Voting is open for the next 5 hours, 28 minutes
Of note, exploration was listed as a learning action. Not a diplomacy one. So Radana's bonus should be a good chunk smaller both for this roll and going forwards. This is notable mainly because, afaik, it will actually reduce her progress this cycle to only one.
Yeahhhh that's a mistake on my part. But I'll just ride with it, next turn it'll be Learning, not Diplomacy.
Do all military installations give a city better defenses? Is it just bases that do so? The planets Military value maybe?
They do give better defense in giving some possible tactical positions on the battlefield, but they also can be built up to different paths that are much more significant than just the regular posts.
What do we need to do unlock Witchfire storage or production? We have the design but no option for a factory or a base that I can see - besides the Fleet Port and Star Fortress of course.
Just my memory, I really need to get that and the posts done next time. I've just had so many new actions added that it slipped my mind.
Name: The Anticipation of Ancient Vengeance (Or "Auntie" for short).

Origin: Originally from the Luyten system, before it's scourging. Their people, known as the "Scourged", arose from the tiny percentage of refugees that managed to flee the system. The Scourged have managed to preserve a distinct cultural identity throughout the many years since their system's destruction. They are a people altered with ash-gray, eldritch green flame running in their veins, and icy-blue eyes. Fortune, both fair and foul, seems to stick to them like few others. They are stellar-sailors, almost to the last. A single Scourged vessel will be crewed by an alliance of families, and all the Scourged in a single sector will meet up at least once a cycle to swap stories, information, and ship-mates. They are a people that tend to live on the edges of Imperial society, and for the most part they seem to prefer it that way.

Backstory: Tanya Walsh was born in the depths of a huge cargo freighter that regularly supplied Sidun station. She grew up learning the trades of the stellar sailor, but she was never seen partaking in any of the station's usual pleasures. The few times her ship-mates noticed her stationside, she was walking through a deserted part of the station - seemingly talking to nothing. A falling-out with her ship-family seemed to cause her to sign on on with one of the many mercenary Destroyers employed by the station's ruler REGENT. Notably, the ship had no other Scourged amongst it's crew. When said mercenary vessel ended it's contract, she jetted off with it into the stars and was not seen at any of the Sector-fests for many cycles.

In the midst of a sector-fest held above Sakuya-Hime, she returned. With a single warship - oily and iridescent, and empty of any other signs of life. She refused to share what had happened to her in the past few cycles besides the very basics. That she had parted ways with her old crew, and had uncovered - or maybe been discovered by - this ship in the course of her adventures. The Scourged had no records of the ship, but their storytellers all agreed it was something of Luytish make. Despite the dizzying variety of corporations and cultures that had once called that system home, something about the ship made them recognise it as their own. With an oratory skill she had never shown before she expounded on the grand destiny of the Scourged - to punish those who had writ injustice into their very souls, and to win a true home their people. Her speech roused many of her folk to join her. She and "Auntie" have travelled the Empire -and beyond - ever since, doing a vast variety of work.

It is not uncommon for Tanya and her ship to disappear from civilized space altogether, sometimes for cycles at a time. Whilst they cannot always make it to a sector-fest, they do make it to most. The knowledge, wealth, and stories that the crew of the "Auntie" share with their folk have kindled something fresh and vibrant in the hearts of their kin. This people - that have spent untold cycles struggling to maintain their identity - now are energized by some grand project. To the Scourged, destiny is now theirs to seize - and to write large across the stars.

"Melody": A single experimental cannon from before the scourging of Luyten. Without the parts from it's original factory, it is almost impossible to repair, yet also seems impossible to "fully" break. Scourged Sailors that sleep next to it have strange dreams, and terrible nightmares of an unearthly, world-rending flame. Yet if the cannon "becomes too lonely" she stops working altogether - until a Scourged comes to keep her company again.

Darkstar-pattern anti-air cannons: Resembling nothing so much as knobbly old fingers, these ancient anti-air emplacements have nonetheless stood the test of the time. To hear the crew of the "Auntie" tell it, these decrepit talons will be reaching out to the stars until the stars themselves go dark.

"Auntie's Sweets": An array of missile batteries. Whilst the mechanisms themselves are barely kept together, the batteries are adaptable enough they are able to fire any kind of missile the crew supplies. When Tanya first returned to the rest of her kin, the only missile in the batteries lacked any payload - besides a poem in original Luytish engraved onto a sheet of the same iridescent material as the hull. The crew do not share the details of what the poem contained, and the original tablet is buried deep within the ship's core. From what long-time cooperators have observed, the crew's name for the array seems to be some kind of joke or pun based on the poem's contents.

Mirror-plate: Arguably "Auntie"s most distinctive feature. This oily, iridescent plate is marked with the scars of a thousand forgotten battles, and a hundred more since the ship was recovered. All the crew agree that the technical term for it is "Mirror-Plate", yet are very shy about giving any details about why it is called such despite it's lack of any reflective qualities.

Unit Type: Naval, Warship

EDIT: Thanks so much to Royalist for writing the apocryphas this mercenary is based on, and for giving me the go-ahead to post this. You've developed this setting more than any of the other questers.

EDITS: The appearance for the scourged as well as the name of the main gun have been altered. In this case I think they do both fit better. Ash and eldritch green more suits a mysterious apocalypse than coal and volcanic, and a huge gun named "Melody" is just funny. Oh also removed a reference to the skin of the Scourged in the description of the Mirror-Plate. The reason it looks that way is essentially unchanged though. In my headcanon at least. They are Celeshiro's utterly.
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Name: Icarian Disruptors
Origin: Originally from the Nakatomi system. A dystopian society under the thumb of huge corporations, with the greatest of all being "House" Sunfall.

