Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Chapter 7 - Hickeys, First Missions, Masks
Naruto hadn't expected the foxes to give him a graduation gift, but they had. A scroll containing three stones tied to the fox contract, specifically. It was their solution to 'return to Konoha without sending a fox'. If you attempted to summon one of the stones then you'd instead be reverse-summoned to the stone. He was also shown one in the fox's territory, allowing him to essentially come and go as he pleased without needing to bother one of the foxes to shift him back and forth. It was apparently a cooperative work with the toads, who also had one in their territory.

Visiting the toads would need to wait until Jiraiya got around to having Naruto sign their contract though.

The three gifted stones were two different sizes. The largest of the three was placed in the Uzumaki compound. Sunk into the ground in a corner with the use of the earth release movement jutsu to keep it hidden from sight. It just needed to be right-side up and have open space somewhere in the three feet above it, so two inches of dirt was fine. It then got tested, and Naruto was able to bounce back and forth between the fox realm and the compound on his own without problem. Even better, his paperwork clones could jump straight to the stone too, meaning that he could replace Yoko regularly when outside of the village if he wanted to.

As for the two smaller stones, they were intended for temporary use. Drop one in your campsite while on a mission to be able to return to it at will, for example. Naruto made a two-bucket storage tag for them to make carrying them on missions easier.

Hinata had asked how difficult it would be to make a large stone tied to a new summoning contract, arguing that the village could use something like that to allow shinobi to return quickly from the field. The foxes had apologized and said that they weren't sure how to make that work. The stones had to be created by a sage on the contract, so a contract with just a stone might be impossible.

Other than that, Naruto and Hinata didn't have much to do in the way of collecting supplies, though he did end up doing some normal grocery shopping and found out from Hana that their former classmates were assuming that the two of them had been pulled from the program for some reason. Nobody had come to either of them for details though, apparently basing everything on the two of them no longer being in class. Though he didn't actually know if anyone other than Hinata from their class knew where he lived.

Hana's response to finding out that they'd graduated was to hand over a scroll with sixty books in it, referring to it as his 'self-study' medic-nin course now that he had to contend with having a team.

Dinner on the 'day off' was with the Hyuga, where they found out that Neji's team had passed by not giving up in combat with their sensei. Not a test of skill, which he felt was the purpose of the academy graduation, but a test of determination. He'd been dismissive when Hinata had described their test, seemingly assuming that it was little more than retesting the academy graduation requirements. They'd not bothered to elaborate to correct his poor assumptions.

"So we're here for a few days to a week," Kurenai said. "Assuming that Tenten wants to try this shapeshifting seal, and if it works on her then I'm likely to go for it as well as it seems far too useful."

"I'm going to have to pass," Anko continued. "Seals placed on me don't..."

"Here," Naruto said, holding out a seal tag to the woman before she could get any further.

Blinking, she took the tag and stared at it. "What the fuck is this?"

"Uzumaki hickey remover. Apply near the hickey, activate, and then burn with prejudice after it finishes removing the hickey."

There was a moment of silence before she snorted. "Right. You've obviously got no clue what you're talking about."

Naruto shrugged, because she was technically correct. His parents hadn't told him, just had him ink the tag. "Will it hurt to try?"

"You might as well show them," Kurenai said.

Anko scowled, but nodded and took her high-collared jacket off and showed them a three-tomoe marking on her neck. "This is the 'hickey', a cursed seal that was placed on me by my former sensei." Then, obviously dismissive of the tag, she slapped it over the markings and pulsed chakra into it to activate it. "No normal tag has..." She trailed off, shivering as the tag shifted to directly over the seal, and a minute later the design of the cursed seal appeared on the seal tag.

"What did that just do?" Naruto asked his parents inside of the Tome.

"Synchronized to her chakra and tricked the seal into thinking that it was a layer of regrown skin over it," his mother replied. "That led to the surface of the seal migrating to the tag, and once it was connected enough the tag pulled the rest of it out of her and isolated it. Someone has to burn the tag in the next hour or there might be problems though."

"We'd rather not go into what the seal it just removed actually is,"
his father continued. "Just that it's bad news. Luckily your mother knew of an old Uzumaki seal array for tricking such seals to migrate."

"Well, that and she doesn't use the thing. If it was regularly activated then it would've dug deeper into her chakra network by now and become much harder to remove."

"What the fuck just happened," Anko finally said as the seal tag fell off, revealing that her neck was no longer marked.

"The 'hickey remover' removed your hickey," Kurenai said with a tone of disbelief, pointing at the tag that had landed on the ground and now had the three-tomoe mark on it.


"Naruto, where did you get that tag from?"

"An old Uzumaki sealmaster that tutors me occasionally," Naruto replied, since his parents had expected this question but weren't ready to have him spread knowledge of their existence further yet. That got him incredulous looks from both of the sensei. "They want to remain anonymous beyond that because if their enemies knew they were active at all then it would create problems for me."

Anko had pulled her forehead protector off to use as a makeshift mirror to check her neck during this and appeared to be in a state of shock, at least until she looked back down at the seal tag. Then her expression hardened and she started performing hand seals. The rest of them jumped back when she let loose a torrent of fire into the seal tag, and there was a pulse of something unpleasant as the thing was destroyed.

"Well," Kurenai said. "I suppose he did say to burn it."

"So kids," Anko said, suddenly next to Naruto. "Change of plans. I'm trying out the fancy super-infiltration seal first. If it doesn't kill me then Buns can give it a shot."


"This is probably the first seal I've ever wanted on me, after seeing what Naruto and White-eyes can do, and I'm going for it before I change my mind."

It had only ended up taking a couple of hours to have the shapeshifting seal on all three, and then came a few days of seemingly-random unintentional changes. Anko tended to bounce between looking like a seven year old or a non-descript teenager, Tenten kept turning into weapons, and Kurenai's changes tended to be to a twelve-ish body with varying eye colors.

Training over the several days it took for the three to get control over their shapeshifting was focused on communication and adapting to different forms. The former was primarily the basics of the hand signs used most commonly in Konoha, some common code words and phrases that the genin should be aware of, and ways to identify themselves to each other when disguised. Once the shapeshifting had settled they then went over summoning. Anko was all for the strategic benefits alone, and finding out about the stone in the compound cemented it for Kurenai as well. Nine new contract pairs were signed between them, even if Hinata and Tenten were still not quite up to summoning others yet, and some practice was done.

It turned out that Naruto and Anko were the only ones able to reliably summon the others, though Hinata had been able to summon Tenten once and Kurenai could summon Hinata and Tenten with minimal issue. Anko blamed this on lack of chakra reserves in the others, but also admitted that summoning Naruto was like trying to summon some of the larger snakes that she had trouble with.

"Okay," Kurenai said as they ate lunch. "We're probably a little behind on picking up missions, but I can't argue with the results. Sadly, very little in our early missions will take our capabilities into account, but we should probably discuss mission versus training balance." She focused on Hinata to start with. "Normally when there are genin with a clan to fall back on they do most of their training with their clan, leaving team training time to teamwork exercises. But your father told me that you've been spending more time training with Naruto than your clan?"

"Um, yes," Hinata said, pushing her fingers together.

"It's understandable that White-eyes would do so," Anko said. "Given what Naruto can pull off. Probably not so good for her Gentle Fist though."

"I've probably studied more of their scrolls than they have," Naruto admitted. "I'm...not quite a family member in their eyes, but they let me into the main branch scroll archive."

Hinata nodded her agreement. "He's started learning the written down Gentle Fist techniques using clones and then teaching me. It doesn't help me with the ones that aren't written down, but I don't know if I was ever going to be taught them anyway."

"And I've watched some of the elders performing some of the ones not written down. I don't know how they train them, but others are just improvements on what is written down and a couple of the more unique ones look straightforward enough in principle." He paused. "Neji was watching some of those and looked thoughtful about them too, actually, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's working on figuring them out too."

Kurenai sighed. "How in the world did you convince them to let you have that much access?"

"He gave father a stack of summoning contracts so that Hanabi and I couldn't be easily abducted," Hinata answered.

"Well," Anko said after a moment of silence. "If anything was going to pull it off, that would be it."

The first two weeks of D-rank missions had been boring as hell. Old Man Hokage had given them their first mission of repairing a fence. One that surrounded training ground forty-four, was heavily damaged, and had a whole lot of weak points.. But nothing dangerous normally approached the fence, so it had been mostly 'find problem, fetch supplies, fix problem, repeat' work. After that they'd had three different babysitting jobs, farming, cleaning up the same training ground four times, seven different 'shop for someone sick/injured' runs, four deliveries across the village that were just large enough for the civilian mail carriers to have problems with, and cleaning up after one of Naruto's pranks.

Knowing exactly what the paint used in said prank was made from had made that trivial, and they had no clue if anyone involved in assigning the mission knew that he'd pulled the prank in the first place. He wasn't really known to play pranks in general, after all.

They'd been politely asked to leave some D-ranks for others after someone realized that they'd done twenty-one in fourteen days, with two days taken off for training in the middle. It would take a couple more days to find out that this was a combination of a lull in D-ranks and Team Nine having done over thirty in the same time period.

Their 'during or between missions' training had been split three basic ways. Anko-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, and Tenten were trying to get spell-bullets working as well as build up their chakra more. Naruto was working on learning snake-style taijutsu from Anko-sensei, or more specifically one of her paperwork clones. And they were all working on 'out of village mission' disguises for missions that they didn't want to be seen accomplishing. Compared to the ones that you wanted to be seen doing for the good of the village. Anko-sensei had promised a more detailed explanation later.

Naruto and Hinata had added 'working with senbon' to their non-team training and Hoshi was still working on 'understanding looking human enough to be useful'.

"You want me to do what?" Naruto asked, blinking. He'd been asked to attend an 'unofficial meeting of clan heads'...but not as a clan head himself. Technically. And it was only some of the clan heads, not all of them. Specifically, the Akimichi, Inuzuka, Nara, Uchiha, and Yamanaka.

"We're fairly confident that you're either one of the mysterious pranksters or all of them," Tsume replied. "And we've all got a kid in what used to be your academy class."

"The new rules pushed through means they're trying a little harder," Inoichi said. "My daughter has stopped dieting, at least. But they're still a little too complacent."

"Or just have an ego," Itachi added. "My brother is improving, but slowly."

"Kiba isn't much better," Tsume admitted.

"We came up with the idea of encouraging them to do better," Shikaku said. "And, well, one idea we came up with was pranking them every week or two to challenge their skills."

"Your targets have been...largely unobjectionable," Choza added. "I don't think Hiashi even minded when you hit his clan's elders, even if he never admitted what you did to them."

"The only catch is that we can't pay you directly," Itachi said. "We don't want this to be a mission, exactly. Instead, we've gathered a collection of knowledge that we think you might like." He produced a scroll. "For example, a personal creation of mine, exploding shadow clones."

"I've got a book on how the Inuzuka developed collaboration techniques with our ninken," Tsume said.

"How to train up chakra sensing," Inoichi added. "Which is a requirement for that communication jutsu the barrier team gave you, by the way. I don't think they realized that you'd need the training."

"A...partial copy of our medicinal archives," Shikaku contributed. "Generally the most useful entries that aren't themselves clan secrets."

"And a copy of our field cooking manual," Choza finished.

"So what do you say?" Tsume asked. "Are you willing to prank the crap out of our academy-age heirs to kick them into gear?"

Naruto frowned. "If I target just them then they're going to start asking questions. Like why Shino isn't being included as the only other clan member in their class."

"He has a point," Shikaku admitted. "But the solution is simple and probably helps the village as a whole."

"Just target the academy at large?" Inoichi guessed.

"Or at least the 'final year' classes in general."

Naruto had to admit that targeting all the hopefully-soon-to-graduate students made sense.

"Hey old man," Naruto said, ignoring the Anbu guards as he slipped into Old Man Hokage's office. His mother had asked him to take care of something if at all possible, but arranging to be officially allowed to instead of sneaking out to do so was proving more difficult than expected. It was a good thing that they were taking a break from team training today, because he'd been at this for two hours now.

Admittedly, it probably made for an excellent alibi as he had some paperwork clones coat seats in the academy with glue that morning. Body heat and the pressure of sitting on it should activate it and he'd tried to make it look like it was just a long-needed coat of paint.

"Well hello Naruto," the old man replied. "What brings you around?"

"The mission desk said I'd need to ask you about hiring my team for a mission."

"Genin are discouraged from doing so in general, but it isn't unheard of to hire one's own team for helping out with tasks. If only to pad out numbers or help out less privileged members."

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "Well, you see, I think by the rules it has to be at least a C-rank? And after running around from place to place I was basically told that you'd have to approve it personally."

Old Man Hokage raised an eyebrow. "Really now. You have me curious, what could you possibly have for a C-rank mission?" In response, Naruto pulled a scroll out of a pocket and placed it on the desk. It was quickly picked up and unrolled, the old man reading over it and frowning as he did so. "I see. Just beyond the ranges permitted for a near-village D-rank, bumping it up to C-rank by default. Low-C, admittedly, but still C. In theory, you could hire your team for this, but in practice I can't allow you to."


"The village has known about the temple for decades, and yet it likely sits in near ruins in defiance of our eternal alliance with the Uzumaki. Cleaning out anything that belongs to your clan from it that has survived potential looters should have happened years ago. I won't have you paying out of your own pocket for it as a result, even if it does make sense that you need to be involved in retrieving your family's heirlooms. I may even send a second team to watch over the area to help keep you from being disturbed while you work."

Naruto nodded, not sure what to say. Or think, for that matter, because being told that the village would pay for the mission was beyond his expectations.

"I'll check with a few people and your sensei to arrange things," the old man said. "You'll probably end up heading out in three to four days."

"Thank you," Naruto finally said.

True to Old Man Hokage's word, they headed out through the village gates on their first C-rank mission three days later. Anko-sensei had convinced the old man that they didn't need a second team, on the basis that two special jounin and however many paperwork clones Naruto made for securing the perimeter would be more than enough.

"So," Kurenai-sensei said. "We should all be able to tree-hop easily enough and be there within half an hour at the most." She paused, and looked at Naruto. "Well, so long as Naruto here carries Hoshi."

The little fox pouted, but didn't argue the point.

"We've got up to a week to clear everything out before we need to return," Anko-sensei said. "But Naruto's original mission request apparently specified four hours once reaching the place."

"I've got a list," Naruto admitted. "Thirty-six total items, only nine of which are hidden. Wanting four hours to accomplish things was in case the place is rubble."

"We're being paid to spend probably two hours outside of the village at most," Tenten said. "Aren't we?"

"Most likely," Kurenai-sensei agreed. "But short missions are less likely to go horribly wrong, so you should treasure them when they happen. Assuming, of course, that they stay short."

Kurenai-sensei took the lead, followed by Naruto. Hinata was in the middle, Tenten behind her, and Anko-sensei followed behind them. It was actually only twenty minutes before they reached the temple...and it was in horrible condition, but not to the point of being rubble. Yet.

"So," Naruto said. "As much as this is probably going to annoy everyone, the first thing I need to do is go in alone to open a seal up."

"How about we form a perimeter and you do your thing," Anko-sensei said. "White-eyes will probably do her best to keep an eye on you from out here anyway."

"She has a point," Kurenai-sensei admitted, gesturing for Naruto to go ahead. "You're also the only Uzumaki available, so if you have instructions then anyone else going in with you is probably making the risk worse."

Naruto nodded, and put Hoshi down on the ground. "Sorry, but you have to stay outside too."

"Yeah yeah," Hoshi grumbled. "You warned me."

A couple minutes later Naruto was inside the building. He had to dodge holes in the floor, points that would collapse if he put weight on them, and ensure that he didn't cause the roof to collapse on top of him. He stopped at a specific less-damaged pillar and applied some of his blood in a pattern his mother had walked him through, completing a hidden seal. Pushing chakra into it, he left it glowing as he moved to another pillar and repeated the process. The third point for this seal was spread across a section of floor, but while getting into position for it he noticed that there were only twenty-five of the expected twenty-seven masks hanging on the wall.

Completing the third seal caused three of the floorboards to lift up, each revealing a rack holding three scrolls. He collected all nine, then opened one of them. It described all twenty-seven expected masks.

"There it is," his mother said, the Tome having made a copy of the scroll already. "The two missing masks are shattered on the ground out of direct sight. One tied to the Shinigami, and one tied to Kurama."

"I have no clue when the hell your nutso ancestors figured out how to tie a mask to me,"
Kurama said. "But it's probably a good sign that I'm actually dead."

Naruto nodded. "This says that the Shinigami mask was connected to a contract?"

"Yes," his mother agreed. "Mito went on at length about that particular one with me. The...unexpected pulling of your father and part of Kurama's chakra out of the Shinigami's stomach probably broke the contract, and Konoha has a jutsu tied to it recorded. You'll need to inform Hiruzen that it needs to be marked as no longer usable."

"Which is a pity because it was one of the few ways to seal up a tailed beast on short notice,"
his father added.

"All of the masks are connected to something, and most of them are unpleasant in some fashion when worn. You could probably survive putting on any of the eight remaining masks tied to one of the tailed beasts, but for most that would be a death sentence and they don't do what was originally intended anyway. Not that the rest worked out all that well either, though I didn't get nearly as much information on them out of Mito."

Nodding again, Naruto scanned the list a second time to compare it to the wall of masks before rolling the scroll up and heading over to collect the masks themselves. He was able to see the remains of the two broken masks, but produced a larger scroll from a seal tag and opened it up first. There were twenty-eight seals on this one, a seal for each mask and one for the nine scrolls. He placed the nine scrolls down first, sealing them, and then started carefully collecting the masks and labeling the seals.

One each for the nine tailed beasts, including the shattered remains of Kurama's. The equally shattered remains of the Shinigami's mask. Seven for the five basic elements as well as yin and yang. Three tied in different ways to space and time. One supposedly tied to the Sun in some fashion. Another similarly tied to the stars. Two tied to humanity itself. One tied to dreams. Another tied to nature. And the last one tied to healing, and the only one with an outright warning in the list that 'healing' was not a good thing in this case.

Two of the other scrolls contained more details on what happened to those who wore the masks, but the goal was to get them out of an undefended and unsecured location in general. Well, and probably to see what had happened to the one linked to Kurama, with the discovery of the shattered Shinigami mask being an important addition.

Carefully rolling up the larger scroll with its more complicated seals that could handle being sealed in another seal, he put it away and double-checked that there was nothing else obviously in need of being collected. Seeing nothing, he sighed and moved back to the still-raised floor boards. A small amount of blood was placed on the outside of each of the three scroll racks before he made his way back out of the temple. As soon as he'd cleared the stairs out front the seals inside activated and tore the entire structure apart.

In theory, that was supposed to be a way to destroy the masks before someone could get their hands on them, but it worked nicely as a self-destruct now that the temple was empty too. Especially since the removal of the scrolls was going to trigger some 'safeties' in the next week, so it was better to just skip the possibility of someone being caught in it.

Less than a minute later the rest of his team had joined him, Hinata checking him for injuries while the others stared at the temple.

"I hope you got everything," Anko-sensei finally said. "Because otherwise that's going to be hell to dig out."

"No problems there," Naruto said. "And I triggered that anyway."

"Oh. And you didn't warn us you were going to?"

"I couldn't be certain that the seals were intact in the first place. Or that some other Uzumaki hadn't already come through and gathered things, for that matter. But I've got what we came for."

"Then we should probably head back to the village," Kurenai-sensei said, shaking her head. "Though it probably would have been nice if the temple hadn't needed to be destroyed."

"It was going to happen soon even if I didn't trigger it because I removed things from it. Better for it to happen when I knew it was empty."

All of them nodded their agreement with that.

Hiruzen looked over the Scroll of Seals. The Uzumaki jutsu for summoning the Shinigami had three forms, and one of them was merely a way of testing that the summoning was possible without needing to do the full summoning and sacrifice your life. He'd already confirmed that it didn't work, despite having previously confirmed that it did. Years ago, admittedly, before he'd given up the hat to Minato.

It was a shame, but it was entirely possible that sealing away the nine-tails had been the incident that had unknowingly broken the contract. The jutsu had never been used for something that extreme before and it was possible that the nine-tails couldn't be properly sealed the way Minato had attempted. It was likely that nobody had set foot in the temple holding the mask, or attempted to use the jutsu tied to it, between Minato's use and Naruto finding the shattered mask.

They'd likely never know for certain, but for now Hiruzen picked up the brush he would be using to carefully mark the jutsu as no longer usable. In a manner that would be reversible and that didn't damage the original text if that changed, even if he personally suspected that this was going to be permanent.

No questions had been asked about anything else that Naruto had collected from the temple, or where it was going to be stored, in part because what the village didn't officially know couldn't be leaked. Who knew what other secrets the temple had held for all these years, but it didn't seem like whatever was found was incredibly useful in its own right. The entire thing had felt more like an attempt to clean up things that had been left around than anything else.

As much as Naruto would've liked to leave the masks sealed, the entire reason they'd been stored on the wall of the temple was because they couldn't be safely sealed for more than a few days at a time. Which led to a wall in a reasonably secure storage area of the shrine having twenty-five masks hung on it. The three scrolls detailing them and the effects of wearing them were placed under the masks on the wall.

The other six scrolls were more generally interesting to him. Five of them detailed some of the history of the Uzumaki clan and Uzushio and the last contained both a set of Uzushio forehead protectors and their equivalent of Anbu masks. Blank ones in the latter case, but it was a 'hidden cache' of supplies for when an Uzushio shinobi needed replacements or someone from the village graduated from the Konoha academy and needed a forehead protector.

Unlike the Konoha Anbu masks, the Uzushio ones had no eye holes and exposed the mouth, presumably for jutsu that required spitting water or fire. Seals made them fully transparent to the wearer, which should allow them to be decorated in far more varied manners as you didn't need to keep the eyes clear. They also served as a breathing mask around the nose for up to half an hour at a time, if needed, but then you had to expose them to breathable air for fifteen to twenty minutes so that they could 'recharge'.

How to safely decorate them wasn't something that was documented in the scrolls though, nor had his parents ever known. Or, for that matter, ever really met a member of the group, so they didn't even know how they'd traditionally decorated the masks. The result was a stack of thirty dark blue masks that had no distinguishing features at all. Of course, that didn't mean that they weren't still useful. Just wearing one protected you in a few useful ways, and a quick test showed that they didn't seem to do anything to interfere with the byakugan.

All but one forehead protector and six masks were returned to the scroll they'd been stored in. His mother insisted that he was permitted to wear the forehead protector, instead of or in addition to his Konoha one, and it seemed stupid to leave protective masks that could be useful on missions sitting in a scroll instead of using them. Well, unless doing so while not actually being Uzushio Anbu or whatever their equivalent name had been would be a problem, and hopefully Anko-sensei or Kurenai-sensei would be able to find out because his parents honestly weren't sure. Or he could go to Old Man Hokage directly.

Had it been any other village's masks things would be far more clear, but a former-yet-eternal ally for which Naruto could be the closest thing to an official representative was an incredibly odd situation.
Chapter 8 - Visibility, Shrines, Testing, Death
Anko-sensei looked over the group. "So, since we've officially done a C-rank mission and Naruto has brought interesting questions up, I think it's time to discuss a few things about missions that most teams never learn but that applies heavily to us." She then pulled out a scroll and unsealed a stack of wrapped bundles. "For starters, I was able to get us our kits."

"Kits?" Naruto asked even as one was thrown to him.

"Yes. Kits. A full set of forehead protectors for each known-active hidden village in normal and missing nin versions, various elements of standard uniforms for other hidden villages, and copies of each village's bingo books. Now then, I hope the academy still teaches about the three types of mission visibility?"

"High visibility for shows of force," Tenten answered. "Generally to demoralize the enemy. Normal visibility for advertising to civilians and keeping a village's reputation up. Low visibility for missions that are best accomplished with minimal fanfare, such as most courier missions."

