[X] Plan Doxx Daria & Skaddle
-[X] Hemokinesis
-[X] Craftsman

-[X] Craft Mask
--[X] Craft a simple mask depending on something that would resonate with Scott, or provide the maximal possible utility to him. Perhaps something, that might grow in power with him playing into the legend of the identity. Ask him if he is willing to consider wearing something permanent before beginning. If he consents, craft a mask that would final fixate.
--[X] If you have time, craft a few lifemasks that could be handed out to the survivors - with a focus on getting better at disease immunity with time. Use the hospital masks as thematic inspiration.
-[X] Socialize: Scott
--[X] Meanwhile have Scott scavenge supplies for you as you work, small wonders left over from their golden age. Ask him to keep an eye out for devices that can generate electric currents from sun or mechanically. Or bottled electricity. Anything that could make your life easier, or lets you tinker with in the future. The concept of zippers alone are life changing.
--[X] Together with Scott, bring the other survivors in on Daria's deception. Distribute the new masks among them showing their function. Use webweaver to plan your approach in such a way so you deal with the most level headed of the lot. And so they'll know what to do with the info. Tell them what you can about the Warlord you saw as well.
-[X] Go Downstreet
Invite Scott to come Downstreet with you, if the street beckons him.
--[X] No matter what you do, make sure you stay close to the street today and can retrieve your masks and supplies. To leave, on the event of Daria learning about you or - a horde attack.
--[X] If it looks like crafting all the masks would take too long, do not devote so much time. Or directly warn the survivors. Don't wait until the last possible moment to leave.
--[X] This time, attempt to pick up one of the cobblestones of the street as you walk. Sing with it, crooning a tune as you walk where the street takes you.
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I really could not care less about these survivors. I would really rather get whatever benefits we can out of this and bolt. If we get a visceral graft here that's absolutely insane, just trade the guy a superpower and get the fuck out.
Lest we get too invested in this world, the street might just decide to leave us here where we belong..

And we'd have to come up with another means to world hop.

If we're going to do the L4D mob rush, then we should at least come up with some plans that ensures Dorian has the chance to return to the street no matter what.. I'm down with voting a plan like that.

Do you guys have any ideas?
Edit: find a walkie talkie to craft into a communication mask
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[X] Plan Doxx Daria & Skaddle
-[X] Hemokinesis
-[X] Craftsman

-[X] Craft Mask
--[X] Craft a simple mask depending on something that would resonate with Scott, or provide the maximal possible utility to him. Perhaps something, that might grow in power with him playing into the legend of the identity. Ask him if he is willing to consider wearing something permanent before beginning. If he consents, craft a mask that would final fixate.
--[X] If you have time, craft a few lifemasks that could be handed out to the survivors - with a focus on getting better at disease immunity with time. Use the hospital masks as thematic inspiration.
-[X] Socialize: Scott
--[X] Meanwhile have Scott scavenge supplies for you as you work, small wonders left over from their golden age. Ask him to keep an eye out for devices that can generate electric currents from sun or mechanically. Or bottled electricity. Anything that could make your life easier, or lets you tinker with in the future. The concept of zippers alone are life changing.
--[X] Together with Scott, bring the other survivors in on Daria's deception. Distribute the new masks among them showing their function. Use webweaver to plan your approach in such a way so you deal with the most level headed of the lot. And so they'll know what to do with the info. Tell them what you can about the Warlord you saw as well.
-[X] Go Downstreet
Invite Scott to come Downstreet with you, if the street beckons him.
--[X] No matter what you do, make sure you stay close to the street today and can retrieve your masks and supplies. To leave, on the event of Daria learning about you or - a horde attack.
--[X] If it looks like crafting all the masks would take too long, do not devote so much time. Or directly warn the survivors. Don't wait until the last possible moment to leave.
--[X] This time, attempt to pick up one of the cobblestones of the street as you walk. Sing with it, crooning a tune as you walk where the street takes you.
Fairly sure if you mean to instantly final fixate you'd need a mask of your own face to do it quickly. Maybe some insane people who are very all in on a concept or type of identity could quickly final fixate at insane pace or those with meta magic that'd affect masks. But I'm fairly sure it wouldn't be done in minutes like a mask of oneself would. Also on the zipper thing not sure your wrong but it should be noted I'm fairly sure our homeworld had the equivalent of super scientists and was basically and has been in a super renaissance for a while.
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Fairly sure if you mean to instantly final fixate you'd need a mask of your own face to do it quickly. Maybe some insane people who are very all in on a concept or type of identity could quickly final fixate at insane pace or those with meta magic that'd affect masks. But I'm fairly sure it wouldn't be done in minutes like a mask of oneself would. Also on the zipper thing not sure your wrong but it should be noted I'm fairly sure our homeworld had the equivalent of super scientists and was basically and has been in a super renaissance for a while.