Backstory: In popular culture, the Nakatomi system is most famous for it's over-developed capital world of Nakatomi III, as well as it's society run by mega-corporations. House Sunfall has almost faded into the background, used most often as a cheap prop in pulpy crime stories of blood-washed neon streets. Nowadays few people know that Sunfall Inc. actually originated on Nakatomi VI, a gas-giant, as an aeronautics company.

Though it has since risen to dominate huge swathes of Nakatomian society, that core business has been running strong for centuries and is actually the original source of Sunfall's dominance. When Nakatomi was opened up to the wider galaxy, Sunfall Inc. made a name for itself by offering reliable aircraft that could run for days at a time without refueling or repair. It then leveraged this interstellar wealth and reputation to eventually rise to the top of Nakatomian society.

The Icarian Disruptors were founded by Sunfall Hirotoki, a distant descendant of the founder of Sunfall. He grew up on Nakatomi VI, and was always a quiet-spoken man who carried a deep admiration for the soft, strange beauty of his homeworld's gaseous environment. He rose to overall command of the airlanes on his homeworld, and command of his family's fleet of interceptors. During the last great corpo-war, he upheld his duty admirably, but afterwards resigned with no notice. He invested his savings in a couple of wings of "Icarus" pattern interceptors, hired a bunch of his friends and coworkers who had resigned at the same time, and left the system - never to return.

There is a quiet strength, to the people of the Icarian Disruptors. To them - mercenary life is simply about getting the chance to fly freely, and to leave hard ground behind. Because of this, they are more than content to perform "dull" work that most mercenary pilots shun. They tend to send most of their profits to their families back home, or else spend them on extra fuel and supplies - allowing them to spend much of their free time up in the air or out in space.

[Air frame] N6-S2 "Icarus": The latest iteration of Sunfall's iconic air-frame. Whilst anyone can fly an Icarus, the N6-S2 works best when the pilot has been augmented with a suite of Sunfall's mechanical enhancements. It does, at least, possess the in-built ability to be deployed from shipside hangars. When flown by someone who has not been correctly augmented, these interceptors are, overall, a substandard craft - particularly compared to Sunfall's illustrious past.

[System] "Maya No. 23": The method by which Sunfall earnt it's fame. This ingenious system of fuel processing, storage, and engines is named after the long-dead wife of Sunfall's founder - an unassuming yet proficient engineer named Sunfall Araki. It allows them to operate for longer than their competitors, performing a ridiculous number of Sorties. This is the 23rd iteration.

Unit Type: Air, Fighters

1st Cloudchasers
2nd Skydancers
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Name: The Anticipation of Ancient Vengeance (Or "Auntie" for short).
I...have mixed feelings on this, so let me ask this to be clear: is this a reference to Aunt Jemima? The mascot for the pancake brand that was retired because of ties to old racist stereotyping? While I get that this is clearly a fictional setting that can have tongue-in cheek references while remaining not tied to actual real world stuff, I do feel quite conflicted given the context.

I'll really have to think on it, but I also want to hear other people's opinions on it too.
Name: Icarian Disruptors
I say all that, then I see mercenary pilots and think "oh neato." Maybe I'm just overthinking things.
I...have mixed feelings on this, so let me ask this to be clear: is this a reference to Aunt Jemima? The mascot for the pancake brand that was retired because of ties to old racist stereotyping? While I get that this is clearly a fictional setting that can have tongue-in cheek references while remaining not tied to actual real world stuff, I do feel quite conflicted given the context.

I'll really have to think on it, but I also want to hear other people's opinions on it too.
That's an American thing right? No. It's not. I myself am Australian. I am sorry for the distress but it's a case of unfortunate coincidences. The nickname for the ship started as "Antie" from "Anticipation", which I changed to "Auntie" because, well, the Scourged mostly fly in family groups and I thought it was cool that they'd view the ship as part of their family.

"Gemima" was just a name for the gun that I plucked from the blue. My first thought was Big Bess, like the Queen Bess from Warhammer Fantasy, but I wanted to pick a name that was slightly more original. Of the two coincidences the name of the gun is by far the least important - you could call it anything. You can also reverse the nickname to "Antie" and that still works - it's kinda cute.

EDIT: The idea for the Scourged themselves has no racial ties. The idea is that they were literally altered by whatever apocalyptic event destroyed their home system. I was leaning towards that event involving a lot of fire (hence the reference to unearthly fire in the description of the gun), so I went for a volcanic look to them.

EDIT 2: The reference to the pancake mascot I wasn't going to know, but I could and should have considered the implications of the design for the Scourged. I am sorry for not doing so, although I do really like the Scourged. I designed this mercenary/culture to kinda be "heroes of another story" on their own quest to take revenge for the destruction of billions of lives and the scarring of an entire people. Not the most heroic motivation but very understandable at least.

EDIT 3: I had an idea for a redesign for the Scourged that is still, if not more, on theme. Ashy-gray skin with veins of an eldritch or unearthly green flame. Also if you just don't want to use the Scourged or the mercenary, I get that. It was one scrap of lore and it's your universe. I won't take it personally.
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I am sorry for the distress but it's a case of unfortunate coincidences.
Sounds like it was a good thing that clarification was asked then, because it really does sound like very unlucky coincidences. I think with the reworks, it should still be fine especially with the context on its design and origin. Don't worry too much about it, these things can easily happen and it's always best to just ask and talk it out first.
Name: The Seeker's Eye
Origin: The Nakatomi system, although the Cult of the Seeker is a faith that has several chapters throughout the United Empire.

