Yeah, I'm honestly sick of players trying to screw us over with the HFY attitude despite us not playing a freaking human and how said plans would seriously fuck us over. Again, the QM repeatedly pointed out that the Emperor is an enemy of the Void Dragon. No matter how he tries to word it it's pretty obvious it's meant to boost the Emperor who again is against us personally. It doesn't even make sense since we are playing a freaking C'Tan and so Warp stuff isn't our strength.
@SouvikKundu We are not playing the Imperium, the Emperor is against us. Please either stop screwing us over with OOC options that flat out hurt us and are widely out of character or maybe don't play a quest where we aren't playing a human if you can't control your obsession with humanity. Seriously, W40K has enough human focus as is and your attidude and play style is honestly ruining it for a number of players. It's like playing a quest where the players are literally controlling aliens only for one guy to repeatedly try to sabotage the alien PC so that humanity can rule over everyone while missing the freaking point of the quest.