-[X] (MARTIAL) Handle the Grimer Infestation (Lieutenant Surge)
DC 50/70
12 + 14 + 32 + 5 + 5 = 68
48 + 14 + 32 + 5 + 5 = 104 (reroll)
Great Success
"Come on."
"Come onnn…!"
Ronnie threw a fist-pump into the air as the Pokeball confirmed the capture. He ran towards where the wild pokemon stood just a moment ago, his Ratata following behind, chittering all the way. Picking up the ball, he grinned. His third pokemon, and a Muk to boot! With this guy at his side, he'd be climbing through the ranks in no time!
"What are you so pumped about?" he heard a voice behind him ask. Turning around, Ronnie saw a familiar boy with light red hair approach.
"Yo, Scarlet!" he called out in greeting. "About time you caught up!"
"I would have gotten here sooner if someone didn't leave me to clear out a Grimer's nest by myself." Scarlet replied, causing Ronnie to wince.
"Look, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity!" Ronnie explained as he pulled out the pokeball to show to his friend, "And it was worth it in the end, check it out! You're looking at the proud owner of a newly captured Muk!"
Ronnie's excitement deflated slightly at such a lackluster response.
"Really? That's all you have to say?"
Scarlet crossed his arms
"What else do you want me to say? Want me to remind you we're supposed to turn in anything we caught during this mission to the Lieutenant instead?"
"Don't be like that, man! No one's going to care if I take one of these slugs for myself, we're gangsters anyways, we're meant to break the rules aren't we?"
"Try telling that to the captain."
"...She doesn't have to know right now."
A tense silence fell upon the area, only broken by Rattata's chittering as it climbed onto Ronnie's shoulder. Scarlet let out a sigh.
"Fine, but don't expect me to come to your rescue if you get busted."
"Really?" Ronnie asked before breaking out a grin. "Yes! Thanks Scarlet, I knew I could count on you! Trust me, this bad boy will be our trump card to making a name for ourselves."
Ronnie walked up to Scarlet and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"I promise ya this, before everything's all said and done, we'll be having dinner with the Boss at the top of Silph Tower as his best men."
"Still set on that dream?"
Ronnie shrugged with a cocky grin.
"It's either that, or we both end up in a cell at best."
- - -
Lieutenant Surge stared out at the entrance of the construction site with a frown. These two grunts had been too careless, too loud, and now this operation was starting to grab the attention of the locals. A crowd was forming around the unfinished sector to see what the fuss was about. He could explain the slip-up to the civvies, but now he was he going to explain it to--
Ring, Ring!
Ah, speak of the devil.
He pulled out his cell and raised it to his ear. "Surge here."
"Report." That was the only response from the cold voice on the other end.
Surge sighed. It just had to be the ice queen.
"Hey Ari." Surge casually remarked, knowing full well the boss' right hand is making a vicious scowl at that nickname. "The operation was a success… for the most part."
"Tell me what went wrong."
"Right, right. A few of the Grunts got a bit liberal with their Koffings using Explosion. No one got hurt and nobody died, but they triggered a partial collapse of the building."
"Noted," Executive Ariana replied. She went silent, allowingSurge to hear only her clacking away on a keyboard, "Was there any damage that couldn't be attributed to the Grimers' extended stay in the area?"
Surge thought for a moment. Blaming the caustic pokemon on the erosion of the support beams might do it.
"No, but the locals started loitering around the exit point. If the wrong person takes a picture of Rocket snooping around here, Silph might suspect something's up."
Ariana continued typing out something on her PC.
"I'll be taking command for the remainder of this operation. There's an alternate route our men can take through the sewers that I will relay to the captains, but I'll need you to distract the citizens until extraction can be completed. Are there any objections?"
"None from me, Ma'am," Surge responded. "I'll do what I can."
And with that, the line was cut, Surge looked out at the entrance again, the crowd seeming to have doubled since he last took his eyes off.
"Right, then. Showtime."
Surge walked up to the crowd, put on his shades, and told the excitable masses how his crew brought the swarm of Grimers to heel.
- - -
The report you received on the operation in Vermillion has painted the operation as a massive success, barring a few incidents.
A fair amount of the poisonous pokemon have been captured or otherwise removed from the site premises, reducing their numbers back to more manageable levels. With the threat to public health neutralized, Vermillion's municipal government has announced that construction shall resume in the coming months. Surge has successfully spun this as a community effort orchestrated by a few "concerned citizens" himself, earning the gratitude of the city. He's already been approached by the news for a few interviews.
All that's left for you to decide is what should happen to the captured Grimes. Should Rocket turn them in to Vermilion City to receive the bounty, or add them to their own reserves?
