Titans DC - The Edge strikes back

If you want an edgy, gun-happy, possibly murderous Robin, don't call him Grayson, his name is Jason Todd and we all know it no matter how many times you say his name is Dick.
They apparently plan to bring in the Red Hood later on... somehow. I don't know how they can make Red Hood still be "the edgy one" without him literally yanking people apart like string cheese from hell using a pair of meat hooks while screaming about haunted vaginas.

I am happy that they are at least trying something not-crap by adding in Dove and Hawk. That could be fun.
The problem is that Dove is shown carving motherfuckers up with arm blades, and the Hawk/Dove pair are apparently going to be the Rorschachs of the setting: crazy vigilantes who routinely cave muggers' faces in and are feared/despised by everyone.

Also, apparently the Doom Patrol will come around looking for Beast Boy like a bunch of crazy ex-girlfriends, then get into a fight with the Titans over custody.

Considering that the Doom Patrol lineup includes a Metallo-style cyborg, a transhuman hermaphrodite created through spiritual alchemy, and Crazy Jane, I fully expect both borderline-offensive "jokes" and insanely shitty SFX and costuming that makes them all look like confused teenagers trying to cosplay as the Doom Patrol on a $15 budget.

This is going to make Batman v. Superman look like a Kubrick film.
They apparently plan to bring in the Red Hood later on... somehow. I don't know how they can make Red Hood still be "the edgy one" without him literally yanking people apart like string cheese from hell using a pair of meat hooks while screaming about haunted vaginas.

Well, obviously, the twist will be that Jason Todd is the reasonable one this time!

"That's your problem, Dick, you were always afraid to go far enough to-"
*sees Dick Grayson crushing throats while growling 'fuck Batman'.
"... Dude, you need to chill."
Well, obviously, the twist will be that Jason Todd is the reasonable one this time!

"That's your problem, Dick, you were always afraid to go far enough to-"
*sees Dick Grayson crushing throats while growling 'fuck Batman'.
"... Dude, you need to chill."
According to the spoilers he'll be the idealistic child/young teen who acts as Dick's morality pet until he sends him to Batman to be Robin as a peace offering.
... okay, I'm not that well-versed in comics, but doesn't that sounds more like a role that should be fulfilled by Tim Drake?

Who knows. Maybe they just want to preserve the order of which Robins appear. More likely they want to use a adapted form of him dying and coming back to life as a plot for a Nighwing centric season. Since Tim isn't very interesting. Likely with him coming to terms with Batman. But if Dick is pissed at Batman now, he would be furious if Bruce then gets Jason killed if he just spent all this time looking after him. So fuck batman might be just the start.
Who knows. Maybe they just want to preserve the order of which Robins appear. More likely they want to use a adapted form of him dying and coming back to life as a plot for a Nighwing centric season. Since Tim isn't very interesting. Likely with him coming to terms with Batman. But if Dick is pissed at Batman now, he would be furious if Bruce then gets Jason killed if he just spent all this time looking after him. So fuck batman might be just the start.
"Fuck Batman"
Nightwing raises two fingers.
Then, he steps on two necks just to make a point.
Jason was an incredibly idealistic guy though. Like yeah, he was rough around the edges, but as Robin he was very much the "I need to be the best hero" type.
Which would actually be kind of scary when we consider his role model is going to be Bizarro Dick Grayson, who guns people down and crushes the throats of any survivors.

Jason wants to be a hero, and here's Robin - a bona fide hero! - eager to show him the ropes. How easy would it be for him to end up soaking in all the toxic shit Bizarro Grayson will throw on him, until he's not just a brutal vigilante, but a brutal vigilante who legitimately believes he's just doing the right thing and finds no moral issue with any of his actions?

Basically, Jason Todd as a young Rorschach.

Huh, this line of thought has made me at least willing to accept that a fucked-up grimdark Teen Titans Elseworld could actually be interesting. Too bad about the poozers in charge of this one.
You know the worst part of all of this? I'd be willing to give this shit more of a shot, a full season.... if they didn't hate the show behind a 75 dollar paywall with the DC streaming service.

