Titans DC - The Edge strikes back

Stuffing the episode with more straw than a haystack, 'clowns' are used as a thinly-veiled metaphor for the original Teen Titans show. Cyborg and Beast Boy get a clown for some like, birthday party or something idfk, and are despondent that clowns aren't cool any more. Despite repeated warnings that clowns are just for little babies and they shouldn't want clowns to be 'for them' any more, Cyborg and Beast Boy are adamant that clowns are still cool and they just have to make this particular clown as cool as they remember. Thus, with mad science, they turn him into this jacked 90s monstrosity you see before you, which runs rampant and forces them to learn a lesson about how that thing they loved as children really was just shallow baby-noise for babies with no greater depth or dimension or artistic merit to their more developed minds.

Don't forget how this episode was billed and advertised as being the episode where things finally started happening and one of the most iconic villains from the previous series was going to start making his appearance. Like, they even titled it "Return of Slade," and then didn't even give him a single moment of screen time so the clown they made could be the episode's villain.
You really wanna go beyond the looking glass?

Teen Titans Go were responsible for possibly the most infuriating episode in TV animation history, the secondhand cringe so bad that even as someone with no background in the Titans watching clips being used in a review I was beside myself.

Stuffing the episode with more straw than a haystack, 'clowns' are used as a thinly-veiled metaphor for the original Teen Titans show. Cyborg and Beast Boy get a clown for some like, birthday party or something idfk, and are despondent that clowns aren't cool any more. Despite repeated warnings that clowns are just for little babies and they shouldn't want clowns to be 'for them' any more, Cyborg and Beast Boy are adamant that clowns are still cool and they just have to make this particular clown as cool as they remember. Thus, with mad science, they turn him into this jacked 90s monstrosity you see before you, which runs rampant and forces them to learn a lesson about how that thing they loved as children really was just shallow baby-noise for babies with no greater depth or dimension or artistic merit to their more developed minds.

All I'm imagining now is a DC/Metalpoclyse crossover with Dr. Rockso
Stuffing the episode with more straw than a haystack, 'clowns' are used as a thinly-veiled metaphor for the original Teen Titans show. Cyborg and Beast Boy get a clown for some like, birthday party or something idfk, and are despondent that clowns aren't cool any more. Despite repeated warnings that clowns are just for little babies and they shouldn't want clowns to be 'for them' any more, Cyborg and Beast Boy are adamant that clowns are still cool and they just have to make this particular clown as cool as they remember. Thus, with mad science, they turn him into this jacked 90s monstrosity you see before you, which runs rampant and forces them to learn a lesson about how that thing they loved as children really was just shallow baby-noise for babies with no greater depth or dimension or artistic merit to their more developed minds.
You know, I shudder to think how popular Go would be if they put their effort into actually winning the fans over with good writing instead finding new ways to piss people off.
Five seasons, 213 episodes, and a movie already puts it in the top echelon of successful cartoons.

I don't have the chart on hand, but it helps their numbers a lot that Cartoon Network decided to air it so much their channel is basically only Teen Titans Go, and that was before they had so many different episodes to run it on. Like it has literally reached the point where they celebrate other shows by running a Teen Titans Go marathon around it.
I don't have the chart on hand, but it helps their numbers a lot that Cartoon Network decided to air it so much their channel is basically only Teen Titans Go, and that was before they had so many different episodes to run it on. Like it has literally reached the point where they celebrate other shows by running a Teen Titans Go marathon around it.

If you are talking about the meme chart that was from a teen titans go marathon. It is almost always the most played show but we are talking ~30% and not 99% here.
Even that level of exposure is pretty damned high. Oh and for reference here's the meme chart:
And as noted by TV Tropes:
In just a few episodes the Network had already ordered a second season, while Batman got pulled from DC Nation entirely (supposedly scheduled for a January return, until CN pushed it to an unspecified "first half of 2014" return), all but guaranteeing the latter would get the axe considering how little CN thinks of action cartoons. By August 2014, Teen Titans Go was airing six times a day on the weekdays, despite only having 29 half-hour episodes at that point! And a little over a year later, the show would air 15 times a day!
Seriously what were they smoking? It could be the best freaking show in the world and still not deserve that kind of exposure.
Even that level of exposure is pretty damned high. Oh and for reference here's the meme chart:
And as noted by TV Tropes:

Seriously what were they smoking? It could be the best freaking show in the world and still not deserve that kind of exposure.

