of his hair being a mess was it being partially caked with his own dried blood, which had been harder to clean up than expected. But he'd managed it by the time the clone he'd sent off with a summoning stone had dispelled, apparently finding a similar almost-cave to bury the stone in that was reasonably close to the tower. The clone had also passed several other teams in the process, including a very annoyed Team Baki.

It looked like they'd gotten their second scroll, made it to the tower, and then discovered the note that had replaced their first scroll. Probably followed by not being able to find another team before nightfall.

When Hinata had woken in the morning Team Yurei had cleaned up, Naruto had sent a handful of clones to the Uzumaki compound to take care of a few things including letting Old Man Hokage know he was fine now, and they'd opened up their little bunker to leave. Tenten had used an existing little almost-cave under the trees for it, meaning that it didn't even need to be filled back in.

"Where did you get that scroll from?" Hinata asked half an hour later, just after Naruto had summoned a clone with a scroll back to him.

"Team Baki," Naruto replied. One of his scouting clones had realized that it could turn into a scroll and replace itself with the real one that was just visible in Temari's pouch, then made another clone to allow the purloined scroll to be summoned.

"...why did you take a scroll from them?" Tenten asked.

"One of them was stupid enough to threaten the Hokage's grandson. Making them go to extra effort without it being traced back to us is the least I can do. They're going to be pissed when they reach the tower. Again."

Hoshi snickered at that, but a minute later the all-male team from Kiri that had been trying to intercept them for the past few minutes finally managed to catch them. By virtue of Team Yurei stopping in a clearing because they were looking for Karin and the Kiri team was getting annoying.

This time Naruto took point, mostly because he was positive that they were looking for Kubikiribocho. "You seem awfully intent on speaking to us."

"We're here to kill you and take back what you stole from Kiri," one of the three stated. Naruto couldn't recall which of the three was which right now, but they had all pulled their swords out.

A small movement had a broom in Naruto's hand. "Well then. Let's see if you were trained properly. Zabuza was pretty good at fighting blind, how are you?" He then started up the hiding in mist jutsu, filling the clearing and blinding the enemy team. The three of them immediately shifted into a formation that had them with their backs to each other, and Naruto just shook his head as they did so.

None of the three seemed to notice his actual movements as he approached them in a straight line, not even bothering to try to come from an unexpected angle. Though he supposed that made the straight approach the unexpected angle...whatever. He charged the broom with chakra, channeling the surface-sticking exercise through it to allow the ninja wire bristles to latch onto the sword he hit with them. The shock of him doing so was enough to prevent the Kiri shinobi from keeping his grip as the sword was pulled from his hands.

The yell of shock was enough to get the other two moving properly, but one went the wrong direction entirely. Based on that, Naruto assumed that the one that actually went for him got lucky. But it did lead to him needing to block a sword swing with the broom handle, something that seemed to take his opponent by surprise. Naruto let the sword on the end of the broom fall from the bristles as he continued to swing the handle around. His opponent was more skilled than he looked though, successfully disengaging enough to let the handle pass him before trying to come in behind it.

Perhaps this one of the three actually moving in the correct direction hadn't been lucky after all, given that they seemed to have skill the other two lacked.

Dodging to one side and swinging the end of the broom up, Naruto attempted to do the surface-sticking trick again when the bristles came in contact with the sword. But his opponent felt the tug and pulsed their own chakra down the blade to break the connection, spinning to where Naruto now was after likely spotting the angle of the broom's handle. Hinata directed Tenten on the use of ninja wire to retrieve the dropped sword before the disarmed shinobi could find it, and the third member that had gone off in the wrong direction had heard the combat and figured out which direction was the right one.

Naruto ended up needing to dodge a couple more sword swings, and he deflected two more, before he spat soapy water into his opponent's face and hopped left. The approaching shinobi was then tripped up with a strike to their shins, though they had enough control to not hurt themselves or lose their sword as they went into a roll. At least until they struck their teammate, who was yelling in pain from the soapy water getting in his eyes. Naruto took the opportunity to grab both swords and toss them in Tenten's general direction.

"Do they seriously not have backup weapons?" Tenten called in a slightly-mocking tone. "A weapon user should always be ready to be disarmed of their primary weapon or for said weapon to break."

"They do seem to have a single skilled team member escorting academy students," Hinata added. Naruto could see her tapping her chin 'in thought' as she did so. "Perhaps Naruto should teach them more basic lessons?"

"Such as not losing their temper," Naruto commented as he tripped up the first disarmed shinobi, who had decided to try to rush at the girls. "Sadly, I think that might be beyond their skill level." He then side-stepped an attempted grab by soap-in-his-eyes and spun around into a kick to the shinobi's chest. Chakra-boosting led to the shinobi flying and striking a tree with the back of his head, going limp as he landed. Naruto walked over and tore the shinobi's entire pouch off as it was faster and easier than removing the scroll from inside of it. He then removed the sheath for the sword as well before backing away while causing the earth to pull the shinobi mostly under. The other two didn't put up any resistance at all when he moved to them to repeat the process.

He let up on the mist jutsu as he threw the sheathes near Tenten, then moved back to the shinobi with the head injury and applied some basic treatment to keep the injury from causing him to fall over dead in the next few hours. Luckily there wasn't much to be done, it actually looked like the idiot had knocked himself out when failing to gather chakra for a jutsu. Likely attempting to prepare one when he got kicked and released the chakra wrong? Regardless, it didn't look like the impact with the tree had knocked him out, so Hinata's better control of things wasn't needed to stop bleeding in his brain or anything.

Naruto had just finished that as the mist had receded enough for basic visibility, showing all three of the Kiri shinobi with only their heads and shoulders visible. Nodding, Naruto looked over the three, but focused on the two conscious ones. "I figure you can dig yourselves out in an hour or so at the worst, but we're taking your scroll and your swords. Have fun explaining that to your sensei."

"Orochimaru was in training ground forty-four yesterday afternoon," Hiruzen said to the assembled group of shinobi, most of whom didn't react at all because they'd already known. None of the current jounin-sensei with students in the forest were present, but a number of Anbu and high-jounin were included. "I know his body language well enough to say that he had a goal in mind and very obviously did not complete it before attempting to kill Naruto Uzumaki on reflex and vacating the area." He gestured at the Naruto clone in the corner. "Naruto has obviously survived, and Inoichi was able to question his clone on the details that I wasn't able to observe remotely. Based on what Orochimaru asked for, his primary goal was to confirm that Naruto does not hold the nine-tailed fox."

"I can't think of any other reason for him to want to examine a genin's stomach," Inoichi chimed in.

"What we don't know is what else he likely wants while he's here. If his goals include others in the exams then it's likely that he's either still in or has returned to training ground forty-four. But it's also possible that he was using that as a convenient time to approach Naruto while the rest of his goals lay elsewhere. Whatever the case, we need to avoid interfering with the exams in progress while drastically increasing general village surveillance. We need to be aware of potential threats before they're sprung on us."

Naruto spoke up then. "Er, are you aware that there are three visiting jinchuriki in the village right now?"

Of course Naruto somehow knew about the...did he say three? Not two? ", I was not aware of there being three jinchuriki visiting."

"Gaara from Suna contains Shukaku, Yugito Nii from Kumo contains Matatabi, and Fu from Taki contains Chomei."

Hiruzen nodded, not entirely surprised to hear that Gaara was a jinchuriki, and based on what they knew of Suna that would make Shukaku the one-tail. "Thank you for informing me. Do I want to know why you're using names for the tailed beasts?"

The clone shrugged. "Because it's polite to use people's names?" He then started counting off on his fingers. "Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki, and Kurama. Hagoromo named them all after making them."

Assuming it was accurate, where the child had learned that, and how, was definitely a mystery. A quick message off to Jiraiya to check with the toads, who might actually have members old enough to confirm the claim, was going to be needed. "I see. Are you aware of anything else suspicious going on in the village that you haven't brought up?"

"Er, Kabuto Yakushi is not genin level and I saw him slipping in and out of the village through secret tunnels repeatedly in the past month, as well as going through chunin- and jounin-level records. Both of his teammates and his jounin-sensei occasionally joined him for the meetings outside of the village walls, though never all of them at the same time."

Apparently the new forms for chunin and higher to report various types of oddities in the village needed a genin-level equivalent, despite genin supposedly not knowing enough to spot the kinds of oddities the forms were intended for. That was going to be a headache. Or maybe they'd just get Naruto promoted to chunin as soon as possible and not need to worry about it after locking him in a room with a stack of the forms. "I see. I'll have someone check on that in case it was expected."

Team Yurei had found Karin at a small stream filling a water jug, her teammates nowhere to be found. In fact, as far as Naruto could tell, her two teammates weren't alive in the forest at all.

"So did you ditch your teammates or did they do something incredibly stupid?" Naruto asked as they landed across the stream from Karin. Who also looked like she could use some healing, honestly.

She raised an eyebrow at that. "Are you asking that because I'm alone?"

"I'm asking that because I think they're currently dead. Can't feel them anywhere."

That resulted in blinking. "You're a sensor too?"

"Trained as one, but yes."

"And an Uzumaki?"

"Yep. But if you want more proof?" It only took a little focus to use chakra chains to make a quick bridge across the stream. "I also know that Kusa isn't treating you well, or at least your teammates haven't been."

She flinched at that being brought up as Team Yurei walked over the created bridge. "That's...yeah."

"I spoke with Old Man Hokage about things and he's on board with you staying in Konoha. Maybe learn how to be a medic-nin without people needing to bite you? But if your teammates are dead then the best solution is probably throwing some of your stuff with their corpses, especially your forehead protector, and hiding you in the Uzumaki compound until your jounin-sensei returns to Kusa with the news of your demise."

"...why especially my forehead protector? I don't think Shigeri's survived."

"Well, either that or we have to destroy it, since it's got a tracking seal etched into it."

Hinata nodded. "We assume that they didn't want to be blatant about putting one on you directly."

Karin frowned as she removed her forehead protector, looking over it. "They found out that any seals they placed on me broke when someone bit me for healing, but I didn't think that they'd stick things on my stuff instead." Disconnecting the metal from the cloth, she ran a finger across the back, chakra flowing out and revealing the tracking seal under the top layer of metal. "How in the world did you know about this?"

"It stands out to the byakugan," Hinata answered, tapping next to her eyes. "Doubly so when your jounin-sensei triggers the other end of it."

"If you know where your teammates died then I suggest dropping it in the mess there," Naruto said. "Let your jounin-sensei find everything and come to his own conclusions."

"And how do you expect to get me out of here safely without me being noticed?" Karin asked.

"Er, I was hoping that you'd be willing to sign a summoning contract with me so that one of my clones could summon you directly to the Uzumaki compound? But sticking you in a prisoner transport scroll long enough for you to be brought there would work too. Old Man Hokage can meet with you about options while you're hiding in the compound. Medic-nin in the hospital don't have to be in the shinobi ranks if they don't want to be, or you can get out of things entirely and be a civilian if you want. A second shrine maiden for the Uzumaki shrine might not be bad either, actually...the civilian girls trying to cover for me aren't doing well."

"...shrine maiden?"

"Perhaps that should be covered later," Tenten suggested. "You probably have to see it to believe it anyway."

Karin didn't look convinced, but nodded anyway. "Are you sure that I won't be locked up and used as a stupidly effective source of healing?"

Naruto nodded. "That we can guarantee...but there might be a little 'figure out how to duplicate things' and if it works the way we think it does there could even be the option of making it no longer work with you."

That had the girl blinking for a moment. "Okay, you now have me curious enough to go along with this just to find out what you're talking about. What was that about a summoning contract?"

"Personal summoning contracts between two people that lets them summon each other, the one being summoned has to allow the summoning to happen or it doesn't work. Both can summon the contract itself and destroy it if desired. Er, you'd have some issues summoning me for village security reasons though, beyond the chakra requirements of summoning someone with a lot of chakra in general."

Karin looked around the Uzumaki compound after one of Naruto's 'paperwork clones' had summoned her to it. "How sure are you that my former sensei can't find me here?"

"You have to be tied into the protections or let in by someone who is to enter," the clone replied. "We should check if you can see the contents of the shelves in the training hall."


"Because so far only the boss and us clones of him can, but if you're from the right branch of the Uzumaki family then you should be able to as well. If you can't then we can see if you've got the chakra for paperwork clones either way."

Okay, learning the solid clone technique did sound incredibly useful, and a minute later they were in the training hall where a pile of scrolls sat in alcoves. She was able to pick one out, finding that it was chakra control exercises. "I guess this confirms that I'm closely related to Naruto?"

"Close enough," the clone agreed, then gestured at a different set of scrolls. "These are the paperwork clone scrolls. They won't let you open them unless you have enough chakra to make at least one." He then pointed at a different set. "And you might want to read up on the communication jutsu. It works great for communicating with your clones without needing to dispel them, and if you're a sensor then you probably get to skip the hard part of learning it."

She held onto the chakra control exercise scroll and grabbed one of the paperwork clone scrolls and a communication jutsu scroll. She could feel the clone scroll testing her chakra and was fairly confident that it had found that she had enough.

"You can probably come and go from the compound as you please already," the clone continued. "But Old Man Hokage thinks you shouldn't be seen in the village until your sensei leaves and I can't be certain you can get back in. The boss will need to be here personally to check the permission list if you can't get back in and the old man will swing by tonight to talk to you. Figuring you'd need at least a few days, we've stocked up a kitchen and prepared a bedroom for you to use."

"Thank you," Karin said. This was already far better than anything Kusa had done for her. "Er, does the kitchen have things that don't require much prep?"

"It does, and so long as the boss is awake I can make something for you or go grab you some ramen. Or I can try to teach you how to make a few things if you'd prefer that?"

Okay, she knew from the info packets that Naruto was slightly younger than her, and a little weird if he was running around the chunin exams dressed as a maid, but right now he was feeling like a caring older brother. Karin found herself not minding though, as it was more of a family than she'd had since her mother died.

"You hid the extra scrolls in the area around the tower with explosive tags stuck to them," Tenten sent as the doors shut behind them.

"We didn't need them," Naruto retorted.

"But you're not supposed to make it easier for others to pass!"

"Anyone who can get a scroll out from inside the proximity-trigger fireball tag glued around it deserves to pass."


"I can approach them without setting them off. Anyone else with even a baby's chakra gets within a meter and the tags go off. I expect the wildlife to set one or two off before any teams notice them."

Hoshi chimed in. "I think that flips things from being too nice to being downright evil while providing a true test of skill. The elders would approve."

"That may be,"
Hinata said, gesturing at the incomplete poem on the wall. "But we appear to still have a task ahead of us."

"Just unroll one of each scroll so that they cross each other,"
Naruto replied, a clone popping into existence and taking a scroll from him. "The poem basically says you need to study and train instead of focusing on one or the other to succeed as a shinobi."

A moment later Naruto and his clone had opened the scrolls to overlap one another, and one of the various chunin tasked with greeting them appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Well done," the chunin said. "All three of you appear to be intact and I can tell that you had both scrolls. We've been laughing about the whole maid thing. Good job there, and I have to say that you look remarkably intact for a team that supposedly had a near-death incident. Anyway, as far as I know you three are the fourth non-disqualified group in the tower. I'll show you to your assigned rooms and point out the useful things since you're stuck here for a few days."

Their 'assigned rooms' turned out to be a single room for sleeping and a bathroom two floors down from Anko's preferred room. They were told which training areas they could use and which were reserved for other teams, shown the cafeteria that they'd known about already, and told about the observation areas for looking out over the training ground. The little tour ended with the room they'd meet up in at the end of this stage of the exam.

In addition to the tour they'd also learned that the entire tower really needed to be torn down and rebuilt. Piping and wiring went along the outside in far too many places because there was no way to get it through the existing structure, but it was also technically an old war outpost so was in many ways overbuilt to the point of being far too troublesome to tear down to replace.

Once left alone, they retreated to their room, sealed it as best they could, and finally let the panic they'd been dumping into their 'inners' since the Orochimaru encounter out. They'd next emerge in a couple of days, after working through most of the panic.

"Where did you find what looks like fresh breakfast ramen?" Sasuke asked as he dropped into the seat across from Naruto the morning of the last day of the second stage.

"Ichiraku's," Naruto replied as Ami and Ino sat down to either side of Sasuke. "What brings you to us?"

"How did you get to Ichiraku's?" Ino asked instead, while adjusting herself to likely un-pinch her tail.



"We ran into Orochimaru in the forest," Sasuke said after taking a bite of his breakfast. "He...applied seals to us that he claimed would make us stronger if we survived the process. We finally made it here with both scrolls late last night, and Shito-sensei was waiting for us. He said you've got access to 'hickey removers' and offered to approach you for us, but wasn't sure if you needed time to pick some up or not."

Naruto blinked and activated his byakugan. Sure enough, there was a marking on all three of Team Seven's necks. "Huh. Same one Anko-sensei got?"

"Sensei said something about it being the same as Mitarashi's seal 'before it was removed', so if that's your sensei's name?"

"Yeah, Anko Mitarashi. Give me a minute to whip up the hickey removers."

Three blank seal tags were removed from a storage seal, a bottle of ink from another, and then the application of chakra had the ink flowing out of the bottle and onto the three blank tags. A minute later there were three identical seal tags sitting there. Each was picked up by Naruto and examined before he used chakra to properly set the ink on two of them and scowled at the third. The ink on that one was flowing out of place in one spot because there was a flaw in the paper of the tag, and it would definitely create problems if used. That tag was torn in half before another blank tag was pulled out of the storage seal. This one was examined before the ink was applied and set. Once done he placed one of the three good tags in front of each of the members of Team Seven.

Naruto gestured to the three tags. "These are fairly simple. Apply to hickey, activate with chakra, when they fall off burn with prejudice."

"I hate that I know why they're called hickey removers," Ami grumbled as she picked hers up to look at it.