Dorian is a genius, I'm sure he could craft a mask for Scott with final fixation in mind. That plays into one of Scott's identities. If not, a regular mask. Zipper thing just an affection, but as far as I know zippers came into being in 1893 with modern ones much later..

I also really liked Genericname's idea of reflecting to infiltrate the horde and finding intelligent ones that way. So when I get back home I'll get to cracking another plan in that direction.

And someday.. I long to make a mask out of the visceral graft.

Edit: It might not be that set in stone. It's an unexplored territory, hence I left it to Dorian to use his best judgement. Dorian combined with his Artificer gives him a lot of leeway in this type of things I believe. He'd also be talking to Scott and asking for consent.
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Dorian is a genius, I'm sure he could craft a mask for Scott with final fixation in mind. That plays into one of Scott's identities. If not, a regular mask. Zipper thing just an affection, but as far as I know zippers came into being in 1893 with modern ones much later..

I also really liked Genericname's idea of reflecting to infiltrate the horde and finding intelligent ones that way. So when I get back home I'll get to cracking another plan in that direction.

And someday.. I long to make a mask out of the visceral graft.
dude final fixation isn't easy nothing would do it quickly I imagine if the mask wearer isn't insane. Also again some mask users are probably bay shit insane with inventions by real life standards.
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Our current tactics are not good enough. We want to craft two masks, one that would ensure our survival to the Warlord, and the second one that would be something he would want to get. The second one is not a rocket science, we can just double down and create second copy of Screentime, as this kind of divinatory ability would be completely broken for the setting and something Visceralist wouldn't usually have access to.

The mask that would ensure our survival is easy; as we talked before most of this verse are mundane stuff, so they can't deal with stuff like intangibility well. As such mask that lets us transform into smoke and move around or Shade's mask should let us easily cut through zombie defenses and get to our goal.

With that in mind

[X] Plan Smoke on the Water

Superior version of current course of action, albeit still risky. It is funny to think that modern tech is basically a superior material given how much of it is made from rare materials and using advanced techniques. Something to consider when crafting in this world.
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[X] Wolfy

I love it!

I think we should brainstorm the sneaky mask though, with appropriate thematics.. We're bound to get something in the post apocalyptic world..

Screentimes would be extremely valuable to barter with, both in this world and others.

[X] Plan Doxx Daria & Skaddle
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Indeed, however I've left exact details of the mask to you guys so go wild. The important part of sneaky mask is that intangibility can also be used to emergency fuck off button so we can escape to Street if shit goes south. Minimizing risk is important to me.

Regarding Warlord, we can afford to be candid and transactional. They have no real reason to nit fully commit to supporting us given that few hours of their time is more than worth Screentime. In addition to Viscerality we can also ask them to have their horde collect some resources for us so we don't have to. There is always possibility of them being evil or greedy, of course, but I trust in Dorian to execute that part.
On thing to consider is presentation. We are Dorian, a weak and lost human looking for scraps of a power. This is absolutely not how we would like to present ourselves to the Warlord. We would drop through the ceiling of his chamber as a cloud of billowing obsidian smoke before coalescing in front of him into mysterious Lord Glass, multiversal traveler and collector of interesting things, willing to trade one of items in his collection for power unique to this setting. Do not show fear(or let it be detected through smell or heat sense etc.) and act as Warlord's equal for in truth, that is what we are.
Dorian is a genius, I'm sure he could craft a mask for Scott with final fixation in mind. That plays into one of Scott's identities. If not, a regular mask. Zipper thing just an affection, but as far as I know zippers came into being in 1893 with modern ones much later..

I also really liked Genericname's idea of reflecting to infiltrate the horde and finding intelligent ones that way. So when I get back home I'll get to cracking another plan in that direction.

And someday.. I long to make a mask out of the visceral graft.