Never thought they show Steven Universe so much.

It's a good cartoon, but c'mon, Cartoon Network. :V
as someone who loved the first cartoon, my heart is breaking. Im not even angry, im just sad.
I'm not a fan of the show, or even her character's costumes design, but come the fuck on people. It s a fucking, god damned alien, why the fuck do you care so badly that it's not being played by a white actress that you feel the need to harass the woman? I know the answer, but for fucks sakes it's just so fucking transparent; but it's fine next week it'll be some character whose been gay forever getting a show and we'll whine about "shoving that gay shit in our face", or some other bullshit and we'll move on never confronting the issue of nerd communities having a serious issue with racism, sexism, homophobia, and a myriad of other regressive bullshit.

God damn I'm not even allowed to dislike a show based on an obviously flawed edgelord premise without feeling awful because I'm not supporting the minority actor's show in the face of racist assholes. This shit is so exhausting...
I'm not a fan of the show, or even her character's costumes design, but come the fuck on people. It s a fucking, god damned alien, why the fuck do you care so badly that it's not being played by a white actress that you feel the need to harass the woman? I know the answer, but for fucks sakes it's just so fucking transparent; but it's fine next week it'll be some character whose been gay forever getting a show and we'll whine about "shoving that gay shit in our face", or some other bullshit and we'll move on never confronting the issue of nerd communities having a serious issue with racism, sexism, homophobia, and a myriad of other regressive bullshit.

God damn I'm not even allowed to dislike a show based on an obviously flawed edgelord premise without feeling awful because I'm not supporting the minority actor's show in the face of racist assholes. This shit is so exhausting...
What I'm bugged by is that Starfire isn't even white in the comics. She's an orange skinned, green eyed, red headed alien. I'm annoyed they couldn't paint the actress's skin orange and give her some vibrant green contacts because that is what Starfire is supposed to look like. They didn't give Beast Boy green skin either. No one has orange or green skin unless for the former they've been eating a lot of carrots or something. It shouldn't have been that hard to paint her skin the proper shade of orange and give her some contacts at the very least.
What I'm bugged by is that Starfire isn't even white in the comics. She's an orange skinned, green eyed, red headed alien. I'm annoyed they couldn't paint the actress's skin orange and give her some vibrant green contacts because that is what Starfire is supposed to look like. They didn't give Beast Boy green skin either. No one has orange or green skin unless for the former they've been eating a lot of carrots or something. It shouldn't have been that hard to paint her skin the proper shade of orange and give her some contacts at the very least.
and theres the fact that her costume makes her look like a truck stop hooker. Like who thought that costume was in anyway good. I mean im not saying most of her comic costumes are good, but they could have found one that looked better than that.
Edit: actually, re-reviewing the costumes from the trailer, all of them look pretty terrible. Most of the titans have these hot topic, or as I said earlier truck stop hooker, clothes and the ones that are comic accurate look like they are vacuum formed plastic or vinyl. They look like they should be squeaking while they move.

This is going about as well as I expected.

Yah know, out of the costume she actually really does look alot like starfire, especially from the more modern runs of the character.
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What I'm bugged by is that Starfire isn't even white in the comics. I don't get how it's about race. She's an orange skinned, green eyed, red headed alien. I'm annoyed they couldn't paint the actress's skin orange and give her some vibrant green contacts along with the red hair because that is what Starfire is supposed to look like. They didn't give Beast Boy green skin either. No one has orange or green skin unless for the former they've been eating a lot of carrots or something. It shouldn't have been that hard to paint her skin the proper shade of orange and give her some contacts at the very least.

Starfire's skin changes color more or often then Bobby Da Costa's. She ranges from vaguely tan to highlighter yellow with everything between. I mean does she ever even show up with orange skin in any of the DC animated works? Also we see her with green eyes in the trailer and we see beast boy with green skin. Did you only look at the set photos or did you actually watch the trailer?

On a barely related note I have to share this.