"That said, Anko-sensei claimed those seals have a horrible survival rate."

Ino sighed. "The sicko decided to 'test all of us' after realizing that we'd all survived one of his other experiments. We suspect that he's the one that sealed us in the cave we spent a day knocked out in, but the enhanced healing kept us alive." She lightly flicked one of her ears as she continued. "The medic-nin we saw when we woke up this morning fears that even with the seals removed we're going to be stuck with the animal features now though. They said that the seals had 'settled them in deeper' or something like that."

Ami had been all-but-glaring at her tag, but apparently decided to trust it. A moment later she'd slapped it down over the seal on her neck and pushed chakra into it, all of them watching as it did its thing. She shivered, grimaced, groaned in pain, and it looked like bled a little under the tag. Apparently these were currently more solidly anchored into the three than Anko-sensei's had been. But after a couple of minutes the tag fell off, taking the tomoe markings with it.

Sasuke stared at his teammate's clear neck, glanced down at the tag holding the three-tomoe markings, and picked up his own tag. He was more careful in positioning it before he activated it, and Ino wasn't far behind him. Both also groaned in pain and bled a little under the tag, but soon there were three tags with the tomoe markings on them on the floor and three genin with animal features but no seal on their neck.

"So," Hinata said as Ino held up a mirror so that Sasuke could see his own clear neck. "Do you have a safe fire jutsu to burn them with, or do we need to take care of that for you?"

"...I don't think we have anything suitable for use here," Ami admitted. "Sasuke's fireball is a bit too big for the size of this room."

"I've got smaller ones," Sasuke retorted. "But we'd need something to contain them in, I think."

Naruto popped a metal bucket out of a seal. "Will this work?"

"...why do you have a bucket?"

"To use with the mop."

Team Seven didn't seem to know what to think about that, but only took a minute to get all three seal tags into the bucket, as well as the two halves of the unusable one. Sasuke then blew a stream of fire into the bucket, destroying the four tags. Each of the three used ones released a distinct pulse of wrongness, but if you weren't expecting it then it would be easy to miss that there had been three overlapping pulses instead of one larger one. If they hadn't been the only ones eating then it would likely have made for an interesting show.

"Thanks for that," Sasuke finally said as Naruto checked the bucket. He might need to replace it as he'd not intended for it to take fire jutsu. "Itachi has been adamant that 'power ups' like that seal just make you weaker and Orochimaru just creeped all of us out."

"I don't like the way I know I was thinking when the thing activated yesterday," Ami admitted. "We couldn't even figure out which village the team we ended up attacking was from afterwards."

"Well, they did try to kill us first, so leaving unidentifiable charred remains instead of a team wasn't horrible."


"It did mean we couldn't take their scroll," Ino added with a frown. "I didn't think we were going to find anyone left out there before that Ame team tried to ambush us and we definitely got lucky slipping through the ring of teams around the tower."

"Only because one of them had just set off that fireball nearby," Sasuke noted. "Don't know what that was about though."

"Naruto left extra scrolls around the tower with fireball seals glued to them," Tenten answered. "Presumably someone failed to get the scroll without setting off the tag."

"Of course the team that decided to run the start of the exams acting like maids got extra scrolls. Do all powerful shinobi need strange quirks? Because it seems like all the good jounin have a pile."

"You either develop quirks as coping mechanisms or you break down," Ino answered. "Ideally those quirks don't stand out so much as to cause problems, and some families 'pass down' their quirks. All of that said, I think the maid outfits are more of a prank or showing off than a quirk."

Naruto nodded. "That's mostly correct, and it was Anko-sensei's idea to do the whole maid thing. You three should eat up and take a nap though, you'll want your energy this afternoon."

"...why?" Ami asked.

"Preliminary rounds because more than sixteen genin have arrived already. More than four rounds in the finals takes too long so they're going to want to cut the numbers in half."

Team Seven groaned at that, but dug into their breakfast anyway.

One thing Naruto had done that morning was make a bunch of clones to spread out and observe the tower, and one of those clones had found an unattended computer. Sure, it was on the far side of two heavily-secured doors, the outermost of which was decently guarded, but they'd not blocked the vents properly at all so it was practically in the open for anyone who could crawl through the vents even without shapeshifting. It appeared to be set up to control the preliminary round selections, and had a bunch of settings to make things decidedly less than random in specific circumstances.

Apparently it built the list of matches as a whole, then picked from the list it had built at random afterwards. This was done so that it could ensure that teammates didn't get paired up at all, but also to fudge other things. One of the settings that concerned the clone was the one that appeared to make it impossible for Hinata and Neji to not be paired up, ostensibly to prevent duplication in the finals. Ensuring that it didn't look like that had been messed with but that the two didn't get paired up required some fiddling, and he needed to fake things out so that the expected count of duplicates 'paired off' was correct.

In the end he decided that Kabuto deserved a challenge and set the system to think that he was a 'duplicate' of Gaara. A decidedly-not-a-genin against a jinchuriki should at least be an interesting match to watch, right?
Chapter 17 - Preliminaries
No more teams had made it to the tower with both scrolls that morning, leaving seven total teams standing grouped together in the afternoon. They'd gotten a brief lecture from Old Man Hokage, and then things had been handed back to Toma.

"Listen up," Toma said. "We won't have time during the finals for all of you, so we have to cut the numbers down further. As such, we're going to be running a preliminary round of randomly-chosen single-elimination fights. You now stand on your own and not as a team, and most proctors would give you the chance to back out now if you don't feel that you're ready for chunin. I'm not one of them, in part because I know for a fact that some people never feel like they're ready for chunin and in part because you don't get to choose to abandon your mission just because you're intimidated. To better simulate actual combat in the field, you also aren't allowed to forfeit your matches. Winners will be determined by myself or Hayate Gekko deciding that one participant is defeated or has no chance of victory. As there are an odd number of you, one of you will get a free pass to the finals, but we won't know who until the final match is called."

The floor of the room was cleared, teams gathering with their sensei along the observation balconies before the first match came up on the monitor in the corner of the room.

Dosu Kinuta vs Neji Hyuga

Naruto hid his grin when a number of people were obviously surprised, likely because Neji hadn't been put up against Hinata. This was largely ignored by the genin, who were focusing on the fight. There was no banter between the two combatants, which Naruto took to mean that Neji felt that he had to actually focus on his opponent. Dosu was still enough of an unknown to be wary of.

Things started with a quick taijutsu bout, where Neji shut down several of Dosu's chakra points and Dosu appeared to blow out one of Neji's eardrums. But Dosu had missed ninja wire being looped around the gauntlet thing on his arm, which an unstable Neji was still able to use as his opponent came in for a second strike. Chakra pushed down the ninja wire both redirected the attempted punch and overloaded the gauntlet with too much chakra, the latter causing it to break in two. Five strikes later Neji had cut off key chakra flows and knocked Dosu out.

Medic-nin quickly revived Dosu and healed up Neji's ears on the spot, allowing both to remain to watch the rest of the fights.

Ino Yamanaka vs Karui

"I was unaware of any bloodlines in Konoha that grant animal features," Karui commented once the two had squared off, her Kumo forehead protector being used as a bandana to keep her hair out of her face.

"There aren't any," Ino grumbled. "And if I find out that this is going to end up passed down to my kids then I'll hunt down Orochimaru and castrate him."

"Ah. I heard he was a fan of experimenting, my condolences for getting caught up in one of them. Don't think it will make me go easy on you though."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Karui was obviously well practiced with her katana, but Ino was no slouch when it came to dodging. At the same time, her opponent wasn't standing still long enough for the Yamanaka clan techniques to be all that useful, and without teammates it was arguable that taking over the enemy's body wouldn't be enough to secure a win anyway. Launched kunai and shuriken as distractions didn't help much, two genjutsu attempts were shrugged off by the older kunoichi but Ino also shrugged off four that had been thrown back at her, and eventually she slipped up and found herself with a sword to her throat.

"Not bad," Karui said after the match had been called in her favor. "For someone whose clan specializes in teamwork you did quite well on your own and it didn't even look like my minor genjutsu took hold."

"I think I need to get at least a short sword," Ino said with a frown. "I had nothing suitable to block with."

"One would likely serve you well, provided you can get proper training in its use."

Tenten made a point of moving next to Ino to discuss weapon options with her, even producing a tape measure and some basic weights to help determine what would be the best fit.

Hitomo vs Yoroi Akado

Hitomo was one of Karui's teammates and had more of a broadsword, which he used to keep Yoroi out of reach.

"If you think I'm letting you drain my chakra dry then you've got another thing coming," Hitomo said after dispelling a genjutsu Yoroi had thrown at him.

Ah, right. The Akado family was down to one member but a couple generations back had developed the ability to drain chakra on touch. They were limited by their own capability to contain the chakra and generated far less of their own, but draining the energy out of an opponent and using it against them was a great tactic anyway.

At least when your opponent didn't know about it and had a large sword to keep you at a distance with, of course.

The fight continued for several minutes before Yoroi threw another genjutsu and Hitomo pretended that it had affected him. A moment later Yoroi moved to get in closer, only to be stabbed through the chest by the broadsword. There was still an attempt made to grab Hitomo, but a swing of the sword launched Yoroi back off of it and into the wall. Toma called the match in Hitomo's favor at that point, and medic-nin took Yoroi away.

Misumi Tsurugi vs Tenten

It became almost immediately obvious that Misumi preferred close-quarters grappling, and Tenten had picked up on that and refused to allow him to manage it. Instead she was using her broom to keep him at just enough of a distance to annoy him while trying to come up with a good way to knock him out. His glasses and facial covering made spitting soapy water in his face largely ineffective and also kept him from being annoyed at a tornado of dirt and dust being thrown his way. Though the latter left his clothing filthy, which was obvious inspiration.

"My apologies for getting your clothing filthy," Tenten said as she batted the older genin away again. "Let me fix that for you."

Her opponent ignored the blast of water she sent at him, obviously looking to power through it. At least until he realized that it had clung to his clothing, and that realization came too late. A moment later the water was heated to steam under the control of a steam-cleaning jutsu. Doing so while someone was still wearing the thing you were cleaning was...

Well, Misumi was screaming in pain for a reason, and that was enough of a distraction for a good hit to the head and a summoning of medic-nin to take him away for healing. At least that had been the utility jutsu and not the boil release version that melted skin and clothing.

Ami Hiramari vs Temari

"Had to be someone with ranged attacks," Ami whined as she made her way down to the arena floor.

"And how do you know that I've got ranged attacks?" Temari asked.

"You're carrying a battle fan. If you can't use that for ranged wind attacks then you're a chump that doesn't deserve to be here."

"Well, I suppose that shows that you're smarter than most of my opponents have been. Are you willing to admit to anything about yourself?"

"Just that if I had the option I'd forfeit to save myself the pain of getting my ass kicked against someone I likely can't get a good hit on at all."

"I see. Perhaps I'll make it quick for you."

Two minutes later the match had been called in Temari's favor after a single tornado had thrown Ami across the room and into the wall, though only after four seconds of surface-sticking kept the girl from being pulled into the air immediately. Her concentration breaking when the wind cut one of her flapping ears was what caused her chakra to lose grip on the ground.

Naruto Uzumaki vs Rock Lee

"Hmmm," Gai said, putting his hand on Lee's shoulder before the boy could jump into the arena. "One moment Lee." He then raised his voice. "Uzumaki, it looks like you're wearing training weights!"

"Yeah?" Naruto replied, not sure where the man was going with that.

"I'd like to propose that you and Lee show off the full strength of your Youth by removing your weights!"

"I don't know if that'd be fair to bushy-brows." Naruto could tell that Lee was wearing slightly heavier leg weights, but without arm weights or a resistance belt.

"No held weapons, no gates from Lee, and no elemental bloodline tricks from Naruto," Anko-sensei called. "Taijutsu, basic utility, and single-element jutsu only!"

Gai blinked, then nodded before looking down at Lee. "Take them off and show them your Power of Youth."

"Are you sure Gai-sensei?" Lee asked.

"You and your opponent both train with weights. It's only fair to both of you to show each other how far you've come."


Naruto sighed and removed his weights, and then disabled his resistance belt. Unlike Lee, he did so by sealing the weights away instead of jumping to the top of the statue of a ram hand seal and dropping them. Because of that he was left largely-ignored due to the clouds of dust kicked up by the heavy weights Lee had been wearing impacting the ground.

"This is going to be a problem," Gekko noted as he backed up further.

A minute later he'd started the match and body-flickered out of the arena, just in time for Lee to charge at Naruto. On his part, he met the lunging punch with one of his own, the shockwave of the impact blowing dust away from both of them before he moved like he was about to intercept a kick. Instead he used the movement to drop under the kick and deliver one of his own to Lee's stomach.

Orochimaru watched the match between the two genin with interest. Uzumaki had vanished for the rest of the day after being injured, only to show up again without any signs of nearly being cut in two at all. Without any aid from Kabuto, which implied that the boy's teammates were far more skilled medic-nin than expected. Either that or the boy was on Kabuto's level of being able to put himself back together.

It was an interesting turn of events, and now two genin were putting most high jounin to shame with their speed, strength, and reflexes. Both apparently through pure training with weights, as while Uzumaki was shielding himself with an interesting application of chakra neither boy appeared to be boosting himself. Far more interesting than the unfortunate failure of the latest cursed seal attempt.

A glance at Team Seven was all he spared for the moment. None of the three genin seemed to have his cursed seal, despite him knowing that all three had been gifted it. He wished he could reach out more fully to check, but that would likely trip up Anko's seal and alert her to his presence. The only thing he could think of that would cause the three to not have the seal was the improved healing from the beast-man formula they'd previously survived, so perhaps the healing had overcome the seal. Which was impressive, but made them mutually-exclusive.

That was a pity, but saved him the trouble of restarting the beast-man project elsewhere. It was inferior to the seals in many ways, and if they were mutually-exclusive then he'd rather use the more reliable seals that also let him influence the minds of his shinobi in subtle ways. Unfortunately, it also meant that he didn't have any hooks into an Uchiha with a confirmed-active sharingan. Perhaps a team would need to be directed to grab some of the other surviving children during the invasion?

Returning his focus to the two fighting genin, Orochimaru decided that he was lucky that Uzumaki had been wearing his weights in the forest. Speed and power like this with the element of surprise his killing intent provided on first exposure could have allowed the boy to get in a significant initial hit. Coupled with the rest of the demonstration it made explaining his survival without having access to a tailed beast's chakra more understandable as well.

Knowing about these two allowed for planning around them though, and neither had demonstrated anything that could help against a tailed beast let loose in the village. Even that comment about elemental bloodline tricks wouldn't matter, no matter how intriguing. Perhaps Uzumaki needed a deeper examination if he had unreported abilities...and the various spies in the village needed to work harder to uncover this kind of thing. Running partially blind when it came to such useful information was not how Orochimaru preferred to work.

Over half an hour of furious taijutsu combat, with the occasional minor jutsu from Naruto, had led to somewhat significant damage to the arena. Every time one of the two of them dodged something at the last moment it tended to result in the other hitting a wall or the floor and the overpressure from them meeting attacks head-on created its own damage. But Naruto was faster, slightly stronger, and had far larger chakra reserves.

Possibly more importantly, he had a healing factor that Lee didn't and enough chakra to maintain a brute-forced whole-body chakra shield for a couple of hours. They weren't using the Knight Armor spell for the preliminaries, but Naruto had realized that some of the basics of the protective barriers worked wonderfully on their own and was working on refining the technique during the battle. This was keeping his clothing intact even as Lee's looked worse and worse off, but wasn't helping as much with the bludgeoning damage.

Lee was already starting to look like a giant bruise, and without his healing factor Naruto would probably look the same.

But then things changed, Lee's chakra flow shifting as one of the larger chakra points in his brain flipped open, immediately followed by another. This drastically increased the chakra flowing through his system and noticeably boosted his healing as well, the bruises starting to fade even as his speed increased. This was, as far as Naruto understood things, a likely-subconscious opening of two of the gates.

Now, he didn't know how to do that safely himself, but if Lee was now opening gates then weapons or elemental kekkei genkai tricks were now on the table, right? The latter felt more fair as a chakra trick for a chakra trick, so Naruto started letting water out into the arena as he worked to keep up with Lee. This led to puddles in the holes they'd made in the floor and soaked walls as they kept fighting. Gai was yelling something to Lee, but it was impossible to hear properly and Naruto didn't think Lee had even noticed.

It was hard to miss a dome of ice mirrors suddenly forming out of all of the water though, and Lee definitely noticed Naruto vanishing into one of them.

"Ice?" Lee said, glancing at the mirrors. "But that's..." He then paled a little. "I opened two gates."

"That you did," Naruto called, seemingly from all of the mirrors at once.

A moment later he was bouncing between the mirrors at high speed, every pass striking Lee. While this worked better with throwing weapons or blades it was still usable with taijutsu, and the assault lifted Lee into the air and kept him from regaining his footing. Throwing Gentle Fist strikes in to gradually shut down the older boy's chakra was also part of the strategy, and after five minutes Lee fell to the ground unconscious.

Only to get back up to his feet and look ready to fight anyway.

Naruto stepped out of one of the mirrors and let them melt while Toma called the match and medic-nin came in to look at Lee. Gai had to come down to get Lee to drop out of his fighting stance so that the medic-nin could do their thing, and once Lee was revived he was subject to an enthusiastic rant of not breaking the agreed-upon rules when lightly sparring with a comrade.

"We may need a few minutes to fix the arena before we continue," Toma added after looking around.

"Meh," Naruto said, molding a pile of earth chakra. "I helped make the mess so I can clean it up." He flowed the chakra out into the floor and up the walls, debris almost melting as they flowed back into the gouges and holes. The water was directed towards a drain in the middle of the room that someone was kind enough to pop open, and after a couple of minutes the entire room looked just as good as it had when they'd started. Possibly cleaner, actually.