"Very good. That lesson is a lie, because there are five visibility types. They skip deflected missions, where the goal is to make it obvious that shinobi were involved but not tie things back to Konoha, and secret missions where ideally nobody knows that there were shinobi in the area at all. Infiltration types, or teams in our case, are the ones that are trusted to handle the vast majority of these missions."

"Not that we expect there to be a whole lot that are suitable for genin," Kurenai-sensei added. "But there are plenty of missions that have no visibility requirements that we can treat as deflected or secret if we wish to."

"Though we might want to pick up a high visibility mission or two to 'show off' that we're anything but an infiltration team. The only problem is that we'd need to use skills that don't lend themselves to the infiltration side, and the best choices there are summoning and waves of shadow clones. Those...don't tend to intimidate as much as we'd need them to, especially once people realize how fragile the clones are."

Naruto half-raised his hand, and got a look from both sensei. "Er, would exploding clones intimidate? Because Itachi paid me for a not-a-mission with his exploding shadow clone jutsu and it was easier than I thought."

"What not-a-mission was that?" Tenten asked.

"Some of the clan heads wanted me to prank the academy every so often. So far I've only put glue on the seats and spiked all their lunches with hot pepper powder. I think the latter only fully worked because those that liked it were asked what they'd have done if it was poison instead."

"That was you?" Kurenai-sensei asked. "Everyone suspects that one of the younger classes was behind those, but nobody could figure out which one."

"I'm dropping notes to the five clan heads involved to warn them what's coming so that they know when it was me. Inoichi congratulated me on royally pissing off his daughter by ruining her outfit with the glue and suggested going after her hair in the next month or two, but I've not come up with a believable prank that would safely get everyone's hair. I mean, I've slipped things into shampoo before, but doing so for a bunch of clan members would be revealing a bit more than slipping into the academy classrooms."

There was a pause as they considered that, only to realize that Anko-sensei had stopped paying attention. Kurenai-sensei lightly slapped the back of her head to get her attention. "Earth to Anko."

"Sorry," Anko-sensei said. "I got lost in imagining what someone who can create as many clones as Naruto could do with exploding clones. It's just too bad that I can't see genin being allowed on any mission that would have it being used intentionally. Doesn't help with intimidation if you can't set them off on demand either though..."

"Er," Naruto said. "The trick is technically 'have the clone perform a modified suicide jutsu', so you could say that all of my clones are now exploding clones? Itachi's version includes pumping more chakra than normal into them, but I think I always use more chakra per clone than he does."

" many clones do you have out in the village right now?"

"Ninety or so, I think? I'm trying to figure out the routines of a few assholes that seem to think women in general exist to 'entertain' them."

"I suddenly hate that by the time you can use that to its full potential you won't be my student anymore."

Kurenai-sensei nodded. "There certainly isn't a lot of call for that until high chunin at a minimum, and even less outside of wartime. Perhaps we should get back to the deflected and stealth missions?"

Anko-sensei pouted, but nodded. "Yeah, yeah. We can take missions that nobody's going to care how we do them so long as they get done and treat them differently. Take out bandits without it looking like Konoha was involved, or that shinobi in general were involved. Some forms of border patrol work best if those on the other side of the border never notice you."

"Every so often missions come in that are essentially 'go steal something' as well. Most teams leave obvious signs of what happened, but if we get those then we'll likely try to make it seem like no shinobi entered the area at all. Well, unless the mission specifies that you should be seen doing the stealing. Those can be fun and infuriating at the same time."

"Ugh. I remember one time that I was supposed to wait for them to sound the alarm before exiting the place. Ended up having to figure out how to sound the alarm myself because none of the guards even noticed that the safe door had been torn off its hinges and the safe emptied."

"There are also rarely intel-gathering missions suitable for lower-ranked shinobi. We'll aim to do any we take without being seen, again unless specifically told to be spotted."

"Yeah." Anko-sensei then pulled out a scroll. "All of this discussion is prep work to get you thinking, and your homework is to go through your kits here and familiarize yourselves with them. There are instructions on all the components included in there. But this scroll is the Hokage's response to Naruto's question about the Uzu masks he apparently has. Long story short, he wants to test Naruto in some fashion before making his decision."

A couple days later Kurenai-sensei grabbed a mission for them that she obviously found highly amusing. On the surface it was bringing a cart with a set of crates across the village, which didn't sound all that interesting on its own. At least until it was revealed that the crates were being delivered to the shrine that Naruto, as Yoko, had spent years gradually cleaning and repairing with occasional help from volunteers.

When they arrived the Yoko clone had been finishing up some minor roof repairs with the help of a local shopkeeper. Naruto knew more about building maintenance than he'd ever cared to thanks to all the work that Yoko had done or witnessed.

"I'm sorry," Yoko said after she'd carefully climbed down from the roof, not revealing that jumping down would have been trivial for her. "I wasn't expecting anything to be delivered today."

"The mission scroll describes it as a 'gift'," Kurenai-sensei explained. "Anonymous, which is why we're delivering it instead of the sender. But it also includes a request to help you unpack it and put things in place."

Yoko nodded and collected a letter attached to one of the crates. Reading it, she bounced slightly. "Oh! I've been having trouble deciding what to do about the honden's tamagaki. Some of the original is still there, but hardly usable or appropriate."

Rebuilding the tamagaki with the stone fence pieces in the crates took a couple of hours, though the shopkeeper that had been helping with the roof had joined in as well to speed things up, and whoever had sent the new fence as a gift had done a good job of matching the remains of the original.

"So there's no priest here," Tenten said as they loaded the remains of the crates into the cart.

"No," Yoko admitted. "As I understand it, there's never been one. The Uzumaki built the shrine when the village was founded, sealing the honden itself at the time, and shrine maidens have been the only ones known to take care of it. I was told that when it fell into disrepair over a decade ago it lost the favor of Suijin." Naruto was slightly annoyed that his mother never actually told him what that meant, despite obviously knowing and implying that there was something more to it than the obvious. "The hope is that by restoring the shrine that the relationship can be restored, and several people in the area felt that my ability to enter the administrative building at all was a sign that I could do so."

Naruto was surprised when his mother piped up from inside the Tome. "There's a small stone post near the honden showing the Uzumaki crest."

he replied.

"For the benefit of the shopkeeper, have Yoko push some chakra into it. The tamagaki being restored as it currently sits should be enough."

Mentally sighing, Naruto used the communication jutsu to tell Yoko about the stone. They'd gone back to double-check that nothing had been missed in cleaning up anyway.

"This stone is one of the few signs that the Uzumaki built the shrine," Yoko said, moving over to it. "At least on the outside. There are more signs inside the administration building." Placing her hand on it, she pushed a small amount of chakra in. Nothing obviously happened, and she stepped away to look for loose items that might have been missed.

A moment later there was a rumbling, and hidden vents in the honden released some air before flaps in the base of it started releasing water. Which nicely explained some of the pathway design in the shrine area, as the water flowed out from the honden and into channels along the paths. The sound of running water closer to the torii caught Naruto's attention, and he saw that water was now flowing into the basin just inside of the entrance.

"I thought it would be another six to twelve months before we could arrange to rebuild the stone tamagaki," his mother explained. "I'm just glad that the water summoning seal in the honden still works and recognized the new tamagaki."

Based on the reaction of the shopkeeper, any thoughts that Yoko wasn't a proper shrine maiden had probably just been obliterated by the water flowing from the honden.

Sasuke had heard that some miracle had happened at a shrine and had decided to check it out after the academy let out. He had plenty of time before his brother would be helping him train and it wasn't too far out of his way. What he found was a Suijin shrine, and when he'd asked some of the civilians outside of it what was going on he'd gotten a story about it being in disrepair until the new shrine maiden had started working on fixing it up, culminating with water suddenly flowing from the honden for the first time in well over a decade.

Curious, he ended up going through the line, purifying himself at the basin, and examining the shrine. There were obvious signs of recent work across most of the shrine, including around the honden itself where it looked like most of the tamagaki had been replaced. Crouching down, as some others were doing, he checked the water coming out of the honden and flowing along the paths. It was...oddly pure, and thinking back the basin's water was similar. As though it hadn't actually come out of the ground, and it definitely hadn't come out of the village's pipes.

That was...unusual on its own, before adding in that some of the older civilians were talking about this as being what had happened decades ago. A couple were even reminiscing about using the water from the shrine as a guaranteed safe source of drinking water during the last war. This wasn't a new phenomenon, it was a renewed one.

Eventually he made it far enough to see the shrine maiden. Yoko, if some of the civilians were to be believed. A girl his age with red hair down to her mid-back tied up in a white ribbon. Violet eyes, and somewhat obviously out of her depth with the surge in visitors to the shrine. If things had changed today with the water flowing out of the honden then he could understand that. But she was still treating everyone with respect, and though it was obvious that she recognized the Uchiha fan she didn't treat him any differently than anyone else.

A cute girl his age that showed serious dedication, much more than the girls in the academy seemed to show towards becoming kunoichi most days, and that didn't seem to want to worship the ground he walked on...

"So," Old Man Hokage said. It was officially a 'day off' for Team Eighteen, but Naruto had been brought out to a training ground for his 'test'. Currently disguised as a brown-haired brown-eyed boy. "The Uzushio equivalent to the Konoha Anbu was more limited in scope, but individually more powerful. Wearing those masks would indicate that you are a significant threat, and while most that recognize them would probably run away instead of engage there are those that would simply escalate to more lethal measures immediately. I want to ensure that you can at least survive long enough to escape if someone does come at you to kill. At the same time, you ideally need to be able to be unrecognized, even by allies. As I know you're unusually good on the disguise front, I'd like to concentrate on defense and movement today."

Naruto nodded. "You suspect that I've got tricks that you haven't seen properly and want to know what I can do, don't you?"

"Yes. If you have any Uzumaki-specific tricks you've figured out that you haven't been showing off then they would help sell the deception as well, but to start with I want you to prepare to defend yourself. First against me, and then if you manage that against Anbu and jounin that I bring in to test your defenses."

It didn't take long to cast a Knight Armor spell with an Anbu-like appearance, but using a blue that matched the masks. One of the masks had been stored in the forearm weapon holders and was easily brought out and put on before Naruto moved out into the middle of the training ground. He then cast the flight spell, but didn't take to the air, and activated his byakugan.

"Are you ready?" Old Man Hokage asked, and Naruto nodded.

Now, Naruto knew that he wasn't the fastest person in existence, even if he was doing his best to train his speed up in various ways. What he wasn't prepared for was how fast the old man could be. The Knight Armor let him shrug off four attacks in the first two seconds and the flight spell was probably the only thing keeping him from being knocked back. He decided to see if using the transparency jutsu and flying into the air would cause the old man to lose track of him, and at first it didn't seem to. But after a moment the attacks tried to track him as though he'd jumped, and thus started missing.

That provided a few seconds of reprieve, as the old man blinked and concentrated, so Naruto darted off to the side and created five paperwork clones. They usefully appeared with all the same spells and jutsu active, and one of them faded back into view while the real him and the others moved off in different directions. Chakra chains then shot out of the visible clone, encircling it. That obviously took Old Man Hokage by surprise, but in the blink of an eye he switched tactics to start throwing piercing attacks to slip or punch through the chains. Naruto's chain-anchored barrier wasn't strong enough to withstand the assault and fell fairly quickly, but hitting the clone as it largely ignored gravity and momentum in the air was still difficult.

While that was happening a second clone started using the hiding in mist jutsu to fog out the area and a third dropped down and into the ground. The last two were essentially tasked with replacing themselves with the real Naruto if needed for now.

The old man started including shots at the mist-making clone and even sent a couple of things through the earth at the one underground, but seemed to be having trouble locating the real Naruto and the two other clones. What he didn't have any trouble doing was dodging the five shuriken spell-bullets sent his way, though them turning in mid-air to follow him had taken him a moment to adjust to. All of them were struck by earth balls a moment later, detonating them, but he seemed unsurprised at the explosions.

"I think that's enough," the old man called a moment later. "Or at least enough for me to call in others to test you."

Naruto dispelled the clones, which did seem to genuinely shock the old man when the visible one vanished in a puff of chakra smoke, before landing and dropping the transparency jutsu. "You're fast."

"It comes with experience and training. Your technique for replacing your clothing with layered defenses is stronger than I thought it would be and I definitely wasn't expecting you to be able to fly. You definitely need more offensive options, especially if you want to be able to take someone alive, but that will come in time."

An hour later Naruto was standing in the center of the field with five clones already made. A collection of Anbu and jounin had gathered and Old Man Hokage was off to the side to observe. Included were at least three Hyuga, so the transparency jutsu was going to be far less effective. When the signal to start was given by the old man, Naruto and the clones all created chains to form a layered dome barrier around them. Three things made it in before the dome went up, but two missed and the last splashed against one of the clones to no effect.

The dome held for nearly two minutes before combined piercing attacks from three directions broke it, and the six Narutos darted out in different directions. One clone went down, four clones went out towards the Anbu and jounin, and the real one went up. Two of the clones on the ground were trying to stick to the whirling fists taijutsu his mother had taught him, but the other two had been engaged by Hyuga and had switched to the Gentle Fist without thinking about it.

Doing so had very obviously unnerved everyone around them.

Despite that, it was very obvious that without the Knight Armor spell Naruto wouldn't have stood a chance. He was doing the best against the two Hyuga, and only because they'd made the mistake of engaging in taijutsu and had gotten several chakra points closed before realizing that their opponent could use the Gentle Fist to its full effect. The other two clones weren't being kept in taijutsu range long enough to do much, but were throwing out attacks with chakra chains and elemental balls without actually striking anyone. Swords were brought out by some of the jounin and two of the Anbu as well, which struck the Knight Armor barriers to no obvious effect as well, though those charged with chakra made it through the first three or four layers before being stopped and the barriers recovered fairly quickly.

Four jounin had engaged the underground clone as well, and a selection of the group was trying to figure out how to pick off the real him in the sky. In response, he formed several spell-bullets in kunai form, launching them at various points in the area. Not aiming to hit anyone directly to start with, because he thought that it would be better for this group to know that they were a bit more of a threat than usual before aiming to hit them. All of them struck the ground before exploding, and it was blatantly obvious that a lot more attention was being paid as he prepared the next volley.

It was another half an hour before Old Man Hokage called off the exercise, and the only way Naruto thought he'd have landed a serious hit to anyone would've been to not let them see that his spell-bullets were explosive before targeting people or to shuriken shadow clone them into impossible-to-dodge-or-block numbers.

"Thank you for your assistance," the old man called to the assembled Anbu and jounin. "We'll debrief as discussed later. Dismissed." Ten seconds later the training ground was back down to Naruto, the old man, and the old man's personal Anbu guard. "Okay Naruto, I have to say that I'm impressed enough with your defense to permit you to wear the masks. I highly suggest teaching this protective jutsu to the others on your team before letting them use the masks though, triply so if it's what lets you fly."

"Thank you," Naruto replied.

"I also highly suggest being as sneaky as possible in leaving the area as I highly suspect that some of the group will be watching the various paths away from the training ground."

Grinning, Naruto nodded and reverse-summoned himself to the Uzumaki compound.

"Where the hell did you find an Uzu battle squad?" one of the jounin asked at the debriefing, and Hiruzen hid a smirk. "They just toyed with us!"

"I didn't," Hiruzen replied. Completely accurate, but not for the reasons they thought. "And we're here for your opinions on their capabilities."

"That was the scariest encounter I've had since the nine-tails attacked," one of the Hyuga replied. "Layers of chakra shielding them making it impossible to accurately see, let alone target, their chakra points. Yet they were able to target mine, implying that they're either Hyuga or sensors that don't need the byakugan to detect chakra points."

"Flight combined with a jutsu that makes exploding kunai and shuriken that can turn corners in mid-air is ridiculous on top of that," one of the Anbu added. "Appearing over an enemy and launching those without warning would be devastating. If they hadn't been merely toying with us they probably would have wiped us out in a couple of minutes."

"At least one of them is probably training our resident Uzumaki," one of the Nara present commented, creating a moment of silence. "It would explain rumors that he knows some of the whirling fists style."


Hiruzen honestly wasn't sure where Naruto learned the whirling fists style from, but suspected that scrolls on it were hidden inside the Uzumaki compound. But this wasn't the time or place to bring that up. He carefully moderated the discussion while contributing very little himself, then dismissed all but a few of the group. The Anbu commander, Itachi as the head of the military police, Ibiki as head of Torture and Interrogation, Inoichi as head of the analysis division, Shikaku as jounin commander. They were the ones that needed to know more about the truth, though Itachi was just barely on that list.

"So," Shikaku said. "What convoluted method of communication do we have with this Uzu group? Especially since everyone I talked to before the meeting claims they vanished without a trace instead of leaving the area normally."

"Well," Hiruzen said. "It isn't exactly convoluted at all. Naruto's address is on file, after all, but if you want him and his clones to help out on a mission then you'll need to go through proper channels for that."

The look of absolute and total shock on their faces and in their body language were far too amusing. Definitely worth the near heart-attacks he'd had during his own short test of the boy.

"Welcome to Torture and Interrogation," Anko-sensei said after bringing the team into a nondescript office building. "While I'm not officially a member of the Intelligence Division, I've worked with them in various capacities. Thanks to that I was able to arrange for this visit. As a side bonus, it simplifies some scheduling concerns."

"Though why we had to decide to do that scheduling instead of it being a requirement eludes us," Kurenai-sensei half-spat.

"It's a bullshit policy with bullshit reasons for existing and hasn't been changed in part because most jounin are intelligent enough to treat it as a requirement. Regardless, we're not doing missions or full team training for at least a week after this, but you'll be busy."

They lapsed into silence for a minute before coming to what looked like a waiting room. Anko-sensei left the rest of them there and went to check on things. Hoshi hopped off of Naruto's head and laid down on the table as Kurenai-sensei leaned against the wall doing her best to keep herself mostly expressionless. It wasn't working entirely because it was obvious that there was some worry there.

It took only a couple of minutes for Anko-sensei to return, and it was only to grab Tenten. Naruto avoided the temptation to activate his byakugan because he got the feeling that he didn't want to know what was happening. Whatever it was, it took an hour before Anko-sensei returned and took Hinata with her. He continued to avoid looking, and another hour passed before Anko-sensei returned for him.

"I'll keep an eye on Hoshi," Kurenai-sensei said before the little fox could join Naruto.

Anko-sensei took him down the hall and around a couple of corners, through two guarded security checkpoints, and into an observation room. Inoichi and another man were there waiting for them, and through the glass Naruto could see two people tied to chairs. Both looked to be teenagers, one male and one female.

"Hello Naruto," Inoichi greeted, then gestured to the other man. "This is Ibiki Morino, head of T and I."

"Pleased to meet you," the man said. "You can call me Ibiki, since infiltration types tend to work with the department more than most shinobi and referring to Morino will usually get the wrong person." He turned to the window to look at the two people tied to the chairs. "What we have in the next room are two spies that actually obtained information, but were caught before they could escape. Part of a larger group, but because they succeeded in getting their information we can't sell them back to their home village."

"They're probably not worth the effort of trying either," Anko-sensei chimed in.

"There is that, yes. Either way, today you get to be their executioner."

It turned out that Inoichi was there to help each of them deal with the killing from a mental standpoint, and part of that was using Yamanaka techniques to create a partial personality split that could 'take on' certain kinds of stress to be let out later. They each visited him daily for a week to deal with the emotional impact and the creation of the personality split, and warnings about dumping things into the split and not doing something to release it later were given repeatedly.

Everyone released things differently, and they each received a book full of examples as well as mental exercises that would let them attempt to monitor their own mental state. It also included a set of warning signs for themselves or others, half of which needed to be reported pretty much right away if spotted. The examples provided for releasing the pressure included cooking, painting, various kinds of training, some training exercises performed in ways that wouldn't ever count as training, and even pranking. At the same time, the book repeatedly emphasized that everyone de-stressed in their own ways and to not limit yourself to the provided examples. So long as your chosen method wasn't directly harmful to yourself or others, anyway.

Inoichi sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He really wanted to know more about the three genin he'd worked with this week, but one of the reasons he was trusted to work with them was that the Hokage knew he wouldn't push too far to pick up secrets they didn't want to share. It was a delicate balancing act, and he would admit that most of his clan wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation to know more.

Tenten had been the simplest of the three and the one he was least interested in the secrets of. Completely straightforward, entirely within all expectations for a genin of her age. Had a little trouble taking to the personality split, but once she did it had stabilized at the expected rate. The girl was obviously a weapons nut, and would probably have cleaning and maintaining her weapons as one of her stress relief activities. She'd also developed a minor crush on Naruto that didn't look like it was going to go anywhere from what had slipped through.

Hinata had then been more complicated. She knew that she was too timid for shinobi work most of the time and had been working on fixing that without losing her caring side. That had started the work of splitting her personality a bit, but it was horribly lopsided and some work had needed to be done to correct it so that it could be kept in balance. Her massive crush on Naruto had shone through everything as well, and it seemed that spending time with him and her younger sister were primary stress relievers for her right now. Though he wasn't sure why one of the memories of the younger sister had her as a plush toy instead of a person.

And then there was Naruto. There was a theory that over-use of shadow clones could warp your perception of reality in various ways, but it might be provable given that the boy had several additional personalities bouncing around in his head. Fully-developed ones, though that was the most obvious with Yoko. Who happened to be his primary stress vent already with pranking coming up second. Sure, sometimes religious duties were used as a stress vent by shinobi, but having a full-time 'job' maintaining a shrine alongside being a shinobi and making it work due to clones was a bit extreme.

There were also partial personalities and 'skill packs' in there that he could slap together into a new personality at will, a technique that was known but that no Yamanaka had ever figured out how to induce intentionally in an older individual. All complete with taijutsu training to a degree that Gai would probably be elated to find out about. It was amazingly difficult to learn to adapt taijutsu training to different body types, but Naruto's shapeshifting trick had seemingly forced him to figure out how to do so to a nearly instinctive level.
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Chapter 9 - Zombies, First Infiltration, Genjutsu
Team Eighteen had stayed in the village shifting between training and missions for a month and a half to help ensure that they'd recovered from the executions they'd performed. Despite that, they'd gotten a couple of in-village C-rank missions in. First they'd been tasked with investigating the academy without being seen, finding questionable records from a couple of teachers in the process. That had been followed by being asked to create a large and noticeable distraction, village-wide but also affecting the academy.

Anko-sensei had read the latter mission scroll, handed to them directly by Old Man Hokage, before looking up at the old man with a look of surprise on her face. "Are you ordering us to large-scale prank the village?"

"Yes," was the old man's response.

They'd ended up painting the Hokage Rock, making a pyramid of every desk from the academy outside of the building, 'releasing' a dozen animals with numbers between one and fifteen painted on them into the village, and to ensure that the academy closed for the day they'd also turned off the water valve feeding it. The animals had actually been paperwork clones and the three 'missing' numbers had generated some extra panic, and for some reason it took four days for someone to realize that the water valve had been turned off.

The teachers with questionable records were apparently picked up, interrogated, and not released during this. One supposedly decided they'd had enough and retired while the other had been hurt when they'd knocked the desk pyramid over and had left 'due to their injuries'.

As for team training, on the spells front all five of the team got spell-bullets down and were working on the Knight Armor and flight spells. Hoshi was still struggling there, and they weren't sure if the little guy could use spells. Otherwise they were working on getting various jutsu down without hand seals, sensing chakra, maintaining their alternate personalities for infiltrations, and moving without any trace at all. The latter included Kurenai-sensei having dug up jutsu for erasing your scent and the sounds of your movement.

Naruto had also learned to make seals that caused resistance on your entire body whenever you tried to move, something his father claimed was better than weights for speed training, and made a belt for each of them. They could each adjust their own levels, and the first few days had been horrible to adjust to the effect during. A week later they still weren't back to their original speeds, but they at least no longer looked like they were struggling just to walk.

