Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

End-of-Story Author's Note
And we come to the end of Tome of the Orange Sky, with a significant sequel hook that may or may not be used later because of how little direct experience I have with certain game franchises. 😅

I've had an insane time at work lately and my muse seems to want to run in entirely different directions for a while, but I think we've hit a decent stopping point anyway. Plus, you never know when others will be inspired by something, right?

I do have other story ideas in progress, not at a 'ready to start posting' level, but don't know how far I'll get on them or when I'll start posting anything new. I think I want things to calm down a bit, and maybe get through some holidays before considering that further, or at least build up proper buffers so that I'm not scrambling to finish chapters in time to post them going forward as I fell into doing lately.