That's the kinda thing you do for a show that you know is going to be a success.

So that leads me to one of three conclusions, in order of how depressing they might be:

1: They are streaming this show on other platforms and I just missed that.

2: They really think this toilet wine is top shelf and are trying to lure us in with it.

3: They know its crap and are banking on it getting enough people to buy it in outrage to make a profit.
So... are they going to explain why Batman isn't coming after Robin for breaking the No Kill Rule? Because I'm pretty Batman would have a big problem with this unless its like Batman V Superman Batman where he just gives no fucks about killing bad guys. Or is Batman chasing down Robin to stop him going to be an important plot point?
If only haters direct vitriol to directors/execs instead of actors, would be more effective tbh. Actors do t really have much of a choice, if anything Berlanti and Johns are the ones that need to shut their social media.
So... are they going to explain why Batman isn't coming after Robin for apparently breaking the No Kill Rule? Because I'm pretty sure Batman would have a big problem with this unless its like Batman V Superman Batman where he just gives no fucks about killing bad guys. Or is Batman chasing down Robin to stop him going to be an important plot point? Does this take place in the same setting as that film?
Well, see, Robin outsmarted Batman in this specific case. See, he knew that killing people would bring Batman down on his head real fast, so he had to find a place Batman could not go. Which is why he settled on the CW, as TV licensing means that Batman cannot show up on that channel, meaning Robin is free to pursue his own ends for now. While this plan does have some negatives, such as terrible costuming and lighting, as well as the required love triangle he will be forced into, those are relatively minor compared to the benefits of having no need to try and be good.
If only haters direct vitriol to directors/execs instead of actors, would be more effective tbh. Actors do t really have much of a choice, if anything Berlanti and Johns are the ones that need to shut their social media.

Yeah, I feel bad for the actors. They didn't ask for these changes.

Honestly want to show next garbage creative decisions when they had a source material to go off of, most of the time you can trace those garbage decisions back to some idiot up in corporate who wanted to Tailor this experience in such a way that it wouldn't conflict with anything they currently got going on.

" no, no, no, it can't be dark and edgy with good characters and non grungy outfits, that starts leaking into the Arrow's turf. I know, we'll make it ridiculously edgy so the people who watch Arrow won't watch this and vicea versa! I'm a genius! I'm going to give myself a giant bonus by firing a few people!!" ~A. Moral, local Executive.
It's really annoying when fan hate is directed at the actors. Because they, unless they somehow have some creative control, probably had just as much say in those costumes as we did.
Well, this is an... interesting... take on the Teen Titans.

And oh look, the racists are getting up in arms about a black woman playing an... orange... alien...
Dafuq? I mean, I'm aware that these shits run on cognitive dissonance, entitlement and insanity, but don't they generally want at least a micron-thick fig leaf for their particular brand of madness?

Taking bets, how long do you think it will take them to flip out at a black actor playing a black character?
Assuming that that hasn't actually happened yet.
Which I'm not actually comfortable doing.
Well, this is an... interesting... take on the Teen Titans.

And oh look, the racists are getting up in arms about a black woman playing an... orange... alien...
Dafuq? I mean, I'm aware that these shits run on cognitive dissonance, entitlement and insanity, but don't they generally want at least a micron-thick fig leaf for their particular brand of madness?

Taking bets, how long do you think it will take them to flip out at a black actor playing a black character?
Assuming that that hasn't actually happened yet.
Which I'm not actually comfortable doing.
This thread has more complaints about her coat than her race.
I believe that the shows director was fired after the preview was aired. According to a source that was there, the crowd erupted into boos when the preview was shown.

I'm going to need a source for that. Considering filming is complete and the show hasn't even been run yet it would be very very strange if they were fired because some nerds booed them. I say this as a nerd who is booing.