What would you like to do? Select one.
[ ] Turn them in (+5 Funds)
[ ] Keep them (+50 Poison-type added to Rocket's pokemon storage)
The Grimer situation has been resolved. Due to Surge's role in it he has become a local celebrity and gotten into the good graces of many of Vermillion's elites, cutting the DC of "A Gym of his Own" by half.
+10 to Public Perception
+10 Influence to Vermillion City
-[X] (DIPLOMACY) Now Hiring (Neo-Kanto)
DC Autopass
You return to the prior stock of prospective recruits, carefully analyzing their qualities and qualifications. They would all provide unique benefits to the organization.
…Except that Joey child. You aren't completely certain how he got this far into the interview process. Was his file placed in the wrong stack? Nevertheless, there are only so many positions within your inner circle, and you must be cautious not to introduce new members to it so quickly.
Now, who would prove to be the greatest asset to the Rocket Group?
Select one of the following. Heroes not selected now may become recruitable by other factions on subsequent rounds.
[ ] Joey
An exuberant young braggart who boasts his rattata is in the "top percentage of rattatas". He is a mediocre trainer with scant prospects outside of gangs or Team Rocket.
Being loyal and just smart enough not to question orders, the makings of a good soldier are present. Though it may take extra time for the positive qualities of this particular soldier to bubble to the surface.
[ ] Wilton
Wilton is the youngest of the "Fishing Gurus" a trio of pro fishermen who adapted their skills at angling fish to catching water pokemon. According to your recruiters, Wilton is tired of living in his brothers' shadows and is seeking his own success. He has reluctantly approached Rocket for opportunities to make a proper name for himself.
He is a middle-of-the-road water specialist, who uses fish pokemon such as Goldeen and Seaking in battles. His expertise lies in catching and raising aquatic pokemon, as well as business acumen that Rocket Group has been lacking since its split from Silph Co.
Wilton would make a fine asset as you expand into more legitimate sectors along the coast.
[ ] Eusine
An arrogant man in theatrical clothing, you were skeptical of Eusine's certifications as a pokemon researcher until you saw them yourself. While his credentials are real, Eusine has been shunned by his peers due to his radical theories on the origin of Mu and methods that have been criticized as bordering on pseudoscientific bunk. These claims have done little to hinder his quest for knowledge, but they have denied him funding from Silph Co or Blackthorn. Now, Eusine comes to you.
While unorthodox, Eusine can aid in Rocket's many experiments to unlock the true potential of pokemon. Provided you grant him the time and resources to pursue his own studies. Perhaps something useful will come out of them.
[ ] Karen
For a moment, you failed to see what made this trainer exceptional. Karen was a seasoned trainer, with the potential to be more with proper direction, but she appeared to lack the expertise any of the previous applicants had. You continued reading, and came across the part that drew your recruiters' interest enough to forward it to you.
Karen has in her possession the black corvid pokemon rumored to have migrated from Neo-Johto; the one that sparked the rumors of Pokemon in the neighboring region to begin with. She claimed to have an affinity for them, and would be happy to point Rocket in the direction of more if they would sponsor her future endeavors as a trainer.
A rare pokemon and a trainer in one? A rather tempting proposition. One that could become quite a boon against Silph Co if you come to learn the type and disposition of this pokemon before they can.
-[X] (STEWARDSHIP) Supply and Demand
DC Autopass
The order is sent out, and soon enough your former rivals in the criminal underworld are taken aside for further "evaluation". By the end of this review process, you gain a better grasp of what illicit industries they engaged in before their unfortunate upheaval.
Unsurprisingly, several of the gangs participated in the practice of poaching pokemon from restricted areas and trading stolen pokemon. Some groups, wanting to avoid a paper trail with registered pokeballs, abandoned them in favor of more archaic metal cages to contain their stock. Rocket already participates in this industry, though your reach can be expanded further if you can increase your supply to more profitable levels. The Pokemon Rangers are a manageable risk.
Drug trafficking has always been an inevitability with organized crime, and Rocket is no exception, though your hand in such substances is currently limited to the legal ones via your front company. Silph Co has restricted a wide number of narcotics from passing into Neo Kanto, leaving an opportunity open for you to exploit. Outside of creating a rapport with the customs agents, creating a new passage through the Pipeworks would be the ideal means by which to get these drugs (and their ingredients) into the zone.
Another major contraband is unregistered firearms, for which there remains a non-insignificant demand. There is a fair portion of the zone population who maintain a wariness for wild pokemon, justified or otherwise, and they seek means of protecting themselves other than training pokemon of their own. Several groups produce their own ramshackle variations of reliable blaster models such as the Zapper and Phaser, both for sale and personal advantage. You expect the market for these weapons to decrease over time, but never truly disappear. Not when a solid shot can harm most basic-stage pokemon and cause far worse injuries to other humans.