Backstory: The Cult of the Seeker searches for a way to ascend from this physical universe, and enter into a plane of eternal paradise. This is a common belief for many religions throughout settled space, but the Cult sets itself apart by it's fanatical devotion to finding a scientific, physical method to transcend. In order of increasing seniority it's members are known as Initiates, Acolytes, or Wayfinders.

When the news of the Helmsmen first reached the United Empire, it stirred the Nakatomi chapter of the Cult into fervent action. Members pooled their resources to purchase surplus military equipment - chief among them an old Sunfall heavy cruiser - and set out to find these people that claimed to have traveled between universes. They spent almost all of their resources on organising their pilgimage, and so the Wayfinders decided that the faithful would sign up to War Net and earn their way across the stars. With little-to-no previous military experience amongst their crew, their first few cycles were consistently disastrous, but they have managed to survive. May the Seeker guide their path.

[Armor] "Gruber" Mk3: A standard last-gen armor plating. It is only notable for having been painted with SO MANY EYES. EYES... everywhere!

[Hull] "Willis"- class Heavy Cruiser: The inside of the ship is not much better than the exterior plating. It is covered in script from the religious texts of the Cult, as well as a few more painted eyes for good measure. At least they have a really good library on jump-drive and teleportation theory.

[Anti-Air] "Tripwire" Mk2: A standard last-gen anti-air battery. Produced by "Trap and Trip", one of the smaller corpos that allied themselves with Sunfall in the last great corpo war.

[Cannon] "Redemption": A custom-made cannon battery. Designed and built by a Wayfinder who worked in the R&D department of "Trap and Trip" before the pilgrimage began. It likely isn't better than anything else on the market - but it is at least up to date. It does sometimes glow very odd colours, seemingly for no reason.

Unit Type: Naval, Cruiser.

Name: The Seeker's Hands
Origin: The Nakatomi system, although the Cult of the Seeker is a faith that has several chapters throughout the United Empire.
Backstory: Selling themselves as "marines", the Seeker's Hands are a rag-tag group of fanatics that accompany the Seeker's Eye. They lack any ranged capability but almost make up for it with the zeal they bring in melee combat.
[Main-weapon] "Judgement" hand-weapons: Seeming more medieval than modern, these close-range weapons can nonetheless be brutally effective when wielded with skill and unyielding zeal.

[Utility] "Wayfinder" clerics: The assurance of ascendance walks with these people. In the presence of a Wayfinder, almost none would dare to turn and run. The faithful shall be the highest in the next universe.

[Specialist Weapon] "Retribution" heavy-weapons: Given only to the proven, veteran Acolytes that guard a battalion's Wayfinder. These fearsome two-handed blades are particularly deadly against enemy infantry. They are another bizarre invention of one of the Senior Wayfinders. Each one is hand-crafted in their workshop aboard the Seeker's Eye, decorated with scraps of jump-theory and painted with the Holy Eyes of the Seeker.

Unit Type: Ground, Infantry

1st Devoted
2nd Faithful
3rd Illuminated
4th Zealous

NOTE: This is probably too many mercenaries now. I'm gonna give it a rest lol.
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Name: Bots for Hire, LLLP

Origin: Taiclite: A Super-Earth. The tectonics are still too active for large scale human habitation, so it is primarily inhabited by a few mining bases and robot factories taking advantage of the cheap materials.

Backstory: A group of investors from the Sol System bought out a factory on Taiclite. The factory now produces cheap, combined-arms robotic ground forces. Each detachment for hire consists of two mechanized battalions, one armored battalions and an artillery group. Blow them up with a barrage, then punch through with tanks and hold it with infantry. These robots are tough and lethal, but the cost savings for their investors come from their targeting software. They are prone to shooting at anything in front of them not linked into their systems; civilians, wildlife? Gone. Watch where you buy this contract for!

Equipment: Infantry are small, storable quadripeds with back-mounted rifles. Armor consists of "normal" tanks, like a Leopard or M1A1. Artillery are rocket batteries.

Unit Type: Ground, mixed

Nth Infantrybots (insert random number, mass produced!)
N+1th Infantrybots
N+2th Armorbots
N+3th Artillerybots
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Name: The Seeker's Eye
Given the existence of the Quantum Layer (where linear time is more like a suggestion), I can absolutely see people like these emerging. Goes to show that humanity can still fail sanity checks in the far future.
Name: The Seeker's Hands
Hm, exclusively melee infantry? I suppose there's nothing against it, just feels weird because they'll be so vastly different from the regular infantry role in ways I hadn't anticipated. But maybe that's a good thing in its own way.
Name: Bots for Hire, LLLP
I think that the obvious cost-cutting quality of these robots would make even sentient AI offended at being in the same 'species' of these mercenaries. That, or the perfect way to just pad out their own armed forces with little ethical concern.
Well... there is at least one seemingly Earthlike world. More to the point however... what the hell is that? It's like... an asteroid belt, I guess?
If Terra below is now a grassland devoid of civilization, then Luna is almost the total opposite. The former singular moon of humanity is now a decorated urban landscape, the once-barren land now packed to the brim with buildings of dizzying variety. There is not a singular consistent or dominant architecture style among them, for a surprising mix of both historical and modern reasons.

Luna was the first stop for humanity leaving Terra, the journey to put a man on the moon the progenitor for widespread space travel. Afterwards, it became the most efficient place to put fuel refineries for spaceships and so many did so, jostling with one another to put a claim on some dust to erect their own facilities. Thus came about a colorful mix of different peoples and cultures mingling together, turning the moon into a cosmopolitan hub that has become part of their modern identity.