"And to think I thought the maid outfits were just a gimmick. Thank you. NEXT!"

Gaara vs Kabuto Yakushi

Kabuto looked unhappy at this turn of events, hopping the railing to get to the arena floor while Gaara used a sand-themed body flicker to get into position. Naruto and Hinata both frowned when they saw Kabuto look to the Oto jounin and get what looked like a 'go ahead' signal though. It was something that someone without an active byakugan might've missed.

"Why look towards the Oto jounin?" Hinata asked the team, including Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei.

"What are you talking about?" Kurenai-sensei asked.

"Kabuto got a signal from the Oto jounin instead of his own jounin-sensei," Naruto answered.

"...that's suspicious as hell," Anko-sensei contributed, stating the obvious. "But there's not much we can do about it right now."

The opening moves of the fight were largely Kabuto testing Gaara's defenses...and finding that getting close was incredibly difficult due to the shield of sand that would pop up. This went on for a minute or so before Gaara got bored and sent his sand out more offensively, but Kabuto proved to be more ready for that than expected as he kept 'cutting' the connection back to Gaara before the sand could fully encircle him. It never took long for the connection to be restored, but it was just enough time to escape several times in a row.

It was looking to be a stalemate. Kabuto couldn't get to Gaara, but also wasn't being hurt by Gaara either. But one thing that was obvious to the byakugan but probably not obvious to Kabuto was that the various 'misses' and 'cut-off' sands spread around the arena were still under or coming back under the control of Gaara's chakra.

"Mother doesn't like you," Gaara finally said, holding his hand out. A moment later he clenched it into a fist, and all of the sand spread around the arena launched itself at Kabuto. An attempt was made at a dodge, but the body flicker didn't let him get out of the sand in time and the upper half of his body was crushed to a fine paste, his blood absorbed by the sand in the process.

There was basically no chance of recovering from that and his chakra had faded away before the sand had returned to the gourd on Gaara's back.

"I hate it when suspicious people die before they can be interrogated," Anko-sensei whined through the communication jutsu.

"Maybe I shouldn't have told the computer to pair them off," Naruto admitted.

"...when the fuck did you do that?"

"I picked that as the replacement match-up for Hinata otherwise being paired up with Neji, because I expected the person generating the fight list to expect a 'match same skill set' pair and if they didn't get one then they'd check the settings more deeply."

"And you're only mentioning this now?"
Kurenai-sensei asked.

"It didn't feel relevant until now."

It felt like the rest of the team couldn't come up with a reason to argue that point.

Baki frowned as he watched their primary in-village contact for the invasion die. Not that Gaara knew that Kabuto was their contact...nor would he have cared. It certainly made a few things more problematic than they might have been otherwise, but there were secondary contacts in case something happened to Kabuto. Less capable ones, but they existed.

The bigger concern was probably the level of skill shown by some of the Konoha genin. Sure, a couple had been essentially useless, but the exams were being held in Konoha. Suna let their essentially useless genin compete in Suna-hosted exams as well in hopes that the experience would get them training properly. Seeing what Uzumaki and Lee were capable of while holding back, as nobody could miss that both genin in that bout had been told to not use their full capabilities by their jounin-sensei, was honestly chilling.

What other surprises awaited them in Konoha's ranks?

Sachie Sobu vs Sasuke Uchiha

With a death having happened things were a little more somber, but both shinobi dropped down into the arena. The match started, and the two first threw kunai and shuriken as somewhat of a distraction before moving in with taijutsu. Which appeared to be going fine for both of them, until Sasuke's sharingan activated. A few seconds later Sachie jumped back, screaming bloody murder, and started throwing kunai.

A lot of kunai, but nowhere near 'Tenten trying to blot out the sun with real weapons' levels.

More impressive was the fact that every single kunai was embedding itself at least ring-deep in the walls when they hit, something that Sasuke very obviously noticed and had him dodging like his life depended on it. Which it very well might. Based on the chakra patterns in Sachie's head it was likely that she'd been hit with a genjutsu, but what she was seeing was an entirely different question.

Eventually Sasuke decided that the only safe place to be was the ceiling and stuck himself there, seemingly hoping to wait out her kunai supply. Her pulling out several scrolls with new full pouches sealed in them made this take far longer than he likely expected though, and Naruto thought that needing a full scroll for a pouch refill was wasteful. Much better to have a string of tags inside the pouch that you can trigger to refill it in place, or store the current contents in to swap for a different loadout.

Then again, Sachie didn't have someone studying seals on her team.

Over a hundred thrown kunai later the girl visibly started to tire, and it likely hadn't escaped anyone's notice that almost every single kunai had been launched at 'head height'. As she approached a hundred and fifty she'd stopped putting as much power into them, and by two hundred she was flagging enough for Sasuke to be comfortable dropping down and chopping her in the back of the neck.

"What did you do to her?" Toma asked.

"Genjutsu to make her think zombies were attacking," Sasuke replied.

Gai, Lee, and Neji all shivered in unison at that, with most of the present Konoha shinobi at least flinching as well. Sachie was revived and then her teammates helped pull all of the kunai they could out of the walls. Followed by Gai asking Naruto to help fix the damage to the walls as he and Neji weren't up to the task, which included having the walls spit out more kunai that had been entirely buried in them.

Kin Tsuchi vs Omoi

The first match without a Konoha participant started off with Omoi demonstrating that while he was intelligent he wasn't necessarily wise. He spent nearly a minute and a half extrapolating a horrible sequence of possible events from the match before Kin snapped out of her stupor listening to him and threw senbon with attached bells at him. That got him moving, pulling the sword off of his back as he dodged. The next set of senbon were blocked with the sword, two more sets went wide as he blocked a third.

Then one senbon without a bell was included in a salvo, and Omoi obviously missed it. The one in that group with a bell was blocked, the one without it slipped through and struck his arm.

"That's clever," he said after popping the senbon out. "Getting me used to the bells and then throwing senbon without them."

Kin just grinned and flipped through some hand seals. Strings connecting to most of the bells allowed her chakra to flow down them, and suddenly an audio-based genjutsu that felt like it was intended to screw up balance was hitting the entire arena. Most of the effect was being targeted at Omoi though, and it was obviously working as he stumbled. His chakra pulsed to clear the effect multiple times, but Kin was maintaining the effect so it was constantly reapplying itself.

Despite the genjutsu screwing with his balance, Omoi still managed to deflect several more sets of senbon, including those without bells. Naruto thought this was in part because he was pushing chakra out in a sphere around him to form a basic detection effect. But the combined effort was keeping him from attacking and the attack on his ears was slowing him down as well. Likely making him nauseous thanks to the constant shifting of his balance.

There was a shift not long after though, as though the effect of the genjutsu on Omoi had suddenly jumped in magnitude. The next round of senbon had two get through, and Naruto finally noticed that they had something coating the tips. If the coating wasn't a knockout drug that would be noticed right away, and instead somehow made the genjutsu more effective, then you might never realize you'd been drugged until it was too late.

Omoi fell to his knees, dry-heaving as he attempted to throw up before he passed out.

Kankuro vs Zaku Abumi

With two of the last three names up on the screen it was now obvious that Hinata had gotten the free pass. It was also obvious when Neji realized this, because he scowled and glared at Hinata for daring to get the free pass. Or at least that was Naruto's assumption for the scowling and glaring.

Regardless of that, Kankuro and Zaku made their way to the arena floor, the former riding on the back of his disguised puppet. It was an interesting trick, but anyone who had a way of sensing chakra could probably spot it. Using a byakugan just made it extra-noticeable. The proctor started the fight, and it became immediately obvious that there was going to be a problem. Namely, both shinobi were ranged fighters, but in different ways that didn't lend themselves to making any progress.

Zaku used air blasts in various ways thanks to tubes in his arms, but their strength dissipated too quickly. Incredibly useful to stop incoming projectiles, and he demonstrated boosting the speed of some kunai, but his aim was horrible. Kankuro attacked with his puppet, once he revealed it, but the puppet couldn't get close enough to Zaku to engage in melee and the ranged weapons it held couldn't get past the air blasts.

The combination was honestly incredibly boring to watch. Both were good at keeping their opponent at range and neither could do adequate damage at range against the other. They just traded ineffective attacks and stupid banter for three quarters of an hour, neither making any progress whatsoever, and not noticing Toma and Gekko consulting with Old Man Hokage and both of their jounin-sensei.

Toma stepped in when they were done with the consultations. "We've decided that the complete lack of injuries and zero solid hits to either party after this amount of time means that neither shinobi is capable of a decisive victory. As such, both are disqualified."

The arena was cleaned up and Gekko took over, bringing out a bowl filled with numbered tokens. He had each of the ten passing to the finals take a single token, then collected the numbers and filled in a bracket.

"You'll all get a copy of this when we're out of the forest," Gekko said, holding the bracket up. "But here's the fight order."

Things were laid out with Hitomo, Karui, Kin, Sasuke, and Tenten in one half. Hinata, Gaara, Naruto, Neji, and Temari were thus in the other half. Kin and Tenten would start things off in their half, followed by Naruto and Neji. Those two would get things down to a proper eight-man bracket. Hitomo and Sasuke would then fight, followed by Hinata and Temari. Karui would fight the winner of the first match and Gaara would fight the winner of the second, and then they'd go into the semifinals for each half of the bracket before the final match.

"The finals are at the beginning of August," Gekko continued after a couple of coughs. "You'll have a month to recuperate and prepare for fighting in front of an audience. Each of you will be representing your village to potential clients in addition to showcasing yourselves to the shinobi observers. Winning doesn't guarantee promotion, and losing doesn't guarantee that you won't be promoted. Your goal is to show that you're chunin material one way or another, with the caveat that winning more matches gives you more opportunities to do so. There have been exams where all finalists were promoted and exams where none were."

They got an hour to pack up anything they'd left in the rooms, which for Team Yurei was nothing, before being escorted out of the training ground. Forms indicating various things and copies of the finals bracket were distributed before they were sent off on their own. Anko-sensei insisted on a meeting the next day on how to handle training over the next month, claiming that she and Kurenai-sensei had to check with some people about a number of things.

Naruto's first stop was back home so that he could get out of the maid outfit and into something more comfortable, and then he needed to check with Karin. And he probably needed to ensure that Yoko was available first thing in the morning to be exasperated at the horrible attempts the civilian girls had been making at being 'shrine maidens'...and possibly set things up to teach them if they really wanted to try to go that route in any capacity at all.
Chapter 18 - Apprentices, Swords, New and Old Seals
"Is that a medical jutsu scroll?" Naruto asked Hoshi, who was in fox-boy form at the apartment's kitchen table a little before the sun was due to rise. His maid outfit was also gone, replaced with a basic t-shirt and shorts.

"Yes," Hoshi replied. "You're already too strong for me to get to 'can help you in combat without being in the way' at this point. I couldn't even follow your fight with Lee. But I can learn how to put you back together better than the basic field tricks I already know."

"Ah. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I grabbed breakfast while picking up the scroll from the elders. There's no way that I'm going to be able to handle human medic jutsu even if I can look like one."

Well, he was probably right about that. Summons accessed chakra differently than humans did in several ways and when they did use what amounted to hand seals their chakra moved differently than when a human did the same seals. This was probably in part because they didn't have a 'net' like humans did. Kurama claimed this was probably because humans were artificially able to use chakra on the whole while the summon clans were naturally able to use the energy.

Whatever the case, Naruto made breakfast and Hoshi declined to join him in checking on Karin. On his way to the compound through the shrine a new Yoko clone was made, one that should allow him to take a nap without dispelling her later if needed even if he tended to leave those active too long and get headaches when they dispelled, and then he slipped into the Uzumaki compound. There he found Karin butchering breakfast.

"Apparently I should've come and checked with you before making my own breakfast," Naruto commented, looking over the mess. "What were you trying to make?"

"I'd rather not say," Karin said, lifting a pot lid and then slamming it back down when fire started coming out. She then sighed and turned towards him, revealing that she was wearing a Konoha forehead protector.

"So you decided to join the ranks here?"

"Er, not entirely 'decided'? Hokage-sama was ready with additional plans and my former sensei was able to tell that I'd not died somehow. But there's an agreement between Konoha and Kusa that says that shinobi clan members can jump villages if their clan is 'more established' in the other village, and the Uzumaki clan has more history here than in Kusa. But I need to stay a shinobi for two years, and right now I'm technically in the 'reserves' waiting for a new team to be formed or an existing one to need another member."

"Ah." Naruto shifted the Tome to book form and lightly tossed it to Karin. "Hold onto that for a few while I clean up and make something for you."

"What's this?"

"Magic book."

Karin gave him a look. "Seriously, what is it?"

He turned off the heat under the pot with the fire in and used water manipulation to ensure that the fire in the pot was out. "I was being serious."

She flipped through the tome, paused, and went back to the beginning. That was followed by an attempt at a genjutsu release. "What the hell?"

"What are you showing her?" Naruto asked his parents in the book.

"Kurama decided to annoy her by dancing in the pages for her," his mother replied. "With a sign saying 'this is a magic bijuu-killing book, suck it up' floating around him, I believe."

"She's got a partial chakra chain node and two other nodes we've not examined in detail before,"
his father added. "They look easy enough to duplicate, and based on the connections we're fairly certain that one of them is where some of her healing comes from. Her medical chakra node looks like it has things yours doesn't too, which may be part of what helps her there. Reasonably complete earth and water nodes without the full set of interconnects too, easy enough to work with. But we think you should ask her before we change her net."

Naruto nodded and switched to speaking out loud. "So, you've got an incomplete ability to make chakra chains that can be fixed up and the book can improve your elemental control quite a bit too, if you'd like, but we're going to want to see if we can duplicate a couple of other things you've got into me at a minimum too."

Karin blinked, looked down at the book, flinched, and then returned her focus to Naruto. "Really? So, what, the 'bite me to heal' and my sensor nature?"

"Yes on the former, we're not sure on the latter."

"What kind of improvement in elemental control are we talking about?"

Grinning, Naruto formed an ice mirror hovering just over the counter and started using it as a cutting board. Based on Karin going wide-eyed and looking giddy he thought she'd essentially already agreed.

A couple hours later Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei showed up with Hinata, Tenten, and Jiraiya. The latter was a surprise as Naruto hadn't known that he was in the village at all.

"So," Kurenai-sensei said as they sat around the table in the house Karin wasn't staying in, though she was over in the shrine right now having decided that it was apparently tradition for Uzumaki to learn to be shrine maidens after finding out about Yoko following in the footsteps of Kushina and Mito. "We've talked with Hokage-sama about things, including training for the month. In theory, you're supposed to be largely on your own with Anko and I available to aid you if needed, with clan members frequently training heavily in a new clan technique or two."

"You three don't seem likely to decide to train apart just to surprise each other," Anko-sensei continued. "But then the pervert showed up to throw wrenches into the works."

"It's only partially my idea," Jiraiya argued. "Half of it came from the toads, and without that I'd have approached Naruto alone in a week or two instead of crashing a team meeting today."

"...what? You'd have gone around us to get him to sign a summoning contract?"

"I've known he'd eventually approach me about the toad contract for years," Naruto pointed out.

"So they finally told me," Jiraiya grumbled, before shaking his head. "No, the reason I approached the team is because the toads have been in touch with the snakes. A recent death means that we have time to pull one over on Orochimaru."

That had Anko-sensei's full attention. "Oh? Do tell."

"You're officially his only living apprentice with the snakes, and signed the snake contract as such. If an apprentice of your own signs it and passes their test then you become the 'current' master of the contract and can revoke his access to all but Manda."

"...because Manda requires a personal contract after you prove yourself to him, and revoking the main contract won't revoke the personal one. That makes sense, though he has at least two others that he signed personal contracts with. Possibly more, though I know who to ask about that if I need to know."

"But," Jiraiya continued with a frown. "The snakes won't currently accept a toad or fox summoner, even if their elders are willing to work with the toad elders on a number of things, so I think that leaves the two girls here as options unless Anko has an apprentice elsewhere I'm unaware of."

Anko-sensei nodded. "Then it would probably have to be Hinata. Tenten hasn't been building her chakra long enough and the snakes insist on taijutsu skills she doesn't have. They don't actually care about the style when you sign the contract, but Hinata has the snake style down fairly well at this point even if not to the level that Naruto does."

"I'm more interested in summoning weapons anyway," Tenten admitted.

"And should any other summon clan approach you then you're in good standing for not seeing summoned animals as weapons."

"I don't have time to train Naruto beyond the absolute basics," Jiraiya admitted. "But Fukasaku thinks that the big reason for him to sign the contract is a combination of passing things down as they should have been passed down coupled with sage training in a couple of years instead of anything more urgent." He paused, then gestured at Naruto. "For the record, since summoning toads is likely to force people to make the connection, Naruto is Minato's kid. Looks like a mini-Minato in many ways, and Fukasaku claims that the kid has known since before entering the academy. Which is why I plan on starting him on learning the Rasengan before I head off to do an emergency check of some contacts."

Naruto held his hand out and formed a standard Rasengan. "Already got that one down."

"Hold up," Anko-sensei said, staring at the whirling ball of chakra. "Since when? And why don't you ever use it?"

"Using one of my father's two signature jutsu while looking like a mini-him, with a pile of enemies that would love to off his entire family still out there?"

Even Hinata, who'd already known these details, flinched at that.

Hiruzen read the letter from A, frowning as he did so. "Someone got access to the release technique for your seal and is using that as leverage against A."

Yugito nodded. "Yes."

"But A doesn't want to go along with Orochimaru's plan to destabilize the elemental nations by crushing Konoha and is hoping that we have a solution that will prevent the two-tails from being released from you."