"So Kurenai and I may have made a bet," Anko-sensei said, looking a little sheepish. "We shouldn't have, but we'd had a couple of drinks and it happened."

"You made a bet and I foolishly didn't stop you," Kurenai-sensei corrected.

"Okay, yes. But I got things approved as an official training exercise."

"Which was part of the bet, so you've not lost entirely yet."

"We're going to test one of the other genin teams that graduated with you. They're more taijutsu-focused, and to be honest I won the coin toss for which team got Buns here. Convinced Gai that the other kunoichi of the year candidate was the better fit for him as she was more taijutsu focused, even if he's not bad with weapons either."

Kurenai-sensei nodded. "Hinata's cousin is also on the team, making most genjutsu less effective by default. Now, in theory, pulling this off without being identified would be difficult, but we happen to have skills that most of the village is unaware of."

"Um," Hinata interrupted. "The byakugan can see the shapeshifting seal. It's somewhat distinctive, though Hanabi and I are assumed to have a variant of the seal used to let the byakugan be used without visible signs instead."

"...huh. I suppose that it's a good thing that Naruto and Hoshi don't have the seal, then."

"What's the actual goal?" Naruto asked.

Anko-sensei shrugged. "Test their combat skills in a way that can't be traced back to us easily. We don't actually have to engage them in combat, just present a credible threat of some kind for them to fight off in some fashion."

"Zombies!" Tenten exclaimed, and they turned to stare at her. "Sachie hates zombie movies, and Hinata has admitted that Hyuga have to focus on paying attention to what's underground in order to pick that up with their byakugan. Naruto could move a bunch of zombie clones into their training ground to see how they react to them."

"That sounds scary," Kurenai-sensei said. "But I don't know how frightening it would be, and the clones would just vanish when defeated."

"Make them earth-nature clones and they'll basically turn into statues when they 'pop'," Naruto noted. "Scent-changing can make them smell reasonably like 'rotting'. Mix in some fire and lightning ones to discourage getting too close to all of them? Neji might figure out which are which after the first few are destroyed, if he pays enough attention, and any that get too close could be told to explode. Maybe...I haven't figured out how to keep that down to a safe level..."

"Now that we've completed our youthful laps around the village," Gai-sensei said, ignoring that two of his students were panting. The man was definitely skilled and knew his way around taijutsu, but Neji would be perfectly happy to swap for a jounin-sensei that had less annoying quirks.

He wasn't stupid enough to think he could get one with no quirks, but less annoying ones would be nice.

Whatever it was that was going to be today's training exercise was interrupted by the sound of a fist coming out of the ground nearby. All four of them turned to look, and a moment later Gai-sensei was next to the fist and pulling the body out of the ground. Only for said body to be a rotting corpse, at least by the look and smell. Sachie screamed, Neji wasn't sure when he'd made it to his feet, and Lee dove in with a kick to the chest of the corpse even as it tried to grab Gai-sensei.

On impact it turned into a stone statue.

Finally remembering to activate his byakugan, Neji focused on the ground and saw that there were dozens of bodies with chakra networks moving under the training ground, and those on the outer edges had already started pulling themselves out of the ground. Some looked like adults, others looked like children, there were significant variations in their chakra that made it seem unlikely that they were simply being controlled by a single specific person, and there were far too many of them.

Sachie, in what looked like a moment of panic, launched a kunai at one of the approaching corpses. It impressively went clear through the first one and struck a second, the first turning into a statue and the second exploding in a fireball. She only carried a standard loadout though. Tenten would've been a lot more useful in this situation, given that she'd bragged about carrying hundreds of kunai and shuriken even in the academy.

Scowling, Neji darted forward, aiming to just barely strike each corpse before moving on. He made it five in before one with the blank eyes of a Hyuga engaged him...with the Gentle Fist. The shock was enough to throw him off, and the corpse managed to close several of his chakra points before he recovered enough to dodge around the next strike and land a solid hit on it. This one turned into a fireball, and he barely jumped back in time to avoid being burned.

Behind him, he could see Lee breaking up the first statue to use it as a source of rocks to launch. Gai-sensei was in the fray on the other end of the training ground, and Sachie was doing her best to be helpful while obviously being scared out of her mind. That the corpses were coming up out of the ground closer and closer to her probably wasn't helping her panic, but she was getting impressive power out of everything she was throwing at them.

Sadly, ranged was proving to be the best option, given that statues kept interfering with movement and every so often a corpse became a fireball or a burst of lightning instead.

Anko-sensei had won her bet and then some, and Gai's entire team was now somewhat paranoid about the training grounds in general. They'd done a circuit of them after clearing 'their' training ground, which had given Team Eighteen long enough to 'clean up' the destruction from the zombie attack. Which just made Gai's team more paranoid, because Neji swore that it hadn't been a genjutsu. Something backed up by the burns on several of their outfits and their visit to the hospital.

Hinata felt a little bad about it, but admitted that not having the truth revealed was better for getting a number of Hyuga to start carrying more ranged options. If they'd known that it was a combination of prank and training exercise then they'd not have bothered, but fear that it could have been enemy action was causing a number of people to take it and their training more seriously.

That Old Man Hokage had them duplicate things against four other teams in other training grounds probably helped. He'd been particularly annoyed that the one team of chunin 'tested' in this way was the only one seriously injured and had decided to push for more readiness drills as a result. Followed by a 'final test' a week into June, just before a number of genin teams were going to be leaving the village for the chunin exams. Teams Nine and Eighteen were both not participating this time, and officially Team Eighteen was on an out of the village mission.

In reality, the others were keeping an eye on Naruto as he recovered from making an insane number of clones. He didn't get the chakra back from the 'elemental' paperwork clones and he needed a lot for a village-wide zombie invasion. The destruction of the clones also took quite a bit out of him as the memories flowed back to him.

Old Man Hokage had congratulated the village on repelling the 'invasion' afterwards...incredibly sarcastically. Genin and the academy had generally been more effective than the average chunin, with jounin and special jounin barely edging the genin and students out in effectiveness.

He'd then blamed the whole thing on an experiment gone wrong that they'd hopefully resolved, but also claimed that they'd only found three of the five hidden workshops believed to exist and thus couldn't be sure. Team Eighteen's official return two days later had included a whole pile of people describing the 'invasion' to them, and for some reason Neji complaining that even the zombies were 'pandering to the main branch'.

The return of the final teams that had gone to the chunin exams in August came at the same time that everyone other than Hoshi on Team Eighteen had finally figured out the basics of chakra sensing and the flight spell. The Knight Armor spell was taking longer, but it was also the most complicated of the three spells in general. But with chakra sensing came the communication jutsu, which was surprisingly simple once you had chakra sensing working.

Naruto had made several copies of a combined scroll of the two for the Uzumaki training hall.

Experimenting with cooking and field medicine had also happened, initially in the village and then on standard C-rank missions outside of it. Despite all of them reading the field cooking guide, Naruto got the best results out of it. Then again, he was apparently the only one of the team that had spent any significant time learning to cook for himself before then, so that might make sense. The other two had their own unexpected skills though. Making field medicine came easiest to Hinata, and Tenten was incredibly good at bandaging wounds.

Scary levels of good. 'Has the bandage on and sealed before the cut started bleeding properly' in at least two cases. She called it a necessity when learning as many weapons as she did.

Even if they didn't all have the silent moving and scent erasure jutsu down, since Naruto was the only one who could spam clones until things worked, Anko-sensei had decided that it was time to do some proper infiltration work outside of the village. Silent communication that was nearly undetectable would help with that, and they'd lucked out that there was a low-level infiltration mission available.

"Every so often someone gets the idea to compete with shinobi and samurai by building up a large force of mercenaries and trained muscle," Anko-sensei explained. "Nine times out of ten they end up pitted against shinobi by pure chance early on and are shown to be useless against even a couple of properly trained genin, but every so often a group survives long enough to appear to be a legitimate alternative to shinobi."

"In this case," Kurenai-sensei continued. "There's a group that's gotten lucky enough to not run into shinobi resistance long enough that they're starting to tell clients that shinobi are 'afraid of them', supposedly because they don't need the 'underhanded tricks' shinobi use. In reality, they've been operating primarily in areas heavily patrolled by the village because they're paths between key points in the country. Directly benefiting from shinobi while trying to claim that we're not needed."

"For reasons of reputation with the civilians, we can't actually step in and crush them directly to prove that they've gotten lucky. So instead we get to slip in, gather information on their operation, and on the way out loot them to the ground if possible. Other optional goals include taking out most of their men without it looking like they were intentionally taken out, ruining their equipment if we aren't running off with it, and engineering a scandal they won't be able to recover from."

"And ideally we don't want anyone to notice our cover identities vanishing either, because that would be more likely to point back at them having been cover identities. Getting while the getting's good is fine, or the majority of those who interacted with them being dead before leaving, but the group shouldn't be able to point at the identities and realistically blame them."

Hoshi hadn't been happy to need to return to the foxes during the mission, but had agreed that training with them was safer than possibly revealing the infiltration. He'd been sent back shortly before the team reached their target town, and they'd lucked out. It seemed that the company they were looking to infiltrate was hiring for a bunch of positions. Most of them were 'muscle' positions, but they wanted support staff as well. A couple of cooks, a handful of cleaners, and a pile of couriers. Anko-sensei had convinced Kurenai-sensei to have the three genin go in alone, with the two sensei hiding in the forest nearby to be 'backup' as well as giving them more freedom to move around town during the day.

The three made themselves look like brown-haired brown-eyed siblings and applied for jobs, with Naruto proving he could cook well enough to get a job in the kitchen. Hinata and Tenten were more 'pity hires' for the cleaning crew after that, because the boss liked Naruto's cooking more than the current stuff being served and didn't want him to leave with his 'sisters'. After seeing the 'food' the current cooks had been making? Naruto honestly couldn't blame the man.

During the day the three did their thing. Hinata and Tenten were stationed in the kitchen and mess hall with Naruto, to 'keep the family together', which limited the amount of the area they could be seen wandering through as the barracks where they'd been given a room was connected directly to the mess hall. They were paid decently for the work and weren't charged rent for the room they'd been given to stay in. Mealtimes were also excellent for picking up on a lot of information that could have been hard to come by normally, including a bunch of things that were likely not written down anywhere.

No attempt was made to keep them in the company's buildings when they had nothing to do, and at night there were minimal guards looking over the office areas. This made it trivial to slip in and check all the paperwork with clones or while clones were wandering the town, though it was still time consuming. While wandering the town they also discovered a rival company, one that was smaller and had a worse track record due to running into shinobi multiple times outside of the patrolled areas.

Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei had slipped into the other company's offices to check on them, mostly to see if there was anything they could use against their actual target. It turned out that the other company kept records of altercations between the two companies that their target didn't, going back a couple of years. Every so often the muscle from one of the two would start something, but the bosses stepped in and stopped it before it got too far. This was backed up with gossip from around town, with everyone expecting one side or the other to escalate eventually. Even if only temporarily before being slapped down.

After three weeks there were still things not lining up though. Both companies had more money than their list of jobs implied that they should, implying under the table deals of some kind that never made it into the paperwork. Rumors of what those might be reached the three genin, but nothing concrete enough to investigate. What they did find was that both companies had been paid a significant amount of money that appeared to have come directly from Konoha's bank.

Neither company did jobs on any route touching Konoha.

"I vote we take both companies down at once," Anko-sensei said during a late-night meeting. "Even if we won't be able to interrogate anyone. But the way they're structured, even taking out their funds isn't likely to take them down. They both pay frequently enough that the grunts would be willing to hold out until replacement funds came in."

"We're thinking that a 'tragic accident' of some kind might be the way to go," Kurenai-sensei explained. "But we want to know what you three think could work."

"The worst troublemakers tend to get drunk together at the same bar every few days," Naruto pointed out. "After they do their normal screaming match and stomping off while drunk we could easily make it look like they weren't satisfied with screaming at each other. Pretend to be one from each company and have them set fire to the other company's buildings when everyone has gone to sleep?"

"There are several that end up sleeping their hangovers off in the streets," Tenten added. "Losing their buildings, paperwork, and supplies would cramp things significantly."

"That could work," Anko-sensei said, nodding to herself. "But either both bosses or a significant number of the men have to not make it out of the fires."

Naruto joined the girls in grimacing, but nodded. "I don't know about the other company, but I could trivially slip a knockout drug into dinner. The troublemakers usually skip it for their drinking anyway, so wouldn't be affected."

"I'll handle that side in the other company. Do you know when we can expect to be able to do this?"

"Um," Hinata said. "Four days? Something important is happening in three days, but nobody we've heard talking about it knows what. Just that the troublemakers are worse than usual the day after whatever it is."

"Interesting," Kurenai-sensei said. "You three should see what you can find out about it. Whatever it is might be important. Otherwise, build your escape plan with as much of the money and supplies as you can manage while we work on the other company."

Three days later plans were largely in place. Scrolls to seal money, weapons, and food supplies were ready to go and there were an abundance of disguised clones in the area to see what could be discovered about the 'important event'. During the day things were unusually tense as security was triple-checked and guards on the primary building were doubled.

None of that stopped what looked like a Konoha Anbu from making it to each company's building shortly after dinner. The one Anbu had come from the direction of Konoha, activated a disguise technique to look like a nondescript jounin before meeting with each boss, handed over a single sheet of paper alongside a sizable amount of ryo with Konoha bank wrappers, and then left. Unlike normal Anbu, this one didn't have the tattoo seal that Naruto was used to seeing on their arms back in Konoha, but did have some kind of seal on their tongue.

The papers provided lists dates and times to 'prefer' on specific routes, as well as dates and times to avoid on others. Different lists for each of the two, and the entries were carefully copied into calendars with believable excuses for the scheduling. The original lists were then burned.

In the morning the bosses at both companies paid out 'bonuses' from a small fraction of the ryo that had been delivered the night before, which seemed to be the trigger for the troublemakers to be worse than usual. They started drinking earlier than usual, starting just after lunch instead of closer to dinner thanks to having more ready spending cash. Naruto ensured that dinner would put those who ate in the mess hall, which tended to include the night guards, to sleep, minus the portions that he and the girls would be eating. His clones had seen Anko-sensei slip in and coat cookware and dishes at the other company with something.

Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten appeared to return to their room for an early night, alongside a number of others, but immediately slipped out the window and split up. Hinata went for the food supplies, Tenten for the armory, and Naruto for the office because he'd proven to be the best at getting the safe open. It took the two girls almost an hour to seal everything away and Naruto a little longer to rig the safe with a 'manufacturing fault' that would cause it to unlock and open in a fire. Anko-sensei was doing the same to the safe in the other company's building, which was made by the same manufacturer and only one serial number digit off of the one Naruto was working on. Both safes had a pile of magazines crammed into them to represent the ryo that should have been there, with a little bit of alcohol to ensure things burned well.

Clones had ensured that everyone at their primary target was unconscious and stripped them of their ryo and weapons as well, though no attempt to do so was made by Anko-sensei or Kurenai-sensei for the other company. They only went to the effort of grabbing the safe's contents. Once everything was looted, they met up and moved to the next part of the plan, which involved waiting for the troublemakers to do their bit. That happened shortly after midnight, two groups storming away from each other after being kicked out of the bar. They split up, most of them going back to their barracks. But five didn't, going to look for more 'entertainment'.

Kurenai-sensei used subtle genjutsu to have one man from each of the two companies wander down alleys and fall asleep out of sight, after which Naruto made clones to look like them. Each of the two chosen had left their bar with a mostly-full bottle of strong alcohol, and those bottles were taken by the clones. The two 'drunk' clones snuck around to the back of the buildings of their 'rival company' without any actual consideration for stealth and were seen by a number of people. Lighting strips of cloth they'd stuck into the bottles of alcohol was followed by throwing them through open windows and then wandering back the way they'd come. The trail would lead back to the unconscious real bodies.

Team Eighteen had stuck around until morning in the small camp. The two men they'd framed were blamed but escaped town. The campsite was packed up, all traces of their presence removed, and summoning used to get them back to Konoha.

"This is troubling," Hiruzen said as he looked over the ryo with the Konoha bank wrappers, then the list of dates and times that looked to align perfectly to planned patrols and other missions. "You said someone that looked like a Konoha Anbu, but with a seal on their tongue instead of their shoulder, delivered some of this?"

"Yes," Hinata answered. There seemed to be something wrong there, but he wasn't sure what as she was the only one that could have spotted that detail.

"Very troubling indeed, and what you've recovered is sufficient to pay this out as a B-rank mission instead of the C-rank it started as." If he could he'd have swung it as an A-rank, but they'd not actually engaged with enemy shinobi. It was going to be a high B-rank though, for providing some of the most direct proof that Danzo hadn't truly disbanded Root to date. Especially as the hidden account markers on the ryo wrappers were still in place, and all matched.

Admittedly, it was also likely that those were faked to frame someone else in case this had been discovered, but this amount of money was going to leave a trail of some kind that could be followed.

"In addition," Hiruzen continued. "You are to speak to nobody about this mission. It was under strict information security before you left so as to not compromise your infiltration and is going under stricter security now. The completion will go on your records for purposes of paying you, but no details will be recorded outside of my personal archives." They nodded, likely having expected that already.

Ten minutes later the paperwork for the completed mission was filled out and Team Eighteen had left, five minutes after that trusted Anbu had gone to investigate accounts at the bank, and eight minutes after that Danzo showed up unannounced. It took quite a lot of self control to not confront the man right then and there, but Hiruzen couldn't justify killing him yet. It was, after all, technically possible that someone else was framing Konoha or even Danzo specifically. Better to gather information before acting.

They had mandatory time off of missions after the C-rank turned B-rank, during which they all finally managed to get the Knight Armor spell down. Well, aside from Hoshi, who was managing various jutsu but didn't seem to be able to manage spells. The little guy seemed to have balanced elemental affinities like Naruto did and had gotten all the basic elemental balls down, as well as several area genjutsu. At the same time, his chakra capacity wasn't the best, so it could just be that he didn't have enough power to put into the admittedly chakra-intensive spells.

Jiraiya hadn't shown up for Naruto's birthday, but had sent gifts. More books on seals, three solid chakra-metal fuma shuriken, a scroll for a hair-lengthening and control jutsu, and several pictures of his mother. Without the Tome the pictures would have been the best thing ever, but the jutsu and fuma shuriken ended up being the best parts. One shuriken was placed into each of his armbands and Tenten had obviously been incredibly excited to be able to use the third while trying to hide it because she didn't think she should be taking his birthday gifts.

Naruto's response was to tell her that she really needed to start teaching him how to use the tantos he already had, which she'd jumped on. Along with every other weapon she could convince him or Hinata to so much as hold.

"Okay you three," Kurenai-sensei said as they met near the end of December. "We've done a lot of work on combat, you've proven that you don't need genjutsu to infiltrate..."

"Which is awesome," Anko-sensei interrupted.

"And you're able to dispel most genjutsu I throw at you. It's time to see how good you are at learning and using genjutsu." She produced a stack of nine scrolls tied in bundles of three each and tossed a bundle to each of them. "There are three primary kinds of genjutsu, and each of these scrolls covers the basics of one of them. The academy clone and disguise techniques are commonly considered to be normal jutsu, but are better classed as physical illusion genjutsu as the illusions they create can be seen by cameras. Mental effect genjutsu are the most commonly thought of as being genjutsu and trick the brain directly without affecting the physical world. Last are the 'physical response' genjutsu that control parts of the nervous system other than the brain."

The three genin all looked over the scrolls. Each had a basic description of the type of genjutsu and two examples. The physical illusion scroll had campsite disguise and darkness creation genjutsu, the mental effect scroll had tree-binding and sense-manipulating genjutsu, and the physical response scroll had sleep-inducing and paralysis genjutsu.

Flipping between the mental effect scroll and the physical response scroll, Naruto frowned. "It looks like the tree-binding genjutsu is a paralysis genjutsu?"

"Good catch," Kurenai-sensei said. "It is, but the physical response genjutsu paralyzes by directly interrupting the nervous system while the tree-binding genjutsu paralyzes by tricking the brain into thinking the target is bound. The effects are similar, but the method is distinct."

Over the course of the next two weeks they tried all six genjutsu. Naruto could only seem to get the physical illusion genjutsu working, but he was incredible with them and the bigger the better in many ways. As a test they'd gotten permission and had him attempt to hide the entire village, and it had worked. It had then taken four days to dispel, but hadn't caused the roads to vanish so had only needed minor encouragement for civilians to walk through the illusionary trees hiding the gates at arrival. Hinata had the best results with the physical response genjutsu and ended up admitting that it was nice to be able to put her sister to sleep with the sleep-inducing one. Tenten just didn't seem to have an aptitude for any of them.

Hoshi immediately took to all of them and then some, even if the little guy didn't have the chakra reserves to pull off large-scale physical illusion genjutsu.

A problem with the mental effect and physical response genjutsu was that they were hard to test on the group. The chakra sensing training had made them essentially hyper-aware of foreign chakra entering their systems, triply so when combined with getting used to receiving communication messages from each other. This didn't stop the physical illusion genjutsu at all, and they had to be actively sensing chakra in some fashion to spot them trivially, but it did mean needing to find test subjects elsewhere.

Anko-sensei's solution had been pranking a bunch of people that had annoyed her that she knew weren't trained in sensing chakra.
Chapter 10 - Graduations and an Old Drunk
The end of January brought with it the next graduation class from the academy, the one that Naruto and Hinata would have been in had they not graduated early. They might not have thought much of it had there not been a 'scandal' of sorts. Ino had graduated as Rookie of the Year, the first female to do so in the history of the academy. The way things were set up, the 'opposite gender best in class' was also the Kunoichi of the Year, regardless of their gender, because nobody had considered the situation where a female took the top slot. This was part of an important and long-standing tradition of the top student of each gender and the dead last being teamed up together.

That had meant that Sasuke was officially the Kunoichi of the Year on the paperwork. His brother had decided to have fun with that and had given him a kunoichi outfit as a gag graduation gift...after hiding all of his other clothing. Which left Sasuke going through his jounin-sensei's test dressed in a skirt, and there were pictures of him circulating. Said outfit hadn't been seen after that day, but he was unlikely to live it down anytime this decade.

As a result of the gossip about Sasuke, they knew that he was teamed up with Ino and Ami. Choji, Kiba, and Sakura ended up together, as did Shino, Shikamaru, and Rio. Four other teams didn't end up passing their jounin-sensei administered tests. But Team Eighteen didn't really run into any of them. D-ranks were largely taken over by the new teams while the previous graduation classes were now almost entirely on out of the village C-ranks.

Those C-ranks were rarely infiltration friendly at all. Bandit-clearing was usually done in full disguise or while aiming to never be seen at all for practice, border patrols needed to be 'highly visible' half the time for deterrent reasons, and guard duty needed the shinobi to look the same the entire time for the benefit of the clients. At the same time, they were getting an entirely deserved reputation for returning to the village without using the gates, something that a number of jounin were apparently noticing. The only exceptions were notable, being when they were sent out to escort someone back to the village.

There was apparently a betting chart in the jounin lounge for how they were accomplishing it. Alongside thirty or so others for various other items.

Yoko kept a smile on her face as she endured weird stares yet again, but really had no clue what was going on. Sasuke was one of the regular visitors to the shrine, which wasn't itself unusual as a lot of people that had never bothered with it before had become regular visitors once water started flowing from the honden again. He spoke more to her than he ever did to Naruto, but likely out of politeness as he had no rivalry with her. She'd not been able to resist teasing him about his 'graduation gift' though, as the pictures had made it to her as well as Naruto, and Sasuke didn't seem to know what to think about her calling his kunoichi getup 'cute'.

He could pull off the look now, but probably wasn't going to be able to manage it in a few years.

The problem was that several of his fangirls had started showing up while following him, or more recently on their own. They were...weird when they visited, as though trying to judge her in some fashion? She had no clue why they'd want to do that though. It wasn't weird enough to bring up to others, as herself or as Naruto, but it was getting somewhat tiring to deal with at times.