Now in the current day, Luna is no longer needed for starship fuel refining and so the facilities have come down, only for the land to be reoccupied by different peoples instead. The small ball of dust is now recognized by the Stellarch as piece of living history, with tourism accounting for a vast majority of its planetary economy. Perhaps they are here to see the wide array of cultures, present and extinct. Perhaps they are here to catch a glimpse of Terra below, the cradle of humanity.

Or perhaps they wish to view the last undeveloped plot of land on Luna, an enclosed portion of the rock that features a singular footprint embedded forever in the lunar soil. A step that marked the start of a grand leap for mankind, and an implicit obituary if humanity were to ever fall. That it was proof that they once lived.
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Cycle 14.0
(Construct Post (Sunrise Bank-Gawain): 10 +7 (Dorothea) +7 (Wealth) = 24)

Progress: 3/4. In Progress.

Dorothea got the warning pushed to her system a literal moment after she announced her presence at the warehouse entrance.

Her eyes widened and she immediately threw herself backwards onto the ground just in time for the door she had been pounding on to suddenly explode in a hail of shrapnel, some of it hitting unfortunate law enforcement that had been waiting the Lycoris Knight. She didn't escape unscathed either, a few errant shards smacking nastily against her Guardian suit to leave a few nasty bruises.

Though had she been still standing though, those pieces would perhaps have penetrated through to cause serious injury. As it was, Dorothea was still somewhat reeling from the sudden explosion, not even noticing the way the warning quietly deleted itself while she clumsily rolled into cover. It wasn't a moment later before her audio systems finally rebooted and helpfully alerted the disoriented woman to the distinct sound of gunfire echoing from within. That was the final bit of motivation she needed to smack her helmet and let the small jolt snap her focus back to the disaster on hand. "All units, open fire! Engage!" She barked and got to work with a flick of the hand to draw a pistol.

Already her mind was working overtime while she vaulted over and began to neutralize the shooters. Dammit, I messed up. This isn't an isolated incident- it's looking like organized crime. Her specialized targeting system pinged and she absently turned her head to evade a near bullet that came close to grazing her cheek, snapping a perfect bodyshot in return. Looks like I'll need to call-in backup, but if they were prepared for us, probably something off the grid.

An idea came to mind and she neatly sidestepped a burst of gunfire while dialing a communication line with her helmet. It soon connected and Dorothea calmly spoke while twisting her arm around a piece of cover to blindfire. "Hey Yuuki, it's been a while. Tell me, would you happen to have any available underworld agents or contacts for me to work with…?"


(System Expedition (Calenwyrm): 40 +7 (Radana) = 47)

Progress 4/6. In Progress.

Quite obviously, the expedition had to land on Calenwyrm II to get an idea of just what the hell was happening.

The planet itself was quite conducive for human habitation. It was a water world with plenty of islands in a tropical climate, complete with active volcanoes for a full holiday getaway experience. But Radana was pretty sure that the eternal screaming hurricane of water that crossed over the equator would definitely turn off any possible tourists from the stars.

She gave it a very long look and took a sip to steady herself before addressing the scientists. "So what exactly is going on here?"

The team leader cleared their throat before launching into an explanation. "It's a rather...unique natural phenomenon, to the best of what we can deduce, based on the planet's polarity. There is an undercurrent electrical emission in a closed loop, and it happens to draw the hydrogen molecules with surprisingly strong attraction. This actually would happen to explain readings about incredible dry air on the first planet in the system. "

"I see." A long silence, then an awkward cough. "In layman's terms, please."

"The planet has an electric atmosphere that makes water come it," The researcher flatly told. "Perfectly safe for us with sealed bottles, but do not leave any open bodies of water elsewhere in the system, like on Calenwyrm I. It would gravitate towards the planet and be sucked up instead."

"Much better."Radana pursed her lips and studied the hurricane thoughtfully. "Do you think we could exploit it?"

"Perhaps, but it would require specialist analysts, engineers, and builders to do so," They rattled off. "Most likely, it would be the stuff that takes a considerable while to setup. For more immediate applications, perhaps we could harvest samples of the water and market it as 'pilgrim water' for a unique trade good."

That got the noble lady to pause, then turn with a sly smile on her face. " we have a sample now? I could put on another pot on boil now."

"Of course. Let's drink for science!"

- I'll split the results of the turn into two parts so it doesn't spoil people following along via the threadmarks/allows me to give a bit more attention to each bit.
- Oh hey, a familiar face from another quest.
Cycle 14.1
(Construct Chain (Solarium Forge-Gawain): 1 +10 (Violet) +7 (Wealth) = 18)

Progress: 4/5. In Progress.

Solarium was an ever precious resource for the Helmsmen, being the key component to their rise to greatness. Yet it was not a material without a stained history, also having almost brought their civilization to crumbling ruin. So even in the time ever since the rediscovery of the Solarium Codex, there were outliers who remembered the days of ruin and saw solarium not as a gift from the heavens, but a deviled temptation to expose the worst of people. While their braying could usually be safely ignored, it seemed the announcement of a new Solarium Forge had stirred up such hidden feelings once again.

Most alarmingly was how the ones who spoke out this time were those who happened to have a degree of influence in society, and following the thread showed they had a multitude of reasons to oppose the return to glory. From business owners who depended on privatized space mining to tenured professors that immersed themselves too deeply in history, there was the beginnings of a coalition that wanted to pause or even fully end the dependency of solarium from House Iris. They made the argument that if this was a new beginning, this was truly a time to break cleanly from the past and find a new path. One that surely would be filled with struggle and sweat, but one clean of the tainted past.