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Starfire's skin changes color more or often then Bobby Da Costa's. She ranges from vaguely tan to highlighter yellow with everything between. I mean does she ever even show up with orange skin in any of the DC animated works? Also we see her with green eyes in the trailer and we see beast boy with green skin. Did you only look at the set photos or did you actually watch the trailer?

On a barely related note I have to share this.

Eh the green skin's not that noticable with the light, nor are the green eyes. Starfire's eyes are portrayed as a solid color half the time which didn't help. She could still do with some orange skin paint as she has been shown with that repeatedly. The point is her skin tone is not natural (for humans) in nearly all portrayals of her. Even in the video you're posting her skin is tinted orange.

I'm annoyed when characters don't match their comic portrayals. It bothered me just as much to see a non ginger be cast as Jimmy Olsen in Supergirl. He's been ginger ever since he first appeared.
Eh the green skin's not that noticable with the light, nor are the green eyes. Starfire's eyes are portrayed as a solid color half the time which didn't help. She could still do with some orange skin paint as she has been shown with that repeatedly. The point is her skin tone is not natural (for humans) in nearly all portrayals of her. Even in the cartoon video you're posting her skin is tinted orange.

I'm annoyed when characters don't match their comic portrayals. It bothered me just as much to see a non ginger be cast as Jimmy Olsen in Supergirl. He's been ginger ever since he first appeared.

Are you annoyed at this to?

or this

My entire point was that her comic portrayals are all over the place as to her skin color. Every animated version of her has toned her skin color down into something that passes for human.

This cosplayer has more orange tones in her skin naturally then all of the cartoon versions put together. And she has a better wig

As for green skin or green eyes not showing up I think the problem might be with you. Her eyes are radioactive green. You can't get much more green then that. Beastboy is not even light green or barely tinted green like animated starfire is barely tinted orange but is a good medium green.
Are you annoyed at this to?

or this

My entire point was that her comic portrayals are all over the place as to her skin color. Every animated version of her has toned her skin color down into something that passes for human.

This cosplayer has more orange tones in her skin naturally then all of the cartoon versions put together. And she has a better wig

As for green skin or green eyes not showing up I think the problem might be with you. Her eyes are radioactive green. You can't get much more green then that. Beastboy is not even light green or barely tinted green like animated starfire is barely tinted orange but is a good medium green.

I think you might be correct the issue is with me. I'm going to apologize for this and blame it on the HPPD. I'm not colorblind but I'm aware I have issues with color contrast and distinguishing between similar shades because of this and the visual static doesn't help.

I'll say that all of these look like either shades of unnatural yellow or orange or with tints of those colors except the cosplayer who just looks a shade of brown/bronze.
Yah know, out of the costume she actually really does look alot like starfire, especially from the more modern runs of the character.
As I noted before, they could've gone with something like this with just some hair dye, eye light SFX, and maybe playing around with color saturation effects:
But instead went with this:
It was frankly a bizarre choice. It was like they did everything in their power to make the actress look less like contemporary portrayals of Starfire.
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Okay, I feel like we need to prove a point at this rate.

Somebody here needs to make a better TT reboot then these hacks since they couldn't do it right when they had all the elements to make it good.

It's like, all they had to do was string together a basic plot with the characters decently represented, maybe add a few side characters from TT comics that we aren't familiar with, and boom. Instant fanbase. Hell, take it a step further and make a good plot with some really fun characters and they could have blown Arrow so far out of the water it would have stopped thinking and turned to stone.

My god, how do you fail this hard at something DC? Stop trying to be Marvel with every character for God's sake. And get a better design/fashion/costuming team, it looks like you did everything in your power to make Starfire look as Ugly as possible. I get the full dress, can't have a Normal sexy Starfire because this is public TV, but a Fur Coat? And that hair? I feel sorry for the actress, I've seen her, she could have been a faithful Starfire if DC execs/The Design teams hadn't of done her wrong like this.

And making Raven into a Damsel? What the fuck.

If you want an edgy, gun-happy, possibly murderous Robin, don't call him Grayson, his name is Jason Todd and we all know it no matter how many times you say his name is Dick.

I am happy that they are at least trying something not-crap by adding in Dove and Hawk. That could be fun.