"Good morning Naruto," Itachi greeted as Naruto was coming out of his apartment building.

"Morning," Naruto replied. "Did you need something?"

"I volunteered to deliver a bonus to you for keeping the academy students on their toes, since all the clan heirs graduated and came out with better attitudes than expected. Mostly because we never expected you to cause someone to overtake my brother in the rankings, which has...mellowed him out a bit given that I've teased him for it without actually referring to it as a bad thing. Well, no, we have told the two that being the top students is a bad thing, because it means they didn't properly balance improving themselves and hiding their skills...which is beside the point." He produced a scroll and tossed it to Naruto. "This is your bonus. Enjoy."

The man vanished in a body flicker a moment later. Since he had plenty of time, Naruto headed into his apartment with the scroll and opened it up, finding that it was a storage scroll with multiple storage seals. Fourteen, labeled in groups of two from twelve to eighteen. Curious, he unsealed the first of the seals labeled twelve and got a stack of clothing. Looking over it, he found that there were shirts, shorts, gloves, and a pair of boots. Black mesh undershirt and leggings, a short-sleeved dark orange buttoned overshirt and matching shorts. The gloves and shirts had the Uzumaki spiral on their backs and the Uzushio spiral was on the shoulder of the shirts. The boots were black and actually protected the toes, but had an odd pattern on the sole. Unsealing the other seal in the pairing marked twelve, he found a very similar but distinct set of outfits. The boots had more of a heel, the shirts and shorts were cut differently, and there were also skirts included.

"Those look like the traditional Uzushio merchant guard uniforms," his mother piped up after he'd looked over both sets. "Or at least the warm-weather versions. Probably the only somewhat-standardized uniform used by the normal shinobi in the decade before the village fell because it was seen as a good idea for all the shinobi on board ships to look similar."

"I find it interesting that they provided male and female versions though,"
his father added. "Why would they expect you to need or use both?"

"They likely know about Yoko, but the shorts aren't going to be tail-friendly if they sit as high as I think they do. There were rules about them sitting high enough to not come off easily if you took a swim, which annoyed some of the genin but was great when fighting on the ocean and going underwater was desired. The skirts would be better there for the tail though as it would more easily come out from underneath."

"I suppose we should give you access to the jutsu for drying yourself and your clothing off after a swim."

"And the body temperature regulation jutsu. With that he could wear these in the middle of a blizzard and still be comfortable."

Naruto checked out the other sizes and found that they were largely the same, just larger, but obviously expecting growth in various ways. He eventually decided that for now he'd not wear them, but figured that he'd eventually do so.

Midway through February Naruto had visited Old Man Hokage to ask about the resistance seal belts, specifically if there were any problems with selling them. They seemed to be working well for Team Eighteen, but it was trivial to screw up their use and the rules for selling seals intended for use as training aids were...well, 'convoluted' might fit but was missing a few layers of eldritch horror.

It had taken over an hour for the two to go through things, with the eventual conclusion being that neither had any clue because the seal wasn't applied to the body directly. Putting it on a belt seemed to have fallen into a gaping hole in the middle of all of the rules, and from there it interacted with a couple dozen contradictory items that could have it as anything from perfectly fine through to near-treason illegal if someone wanted to be vindictive.

"I'll have some of the people who specialize in this come up with a way to untangle it all," Old Man Hokage finally said, looking over his notes. And those of his paperwork clone, for that matter. "I'd like you to be able to offer the seal, though perhaps only for jounin given some of the potential hazards, but there might be some kind of valid reasoning not to in this mess."

"And if there isn't then you can just bypass it all by giving me permission," Naruto noted.

"There is that, yes, but some of these laws were put into place after accidents and could be justified beyond the obvious. I'd like to be certain before bypassing them that way."

Well, that did make sense.

Any further discussion about the problem was prevented by the door to the office being slammed open and a young boy running in...only to trip on his own scarf and land on his face, his training kunai skittering across the floor. This was followed by an older shinobi coming in behind the boy.

"Honorable grandson," the older shinobi said. "This is the third time you've tripped on absolutely nothing when barging into the Hokage's office."

"Shut up," the boy said, before jumping up to point at the Hokage. "I will defeat you and become Hokage!"

"Ugh," Naruto said in response to that. "I don't know why you want to."

"...what? Why wouldn't I want to be Hokage?"

"Do you like doing homework?"

That obviously confused the boy. ""

"The Hokage has to do paperwork all the time. It's like having to do homework all day. Every day. Forever."

"What? That can't be true!"

"Naruto is sadly correct," Old Man Hokage confirmed. "Ninety percent of the job is paperwork, meetings, paperwork about meetings, and meetings about paperwork. There's a reason the position comes with a desk, and it isn't because you look good sitting behind it."

"But with hard work and dedication you can become an elite jounin," Naruto said. "Only sent on missions that have incredibly straightforward paperwork because nobody wants to piss off the elite jounin by making them worry about lots of paperwork!"

"Well, that and paperwork really cuts into training time otherwise. Elite jounin don't stay elite jounin if they spend most of their time doing paperwork. On the other hand, being on the level of an elite jounin makes you a potential candidate for Hokage."

"Which can be turned down if you don't want to deal with the paperwork."


It would be several days before Naruto would learn that the boy was Konohamaru Sarutobi, Old Man Hokage's grandson, and the older shinobi was Ebisu, a special jounin tasked with looking after the kid.

Orochimaru stared at the pictures that he'd finally decided to look at as part of working on his paperwork backlog. Apparently Konoha had suffered a zombie attack, starting in a few training grounds before escalating to the entire village. With zombies that turned into stone, fire, or lightning when destroyed. Huh. He knew that he'd screwed up the wind and water aspects of that seal array, but he'd disabled and destroyed it long before leaving the village...hadn't he? Hmmm. Maybe that was one of the ones he decided wasn't worth his time to turn off because of how slowly it was powering up? Or perhaps someone found it and started it back up after he'd left. There were a number of projects he'd not actually destroyed due to time constraints on the way out.

Pity that it had gone off on its own, but based on the reports that had come back it was obvious that the shinobi weren't going to be able to handle a proper invasion. That was good, because he was being paid quite a bit to force the reveal of the container of the nine tails and convincing Suna to invade was his best bet there. Revenge, access to a couple of hopefully still unknown labs, and grabbing a few village secrets while he was there were bonuses.

Oh well. He had to ensure that a lot of things were in order before June. Needing at least a month and a half of being undercover was going to be annoying because most of his subordinates started getting...weird after two weeks or so. But unless things went incredibly poorly early on he'd need to be in Konoha for the majority of the time and wouldn't be able to pop in to check on people and stamp down on the stupidity. Which meant ensuring that the stupidity only had at least hopefully safe directions to go in, to the best of his ability anyway.

He was going to lose at least two entire bases, and if he was lucky he could ensure that they weren't his most important ones.

"How many other academies does Konoha run?" Tenten asked as they jumped through the trees on their way to one that wasn't in Konoha.

"Sixteen," Anko-sensei replied. "Assuming we only count the genin academies like the ones we're visiting. There are six chunin academies as well, tied to the largest six genin academies, though only truly exceptional shinobi ever make it to jounin if they made it to chunin that way. We're only visiting six of the genin-only academy villages."

"Most genin teams don't get sent out like this," Kurenai-sensei added. "But you three have better chakra control than most so having you help out with chakra control lessons makes sense. Anko and I will be doing routine checks of the mission halls and grabbing copies of reports for central filing, at least for the C- and D-rank missions they run. Anything involving leaving the Land of Fire or something above C-rank in general passes through Konoha via messenger hawk."

"Just don't make a big deal about having jounin for your sensei. Or being genin at your age, for that matter. Most of the out-of-village reserves only reach genin at fifteen to sixteen and the genin are led by chunin instead of jounin."

"Why do they take so long to graduate?" Hinata asked.


"Chakra capacity and control," Kurenai-sensei answered, saving Anko-sensei from obviously not having thought about it. "Ninety percent of Konoha civilians have at least three shinobi in their family trees if you go back four generations. That leads to better chakra capacity by default. Pulling those that have lucked into being able to use chakra from the wider civilian population rarely includes any shinobi ancestors at all, so they need more time to build up capacity and control. The best shinobi then tend to move to Konoha for better access to training and higher-paying missions, reinforcing the disparity."

Anko-sensei looked at Kurenai-sensei. "Where the hell did you learn that?"

"My mother explained it to me. She moved to the village as a higher-level out-of-village shinobi. She'll never reach jounin levels of chakra herself though and thinks that the Konoha academy standards are insanely difficult for the graduation age. I got subjected to a bit of a rant on the subject after the Uchiha helped push through increasing the physical requirements, actually, and my father had to explain to her that this is still less intense than the wartime requirements."

When they finally arrived at the first village they found that on the outside it looked very much like any other non-shinobi village they'd visited. The major exception was a single large structure in the middle that had the Konoha symbol on it, which turned out to be the mission hall and regional office. Surrounding the village were somewhat-hidden training grounds in clearings in the forest, and when they finally met some they found that the genin were closer to what would normally be chunin age in Konoha and the academy students they were to teach were older than they were. Based on that there were some scoffs that the three genin could teach anyone anything. At least until Tenten walked halfway up a tree and stood there sticking out from the trunk. That led to teaching academy students, genin, and a few of the chunin.

Over the course of the afternoon they worked with anyone who had time to come to the training ground being used while their sensei were going through things in the mission hall. Of the three, Naruto cycled through more students, moving on when he'd gotten each group to progress through whichever exercise they were working on. The leaf-sticking exercise for the academy students and surface-sticking for the genin and occasional chunin.

"You are way too good at explaining these exercises," Tenten told Naruto over dinner. "I never noticed half of the things you mentioned."

"He has to do a lot of chakra control exercises," Hinata chimed in. "I think he has at least twenty clones a day doing nothing else?"

"Usually thirty or so," Naruto agreed. "Five each on leaf-sticking, surface-sticking, water-walking, chakra strings, chakra sensing, and shape training. Makes getting to sleep at night really easy, since having all of their fatigue hit me at once knocks me right out. Can't do that when we're on missions though, so I only keep five or so clones active."

"...I missed something," Tenten said. "You keep clones active while we're on missions?"

"Yoko and a few well-known animals. First thing I do when I get up in the morning is make the clones and they reverse-summon themselves to the compound before splitting up into the various roles. I think that all of them being in the village even when we're out on missions has even convinced a few jounin that they can't be tied to me, but the Yoko clone is frequently one that will survive me going to sleep and sometimes I forget to have her dispel until the new one shows up the next morning."


Over the course of the two weeks the pattern of 'arrive, be scoffed at for their ages, prove themselves, actually get training done' happened at every single did the locals wanting Naruto in particular to stick around longer to help them understand where they were going wrong better. Hinata and Tenten hadn't found the 'early' exercises difficult enough to develop a deeper understanding of them like Naruto had, even though he'd had to work his way into them from the wrong direction.

"Hey old man," Naruto greeted Old Man Hokage. "What's up?"

"Two things," the old man replied, shaking his head as Naruto casually dodged multiple attempts to slap the back of his head for being disrespectful. The old man didn't mind and Naruto knew it. "For one, we finally untangled and smoothed out the laws impacting the sale of your belts." A scroll was picked up and tossed to Naruto. "This is an order for fifty for the Anbu, another fifty for the jounin armory, and a list of trusted shops that you may wish to work with for others."


"Secondly, I have two missions for your team. One that came in this morning is to be treated as a cover mission for the other." Two scrolls were picked up and tossed to Kurenai-sensei, who handed one to Anko-sensei. They read the scrolls, swapped to read the other, and then nodded.

"So we're doing a C-rank that's probably at least a B-rank as cover for looting a pissant to the ground," Anko-sensei said. "Using said looting to pay for both missions and ideally tanking his shipping company so hard that ours gets a bunch of emergency contracts that will lead to longer-term relationships."

"With the possibility of things going A-rank on the cover mission if certain rumors are correct," Kurenai-sensei added, sounding doubtful. "I...don't think we're ready for A-rank missions as a team."

"There's at most a single jounin-level opponent expected," Old Man Hokage explained. "Mostly because Gato is cheap and we're fairly confident that he wouldn't be willing to pay for more than that. If he did find one then you and Anko should be able to handle it. The rumors point towards Kiri missing-nin, and you might be able to scare them off entirely with Naruto's Uzushio forehead protector as well."

"...what?" Naruto asked, confused.

"You haven't been wearing it, but Uzushio shinobi have a reputation. Especially in Kiri, where they clashed regularly on missions to protect shipping. Now, I doubt that you can live up to the reputation for humiliating your opponents in the way they used to, but doing anything to humiliate them would count."

"We've got three days to prepare," Anko-sensei said. "I'm sure you can come up with at least something by then, even if you still need hand seals for it."

"Okay you three," Anko-sensei explained as they met up half an hour later. "Most genin don't get the standard talk about missing-nin until they actually run into one, but suspecting that we'll do so means that you get it ahead of time."

"Even if I'm still not sure why we accepted the mission," Kurenai-sensei said, shaking her head.

"Because we're awesome enough to handle it. Anyway, long story short, the general policy in the elemental nations is that hiring missing-nin means open season on you from the hidden village system. That includes missing-samurai and the Land of Iron's samurai in general, by the way. Now, Kirigakure's missing-nin are a little bit of a mixed bag due to their civil war, but Konoha hasn't changed interaction rules. If they're listed in the bingo books, especially their home village's, then our primary goal is to capture or kill them and anyone working with them for their bounties. Capture is preferred when deemed reasonably possible so that they can be properly interrogated, but limb disabling or removal is recommended to render them safer if we can't keep them secure otherwise."

"We have options for capture that others don't when in the field thanks to summoning tricks. If we can knock someone out then we can get them back to Konoha with a short-term prisoner transport scroll. They can only hold weak shinobi for up to six hours and tend to fail on strong shinobi after forty-five minutes, but we only need fifteen for Naruto to get the scroll to T&I."

"You have three days to prepare whatever you want to prepare. We'll be leaving on the fifteenth, but I want you to know every Kirigakure missing-nin in the bingo books by then. Especially the stronger ones. Do remember that we'll be doing both bodyguard and infiltration work, so ensure that you have suitable kits ready for both."

They'd split up at that point to ensure that they had supplies and clean laundry ready. Except that as soon as Naruto was alone with Hoshi his attention was grabbed by the Tome.

"I wasn't going to teach you these for a while," his mother said. "But if Hiruzen wants you to live up to the Uzumaki name then you need to know them. Some of them are merely classic Uzumaki tactics, at least one of which you figured out on your own already far too early, others are jutsu that range from stupid-seeming but weirdly effective to effective-seeming but actually useless. A few of the jutsu have gone by hundreds of names, independently recreated by generations of Uzumaki."

"...just be aware that some of these will knock your allies out due to shock,"
his father added.

"I suppose you would know. You didn't appreciate seeing me use several of them..."

Naruto half tuned them out as he pulled the Tome out to flip through the new pages. Tips for appearing to be completely clueless while getting close to an enemy, various distraction methods, creative use of explosive tags, and a couple dozen new jutsu. He blushed at the thought of some of the distraction methods, especially some of the ones he'd not understood when he'd started using them when younger, shivered at some of the jutsu, and tried to figure out why the explosive tags were so inefficiently positioned for a couple of the tactics.

A hundred clones were created to work on it all before he went to check his various storage seals to see what he'd need to pick up in the next few days. He'd probably include things for making a bunch of the resistance belts, but figured that dealing with finding a store to sell them for him would need to wait until after the mission. If things went well he'd probably have the two existing orders finished before they left though.

To the team's surprise, on the fourteenth Naruto had gathered them and applied seals to select portions of their gear, including their forehead protectors. Thanks to the spiral armbands the Tome had been able to figure out how to make other things be ignored by the Knight Armor spell. For the most part it was best used with pouches that you wanted to retain access to even with the Knight Armor up, but he'd also been able to add the seal to the Uzu Anbu masks and their stacks of metal storage seal tags for various combat gear.

The biggest problem was that you needed to either add the seal to the belts the stuff was attached to as well or have a suitable belt in the same position in your Knight Armor template. Less of a problem for thigh pouches that were wrapped around your legs, but still annoying and took some experimentation to get right.

Anko-sensei had taken the opportunity to hand over a crate of various knockout drugs to make capturing missing-nin easier. Naruto had commented that some of them weren't that effective and had been 'volunteered' to test them as a result, only for them to find out that they genuinely weren't all that effective on him. Tenten had fallen over almost immediately with a couple, but they needed dangerously high doses to properly knock him out.

He'd been dragged to the hospital so that a medic-nin could figure the mystery out, and the best they could say was that his recovery rate was high enough that the normal doses were working their way out of his system before they'd even kicked in properly.

"What are you wearing?" Anko-sensei asked as Naruto arrived at the arranged meeting point near the village gates.

"Traditional Uzushio uniform," Naruto answered. He mostly had on the male version of the uniform, but with one of the skirts instead of shorts so that he could release his tail if he wanted to. Still needed to adjust his underwear before doing so, but he'd tested and found that it worked well enough. His Konoha forehead protector was on his forehead and his Uzushio one was sitting around his neck, and he'd ensured that he had a Knight Armor version of it all just in case. "Figured that if we want to push the Uzu connection then I should go for it."

"Looks good on you, and I think I based my look on pictures of the thing that I saw when I was in the academy. Though I'd expect shorts for you, not a skirt."

"The shorts sit too high to shift back comfortably if I need to."

"Ah. Good thinking."

"Where's Kurenai-sensei? She usually beats you to meetings."

"She did, but went to find the drunk that happens to be our client."

Hinata showed up a couple of minutes later, followed by Tenten. Both needed an explanation for the change in uniform for Naruto. Hoshi found the need for the repeated explanations amusing. Then they ended up waiting for three quarters of an hour before Kurenai-sensei finally arrived with an old man. He had gray hair and a somewhat standard civilian traveling kit, as well as an open bottle of alcohol.

"...I thought I was getting shinobi," the man said as he looked over the group. "Not a bunch of little girls...and is that a fox?"

"I'm a guy," Naruto shot back. "I just have a specific trick that the skirt works best for."

"...what? Really?"

Kurenai-sensei nodded, not asking for an explanation on the outfit. "We each have our own abilities, and these 'little girls' are all experienced genin. Naruto is the blond in orange and is probably best described as a support specialist, Hinata's white eyes let her see things most people can't, and Tenten is a budding weapons expert. Even the fox, Hoshi, has useful skills when it comes to deception. You already met Anko yesterday morning. Team Eighteen, this is our client, Tazuna. We'll be escorting him back to the Land of Waves and then guarding him and his crew as they work on a bridge connecting to the Land of Fire."

"Huh. Where am I waiting while you all grab your packs?"

"What packs?" Naruto asked.

"...your food, clothing, tents? You don't think that we're going to make it to Wave in a day, do you?"

A tap of a seal tag and a puff of chakra smoke revealed a chest, in this case one full of cooking equipment, not that Naruto opened it to show that. "With the right equipment you don't need packs."

"...damn. That would've made the trip out here a hell of a lot easier."

"Not being burdened by our equipment gives us more options in the event that combat comes up," Kurenai-sensei explained. "That Naruto's personal studies include creation of this particular type of equipment means that we're better equipped in that regard than most teams, but most shinobi eventually come to use this to some degree."

Tazuna nodded, eyeing Naruto with more respect than he had before. "I see. How much can one of you carry?"

"Enough to make former classmates jealous if they found out," Naruto answered as he re-sealed the cooking chest. "I don't know what some of the girls will do when they can't bring a full wardrobe, makeup, and portable shower along on missions."

Anko-sensei turned to stare at him. "Hold up, are you implying that you do have a portable shower? As in you finally figured out how to get one working that isn't just a tank with a hose?"

"Yep. Figured out how to get hot and cold water working a couple weeks ago." Finding out how the honden at the shrine worked had been crucial there. Mixing in some fire nature chakra for the hot water was then trivial, and feeding it into a standard shower system as though it was installed in a building had been easy enough. Didn't look pretty, admittedly, but it worked and adding decorative covers could happen later.

Tazuna blinked a couple of times while the rest of the team stared at Naruto. "What's next, saying that you've got a portable toilet too?"

"Those are standard-issue for teams like ours," Tenten said, after shaking herself out of her awe over having access to hot showers on the road. "They sell nine different models here in Konoha alone."

"Not leaving that kind of evidence that you've been in an area can be crucial on some kinds of missions," Anko-sensei added. "The annoying part is cleaning them out when you get to a place where it's safe to do so, and the basic models are literally just the toilet with no cover."

Tazuna seemed shocked at all of this, but half an hour later they had made it out of the village and started on their journey to Wave.
Chapter 11 - Road to Wave, Kekkei What?
The first day of the trip to Wave passed without any incidents, but due to needing to keep to Tazuna's pace they were only able to make it to the edge of the well-patrolled area around Konoha. Along the way Naruto was grilled a little by Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei about his clothing through the communication jutsu, leaving Tazuna to comment that they were unusually quiet when they stopped for lunch. Anko-sensei had simply commented that a loud shinobi was either very strong, very stupid, or soon to be very dead.

There were several well-maintained campsites just outside of the well-patrolled area, and they had stopped at one for the night. Tazuna had been surprised at multiple sizable tents being set up out of nowhere, as well as the selection that Naruto had been carrying for cooking. And, for that matter, that Naruto was in charge of the cooking to begin with. Not that the old man complained after tasting what was prepared.

Day two was similar, but they had to be more on alert as they weren't in well-patrolled areas anymore.

"It hasn't rained recently at all," Hinata complained to the rest of the team via the communication jutsu. "What are those idiots thinking?"

"That a civilian would never notice,"
Anko-sensei replied. "Assuming that you've spotted someone hiding in a fake puddle or something?"

"The demon brothers, it looks like, just over the next rise."

"Chunin at best, nothing we have to worry about. Which of you wants to get things started?"

"I'll take them alone,"
Naruto offered.

" probably can, yes," Kurenai-sensei replied, sounding exasperated. "And that would let us see how they react to you advertising that you're an Uzumaki. Slip behind us as they'll want to attempt to surprise us from a blind spot."

Nothing was said to Tazuna as they approached and passed the false puddle with the two shinobi inside of it, but Naruto had dropped to behind the group in the process as well as made several paperwork clones. One of those had switched with him, just in case. Hoshi was playing up on them not noticing anything by sniffing around in front of them, ignoring the puddle entirely. The two men silently lifted out of the puddle once they thought they were in the clear and charged at the group, only to falter for a moment upon paying enough attention to the clone's back.

The clone turned around and looked at the two at that point. "Seriously?" He then tapped his foot, and stone fists slammed into the crotches of the two attacking shinobi from below them. Their puddle then flowed up behind them, splitting into two before slipping under their clothing and latching onto their underwear. Chakra let the water firmly grab the fabric despite remaining a liquid, then pulled up hard as two spikes of stone grew upwards. The backs of their underwear were pulled free of their pants and hooked over the spikes, and then the clone body-flickered forward and hit both men with a lightning-charged fist to knock them unconscious.

Three minutes later the two had been stripped down to their underwear and forehead protectors. Tenten had claimed the gauntlets while musing that she was going to have her work cut out for her in figuring out how to use the linked chain on her own and the rest had been sealed away. Anko-sensei had then taken over, waking the pair up and interrogating them.

"You're a bit...ugh," Tazuna said as he turned away from Anko-sensei.

"She works with our interrogation department on a regular basis," Kurenai-sensei said. "Still, the fact that shinobi were after you does mean that this mission is no longer a C-rank. Even if these two were no match for one genin."

" do you know they weren't after you?"

"The picture of you with payout amounts for dead and alive written on the back of it."