Their message was quite idealistic, delivered with quite a bit of charisma to them. It began to make it to media outlets, members of the movement being invited onboard to give earnest talks and lectures about the folly that was solarium. Even experts were being consulted for the realistic proposal of eliminating the variable that was solarium from the economy, from the military, from the people.

You had no choice. It was sedition.

A few days after tugged on some strings, you casually activated your desk computer and immediately saw the breaking news. A wave brought up a relevant clip, showing a rather distraught looking news anchor who shakily read the reports. "We...we have received reports that at the site for the Solarium Forge, there has been an attempted suicide bombing by the leader of the 'Dusk' movement. Midday, a motor vehicle matching details of the leader's personal vehicle rammed through the security checkpoints and sped all the way into the site. It was halfway to the actual station in construction before gunfire from on-site security brought it to a stop. Then, it exploded, injuring several who attempted to advance." They sucked in a breath and leaned heavily on the desk, visibly distraught. "...oh stars, I'm sorry. I was just talking to them a few days ago, they seemed so nice and well-off! But to attempt a suicide bombing-! No, no I won't believe it. Not until we get actual confirmation from analyzing the body."

It was going to be a perfect match and you knew it. After all, it could only have been them, driven to do the one thing that had usurped their entire livelihood. Their business? Suddenly in dire straits when all of their customers decided to swap to solarium. Their finances? Suddenly in the gutters due to unpaid taxes compounding in interest for building the solarium forge. Their family?

A sudden personal and agonizing split when one of them applied and was accepted into becoming a squire for a Brilliance Knight, escalating into an incident of domestic violence. One that surely would soon be discovered and pushed in the news to paint the deceased leader of the 'Dusk' as a troubled individual. It wouldn't be long before condemnations of them and their cause came trickling in, soundly destroying the coalition against building the Solarium Forge. That was the win that you earned for House Iris this day.

All you had to do was destroy somebody's life and drive them to the point of desperate insanity.


(Design Ship (Corona-class): 27 +15 (Kat) +7 (Wealth) = 49)

Progress 7/6. Finished!

Corona-class Cruisers have been successfully tested.

Kat meekly nodded and gave the order in a quivering voice. "B-begin the t-tests. Test one...commence."

The Prisms looked eagerly while Corona in orbit was targeted by the test platform. A few minutes later, the signal flashed and a wave of projectiles was fired from one of the mounted batteries, simulating a missile attack on the cruiser. Across said ship, turrets came to life with hearty roars and began to spit out a wall of chaff that confused and prematurely detonated the incoming projectiles. Within moments, the attack was defeated and Corona was unscathed.

The Hyacinth Prism flinched from the round of sudden clapping and cheers from her peers and almost shirked, only to muster enough courage to remind everybody that the trial was ongoing. "T-test two! We...we will commence!" She squeaked.

Next from the test platform, a series of tubes fired off large pieces of crudely shaped metal that represented targets. Now it was time for Corona to demonstrate her offensive capabilities. There was the hiss of her own batteries unveiling themselves, their silo doors neatly sliding open. A moment later, then there was a flood of long-range missiles soaring towards the targets. They were hits without doubt, and the targets were torn apart to the whoops of the watching researchers.

Still, Kat managed to retain her calm and choked out the final part. "C-commence...commence test three!" This was the one that had the others immediately quiet and still, eyes locked on to the final performance of the cruiser before them today. It was also the most dangerous one, hence the decision to leave it for last, and to take time building it up.

The large cannon barrel slowly cranked into place while those onboard Corona scrambled to positions and braced. Nearby emergency ships warmed up their engines and prepared for the worst. Then, the platform fired the simulation of a ballistic attack at the prototype ship. The solid shot hit the side at the calculated angle and properly ricocheted off, a glancing hit that definitely wasn't going to be the true battlefield experience but as close as they dared in these test conditions with a crew onboard.

There was a moment where everybody waited with bated breath, unsure if to let the crew onboard swiftly assess damage or if to already begin rescue operations. Seconds before the agreed-upon 'failure' deadline, the all-clear signal was broadcast from Corona, along with a helpful damage report. Minor structural damage, nothing too significant. Estimated fix time: the same amount of time it would take to get some paint buckets to cover up the hit.

Now there was nothing to hold back the collective Prisms from excitedly celebrating their success. They had done it, their first Cruiser for the reborn House Iris, the first ship under the newly crowned Solar Queen! Kat unfortunately found herself at the center of these eager handshakes and hugs, looking like she wanted nothing more than to melt into the floor. The best she could do is muster a very awkward and halfhearted smiles to the representatives from the Andernia Defense Systems Corporation.

She really wished her lady was here instead, she was the perfect individual for these social situations!

- Normally, Violet is not that brutal, especially to her own people. But it's a Nat 1. It felt appropriate to have a little grim reminder that for all the silliness she can be, Webmaster Violet is very scary.
- Man, the rolls this turn really were lacking huh? Wonder if perhaps that's the shock finally settling in about the brave new galaxy.
Thank you for the update Celeshiro.

I don't like Violet anymore. That was torture. Some things are simply not worth the price of progress. She can justify it as necessary, and that is compelling and makes sense in-character, but I find her much less sympathetic now. I suppose I can always look at this as a villain quest. I suppose you could argue that playing as a non-constitutional monarch was always going to be a villain quest, or at least very morally grey. Regardless, I do still really like the quest.

It's a shame we won't have many possible actions next cycle. I will note that if Violet had been building a bank post, she would have finished it this cycle. Also a demonstration of the compounding power of Wealth - if we had had 3 more Wealth going into this cycle then Dorothea would have gotten 2 progress. This would have meant she also finished this cycle.