You are currently uncontested in any of these markets, though with the rise of the Ride Federation, that may change.
Additional Actions Unlocked
-[X] (INTRIGUE) Investigate the Fighting Dojo (Copycat)
DC ???
13 + 37 + 29 + 3 + 15 = 97
Bare Failure
Your frown deepened as you shuffled through the papers in your hands. Copycat had the courtesy to look embarrassed at the stumbling blocks she'd run into on her information-gathering mission.
"Let us go over this again. What were you able to find out about the Dojo's challenger? The one whose overwhelming victory devastated the Karate King."
You would want a trainer of such fearsome strength and prowess in your sphere of influence. Or at least, not in the control of Silph Co.
Copycat scratched her cheek.
"I tried to get a straight answer out of the witnesses who saw it, but they all said different stuff. Like, they think the girl was using like ten different pokemon, plus a couple no one's ever heard of. They also couldn't agree on basic details about what the trainer looked like. Was she young, old? Really tall or short? Some of them thought 'she' was a dude! Weird, huh?"
The intelligence of crowds was rather low, but this bordered on the farcical. The only thing they could agree upon was that Master Koichi was taken down, and hard.
"What of the dojo itself?" you asked.
"That's where I ran into another snag. The Dojo is a one-story building with only one entrance, and the Karate King's remaining students spend all day there. I had to switch to a new disguise as a reporter to try and get my foot in the door, but Koichi's not seeing any visitors unless they beat his students in a pokemon battle first."
"And that's when you withdrew."
"Right on the money. Couldn't risk my partner-in-crime getting roughed-up."
This was a frustrating road block, though the benefits of exploring this mystery further were obvious and substantive enough to make it worth pursuing still. Even if the mysterious trainer remained an enigma, Koichi was a formidable trainer in his own right. Assisting him in earning his revenge could earn you a devoted follower.
"Put the investigation on hold indefinitely," you say with finality. "If that's the game they want to play, then we will indulge them."
"Huh? You're gonna fight the Dojo yourself?"
"If it comes to it. You're dismissed."
Copycat scampered off, to receive her next assignment in due time.
You could confront Koichi's disciples, or you could access him by other means. Such as your personal instructor…
Investigate the Fighting Dojo" has been replaced with "Take the Dojo Challenge" as an action to pursue this mystery..
"Kiyo's Vouch" has been unlocked.
-[X] (LEARNING) Develop a New Potion (Ariana)
DC 50
74 + 13 + 28 + 10 + 6 = 131
Critical Success
Critical Roll: 88
Your research department has made an exceptional breakthrough. Seeking to shore up VPL's prominence within the field of pokemon medicine, you ordered Ariana and her staff to develop a stronger restorative agent than any others on the market. A sequel to the Potion. After months of trial and error, they produced not one, but two separate products.
The first was almost identical to the standard potion, in an orange hue. Simply dubbed the Super Potion, the formula is over twice as effective as VPL's current mainstay in regards to treating pokemon injuries. The second was not a liquid, but a solid, yellow gem. When absorbed upon contact with a defeated pokemon's skin, the downed pokemon instantly regains consciousness and is able to resume combat. This one is given the short, simple name of Revive.
You are quick to greenlight the production of both medicines. With a large marketing push and the inherent quality of the products, Super Potion and Revive fly off the shelves faster than a Pidgeot in a straight dive. VPL has now found itself at the forefront of Neo-Kanto's medical industry, and the introduction of the two products has been highly praised on all sides.
You allow yourself to enjoy this victory, and show your appreciation for the staff by rewarding them with a celebration at the Rocket Hideout near the end of May. All were welcome to attend, though Ariana slipped back into the labs midway through festivities.
The Super Potion and Revive have been developed.
Revive has been added to Rocket's Active Bonuses.
Annual Income has increased due to synergy with Giovanni's primary business of the VPL.
+15 to Public Perception.
-[X] (Personal) (Giovanni) Give one of your projects some of your personal attention
-Handle the Grimer Infestation
See above.
-[X] (Personal) (Giovanni) Break bread with one of your subordinates (Copycat)
Wanting to learn more about your latest recruit and her pokemon of course, you arranged an additional meeting with Copycat to discuss ongoing developments, as well as a mock battle. Not only to judge her pokemon in battle, but her own capabilities under pressure.