Tazuna flinched at that, and what followed was forty-five minutes of sob-story about the condition of Wave and negotiations that ended with agreements for a payment plan on the additional cost of the mission if it remained B-rank or an agreement for Konoha to collect tolls on traffic crossing the bridge being built if they ran into any shinobi or group thereof that would raise the mission to an A-rank. This was written up, signed, and handed to Naruto...along with two scrolls that Anko-sensei provided containing the demon brothers.

"Those two go straight to T&I," Anko-sensei said. "Then you can run the updated mission agreement scroll to the tower."

Naruto nodded, created a new clone to take the three scrolls, and then watched as it vanished. Twenty minutes later he'd get the memories from it having dismissed itself after completing delivery of all three scrolls.

"So did you learn anything interesting?" Kurenai-sensei asked after a quick clean-up of the area.

"They thought they were lucky that Naruto merely humiliated and stripped them," Anko-sensei answered. "Other than that, not much. They were hired by Gato, but either weren't sure who else might be around or weren't willing to say with the techniques I can manage in the field."

"Pity. Oh well. We should get moving again."

The following day was foggy as they reached the shore, a lone and pitiful-looking dock sitting there. Tazuna signaled a man operating a boat, who looked fearful. It wasn't until the boat had pulled up to the dock that an obvious problem was spotted.

"I don't know if I can make two trips," the man in the boat said, looking at the group. "Getting around Gato's blockades isn't easy."

Hoshi hopped up onto Naruto, who grinned. "I'll walk."

"And I'll join him," Anko-sensei added. "One of us on each side."

"...walk?" the man in the boat said, obviously not believing them.

"They're shinobi," Tazuna answered. "With what little I've seen already? At this point they could tell me they could fly and I'd believe them."

"That's a much rarer skill," Tenten quipped. "Why, there might only be a dozen people on the continent that can pull it off in general, and half of them need to be riding something."

"Any competent shinobi with access to a body of water for training can walk on water," Anko-sensei added. "Hmmm. We do need to get some desert-style sand-walking in at some point though. Beach sand just doesn't work the same way."

A few minutes later they were moving across the water, Naruto and Hoshi to one side of the boat and Anko to the other side. Hoshi had even dropped down and was focusing on walking on the water himself. The man operating the boat had stared for a few minutes before focusing on getting them past the 'blockade'...which didn't appear to be anywhere near them. There were also no real signs of anything to worry about as they came into view of the...sizable bridge in progress. It looked like you could trivially have full-sized carriages going in both directions at the same time when completed, but for now it wasn't exactly usable.

Naruto did wonder if the paperwork for connecting it on the Land of Fire side of the shore had been filed properly though.

Reaching the far shore left them with the boat hurriedly leaving them behind and Tazuna needing to take the lead a bit more to lead them to his house. Both Naruto and Hinata also noticed that they were being watched, though the young man in the trees likely wasn't aware of that fact. Nor that he was still in their range when he met up with an older, larger, and obviously more powerful shinobi. The young man stayed behind as the other shinobi first moved closer, and then threw a very large sword at them.

"DOWN!" Hinata yelled, pulling Tazuna down. Tenten, Kurenai-sensei, and Anko-sensei dropped down as well.

Naruto bucked trends by diving forward into a roll past Hoshi, heading in the same direction that the sword was going in. The sword itself flew over him, and he was back on his feet and body-flickering over to it as it struck a tree. He grabbed the handle with his right hand, but didn't hold out any hope of actually using the sword right then.

So he triggered the spiral armband that had an open slot and stored the sword in it, causing it to vanish in a puff of chakra smoke. A split-second later the larger shinobi appeared in the air just over where the sword had been, obviously surprised that he didn't have a place to land. He recovered quickly, but as soon as he'd touched down he spun around to glare at Naruto. The bandages covering the lower part of the man's face ruined the effect slightly, at least in Naruto's opinion, but he was focused on other things instead.

Specifically, pulling out some paper and ink, using chakra to spread the ink onto the paper at the direction of his mother in the Tome. Creating two copies of a filled-out form with authentication and tracking seals hidden in the Uzumaki and Uzushio symbols in the corners.

"Give me back my sword," the man, Zabuza if Naruto's recollection of the Kiri bingo book was accurate, demanded.

"That was Kubikiribocho, right?" Naruto asked instead.


Naruto nodded, rolled up one copy of the form and dropped it into a seal, and then held the other copy out to the man. "Here's your copy of the receipt of reclamation."

The man blinked, taking the paper and staring at it for a moment. "...what?"

"Kubikiribocho was one of two swords given to Kiri by Uzu as part of an agreement to never directly attack one another. It was forfeit and reverted to Uzu ownership as soon as Kiri joined in the destruction of Uzu, but was unable to be reclaimed before now. That's a confirmation that an Uzumaki has taken possession of the sword. Now I just have to find and reclaim Nuibari, assuming no other Uzumaki has done so yet. I'd personally have thought that Shibuki would've come from Uzu, given the explosive tags, but apparently that was too indiscriminate for my ancestors to consider making."

Zabuza stared at the form, then took a closer look at Naruto. His eyes noticeably lingered on the Uzushio forehead protector, but his eyes had started widening as soon as he'd started recognizing the entire outfit Naruto was wearing. But then they narrowed again as he likely realized that Naruto had blond hair instead of red hair. "Are you sure you're an Uzumaki?"


"You don't have their red hair."

"I'm told my father was blond."

"...still not sure I believe that you're actually an Uzumaki. There aren't many left."

"My mother died shortly after I was born."


"Took a giant fox claw through the gut, I believe."

"Giant..." the man started, before his eyes went wide again. They flicked up to the Konoha forehead protector before he gulped lightly. "Kushina?"

"Oh, did you know her?"

"I've...heard of her, but don't think we ever met."

Naruto frowned. "Ah. And your friend looks too young to have met her either."

Zabuza blinked. "My...friend?"

"The young man in the trees that was following us from shortly after we came ashore and has moved to continue following my team. Oh well. Do try to get that to Kiri, I don't know how long it will be before I'll be able to get the other copy to a post office."

Naruto then body-flickered away to rejoin the others, not wanting to test his ability to take down a jounin-class opponent right now. Though 'rejoin' was more of a 'regroup where Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei had whipped up a quick fortified position' thing.

" aren't in the middle of a fight?" Kurenai-sensei asked as Naruto appeared.

"No," he replied. "I distracted him with paperwork and being an Uzumaki."

"Hell of a bluff," Anko-sensei said with a grin. "Claiming that you were taking an Uzu sword back."

"I'm sure Kiri has copies of the original agreement."

"Wait, it wasn't a bluff?"


"Naruto," Tenten said, suddenly next to him. "Where is the legendary sword?"

Sighing, he turned to look at her. She was attempting to give him a 'hell will freeze over before I back down from getting my hands on the legendary sword' look. "Outside of Zabuza's reach. There's no way that I'm pulling it out with him regrouping with his friend and getting ready to attack."

Her mood deflated at hearing that. "Dammit."

"They're approaching," Hinata warned. "And Zabuza has a smaller sword."

"Hinata and Tenten," Kurenai-sensei said. "You two are with me to guard Tazuna. I think Hoshi should stick with us as well."

"Naruto is with me," Anko-sensei continued, before flipping over to the communication jutsu. "Don't whine, he can flood the area with clones if needed. Oh, and everyone turn off your belts."

The girls nodded, though with slight frowns, and Hinata closed up the earth dome covering their position after Hoshi had slipped in. A moment later a genjutsu covered it to hide it better as Naruto and Anko-sensei toggled their resistance belts off and he made some clones that vanished into the surroundings before the two of them took off to intercept the two approaching Shinobi.

"Take the younger one," Anko sent as she moved to take on Zabuza.

Naruto's only response was to move to reach the younger man, and nearly got a face full of senbon in response. But he was a lot faster without his resistance belt active and was able to dodge them, unsealing a tanto from his armband in the process. The man had a hunter-nin style mask on, but likely wasn't actually one. They clashed, tanto blocked by senbon, before the man performed some single-handed hand seals and spat an ice spike.

That was luckily easily dodged with a head tilt, and Naruto responded by causing his hair to grow and grab at the man's arms. At the same time a rock fist came up to strike between the man's legs and an earth wall came up behind him to limit his retreat options. Wind chakra suddenly coating the senbon let the young man slice through the hair even as he jumped to the side, though he tripped over the rock fist as it missed its mark.

"Ice?" Naruto asked his parents in the Tome as he moved away from the young man, both sizing the other up.

"Wind and water combined," his father replied.

"Cool." Naruto grinned and mixed the two together, the elemental ball jutsu were all similar enough to make mixing up the elements trivial if you weren't using hand seals.

"It isn't that easy," Kurama started to say with a tone that said that Naruto was an idiot. "It requires..."

Whatever it supposedly required wasn't mentioned as Naruto's ice ball fired from his mouth, apparently taking the three in the Tome and his opponent by surprise. The surprise was significant enough for the young man to take the ice ball to his gut, but he recovered quickly.

"...are you a Yuki?" the young man asked, sounding uncertain as one hand held his stomach and the other brandished senbon again.

"Not that I know of," Naruto admitted.

"But you used hyoton?"

"I did what?"

"The ability to make ice is a kekkei genkai thought to only be found in the Yuki clan."

Naruto blinked, because it hadn't been that hard to combine the two elements. "Really?"


Shrugging, he fired another ice ball, and then mixed fire and wind chakra to spit out a...hmmm. He wasn't sure what the ball was, but it was far hotter than fire would normally be. The young man had dodged the second ice ball, and then thrown an ice wall up in panic. That had been barely enough to stop the hotter than usual ball, but had given Naruto enough time to attempt mixing water and fire. That came out as a ball of what looked like steam, which the young man dodged instead of trying to block. When the ball hit a tree it looked like it was acidic on top of being hot.

By that point the young man was looking panicked...and Naruto thought that the Tome might have a problem as it seemed to have stopped responding. He didn't know why, but also wasn't sure how to best 'fire' an elemental ball including earth or lightning. You usually fired the earth ball from the ground and the lightning ball from your hands, compared to the other three all working best from the mouth.

"ZABUZA!" the young man finally screamed.

"WHAT!?" the older shinobi asked as he dodged a snake that Anko-sensei had summoned.


Naruto took a moment to double-check that he hadn't mistakenly shapeshifted into a she even as Zabuza executed a complicated-looking spin to disengage from Anko-sensei and the snake. A moment later he was next to the young man. "What are you talking about?"

"She fired ice, what I think was scorch, and boil release balls."

"I'm a guy," Naruto grumbled. "And I don't know what the big deal is. I just mixed chakra."

"What's all the yapping about?" Anko-sensei asked, obviously still on guard but just as obviously curious about what was going on.

"I mixed water and wind to get an ice ball, and then fire and wind to get what I think the guy called scorch? Fire and water I was expecting to be steam, but boil sounds close enough, except that it looked like it was superheated acid when it struck the tree."


Naruto proceeded to demonstrate all three again, to the widening eyes of both Anko-sensei and Zabuza. He then decided to mix earth and fire, launching the ball like he would an earth ball, and got what looked like it might be lava, which was awesome. Mixing earth and water just got mud though. Earth and wind was weird because it had looked normal but seemed like it pulled on some of the metal. Then he figured he might as well try adding in lightning to the earth ball, and the ball exploded when it hit.

He was thinking about how to add lightning with the other three elemental natures when Zabuza threw the young man over his shoulder. "Fuck it. We're not being paid enough to deal with an Uzumaki with six or more kekkei genkai."

A moment later it appeared that Zabuza had body flickered them away, and a few seconds later they were out of range of Naruto's byakugan.

Turning to Anko-sensei, he found her largely unresponsive. "Anko-sensei? Hello?"

It turned out that mixing chakra natures like that was either essentially impossible or required decades of work for most people and shouldn't be able to be done on the fly just because you'd found out that someone with a kekkei genkai could do it. Mixing a set two was rare enough, usually fizzling out or exploding in your chakra coils if attempted unless you had the right heritage, but just grabbing any two you pleased and having them combine without training was seen as crazy talk. And Naruto had proven he could combine all ten pairs by testing the remaining lightning combinations. With water he'd gotten lightning that flowed like water, wind had created an extremely fast ball, and with fire he'd somehow ended up with what looked like a perfect sphere of energy that had dissipated into the surroundings on hit.

Tenten had then complained that mud wasn't what you got with earth and water, because that's what mokuton was supposed to be. Naruto had shrugged and admitted that he might be doing things wrong before Kurenai-sensei had gotten them moving again. They'd made it to Tazuna's house, met his daughter Tsunami and stupidly set in his ways grandson Inari, and had been offered use of two rooms in the house to sleep in. Being the only guy, Naruto had volunteered to pop a tent outside instead of sharing a room with any of the others, though had stated that he should really trim his hair back as it was sloppily cut and a little past his shoulders now. Hinata had insisted on helping him trim it to a proper shoulder length instead of back to the shorter style he normally used.

Tsunami, upon finding out that he wasn't a she, had apologized and insisted on him at least using the couch instead of a tent, which they'd decided to go along with so that she wouldn't freak out over the girls sharing a room with Naruto instead of Anko-sensei's original plan of telling Naruto to share the room like they had on infiltration missions already. This was followed by Tsunami obviously being torn when Naruto had looked at what was available for food in the kitchen before unsealing supplies. Then affronted when he'd taken over the kitchen to cook, at least until she'd tasted the meal.

"Okay," Kurenai-sensei said as they gathered outside. Naruto needed to drop a summoning stone next to the house anyway. "We're going to run a rotation with a single guard active here at the house at all times, plus whoever is with Tazuna during the day. I assume that either Zabuza will return after being offered more money to deal with Naruto or that Gato will hire someone else."

"Or that they'll come to the conclusion that what Naruto did was more trick than reality," Anko-sensei added. "Which is what my assumption would be after thinking about it for a bit. A few seals that make it look like you can use a bunch of kekkei genkai instead of actually being able to do so."

"Hey Hinata," Naruto suddenly said, having been chatting with his finally-recovered parents in the Tome. "I bet you can combine things too."

Hinata gave Naruto a look that said he was an idiot. "You were just told how dangerous it can be."

"And you can use all the elements just as easily as I can."

She blinked a couple of times, then tilted her head. "Huh. So you think..." She then turned towards the water behind the house, and a moment later launched an ice ball.

"...bullshit," Anko-sensei said. "There's no fucking way that both of you can do that."

"Hold onto this for a bit and ignore the itching," Naruto said as he handed the Tome to Tenten.

"What?" Tenten asked.

"Trust me."


"Because if I'm right you'll be more awesome?"

She frowned, then opened the Tome to find that the pages were blank. "You want me to hold onto a blank book?"

"Only I can read it."


Zabuza had lucked out and found a courier-nin passing through the area and sent the receipt of reclamation to Kiri, in part because he suspected it might have some form of tracking seal and in part because he wanted the act of challenging that claim to be someone else's problem. Given the nature of the receipt he'd even been able to charge the delivery to Kiri instead of having to pay for it himself, which was an added bonus and had simplified the interaction with the courier-nin.

With that accomplished he'd met back up with Haku before they'd gone to speak with Gato. There they explained that the bridge builder had found an Uzumaki that was far more troublesome on his own than the existing contract for taking out the bridge builder covered, also explaining just how Gozu and Meizu had been taken out without the group looking like they'd so much as gotten a scratch on them. The little tyrant promised quadruple pay, and even provided half of their original sum up front, so long as the Uzumaki was also killed along with the rest of the team. Doing so would give Zabuza plenty of time to search for where the Uzumaki had hidden Kubikiribocho as well, which was an added bonus.

All of this was before sitting down with Haku to discuss things in more detail and realizing that the Uzumaki was probably a sensor. Or then finding out that the team had included a Hyuga. Spying on sensors was hard enough, but doing so with Hyuga was an exercise in hoping you had any accurate clue about their visual range. Sadly, the girl hadn't interacted with the short-lived battle much at all, so they had no clue what her range might be beyond knowing that younger Hyuga tended to have much smaller ranges. The combination of the two made silent killing...tricky at best, and potentially impossible to pull off properly. Especially as further reflection revealed that both the Uzumaki and the woman with the snake summons hadn't been making any noise as they moved. In fact, the bridge builder was the only one that Zabuza could recall hearing the footsteps of at all, potentially meaning that bringing in dense mist would be useless for fighting the shinobi.

...this was going to be an annoying few days to a week, but all they needed to do was figure out how to best launch a surprise attack. Without even knowing what the capabilities of the rest of the team actually were because only two of them had engaged at all.

Fuck. They should've told Gato to find someone else to do his dirty work. But it was one thing to back out when unexpected opposition showed up and another entirely to do so after renegotiating in light of said opposition. Nobody else would be willing to hire them if word got out that they were that unreliable.

The following morning had started with Naruto personally heading back to Konoha to make his normal set of clones there instead of having them summon themselves back. This was so that he could transfer Kubikiribocho to a storage seal in the shrine's storage room for the time being, as well as do some quick shopping. If he or Tenten had any hope of using that sword then they'd need better strength training for their arms, so a pile of chakra weights was essentially a requirement.

Dropping the receipt of reclamation for Kiri off at the post office and checking on triangulation of the tracking seals on the copy given to Zabuza had also been done, and it looked like a courier-nin, messenger bird, or summons would be reaching Kiri in the afternoon with Zabuza's copy. Creating a few extra clones to attempt a secondary project there was easy enough, but he had no clue if they'd be able to travel the distance needed in only a day.

He'd made it back to Wave in time for breakfast, which Tsunami had insisted on cooking, and during breakfast plans were being discussed. Silently, because this was part of the mission Tazuna hadn't hired them for.

"Anko and I discussed things and we'd like Naruto to create a bunch of clones," Kurenai-sensei sent via the communication jutsu. "Ideally locating and mapping out all of Gato's holdings on the island in the next two days."

"Using clones means they can all vanish without leaving a trace if needed,"
Anko-sensei added. "But the goal is to know how to hit everything we want to at once. Money and records are the primary goal, but other valuables are fair game as well. Anything that would be seen as illegal to ship in the Land of Fire should be noted if possible so that we can decide what to do with it."

"We'd join in, but for the next couple of days Anko and I need to be at full strength while protecting Tazuna and Naruto has perfected disguising his chakra to a degree that most never bother with."

"I can make a clone too,"
Hinata offered.

"We're aware and actually want you to leave your one clone here at the house until we know more about what plans may be in motion," Anko-sensei explained. "You'll be able to spot threats coming a lot more easily than the rest of us and grabbing the family of a target is a common tactic. Mostly because it works more often than not."

Hinata half-nodded while eating, not that it was likely noticed by the three civilians at the table. Especially as Tazuna was too busy telling Inari that the group of shinobi was 'more awesome than he could have dreamed'.

After breakfast they vocally decided on several things, but didn't include key details. Like the fact that Naruto would be dropping the other portable summoning stone near but not at the bridge for quick movement between there and the house. What the civilians didn't know couldn't be leaked by them, and not speaking things aloud made it much harder for enemies to listen in. But never talking about their mission would be suspicious on its own, hence almost conspicuously talking about the mission Tazuna had hired them for.

Playing mind games with enemies that might never be in a position to notice them was annoying, but good practice because sometimes you may not be in a position to notice your enemies as well. Building good habits now helped keep mistakes from being made later.

Naruto had been sent to 'scout ahead in case traps had been laid' as an excuse for making his clones, and also because they honestly didn't know if any traps had been put down. That he found two incredibly poorly constructed ones that a four year old would probably have found suspicious and that didn't even work properly was interesting though. Attempts to adapt basic traps for small game to human-scale without taking into account that the materials used couldn't handle the loads needed and that most humans were intelligent enough to see the trap. Or simply able to untie the knots.

Partially because he'd not been getting in any training, partially to hide that he'd used a pile of chakra to make paperwork clones, and partially because he was bored out of his mind, Naruto had ended up helping with the bridge construction. This had the extra benefits of having him get more familiar with the crew for dealing with infiltrators and allowing him easy access to look over the entire bridge for potential sabotage.

The complete lack of sabotage, combined with what was being learned about Gato throughout the day as clones reported back, had Naruto forming a very low opinion of the tyrant. Letting the bridge be completed and then stationing guards and toll collectors on it would have made a lot more sense than trying to stop the construction entirely. Admittedly, bridge traffic would be easier to inspect for the Land of Fire than the ship-based traffic, likely leading to a lot of things that Gato shouldn't have been shipping being discovered, but nobody said the illegal stuff had to travel over the bridge in the first place.

Still, some of the man's lack of intelligence was to their benefit. It appeared that he kept ninety percent of his money and records in his personal office, split between two safes. The 'legal' money and records in the obvious safe and the 'illegal' money and records in a larger hidden safe. This was also in the largest and 'most prosperous' settlement on the island and happened to be the primary legal shipping point, so visitors wouldn't be likely to realize anything was wrong. Two smaller settlements near that one handled illegal shipping, one focused on drugs and the other focused on other contraband. Such as literal crates full of poorly-made explosive tags.

Hitting those three settlements would be all they needed to do in order to cripple the Gato company, as far as Naruto could tell. The only question was when to do so, which would need to be discussed with the others. None of the man's thugs would pose a challenge to a third-year academy student from Konoha, but Zabuza and the young man who was apparently named Haku were still around and planning on how to spy on Team Eighteen. Possibly how to launch a surprise attack as well.

As a side bonus, Haku had pulled out and was going over a written copy of one of his ice jutsu, looking for tricks or insight he might have forgotten with how he normally used the mirrors involved. Which let Naruto's clones copy down the information, though the hand seal was odd and practicing with the jutsu was probably going to have to be done by clones in Konoha to avoid being spotted.
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Chapter 12 - New Insights, Loot, Battle for Wave
After two days of guarding Tazuna at the bridge, Team Eighteen had everything they were likely to get in regards to information on Gato. The man basically wanted a tax-free and law-free nation to run his shipping company out of and was planning on officially taking over as Wave's daimyo in the next six months. That had been relayed back to Konoha, which had relayed it to the Land of Fire's daimyo, who had added 'ensure that Gato dies for even considering such an underhanded thing' as a new aspect of the mission. Complete with payment for it on top of all other mission payments involved.

Daimyo may not always get along, but none of them wanted anyone to think that 'commoners' could get away with taking over any country like that. That would set precedent and they might be next, after all.

Anko-sensei had checked out the drug and contraband settlements and come up with a plan for them, Haku had started seeding the area around the bridge and Tazuna's house with small ice mirror fragments that could seemingly be used for monitoring but stuck out to the byakugan like sore thumbs, and Tenten had called bullshit on 'holding a magic book for a day allows use of all five elements' after she'd had trouble with any elemental jutsu before then.

At the same time, the Tome now had a far better understanding of the 'net'...and Naruto was positive that calling it a net was a horrible misrepresentation of what it actually was. It apparently came with thirteen 'primary groups' that connected in various ways, at least in Naruto. When the net was 'complete' each group connected to each other via sub-nodes in groups of two, three, and four, with some connections between compatible sub-groups as well. Chakra chains had seemingly been one of three 'extra groups' that most people didn't have any hint of at all though, and looked more 'constructed' than the others. Almost as though someone had found a way to add them on later.

From examining others, it appeared that chakra natures depended on which groups were fully intact and chakra nature kekkei genkai came about from having the interconnection nodes. Haku had a water and wind interconnection node and could thus use ice. He also had interconnections for water and wind individually with yin, yang, and both, plus the combined 'ice' node with yin, yang, and both. Really, yin and yang connected to almost all other nodes, individually and together, being one of the only near-constant things that the Tome had seen so far.

This meant that the Tome had, essentially, accidentally given Naruto every chakra nature kekkei genkai possible for his available groups by fixing the base elemental groups based on the obvious patterns in them and then filling in all the missing interconnection nodes based on the patterns created by the yin and yang groups. Followed by duplicating it to Hinata, and now to Tenten.