"There are rumors that an old Uzumaki seal master is around that may be skilled enough to either disable the release mechanism of my seal or remove the two-tails from me without taking my life."

A was fairly protective of his family, nearly irrationally at times, and Yugito followed the trend of those close to a village's leaders being chosen to be jinchuriki. She wasn't part of A's immediate family, merely a cousin if Hiruzen remembered correctly, but still close to the leaders. Seeing losing the two-tails as 'suitable payment' for not losing her made sense in that context. That the letter blamed those rumors for creating 'panic' in Kumo about Konoha's strength also helped explain things. Not entirely though, as this was still somewhat out of character for A.

Hiruzen nodded anyway. "I haven't met them, but do have evidence they exist and a possible way to contact them. And if we can't neutralize the threat you pose while keeping you alive then you're to go to a temple designed to hold the two-tails before the invasion so that you can't be used against Konoha or Kumo."


"And what of the plot to grab an unsealed Hyuga that the letter mentions?"

Yugito frowned. "My team is on board with that being a stupid idea and was able to sabotage the other team during the first two stages of the exam. They were sent back to Kumo this morning, empty-handed, but they likely scoped out the clan's compound for another attempt during the invasion itself."

"I feel like there's still something missing from all of this that I'm not being told. I suspect that if push came to shove then A would have killed you himself instead of even pretending to go along with things."

The kunoichi sighed. "Most people don't realize that Kumo only has one seal that can create a jinchuriki."

That was the last piece of the puzzle, because that implied that the release technique was the same and thus that B was just as much at risk of being killed by the release of the eight-tails. "Which means that ideally our solution should be one that makes those behind this unwilling to risk an attempt to force A to send B instead of you."


Hiruzen hated when politics and village safety intersected in these ways. That the letter confirmed that Orochimaru was involved and that releasing the one-tail was also in the plans didn't help, nor did this all coming in after Jiraiya had taken Team Yurei out of the village for summoning tasks with the intent being that he'd then head straight to checking some of his spy network contacts.

Anko-sensei and Jiraiya had both summoned a contract-holder, with Anko-sensei being far less certain of success. But both had succeeded, Naruto signing the toad contract and Hinata signing the snake contract. Unlike contracts from the foxes, these required blood for the signing and summoning, which had given Naruto a little bit of trouble because of how fast he healed.

"Okay kid," Anko-sensei said once Hinata had signed the snake contract. "Until you pass the test the only snakes you'll be able to summon are the testers, no matter who you try for. They'll be larger than you and you'll need to wrestle one to submission, after which they'll approve you and you can start learning to summon specific snakes."

"We should watch this before you summon any toads," Jiraiya said, gesturing for Naruto and the others to back away.

Anko-sensei walked Hinata through her first summoning, and after two false starts a snake was successfully summoned. One that was...much smaller than implied would be the case.

"Did something go wrong?" Anko-sensei asked, looking at the snake that was only about Hinata's size. "Because when I was tested I went through three much larger snakes before I succeeded."

"Orochimaru has whittled down the testing pool considerably by treating us as disposable shields," the snake replied, before turning to Hinata. "You must overpower me without tools to pass the test to be accepted as a summoner of the snakes."

Hinata nodded, released her weights, and turned off the resistance belt just in case. Five minutes later she'd pinned the snake down.

"So I'm allowed to summon all the snakes now?" Hinata asked.

"All the apprentice approved members on the contract will respond to you once I report your success," the snake replied. "But Anko will be able to summon all the snakes that do not require a personal contract. I shall report your success, it should only be five minutes or so."

Anko-sensei blinked as the snake vanished, and a grin started to form on her face. But she said nothing for the moment.

"Okay kid," Jiraiya said, turning to Naruto. "That was less of a show than I was expecting. The toads work differently, having connected their entire species to the contract somehow, which ends up letting you summon anything from tadpoles up to the elders. Their deal is that you should learn to summon specific toads after getting to know them, with each toad having different measures of worthiness that you may have to overcome. Gamabunta, the current 'boss toad', generally includes sharing sake with him though, so you'll want to hold off on summoning him until you're older. So give it a try."

Naruto nodded, but the only toad other than the contract toad that he had any experience with was the small toad that looked like it had purple hair in rollers. Mentally shrugging, he went with it, but was surprised with how much chakra the summoning pulled from him. But he succeeded, and the little toad appeared in a sizable blast of chakra smoke.

"Shima?" Jiraiya said, sounding like he didn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hah!" the toad said. "And Fukasaku thought it would take little Naruto months to get around to summoning one of us."

"Er," Naruto said, scratching the back of his head. "You're the only toad other than the one with the contract that I've met."

Jiraiya stared at Naruto. "When did you meet her?"

"She's the one that told me I could still sign the toad contract if I signed the fox one."

"Indeed I did," Shima confirmed. "And we'd have been keeping that a secret still if not for the time constraint involved in keeping Orochimaru from having someone else sign the snake contract as an apprentice like the recently-deceased young man had. Naruto, summon Gamakichi later, he's far more manageable for someone your age. I'll make sure that he has the scroll with some stones tied to various contracts that we'd like you to set up in a public space in Konoha."

"Stones?" Jiraiya asked.

"We'll explain once they're in place, but you're going to like it. They came about because Naruto here asked the foxes a question that got one of their sages thinking. That said, I was in the middle of cooking, and nothing pressing appears to be happening here, so I need to head back home." With no complaints, she half-nodded and triggered her return.

"Most people don't summon a sage the first time they use a contract," Hoshi commented once Shima had vanished.

"I did what?" Naruto asked.

"Shima is one of the toads' sages. It took you so much chakra to summon her because you aren't a sage yourself."


They stood there in silence for a couple of minutes before Anko-sensei suddenly flipped through the summoning hand seals, but instead of the contract-holder she'd summoned a smaller snake.

"What do you want," the smaller snake asked just before Anko-sensei grabbed it, slapping a seal tag she'd pulled from somewhere on it.

"I want the sword," Anko-sensei replied.

"You can't have it."

"And you can't stop me from taking it, since I just blocked your access to all contracts. Thank the pervert for that one, by the way, but you're trapped with me for at least an hour and you aren't going to last that long."

The snake struggled a little, and looked panicked as nothing happened before Anko-sensei produced a kunai and sliced it open. Somehow this resulted in a katana falling out of the cut, the end sticking into the ground with the hilt sticking up. She looked down at it, frowned, and continued cutting until a second sword fell out similarly, this one looking far more familiar to Naruto.

"Didn't think the little prick had two," Anko-sensei said, before breaking into her grin again. "Sensei is going to be pissed when he finds out that I killed his personal summon and stole his swords though."

Jiraiya stared at Anko-sensei for a moment, before focusing on the swords. "You...just summoned his personal summon?"

She absently started skinning the snake as its chakra faded. "He has personal contracts with three snakes, or rather had personal contracts with three, but that was the only one of the three on the general contract as well. The little prick took a liking to Orochimaru and kept Kusanagi safe." She paused as her hand snapped out to grab Tenten's arm. "Buns, you don't have the chakra needed to even pick up Kusanagi. Naruto should, but you don't. The other sword has to be special too, but I don't know how dangerous it is to touch yet."

"That looks like the sword he occasionally used back in the war, actually. It has a chakra metal blade and a seal scroll can be concealed in the handle." Jiraiya picked the katana up, twisting it to open the handle and reveal that there was nothing inside. "Currently without anything stored within it." He snapped it back together and lightly tossed it at Tenten. "The brat can have that one as a consolation prize. Naruto, get over here and see if you can claim Kusanagi."

"Why me?" Naruto asked.

"Because I failed to gain its loyalty the first time I ran into it and I'm betting that Anko knows she can't either, leaving you as the only one left that might have enough chakra to hold the thing. No guarantee that it'll accept you, but you should at least be able to get it into a storage seal."

"I just spent a good portion of my reserves summoning a toad."

"You don't need to have the chakra now, it tests you to see if you have enough at full strength. Orochi was half-dead when he claimed the thing originally."

Grumbling, Naruto moved over to the sword anyway. Thinking about it, he grabbed the sword with his left hand and felt it connect to his chakra. Despite Jiraiya's claim, it pulled hard on his chakra, nearly draining him dry before there was suddenly a connection in his head and the pull stopped. He pulled the sword out of the ground, glared at it tiredly, and then stored it in his armband. Luckily he'd not been keeping one of the Uzu masks in there because he was out of weapon slots now.

"You're going to have to use that during the finals," Anko-sensei said with a grin. "You're up against one of Kumo's kenjutsu specialists in your second match, right? Actually, Buns should use the katana too, if only to piss off my former sensei."

"I don't think I'm due to hit anyone from Kumo unless Tenten loses against one of them," Naruto corrected. "Tenten should hit...Karui, I think it was, in her second match, but I've got Neji and then Gaara."

"Oh. Damn, I'd gotten the matches mixed up and neither of those sound like good points to bring out Kusanagi unless you want to look like a blatant show-off."

Jiraiya had opened up the large scroll he carried around, unsealing two small books from it. He threw one to Naruto, then the other to Tenten. "You said something about wanting to summon weapons, and that's got some basics. And Naruto now has a copy in case you need him to help you out with any of it."

Naruto wasn't sure if Tenten had even heard the end of that, given that she seemed to be trying to read the entire book at once right now. What he really needed was a nap. "So we're done here?"

"Well, Anko might want to remove Orochimaru from the snake contract, but otherwise we should be."

"I've got a couple of things I want to check on before I do that," Anko-sensei admitted, causing Naruto to join Jiraiya and Kurenai-sensei in staring at her. "For example, if the snakes will let me set up a trap to reverse-summon him into. If I kick him off the contract too soon then I won't have a chance to pull that off."

"Now that sounds amusing. I'll need to check with you when I'm back in town, if only to give you another contract-breaking seal. Those take time for me to put together properly as I have to work with the toads to get them right, and I have no clue how Minato pulled them off on the fly. That snake wasn't going to be returning without going the long way either, since for some reason the seals completely disconnect summon animals but only temporarily disconnect humans from signed contracts."

" I should aim to hit Manda with one to keep him from escaping?"

"Now there's an idea, and a reason for me to carry a few of my own."

Naruto had gotten clones to summon the team back before taking a nap, Jiraiya had gone off to check his spy network for something, and when Naruto woke up later Hoshi told him that Yoko had dropped the Tome off when it was done with Karin and Tenten had never actually gone home. Or eaten anything. Instead she'd set up in the training hall and seemed to be trying to lay out a summoning seal design of some kind.

Immediately heading down to check on that, Naruto frowned as he looked things over. "I think you need to take a break."

"If I get this right then I can tie it into literal racks of weapons in addition to my scrolls," Tenten retorted.

"And you've sketched out part of an explosive tag in at least one spot I can see."

She came to a halt, blinking, before looking over the seal. "Crap, that can't be right. Oh, and I shouldn't have storage linking in that area either. I must have missed completing patterns when things were similar to tags I already work with."

"I didn't think you were working much with explosive tags."

"Shibuki's scroll of tags isn't infinite so I need to be able to make replacements."

"...okay, that's a fair point, but you need to eat and pay more attention when planning this out."

Tenten pouted, but nodded and let him have a clone clean up the mess she'd made of the training hall while she finally left the compound to eat something. For his part, Naruto had headed off to have dinner with Hinata's family. Which had started off mostly normal, minus some grumbling from Satomi about Hanabi running around as a cat.

"Neji didn't even notice me," Hanabi declared in her defense, missing the point entirely as far as Naruto could tell. "Though I think it was mostly because he was too busy ranting to himself about the main branch getting everything handed to us?"

"There are definitely problems with the branch family system," Hiashi agreed. "But his hatred is misplaced and he isn't likely to believe the truth even if I told him right now. The elders definitely aren't helping the situation by denying use of a different seal."

"You have another version?" Naruto asked, curious.

"Three, and a desire to do away with forcing the seals on children and moving to a voluntary system instead. But some of the elders are basically holding the branch family itself hostage to prevent any changes from being implemented because it's the only way they hold power in the clan at all. I first encountered their attitudes when I was a teenager, with them threatening to use the punishment function of the current seal to kill off branch family members if any different seal is implemented that would prevent them from doing so."

"Huh. So why not apply a seal to stop that from working?"

"The current seal was a punishment seal, designed to be almost impossible to interfere with for a number of reasons, that was repurposed by an elder of the past to 'keep the branch family in line'. Destroying the functionality of the eyes when someone holding it dies is a side effect and nothing stops someone from removing eyes from a living member of the branch family. Jiraiya came up with a far more comprehensive and secure seal for the Uchiha that I'd like to be able to implement as an option for those who fear being targeted for their eyes, but dojutsu theft is nowhere near as prevalent as most people assume it would be."

"But Neji is unaware of most of the history," Satomi said with a shake of her head. "Worse, only the fact that he's currently got a lot of focus on him outside of the clan has kept him from being 'reined in' by the elders as well, and they'll only tolerate so much."

"Naruto is good with seals," Hinata said. "Maybe he can come up with a solution?"

Hiashi shrugged. "I can have Mio make a copy of the current seal for him to examine, but Jiraiya has already taken a look and come up with nothing of use. Of course, he and Mio also both claim that the design defies many analysis techniques and can't even state with certainty where the current 'control' elements are, so perhaps it just requires a different approach."

"I can certainly give it a look," Naruto said, but suspected that 'defies analysis' probably meant 'let the Tome scan the thing and figure out a solution', but Naruto would give it a try himself anyway. "If I figure something out maybe I can hit Neji with it in the exams."

"Such a public reveal of a solution to the problem would be...useful, because the elders would be unable to hide that there's a solution, yet disastrous at the same time as they'd be backed into a corner about it."

"Only if he doesn't hit the rest of the branch family before the reveal," Satomi noted. "And he'd have to call the elders out as being the problem, I think."

That caused Hiashi to blink, and then he took on a thoughtful expression. "I can see that working and demonstrating to the branch family exactly which elders were at fault based on their enraged reactions. Given how...uptight yet closed-lipped Neji's been lately I suspect that he plans on revealing the clan's dirty secret to the world when he has an audience that the elders can't silence."

"Should I know what his problem with the main branch actually is?" Naruto asked.

Hiashi sighed. "It started when his father, my brother, willingly gave his life to save mine and spite Kumo. He's harbored a hatred of the main branch since, but seems to have focused on Hinata in particular as of late. It became obvious when you two graduated a year earlier than would be normal in peacetime."

"He whines about Hinata having two sensei instead of one," Hanabi added. "And not being around whenever zombies attack, getting a bunch of easy missions to pad her record, being free to train outside of the compound more readily than him, and based on his recent ranting he really didn't like her getting a 'free pass' to the finals."

"Some of which is obviously incorrect and I can't see how her missions keeping her away from the zombies has anything to do with her main branch status. The free pass in the preliminaries is a bit of an oddity for other reasons though. He probably doesn't realize that Hanabi has told me about his work to reproduce multiple main branch moves on his own and that I've ensured that the elders haven't discovered it. Well, beyond my father, but he agreed with the argument that if the branch family is supposed to protect the main branch then they should have access to the tools and jutsu needed to do so effectively. The two are on my list of things to work with Hinata this month either way."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "The sixty-four palms and revolving heaven jutsu?"


"Hinata's already got both of them down and is working on getting up to the hundred and twenty-eight palm level. Anyone with half a brain who watches you spar with a couple of the elders would be able to figure out the basics of how the more advanced palm levels work, especially as they're both just extensions of some of the basics you've got written down. The revolving heaven jutsu isn't that complicated either, once you see it in action."

"You're better at all of them than I am," Hinata said with a blush.

"And apparently I need to evaluate both of your skills," Hiashi said with a raised eyebrow. "Claiming that one without the clan's dojutsu is superior at performing the clan's techniques that require it is...surprising, at a minimum."

Well, that was going to be fun to explain.
Chapter 19 - Meeting Toads, Eye Reveal, Odd Requests
That night the Tome had worked on Naruto's 'net', adding in the new nodes that had been copied from Karin's net and including the medical chakra node's additions that were apparently some kind of control helper and safety valve. In the morning he was itchy but found that he could work with medical chakra probably ten times more easily than he'd been able to before, with the other chakra types not appearing to be affected. He'd popped over to the compound to check on Karin and practiced using chakra scalpels to cut things up while making breakfast just because of how much easier it was now, almost like it was now impossible to overload the jutsu.

He'd overloaded it intentionally to prove that it wasn't impossible, but it was harder than it used to be to do so without intending to.

After breakfast he'd made his daily clones, and to his surprise Karin had made a single paperwork clone of her own to join Yoko in the shrine. She'd followed that with heading back into the house to study the various elemental ball jutsu as a starting point before getting into combined elemental jutsu. For his part, Naruto's plan was to summon Gamakichi before deciding what he was going to be training on for the finals, all of which was while waiting for Anko-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, and/or various Hyuga to show up in some fashion.

Hoshi was snickering off to the side as Naruto made his summoning attempts. First he ran into the problem of not getting enough blood when biting his fingers, the cuts healing before he could summon anything, leading to needing to make deeper cuts with a kunai. Then his first successful summon had been the wrong toad, instead getting a yellow toad that was apparently Gamatatsu. It didn't take long to discover that he was both snack-obsessed and Gamakichi's youngest brother. A seal full of snacks was handed to him before Naruto tried again, this time getting a reddish female toad named Gamatomo, who was apparently the middle child of the family. She didn't like being summoned, but also didn't want to leave Gamatatsu alone with Naruto, so had moved off to the side to watch her younger brother. Attempt number three led to the predominantly orange Gamakichi to finally make an appearance.

"Hey," Gamakichi greeted after getting an earful about the tasty snacks from Gamatatsu. "So, you're the new summoner?"

"Yep," Naruto replied.

He looked over at his siblings. "And you got everyone but me first?"

"Apparently. Summoning people you haven't met before is tricky."