When the date arrived, Copycat was nowhere to be found. Her Ditto had been found skulking outside the building outside the Game Corner by a grunt shortly after, holding a prepaid phone with one voicemail message. Concerned as to what happened to her, you had them play the message. The voice on the other line wasn't immediately recognizable, which told you half of what you needed to know right away.
"Hey dad! Cici here! I'm going to need to cancel our 'bonding time', because the Jennys here seem to have confused me for someone else."
You furrowed your brow in frustration. Copycat had been caught? For what? A misreported crime? A fluke? There was a high chance her call was being recorded, and therefore the amount of information she could provide under scrutiny was limited. The message continued, your new spy using misleading words to arrange what she was actually trying to convey.
"They're planning to stick me in here for at least a few months. It's probably a lot to ask that you bail me out, but could you watch my Meowth while I'm in here? I'd appreciate it."
You dismissed the grunt and returned Copycat's Ditto to the pokeball it brought along. Afterwards, you began making inquiries as to which false identity Copycat was using when she was arrested.
"This insolent child is proving to be more trouble than she's worth," you groused.
What do you do?
[ ] Bail Copycat Out
Copycat gets out of jail and resumes her duties immediately. +5 Copycat Opinion. Costs 4 Funds.
[ ] Let Her Wait
Copycat could use this time to reconsider her cavalier attitude. Giovanni gains access to Ditto for the next round while Copycat is in jail, though the shapeshifting pokemon will not obey commands unless the Rocket Boss is in direct danger.
-[X] (Personal) (Ariana) Resume Your Personal Projects
"Subject 17 has ceased brainwave function during the process of genetic manipulation. Cause unknown."
Ariana let out a sigh as she put away her most recent attempt. A barely audible sigh that scarcely rose above the roar of the party on the upper levels.
Fools. Ariana understood why her supervisor allowed this distraction to occur, but the reality of the Rocket Group was that their work was never done. Not until Silph Co fell for their hubris.
Ariana still remembered the day the Cinnabar Island research center went up in flames. The intense heat of the fires and smoke that burned the lungs. The sound of shattering glass and human screams cut short. The fear that gripped her as she watched the product of their labor rise through the smoking ruins of its destructive genesis, stared deeply through her, and then vanished into the far distance.
She would never forget that day. Or the hateful eyes of the god she had a miniscule hand in creating.
Following the incident, the chief genetic architects behind Mu 2 were nowhere to be found. Some have speculated that Blaine and Fuji were killed during its escape, in revenge for the pain the organism suffered under confinement. Others believe they have fled, in fear of future retribution wrought by the organism for the sin of its creation. Ever since Silph Co placed the area on lockdown and spun their web of lies surrounding the incident, it has been generally understood that their notes went down with the site.
"Subject 18's body has rejected cybernetic implementations necessary for the second stage of the procedure, and has been crippled as a result. Potions are ineffective for healing. However, application of the Revive compound successfully prevented Subject 18 from losing consciousness during the application step."
Silph Co only believed that they'd closed the book on that field of research because that was what those ignorant fools wanted to believe by stifling further developments. Giovanni sought her out because he knew she was there when it escaped, and that she had held on to the technical knowledge necessary to start anew. It was one scrap of a genetic enigma with a million pieces, but it was a start. Ariana continued her recording of the data she's thus far ascertained.
"These results do not at all align with those seen in Rattata's progenitor, Rattus norvegicus, leading me to believe the issue stems from the traces of Mu that linger in the pokemon's DNA. However, the brown rat was shown to be particularly fragile during initial stages, and as such I cannot be certain until I acquire alternative specimens. Results remain inconclusive."
Ariana set down the recorder. Nothing of value was achieved today, and she had to bitterly accept it. Tired and defeated, she departed the laboratory for the night.
-[X] (Personal) (Lieutenant Surge) Study Tactics
Old ranks and duties set aside, Surge considered himself to be more of a doer than a thinker. After all, actions spoke louder than words. Despite the recent success in Vermillion proving the point, Rocket couldn't bank their victories on all of their future opponents being as dim as those walking sludge piles.
Arranging for a few books and files to be sent his way, Surge poured over a small selection on the subject of urban warfare. He couldn't say how many of these were still applicable, as most of them were designed for cities on Earth and not the City itself.
There was still a lot of reading left to do. Once he finished, Surge planned to set up makeshift wargames with any grunts who looked like they weren't busy.
-[X] (Personal) (Copycat) Try to Teach Ditto to Mimic Humans
After its unexpected arrival to the Hideout, Copycat's Ditto has been left more or less to its own devices. The pokemon has been taking on strange shapes and performing unusual behaviors in front of a mirror. A trait picked up from its master, perhaps?
It bore some interest to you, though it was hardly your primary concern.
After all, there were still other plans to make.