Do we want to put Kat into something useful, or just get her to increase the Industry in New Helm? If we want her to start researching once the Forge is finished then we'll want the latter. Personally I would support putting her onto building another bank post.
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That was torture. Some things are simply not worth the price of progress
I admit I was fairly uncomfortable writing it out, but it was something that showed that while Violet is very much different from her sister, the same capacity for tyranny exists. It more importantly shows that she is willing to do whatever it takes for greater prosperity at the cost of others, something that has been hinted at with one of her best spy actions being 'incite a diplomatic incident to push two others closer into war.' Easy to consider and say from a strategic level to pit enemies against one another, but when you get into the actual humanitarian level?

It's still a war she's creating on purpose to her ends, and one that would involve people not her own killing each other.

I get that this is very heavy stuff, so I'm definitely not going to do this on the regular. I definitely lean far better into comedy than tragedy. But when the dice say it's time to suffer, I might as well do it now to break the idea that Violet is relatively harmless compared to many others in her position. She's still human, with everything that comes with it. I hope I at least showed she definitely isn't a full monster that would feel nothing at whatever she ordered.
Thank you for providing a little more insight behind your thought process Celeshiro. You didn't have to but it is appreciated. I'm not sure how Violet could redeem herself from this - but characters don't always redeem themselves. They don't make amends with all the people they hurt. Sometimes characters, like people, just keep living. Hopefully, they try to do their best. This kind of reminds me of Dalinar from the Way of Kings book series, or Elhokar from that same series.

If I may, I have... frankly a lot questions. Mostly in relation to how Wealth works with diplomacy and how Wealth and stockpiles work with campaigning in foreign territory. There's a lot of these and I have no expectation they will all be answered. Frankly, feel free to ignore all of them. I hope they at least help you think of problems that may arise in future - if you haven't already considered those problems.

Do actions that are not system-specific use our best Wealth stat? e.g. if we were exploring a system, is that expedition launched from our Wealthiest system or the Wealthiest system that borders the one being explored?

If we send an agent to build something Stewardship-related in a poor system, does their first cycle use the buff from our Wealthiest system, similar to expeditions, or does Stewardship always use the local Wealth score?

How do Diplomacy actions work?
  • Is our agent considered as always being in our Wealthiest system when they are talking to a foreign power?
  • Or is it like an Expedition where they only get the buff for the first cycle, and are out in the other power's system for however many cycles the rest of the action takes?
  • If they are always in our Wealthiest system, do claiming and colonising work like expeditions or like the other diplomacy actions?

How does campaigning in foreign territory work with the Wealth buff to command points generation?
  • Do we just get a buff for one cycle? Do we get the buff from out Wealthiest system or from the Wealthiest system that one of our units came from?
  • e.g. If we have two battlegroups from system A and B. System A is rich, system B is poor. If they invade the same system which Wealth buff do they get.
    • As above but they invade separate systems?
  • What if they're in the same battlegroup, from separate systems, and invade the same system?
    • As above but they invade separate systems?
Replenishment and Supply Lines:
Can you "re-up" the Wealth bonus by sending a unit back to renew it?

Is the Wealth buff based on having a continuous supply line?

e.g. If battlegroup B invades system c, then moves from system c to System d, then system c is liberated by the enemy.
Is that when Battlegroup B would lose their Wealth bonus?​

Resource Stockpiles:
Does cutting that supply line mean they also lose access to resource stockpiles?
  • Does each battlegroup have its own stockpile, or do you establish a new stockpile whenever you attack a system?
  • Can you replenish a stockpile by seizing enemy stockpiles or transferring from friendly ones?
  • Can you shuffle the resources in system stockpiles as a stratagem? As a regular cycle action that can be undertaken in wartime?
  • Can you unlock and construct supply depots that increase a system's maximum stockpile?
Last edited:
I finished reading the quest and have a question. During the orbital bombardment the HMS Wisteria used missiles with it being described in 12.10 as its primary missile battery. But according to the template Wisteria doesn't have any missiles. Do bombardment missiles just come as standard in ships and no one in-universe felt it was a big enough deal to bring up?
Do actions that are not system-specific use our best Wealth stat? e.g. if we were exploring a system, is that expedition launched from our Wealthiest system or the Wealthiest system that borders the one being explored?
In general, for expedition/colony actions occurring out of your boundaries, it'll be the case where it's the closest but also wealthiest system from which you launched. Think of it as motivation for actually developing your outermost 'colonies.'
If we send an agent to build something Stewardship-related in a poor system, does their first cycle use the buff from our Wealthiest system, similar to expeditions, or does Stewardship always use the local Wealth score?
Always local but remember: you do start off with some wealth in the system thanks to natural resources.
  • Is our agent considered as always being in our Wealthiest system when they are talking to a foreign power?
They would get a first turn bonus from your capital Andernia.
  • Do we just get a buff for one cycle? Do we get the buff from out Wealthiest system or from the Wealthiest system that one of our units came from?
They would get an initial buff upon arrival in an enemy system based on where most of their battlegroup hails from. After that, there is no buff for the invaders. It's a defender's advantage, having more immediate resources to draw upon.
Can you "re-up" the Wealth bonus by sending a unit back to renew it?
Yes but as battlegroups move as one when on the galactic map, it can't just be a single unit. It'll have to be all of them.
Does cutting that supply line mean they also lose access to resource stockpiles?
Supply lines currently aren't considered for mechanics, perhaps in the future.
But according to the template Wisteria doesn't have any missiles
Yeah that was me getting mixed up with Corona-class. But you know what? I'm going to roll with it and say Wisteria, being the special prototype first of her class, could have some hidden features narratively. Maybe if she gets elevated into being an elite unit, I'll flesh it out mechanically. I'll try to remember that she uses ballistics until then though.
Man, Violet can be downright ruthless. But I guess sometimes you have to be ruthless. At least she has not done something like cause a false flag and make two nations fight each other. In this case, relatively few lives were ruined, so it is not really bad.
Cycle 15.0
You rubbed tiredly at your eyes and glared at the truly ridiculous amount of accumulated reports on the desk before you. Work had been so frantic and difficult as of late for all involved, both you and your closest followers hardly getting enough rest between tasks. Well, most of the aforementioned individuals- your best friend was likely sipping tea at some beach somewhere, knowing your luck. It didn't help that the initial expedition reports indicated a water world, so you were sure Radana was enjoying the nice tropical weather.