And for some reason his parents were now working on seals that could 'fix' the net without needing the Tome itself...or shatter it in various ways. From removing most of the elemental interconnects in order to obliterate chakra nature kekkei genkai all the way through to dismantling the entire thing to remove someone's ability to control chakra normally at all. While the 'fixing' seal sounded like an awesome idea, Naruto was less sold on the idea of having the 'shatter' variants available at all simply on the basis that they could be used against him.

Sakura grumbled a little as she limped a little on her walk through the village. She still wasn't sure what Kiba had been thinking before his stunt had knocked her off the roof they'd been working on. Even that wouldn't have been too big of a problem if she'd not needed to focus on both her landing and the stack of roofing tiles he'd knocked off the roof as well. The result had been landing wrong to avoid injury, but doing so in a way that let her dodge the rain of roofing tiles.

The medic-nin said that it was better to let the rest of the injury heal naturally and that she'd be fine in a couple of days. Which left her better off than Kiba after Asuma-sensei had gotten to the boy...and probably after his mother had beaten him into the ground during training. At the same time, she wasn't getting the personal training that she normally got from Asuma-sensei while Choji and Kiba were training with their clans today. So instead she was heading to the shrine that Sasuke had taken to visiting so often.

She lucked out in that the shrine was unusually empty, but she was also earlier than she could usually manage to visit. Only a couple of civilians were in the shrine area right now, and she marveled at the exceptionally-clean water that flowed from the honden as she purified herself before continuing further. Nobody had been able to provide a good explanation for where the water came from, beyond that it came from the honden itself so long as a suitable shrine maiden was looking after the shrine.

Some research into the village's history had revealed that Mito Uzumaki was the first one known to look after the shrine, though she'd stopped sometime after marrying Hashirama Senju. Kushina Uzumaki was the most recent shrine maiden, personally trained by Mito and also seemingly the only other previous shrine maiden. Deeper records were harder to find for a genin, but Sakura had idly wondered if Kushina was Naruto's aunt or something like that. It seemed unlikely that he'd be treated as a normal orphan if his mother had been a kunoichi.

Then there was Yoko, the current shrine maiden. Who looked enough like Kushina to possibly be the woman's daughter, at least based on the woman's shinobi registration photo, but wasn't claiming to be an Uzumaki. Was Sasuke attracted to the girl's long red hair? Her violet eyes? She was the only shrine maiden their age that Sakura knew about, so perhaps he liked shrine maidens?

It was a mystery, and Sakura did her best to not be noticed examining the shrine maiden as she went through the motions expected of a visitor to the shrine. That a civilian girl had captured Sasuke's interest when nobody else could was particularly vexing though, because you couldn't even issue a proper challenge to a civilian. Nor could a genin get away with questioning a civilian the way they wanted to. Which left observation and hoping that something jumped out at them.

On day three of guarding the bridge Naruto had a breakthrough in having his clones make it to Kiri in a virtue of one of the foxes suggesting that Naruto summon a few of them on an island near the furthest his clones had been able to reach from Konoha. Then the foxes could hunker down for the night and summon him in the morning to make clones to continue on to Kiri. This had been implemented, and on day four he'd been pulled to the island to create clones to head onward before returning to Wave.

By lunchtime the clones had made it into Kiri, found the security lacking due to the civil war going on screwing over all the normal defenses, and made their way into the storage room where the original contract with Uzu and both copies of the receipt of reclamation had been left. Which was, for some stupid reason, also the vault in which the swords still in Kiri's possession were kept. Of course, the vault was itself a trap, seemingly left unlocked but rigged to seal itself if anyone touched the swords stored within, so perhaps putting everything there was simply bait. Nuibari and Shibuki were the only real swords there as well, with stone fakes covered by genjutsu sitting in the other five slots.

Disabling the trap had been trivial for the clones as the 'trigger lines' were sloppy enough to fake out and would only fire once an hour. One of the two receipts had been modified to specify Nuibari instead of Kubikiribocho, without affecting the 'confirmed' markings that had been made on the receipt by someone in Kiri, before both swords in the vault were taken via reverse summoning back to Konoha. The remaining clones had then carefully created stone fakes for the two empty holders, barely managed to apply a genjutsu to them without overloading it, and then went looking for anything else interesting enough to grab. Sadly, everything else that looked interesting was too well guarded.

They were there long enough for the missing swords to be noticed though, as apparently they'd shown up just in time to grab them before two new wielders were to attempt to take up the swords. Oddly, nobody seemed to consider that an Uzumaki had slipped in to grab Nuibari, the missing swords instead being blamed on the 'traitorous resistance' instead and assumed to have been gone for a couple of weeks. Which suited Naruto just fine when the memories from the clones reached him that evening.

"So Gato has a large payment for illegal shipments coming in tonight," Anko-sensei mused via the communication jutsu shortly after they'd reached the bridge for their fifth day of guarding it. "And Zabuza doesn't think they're going to have a better plan than to attack in the morning?"

"That's what it seems like,"
Naruto agreed. He hadn't actually told his team of his 'unofficial mission' to Kiri yet, figuring that it would be best to reveal that back in Konoha. If only because saying anything about having three of Kiri's seven legendary swords around Tenten seemed like a horrible idea right now. "He's hoping that because we haven't given any signs of noticing the ice mirrors that Haku can use them to take us by surprise after a water dragon drops enough water on the bridge to form them with."

"Which isn't a horrible plan,"
Kurenai-sensei admitted. "Luckily we already know about the mirrors and that jutsu using them you spotted a scroll for, plus we haven't been revealing our Knight Armor trump card. But we'll want to move on Gato's holdings overnight to force him to play his own hand."

"Why aren't we just killing him in his sleep?"
Anko-sensei asked.

"Because the people of Wave are more likely to finish tearing down his company if he dies in public. Otherwise one of his underlings will be more likely to take over. Plus the Daimyo wants it to be public to discourage people from trying to usurp another Daimyo like this."

"Oh, right. I'd forgotten about that in my fantasizing about the various ways to kill him in his sleep."

"Tonight Naruto needs to empty Gato's safes and the two storage rooms he found that other valuables are kept in. Anko and I will take care of the drug and contraband settlements before looting the primary shipping warehouse's safe, but we all need to make it look like either the thugs did it or Zabuza did. Nothing should be traceable back to us by Gato or his men, and tomorrow morning we'll all need to have Knight Armor protections up to serve as added protection against the surprise attack."

Most of the day was spent working out the specifics of things while keeping their routine going. Said routine had been enough to fool Zabuza, or so it appeared, which meant that it was almost guaranteed to have fooled Gato. That the team hadn't been seen anywhere else on the island beyond what was needed for guarding Tazuna should hopefully keep suspicion for the thefts and vandalism away from them. They'd have to contend with knee-jerk 'the shinobi had to have done it' accusations, of course, but with Zabuza around there was a more convenient scapegoat available.

Naruto had needed to ensure that the day's Yoko turned in early enough for him to get enough sleep before the evening's activities without her exhaustion screwing him up as well when she finally dispelled, but that hadn't been difficult. Once she had the message she'd merely faked a couple of yawns and the villagers had all but insisted that she head home early, though she'd had to insist on not being escorted home. His other clones in the village were mobile enough that nobody noticed that they literally vanished overnight, so having them do so early was easy enough.

The actual operation against Gato had started just after midnight, Naruto creating a large number of clones to send across the island. One of them had stopped at a predetermined point to summon Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei out of the house without them being seen. They'd arranged for it to be his guard rotation so that it wouldn't look out of place for him to be active, and he would wander around the outside of the house every twenty minutes or so despite knowing that there was nothing to worry about. Even Hinata made a point of wandering despite not hiding her byakugan.

Getting into Gato's safes had been trivial for Naruto's clones, mostly because they'd watched the man open them several times over the past week. He seemed to occasionally open the 'legal business' safe with visitors in the office, but the only ones permitted to be in the room with him when he opened the 'illegal business' safe were his personal bodyguards. Scrolls for both sides of the business dealings had been prepared, but the 'illegal business' safe had contained an added surprise. Some of the scrolls weren't records, but jutsu.

Those went into a different seal entirely, and it was a good thing that extras had been prepared just in case.

Sneaking into the storage rooms was slightly harder because they didn't have external windows to slip in through and the corridor they sat in was regularly patrolled by guards overnight. But Naruto's clones only needed thirty seconds at most to make it through the doors as he'd gotten a good enough look at Gato's master key to make duplicates of it. The real Naruto had one, his clones all had a copy thanks to him having it in his pocket when he'd made them, and two more real ones were going to be dropped in the room that Zabuza and Haku were currently staying in when they left to set up their ambush.

Anko-sensei insisted that a proper infiltration shinobi never ignored easy options for framing enemies like this and they'd already made the extra two keys before realizing that Gato wasn't stupid enough to have a single master key that worked in all of his buildings. Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei were going to just use normal lock picking techniques instead.

Getting back out of the office and storage rooms was far easier than getting in as the clones just held onto the storage scrolls they'd filled and reverse summoned themselves to Konoha. Naruto would collect the scrolls before they went to turn in the missions, leaving nothing in Wave to point at Team Eighteen having been involved at all.

The last thing done in the early morning was Naruto slipping inside 'to use the restroom' and summoning Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei back to the house. Another clone was made to take the scrolls they handed over to Konoha before Naruto actually used the restroom and headed back outside to finish his guard shift.

Morning routines had been completed, with one of the last clones out across the island from last night dispelling to let Naruto know that Gato had found the empty storage rooms shortly before being told of the destruction of the drug and contraband settlements. The man had then apparently stormed off to demand that Zabuza find those responsible, only to find the room empty except for the key copies. The clone that had planted those had looted the rest of the gear in the room to make it look like the duo was planning on or actually doing a runner. Said looting meant that Naruto had all three of Haku's ice jutsu scrolls back in Konoha now, which was being treated as a bonus by him even if he was disappointed that there were so few. Regardless, the discovery had led to Gato gathering every thug he could to storm across the island to the bridge, but that would take them time.

The man never even got around to checking his safes and thus had no clue that he was broke.

It took twenty minutes for Naruto to shake off the exhaustion from that clone before more clones were sent out to watch for Gato's approach. Others would gather most of the adult villagers for the final show when it came to that, also needing to time things so that the villagers weren't there too early.

Early clones aside, Team Eighteen had ensured that they had their Knight Armor spells active before escorting Tazuna to the bridge, or to just guard Tsunami and Inari in Tenten's case. She was annoyed about that, but had lost the coin toss with Hinata after they'd decided that they couldn't leave a clone to look over the house. The bridge group found that the early-arrived workers had been knocked out and stuck at the far end of the bridge in progress as bait, with the bridge already somewhat damp. Hinata stayed with Tazuna behind an illusion created by Hoshi while Naruto joined Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei in 'investigating'.

They intentionally didn't dodge the water dragon when it struck them, and thanks to the Knight Armor didn't even get wet. But they did jump apart as soon as the ice mirrors started forming since they didn't need to worry about the water dragon severely damaging the bridge surface anymore.

Instead of senbon, Haku had two katanas when he tried bouncing through the mirrors to quickly kill them. These did not make it through the Knight Armor protections, which took the young man by surprise and had him needing to dodge one of Anko-sensei's counter-attacks. Four Zabuzas then jumped up onto the bridge, each with an oversized broadsword and a katana. Three of them were water clones, and those three immediately engaged with Naruto, Anko-sensei, and Kurenai-sensei while the real Zabuza stayed back. Water clones required some concentration to control, so the real him staying back made sense there.

Hinata started launching lava balls at mirrors from the sidelines, each one shattering a mirror on hit. This obviously took Haku by surprise as well, but as the range of the attack was limited the young man just stopped making mirrors close enough to Hinata for her to reliably fire the lava balls.

Grinning, Naruto bounced off of one of the ice mirrors to get around the water clone attacking him, then slid under another to put it between him and the clone. "So you want to play with clones, huh? Let's see how well that works when you can't see."

A minute later the darkness creation genjutsu was covering the entire bridge, followed by four paperwork clones being created. Two took over maintaining the darkness creation jutsu while the other two worked to ensure that all free water on the bridge surface was pulled into a hiding in mist jutsu on top of the darkness creation genjutsu. This left Naruto essentially unimpaired, Hinata slightly impaired because she couldn't see through his chakra as well as he could, and both Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei running on likely-muted chakra-sensing.

As far as they knew, Zabuza and Haku couldn't sense chakra, leaving them entirely blind. And effectively deaf to movement because Team Eighteen ran the jutsu to cancel out sounds of movement constantly. But despite their obvious handicap, they were still putting up a fight, at least once the water clones had been quickly taken care of and the real Zabuza entered the fray.

Using water chakra flow on swords and kunai was a lot less effective than using wind would be for cutting, but right now they were mostly in a delaying action while Gato and the villagers slowly made their way to the bridge.

Tenten was bored and annoyed that she'd not been able to go to the bridge. Sure, she knew that she was probably the worst choice for the battle as Naruto and Hinata had both done better with blind-fighting than she had, but guarding the house was boring. The six pairs of thugs that had come to try to grab Tsunami and Inari hadn't even put up a hint of an actual fight. Hell, they'd gone down so easily that Tsunami might not even be aware that there had been a dozen people sent to grab her and her son so far.

It was honestly pathetic, but ambushing the thugs without being seen was made easier by Tazuna's house being a little bit isolated. At the same time, the thugs were making no attempt to be stealthy on approach, though at least the last two pairs had been wary because of how many others had been sent and hadn't returned. They were still mostly assuming that it was a problem of their targets having a clever hiding place that was flummoxing the previous groups though, instead of thinking that the shinobi guards might have left someone behind to guard the house. Or maybe they actually thought that a pair of thugs was a match for a shinobi?

Some people were idiots, and it felt like that was almost a requirement to be working for Gato...

Oh well. At least Naruto's magic book had made manipulating earth a lot easier. An unmarked grave in the trees was probably more than most of these thugs deserved after she'd stripped them of their equipment and money, but burning them would draw too much attention and corpses had an annoying tendency to eventually float in water. No need to have the civilians find them washed up on shore.

Sadly, their weapons were going to be sold as scrap when they made it back to Konoha. There hadn't been a decent blade yet.

Gato's approach was decidedly less than subtle, with the villager-gathering clones at least keeping the noise from that group down a little. But both groups arrived at the bridge at basically the same time, which was the signal for Team Eighteen to stop delaying. Naruto switched to channeling wind through his tantos to slice right through the swords being used by Zabuza and Haku, taking both of them by surprise as the mist and darkness were lifted. The clones remained using the transparency jutsu though, two moving into position for taking out the thugs while the other two prepared senbon with a container of knockout drugs that had been collected from the real Naruto in the middle of the fight.

Getting the real jar to the clones was worth the added effort, because having cloned drugs vanish from an enemy's system would be less than ideal for those you intended to deliver to T and I shortly.

"ZABUZA!" the little pipsqueak known as Gato screamed.

"I'M WORKING ON IT!" Zabuza yelled as he threw aside the worthless handles from the swords he'd been using and dug out a scroll. Haku appeared to be doing the same.

Neither expected an invisible clone to silently body-flicker behind them and fill their backs with senbon, though both were aware enough to attempt to dodge. Neither succeeded and the knockout drugs quickly went to work on them. More than was safe for either of them, but crippled enemies were perfectly fine. It was allies and bystanders that you needed to be careful with.

"I really need to work on my stamina," Kurenai-sensei said as she caught her breath.

Gato stood there staring at the unconscious forms of Zabuza and Haku for a minute, blinking, before scowling and pointing his cane at the group. "KILL THEM ALL!"

Naruto bounced to the front of the group, trying to look far too happy about having a bunch of thugs coming to try to kill him. Something that he thought he'd gotten correct if the concerned looks on some of the faces of the thugs were any indication. Looking over the thugs, he let his smile turn to a frown. "But you don't have any shinobi!"

"Shinobi are overpriced frauds," Gato claimed.

"Oh well." A wave of water under the control of the two invisible clones suddenly flowed up from the ocean, surrounding Gato and the thugs before contracting in and catching them all in a whirlpool-like action. Technically this was a jutsu intended for preparing drinks, but it worked reasonably well if you scaled it up properly too. The mostly-clear ocean water quickly shifted to red as the blender jutsu tore apart everyone inside of it, more solid objects falling and flying out of it as it spun. That included swords, knives, keys, and larger bones stripped of flesh.

Two of the thugs had enough chakra for the minimal force the jutsu generated to not cause them more than a few deeper cuts due to unconsciously resisting the chakra in the jutsu with their own, which was one reason why this wasn't usually that good in a battle. Shinobi just tended to find it annoying because even when scaled up it was D-rank at best. Naruto's clones let those two fall out with the rest of the remaining debris as they directed things off into the ocean. The two survivors looked around at the pile of bones, weapons, and other surviving items before turning and running, ignoring that they were half naked now.

"You let two escape," Anko-sensei complained, though with a tone of 'what the hell did I just watch?' included.

"They had more potential than the others," Naruto replied, glad for the techniques that Inoichi had taught them to keep his internal disgust off of his face.

"What the hell was that?" Kurenai-sensei asked.

"Blender jutsu, for making mixed drinks. Scaled up a little. A bit of a specialty of Uzumaki bartenders."


The full cleanup took a day, including surreptitiously sealing up Zabuza and Haku and sending a clone with them to T&I as well as applying the minimal needed healing to the knocked-out bridge workers. Then the party started, along with more workers than ever helping to build the a guard house and toll booth station for the Konoha side of the bridge, per agreements with Tazuna for the village to use when collecting tolls.

Technically no guard house had been asked for or agreed to, but Wave had a new appreciation for shinobi and didn't want to be on their bad side.

Team Eighteen was able to get some proper training in as well, with the chakra weights that Naruto had picked up being used by him, Hinata, and Tenten. Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei had declined to wear them for now, but had taken a set each and promised that he'd be reimbursed for the whole stack. Of course, this led to a new discovery a little over a week later after the bridge had been completed and the team had returned to the Uzumaki compound.

Specifically, they'd started to debrief before heading to turn things in, and Naruto had commented about possibly needing to turn his belt and weights off to help carry everything if they weren't bringing it sealed.

"What do you mean you've got your belt active?" Tenten asked. "I can't wear the weights at the same time that the belt is active and still move my arms."

"It took a day but I got used to it," Naruto replied.

"He has more chakra in his weights than we do," Hinata added, only to blush when Tenten gave her a look that screamed 'what are you talking about'.

"Naruto heals faster than he has any right to," Anko-sensei said. "So he can probably build up muscles faster than most, since half the time spent doing so is waiting for them to heal stronger. Or so I'm led to believe. I think he's had his resistance seals up higher than the rest of us too, given that with them off he was easily faster than me."

"I actually rebuilt the seals on my belt when I maxed out the original version," Naruto admitted. "But I also keep pumping medical chakra into my muscles to overcome the changes faster too."

"We're all doing that. But you're a chakra monster." There was a moment of silence before Anko-sensei turned to stare at him. "Wait. Medical chakra, specifically?"

"Yeah. Supercharge the healing without making it easier on me by boosting my strength."

"...I don't know if that's genius or not."

Hinata frowned. "If you don't get the balance right you probably cause your muscles to explode with a tenth of the chakra that boosting your strength needs."

"You back off when you start feeling pain from the chakra," Naruto added.

"The scrolls Hana gave you say that if you start feeling pain from medical chakra then you've already used three times too much."

"...oh. Guess it's a good thing that I heal quickly?"

"Utter madness that only works because Naruto is an insane Uzumaki," Anko-sensei decided. "Right. Normal shinobi won't be pulling that trick anytime soon, but it means that you're going to take anyone not expecting you to be stronger than you look by surprise. And either way you don't have to drag the big-ass sword in. Er, actually, anything you took other than the money, records, and contents of Gato's store rooms is probably yours to keep."

Naruto nodded, as that made some sense. Anything they'd grabbed that wasn't specifically listed as part of the mission was fair game to keep on most missions. But there was one thing that he thought was in questionable territory. "What about the jutsu scrolls that were in Gato's safe?"

"The what?" the four kunoichi asked, and even Hoshi was looking curious.

It took a couple of minutes to fetch and unseal the scrolls, and Anko-sensei looked over them. Before laughing. "These are...well, they'd generally be considered useless, and he had them in one of his safes? But the combination could be hilarious."

"What are they?" Kurenai-sensei asked.

"Cleaning jutsu. Soapy water and scrubbing, steam cleaning for fabrics, a little dirt tornado thing intended for cleaning floors, a more general drying jutsu that covers an area, clothing mending...and the last one appears to be a general 'clean yourself and your clothing to look pristine at any time' jutsu. The end result essentially seems perfect for a maid though, and makes me think that these three should learn them all."

"Why should they learn them all?"

"Because Naruto turned a bartending jutsu into a bloodbath and I can think of several ways some of these could work in combat. Imagine these three going through the chunin exams in full maid uniforms and using cleaning jutsu to make a mockery of their opponents? At least for the first two stages. I'll even pay for the uniforms."

Naruto had to admit that it sounded like it would be a hilarious prank of sorts to play on the others in the exams, and ten minutes later they'd agreed to give it a shot. Followed by gathering everything needed to report to Old Man Hokage about the missions. Which went well, but was followed by Tenten insisting on getting her hands on a legendary sword.

Sadly for their ears, Naruto made the mistake of revealing that he had three legendary swords now, and had to explain how he'd gotten the other two once they'd recovered from and repaired eardrums damaged by Tenten's squeals of joy. Kurenai-sensei had been annoyed that he'd done something that she saw as reckless, balanced out by Anko-sensei thinking that it was the most awesome thing she'd ever heard of.

Tenten had then been horrified when told that they needed to keep the extra two swords secret for now, dismayed when she couldn't even pick up Kubikiribocho properly yet, and finally decided that Naruto was going to be able to use the giant sword in the next couple of months even if she had to personally run him through kenjutsu drills daily. Her goals also seemed to include getting Hinata able to handle Nuibari and getting herself able to handle Shibuki. Presumably partially because Shibuki weighed less than Kubikiribocho did but mostly because she wanted to play with the explosive tags.

Hiruzen looked over the reports from Team Eighteen's mission, not having expected anything too important in them. Three reports each from Anko and Kurenai, the 'standard' reports for the two missions and the 'sensitive enough to be kept separate' information.

Finding mention that Naruto had a book that granted access to every chakra nature and all chakra-nature kekkei genkai was not what he'd expected to read.

That pretty much guaranteed that there was some old Uzushio sealmaster teaching the boy, because only such an individual could have come up with something that insane. And if there was one there may be more, which brought up the question of how destroyed Uzushio was compared to 'moved to somewhere better hidden to rebuild'. Reaching out to Konoha through Naruto, perhaps? Or maybe just an old master looking to ensure that the Uzumaki family survived...
Chapter 12 - Overloaded Genjutsu (CmptrWz)
The Naruto clones had carefully constructed the stone fakes for the swords, and now they just had to apply a genjutsu to make them look correct at a first glance. Luckily this was a 'physical overlay' type illusion and only needed to hold for at most a few weeks, if that. Naruto was reasonably good at that kind of genjutsu, though this was kind of small scale. But they'd used plenty of chakra already, so their reserves were low and that made it easier to do smaller-scale stuff.

Using hand seals for improved control, one of the clones carefully constructed the genjutsu for the fake Nuibari. The slim stone spike would require very little visual changes compared to the much larger Shibuki and seemed like the obvious starting point. But even with diminished reserves, using the hand seals, and putting as little chakra into the genjutsu as possible the clone still massively overpowered it.

The resulting pulse of energy shattered the fragile stone construction and obliterated the genjutsu on all the other false swords as well. It also wiped out the trigger lines for the trap in the vault and probably damaged the normal opening triggers on the door.

"Fuck," another clone said. "Well, hopefully they don't check down here too often?"

"We already spotted the log of twice daily checks," a third clone noted. "With the next one due somewhere in the next two hours."

"Oh. Right."

"And it looks like that set off an alarm too, or was just noticed, because a dozen shinobi are rushing down here."