Edit: It might not be that set in stone. It's an unexplored territory, hence I left it to Dorian to use his best judgement. Dorian combined with his Artificer gives him a lot of leeway in this type of things I believe. He'd also be talking to Scott and asking for consent.
Even for a well-attuned mask, Final Fixation takes a while to achieve; when a Drethiri Emperor at last achieves Final Fixation with the Imperial Visage, this is considered a mark of glory and a cause for nation-wide festival celebration. Lots of masquerade balls.
Even for a well-attuned mask, Final Fixation takes a while to achieve; when a Drethiri Emperor at last achieves Final Fixation with the Imperial Visage, this is considered a mark of glory and a cause for nation-wide festival celebration. Lots of masquerade balls.
Would it be possible to use hypnosis and such to accelerate fixation from the users side?
Convincing Scott to cooperate hadn't been difficult; a simple demonstration of hemokinesis and disguise sufficed to assure him of Dorian's supernatural mask-based prowess. From there on, the young man was solidly and enthusiastically onboard with Dorian, finding the news of Daria's nature alarming.

I wonder whats going through Scott's head as he has been introduced to something that should not exist in his universe
The man probably had to get used to vampires with meat magic apparently having existed in secret for a long time, then the super zombies tearing apart civilization, and now a magical mask maker popping up outta nowhere
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So lets talk tactics. There are four stages to our plan:

  • Step 1: Craft what we need and ditch Scott, maybe leave him some stuff so he can do well in the future - this should be easy enough
  • Step 2: Go through zombie defenses to get to the Warlord - probably the hardest step. Zombie defenses have roaming guards as base, and from there on we can imagine number of potential security measures besides. For example, flying zombie birds with super enhanced vision, underground tremor zombies, heat vision predator zombies, echolocation bat zombies, near-invisible string spider zombies etc. Depending on Warlord's own power these can get very comprehensive, however ability to move around as a shadow or wisps of smoke should counter most probable ones. It is possible that there are some other more esoteric sensors, but at that point it is what it is, we can't expect a sneaky mask to cover all of above and then something like comprehensive power sense with just ~15 potential
  • Step 3: negotiation with the Warlord: while not the hardest, certainly the most dangerous step. The biggest issue here is that we can't have Glass and sneaky on at the same time, and ideally sneaky would be our get out of the jail free card. Basically if we are using Glass to diplomacy then Warlord can 1hkos before we can react, and if we are using sneaky to be safe our diplomacy would be worse leading to greater chance of failure and without Glass we can't read Warlord's intentions so we would be vulnerable to something like invisible mind control spores. The solution would be to immediately give away sneaky to Warlord, to show our power, which would also let us copy it if he tries anything, giving us best of the both worlds
    • Step 3a: our main focus should be on the risk mitigation and steering our interaction to something favorable to us. Using Glass, we should understand Warlords' intentions and make sure they don't hit either his evil or his greed. Evil in this context would be "hatred of the living" while greed would be "if I capture this guy I get this and more" or "I don't need to trade when I can just take stuff". We need to come over as powerful and not someone who is easy to push around, and we need to make sure he understands that we are forever out and that with Screentime he basically wins this world
  • Step 4: Getting stuff we want and fucking off. Potentially extremely dangerous as gaining magic might require Warlord to operate on us while we are under, at which point he can just turn us into a puppet. Even intention reading might not work correctly as he might have ability to juggle multiple personalities to play around that. In general we only care about potential for Viscerality rather than the magic system itself - while having it online right away would be preferable, we can develop it on our own given enough time. Depending on exact outcomes, the wisest course of action might be to just trade for Viscerality artifacts, which depending on how good they are would be victory enough
    • Step 4a: This would also entail being around Warlord for a period of time, so we should be careful about getting scanned, infected or blitzed because our guard is down
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  • Step 2: Go through zombie defenses to get to the Warlord - probably the hardest step. Zombie defenses have roaming guards as base, and from there on we can imagine number of potential security measures besides. For example, flying zombie birds with super enhanced vision, underground tremor zombies, heat vision predator zombies, echolocation bat zombies, near-invisible string spider zombies etc. Depending on Warlord's own power these can get very comprehensive, however ability to move around as a shadow or wisps of smoke should counter most probable ones. It is possible that there are some other more esoteric sensors, but at that point it is what it is, we can't expect a sneaky mask to cover all of above and then something like comprehensive power sense with just ~15 potential
  • Step 3: negotiation with the Warlord: while not the hardest, certainly the most dangerous step. The biggest issue here is that we can't have Glass and sneaky on at the same time, and ideally sneaky would be our get out of the jail free card. Basically if we are using Glass to diplomacy then Warlord can 1hkos before we can react, and if we are using sneaky to be safe our diplomacy would be worse leading to greater chance of failure and without Glass we can't read Warlord's intentions so we would be vulnerable to something like invisible mind control spores. The solution would be to immediately give away sneaky to Warlord, to show our power, which would also let us copy it if he tries anything, giving us best of the both worlds
I think we can skip Step 2/3's risks by using a remote projection mask; it doesn't need to be strong, just enough to carry a mask/graft and communicate. If we're worried about our socials, we can have Glass copy the remote-projector mask (have whatshisname wear it or whatever if masks need to be worn to be copied); it'll be much weaker than Glass, so reflection will work quite well on it. We don't need to be there to get operated on, because we can graft on the viscerality transplant ourselves later.
If we're worried about him just taking the offered mask without giving us the graft, the Offer-to-Warlord mask can be fragile with the projector mask having an explosion-on-destruction effect.
I'm not sure. First of all, we only have ~14 Potential to work with. I'm not sure if 14 Potential is enough for a mask that gives you sensory input in range of one mile, let alone one that allows you to create tangible avatar that does stuff. Then, what if our (presumably weak) avatar gets jumped by zombies and killed before we even get to Warlord? Do we carry a mask we wish to trade on the avatar, or do we have another way to give it to Warlord? Would it be a valid vector for graft?

