The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

For sake of completeness, rolling an Awareness just to case the place and the surrounding buildings. Particularly anyone watching them. :D

Awareness: d6 (2) + Mind (+1) + Awareness (+3) = 6.
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Awareness +4 Total: 2
2 2
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Mavis Gunboat Diplomacy Roll

Edit: Using her minor (luck) advantage to re-roll.

Gentle Persuasion = 5 (Roll) + 3 (Spirit) + 2 (Persuade) + X (Intro bonii?) + 3 (Sex Appeal?!? o_O)

Total = 10 or more...
Semi-Autogyro threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Ho Ho Ho, I have a Machine Gun Total: 7
2 2 5 5
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Awareness on Mr. Shady there.

Cold Reading = 2 (Roll) + 3 (Spirit) + 2 (Awareness)

Total = 7
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Cold Reading of Dandy Total: 2
2 2
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Awareness on Mr. Shady there.

It's quite clear that he and his goons are the representatives of some of the cities less than lawful interests - muscles with a bearded face to order them around. But no matter how soothing his voice may sound - a slightly more expensive suit and a hint of amiability aren't enough to hide the fact that you are facing a violent man, who takes a certain liking to his job. A few twitches, some darkening of his features, he is not trying to give it away, but he is quite furious at your appearance in the middle of what ought to have been an easy job. And while he clearly has no intention of going up against a heavy machine gun, he isn't as worried as one might expect of someone in his position. Tense yes, but not panicked, his eyes going more to the floorboards beneath the armoured car than Mavis machine gun.
Things were just one spark away from going up in flame – and Mavis finally get to hold her papers in hand once more, the princess having walked over to meet her halfway, her eyes lowered and shoulders hunched…. stepping just a bit closer than necessary as she whispered barely audibly "….camera…", her head jerking lightly back to the gangster at the front, her thin fingertip pointing at torn latch of the letter.

Is this supposed to be Al instead of Mavis, Simpli? I don't think Mavis can read lips from that far away. ;)

If that is the case, I'll let @Vagabond422 have the next post.
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Here we go, commence preparations for rumbling.

Punch: 2 (Knack) +2 (Body) + 3 (Close Combat) = 7 (And she is armed so hopefully that helps if he's unarmed.)
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Punch +5 (Knack) Total: 4
2 2 2 2
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Yeah, just tell me what you want me to roll for that. It could be persuade or intimidate. Really, the entire goal is to get the goons to leave. But if not, ces't la vie.
Please don't make me destroy you = 4 (Roll) + 0 (Body) + 2 (Persuade) + X (Misc Bonii) + 3 (Sex Appeal? :p "I'm scared and aroused. Scaroused?")

Edit: I'll use 3 reserve points on that, Bringing the total to 9 before any other bonuses that might apply are added.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Fiery Redhead Powers Total: 4
4 4
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After joking about it with Darius, I present the Thunder of Coins IKEA Bookshelf character study:

Al: Try to follow directions, lose a screw, get pissed, and then go get a hammer. In the end, it would look okay but have one shelf that wobbled a little.
Dawson: Follow the directions, have a plan of attack complete with a full set of allen wrenches on hand. It would look exactly like the picture.
Mavis: Try to read the directions, frown, and then go ask for help. Somehow, a pair of Swedish craftsmen get involved. Bookshelf still not assembled.
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Initiative 1d6 (4) +1 = 5
Attack: 1d6 (4)+2+3 = 9

We'll see if he can get another shot on her, but he's going down this round.
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: initiative +1 Total: 4
4 4
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Punch +5 Total: 6
4 4 2 2
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Here we go again.


Yet again, WHY dice why do you hate my strong athletic character? Why?

Going to burn 2 reserve to bring it up to 8.
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Athletics +5 Total: 1
1 1
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Thank you!

I will either roll high or low. Nothing in between. Let us see what the Random Number Generator Gods have in store.

Athletics: d6 (6) + Body (+1) + Athletics (+2) = 9

Eyuuuppp. Whatever happened, Dawson "Matrixed" out of it.
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Athletics +3 Total: 6
6 6
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Well. Good thing there's a first aid kit handy, because it looks like Mavis not going to get lunch anytime soon...

Athletics: d6 (2) + Body (+0) + Athletics (+2) + Reserve (+2) = 6

Edit: Yeah, spending Mavis's last 2 reserve, for a total of 6.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dodge? Total: 2
2 2
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