"It can be, yeah." The toad pulled a scroll out of his jacket, from a pocket that didn't look like it should exist. "I was told to give you this when you summoned me. Toad, fox, snake, slug, and monkey summon stones. Large ones to be put into an arrival point together. Gramps approached three or four other clans working with Konoha, but they didn't have sages to make the stones."

Naruto blinked as he accepted the scroll. "Huh. I have no idea where something like that should be set up, but I bet Old Man Hokage would." He created a new paperwork clone and handed the scroll over, the clone saluting before heading out of the compound. Naruto then looked over the three toads. "So, yeah. Anything I should know about you three in particular or the toads in general?"

"I'm training to make weapons," Gamatoro answered. "Not to fight. I only answered the summon because I was watching over Tatsu."

"Someone needs to make the swords we use," Gamakichi agreed with a nod. "And Tatsu here cares more about snacks than much of anything else, but is also too curious for his own good, which is why Toro was watching him. Not sure he knows what fear is either after that time I hit him on the head a bit too hard..."

"You landed on his head when you jumped off the cliff."

"I didn't tell him to try to catch me."

Gamatoro sighed. "You did tell him to move out of the way."

"Right. Er, as for me, I'm still in training, so if you need muscle for a fight you're going to want to summon more experienced toads. We're split into three general types even though most people think of us as a single broad species. My siblings and I are part of the 'giant toads' branch and will grow a lot; you should see pops. Then there are the 'small toads' that don't get much larger than we are now, the Two Great Sage Toads are in that branch but don't underestimate them just because they're smaller. Finally there are the 'scroll toads' that're the only ones that aren't tied to the general contract for summoners. They're almost never fighters and their nature means that you have to contract with them individually. You'll probably want to summon some of the older small toads to learn our fighting style at some point and Fukasaku said that they expect you to do sage training in a couple of years."

Naruto nodded. "I think I've got some of the basics down and have no problem throwing clones at learning more."

"...your clones can learn?"


"How many can you make?"

"Hundreds, but if I have them do too much then I get a massive headache when they dispel so I keep it to a couple dozen for training and keep the large numbers for...special occasions."

All three toads looked curious about that, but Gamakichi just nodded. "Okay. Might mention that to the toads that normally get tapped for training. Hmmm. You should probably write down some trainer names, though I think you're supposed to be able to focus on wanting a trainer and get one? I'd need to check with my teachers, haven't gotten to full details on how our contract works yet."

"Did anyone tell you which trainers would be working with him?" Gamatoro asked.


"So maybe he should summon you again in a couple of days so that you have time to find out."

"...yeah, that sounds reasonable."

"Might have to summon both of you," Naruto mused. "Don't know if Tenten would forgive me for not introducing her to someone learning to make giant swords."

"I'm not even making knives yet," Gamatoro said with what looked like a mild blush. "I keep failing to make a hammer that my sensei is happy with."

"Didn't your last one break after five strikes?" Gamakichi asked.

"No, that was two hammers ago." She slouched in defeat. "The last one broke during tempering."

"I have no clue what you're talking about," Naruto admitted, never having looked into metalworking. "But one of my clones just told me that visitors are on the way to test me, so unless you want to hang around and watch?"

"No," Gamakichi said. "We should get back before someone comes looking for us. Hanging out with the new summoner without a fight isn't a good excuse to miss lessons."

Gamatatsu flinched at that. "Yeah. Thanks for the snacks, bye!" He vanished in a puff of smoke, taking the seal tag with him. Gamatoro rolled her eyes, waved, and vanished in another puff of smoke. Gamakichi didn't bother with the waving, just vanishing.

Naruto sighed and decided to 'clean up' a sparring circle of sorts while Hoshi apparently decided that chairs were needed and fetched some.

Hiruzen looked at the scroll sitting on his desk, then carefully opened it to look at the symbols along it. "So this contains stones that, if a summoner tries to summon them, bring the summoner to the stone instead of the stone to the summoner?"

"Yep," Naruto's clone replied. "And they can be buried a little underground."

"Huh. So anyone with one of the relevant contracts could get into the area these are set up in from basically anywhere they happened to be, provided summoning isn't blocked where they are?"

"Well, that's how the ones I've been using work."

"Right, you didn't make these. Aha! There's a seal with instructions. Perhaps I should read those before asking you things you might not know."

Popping another scroll out of that seal only took a moment, and reading that provided a collection of useful information. It seemed that the stones needed to be placed in a fairly secure arrival area, largely because it was unlikely that the anti-summoning protections in place on the village would have any effect on an arrival. Or at least that was the case for the snake stone, because while allowing Anko to return to the village easily was useful it was also a risk to allow Orochimaru to do so.

"Four of these are easy enough for the time being," Hiruzen finally said. "But Anko might need to wait."

"Until she kicks Orochimaru off the snake contract?" the clone offered.

"That would be...wait. You said that as though you know that she can."

"Hinata signed it, passed the test to be Anko-sensei's apprentice, giving her 'master' access to the contract. But she wanted to check on some things before kicking Orochimaru off."

"Apparently I need to ensure that I speak with her about that, and update the list of known summoners in the village. I'll let you know when things are set up, and where the arrival point is, though I assume that you're going to continue to use the stone sitting in the Uzumaki compound."

"Probably, yeah. It's convenient for everything the boss needs to access normally, but the toads didn't provide any extras for there. Do you want to let the boss know anything else?"

"I've got people and a clone double-checking a couple of things and will likely be summoning him to ask for specific aid sometime tomorrow, so I'd appreciate it if he's available in the village."

The clone nodded and vanished before Hiruzen looked back at the scroll. It was too bad that so few shinobi had suitable contracts for something like this, given how useful it could be. As it was, with the selection of summon clans involved they currently had only twenty-four shinobi that could take advantage of the trick and they only had that many because the Sarutobi clan let all shinobi in the family sign the monkey contract as long as they wanted to.

Naruto had expected Hinata to show up with both of her parents and her sister. He hadn't expected Hanabi to be carrying a plush doll.

"What's with the doll?" he asked.

"She's trying to figure out how to use chakra strings to control it," Satomi said, patting her daughter's head. "With the hope that if she can manage that then she can do the same to herself while she's in the form of a doll."

"Huh. Might have to experiment with that myself."

"I can't keep the strings attached," Hanabi grumbled.

"Have you tried looping them around the limbs? I find it easier to control kunai, shuriken, and senbon if the chakra string wraps around them and connects back to itself and when I looked up how ninja puppets are made a couple years ago the only book I found mentioned loops like you might wrap actual wire around as part of the trigger mechanisms for 'easier to control' puppets retrieved from battlefields."

" puppets?"

"They're a specialty of Suna," Hiashi answered. "We might be able to get you a simple one. At the same time, you do retain chakra points when you turn into a doll, so may be able to connect your chakra strings to those. There are puppetry techniques that involve doing that to living and dead bodies to control them, and scrolls detailing how to spot and break the connections in the archives, though we don't know exactly how the techniques work. But your new hobby isn't why we're here."

"Come over here where we can watch," Satomi said, guiding Hanabi over to the side where Hoshi had laid down next to the chairs he'd brought out.

Hiashi nodded and turned to Naruto. "So, Hinata has made claims that are, on the surface, impossible. At the same time, the elders have officially recognized you as a special member of the main branch and as such you are entitled to learn and be proficient in the techniques. I've already tested Hinata and she proved to have the skills claimed, an impressive feat at her age, but now I need to test you."

Naruto nodded. "Do you want to test me with or without my weights?"

"With. The goal is to test your skills, not your speed or strength."

That made sense, and a minute later they had squared off against each other with Hinata standing nervously on the sidelines. Hanabi had even put her doll down to focus on watching from where she was sitting further back with her mother. Hiashi was obviously holding back as they engaged each other, staying at a level that Naruto could be expected to keep up with. Nothing anywhere near like he got to when sparring with a couple of the elders.

This was obviously starting with Gentle Fist basics, which was easy enough, gradually moving through the more advanced forms. Eventually Hiashi started on the eight trigrams thirty-two palms and Naruto dropped straight into the sixty-four palm version. One strike to block, one to attack, but the man was no slouch and immediately switched to the revolving heaven. Easily matched by Naruto, but some gardening jutsu were going to be needed to put the sparring circle to rights afterwards.

Hiashi backed off at that point. "Interesting. Very interesting. I will not ask how you were able to obtain the abilities of the byakugan in your eyes, but the chakra flows make it obvious that you have. Given that Hinata has elemental kekkei genkai that she didn't have before I think I'll treat this as a fair trade of abilities. So long, of course, as you do not share the byakugan with others, however you obtained it."

Naruto nodded. "I asked her before the attempt was made."

"Very good." A book was removed from a seal tag and handed to Naruto. "This is a copy of everything tied to the seal used on the branch family. If you can find a solution for the abuse of it by the elders to maintain control over the clan then I, at least, will be in your debt." He bowed slightly, then straightened back up. "That said, may I enquire about your training plans for the month?"

"Right now I'm thinking mostly speed and reflexes since I didn't like getting nearly cut in two in the forest and don't have any better ideas for avoiding that kind of thing again beyond not being in the way. But I also think that I want to improve combining yin and yang transformations with other elements since I think that'll help against Gaara."

"Ignoring that you sound like you have no expectation of losing against my nephew, why would that, specifically, help against Gaara?"

"Neji is a one and a half trick pony, and the half trick is only because he realized that having a ranged option or two was a good idea after the zombies. As for Gaara, if he starts pulling on the one-tail then I want to be able to suppress it, but the only way I know to do that requires yin and yang in the jutsu."

"Ah, trying to recreate the mokuton?"


Hiashi raised an eyebrow. "The Hyuga have believed that the mokuton is a combination of earth, water, yin, and yang chakra for generations, even before the village was founded. Proving this is difficult due to the rarity of being able to fully wield all four though."

"Oh." Naruto formed a short chain with his chakra. "I was actually referring to what I need to do to make my chains able to suppress a tailed beast, but that sounds interesting too." Focusing a little, he pushed all four elements into a ball jutsu, firing it like an earth ball. Things fought him a little bit, but after a moment he launched what looked like a ball of vines across the compound.

"'re not supposed to recreate kekkei genkai instantly after hearing a vague assumption about how they might possibly work."

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "But that's how I figured out all the other elemental combinations? This one will take some practice though, it fought me a little...and I doubt that throwing balls of vines at a tailed beast is enough to do anything to them. Oh! There's that Anbu guy with a bunch of wood release technique scrolls. I wonder if he'll be annoyed if I make a copy while he's out of the village?"

"Are you somehow reading scrolls with your byakugan?"

"No, he stores them in a basic wooden chest with 'wood release' carved into it, next to the 'earth release' and 'water release' chests in his apartment. I first noticed them when setting up a water balloon to wake him up as a prank a few years back, after he'd rigged my smoke alarm to go off at four in the morning."

Hiashi blinked. "That sounds like...are you in a prank war with Anbu?"

"Only the four that figured out how to get into my apartment without my permission. I water their plants when they're out of the village too. Usually while setting up more complicated pranks for when they return, and they're not sure how I do so when they know I was out of the village."

While Hiashi tried to process that, Naruto decided that he could apologize to the Anbu later as he fired a communication jutsu message off to two of his active clones to ask them to make a copy of the man's jutsu scrolls, one heading to the apartment to write things down that the other relayed to it. A third clone was asked to double-check the village archives for anything that might have been left there as well, even though it was unlikely.

The rest of the day had been spent training, after Hiashi and Satomi had taken Hanabi home with them. Naruto ended up having clones working with Tenten on kenjutsu, specifically clones that were trying to mimic what Naruto knew of Karui's fighting style. Which wasn't much from observation, admittedly. Tenten wasn't concerned about Kin at all by comparison. Hinata was working with Naruto more directly, trying to figure out how to combine things to get wood release of her own with little to no luck. Apparently what had been a 'little fight' for him was 'feelings of warning pain from her chakra' for her. While working on that they were also brainstorming possible ways for her to train for or work around Temari's wind jutsu.

They were ignoring that Hinata's second match would hopefully be against Naruto after he won his first two.

That evening, after dinner, Naruto had found that Karin wasn't used to getting the exhaustion of paperwork clones when they dispelled, having fallen asleep at the table when her shrine maiden clone had dispelled. He got her settled into bed before returning to his apartment, finding that he'd not been clear enough with his clones earlier. They'd copied all the jutsu scrolls in the Anbu's apartment, not just the wood release ones. On the other hand, one of the earth release jutsu sounded incredibly useful as it was a modification to the shadow clone technique that could take damage and reform itself. Essentially making a mud-like clone instead of one that turned to stone when dispelled.

It was also incomplete, copied from elsewhere and missing several elements, meaning that experimentation would be needed to figure out how to perform it.

Knowing that he was likely to be summoned by Old Man Hokage at some point, the next day Naruto had decided to have his clones focus on training in various ways. Chakra chains and attempting to figure out the wood release jutsu with clones sent to the realm of the foxes, chakra control training groups as usual, and a minimal complement of clones going out into the village. The exception to the latter was a single clone sent to the Anbu's apartment to dismantle the prank that had previously been set up and leave a note with apology cookies in a seal tag.

The food-grade seal tag that could keep the cookies 'fresh out of the oven' for a month was probably going to be more appreciated than the cookies themselves.

Yoko was going to be working with Karin's clone and the civilian girls again, the latter jealous of the former's ability to open the administration building's doors. Adults in the area were just happy that the shrine currently had two proper shrine maidens, making it less likely that it would end up in disrepair and thus lose the favor of Suijin again. If only they knew how the honden really worked.

The Tome was working on the Hyuga's seal, Hinata was going to be looking for wind-specialist jounin to beg tips from, Tenten was on 'figuring out a summoning system' day in an 'alternate between that and training' plan, Hoshi was working with a couple of other foxes on putting his own leg back together after an accident that morning with medical chakra, and Naruto was planning on using the running track around the village to push himself physically until Old Man Hokage summoned him.

Unexpectedly, he ran into Gai and Lee on the running track.

"Shouldn't you two be training with Sachie or something?" Naruto was finally able to ask after four minutes of his youth being praised.

"Alas," Gai answered. "She was tapped to fill in on Team Seven today so that they can complete some missions while young Sasuke trains with his clan. With Neji doing his own 'secret training' we have been left to work on our own Youth!"

"Ah." With a mental smirk, Naruto decided to poke a little fun at them. And maybe get them to buy a couple of belts, because why not? "And yet you're only wearing leg weights?"

"...what?" Lee asked.

"I'm wearing leg weights, arm weights, and a resistance seal belt."

"I considered your Youthful belts for Lee," Gai said. "But he could not adjust the settings himself! May I ask why you use arm weights? Leg weights have always been enough for me."

In response, Naruto popped Kubikiribocho out of the armband it was stored in, then had to pause his running as the two face planted in shock. "They help with training up the ability to swing a proper Uzumaki-made sword."

It didn't take long for the two to get back on their feet, and Gai looked over the sword. "I see. Why not carry the sword itself?"

"I'm too short to strap it to my back and holding a sword longer than I am tall makes it awkward to do quite a bit during the day."

"...yes, that feels obvious now."

Naruto returned the sword to the armband, frowned because he'd been holding it too easily, and upped the chakra in his weights and the settings on the resistance seal. Feeling properly limited once more, he nodded and took off again, letting the other two catch up. Since he'd just upped everything they had no problem doing so.

"I'm a taijutsu specialist," Lee said once they'd matched speed with Naruto again. "Though more strength in my punches does sound beneficial."

"Anko-sensei claims that every chunin or better should be familiar with the basics of using some form of sword," Naruto retorted. "If only because kunai and fists are rarely good options when someone pulls a sword on you. Standard Anbu loadout includes a sword that they're highly recommended to carry for a reason, though she also admitted that most jounin that don't specialize in kenjutsu don't carry any form of sword even if they should."

"Most do have other options though," Gai said, sounding thoughtful. "Lee doesn't, and I'm familiar with the use of a number of weapons for when fists aren't enough. You never want to punch acid clones, and swords make deflecting incoming kunai and shuriken far easier. It would be far more effective if you could mold chakra properly, but there's plenty that can be done even without that."

Naruto frowned at that. "He can't mold chakra? The hand seals for adjusting the resistance belts aren't even complicated." When you needed them, of course.

"A Hyuga told me that my chakra doesn't react to hand seals at all," Lee explained. "They couldn't explain why not as I have plenty of it."

"Ooooh," Kushina called from the Tome. "A perfect test dummy for the net-replacing seal prototype! We've only got it to 'standard genin' but that should be plenty for someone with an obviously-broken net! Well, actually, his isn't even broken so much as mostly missing."

Naruto avoided flinching at the sudden mental interruption, and could tell that he was going to need to at least make the offer or hear nothing but whining for days from his mother. With a mental sigh, he looked over at Lee. "I might have a seal that can fix your ability to mold chakra into jutsu, but it's untested."

They stopped as Gai and Lee face planted again, but the two recovered much faster this time. But Gai also put himself between Naruto and Lee. "What are the risks of such a seal?"

"Well, if it doesn't work then the end result is likely a complete inability to properly mold chakra into jutsu until a proper version can be made, which makes finding test subjects difficult."

The man blinked a couple of times. "So...if it doesn't work then nothing changes, and if it does then Lee would gain the possibility of using normal jutsu?"


"How long would it take to apply this seal, and how obvious would it be once applied?"

"Um," Naruto started, before being fed information by the Tome. "Probably twenty minutes to draw the seal and ten for it to do its thing, and it's more something that gets applied to the ground and then Lee would stand in it while it worked."

The man blinked, as though in shock, before shaking himself out of it. "I see." He then attempted to turn around to talk to Lee, only to find that he'd darted around in the other direction.

"Please!" Lee begged from his knees. "While I strive to be the best taijutsu user there are far too many things that I cannot do without being able to mold chakra!"

