Titans DC - The Edge strikes back

Jason is supposed to show up in the show based on leaks. He finds out Robin's identity and gets taken under his wing. Then ends up as the new Robin under Batman, when Dick becomes Nightwing. I'm not sure how that is supposed to work with this Dick thought. And the fact that WB keeps embargoing 'movie' characters from appearing. Are they just going to have phone calls back and forth. Is Jason going to be shipped off to never be seen again. Who knows.

Starfire is 30
Raven is 13-14
Beast Boy is 22
Dick is 28

So they really should keep Raven out of any of that shit. But maybe she gets paired with some other person joining the team.

But they might have some Hawk and Dove right off the bat. Since they are a couple and EXTREME already.

Also Liefield celebrating his edgy version, because of course he is

And straight up using This ain't your daddy's, unironically. Also this ain't cinema.
Rob misses the point of Dove.
Also, I fear they will pair Raven with Jason since they're two younger characters and connected to edgelord grayson.
Nolan monkey paw. Or maybe Morrison. Or Moore. Whatever it is, DC has been cursed to destroy their own source material. Or should I say WB, whose executives seem particularly coked out and lacking in basic common sense. Or maybe they are secretly being run by a 90s kid fed on a pure diet of bad edgy comics and energy drinks.
Honestly, the more i think about it the more i think it can be blamed on the dark age of comic books mostly working out for DC, especiall, if we use the broader definition, that would include parts of bronze age. There is a lot popular stories here and then Nolan proved, that dark superheroes sell, so you have situation, where dark=good and it goes on. Whereass marvel dark age was so crap, that most big things(mostly themes and styles) from it are largely unusable and so marvel went more into the past more to their silver age and fused it with ultimate universe to make it mucg more leaner take on it. Also they did not have X-men, which limited stories from nineties, that can be told.
See at first I thought you were being weird and crass

Then I googled and found out only is the Midnighter in mainstream DC comics and has been for years

but that he and Dick Grayson have starred in various books together

And are a popular fanfiction pairing on ao3 (where the porn lives) because of all the large musclemanness they ooze at each other

So now I am forced to admit that you were being weird and crass with a slight basis in fact :V
The thing about Midnighter is... even though he is a black leather clad ex super soldier who revels in ultra violence I hesitate to call him truly edgy. He's too fun and interesting to call edgy to me. In WS he loved his husband and his daughter. He talked down an evil iron man instead of killing him. He liked to dye his hair for fun! And in the nu 52 and Grayson he was a dangerous but snarky and flirty man who stole every scene he was in. Including Middy in this show would only lower the overall edginess. Even if all his apperances were punctuated with stylized murder.
(I really love the character.)
Midnighter the past few years has been amazing and I love his low-key high-key sexual tension with Dick where you can tell he's super interested but holds back anyway out of respect for Dick. It's a good status quo for the two, almost like being friendly ex-boyfriends. Midnighter's back with Apollo though so if we're going to get him on TV I want a show of him and his real hubby, not for him to show up in Titans :<
'Corrective rape' is more then just weird and crass.
Mate it's just a raunchy joke about power dynamics, there's nothing about rape in there. It was a little over the top for the thread but let's not be over the top ourselves now too eh?

Anyway, I'm hoping against hope this show isn't as bad as it looks, but, boy, it's a struggle.
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Midnighter the past few years has been amazing and I love his low-key high-key sexual tension with Dick where you can tell he's super interested but holds back anyway out of respect for Dick. It's a good status quo for the two, almost like being friendly ex-boyfriends. Midnighter's back with Apollo though so if we're going to get him on TV I want a show of him and his real hubby, not for him to show up in Titans :<

Mate it's just a raunchy joke about power dynamics, there's nothing about rape in there. It was a little over the top for the thread but let's not be over the top ourselves now too eh?

Anyway, I'm hoping against hope this show isn't as bad as it looks, but, boy, it's a struggle.

I'm sorry that you get the impression. It is hard to communicate through text. I know it is a joke duh. I'm not asking for @Nerx to be punished or anything. I just didn't like it. But I know other people found it funny.
What really gets me about this is that Dick Grayson, outside of that brief period of falling out where he went solo, has always, always always been Bruce's biggest supporter amongst the Batfamily outside of Alfred. Like even in the original cartoon series it was clear Robin held a lot of respect for Bats.

Edit: Hell, even during that period of hostility between him and Batman it was clear Dick still held a lot of respect for Bruce, he just couldn't work with him anymore because of how controlling he got.
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Stop: Edge Wars VI: Return of the Edge
TBH I want Raven to be the black actress


Would love to have midnighter travel the multiverse to fuck Grayson until he's a polite and submissive boy

edge wars vi: return of the edge This post is in violation of Rule Two: Don't Be Hateful. Don't talk about how great it would be for someone to be raped, murdered, etc. Whilst this is less serious when referring to fictional characters, it is still an issue. Due to his history with being an 'ITG', @Nerx has received a 25 point infraction and a three day threadban.

You know until I watched that it didn't occur to me how dumb the show title is, I was just thinking in terms of it eliminating the teen part. However the title Teen Titans reflects how they are budding superheroes who could one day be great like Batman or Superman... but like calling themselves "Titans" full stop would sound arrogant coming from the original animated Teen Titans or heck even the Justice League, let alone these dysfunctional 'heroes'.
You know until I watched that it didn't occur to me how dumb the show title is, I was just thinking in terms of it eliminating the teen part. However the title Teen Titans reflects how they are budding superheroes who could one day be great like Batman or Superman... but like calling themselves "Titans" full stop would sound arrogant coming from the original animated Teen Titans or heck even the Justice League, let alone these dysfunctional 'heroes'.