On Calenwyrm II, Radana fought the urge to sneeze while taking cover from the eternal hurricane that passed over the planet's equator.

To hell with it. You decided to put it off just a little bit more and take some time to focus on yourself, namely by reflecting on your recent...orders. It was a heavy topic that many would rather do it and be done with, but you weren't that sort of individual. You weren't going to forget about the choices you made to sacrifice somebody's life in the name of a better tomorrow.

You pulled up the portfolio of the deceased now and read through it again, making sure to take your time to not skip a single detail. You knew it was going to haunt you if you weren't fully sure that your command was truly necessary. You had to know and justify it to yourself that sometimes, if a puppet acts far too erroneously, you had to cut the string for good. It wasn't the first time you had to do it, but it was the first in a very long time. Perhaps ever since arriving in Andernia, to be honest.

Each and every time, it still affected you so. Maybe your siblings could bear it better than you, even shrugging it off, but that wasn't you. You wanted to remember the times you gave the order, remember that sinking feeling of things spiraling out of your ability to handle. It was probably among the worst of emotions to affect you so, that sensation of when everything was about to unravel because of your ability to ineffectively control it so.

Could you perhaps have infiltrated the 'Dusk' movement sooner? Maybe you could instead have caught and limited their awareness campaign in time, finding spurious and harmless reasons to shut down their media accounts. Or could you even have maybe just scared the individuals with threats in the shadows, daring to peel the veil back just a little to save lives now?

It could have, but it perhaps would have instead impacted your ability to preserve lives further down the line if people were aware of something behind the scenes. You let out a long sigh, feeling the weight of a life for a world. You hated it- you wanted to shove it off to somebody to handle and go pull strings of far less burden.

Yet there was none other and so, if you had to cut the strings of one, the most you could do was make sure the spare strands went to reinforcing the others you still had. The dead profile was replaced with one of a living individual, of somebody who had been recently accepted into the Brilliance Knights as a training squire with potential. Though there were troubles ahead.

There was a probationary period for initial impressions, along with finishing a thorough background check. You had only nudged the application forward at the time, leading to one part of the domino tower you had erected. Now checking back on it, you saw that those senior mentors had nothing but encouraging statements towards the applicant, a strong and ringing endorsement that your hands were truly clean of. But you knew that the background check was obviously going to be an issue, despite the clear declaration of independence, so perhaps...your apology would be a way to make a better future for somebody once close to your victim.

A personal note, penned by you, slipped into the memos of those background investigators. A little reminder that the background check is usually only customary to weed out spies, and to let ability speak for itself. It was like the Brilliance Knights didn't have people leave them to go to the stars already- devout loyalty was welcomed and encouraged, but never required. That was the most you could go with putting a small hand on the scales of things- the rest, it was up to them to work for.

Once that little memo was complete and sent off, you turned back to your pile of reports and began to go through them. Somehow, you felt just a little bit lighter then- but not by much. At least you didn't have to wear the stupid crown Kat and Dorothea looked ready to force on you.

Resource Stockpile: 40/40

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
Busy with Build Solarium Forge (4/5)

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
Busy with Calenwyrm Expedition Forge (4/6)

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
Busy with Build Sunrise Bank (3/4)


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---[ ] Requires Base Housing
----[ ] Requires Regiment Name
-----[ ] Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Berth Location
----[ ] Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.

--[ ] [Martial] Adjust Stratagem. Adjust and adapt to the ever-evolving art of war, or be left behind. Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Replacement Stratagem (Old Stratagem)

--[ ] [Martial] Battlegroup Management.
Create or change how a battlegroup is currently setup under the leadership of a chosen character. Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires New Battlegroup or Existing Battlegroup name.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Goodwill Mission. Send diplomats armed and equipped with some expensive gifts to another in hopes of improving a positive relationship with them. Generate five (5) Goodwill with another faction. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Meet Leader.
Arrange for a personal trip to or for a people's leader, sitting down for a direct meeting to reevaluate your current relationship. Will generate a task to increase diplomatic standing. Cost Varies.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

---[ ] House (Current Standing: Unfriendly) Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] House (Current Standing: Neutral) Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] House (Current Standing: Friendly) Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Request Favor. Make use of your garnered goodwill to request a simple and plain boon from another, a way to even the scales on both ends. Requires four (4) progress. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Requires Favor

Requires at least Standing: Neutral
----[ ] Non-Aggression Pact. If you stay on your side of the line, they'll stay on their side of the line, for now. Establish a non-aggression treaty promising neutrality no matter the occasion. A side that breaks this for whatever reason will incur a minor Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress.