Naruto sighed and looked around where they were on the track. "We need a flatter section of ground, preferably one that has a good stone layer under it to keep it more stable."

"I know just the place," Gai stated, turning back the way they'd come. "Though I do wonder what the normal utility of such a seal would be?"

"Well, if it works then it would strip elemental kekkei genkai from someone. Getting up to one that can grant them is more difficult."

Gai had watched as young Naruto had flattened the ground in the clearing without so much as a twitch of a hand seal, flowed ink over the area to form an incredibly complicated-looking seal using a chakra flow technique that also didn't involve any hand seals, and then had Lee stand in a clear spot in the middle before activating the seal. An Anbu had arrived with a summons for Naruto while the seal was doing its thing, but had waited patiently instead of interrupting a budding sealmaster with an active seal.

The seal itself had burned away when it completed its task, Naruto had declared it a success, and then he had left with the Anbu to see Hokage-sama. How the lad knew it was a success was unknown, but he'd sounded confident. This had led to walking Lee through a basic jutsu, specifically the academy clone because even on failure you could usually tell that it had been attempted.

It had worked...somewhat. The misshapen blobs were far more than anything Lee had been able to manage before that day and were proof that the seal worked in some capacity, though to what degree was yet to be seen.

"Lee!" Gai snapped, causing his apprentice to stop doing a happy dance and snap to attention. "We must take a Youthful stroll to the hospital to ensure that young Naruto didn't miss anything! Then, assuming they clear you, we shall need to find a way to thank him for this amazing gift!"

The boy nodded, then paused. "Gai-sensei, what do you do to thank someone for a gift of this magnitude?"

"I don't know! But we shall figure it out together!"

Naruto looked down at the scroll he'd been handed by Old Man Hokage. "I'm confused."

"Orochimaru was able to convince Kumo and Suna to participate in a joint attack on the village," the old man explained. "But the Raikage is being forced into it and would prefer not to participate and I suspect that there's deceit going on with Suna as well. The Raikage has given us permission to neutralize the threat the two-tails presents if we can do so without killing Yugito Nii and I've confirmed that Suna has violated our alliance with them by sending a jinchuriki to the exams without informing us."

"But why are you telling me instead of elite jounin or something?"

"Because Jiraiya went to figure out how his spy network missed several important details before I was informed of some of this and you obviously have access to a sealmaster. I'd also prefer if this does not look like Konoha did it, and if you end up directly involved then you have the ability to look like an Uzu Anbu. That isn't a requirement though, so long as the jinchuriki themselves survive and are unable to release the tailed beasts they hold as part of an attack on the village. If you can't manage it by the time Jiraiya returns in a couple of weeks then I'll get him involved as well."

"I think trying to go after a jounin jinchuriki would be...difficult at best?"

"And the only reason I considered this for you at all is that she's promised to be 'taken by surprise' and not put up a fight, so you and your sealmaster should be fine. By all accounts Gaara is a genin at best in skills, relying entirely on the beast contained within him for defense. Without that he may not even be able to stand up to an academy student, and your chains should be able to be used to suppress the one-tail's chakra before moving in to neutralize it."

Naruto nodded at that, since he was considering that as part of his potential strategy against the boy...just without expecting to need to use it before the finals.
Chapter 20 - God Tree, Guardians, Archive, Reunion
The rest of Naruto's afternoon had been spent on the running track, though most of his attention was in discussion with his parents and Kurama in the Tome. They'd come to a basic consensus on a list of options by dinner, and Naruto and Kurama were both unhappy with the details there. It seemed that it would take a couple of months, easily, to come up with a way to 'lock down' an existing jinchuriki seal safely. That left 'remove the tailed beast and bind its power to someone else' as the only option remaining, because the Tome had no clue how to seal a tailed beast at all without killing Naruto. And that method no longer worked anyway.

Which meant 'grab and hold the tailed beast in the Tome, then kill it while binding the remnants of it to someone like what had been done with Kurama and Naruto' in practice. Meaning that it was likely that going back to talk to Old Man Hokage about things and explain that they'd need to wait for Jiraiya would need to be done tomorrow, if only so that plans could be made for that.

Naruto was preparing to start having clones dispel after dinner when he was interrupted by a pull from the toads trying to summon him. Curious, he allowed them to do so and found himself standing next to Shima.

"My apologies for the abrupt summoning," Shima said, gesturing towards the large building they were in front of. "But the Great Sage felt that speaking to you was urgent before you made a decision on a subject he refused to elaborate on." She looked at the building, then back to Naruto. "He also insisted on meeting with you alone. Do not be afraid to remind him that you're there, or that he asked to speak to you."

"Me?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, you. He referred to you as Jiraiya's student, the fox-boy, and the one who could doom us all to convince me to summon you without warning. I think he was joking about the latter, but I can't be certain and decided to not take the chance."


"Go on, I'll wait here so that I can send you back home."

Naruto nodded and entered the building, following his senses to Gamamaru, the current oldest living toad. Giant scrolls surrounded the room that the toad was in, with a large basin holding the Great Sage.

The very attentive Great Sage, who used chakra to close and lock the doors behind Naruto as soon as he'd stepped into the room.

"You are a very interesting child," the Great Sage said. "But you are one of two that I must speak with, so we must begin with teaching you something that you might never have learned."

Naruto blinked. "What?"

The toad looked at Naruto, then nodded, the intense look on his face softening. "Sorry, I appear to have looked beyond the point where I explain some things to you. Long ago a parasite was dropped onto this planet, though it was not obviously a parasite at first. But in my youth I discovered the truth and sought a way to keep it from destroying the planet. A combination of its nature and the nature of those who sent it blinded me to the truth of what was actually done, up until a fateful night years ago when an impossible book in a cave came to life. That book did something horrible yet wondrous, and I have spent the years since divining the repercussions of that night. I know that your parents and Kurama live on in a fashion inside of the Tome of the Orange Sky, and it is Kurama that I must speak with."

"Oh. Er, I was told that only I can speak with them, though?"

"I believe that it's true that only you can enter the world inside the Tome, but there is another way. To start with, you will need three paperwork clones, each taking the form of one of the three in the Tome. Do keep Kurama's down to a reasonable size for interacting with humans though."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, but made three paperwork clones anyway. They transformed as requested before he looked up at the Great Sage. "Okay. What now?"

"Now feed them to the Tome."


"The Tome knows what these clones are and how you make them, but has not actually absorbed the ability. In doing so it should gain the ability to manifest the personalities stored within it externally so that we can talk."

Naruto blinked and looked at the clones. They shrugged, and it felt like it was worth a shot, so he brought the Tome out and opened it. He wasn't sure how to 'feed' the clones to the Tome, and his clones obviously weren't either, but the one that looked like his father came over and placed its hand on the open Tome. A moment later it vanished, Naruto not getting the memories from it. Since that looked like it might have worked the other two clones also came over and touched the pages of the book, each vanishing as well.

"Ooooh," his father said inside of the Tome. "That makes far too much sense now that we've seen it."

"Naruto still has to trigger things for now though,"
his mother continued. "Which shouldn't be difficult. Apply some chakra to the Tome while pushing the paperwork clone jutsu through it?"

"Yeah, that should be enough, but he'll always get all three of us. We'll need to work on a way to trigger it without him in case he needs help."

It didn't take long to convince Naruto to make an attempt, but it did take four attempts to get 'push the jutsu through the Tome' working correctly. Once he'd done so he was grabbed by the clone of his mother and pulled into a hug.

He didn't mind having a hug like that in the real world, but would've appreciated it being somewhere other than in front of the Great Sage.

"Kurama," the Great Sage said. "I wish we'd met more often before this all happened."

"Likewise," Kurama replied, walking forward and sitting down in front of the toad. "But I don't know why you wanted to talk to me."

"I'm hoping that by getting you to realize what you once were that you'll help convince the boy to do the right thing."

"I was a supposedly-immortal chakra construct."

"You were, and your siblings remain, part of the God Tree. Split into pieces, perhaps, but still part of it."

Kurama tilted his head, ears and tails twitching. "I suppose that's true, but I don't see why that matters."

"Tell me child, what is the primary function of the God Tree, and how do you think that impacted your own existence?"

The fox sat there for a couple of minutes while Naruto dealt with being fussed over by his mother, his father watching the proceedings with interest. Eventually Kurama shuddered. "We didn't keep growing stronger because we were growing up, but because we were still absorbing the planet's life."

"Exactly. Your 'death' returned much of what had been taken from the planet back to it. I have also foreseen that you and Shukaku in particular became 'anchors', keeping the God Tree alive despite being broken into pieces. Things are unstable with your removal, but the God Tree could still recover in time. Without both of you the tree will unravel entirely."

"Father couldn't see this for the same reason you couldn't?"

"He, his mother, his brother, and his sons were all bound more tightly to the tree than any of us realized. There are also a number of techniques that only work due to the way the tree has influenced the world that should never have been possible."

"Is he saying that we have to kill Shukaku at a minimum?" Naruto asked.

"I believe so," his mother answered. "At which point including Matatabi is probably just going to speed up what needs to happen."

"You will only need to take those two," the Great Sage confirmed. "Within a decade the damage will spread, and within three the process will be completed. Also, of the two, you can only bind Shukaku's remains to yourself. I have seen that Matatabi's remnants would destabilize you, though I couldn't tell if that was with or without Shukaku's bound beforehand."

"I don't think we'd even considered that Naruto was an option," Kurama commented. "We'd thought about his teammates and sensei, but not him."

They'd stay for another hour, the Great Sage going off on more frequent tangents as he spoke to each of them, before Naruto's other clones started dispelling on their own. He ended up half-asleep on his feet, and his father insisted that it was time for him to head home. His mother helped him most of the way out of the building once the door had been unlocked before she dispelled, Shima seemingly not having noticed the clone before sending him back to the apartment.

The next morning started off with a team meeting, though one that had been planned before the previous day's revelations. Hoshi was back for it, though sitting off to the side with his leg wrapped up. He'd be fine in a couple of days, but his leg's chakra network had to recover from what he'd screwed up.

"So," Anko-sensei said. "We had an...odd chat with Hokage-sama yesterday afternoon and thanks to it a few things have come up."

"Most of which we aren't supposed to tell you any details about," Kurenai-sensei added. "As none of you are cleared for the information involved."

"No, Naruto is probably cleared for all of it, which is why we were only asked to not tell him, though I'm not sure why only he'd be cleared."

"Oh. Right, that distinction slipped my mind entirely."

Naruto was aware that this tied into the invasion, both because he'd already been told and because his clones had caught meetings with all available and trusted special jounin and up happening. Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei were in the groups tasked with preparing some specific anti-Orochimaru items.

"Regardless," Anko-sensei continued. "This means we're going to be a little more hands-off than we were originally planning on being this month due to having other things to handle. But I also finished talking with the snakes, and while they won't help me ambush Orochimaru they did help me copy down all the jutsu that Hinata needs to start working on learning." A scroll was pulled out of a pocket and tossed to the girl. "Learning the appropriate taijutsu style is going to be optional, but I was asked to pass along that the snakes have sages that can make contract scrolls."

Hinata's eyes went wide at that. "I hadn't even thought about that!"

"Which is probably why I was asked to mention it."

"I also found a few things for Tenten," Kurenai-sensei continued, producing a scroll of her own and tossing it over. "Weapons-based jutsu for somewhat more obscure weapons. Finding things suitable for Naruto's fighting style has been a problem...mostly because we still haven't pinned down what his style is."

"Anything goes so long as it works," Naruto replied. "With a preference for leaving people confused as to what I actually did, if I can manage it, perhaps?"

"That sounds about right, yes. We still didn't find anything for you, but we got permission for you to browse the Uchiha jutsu library. Shisui claims there are some Uzumaki jutsu documented in there and Itachi said that while you're unlikely to go up against his little brother, showing new skills is needed to 'keep the clan on their toes'."

"At least he's stopped needing to pay out for daily D-rank babysitting gigs," Anko-sensei noted. "Since the youngest brats have finally reached academy age."

"True, but there are still only five people with working sharingan remaining in the village, and one of them only counts on a technicality."

"Six, actually."


"Kaede unlocked her eyes a couple days ago when her pet died. Gossip at the bar says that Itachi thought it was a far healthier method for doing so than expected and is considering mandating all Uchiha have personal pets as children as a result."

Kurenai-sensei didn't look like she knew what to think about that, just nodding after a moment and turning back to Naruto. "Okay. Regardless, you can check with Itachi, Izumi, or Shisui for access to the archive."

A buzzing from Anko-sensei's gear resulted in a watch being pulled out of her pouch. "Shit, time to go. Good luck, we'll try to check in some more later."

That left the three genin and Hoshi sitting there.

"So today's a training day for me," Tenten said. "Is there anything else we want to go over before getting to that?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "I, er, have one thing."


"Well, at this point I've told you both about how I ended up with the fox features."

Hinata nodded. "The Tome merged in part of the nine-tailed fox with your own chakra."

"Yep. I, er, might need a volunteer or two for doing that with Shukaku and Matatabi, the one-tail and two-tails?"


Naruto sighed. "There are a number of reasons, but the official one is that they're a threat to the village and the only sealmaster that could possibly do anything about them is both too connected to the village for political reasons and not available for a couple of weeks. Old Man Hokage still thinks that I have access to a sealmaster that can handle things, and I should probably tell him more at some point, but there are...other concerns as well that I don't think I want to go into right now either."

"Um," Tenten said, fidgeting. "Would that involve ending up with tails of our own on a permanent basis?"

"Most likely? Along with a boost to your chakra."

"Can I opt-out on the basis of having done too much weapon training without a tail? The one time I shapeshifted one to practice I accidentally cut the thing off, and that hurt. I know you have to run every weapon kata I've taught you with your tail out to learn to avoid it..."

Okay, that definitely sounded like it would suck, and she had done far too much training without a tail. Of course, more chakra would let her use paperwork clones to 'catch up'...but unlearning things was a problem and there were things that he couldn't do with his tail out just because the moves couldn't be adapted.

Hinata, on the other hand, looked a little giddy.

Naruto nodded to Tenten's question. "I was told that I should be suitable for Shukaku's side of things, so I really only need a place to put what's grabbed from Matatabi. There was a concern that we might be too old, so there was a backup plan of using Hanabi since taking a tailed beast from Kumo to give some of its power to a Hyuga in general felt justified, but some discussion led to deciding that Hinata should be fine." He turned to Hinata. "Though it would likely be cat ears and tail instead of fox for you."

"That's okay," Hinata said, blushing a little. "If you end up with some of Shukaku added in then you'll probably be less fox-like anyway, right?"

"Er...maybe? We aren't fully sure what will happen there, though if my ears and tail do change then it'll be a good thing that I hadn't publicly revealed them yet..."

"When are you doing this?" Tenten asked. "And will you need our help?"

"It'll be a few days at least, since I need to be sure that I can suppress chakra with my chains, and I don't think I'll need either of your help there." Not now that he could get the Tome to make clones of his parents, anyway. "But if Hinata is getting one of the two bound to her then she's probably going to need to be ready to spend a day or two here instead of home."

"I doubt that anyone will complain so long as I let them know that not being home is planned," Hinata said. "I think Neji is camping in a training ground at this point? If we don't know exactly when though then it might be best if I tell my father that you might summon me for training..."

Danzo was finding more and more roadblocks to his ability to function as the true power behind Konoha's strength. He still couldn't find the real weapon, someone had identified his primary operating accounts in the bank, Kabuto had ended up killed in the preliminaries due to a poor match-up against Suna's weapon, and now Hiruzen had somehow found out about the impending invasion with the better part of a month to prepare for it. Far more time than expected instead of the mere two to three days notice that had been originally intended to force a rush retrieval of the weapon to defend against opposing tailed beasts.

Now there was plenty of time for the weapon to be snuck into the village instead, which would make identification harder. The chaos of the invasion itself wouldn't allow for trivial identification either, though the aftermath might. Ensuring that suitable agents were everywhere during clean-up was going to be needed in case they could spot the weapon recovering from the fight, which meant restructuring quite a bit. Doubly so since Kabuto couldn't be used to obtain information from the hospital that might have helped reveal things.

Jiraiya having time to potentially deal with the two tailed beasts before the invasion could be launched was luckily easy enough to prevent. He always stopped in one of three villages nearby on his way back to Konoha, and ensuring that something came up when he did so would be trivial. The baseless rumors of a reborn Uzushio and a supposed Uzumaki sealmaster were easily discarded in the face of evidence that the young Uzumaki was self-taught, leaving Jiraiya as the only possible way to avoid the need for Konoha's weapon to be brought back to the village. Killing the two visiting weapons ahead of time would be political suicide.

Luckily this was all simple enough to manage. Funding issues due to the discovered accounts, recruitment issues due to changes in village security, and the loss of several out-of-village operations due to pure idiocy on the part of the involved civilians had created massive issues for Root in general. It was as though the universe itself had aligned against Danzo. Except that he was well aware that it was just a downturn, given that even Orochimaru had resorted to some desperation moves lately while looking for the weapon at the behest of others.

The invasion was too well-planned on several fronts to not reveal both the weapon's identity and that Hiruzen was no longer fit to be Hokage though, so things would begin to improve after it.

A couple of days later Naruto had finally taken the time to hunt down one of the three oldest adult Uchiha, which had turned out to be harder than expected due to village-wide preparations for the invasion that were disguised as general prep for the third stage of the exams. Which from what little Naruto knew about things was also technically accurate, actually...

Regardless, it had taken some actual effort to find one of the three, and that had ended up being a clone spotting Itachi eating lunch in time for the real Naruto to catch up to him as he left the restaurant.

"Good afternoon," Itachi greeted, then paused. "Right, I agreed that you could look for jutsu in our archive, and then everyone with access to the keys for you all but vanished into other tasks."

