Titans DC - The Edge strikes back

As has been noted by others online, really they could've just dyed Anna Diop's hair red, applied some glowy green light to the eyes when appropriate:
And it'd have been way better than what they went with:
The scattered face glow doesn't look right, the outfit is bizarre, I have not the slightest clue why they went with a curly hair wig that doesn't match well with either the character or actress, and in any case Starfire is kinda brought down by being in gritty grey grimderp land.
Starfire has naturally curly hair in comics. Usually.
People keeps saying Starfire's outfit is awful but what are we comparing it to? 99.999% of starfire costumes are bit of fabric randomly glued to her mostly naked body. This is easily in the top 5 starfire costumes for not being an excuse to draw a naked teen/lady with lines randomly drawn over her. I mean she looks like she is ready to head out to a club still but it isn't some weird bondage/nudist club like most starfire outfits.

If I remember, it's actually kinda part of the lore of her character though? Tamaranians absorb ultraviolet light, so it makes sense for them to wear clothes that expose as much of their skin as possible to the sun. Plus apparently Starfire enjoys "being girly" and has apparently always been fairly open regarding her sexuality and expression of femininity, so maybe it plays a part in that.

I mean we could always go for the doylist explanation of "well we gotta give our comic fans tits and ass and eye candy".

I really don't like her outfit, because it feels kinda low-quality and trashy. She comes off as a ghetto black woman stereotype rather than an alien who has odd fashion sense because she mixes traditional clothing with modern aesthetics to help push that sort of "fish out of water" aspect that they had with her character, and that's not a good sign.
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If I remember, it's actually kinda part of the lore of her character though? Tamaranians absorb ultraviolet light, so it makes sense for them to wear clothes that expose as much of their skin as possible to the sun. Plus apparently Starfire enjoys "being girly" and has apparently always been fairly open regarding her sexuality and expression of femininity, so maybe it plays a part in that.

I mean we could always go for the doylist explanation of "well we gotta give our comic fans tits and ass and eye candy".

I really don't like her outfit, because it feels kinda low-quality and trashy. She comes off as a ghetto black woman stereotype rather than an alien who has odd fashion sense because she mixes traditional clothing with modern aesthetics to help push that sort of "fish out of water" aspect that they had with her character, and that's not a good sign.

Superman has the same reasoning and still goes around in a all body covering suit. When it gets to a point where the vast majority of male heroes are covered nearly completely, while for females it is the opposite, the Doylist is the main way to take it.
So, I summed my thoughts up on my blog here if anyone fancies giving it a read.

To sum it up, the trailer reminded me of early 2000s superhero films like Daredevil, which obviously isn't a good thing.
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Starfire is kind of odd since her depiction in the cartoon was so popular and was for so many their first look at the character that they take it as gold. This can be problematic when writers try to write outside of that box or indeed write the character more in line to how she was in various runs pre cartoon. I am not going to pretend that Red Hood and the Outlaws was a fantastic book but it was not nearly the betrayal of her character that many cried it was. This new starfire looks... odd. I will have to see more of her to have a final opinion but the outfit is pretty strange for her (can we please stop calling her a trashy hooker tho? thank you) But like many things it might be a case of it not translating from the comics to live action well.
Plus apparently Starfire enjoys "being girly" and has apparently always been fairly open regarding her sexuality and expression of femininity, so maybe it plays a part in that.
I think its less that she "enjoys being girly" and more that her planet is far more liberated and blase about sex and sexuality. Though I believe it has been used in the comics as both a interesting cultural thing and an excuse for cheesecake so its up to you.
Superman has the same reasoning and still goes around in a all body covering suit. When it gets to a point where the vast majority of male heroes are covered nearly completely, while for females it is the opposite, the Doylist is the main way to take it.
Superman was also notably raised in Kansas and in most adaptions is more human then alien mentally so it makes sense for him to be more prudish.
My issue with Raven is that she isn't acting Goth; she's the calm, cool, and collected character. Stoic with an appearance of not giving a fuck (and a heart of gold).