Too much complexity and our masks are too weak to push them that far. If we want to play it safe like that, it is probably better to create some kind of long range communication mask(if we can) and then setup a trade for an artifact, forgoing magic itself entirely. The ultimate prize would be lesser, but artifact or artifacts are good enough and risk is lessened significantly.

I do agree that we should use Glass so we get social sense through communication vector.
My hope/reasoning is that, like I proposed for All-Seeing Scorn, 'the projection has to physically move from your starting position to the destination at normal human rate' as mechanism would let it circumvent the existence of a strict range limit(on a metaphysical level or with the appropriate design, perhaps it lets the mask be the equivalent of a magic telephone-cable-constructor rather than a magic cell-phone with a strictly finite signal strength.); but, I do acknowledge this may be wrong, and if so the plan would fail, or need to be adapted.
Getting jumped by zombies is a problem, but I think it's a problem in all versions of the plan; our combat strength isn't that great. Sure, Crimson Lost will let us beat a basic patrol, but only if nothing impressive follows up, and normal zombies are described in the first chapter as shamblers, so even a basic human should be able to outrun them.
The Projection would carry the mask for trade, yes; it would also carry the Graft back to us. I don't think we want to trust the Warlord for the implantation if we can avoid it regardless, so we just need the basic material and we can make a Mask to attach it properly later- we're going to need to make a Mask for proper integration anyway, if I'm understanding our options right.
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Our current tactics are not good enough. We want to craft two masks, one that would ensure our survival to the Warlord, and the second one that would be something he would want to get. The second one is not a rocket science, we can just double down and create second copy of Screentime, as this kind of divinatory ability would be completely broken for the setting and something Visceralist wouldn't usually have access to.

The mask that would ensure our survival is easy; as we talked before most of this verse are mundane stuff, so they can't deal with stuff like intangibility well. As such mask that lets us transform into smoke and move around or Shade's mask should let us easily cut through zombie defenses and get to our goal.

With that in mind

[X] Plan Smoke on the Water
-[X] Hemokinesis
-[X] Craftsman
-[X] While we are here, craft secondary Screentime
-[X] Craft sneaky mask that would excel at phasing/intangibility against mundane opponents
-[X] Following Screentime vision, make your way toward Warlord
-[X] Trade Screentime for Viscerality or Visceraltiy implant
--[X] Depending on time constraints, craft mask that would let you understand Viscerality better
-[X] In your remaining time gather what resources you can(especially medicine), craft masks you find useful for survival or additional copies of Screentime for future trading and leave

Superior version of current course of action, albeit still risky. It is funny to think that modern tech is basically a superior material given how much of it is made from rare materials and using advanced techniques. Something to consider when crafting in this world.

This plan is more likely to see us shunted on to the street due to the time commitment of making 2-3 complex masks. Tactics with our currently available materials (like using glass to reflect zombie hood at the horde and pass by unnoticed) are what are required if you actually want visc. Attempting to craft our way out of this is more likely to see us gain nothing.
If people are worried about Glass not being enough to reflect Zombieness to the horde, why not make a mask just for that. Like made from a Zombie's skull or something, it seems like something that could be done really quickly compared to complex ideas like intangibility that need a lot of time
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Its already got confusing for which masks we have so just putting this here. Will endeavour to keep updated



The Glass Webweaver - A smooth surface of charcoal-black frosted glass, reflecting the face of whoever's looking at you.
Focus: Metamask
Abilities: Magic reflection and copying, 'shapeshifting' disguises, social manipulation, swift mask-swapping (can shift to Webweaver from current mask, or vice versa; it can conceal itself 'inside' of other masks as well.)

