Alrighty folks, I'm prepping to hunt another omake bounty, and this has me looking over the canon provided to hopefully not butcher characterization.. and I'm reminded of some statistics

Will to Power

Diplomacy: 24 (You're charismatic and you know it, using this gift to craft a popular public persona in the front while tempting trainers and gangsters into joining your organization in the backrooms.)
Diplomacy: 25 (+2) (With a charming personality and magnetic charisma, 'Gentlemanly' Jack is a true Gentleman in a world where there are few)
Veteran Socialite: 'Gentlemanly' Jack is well versed in the world of Neo-Kanto's elite class and all that permeates within their gilded halls. +10 to Diplomacy and Intrigue rolls when interacting with the upper class.
[ ] Will to Power: Part 1
DC 150
Surge forwarded you a rather interesting proposal. While he was recovering from his wounds, the lieutenant was made aware of a derelict power plant that had long since been infested by an overgrowth of foliage and swarms of wild pokemon. The plant itself was built shortly after the initial pokemon outbreak, a failed attempt to harness the abilities of electric pokemon for power generation.
With the previous owners missing, the plant is currently in limbo. By acquiring this all but abandoned property and collecting the electric pokemon that have inhabited it for our own purposes, Rocket's grip over Neo Kanto could be further strengthened.
(Reward: Deed to the Kanto Power Plant obtained, additional actions unlocked)

Presently our diplomacy with Jack deployed equates to: 52 + Loyalty 2 = 54
IF and ONLY IF this diplomacy roll involves the upper class (I theoretically want to posit that it could PROVIDED the Deed(s) is/are purchased from those of money) +10 (64)

That 150 DC is... daunting. Literally only on a 96-100 would the roll result in a success.. or an 86-100 if it's applicable.

I'm gonna be frank, even if we do a double-down, that's.. still trying to get a success on a sub-1/5 chance
(this is assuming the 24 Diplomacy Giovanni is up to date, and he wasn't at 24 before the +2. I forgot to note in my analysis post what his stat was, and didn't save his spread for showing =w=;;)

I'm wondering if that DC can be reduced by improving the public's opinion of us... but I doubt it.

Once we have the Kanto Power Plant deed obtained, I assume that unlocks various actions, BUT primarily martial ones, WHICH:

Martial: 15 (+2) (You exercise and are no stranger to combat, but you're far behind the many of the more dedicated citizens of The City in terms of physical strength.)
Martial: 29 (+3) (A former veteran who turned mercenary for a few years, the Lightning Lieutenant is perhaps the most experienced combatant in all of Neo-Kanto)
The Lightning Lieutenant: Surge is one of, if not the premier specialist in Electric-type Pokemon. Gain +10 while facing Electric-types in combat and +5 to all other rolls related to Electric-types.
Struggling Tactician: While Surge is a soldier, he isn't quite a commander yet. In an attempt to remedy this, he's begun to study tactics and engage in wargames. He still has a long way to go, but most progress is good progress. +5 to rolls regarding group combat.
Moonraker Lasers: Rocket's own Zapper, capable of piercing through most armor at a range with relative ease...any relation to any real or fictional weaponry is purely coincidental. Grunts gain +20 to combat encounters.

I'm making the assumption that the grunts would be brought along on this mission and be participating in combat, SO
17 + 32 + 4 (loyalty) + 10 (Lightning Lieutenant) + 5 (Struggling Tactician) + 20 (moonraker) = 88
This is an optimistic spread, BUT, CRITICALLY: Assuming the DC is similar 150, this is a scenario where doubling down is definitely worth it.

It's also fully possible that there's an intrigue route to be taking, possibly diplomacy or stewardship or learning as well.
It's quite possible that the power plant quest line necessitates a different sort of action before martial, or two stages of martial. The Hotel Chain necessitates two different type of actions in order to open, so that's my basis for that theory.
It's hard to say for sure so we'll have to see if reputation makes the DC lower. if not then maybe there's specific actions that would give DC reductions instead?
and there's also the chance DC reduction could be tied to influence in nearby areas like saffron/lavender?

as an aside, just when checking that i noticed how on the (normal pokemon) map the power plant is suspiciously close to that rock tunnel, and while i can't imagine that making things particularly easier, i could definitely see having a stronghold and a path out of kanto next to eachother being pretty useful? so maybe something about that would be touched on in a future part of the chain?

also, regarding said chain, the achievement in question says "Power Brokers: Complete the Kanto Power Plant event chain" as opposed to "action chain" so things might either kick off after progressing that, or there may be an event in the future that makes taking the actions easier/more important
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Acquiring the power plant seems like something that might be made easier with more money, it's not mentioned but makes sense. Failures can also lower the dc, but that'd be a big investment.

My big question in regards to it is if Zapdos would be there. Nabbing a legendary would be huge.
My big question in regards to it is if Zapdos would be there. Nabbing a legendary would be huge.
probably a chance, though the fact that in this setting Pokémon are animals and stuff mutated by Mu mean that they're probably a bit less mythological, so worth tempering expectations there?

it did come to mind that the power plant could function as somewhere we'd relocate to if our previous HQ falls though, so that's another advantage?
I'm less thinking Zapdos would be cool for legendary lore and great mystics and more that a big zappy bird as a nuclear option or power source would be great. Especially since we have an electric type specialist.
I'm expecting the chain is definitely meant to build to a Zapdos encounter, or at the least that the event itself is "so Zapdos exists now"
Im a little worried that the factions engaging with silph co might be a rival to securing the plant, who knows
Im a little worried that the factions engaging with silph co might be a rival to securing the plant, who knows
well, for that at least I'm confident the power plant is less desirable a thing to invest in than the Pokémon related products/services and other properties we're competing over (it was shut down for a reason afterall). So unless someone decides they need to cook some electricity or has a similar evil scheme to us(something about electric Pokémon research, i guess?) it probably won't be too relevant to them? and that goes for both Silph and the various smaller factions too..

hm, maybe if it's electric Pokémon based, one of surge's actions might be related to this? or maybe something will unlock in the future, we'll have to see...
Unless I am wrong, Eggman uses organic components to controll and power his badniks in this verse, right?

Becasue I am kinda curious if organic component and tissues harvested from pokemons would be extra effective when building badniks. Espescially as pokemons are able to tap into some kind of supernatural energy to fuel their moves.

If so, that would be useful either for buisness deals with Eggman or by getting our hands on some basic badnik designs somehow.