"It's understandable," Naruto admitted.

"Well, yes, but it was also a bit rude."

"I didn't even come looking before today and I fully understand being a little busy. Old Man Hokage asked me to take care of an item or two if I can in the next week or two, beyond my own training for the finals."

The man raised an eyebrow. "That's...intriguing, but likely not something to discuss in public and beyond the point you likely sought me out for. I have time to show you the archive, assuming you need me to do so. I'm under the impression that your team has likely not raided it already out of common courtesy."

"It would be rude to raid an allied clan's archive without their permission, even if most of them have no security to speak of."

"True, security to speak of? Really?"

Naruto shrugged. "You've got the main archive hall with minimal security seals and nothing preventing someone from picking the lock without chakra or any real protections on the three tunnels into the basement. Then there are the vaults under the head's house and the shrine, which at least require a jutsu to open the main doors of but don't have any protection on the tunnels leading to them either. The Hyuga, Nara, and Yamanaka clans have passable security on their primary vaults. The Uzumaki and Namikaze estates are the most secure I know of in the village, doubly so since I was able to start maintaining the seals on the Uzumaki properties."

Itachi's left eye was twitching. "What was that about tunnels?"

"...we live in a village with an entire clan of people who can see through solid objects and only five places in the village have any protection from their eyes. Why doesn't anyone hire them to look for tunnels?"

"Because we're morons, obviously. Five places?"

"In general, at least. Their own compound, Uzumaki properties, the Namikaze estate, Anbu and Hokage eyes only storage, and the hot springs."

"I see. I'm still giving you an actual copy of the key to the archive hall, and I'll expect you to return it...let's say by the end of next June. Then I'm going to reschedule the rest of my day."

Half an hour later Naruto was in the archive, but instead of looking for specific jutsu he was attempting something new. He'd sat down in the middle of the building with the Tome out and was casting the one spell that they were fairly confident he couldn't handle on his own for a number of reasons. Luckily it also wasn't much of a 'combat' spell, though it could probably be used to find an enemy if needed.

It came in normal, wide, and ultra-wide variants, but for now he was focused on the normal version. "Area search!"

A collection of orange eye-like balls were created by the spell, filtered through the Tome to prevent sensory overload for Naruto. Or in this case, so that the Tome could record everything. They spread out and roamed the archive, building up a copy of the entire building. Every so often there would be an exception that Naruto had to go interact with directly, generally when a storage scroll was found or a security seal prevented direct scanning, but only a dozen or so in total.

Two hours later Naruto locked the building back up and headed home, reviewing several jutsu in the Tome's world with his parents and idly wondering if Itachi would've thought differently about granting access if he'd known about that trick. Then again, granting access until next June was more than enough time to copy it all anyway, so perhaps it wouldn't have changed anything.

Naruto hadn't expected his parents to want to talk to several others now that they could manifest outside of the Tome, but he really shouldn't have been surprised either. It was more that he'd barely considered the implications after years of them being restricted to the Tome itself. At the same time, they'd seemed to be waiting for a specific time to 'gather people', possibly wanting to do some of the reveal only once.

When they first brought it up he'd expected it to be a 'go out and talk to people without him being around' thing, but instead he got to watch them perform a complicated-looking jutsu, with hand signs despite their normal 'learn everything without them if possible' teachings. Ten minutes later Old Man Hokage and one Anbu in a dog mask arrived at the compound. Both with weapons out and looking ready to fight.

Kurama had dismissed himself 'to prevent the overgrown monkeys from panicking', but Naruto watched as his parents met with the two.

"Four steps to cross sixteen blades," his father said.

Old Man Hokage blinked before his eyes narrowed and his hands shifted a little. "Nine shuriken to cut seven ropes."

"Thirty jounin to delay one chunin."

"A warrior fallen and forgotten."

"But forever remembered by the Leaf."

"How are you alive and where have you been?"

Naruto grinned as his father chuckled. "I'm at best a shadow clone of a memory." Old Man Hokage's eyes narrowed. "And before you accuse me of dumping the paperwork back on you, I don't have any blood now. Can't touch any of the high security stuff."

Old Man Hokage blinked, then dropped out of his alert stance into more of a depressed one. "Dammit. That's a requirement and means I can't accuse you of foisting things on me."

"We've also only been able to return in this way at all for a few days, thanks to some information from the toads, but it means that we can help Naruto out with the task you gave him."

"Wait, does that mean that you've been the ones teaching him?"


"So no secret Uzumaki sealmaster?"

"Isn't mom an Uzumaki sealmaster?" Naruto asked, pointing at his mother.

"Er, no," his mother admitted, blushing. "Technically I stopped studying before I reached the master point...mostly because all my teachers were dead and I wasn't interested enough to self-study beyond where I already was."


"That brings up the question of what the plan is," Old Man Hokage asked, looking between the two adult clones. "Since the situation is...far different than I expected."

Naruto glanced at his parents, and his father grinned. "We've got it covered, but the Great Sage advised us to keep the details away from you until everything is taken care of." He then turned to the Anbu. "And is your brain done rebooting yet?"

There was no response, and Naruto moved over to the man to poke him. That didn't even result in a flinch. "Maybe he needs to be hit with a water jutsu?"

His mother grinned instead, before focusing a little, likely to get the tone of her voice right. "Kakashi-kun, I'm out of pads."

"SAVE ME," the Anbu screamed, suddenly cowering behind Naruto. Who noticed that his father and Old Man Hokage had also jumped and put distance between themselves and the clone of his mother.

"I guess that worked," Naruto said, turning to look at the Anbu. "I assume that you're the Kakashi my father has told me a bit about?"

"Um," the Anbu said, before sighing and pulling off his mask to reveal his white hair and a forehead protector pulled down over his left eye. "Yes."

"Er. You might still need saving, because I don't think my parents are happy that you've never approached me before now."

"It was for your own protection. Too many people watching me, trying to find any remaining connections to sensei."

Naruto nodded, as that did make sense. "That probably isn't going to fly now."

"Doubly so since you can always meet up with Naruto here in the compound safely," his father commented. "But we're not going to blame you for avoiding dragging my enemies to Naruto's doorstep."

Kakashi visibly relaxed at that. "Thanks. Er, how did you survive enough to be here now?"

"Stuck part of myself in Naruto's seal."

"...the decoy one?"

"Apparently your brain hasn't finished rebooting. Have you even noticed that he's got fox ears and a tail?"

Kakashi looked at Naruto, single eye blinking, before he pulled up his forehead protector to reveal a sharingan behind it. More blinking followed, before the forehead protector was pulled back down. "This had better be one hell of a story."

Minato was pleased with the way things had eventually gone with Hiruzen and Kakashi, the latter of which would be making time to help train Naruto a bit now. Both men had also been informed of the Uchiha that had attacked, which they currently assumed was the same one that had interrupted the clan meeting. Madara, or at least someone pretending to be the man, seemed to be the most likely option there.

They'd also taken other information about the Tome well enough, even if the search capability was less useful because it was too easily spotted, as well as the differences between jutsu and spells. Through that explanation they'd reached the point of testing chidori against Knight Armor, on a clone, and found that the jutsu was able to obliterate several layers of shields without much problem.

"I don't think this is going to help keep him away from the memorial stone," Kushina noted, well aware of the man's habits thanks to Naruto's monitoring of the village with clones. Not that they'd drawn attention to him, but the description of him outside of his Anbu gear was hard to miss.

"It'll help," Minato countered. "Just not as much as we'd like it to. Having something else to do between missions will hopefully start dragging him out of his funk, and I can't see him not trying to learn how to fly after seeing Naruto do so."

"That would take up some of his time, yes, and finally having someone with armor-piercing jutsu available for testing defenses is going to be invaluable. Even if Naruto has the sword that was used against him in the forest now, it can't be the only weapon out there that could cause problems."

"I can think of at least four legendary weapons that likely qualify myself, one of which we know was stolen from Konoha. Still, we should probably get back to working on the Hyuga's seal."

Kushina nodded. "Definitely. I think I've even figured out a couple of things that were bothering me, thanks to being reminded about my lessons, and it would help explain the seal that we know some of the Hyuga elders have."
Chapter 20 - Bad Ideas... (CmptrWz)
"I guess that worked," Naruto said, turning to look at the Anbu. "I assume that you're the Kakashi my father has told me a bit about?"

"Um," the Anbu said, before sighing and pulling off his mask to reveal his white hair and a forehead protector pulled down over his left eye. "Yes." He looked between Naruto and the clones, before grabbing Naruto's shoulders. "I want to be absolutely, positively clear on a couple of items."

Naruto blinked. "Er, okay..."

"If that really is your mother, and she ever tells you that she has a 'great idea for getting extra years of training in'? Run for the hills and don't look back. Never, ever attempt the idea, for along that path lies ruin and madness as you try and fail to correct mistakes until eventually you give up and settle for the best of horrible choices."


"I still think it was a great idea and just wish I could've tried it myself," his mother whined. "You had to have done something wrong to need the seal broken in the first place."

His father rolled his eyes. "We went over this when Kakashi was...twelve, was it? And you agreed to never attempt that kind of thing, ever."

"And I still don't know why not! He just gets that far-off-haunted look and babbles about things mortal men were never meant to know, not knowing how to be a four year old, and occasionally bringing up 'rivers of blood'."

Kakashi's single eye stared off into an unseeable distance. "Run for the hills. Trust me, the price you could end up paying otherwise isn't worth it."
Chapter 21 - Jinchuriki? What Jinchuriki?
Kakashi had shown up every morning for the next few days to at a minimum leave a clone, both to tell Naruto stories that embarrassed his parents and to help him train. Naruto hadn't minded either, nor that his parents insisted on the man's net being fixed. They claimed that the Tome had done nothing intentional to cause the sharingan implanted in him to turn off unless he pushed chakra into it though, but suspected that it had been stuck active because it had been 'augmenting' his net. With the net no longer needing augmentation the eye had been able to turn off.

Compared to that, suddenly being able to use chakra bloodlines, wood release, and chakra chains apparently wasn't worth getting excited about. He was far more interested in the Knight Armor and flight spells anyway, with the various bullet variants coming in fourth or fifth. But he hadn't made much progress on those before needing to go on a longer out-of-village mission.

Hinata and Tenten had stayed away from the compound, but occasionally asked for a clone or two to help with things and Naruto was still eating dinner with Hinata's family every two to three days.

Afternoons had been spent on figuring out what was needed to deal with Gaara and Yugito Nii, while also keeping clones watching them in some fashion as often as possible. From this they learned that Gaara didn't sleep and wandered the village a little after sunset. His path wandered a bit and avoided anywhere 'sensitive', presumably after having been warned away from them early on, but he always stopped for a bit on the Kikyo Castle roof around the same time early in the evening and just outside of training ground forty-four sometime early in the morning.

Yugito Nii, on the other hand, waited until everyone else in the Kumo delegation was asleep before slipping out to wander the training grounds. She seemed to be intentionally avoiding areas where she would be seen by others, as though inviting an ambush. Which might be exactly what she was doing, if she had been truthful about not resisting having her tailed beast made a non-issue for the planned invasion.

For both of them, Naruto had been working on water jutsu. Waterspout and water vortex jutsu that could then be transitioned to a chakra-draining water prison in particular, with the hope that Kurama was right that both tailed beasts were weak to water. For Shukaku it made sand harder to control and washed it away and for Matatabi it made flames harder to manifest or put them out. In both cases they hopefully only needed it to work for a couple of seconds before wrapping chakra chains and wood release techniques around the water prison.

The hard part was making the water prison breathable so that the person contained within it didn't drown. Getting that down had been tricky, and as a useful side effect it could be used on a smaller and easier to handle scale to breathe underwater or underground. Or to protect yourself from poisons or drugs in the air, for that matter, which had Naruto deciding to train himself to run it all the time. Eventually. That wasn't a priority for the moment.

After most of a week preparing, Naruto and his parents were ready to make their move. They'd originally intended to warn Karin about things, but someone else at the hospital wanted a roommate and she was spending a few days with them to see if they could survive sharing living space 'instead of imposing on Naruto'. Not that he saw it as an imposition, since the clan compound was the clan's and not his.

Even if he used it more than most members of the clan ever had, apparently, and he personally suspected that Old Man Hokage had influenced things a little.

Hinata had arranged to stay in the Uzumaki compound for a couple of days so that the Tome didn't have to try and hold onto parts of a tailed beast for any length of time, even if they were confident that it could hold both Shukaku and Matatabi for at least two days and either one of them for at least five. That might be on the low end too, as it was based on the strain Kurama had put on the Tome originally and relative power levels were difficult to determine, but they didn't want to risk things and hoped to finish with both within a day.

Naruto had napped most of the afternoon and then left the compound just after dark with a dozen normal clones, plus clones of his parents. All with Knight Armor up in the 'Uzu Anbu' pattern and wearing the Uzu masks. Hoshi had stayed behind, knowing that he wouldn't be of much help and would be too obvious in other ways for a mission that they were trying to keep from being linked to Konoha itself.

As it turned out, Yugito Nii hadn't left for her unattended stroll yet, so they prepared to ambush Gaara instead. Beating him to Kikyo Castle and setting up some seals where he normally sat, then hiding themselves. They'd managed to do so with ten minutes to spare, and he didn't seem to suspect anything as he landed on the roof. But unlike most nights, his jounin-sensei was out and watching. Which wasn't enough to not make their move, but it did mean a shift to ensure that he was defended against interfering.

The trap seals attempted to paralyze Gaara as four clones all launched water jutsu at him to strip away his sand. Shukaku's chakra quickly started to overpower the trap seals, but the water was working to pull the sand away. Two more clones body-flickered in and pulled the water into a water prison, agitating the water to push sand away from Gaara even as they worked to pull chakra out of him. Naruto and another clone wrapped chakra chains around the water prison, and two other clones added in wooden pillars that also started suppressing Shukaku's chakra.

Then his father slid the Tome under the water prison, and it opened and latched onto the boy.

Baki didn't expect their contact in the village to meet with him tonight, but was out and in position for the meeting anyway. That this gave him the opportunity to keep an eye on Gaara was a side benefit, really. One that became his primary concern when a group of shinobi appeared out of hiding and attacked the boy...using his weakness to water against him first, and then following it up with fucking chakra chains and wood release.

It was only when one of them turned his way that Baki realized something else. He recognized those masks, but it couldn't be possible. Uzushiogakure was gone, destroyed at the start of the last war. But there should also be no more Uzumaki capable of using those chains, wood release should also be essentially impossible these days, and...something had been slid under Gaara that was doing something to him.

There had been a momentary consideration of interfering, but Baki thought of himself as at least somewhat of a realist. He could see eleven shinobi, all likely far too high-level for him to take on individually, using multiple bloodline traits and restraining a jinchuriki without much problem.

Also, two of the ones he could see were flying instead of standing on the ground.

"You might want to walk away," a female-sounding voice said from behind him, causing him to freeze. He turned, slowly, to find a twelfth shinobi behind him. Flying as well, with no real distinguishing features visible. Couldn't even trust the brown hair.

"That is one of my students," he offered.

The shinobi tilted their head before nodding. "While that may be true, their status as a jinchuriki was undeclared. A clear violation of the alliance between Konohagakure and Sunagakure, but that particular problem is easily solved and your student will not be harmed."

Double fuck, because that probably meant that whatever they were doing was going to seal the one-tail more thoroughly than it currently was. If Gaara couldn't release it during the invasion...

They stood there in a silent stand-off for three quarters of an hour, before suddenly whatever was being done to Gaara was apparently completed. The chains and wood release were removed, the water prison technique was released, and Gaara was left unconscious on the roof. Eleven of the twelve shinobi vanished in the night, the twelfth staying next to Baki to keep him from trying to follow.

"Go," they said. "Take your student."

"What have you done to him?"

"He is no longer in violation of the alliance between the two villages, for he is no longer a jinchuriki."

Baki's eyes went wide, and in panic he lashed out at the shinobi. A wind blade should have speared them, but it hit some kind of armor jutsu and did absolutely nothing before the shinobi faded from view and likely flew off to join the others. Mentally swearing, he darted over to Gaara and checked him over, finding that the seal that had held the one-tail was still visible.

It was also very obviously broken into pieces instead of still intact, and Gaara's chakra felt incredibly weak even before taking into account that the sands weren't coming to defend him anymore. Whether that was permanent or just because he had no chakra to spare for the sands was unknown.

Uzushiogakure had likely just stolen the one-tail, except that accusing a dead village of stealing something that officially wasn't in Konohagakure to steal would make Suna look like complete fools.

Naruto had been honestly surprised at how easily Gaara had gone down, but supposed that having the element of surprise and knowledge of Shukaku's weaknesses probably helped. Of course, he'd also missed that the sand had started moving to attack them before the Tome had been slipped into place and started working, only finding out when his father had commented on it being lucky that they'd not needed to fight sand during the process.

Grabbing Shukaku had also taken less time than expected, apparently in part due to a 'shit seal that had no business being on anyone'. At the same time, they'd discovered that the Tome wasn't going to be able to grab Matatabi before processing Shukaku because the tailed beast was putting up far more of a fight inside of it than expected, so they'd returned to the Uzumaki compound to process and bind it to Naruto immediately.

Hinata and Hoshi had both been worried, but did what they were told to help smooth the process over. Naruto had been unconscious for the bulk of the process, and felt like he had woken from sleeping for a few days when they were done.

"Your ears and tail changed," Hinata said, sounding slightly disappointed. "They look more...sand-like? And you seem to have dark rings around your eyes now."

Naruto blinked, and made a paperwork clone. It spun around to show the changes, and while it was doing so he became aware that sand was moving around him a bit. And that he was generally aware of where all the sand around him was, for that matter. "Huh. I can still see the fox influence, but there's now some tanuki in there too. I smell like both now too, don't I?"