Also why the fuck are they not using Jason instead? He's perfect if you want this to be the All Star Batman of Teen Titans.
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We had dark and serious teen titans, it was called Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. This is just fucking edgy. If you wanted Robin to kill people then fucking pick Jason Todd or just go with Damien. Why are you doing this to Dick of all people?

As for Starfire, I will always prefer her stripperific outfits to what they have in the show. At least she has the reason of needing to absorb sunlight through her skin and it was aesthetically pleasing. This was just bad. And those fire effects hurt me inside.

I'm scared to see what they do with Beast Boy.
Superman gets power from sunlight too but you don't see him wearing stripper outfits. It's a shallow excuse used by writers to put ladies in revealing clothing no different from Quiet's "she breathes through her skin" crap from MGSV.

Starfire is sexually liberal, that's a good enough excuse to put her in skin revealing outfits, no need to pussyfoot around the issue.
Superman gets power from sunlight too but you don't see him wearing stripper outfits. It's a shallow excuse used by writers to put ladies in revealing clothing no different from Quiet's "she breathes through her skin" crap from MGSV.

Starfire is sexually liberal, that's a good enough excuse to put her in skin revealing outfits, no need to pussyfoot around the issue.

And yeah I'm not even gonna lie, I like the fan service.
So you support my argument than Superman should only wear a thong?
If he wants to then yeah he should go for it. Only thing keeping him from wearing a thong is the fact that his mom would faint at the sight. And Lois would have to beat off all the competition even more then she usually does :lol

Jesus, Superman in a thong would actually improve the DC movies if only because fan service might make up for the lack of life.


I don't have a Twitter but if ya'll do, please contribute to the cause.
Superman has the same reasoning and still goes around in a all body covering suit. When it gets to a point where the vast majority of male heroes are covered nearly completely, while for females it is the opposite, the Doylist is the main way to take it.
Could be worse. It could be MSG.
20something female sniper who breathes through her skin: Fishnets ahoy!
100+ male sniper who breathes through his skin: goddamn Ghillie suit.
Tbh I don't blame the actors, people just want to work. But whoever in the execs table thought its a good idea to greenlit this without a test audience can have tinnitus.
Dick Grayson growled "FUCK BATMAN" and shot several men with a gun then violently trod on the throat of another while he was on the ground and I started cackling so hard I couldn't control myself. Why is DC like this.
Dick Grayson growled "FUCK BATMAN" and shot several men with a gun then violently trod on the throat of another while he was on the ground and I started cackling so hard I couldn't control myself. Why is DC like this.
Because they are the red headed stepchild while Marvel is perfect in every single way.

god screw this series
Dick Grayson growled "FUCK BATMAN" and shot several men with a gun then violently trod on the throat of another while he was on the ground and I started cackling so hard I couldn't control myself. Why is DC like this.

Nolan monkey paw. Or maybe Morrison. Or Moore. Whatever it is, DC has been cursed to destroy their own source material. Or should I say WB, whose executives seem particularly coked out and lacking in basic common sense. Or maybe they are secretly being run by a 90s kid fed on a pure diet of bad edgy comics and energy drinks.
So you support my argument than Superman should only wear a thong?


wait what were we talking about?

Oh, Starfire? I always sort of pictured her style as kinda 60s era gogo dancer. Like, as a callback to the era teen titans began in. Her otherworldliness ties in with her anachronistic fashion sense. But even if you didn't want to go that way and wanted to do that whole 'exposed skin for sunlight powers' thing, there are choices that are less overtly sexual than others. A loose 80s midriff and super distressed jeans still show plenty of skin, but aren't as bad as, like, a harsh crop top and miniskirt or whatever the fuck you'd call some of her outfits in the comics.
Dick Grayson growled "FUCK BATMAN" and shot several men with a gun then violently trod on the throat of another while he was on the ground and I started cackling so hard I couldn't control myself. Why is DC like this.

So I clicked this thread from the front page and this was the post it landed me on, and honestly I thought you were exaggerating for effect.

I don't know whether to be impressed or appalled lol
Like, if this Robin where suppose to be Jason Todd that would make some amount of sense but the fact that it's Dick Grayson is just freaking horrific.
What are the chances that any romance is going to be trashy love quads with gratuitous nudity that is more off putting than titillating? Like, "The Room" levels of off putting.