The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Rolling Body+Athletics to try and lift Mavis up (Let's hope this goes better than last time.)

1d6 (4)+2+3+1 (Reserve)=10

OK dice burning lucky to try and get something other than a 1.
And burn 1 reserve to make it an even 10
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Athletics Total: 5
1 1 4 4
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...There's not much more I can have Mavis do than offer the following line "Help me Alberta Croy, you're my only hope!"

Don't think Mavis could rock the cinnamon buns hairstyle, though.
Escaping with the mobster:

Athletics: d6 (6) + Body (+0) + Athletics (+2) = 8

Edit: Furious rage gives you wings, apparently.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: The worst punishment: living Total: 6
6 6
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Here we go one last time.

Fire dodging 1d6(4)+2+3=9

Deadlift Deadweight 1d6(1)+2+3=6

Edit and there it is the 1, at least it's on carrying the gangster and not on avoiding the fire.
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Fire Dodge +5 Total: 4
4 4
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Deadlift +5 Total: 1
1 1
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We didn't start the fire: d6 (2) + Body (+0) + Athletics (+2) = 4

Snakes & Ladders: d6 (4) + Mind (+0) + Medicine (+1) = 5
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Disco Inferno Total: 2
2 2
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Fireman's Carry Total: 4
4 4
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No, we didn't light it: Athletics: d6 (2) + Body (+1) + Athletics (+2) + Injuries (-1) + Reserve (+2) = 6

Gonna throw +2 reserve on that. Don't want to be on fire. Tends to cause problems.

But we tried to fight it: Athletics: d6 (4) + Body (+1) + Athletics (+2) + Injuries (-1) = 6
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Avoid Fire +2 Total: 2
2 2
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pull up gangster +2 Total: 4
4 4
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One last post to wrap up this mission, then advances and theb we can get the three of you into your cockpits again~
@Vagabond422 - Do you think Iron Jaw kept the little extra message she ought to take to her deployment on herself or was it burned with the other things?
Well, that was bracing! Especially the almost fiery death parts.

Anyways, character sheet edits, for posterity!

Story XP
+1 XP to Athletics [Now @ Rank 2 (1/6) XP to next rank)] - We didn't start the fire ♫ that led to a ♫ Disco Inferno
+1 XP to Persuade [Now @ Rank 2 (1/6) XP to next rank)] - You talkin' to me, pal?!

Free XP - (10/10 Assigned)
+2 XP to Academics [Now @ Rank 2 (0/6) XP to next rank)] - Whew, almost baked my noodle back there! I keep all my important thoughts up there!
+2 XP to Larceny [Now @ Rank 1 (0/4) XP to next rank)] - Confidence woman? Me? Perish the thought! I also have a permit for those lockpicks, officer!
+6 XP to Perform [Now @ Rank 4 (0/10) XP to next rank) New sub-skill of 'Prestidigitation & Parlor Tricks' @ Effective Rank 1] - Wanna see a magic trick?

Stat Point
+1 to Body
[Now @ +1; +1 to Defense (Now +6) and Health (Now +7)] - Cardio, that's the key!

+1 Reserve Point [Now @ 6 Total Due to Highest Skill Rank being @ 4] - Lucky and good, that's always a winning combination!

Thanks Simpli!
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I rather enjoyed that last mission. Particularly the bit about earning flying experience while on the ground! Beware the cabbage killer.

Thanks, Simpli! :grin:

Skills: 10/10 xp

Story: 1 xp: Athletics +2 (1/6)
Story: 2 xp: Dogfighting (Piloting) +2 (2/6)
1 xp: Awareness +3 (1/8) So much to see and dodge!
1 xp: Barter +2 (1/6) He needed the right items right now.
1 xp: Craft (Tailoring) +2 (2/6). Designing parachutes is tricky.
1 xp: Etiquette +2 (1/6) One must make a good first impression.
1 xp: Mechanics +1 (1/4) Designing parachutes is technical.
2 xp: Persuade +1 (2/4) Kind of a good cop. Don't move, punk.
1 xp: Publicity +1 (1/4) The cabbage killer carnage conundrum.
2 xp: Ride +0 to +1 Because he learned the hard way.

Stats: 1/1

Mind: +1. He wears his thinking cap a lot.
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Story XP: +1 to Athletics This is what I do

4xp: Awareness +1 to +2 Keeping her head on a swivel
6xp: Shooting +2 to+3 Maybe she should use the shotgun more...Mavis went through so much to get it

Stat boosts

Body +1 Dance with the skill the brought you.
Would Al be willing to teach Dawson some close combat during their downtime? Be similar to teaching Mavis. Though the Gun Witches would probably be amused at Dawson flying through the air like a javelin.
I spy with my little eye, something that begins with an...ooh what's that?

d6 (1) + Mind (0) + Awareness (+2) = 3
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Is there anyone out there? Total: 1
1 1
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