----[ ] Trade Agreement. A simple handshake to allow goods to flow just a bit easier between peoples.
Construct a Trade Post aligned to the faction that increase Resources and Wealth by two (2). Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.
-----[ ] Requires Target City

----[ ] Senate Agenda. Have a chat with the influential voters and policy makers in an attempt to change their thoughts on a topic. Attempt to convince the faction to swap their voting alignment on a topic. Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. Only applicable to United Empire Houses.
-----[ ] Requires Desired Agenda or Alignment.

Requires at least Standing: Friendly
----[ ] Defense Treaty. Together, you link arms to stand against whatever comes your way. Establish a defensive pact promising aid to each other in the event of an attack from the outside. Refusing to send aid will incur a major Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress. Will replace Non-Aggression Pact.

----[ ] Request Volunteers.
Be allowed to make a personal plea to the other side for able-bodied and willing individuals to courageously step up and travel to fight for your cause. Gain volunteer units from the House. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.

---[ ] Trade Port. Slowly begin to break down the barriers between your people and theirs, by having them get used to living next to one another in an experimental treaty port. Upgrade an existing Trade Post aligned to the faction into a Trade Port that now increases Resources and Wealth by five (5). Costs 60 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress. This will require a Post building slot.

----[ ] Petition Votes.
Call in favors and debts on your end to encourage a certain sort of voting preference you would want from a political ally. Convince the faction to contribute all their votes to a specific agenda and alignment next Senate meeting. This will not generate any Goodwill for this faction when tallied. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. Only applicable to United Empire Houses.
-----[ ] Requires Desired vote alignment.

Requires at least Standing: United
----[ ] Military Alliance. Support each other through thick and thin, no matter the occasion, like a true friend ought to. Establish a true alliance of equals in which their enemies are your enemies, that the blood shed by one in conflict is blood shared together. Either on attack or defense, you have each other's back no matter what. Refusing to honor this agreement will incur a significant Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 60 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress. Will replace Defense Treaty and Non-Aggression Pact.

----[ ] Trade District.
With the final parts of integrated nearing completion, declare the process a success and recognize your new duel citizens. Upgrade an existing Trade Port aligned to the faction into a Trade District that now also increases Military and Influence by five (5). Additionally, it will house two (2) unique hybrid units that will be recruited upon completion. Requires six (6) progress. This will require a Chain building slot.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Establish Claim. Spread the word and push forward a narrative among the others that your people have rightful ownership to a system, to muddy the waters when others claim otherwise. Gain a claim to a galactic system. Requires six (6) progress.
-----[ ] Requires System

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[ ] Requires System

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Solarium Forge. A monastery-forge that orbits around the local star, the only place in which the secret alloy of the Helmsmen may be created by skilled Prisms. It is both a place of worship and a place of industry at the same time, producing sacred solarium for use across the stars. Increases Resources and Influence by five (5).

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit

Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.
Cruisers: Increases Military by six (6). Decrease Resources and Wealth by six (6). Requires six (6) progress.

----[ ] Plane Factory. Erect massive and large warehouses, then fill them with the necessary specialist equipment for building jet aircraft. Each plane is laboriously worked on as an individual product with a dedicated team, every feature given only the best attention and focus as possible. After all, it is the trainee pilots in the adjacent airfield that will soon be entrusting their lives to these planes, so no mistakes or skips can be tolerated. Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires six (6) progress. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Aircraft Chassis

-----[ ] Star Armory.
The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Space Terminal. Flatten out a large lot of land, reducing hills and mountains into plains if need be. Then build upon it, putting together a grand airport with multiple airstrips for both military and civilian craft. It is from here that one arrives to this part of space, and then catches a flight to elsewhere in the system. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for three (3) wings. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by two (2). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers OR one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] City Airport. There exists a flourishing market for private single-seat aircraft, for either recreational purposes or a little bit of personal safety. Just be sure to have the IFF on in civilized space, or else. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) wing. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Establish Cells.
Establish contact with discontented parties and begin to discretely send them support, from plain and generic assets to subject experts willing to train sympathizers. Increase Cell count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Reveal Orders.
Have spies quietly break into private offices and servers to obtain top-secret orders of a specific power. Grants knowledge of a faction's planned actions based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy. Each additional Spy assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Incite Unrest.
Agitate the local dissidents into making their voices heard in a more direct manner, conveniently providing targets of opportunity for them to lash out against. Faction's planned actions will be inflicted a negative modifier depending on operational success. Minimum one (1) Cell. Each additional Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Disillusion Voters.
Stir up a storm of sour feelings and negative attitudes towards the current regime through infiltrated agents spreading misinformation. Add in a spice of chaos from political violence, and suddenly the people don't feel like supporting their current government. Reduce a power's Senate votes depending operational success. Minimum (2) Spies and one (1) Cell. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Diplomatic Incident.
Plot and conspire a significant diplomatic incident to occur under this power's jurisdiction, perhaps even souring relations between them and another. If it gets large enough, it could even be the spark for open conflict! Sabotage relationships between two factions based on operational success. Minimum (2) Spies and two (2) Cells. Every additional two (2) Spies and Cells assigned increases operational success. Requires eight (8) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (and other Faction)
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Type

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Warship. Humongous and heavily armed voidships that are not subtle in the very least. It is said that calling one to arms is all but a declaration of war. Requires eight (68) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Consecrate Order. Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] System Expedition. Organize a research and scout team to travel afar and study a system beyond your current borders. They will conduct a full survey and report back anything of interest. Requires minimum two (2) progress, time may increase based on system size.
-----[ ] Requires System

- Remembered to do planes this time, so check those out for your build options.
- Also you've unlocked a new ship class level to design with if you like. These are the big capital ships that do not mess around, such as battleships and carriers. Have fun.

14 hour moratorium to make a cycle plan
Voting is open for the next 5 hours, 28 minutes