The clones were able to dispel before anyone found them, but it wasn't the completely unnoticed getaway they were hoping for.
Chapter 13 - Ghosting Teams, Exam Prep
Anko-sensei had only taken a few days to obtain maid-styled uniforms, complete with frilly headbands, and had somehow found shinobi-grade brooms and feather dusters too. The brooms were closer to heavily reinforced bo staffs with a ninja-wire brush on the ends and the feather dusters could go from soft to a bundle of sharp edges with a small amount of chakra flowing through them. Kurenai-sensei had then contributed a collection of perfectly normal cleaning chemicals and a guide on how to use them for everything from irritants to poisons.

Hinata had talked to Natsu, the Hyuga maid that had been looking after Hanabi for years, and acquired two active chakra cleaners and manuals for them covering both cleaning and combat, plus some other jutsu that probably wouldn't be useful in combat but were useful for someone cleaning up in various ways. Tenten's contribution had been various weapon maintenance tools and chemicals, while Naruto had built new sealing tags to store it all in so that it would all be readily available without it looking like they were carrying a full complement of cleaning supplies. He was proud of the system that let the tags sit under fabric but still function through it, allowing them to have strips of seal tags down the sleeves, inside the gloves, and along the upper edge of the skirt that weren't obvious.

With that all arranged, they'd taken a dozen missions in a row outside of the village, using summoning to let Anko-sensei or Kurenai-sensei swap out mission scrolls instead of returning properly and leaving again. Their success in Wave had apparently given them more sway in claiming missions and all of the missions were set up to cross paths with other teams on their own generally unrelated missions.

The training goals for all of the missions were to use as many cleaning and maintenance jutsu as possible and to not be spotted by the teams they were working around, and for over half of the missions they'd also been told that they had to report on how the other teams were handling their missions. Without being told who the teams were or what their missions entailed ahead of time.

For some of these missions things went almost too easily. Clearing bandits that were likely to attack another team before the attack came was done four times over three days. Twice they left no trace of the bandit camp at all and twice they only took the two or three missing-nin that were worth bounties while leaving the rest of the remains there to be found by the other teams. One of each near the start of the missions, and one of each near the end. Things had gone well enough, though there had been a rough spot or two.

"Naruto," Hinata, Tenten, and Kurenai-sensei said in unison, all leaking varying levels of intent to harm him.

"That was fucking awesome," Anko-sensei declared, causing the other three to stop and blink. "A perfect distraction before the mending jutsu tied them up in their own clothing."

"He turned himself into a naked woman and acted flirty," Tenten complained. "That isn't awesome, that's degrading to kunoichi!"

"It's a standard Uzumaki distraction method," Naruto defended. "Figure out what appearance your enemy is likely to stop to drool at before hitting them. This group was obviously going to fall for a naked woman, but a group of kunoichi might be better hit by a naked man. Figuring out what body type your target will like is harder, and for particularly tough targets you might need a couple of clones to make out with, but it's more effective than you might expect."

"...I hate that he's right," Kurenai-sensei said, hanging her head.

"Dammit," Hinata said with a sigh. "We're going to have to practice that too, aren't we?"

"Normal genjutsu don't get the right kick with most enemies," Anko-sensei admitted. "But that solid disguise jutsu seems perfect for the trick. Though I do wonder how Naruto got so good at being believably flirty."

"There's a red light district in Konoha and I regularly send out clones to observe the village," Naruto answered. "Coupled with shapeshifting, which you know has gotten me into the female side of the hot springs multiple times thanks to dragging me in at least a dozen times personally?"

"And now I hate that Anko has justification for dragging the three of you into the wrong side of the hot springs being training," Kurenai-sensei groaned.

"It already was," Anko-sensei argued. "If they're used to naked bodies then this trick won't be as likely to work against them either. Though I'll admit that I was dragging him in more to keep him from needing to be alone without direct support in the guys' side of the hot springs and never even considered the training aspect before now." She then frowned. "They really shouldn't have dropped the seduction and counter-seduction classes from the academy. That decision has led to more prudes in the Konoha ranks than in any other hidden village...not that Naruto's trick wouldn't work on most shinobi in general. It has enough shock value to compensate."

Then there were things like emptying a corrupt businessman's safe before the other team escorting the man arrived with the latest collection of ill-gotten ryo, then emptying it again after the escorting team had left with an urgent request for an investigative team to be sent to figure out what had happened. Said team would likely find nothing pointing back to Konoha, even if they weren't told to find nothing intentionally. Especially with the safe's combination written on the back of a painting. No cipher or anything, just sitting there if you flipped the painting over, and Team Eighteen hadn't been the ones to put it there.

Team Ten had been on a glorified babysitting job, guarding and taking care of a toddler while her parents were being treated after others in their home village had tried to take them out. The original attack was partially because Konoha worked closely with the family and their competitors in the village had taken offense. Team Eighteen had gradually cleaned out the savings and inventory of all the competitors and kept the little girl's diaper changed for almost a week.

It took two days for their jounin-sensei to notice the lack of diaper changes, four for the genin, and six before they were in a position to notice that the diaper needed changing before Team Eighteen had been able to slip in to do so themselves. Despite the increasingly-paranoid layers of traps around the house, none of which so much as slowed down Hinata or Naruto thanks to the byakugan. They wouldn't have been nearly as successful had Hinata not gotten a diaper-changing jutsu set from Natsu that sped up the changing process significantly and Tenten had been able to skip out on that one due to not getting the scent-changing jutsu down well enough to work with Naruto to duplicate the toddler's scent in order to fool Shino's insects.

Shikamaru wasn't sure what had been going on, but whatever was causing Yuna's diaper to always be fresh had stopped happening a couple days ago. Shino hadn't been able to find any trace of an intruder, and had nearly concluded that the girl was changing her own diaper before throwing that idea out entirely. Tekuno-sensei's traps were very comprehensive and shouldn't have had holes large enough to let someone else slip in either.

But Rio had managed to catch Yuna using her diaper, and since then the mysterious force changing the diapers had seemed to give up or vanish.

Now if only they'd not spent days all assuming that someone else was changing the girl's diaper before noticing a problem. Being that unobservant, and paying so little attention to communication, did not bode well for future training sessions once they were back in the village. Not to mention the fact that after a week of looking they still had no hints as to how the diapers kept ending up changed.

Their only potential saving grace there was that it had taken Tekuno-sensei two days to spot the problem and he wasn't able to figure out how it had been happening either. But that was far more likely to mean that whatever training he arranged for was going to include him instead of being run by him.

Other missions had less direct interactions with other missions. A couple of small investigations while another team was doing something entirely unrelated nearby, sabotaging a warehouse without it looking like shinobi were involved at all when some chunin were staying in the same village for the night on their way back to Konoha, and a larger investigation of a casino whose games were more rigged in the house's favor than usual or legally permitted while three other teams passed through with clients.

The latter mission had also ended up with an added component when Tsunade of the Sannin had shown up. Anko-sensei had tasked the team with ensuring that the legendary sucker won as often as they could manage without being caught even as they collected evidence of all the ways the casino was cheating beyond the normal house advantage. That was easiest on the slot machines where a paperwork clone just slipped in looking like an insect and used a couple of tricks to block all but the jackpot combination on any machine she sat down at. After three single-pull wins on three different machines she'd gone to a card game and that had required far more effort to stack in her favor without being noticed.

Naruto had needed to join the table personally in disguise and cheat to lose, which was incredibly annoying because things kept lining up for him to win when he wasn't paying enough attention, but he pulled it off. Barely. Tsunade had vacated the casino in a panic, and to avoid suspicion he'd stayed at the table for three more hands and won back what he'd lost ten times over before bowing out 'to celebrate her good fortune before it turns on her again'.

A couple of the others at the table had been sad to see the pretty girl whose luck had turned around leave, but he managed to not have any of them try to join him. Anko-sensei had refused to explain why she'd been counting the other individuals and groups leaving town in a hurry for the rest of the day though. Surely Tsunade winning wasn't that big of a deal?

Tsunade didn't know what was going on, but it was suddenly obvious that she was either doing something horribly wrong or heading in the entire wrong direction. As another indicator of her luck, Shizune hadn't even managed to get a hotel room for them before being found and dragged out of town the way they'd come in. They'd backtrack four towns and then stop to see if they'd gone far enough back the way they'd come to avoid whatever it was that had caused the winning streak to hit.

Checking in on several people would also be needed. Discreetly, of course, but this kind of lucky streak could also mean that someone she cared about had just died. Jiraiya would show up within a couple of days due to her doing such a sudden change in travel direction, but she'd need to actively check for news on Hiruzen to avoid a trip to Konoha and there were a few places that had people she was fond of that would need a quick visit as well.

To round things out they'd done a final mission dropping their other restrictions and swapping them for a 'fake being Iwa shinobi failing to steal from a business' profile instead. The owner of the business had recently canceled the maintenance contract on security seals and as part of things the three genin had to be heard complaining that they'd been told he didn't have them anymore as they made their escape. But only after burning a giant hole through the security seal set that would make a future attempt easier, if someone were to try.

It was a lesson for the business owner that if you were going to cancel a maintenance contract then you should at least keep quiet about it. They could only pull the stunt without it looking contrived because he'd been bragging about how much money he was going to be saving not paying for the seals. The team was back in Konoha half an hour later, only to be sent all the way back a few days afterwards because Naruto was the only one available with the skills to reapply the damaged seals on an 'emergency basis'.

The hardest part had been faking it being their first visit to town, made easier by it actually being Hoshi's as he'd skipped the mission to break the seals in the first place.

"So," Kurenai-sensei said. "There are a few things to cover today."

"The first is that you three are insane when it comes to training," Anko-sensei said. "You've beat all of our expectations for how quickly you adapted to using different jutsu sets and techniques."

"Taking out bandits without being seen while only using cleaning jutsu was impressive to watch. Makes me wish that we'll be able to see all your larger battles in the chunin exams."

"That leads us into the next thing nicely." A set of papers was produced and handed to the three. "We're clearing you for said exams. But to reduce confusion with a visiting Team Eighteen we've had to update the team designation. You're no longer Team Eighteen on paper."

Kurenai-sensei grinned. "Normally the procedure in this kind of situation is to use your jounin-sensei's name as your team name, as is happening with Team Gai. But since you have two sensei we were given the option of going a different route, adopting an unofficial name that the team picked up recently. Our recent run of missions without being noticed at all led to some of the jounin calling us 'Team Yurei', so we decided to make it official."

"Which shouldn't be giving anything about your skills away because everyone we know of using the name knows that you were the ones doing the missions anyway. Speaking of people knowing about your skills though..." Anko-sensei produced three scrolls and threw one to each of them. "I picked up the standard information packets for everyone potentially participating this time. Study them so you know the basics of the competition."

"...where did you get those?"

"Info desk."

"I didn't know you could pick that kind of thing up at the info desk. Are you sure we should be giving them copies?"

"They let civilians have copies for betting purposes."

"Is our information in here?" Tenten asked.

"Yes, so you'll know what the foreign shinobi might have a clue about. Which is...amazingly deceptive in your case, missing essentially everything important, so you should also be assuming that the same applies to anyone else. But the information does tend to cover known skills shown in the field, credible rumors, and marks down what's from the advertising packets from each village and what came from other sources."

Believing that the advertising packets for shinobi were anything more than roughly accurate guidelines did sound a bit foolish, but it was still far better than nothing.

"You have just over a week before you need to arrive as a team to participate," Kurenai-sensei said. "And per tradition that time is yours to do with as you see fit."

"But if you make us look bad by not being ready then you won't enjoy the training afterwards," Anko-sensei added.

"Oh, and one more thing." Kurenai-sensei produced another sheet of paper and a forehead protector. "Hoshi's nin-fox paperwork finally went through, so you won't have to send him away during the exams."

The little guy was obviously quite happy about that as Kurenai-sensei tied the forehead protector around his neck.

Over the following couple of days the visiting shinobi for the exams started to show up, and Naruto had stepped up his paperwork clone monitoring network. He was keeping an eye on all of the potential competition, from the locals to those from the well-known villages to the unknowns. Konoha had the largest number of potential participants, which made sense, totalling eighty-seven shinobi. Except that a check of the village records showed that two teams were made of chunin despite their public information saying they weren't worth considering as contenders. Which...technically made the public information correct, given that they were obviously plants.

Suna was next with thirty participants, including a jinchuriki. Not that any of the paperwork said that Gaara, one of the Kazekage's children, was one, but Naruto and the Tome could tell. Kurama claimed that the boy held the one-tail, named Shukaku, and that he'd been suffering from a form of severe insanity before the Tome had found Naruto. The rest of the Suna teams were far less interesting. Ame had sent twenty-one participants and was the last 'significant' participating village.

Kumo, Kusa, and Taki had all sent six participants, with Kumo's participation being the first time they'd participated in a Konoha or Suna exam in decades. Notably, Kumo and Taki had sent undeclared jinchuriki as well, though Kumo had done so with a jounin-sensei so perhaps it was known and just not in the paperwork Naruto had gotten access to. Her name was Yugito Nii and held the two-tails, Matatabi, and Kurama claimed that the woman had a horrible childhood and didn't work properly with the tailed beast. The seven-tails, Chomei, was inside of Fu, one of Taki's genin. Kurama admitted that he had no clue if they were actually happy or if the fact that the seven-tails could feel positive emotions kept them perpetually chipper, compared to when he was stuck feeling only negative emotions without being able to turn it off like Naruto could.

Despite three jinchuriki in the village, Naruto's focus was on the Kusa teams. One of them, Karin, had no family name listed, but looked and felt like an Uzumaki. But she was constantly kept from interacting with others by her team, so confronting her was proving to be difficult to do. But he could tell that she really wasn't treated well and had checked with Old Man Hokage about options. They had a plan, but it needed to wait.

The last six participating shinobi were split between Kiri, who tended to send probing teams to all exams, and a new village named Oto. The former team was very much interested in everything Uzumaki, possibly looking for the Kubikiribocho. Which now lived inside of one of Naruto's armbands. Hinata had Nuibari in a bracelet that was Naruto's current best attempt at reproducing the armbands, but Tenten hadn't gotten her strength up enough to properly wield Shibuki yet.

All of the focus on the visiting shinobi wasn't enough for Naruto's clones, and thus Naruto himself, to miss that one of Konoha's genin was acting incredibly suspiciously. Kabuto Yakushi had a habit of vanishing into hidden tunnels to slip out of the village unnoticed to meet with others, slipping into record rooms to look at things genin weren't cleared for, and multiple times demonstrated that they weren't anywhere close to merely being a genin. His two teammates were also suspicious, but nowhere near as obviously skilled and didn't seem to be fully trusted by Kabuto despite seeming to fully trust him. Their jounin-sensei was harder to tell with due to not currently interacting with them much.

While normal training was happening, the newly christened Team Yurei was largely of the opinion that a last-minute training push was mostly an invitation to cause themselves injury that would disqualify them from participating in the chunin exams. Naruto was thus doing the most training with piles of paperwork clones, but he did that when in the village anyway so it wasn't really any different from his normal routine.

The actual Naruto had just ensured that his emergency ramen, cinnamon roll, and sesame dumpling seals were filled up when one of his clones used the communication jutsu to tell him that the Hokage's grandson had just pissed off the Kazekage's son. The puppeteer, Kankuro, instead of the jinchuriki, but it was still a problem and the kid had no Anbu guard for some stupid reason. Or non-Anbu guards, for that matter. And it wasn't like he'd just slipped away from them either.

A minute later the clone had summoned Naruto in before dismissing itself to let him review memories directly. That took only a moment due to getting lots of practice with clones dispelling, though the clone wasn't sure what Konohamaru had said to Sakura to get her chasing him before the entire incident had started, and an instant later Naruto had body-flickered behind the puppeteer. In the process he released Kubikiribocho from his armband and placed its edge against the older boy's neck while using his own chakra strings to sever the ones connecting to the puppet in the bundle the boy was carrying.

"Please put the Hokage's grandson down before I have to kill you to defend him," Naruto said in a calm but emotionless voice. "While it would look far worse for Suna internationally, the entire situation of having to kill the Kazekage's son to protect the Hokage's grandson would cause problems for the diplomatic ties between our villages."

There was a moment of silence before Kankuro scoffed. "I can tell that you're bluffing. There's no intent to harm me at all."

"A true shinobi should be able to strike without any warning at all, but if you insist on me not suppressing my intent as proof?"

Anko-sensei had stressed that there were far too many shinobi that could 'read' killing intent and trained them to be able to suppress it at all times. But she'd also admitted that being able to put the fear of a higher power into an enemy that you had reasons not to kill was useful...if you could generate proper killing intent at all. Not everyone could. Tenten could barely manage an intent to cause harm unless she actually wanted to cause harm. Kurenai-sensei was more likely to make you feel like she wanted to render you unable to have children in the most painful way possible, though it was only properly effective on males. Anko-sensei and Hinata had proper killing intents, though they felt very different and Hinata had trouble maintaining it most of the time unless she started in a foul mood to begin with.

They all agreed that Naruto didn't have a proper killing intent, calling it more of a 'paperwork intent' than anything else. One with a lethal pranking undertone of sorts. But in many ways the weirdness of it made it more effective as enemies wouldn't be expecting it, and as he released the full force of it on the Kazekage's son it was obvious that it had worked. The boy froze up, his eyes went wide, and his hand almost involuntarily released Konohamaru as though cramping from filling out far too many forms.

Thanks to Anko-sensei stressing control during that training, only Kankuro was hit by the intent. No need to advertise your position by broadcasting your killing intent to everyone in an area, after all. And once Konohamaru was at a safe distance Naruto both cut out the killing intent and returned Kubikiribocho to the armband. "Thank you for not requiring me to fill out the paperwork for a significant diplomatic incident."

Mission accomplished, Naruto body-flickered away again before anyone else could react to his presence.

Kankuro's heart was going to take a good twenty minutes to recover from the absolute horror that the mystery shinobi with the far too large sword had inflicted upon him. A sandstorm of paperwork had surrounded him...with a certainty that there were explosive tags hidden in the stacks waiting for an unwary individual to find them.

It was the most frightening thing he'd ever experienced, and he was on a team with Gaara. In fact, feeling Gaara's killing intent wash over him, tinged with obvious annoyance over the entire incident, was calming by comparison. Kankuro knew that killing intent, knew how to deal with it, what the tones and undercurrents meant. It was horrible and scary but familiar and comparatively safe because he understood it.

With any luck the mystery shinobi was in Konoha's Anbu and Kankuro would never have to interact with them ever again.

"Who was that?" Temari finally asked. Obviously not having felt the flood of paperwork, which implied incredible control on mystery shinobi's part.

"I think that was Naruto," girl replied. With no obvious root coloring and perfectly matched eyebrows. She obviously either had the least useful kekkei genkai on the planet to get pink hair or it was a side effect of something far more devastating. "I haven't really seen him since he graduated a year early."

And based on the girl's age, oddly-positioned forehead protector, and general stance? Kankuro was screwed because this 'Naruto' was probably a genin. One that was almost certainly going to be in the exams and likely to end up far too close for comfort when the invasion started in a little over a month.


Old Man Hokage had found Naruto the next day and thanked him for saving Konohamaru, bought ramen from Ichiraku's for him as additional thanks, and then discussed a couple of things. One of those was a suggestion that the chunin exams would be a good time to reveal his fox features, including a variation on the situation that had led to Team Seven ending up with animal features of their own as a cover story for his features. The 'experimental serum' they'd been exposed to on a mission had left Ino with floppy blond dog ears and a matching tail, Sasuke with more pointed black wolf ears and a reddish tail, and Ami with pig ears and tail. Most people would probably miss the latter's tail as it was the only one of the three that easily fit under clothing.

Naruto had no clue what the hell they'd been doing to be exposed to such a serum, only that they all regularly blamed their sensei Shito for it and had seemingly developed a distaste for laboratories. Well, that and apparently their current state was a significant improvement over their original states even if the medic-nin needed more time to finish coming up with a full solution.

As for the idea of attending with his fox features showing, Naruto wasn't entirely sure. He spoke with his parents, who thought that it was unlikely that a better time to reveal them was going to come up soon. Then he spoke with his team, who were more cautious. Anko-sensei in particular seemed torn about the idea, Hinata pointed out that so far he'd not had many issues with previous reveals, and Kurenai-sensei admitted that she'd expect that a less controlled reveal would create more problems.

Tenten was the one that pointed out the major problem with attending the start of the exams with his features showing, and that was the fact that he'd not been wandering around with them already this week. If he was going to do anything along those lines it should be during the third phase, if they made it that far, where running into something during the month of training could explain the sudden change. Even Old Man Hokage had agreed that the argument made sense when Naruto had visited him the following day.

As an added argument, the maid uniforms they'd already planned on wearing for the start of the exams weren't designed with a tail or fox ears in mind either.

Ino grumbled as she worked to make the tail-related modifications to another pair of shorts so that she'd have more spares before going into the chunin exams. The medic-nin had been able to fix her hands and feet, get rid of the fur all over her body, and make her nose look normal. But her eyesight was still slightly wrong, her sense of smell was confusing, everything sounded wrong due to her stupid floppy ears, and they'd not removed the tail. They claimed it was because it would make for a 'safer test of future antidotes', and had added in that for her and Sasuke their sense of balance had been adjusted to include their tails. However the hell that worked, but the serum had also made them able to handle if not fully understand the changes to their sense of smell and caused them to be more comfortable than expected moving around on hands and feet.

They'd discovered the real reason when Ami had just cut her little pig tail off and slapped a bandage on the cut. The thing had grown back over the course of three days due to the enhanced healing the serum granted them. Which meant that all three of them had to modify their clothing to handle having tails until the medic-nin could come up with a more permanent solution.

She was lucky that she was used to wearing her forehead protector as a belt instead of on her forehead. Ami was having trouble figuring out a solution she was comfortable with there, and Sasuke's wolf ears weren't floppy enough to be a problem. The stupid rules about fresh genin wearing their forehead protectors unless given permission to do otherwise by their sensei for specific missions throughout their first nine to eighteen months were annoying. Not that they didn't make sense, being well justified in several places, but some people worked better if they could more quickly blend into crowds even before freaky serums gave them non-human features.

The only other silver lining of sorts was that Ami had been the one to get the pig features. Ino would've been stuck with 'Ino-pig' as a nickname for the rest of her life had she gotten those, especially with the medic-nin warning that there was a decent chance that the antidote wouldn't be fully effective. Their changes went deep enough that getting all of them back out could be impossible with the primary goal that the medic-nin were working on being to get them looking normal. They may never see or smell the same again, but it was likely that their hearing would go back to normal once they had human-looking ears again.

If they ever had human-looking ears again. Ino wasn't sure if she should hold out hope or not, but the medic-nin had supposedly learned something useful when Sasuke's sharingan had fully reversed the effects of the serum on his eyes upon being awakened on their 'ensure they can handle the changes before entering the chunin exams' mission. Except that it could just mean that they had a lead on fixing her and Ami's eyesight instead of anything more generally useful and it might not work to help them at all if it was just a quirk of the sharingan.
Chapter 14 - Exams start
The first day of the chunin exams had started off mildly annoying, but only because Team Yurei hadn't practiced braiding their hair with spikes in it enough. Or, in Naruto's case, he'd not practiced braiding longer hair with spikes in it thanks to a last-minute request from Hinata and Tenten wanting him to grow his hair out so that it would fall to mid-back to match their hair. All three had their Konoha forehead protectors tied to their left arms instead of their foreheads as well, though Naruto had the Uzushio one tied to his right arm in addition, and all three were now able to handle the chakra weights and resistance belts at the same time.

Naruto more so than the other two, but top-tier healing abuse helped quite a bit there.

Then, to Naruto's surprise, Hoshi had transformed into a young boy...also in a similar-looking maid outfit. Just without heels on the shoes or the frilly headband, probably made out of less-resilient materials, and designed to work with his tail that he preferred not to hide if he didn't need to.