Well they can't name the show 'Californian Thug Vigilantes'. Or maybe 'Murderous Yahoos'.
I mean it is what team called itself after most of its membership stopped being teens, in the only time I will be fair to the show.
Well they can't name the show 'Californian Thug Vigilantes'. Or maybe 'Murderous Yahoos'.

Okay but like, if Marvel or DC came out with a superhero team with either of those two names, I'd read it. I'd watch it on whatever streaming service they had it on. I'd be there for the midnight release in theaters for "Murderous Yahoos" or "Californian Thug Vigilantes".
If I remember, it's actually kinda part of the lore of her character though? Tamaranians absorb ultraviolet light, so it makes sense for them to wear clothes that expose as much of their skin as possible to the sun. Plus apparently Starfire enjoys "being girly" and has apparently always been fairly open regarding her sexuality and expression of femininity, so maybe it plays a part in that.

I mean we could always go for the doylist explanation of "well we gotta give our comic fans tits and ass and eye candy".

I really don't like her outfit, because it feels kinda low-quality and trashy. She comes off as a ghetto black woman stereotype rather than an alien who has odd fashion sense because she mixes traditional clothing with modern aesthetics to help push that sort of "fish out of water" aspect that they had with her character, and that's not a good sign.
Superman has the same reasoning and still goes around in a all body covering suit. When it gets to a point where the vast majority of male heroes are covered nearly completely, while for females it is the opposite, the Doylist is the main way to take it.
I think you can make an argument for a costume design that is both more congruent with the popular conception of Starfire and still not be the pink metal bikinis, I think we're getting a bit too "either this or that".
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Could you stop with this hating on sex workers? It's cringy.
Also, Raven is goth, I will provide some of her looks in recent comics when I'm home.
The issue is that while she's goth, she's also a traumatized kid who was raised in an extradimensional monastery, and had to take a path of extreme emotional repression because any emotional impulse or urge could become a means for her unholy father to control her.

She's also somebody who grew up knowing all this shit, and thus has a quantity of baggage beyond any number of airliners. Raven is a girl who has had unspeakable burdens and responsibilities thrust upon her from infancy, and thus exists in a headspace normally seen in war orphans and other such victims of sudden, horrific introduction to the dark side of humanity.

Also Starfire is "like Wolverine" WHAT THE FUCK
As has been noted by others online, really they could've just dyed Anna Diop's hair red, applied some glowy green light to the eyes when appropriate:
And it'd have been way better than what they went with:
The scattered face glow doesn't look right, the outfit is bizarre, I have not the slightest clue why they went with a curly hair wig that doesn't match well with either the character or actress, and in any case Starfire is kinda brought down by being in gritty grey grimderp land.
It honestly looks like an off the rack pink wig that you could get at any party city.
When the set leaks came out, I thought the fur coat was just a temporary disguise with a scene of comedic confusion with people mistaking Starfire for a hooker. But instead it's actually part of her outfit as much as Robin's? The hell.
See, I didn't even think that, I thought is was something the actress was wearing between takes because it was filmed during the winter and it was cold.
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The issue is that while she's goth, she's also a traumatized kid who was raised in an extradimensional monastery, and had to take a path of extreme emotional repression because any emotional impulse or urge could become a means for her unholy father to control her.

She's also somebody who grew up knowing all this shit, and thus has a quantity of baggage beyond any number of airliners. Raven is a girl who has had unspeakable burdens and responsibilities thrust upon her from infancy, and thus exists in a headspace normally seen in war orphans and other such victims of sudden, horrific introduction to the dark side of humanity.
Not that I disagree but how does that relate to me responding to complaints she looks like a goth by pointing out she does so in the comics as well?
So, I just watched the trailer.

Can we just go back to Teen Titans Go? It wasn't anywhere near the best, but at the least got some laughs from me and gave me Cyborg/Jynx. I just saw this trailer and I'm pretty sure I cut myself on all this edge. Could someone get me a towel?
While we're on the topic I'll remind people that the now cherished Teen Titans show was originally decried and panned by many when it first released with things like "its too animesque" or "they made Raven too gothy" and "they made Starfire naive and innocent". Now we're reaching the point where Teen Titans Go is cherished too...
While we're on the topic I'll remind people that the now cherished Teen Titans show was originally decried and panned by many when it first released with things like "its too animesque" or "they made Raven too gothy" and "they made Starfire naive and innocent". Now we're reaching the point where Teen Titans Go is cherished too...
You really wanna go beyond the looking glass?

Teen Titans Go were responsible for possibly the most infuriating episode in TV animation history, the secondhand cringe so bad that even as someone with no background in the Titans watching clips being used in a review I was beside myself.

Stuffing the episode with more straw than a haystack, 'clowns' are used as a thinly-veiled metaphor for the original Teen Titans show. Cyborg and Beast Boy get a clown for some like, birthday party or something idfk, and are despondent that clowns aren't cool any more. Despite repeated warnings that clowns are just for little babies and they shouldn't want clowns to be 'for them' any more, Cyborg and Beast Boy are adamant that clowns are still cool and they just have to make this particular clown as cool as they remember. Thus, with mad science, they turn him into this jacked 90s monstrosity you see before you, which runs rampant and forces them to learn a lesson about how that thing they loved as children really was just shallow baby-noise for babies with no greater depth or dimension or artistic merit to their more developed minds.

Teen Titans Go were responsible for possibly the most infuriating episode in TV animation history, the secondhand cringe so bad that even as someone with no background in the Titans watching clips being used in a review I was beside myself.
I thought you were going to mention the episode where TTG takes a great big shit on Young Justice, mocking it for daring to not be vapid sitcom nonsense:
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