"Yes," Hoshi agreed. "But you still smell enough like yourself for it to not be a problem, but your chakra changed enough that you should test to see if you can still summon foxes."

That was a good point, and it only took a moment to summon a messenger. He ended up getting Ushi, who looked around. "Bit of a late night for you, isn't it?"

"Can't be helped that nighttime is sometimes the best time to accomplish a mission," Naruto responded.

"True. What do you need?"

"I was mostly ensuring that my chakra hadn't changed to the point where I couldn't summon foxes anymore, but figured that a messenger was suitable for letting everyone know that I've changed a bit after taking on some of Shukaku."

Ushi focused on Naruto, and took a couple of deeper sniffs. "Huh. So you have. I'll spread the word. But you should probably summon a toad too."

"Ah, right." Getting blood for the summoning proved to be slightly more difficult than usual, sand streaming in almost on instinct to stem the bleeding. But he was able to get enough and summon Kosuke, who looked up at him.

"The Great Sage said you'd be a bit different," Kosuke said. "But I don't think you look any weirder."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Suddenly having more of a sand appearance to my ears and tail isn't 'weirder'?"

"...didn't even notice. Humans are just weird in general, nothing like proper toads. Were you just ensuring that you could still summon us despite your changes?"


"The Great Sage said you'd do that too."

The Great Sage knew way too much, in Naruto's opinion.

Yugito felt a little bit silly about wandering around in the middle of the night, just waiting to be ambushed, but she'd discovered a few very useful things while doing so. One of those was that Konoha had some way of preventing summoning throughout most of the village, because she'd not been able to summon a messenger squirrel in their assigned apartments. But the Hokage, when asked about her sending messages with summons, had given her a list of places where it was currently allowed. Which amounted to the training grounds that visiting shinobi were invited to use and the arena for the finals.

Come the day of the finals she was certain that only the arena would be permitted, and that at the first sign of the invasion even that would be blocked.

Of course, it was also near the full moon, and that always made her restless. She wasn't a fan of taking sleeping pills in a foreign village either, so she was far more likely to nap during the day. She blamed the influence of the two-tails for her ability to 'cat nap' effectively, but didn't mind the ability. But it was well after midnight now, and the beast inside her was...far more agitated than usual for it being around the full moon, actually. She wondered if it knew something she didn't?

That train of thought got significantly more traction in her mind as a group of shinobi appeared around her. Their blue masks confused her at first, until she remembered seeing pictures of them in the collection of Anbu masks from each village. But that should be impossible, because Uzushio didn't exist anymore. Her shock lasted long enough for several of them to fire water jutsu at her, and she instinctively tried to jump out of the way. But she'd missed vines wrapping around her legs, and they seemed to pull the chakra out of her body before she could use it to break free. The water then flowed around her, surrounding her as two of the shinobi body-flickered forward to maintain the obvious water prison, the vines releasing her to allow her to float in the middle of it with no hope of getting purchase to escape.

Wooden pillars and chains made out of chakra surrounded the prison a moment later, completely blocking out her access to the two-tails before she'd even attempted to pull on it. Something she couldn't get a good look at was slid beneath the water prison after that, and it was only as she was blacking out that she both realized that she wasn't drowning and remembered that Uzushio were Konoha's allies. Perhaps she might not have anything to worry about after all.

Naruto had been amazed that Yugito had, even with her guard seemingly down, completely ignored three different seal traps and dispelled two genjutsu without even seeming to notice that she'd done so. Only her missing the vines used to grab her legs in her surprise at their arrival had made it easy to grab her, though he suspected that her promise to not fight back was part of it.

It had also taken longer than they'd hoped to pull Matatabi out of her, the Tome finding it almost like the two-tails had bonded more deeply than expected to the woman. But the extraction had been completed and they'd ensured that she wouldn't come to harm before she woke up again. This time they were fairly certain that only ones that might have noticed something were a pair of Anbu that had passed by, and only if one of them was a Hyuga.

Returning to the compound afterwards had them met by Hinata and Hoshi again, though both had fallen into a light slumber this time. It took nothing at all to wake them up, and Hinata insisted on them beginning the process with her immediately. That had taken until mid-morning to complete, and they were glad that they weren't going to need to do this again as Hinata had nearly died. They thought that it might be because she was far older than Naruto had been when the fox was bound to him, or because she wasn't an Uzumaki, but couldn't be certain.

Either way, it had taken two foxes and Naruto working with two clones healing her alongside the Tome to pull her through, and Naruto's side of things had significant chakra control problems due to not having gotten used to his newly-larger reserves. They'd also shattered the shapeshifting seal, and it was probably going to be a week before he could get his chakra control back to the point where it was safe to replace it. Which was possibly a problem, because Hinata now had blue-furred cat ears, a matching tail, and whiskers.

And she stretched far more fluidly when she woke up.

"I feel sore," Hinata complained.

"There were complications," Naruto admitted. "My parents are recovering in the Tome, but we think that you're nearly too old to have a tailed beast bound to you. Or maybe you are too old, but we were able to pull you through anyway?"

"Oh." She blinked a couple of times, then turned and looked behind her. "I...have a cat's tail?"

"Yep. And ears, and now that I'm paying attention to your face I can see that your teeth are a little different too."

She frowned, and he suspected that she'd attempted to make a single clone. But instead she got eight, which took her by surprise. "Oh my. That took almost no effort at all."

Naruto grinned. "Yeah, you've got a bit more chakra than you had before. I probably need a week to get my control back up, but you're likely going to need the rest of the month or more."

Hinata groaned at that, but then had one of the clones spin around to get a good look at herself. She also fidgeted a bit, grumbling. "Tails don't work well with normal pants." A pulse of chakra followed, though nothing happened, and her eyes went wide. "I can't hide it?"

"Er...the shapeshifting seal broke, and it's fiddly enough that I need to get my chakra control back up before I can put it on you again."

" just said that could take a week."


"I'm only expected to not be home for a couple of days tops, not an entire week."

"I know, but they took the reveal of the shapeshifting seal well enough."

"...that wasn't a permanent change to my normal body."

Shihiki scowled as alarms went off again. This had been happening more and more frequently as of late, making him think that they'd spread themselves a little too thin. Grumbling, he jumped to the core anchor and started looking for the new problem, tracing the alerts to the extension of the clan's net tied to where Kaguya was supposed to be operating. Not that she'd reported in at all recently, and it was getting close to time to send someone to check on things to see what was going on there. They actually should've sent Three or four times by now, actually, but it was a low-priority area and other locations had taken up their time.

They were definitely spread too thin.

Silencing the alarms, Shihiki checked what was wrong this time, finding that there were curvature issues in some of Kaguya's worlds. Which could mean she was dead, had betrayed the clan, or was incompetent and hadn't noticed. The latter was probably the most likely, since she'd originally been the sacrifice choice for that particular God Tree before something had gone wrong and she'd ended up taking over as the monitor. But that wasn't the cause of the alerts, even if it was concerning and if not dealt with would trigger more in a few years, so he moved on.

Next he checked the power nodes in the area, finding that they were fairly active. Which probably meant that there was resistance from the population. Annoying, and Kaguya was probably using more energy than she needed to in order to manage things due to a lack of proper training in the power node usage, but still well within expected levels. Though thinking about it, he wondered where she'd gotten the energy needed to connect at all.

After a moment he decided that wasn't important right now as the alerts hadn't come from there. Moving on, he checked the reincarnation net and nearly had a heart attack when he found that it was unraveling. Scrambling, he checked everything he could and found that someone had attached a dozen odd non-Kama nodes to the thing quite a while back, and three of them had recently torn apart the net and started the unraveling.

Forget the power nodes, as hard as they were to produce. The disconnection process to prevent the unraveling of things from reaching the core of the net and dooming the entire clan needed to start immediately, no matter how slow things looked now. Besides, sending anyone into an area that had something capable of attaching to and damaging the net itself without trying to blow up a star to do so was incredibly unwise even if the net was healthy. Doubly so when it was probably in a likely-successful attempt to eventually take out Kaguya herself.

Something there was likely causing Kaguya massive problems, and if she hadn't called for help long before now then she was either unable to or an idiot. Either way, if she won then she had other ways to reconnect with the clan, otherwise she and that particular God Tree were going to be a write-off. When they achieved true godhood they'd consider coming back to avenge her.

Maybe. Idiots didn't deserve to be remembered, after all...

"My daughter is now part-cat and you won't be able to restore her ability to at least look normal for a week or longer," Hiashi said.

"Yes," Naruto admitted.

"Coupled with a massive boost to her chakra, and you've since discovered that she's now essentially fireproof."


"All because you took the two-tails from Kumo and bound the remains of its power to her?"


They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, Hiashi staring them down, before the man snorted, which led to a chuckle and then outright laughter. This lasted for several minutes before he recovered, a wide grin on his face. "We must inform the elders of this wonderful revenge on Kumo. Why, they might even insist on Hinata showing off her new features, just to drive the point home."

That...wasn't what Naruto or Hinata had been expecting, and Hiashi first got Satomi and Hanabi to tell them the good news and then left to call an emergency meeting of the elders.

"I want to be part-cat for real," Hanabi whined as she looked over Hinata's new features.

"We only had enough tailed beast bits for one person," Naruto apologized, not that he actually meant it. Also, technically they'd had enough for two, because they'd bound Shukaku's remains to him, but bringing that up wasn't happening either. It was too late to attempt anything with Hanabi either way anyway.

"One of you needs to be able to look the part of a proper heiress," Satomi added. "Or heir if you want, since I know that you've gone out as a boy several times." Hanabi blushed at that, but her mother just shook her head. "The clan won't complain if you find a wife instead of a husband so long as you're able to produce children of your own. It'll be a couple of years before we can test you properly for that, of course."

It only took a few minutes for Hiashi to return to bring Hinata and Naruto to meet with the elders...though after ensuring that Naruto had his own tail and ears showing. The elders looked very confused as the three entered and sat down.

"Why are the children sporting animal ears and tails?" Hinata's grandfather asked.

"Because thanks to an Uzumaki secret technique these are now their normal bodies," Hiashi answered, still grinning.

"...and yet you seem happy about this?"

"I am, yes."


"Because of what the technique did." The elders all looked at Hiashi curiously, so he continued. "With use of the technique, the one-tail was first taken from Suna's jinchuriki to prevent it from being used against Konoha, the beast killed, and its remains bound to Naruto. Then the two-tails was taken from one of Kumo's jinchuriki for the same reason, also killed, and its remains bound to Hinata."

Halfway through that it was obvious that half of the elders had figured out the rest, but by the end they were all staring in shock. One of the females in the group frowned though, and spoke up first. "Both villages are going to be out for blood after their jinchuriki were killed."

"Nah," Naruto interjected. "They're fine. Weaker and without tailed beasts sealed in them, but fine. Gaara is catching up on years of lost sleep and Yugito Nii was up and moving around the training grounds again by lunchtime."

"...well, that explains where the nine-tails went then, as we were positive that it was impossible to create a 'decoy jinchuriki' as was claimed."

"We should keep this secret until the finals," another elder chimed in. "As the impact will be better if the news gets out then. But we should also ensure that both of the children have clothing properly tailored to take into account their altered features. It wouldn't do for them to look improperly outfitted in front of the crowds."

Over the next half hour the changes to Hinata were declared to be a clan secret until the finals, with plans for her to move between the Hyuga and Uzumaki compounds only through use of summoning. Trusted tailors would be brought in on the secret to ensure that both of them had full wardrobes that could accommodate their tails in particular as well, with Naruto being given his as part of the Hyuga thanking the Uzumaki for the 'perfect revenge' against Kumo.

A grumbled as he worked through paperwork, the bane of all Kage. Being forced to participate in the invasion of Konoha was making it all worse, if only to keep appearances up and prevent the idiots from trying to release the tailed beasts from their two jinchuriki.

Hopefully Sarutobi had some way of stopping that idiocy without needing to kill people.

Whatever the situation ended up being, it didn't stop the flow of paperwork regarding supplies, movements of teams, and other logistical headaches needed to plan an invasion. At least the idiots were also willing to put money where their mouths were to fund the invasion, though likely with the expectation that once Konoha was sacked that they'd make it all back tenfold. The worst part was that if they did succeed then it was probably true, but A had no expectation that the invasion would actually succeed.

An unannounced opening of his office door had him mentally groaning, doubly so when he realized that it was B. He didn't need distractions right now. Except that looking at B's face made him pause. "You look far more worried than usual."

B's frown deepened. "Gyuki says that One, Two, and Nine are dead."

The tone, look on his brother's face, and lack of rapping said that this was incredibly serious. But One, Two, and Nine? Right, he referred to other jinchuriki by the number of tails their beasts had. Fuck. "That's going to be unfortunate when they reform, especially if they all do so and are thus recaptured in Konoha. I'd hoped that Konoha wouldn't need to kill Yugito either."

"Not the containers, the tailed beasts. Dead. Gone. Never to return. Nine was taken years ago, but the rest didn't want to believe it. One and Two were taken last night and Gyuki feels that something else is wrong now."

"...what?" If that was true, then...Konoha had a way to permanently kill tailed beasts. And had started with their own, or perhaps accidentally discovered it with their own...

Further discussion was halted by a messenger squirrel tapping on the window. A flicked open the access hatch for it and waited for the squirrel with the actual message to be summoned before accepting the message. Both squirrels then vanished in puffs of smoke. The flying squirrel clan was useless in combat, but made for excellent secure messengers between the dozen people in the village permitted to sign the contract.

B was intelligent enough to know that anything delivered directly to A in this manner needed to be checked immediately and waited patiently. It didn't take long to find that the scroll had all the correct indicators on the outside for being from Yugito. Hands trembling slightly, A grabbed the correct code book from a drawer before carefully breaking the seal. The sixteen markers on the message for it being written while not under duress, and the lack of the nine that would indicate that she was, were the first thing checked before he quickly flipped through to the marked code page for the message.

"We've got our justification for not invading Konoha," A finally said after confirming the message five times. "Uzushiogakure forces took the two-tails from Yugito without killing her."

B took a moment to process that. "Uzushiogakure?"


"But they were destroyed, weren't they?"

"Apparently they were just driven into hiding, if they've regained enough strength to aid their allies again." Looking over the stacks of paperwork on his desk, A nodded. "Time to call an emergency meeting and shut down the idiots."
Trapped (Ziggrrauglurr)
I'd ask you, what madness has driven you to this point, but I suspect I have at least one answer. Plentiful, ready-made, Canon/semi-canon/non-canon omake content. Perhaps enough, with this single plot-thread, to rival another fanfic's armada of Omake and Spin-offs. You know, with that Family and those Lizards!


He was down to his last clone. Trapped. He could feel the chakra traps above the surface. Trapped. His reserves nearly bottomed out. Trapped. Since the betrayal of those slimy bastards. O how he missed her... Trapped. The chakra signature moving through his compound was coming closer. He, the greatest nin to ever exist was trapped. Trapped.

Mental alarm after mental alarm only confirmed what he already knew. There, at the door, she had arrived.
The door opened slowly and silently.
The bright light from some destroyed trap shone on her form from behind, actually painting a very dramatic picture, he would love to do that sometime.
He imagined his enemies quaking in fear... oh ... right... she was here.

- I can't. He whispered.
- You lie, you always lie.

Oh... how foolish he had been, even geniuses sometimes make mistakes... He thought she was gullible, that she was weak... How was he supposed to know that she had their help.

- Experiment 568: The female child was transformed into a cat hybrid, it enhanced her speed and reactions to the cost of long term planning, she is only good as an attack dog. Experiment 632: The injured nin grew a magnificent black fur reminiscent of a black panther, there's promise on neko infused creations, their ferocity is interesting and they are easy to convince. Experiment-

A deft hand movement and PAIN - - - - - - A needle-chakra-chain, what a wonderful concept... how had she achieved such a feat? ... oh how much would he love to know...

- Now, now, I know you are the last one. So pleeeease~~?
The demon in girl form pouted. SHE POUTED! She was supposed to be a simple chuunin, another pawn to manipulate with vague promises of power... although her request was so silly... Her conditions were simple, to never have to carry a mission in her village. Silly child, there where many ways to break a nin... But then again, she wasn't a silly child... not completely at least.

PAIN Pay attention to me - is the chakra drain already affecting you?
What?! When?! THE NEEDLES!
- So?
- I already told you! I can't! I tried! I swear! At first it was just the payment! But you are such a wonderful mystery! You don't understand! Your chakra web! It's flawless! You need to unde~
- "I know.", she interrupted. "My friends gave me that gift. Years ago."
He had believed that he was past surprises, shock was something that happened to lesser nin.
- Buuu... THEM!?
- Yes. Still that doesn't explains why you don't want to fulfill your half of the bargain.
- You don't understand child! PAIN You don't understand! You are protected, you are unique! The effect that I imparted on those others can't affect you!
- hmm... Stay there. Don't. move.

With a rapid movement and a puff of smoke a small toad messenger appeared.
- Yes?!
- U C
- Right away!
The lithe demon moved again and another toad appeared, while the first went away.
- If you attempt anything. You are ended.
He could only nod.
Then in a puff she disappeared. The little green reptile looked around the room, seemly bored.
He should try something. But what. He was so tired now, those needles were still there and it was hard to think. He wasn't aware of how long they stood in complete silence. Just breathing.

Suddenly POOF!
She was back.

- Ok. They confirmed you're right, the stable network blocks the incomplete transformation you attempted.
- So. You are off the hook. I have already collected my compensation in goods. I would recommend that you run.
- What? What are you talking about? What network? how? what is going to happen?
- Oh, while I was away I sent a message to an old student of yours. Bye bye~~ She singsonged.
Suddenly one of the newer mental alarms triggered, the one he had developed to detect those traitorous beasts.
He was so screwed... Trapped.
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