The Crimson Lost - is a mask of haunting beauty. It is fashioned from a deep, lustrous ruby, its surface carved with the likeness of a blooming lotus, the petals unfurling in a mesmerizing pattern of light and shadow. The mask pulses with an almost lifelike rhythm, mirroring the steady beat of a heart, its glow intensifying with every beat. It grants the following abilities:​

> Hemokinesis: Ability to control blood. Can use own or foreign blood to generate weapons or launch weapons. Can be used to deal catastrophic damage in tactile range by directly controlling opponents blood
Can currently affect blood in arm's reach at full power, diminishing power by half for each further extent of the same. Hemokinetic weapon creation currently sufficient to condense and force blood into a sharp material form equivalent to steel.

> Combat Tendency: Grants increased aptitude to combat

> Blood Sense: Gain ability to perceive blood of other people, acting as scuffed X-ray vision

> Consume: Expend blood, your own or blood of others, to heal. Pretty bad healing ratio but it's somethin

The Artificer's Face - Nailed together from the disjointed fragments of many a worn mask, wearers of which have all succumbed to Facelessness. Fused with the tools of maskcraft of old, sticking out of the mask in odd angles.

Donning the mask perceive the world through a lens of pure potential, seeing the underlying structures and materials of masks with unparalleled clarity. Furthermore, gauge the threshold of facelessness that can be projected by a given mask during creation, to overstep the risk of mask failure.

The mask naturally generates energies associated with Facelessness, creating a reserve that can only be tapped when crafting masks. This reservoir increases with Mask potential and must be used judiciously. If overfilled, it could lead to an uncontrollable outpouring of Facelessness.

Screentime: The mask's base is a sleek, flat panel repurposed from one such TV. Colours dancing across the screen in tune with the wearer's emotions. Twisted cables vein around the edges, securing the frame in place. The eyes emit a soft, otherworldly luminance shifting with patterns - ever changing, never repeating.

A mask with 12 Potential. Its chief ability is [Teleview], which allows for remote viewing of something related to a stated goal or target. Can be charged with Facelessness for more powerful results, but this may risk shattering if charged too much.

The Specter: What is a ghost but a memory? This world is a specter of its former self. Collect the soul of this world. Fragments of moss covered bricks, old newspapers and photographs, corrugated metal from billboards and engine carriages.. shards of a skull crumbling underfoot.

Sculpted together into the visage of a Specter, a legacy. Tattered headlines and faces cling to it like a second skin. The dome of a skull with its hallow eyes gazing onto eternity.

A mask with 9 potential, its chief ability is [Phase], allowing you to become a semi-incorporeal humanoid cloud of stealth-attuned smoke; if something breaks your cohesion, you'll suffer damage. Given its subpar Potential, this is all it can do for now.
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Indeed, however I've left exact details of the mask to you guys so go wild. The important part of sneaky mask is that intangibility can also be used to emergency fuck off button so we can escape to Street if shit goes south. Minimizing risk is important to me.

Regarding Warlord, we can afford to be candid and transactional. They have no real reason to nit fully commit to supporting us given that few hours of their time is more than worth Screentime. In addition to Viscerality we can also ask them to have their horde collect some resources for us so we don't have to. There is always possibility of them being evil or greedy, of course, but I trust in Dorian to execute that part.

The Specter: What is a ghost but a memory? This world is a specter of its former self. Collect the soul of this world. Fragments of moss covered bricks, old newspapers and photographs, corrugated metal from billboards and engine carriages.. shards of a skull crumbling underfoot.

Sculpted together into the visage of a Specter, a legacy. Tattered headlines and faces cling to it like a second skin. The dome of a skull with its hallow eyes gazing onto eternity.

On activation, flesh becomes memory unfurling into obsidian smoke bearing only the mask visible.

The mask absorbs emotional resonance from objects touched by the wearer. Dormant until it comes into contact with an object imbued with personal significance. A locket, a handwritten note, a cherished book. A beloved family member, now a walking corpse.

Each memory absorbed charges its phasing ability.

What do you think?
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My sense is that spending any more time on crafting immediately puts the warlord out of reach. I guess there's no reason we can't make a second TV mask here and take it to the next world to trade, but that's less narratively interesting because we already have a TV mask to trade right this second.

I'm interested in the vampire plot, it seems much more likely to have a resolution in a single day. What even is the point of going to all these places on the Street if we ignore both their worldbuilding and their characters in favor of loot-goblin behavior?