"Where did you get that?" Naruto asked.

"The sages helped make it," the little guy replied, frowning as he adjusted his tail. "I've got a couple of 'more normal' outfits too, but we decided that I should match you three for this. Putting them on is annoying, but the complete outfit turns into a forehead protector when I shift back to normal."

"Huh. Too bad we didn't prepare a bunch of seals so you could have equipment like we do."

Hoshi flinched at that. "The sages said you shouldn't even try. Adding storage seals to the mix could make the clothing explode when I shift back to my normal shape."


"But now I can make Akamaru jealous without worrying about the stupid modesty issues humans have!"

"You should only reveal this after we arrive," Hinata said. "Mostly because we don't want you to be treated as though you're a fourth shinobi when teams are supposed to be three."

Hoshi blinked, then nodded and poofed back into his normal form. "That makes sense. It'll be better if Akamaru doesn't see it coming anyway."

Naruto shook his head and picked Hoshi up. "We should get going."

Upon arriving at the academy building being used for the first stage of the exam, the four of them used the transparency jutsu to more easily slip past the crowd falling for or faking falling for the genjutsu on the wrong floor. They dropped the jutsu in the next stairwell, and found themselves interrupted from continuing by Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei once they made it into the hallway on the correct floor.

"Good on all four of you for showing up," Kurenai-sensei said. "And also for not bothering to interact with the trick downstairs."

"This stop is merely a formality," Anko-sensei added. "Less so for teams that may try to enter without everyone together, admittedly, but that doesn't describe you three. Do try to make it to the finals without giving away all your tricks, but don't hold back so much that you don't make it that far."

"We've got the first two stages in the bag," Naruto said with a grin.

He'd already found the nine questions and answers from spying on the chunin plants, as well as the 'obviously wrong' answers some of them were going to be including, and knew how the real test worked. Independently confirmed from three different verbal sources and two written ones. And the only reason they weren't going to set a speed record on the second stage was the plan to get some time to talk to Karin, which Hinata and Tenten were on board with.

"You sound far too confident," Kurenai-sensei said, giving Naruto a look.

"I think you should tell them about your eyes," Hinata sent via the communication jutsu. "They already know that Tenten and I have your chakra chains and elemental mastery, even if she isn't as far along in learning how to use them."

Naruto nodded and connected all of the group before replying. "Well, my clones have been spying on everyone."

"Which explains very little,"
Anko-sensei challenged.

"And my book might have copied Hinata's byakugan to me as a bit of a kekkei genkai trade."

"It felt like a fair enough trade when I found out,"
Hinata added. "And Naruto is much better at teaching than my father is."

"So you're so good at the Gentle Fist because you have a secret byakugan?"
Tenten asked.

"Plus lots of clones practicing, yes," Naruto agreed.

"Naruto's range is at least four times mine," Hinata added. "But for some reason his clones only get a third of it while my clones seem to have the same range that I do. We think that I just haven't hit the upper limit of what a paperwork clone can support."

"If you'll excuse us," Anko-sensei said, grabbing Kurenai-sensei's arm to drag her off. "There are others about to come up and I have some bets to update."

A moment later it was just the three genin and Hoshi in the hallway. Naruto led the way as Hinata got Tenten moving and they silently slipped into the classroom that served as the location of the first stage. Nobody paid them any attention as they settled into a corner, though part of that might be because there were so few teams there yet. Naruto and Hinata monitored things with their byakugan and used the communication jutsu to keep Tenten in the loop, watching as what had to be a full third of the potential participants were caught by the genjutsu. Others were disqualified for not being a full team, like the Taki team that had decided to tell Fu to meet them in one spot and then ditch her only to be knocked out by jounin in the hallway when trying to enter as a partial team.

Eventually it seemed that they'd gotten all the teams that would be making it, including all of the Konoha teams their age that had been cleared to participate. Those four had all gathered together along one wall, seemingly missing that Team Yurei was there at all, though with Team Gai standing close enough to be 'in the group' without actually joining the group the other three teams had formed.

As far as Naruto could tell, their discussion had started with the animal features on Team Seven, only for the three to obviously switch the topic of discussion away. Eventually they landed on whether or not the 'missing three' were getting the chance to participate in the exams. The initial assumption appeared to be 'no' as there had barely been any rumors of the former Team Eighteen accomplishing much of anything and they hadn't been seen yet.

At least until Akamaru yipped at Kiba.

"What are that Hoshi?" Kiba asked, drawing their attention. "Which means...why is Naruto's team dressed like maids?"

"Because we plan on cleaning out the competition," Naruto quipped as he led his team over to the rest. Ino and Rio both looked at him in a conflicted manner, though Ino's looked more personally embarrassed than anything else. Maybe not wanting to fangirl at him while she had the dog ears and tail? Or based on her twitching nose she might not like the smell of fox. It was hard to tell. "Though we were here long before any of you, so you're not looking good in the paying attention to your surroundings department."

"You're making a mockery of the exams," Sakura accused with a scowl as she looked over the three.

Tenten snorted. "We're just using strategies that nobody could possibly have figured out from the information available about us."

"What information? Your mission counts?"

"The stuff in the betting packets that list various skills and other information. You're Sakura Haruno, right?"


Tenten shrugged. "Your information was particularly unflattering, so I hope that it's as useless as the information on us looked."

"Now that's not fair," Kabuto Yakushi accused as he approached the group. "How am I supposed to impress people with my information-gathering skills if you tell the rookies the secrets?"

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "By explaining something the village doesn't hand out to civilians? Though if their sensei didn't ensure they had copies of things then you could possibly throw some highlights out for them while we wait for things to start."

Kabuto pouted, but produced a deck of cards and flipped through it. "I suppose that's better than nothing. Thanks to a string of bad luck I've attempted the exams six times already. If I don't pass this time then I'll probably be held back from the cycle in January since I'm eligible for field promotions in March."

"Why March?" Lee asked, having moved closer and sounding very curious, simultaneously dragging his teammates in closer as well.

"A few years back Lord Hokage put a rule in that limits field promotions of genin to those who are at least twenty-one, barring exceptional circumstances or wartime, to 'limit needless deaths'. I'll be twenty-one at the end of February." He crouched down and dropped a blank card on the ground. "Let's start with something simple enough and see what we've got on Naruto Uzumaki here." A pulse of chakra caused a pile of information to appear on the card, though it was obvious to the byakugan that it really stopped hiding it from everyone other than Kabuto. Which nicely explained how he was able to identify the card.

Everyone but Team Yurei and Neji moved closer to try to look at the card as Kabuto read off of it. "One of the three genin of Team Yurei, graduated a year earlier than expected. Very impressive mission record for a year and a half. Fifty-two D-ranks, forty C-ranks, three B-ranks, and an A-rank. Believed to be the last Konoha Uzumaki with impressively balanced elemental natures and was the decoy jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox until some classified incident revealed the ruse. Works with a nin-fox named Hoshi and the only primary skills listed are seals, which he sells to several clans, and stealth. Nobody knows how his team returns from most of their missions as they're only seen using the gates to return if escorting someone to the village."

Shikamaru frowned while Shino and Rio had turned to stare at the three maid-dressed genin. "Did you just say Team Yurei? As in the team that spent weeks working in the same areas as other teams without being spotted even once?"

"We're really good at stealth when needed," Naruto replied with a grin. "Yuna was far cuter when not annoyed by a messy diaper too, and your sensei's traps were easily spotted by the byakugan."

"How did you get cleared for B- and A-rank missions, or taking so many C-rank missions?" Neji asked, sounding more annoyed than usual. "We've only completed eleven."

"We had multiple C-ranks go bad," Tenten answered, skipping that at least one B-rank should be for the large-scale zombie invasion. "And our sensei both like doubling or tripling up on missions when possible."

"We got credit for them examining records in the satellite villages when all we were there for was training chakra control," Hinata added. "Plus other things in the middle while doing both of those."

"Ah. Trivial out-of-village missions, glorified D-ranks due to the travel time. Nevermind."

"What the hell is a jinchuriki?" Kiba asked.

Kabuto shrugged. "That wasn't actually explained, just stated as a known detail outside of the village."

"A jinchuriki is a human with one of the nine tailed beasts sealed within them," Naruto answered. "Able to call upon the beast's power to varying degrees and generally having far above average chakra reserves due to the beast's chakra mixing with their own."

"...may I ask how you know that, or where I should visit to learn more?"

"I've been given a full explanation by different least four times now? Knowing what those who heard I was a jinchuriki but missed the decoy part might expect is useful. Don't know if there are any good places for anyone below jounin to learn more about them though."

"Ah. Thank you anyway." He hit the card with another pulse of chakra to 'clear' it by masking it for others again before flipping through and pulling another one out. "How about something less local?" A pulse of chakra revealed the information on this card. "There are seven other villages that sent potential participants to the exam. Suna and Konoha always heavily participate in each others' exams, but we've also got Ame with a number of teams. Kusa and Taki are smaller allies that each sent a couple of teams each this time, and Kiri regularly sends a team to every exam to gauge the strength of other villages, but the real surprises are Kumo and Oto. This is the first time in decades that Kumo has sent teams to a Konoha exam and Oto is a new village participating for the first time. They're especially unimportant given the other participants this year."

It was obvious that others were listening in because the Oto team reacted to that. They suddenly darted across the room, Zaku Abumi jumping up in the air and throwing kunai in Kabuto's direction to get him to separate from the others while Dosu Kinuta moved in for an attack. Except that he had to come to a halt early when Tenten suddenly appeared in front of him with a broom aimed at his head. Hinata had pulled her own broom on Kin Tsuchi, stopping her from completing a genjutsu she'd been preparing, and Naruto was behind Zaku with a feather duster when he landed.

Notably, Zaku had scoffed upon realizing that it was a feather duster until he moved and felt it starting to cut into his neck.

"So are you trying to get kicked out before the exams even start properly?" Tenten asked Dosu. "Because that certainly wouldn't make your village look any more significant than the speck it seems like right now."

More might have been said, but Hoshi distracted everyone by shapeshifting to his fox-boy form and pulling the kunai out of the floor. He followed this up with a minor earth jutsu to fix the holes in the floor tiles.

"Dude," Kiba whined. "Since when can Hoshi do that? And where did the dress come from?"

"I've been able to do this for a while," Hoshi replied as he looked over the kunai. "But I couldn't really do it in public until I got clothing that could change with me because human modesty is annoying."

"Dammit. And you just used a jutsu too, didn't you?"

"One of many I know, yes."

"Akamaru and I are so far behind."

A group of shinobi body-flickered into the room from a few points a moment later, forming a group at the front of the room. Included was Ibiki, who hollered. "Enough! Team Yurei, thank you for stopping things and cleaning up the mess, but please stand down. Team Dosu, consider yourself warned that any more attacks will get you ejected immediately. From this point forward there will be no fighting without my express permission. Gather up in your teams and come get your assigned seats."

It appeared that the genjutsu downstairs had whittled down the competition a bit, and each team was expectedly split up around the room. The six chunin plants were equally spaced throughout the rest of them. Hoshi had changed back to his fox form and sat down next to Naruto's seat and Kankuro had slipped his puppet in with the 'proctors' without most people noticing. Tests and pencils were handed out, the papers face down, and the rules were explained. They'd get an hour to answer ten questions, nine of which were on the papers. Fifteen minutes before the end they'd be given the tenth question, though it being a choice wasn't mentioned. The two point deduction per caught cheating incident, meaning that you'd only be guaranteed a zero after being caught five times, should have been a massive red flag that this wasn't a normal test.

To Naruto, it looked like a number of those in the room had missed it.

The timer was started and they were permitted to flip their papers over, at which point most of the genin in the room stared at the problems with growing apprehension as they realized how difficult they were, and the chunin plants started 'carefully' working their way through them. Sakura also started working her way through them without needing to cheat at all, but most of the rest of the room was obviously less certain about what to do.

Naruto used a little chakra to pulverize the tip of his pencil enough to get some 'dust' that he then abused a cleaning jutsu to spread over his paper to fill in his name and all nine answers, plus a little extra for the tenth. Five seconds later he flipped the paper back over and leaned back in his chair. Hinata and Tenten had done the same basic trick, though Hinata had pulled it off faster than he had and Tenten had taken an additional two seconds. Neither had included the extra blurb in the tenth question slot.

Doing your cheating before the exam where the point was to not get caught cheating took all the pressure out of it. Of course, there were other considerations, like needing to ensure that Karin's team moved on...

Karin glared at the list of questions, trying to decide which couple would be the easiest to work her way through. Shigeri had already signaled that she was on her own for this instead of willing to link her in with his spying jutsu. The asshole. Still, if she was right then the first nine questions were almost certainly going to be meaningless, but she wasn't confident enough in that assessment to just skip working one or two out.

She'd just decided to work on problem three when a line of...dirt? Well, dust really. It flowed up and over the edge of the desk next to her paper and started writing out the answer to problem one. Blinking, she glanced over at the blond in the maid outfit, with an Uzushio forehead protector tied to one arm and whose chakra was moving the dirt. He had one of the strongest and nicest-feeling chakras in the room, but it made her feel more like she was 'home' than anything else.

Which meant that he probably was an Uzumaki, as her mother had always said that being around Uzumaki had made her feel like she was home. Not that it explained why his chakra was green instead of the normal blue, unless that was some kind of trick her sensory abilities were playing on her to indicate that he was family?

Except that despite all of that there was no reason for him to be helping a kunoichi from another village that hadn't even been permitted to keep a clan name. Karin frowned at that, unsure as to what his game was. Unless he was able to sense her chakra and recognized her as an Uzumaki as well?

The dirt shifted, and she blinked as she read the new words spelled out.

Know you're not being treated well, worked with Hokage on a plan to get you out based on clan privilege. Will find you in the forest, but you have to believably pass this first.

Okay, that seemed to be in reaction to her frowning, and mentioning clan privilege meant that he probably had realized that she was an Uzumaki, yet there was no obvious way for him to know that she'd frowned. But he was right about Kusa not treating her well...but what forest was he talking about?

She'd likely find out eventually, so she nodded fractionally and the dirt went back to the answer for problem one.

Watching the various ways people eventually started to cheat was honestly interesting to Naruto, even as he'd helped Karin do so. Gaara's sand eye thing was weird, Neji just used his byakugan before using pulses of chakra down a couple of ninja-wire lines to relay information to Lee and Sachie, and Kankuro had taken that to a different level and just used chakra threads to control Temari's pencil after his puppet pretending to be a proctor relayed information in a trip to the restroom. Karin's teammates were using a communication jutsu that had involved touching to form the link while obviously excluding her and one of them had a chakra mirror that only they could see properly, or at least that was what it seemed like.

Closer to home again, Akamaru was reading papers and feeding the information to Kiba. Ino had taken over Sakura to read her answers before returning to her own body and then taking over Ami to fill things in for her. Shino had gathered information with his insects, passed through Shikamaru and to Rio thanks to shadow manipulation connecting them. Four different teams had pre-deployed mirrors on the ceiling while everyone was finding their seats and were using them in various ways with a couple of others taking advantage of them by chance. One group had taken over a set after the original team that had placed them were caught cheating too many times.

A number of other teams had been sent out for a member being caught too many times as well, each one of those ratcheting up the pressure on the others further...and a number of the Konoha shinobi were very obviously confused about Team Yurei being completely relaxed. Even the proctors and chunin plants didn't seem to know what to think about that as the three sat there.

"Ibiki is going to tear them apart mentally," Anko said as they waited to find out how their teams handled the first stage. She'd only updated a couple of bets with the whole byakugan revelation, never having doubted that at least one of their three was going to get promoted. More than one was likely, unless something put them up against each other should a preliminary round be needed after the second stage.

"That's his job," Kurenai said, shaking her head. "I've learned far more about him than I expected to while working with you."

"I still can't believe that your three are dressed as maids," Asuma said, shaking his head. "What in the world inspired that?"

"Stumbling upon a pile of cleaning jutsu," Anko replied, grinning. "Essentially worthless to the village on paper."

"So they can actually function as maids?" Shito asked. The rotund Akimichi had been tapped for the tradition-trumps-all rookie and kunoichi of the year plus dead last team in the January graduation cycle.

Breaking up the generation's Ino-Shika-Cho trio had caused a lot of complaints, but that was considered far less important of a tradition and they could always be paired up as chunin.

"They freaked me and my team out by secretly changing diapers," Tekuno retorted. "And probably cleaning up after the tyke too, there were never as many messes as we really should've expected until after the diaper changing stopped. As much as I hate to admit it, from what I've seen they're probably the most ready for promotion of the lot, though if any of mine get promoted it'll almost certainly be Shikamaru. Shino's working on not being as insect-focused as he started out and Rio spent most of the last week trying to figure out what might impress Naruto if she ran into him."

Gai sighed. "Unfortunately, I can't disagree that Team Yurei has the best shot at promotion. None of my three are suited for leadership roles right now. Neji frequently allows his hatred of the main branch to cloud his judgment and Lee needs more time to come into his own. Sachie is probably the most likely to pass of the three, but hasn't learned to control her fear responses well enough."

"My three are doing better than I personally expected," Shito said. "And they've adapted to their unfortunate changes faster than expected after I accidentally turned on equipment in that lab and got them doused with serum. Ami's still lagging behind the other two, but not nearly as badly as I'd have expected."

"Why were they in a position to get doused anyway?" Kurenai asked. "The reports didn't mention that detail, just that you'd taken full responsibility and thus it shouldn't count against promotion for them."

"I, er, couldn't fit through the door to enter the chamber and there were various markings in there. So I asked the three of them to document the chamber while I examined the equipment outside of it. Still don't know what I did to turn things on, though I think I had to have bumped a loose cable as I didn't touch the controls themselves, but they got locked in and doused with the serum when the system activated. Ami even asked about ways to secure the door and I dismissed it as not needed since everything was powered down. She dropped a kunai into the frame anyway, which made getting them out easier even if it wasn't enough to hold the door open."

"So yeah," Asuma said, shaking his head. "At least there's more tactical thinking going on there than with my three. Kiba wants to lead the pack without trying to understand why his attitude annoys Sakura or that he needs to take the opinions of his teammates into account, Choji has just been lost after spending a couple of years expecting to be on an Ino-Shika-Cho team, and Sakura herself is scarily book smart but hasn't developed that into field smarts. She also honestly doesn't have the chakra reserves to handle most chunin work yet, but she'll probably be good on that front next year. I'm hoping that they wake up a bit after this experience."

Naruto kept himself from reacting as Ibiki explained that to fail the tenth question meant permanently being barred from all future chunin exams. While that was technically possible for Konoha teams on the surface, anyone who had time to think about it would realize that it was completely absurd. But the point was that they weren't being given time to think about it, and the two teams of chunin plants that most of the room had cheated off of 'giving up' didn't help matters.

He felt bad for Shikamaru and Shino when Rio gave into the pressure and bowed out, taking them with her. Choji followed, taking Kiba and Sakura with him, but Sakura looked relieved that she hadn't been the one to make that decision for their team. Sachie looked like she wanted to bow out, but had gotten 'zapped' by Neji via the ninja wire still connecting them when she'd started to make the move to do so. He'd probably figured out what was actually happening while she hadn't.

It seemed like there were still far too many teams for Ibiki when he finally gave in and told them that they'd all passed, followed by an explanation of the importance of gathering and keeping intelligence safe that included revealing the scars on his head.

"Now then," he said as he covered his scars again. "Uzumaki! I suspect that you know where the next stage is being held, and the proctor for it is running late. Care to tell us?"

"Training ground forty-four has been reserved for the chunin exams over the next week for three months now," Naruto answered. "So presumably that's our next destination."

"Not bad. Now then..."

The man might have continued had another shinobi not tried to knock the door off of its hinges as they barreled into the room.

"You're late," Ibiki noted.

"I ended up helping keep a couple of Taki's idiots from killing their teammate," the shinobi, who Naruto now recognized as the second exam proctor Koichi Toma, replied. "For some reason the two blamed her for not seeing through their attempt to ditch her or something like that. Their sensei wasn't pleased either."

"...ah. Those two, the only ones to intentionally attempt to enter without their full team in the past three years or so, instead of just not realizing that they had to all show up at the same time."

"Yep." Toma spun to look at the room, frowning as he did so. "Not bad, but we'll definitely need to whittle them down further. Luckily the next stage will get them down by at least half." Nodding, he stood up a little straighter. "Now then, all of you have just over an hour to make it to training ground forty-four, locally known as the Forest of Death. If you aren't ready for up to a week in the forest then that's on you."

"Not going to tell the visitors how to find our training grounds by numbers?" Naruto asked.

"Awfully sporting of you, but if they can't find and read a map then I don't know how they made it here in the first place. Dismissed!"

A quick communication-jutsu message to a group of clones had Team Yurei vanishing right out of their seats thanks to summoning.

Ibiki had watched from another room as Team Yurei had spotted Team Dosu's attack and intercepted it, finding himself impressed with their reflexes yet somewhat disappointed in their speed for a team working with Anko. Then again, the maid outfits seemed like something she'd have pushed on them and the heels included weren't exactly great for movement when combined with weights like the three were obviously wearing. A subtle training exercise, perhaps?

Then he'd made his entrance, gotten everything started, and ignored details a civilian wouldn't be expected to notice. Like there suddenly being an extra proctor and a distinct lack of puppet on the puppeteer's back. Simple stuff. Explain the rules for the decoy questions, which for anyone who knew this year's plan for the tenth question could be skipped entirely, and then get them started.

In theory, the plan was to ramp up the pressure in various ways over the next forty-five minutes, to get more and more panicked cheating attempts. But Team Yurei had used a subtle but incredibly effective jutsu to fill out their entire sheets in seconds and flip them over. Not a care in the world. Which almost certainly meant that security around the exam had been breached and they'd grabbed the answers beforehand.

He fully approved, even if he had no clue how they'd done it. Which just improved his opinion of them, really, while also making him want to redo a dozen security procedures.

Their little disappearing trick when dismissed was interesting, because a number of those in the room had definitely noticed that it wasn't a body flicker. One moment they'd been there, and over the range of around three quarters of a second all three shinobi and the fox had just vanished. Those personal summoning contracts Naruto had access to definitely came in handy for confusing the crap out of people, though how the timing had been managed was a good question.

Curious about if the actual answers had been grabbed ahead of time or not, Ibiki grabbed Naruto's paper and flipped it over to skim the answers. All nine of the 'perfect' answers, but number ten had been filled in as well.

Chunin plants are less likely to be spotted immediately if their public info tied to the provided registration numbers doesn't tell you that they're chunin.

That...was an absolutely atrocious oversight on their part. False registration numbers tied to false genin records should have been used instead.
A letter from Zabuza (Chronocidal)
The problem is... where would Orochimaru have learned that Naruto has 'multiple elemental bloodlines'? Zabuza and Haku were captured during that mission. And so far as we know, they're still held by T&I. In fact, I doubt Danzo knows that little detail either, since it was in a Hokage's Eyes Only mission report.
"Dear Mizukage-teme,

While out being a nukenin for hire, I recently came across a real live Uzumaki, in spite of Kiri and allies' attempt to wipe them all out.

He stole Kubikiribochi, informed me that the sword was originally gifted to Kirigakure by Uzushiogakure as part of a peace treaty, and that by attacking Uzushiogakure as part of the alliance to destroy it, Kiri broke the treaty. He then provided me with a receipt indicating that, per terms of the treaty, Uzushiogakure would be reclaiming Kubikiribochi and the other swords gifted by their village to Kiri.

When he demonstrated the ability use use multiple second-level elements (including, but not necessarily limited to, Ice release, Scorch release, Boil release, Lava release, Mud release, Magnet release, and Explosion release), I decided it was prudent to make a tactical retreat.

Please find enclosed Kiri's copy of the aforementioned receipt of reclamation for your records, so that you can file it and cross-reference it against the treaty. If you wish to reclaim the sword, I highly recommend you commit suicide via Uzumaki.

Yours hatefully,