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The Reluctant Vassal's Guide to Living in the Frontier (with some Treason)
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In the distant future amid distant stars, humanity is not so distant from their tumultuous past.

But perhaps you can at least try to pave the way for a brighter future for your people, and whoever else you convince along the way. If only it weren't so stressful.
Origins, Part 1
"Towards the skies, towards the stars, towards a united future for mankind!"
- The First Stellarch

The Age of Expansion
On distant Terra a very long time ago, amid the seemingly endless squabbling of country-nations, a single scientific discovery shook the future of mankind then and forever more: the Faster-than-light driver. The first design prototype took place in a controlled environment that saw near-instantaneous displacement from one beacon to another, provided there were no significant obstacles in the way. The second design prototype took place within the Sol sytem, the vast distance between Terra and Mars crossed within minutes.

The third design prototype was from the Sol to Alpha Centauri, through a beacon constructed by an automated probe slung from Terra to manually cross the distance using primitive fusion drives. It had taken years for it to reach the closest system to Sol, and then some more to harvest local materials to put together an FTL beacon. But once it was activated and transmission confirmed, the first explorers of what would be called the Age of Expansion arrived in a matter of days, touting ships featuring new drive systems that shadowed that of the probe's as they passed on by.

This particular story repeated itself time and time again as man built even more automated probes to sling towards distant stars, seeing the beacons light up year after year with newly discovered safe routes to star systems filled with promise. The design of these probes continued to improve even all the while they were being launched into deep space, with only the order to reach their destination and build a new FTL beacon. The technology continued to advance until some probes were so advanced, they could reach these untouched systems in a matter of months using advanced fusion drives.

But they were not the only technologies to change and evolve with time. Freed from the limitations of a single planet, humankind reached out to take distant stars and found an era of plenty, of where they could now freely experiment and innovate with once-rare materials without fear of running out. Some even discovered new materials of seeming fantastical properties that defied current understanding and made it their own. Advancements in nearly every single field of science were made, many of them once the realm of pure fiction. Biology, chemistry, physics, they all became but mere playthings for mankind to twist, pull, and push to new great discoveries that could shape the future of their people.

Not all advancements were shared so freely however. The Age of Expansion was spurred on and sponsored not entirely by neutral entities wishing innocently for the universal benefit of humanity. Many of those launching colonists and settlers to new planets harbored their own interests for expansion, be it in the pursuit of profit, the growth of their people, and far more. Yet many of these explorers also thought themselves a new people and raised new flags after generations of becoming a new people, independent from distant overlords.

There was a quiet tenseness brewing up beneath what many believed to be a true end to the horrors of conflict born on Terra. It had been seemingly sated with the opening of a seemingly limitless existence in space, where theoretically, there should be no more arguments over the scarcity of resources or the finite nature of land. All such disagreements should be resolved quietly and peacefully by a civilized species that understand the future is limitless when united together.

Humanity though has a tendency to rarely stay so united, especially when the Age of Troubles arose.

The Age of Troubles
There is not a singular point in the timeline that many would point as defining moment in which the Age of Exploration ended. Some would say that the first recorded major uprising of a disillusioned populace against their peers would be it. Others would insist it was instead the moment the pleas for aid were heard, then rejected or exploited by neighboring powers. But the Age of Troubles can be universally agreed to be when instead of looking outwards, gazes turned inwards to the troubles at home.

The Sol system and many of her surrounding areas had now become totally industrialized with scant unexploited resources to be found anywhere. In contrast, the constantly expanding borders were flushed and rich with said the necessary natural resources, but little industry to make use of it. As such, it had only been natural for the two to participate in necessary trade to mutually benefit one another. But perhaps in spite or defiance of perceived relationship slights, the exchange broke down and the result was a disastrous internal collapse in both sides. This isolationist attitude combined with a flurry of domestic troubles led to some of the hardest years mankind has had to suffer since first taking to the stars.

People starved. Machines churned. Rebellions rose. Governments fell.

Humanity was once again doomed to repeat their sins from Terra, simply now on a larger, more galactic scale. Contact between systems was still maintained, but with great hostility and suspicion at the fellow neighbor. The unity had been broken, and it would seem that for all the advancements that each and every power had accomplished, it all came tumbling down when man, woman, and more turned to endless violence with one another.

That was, until the Sol had enough.

The Age of Unification
Sol was the birthplace of humanity, from which all those traversed the stars could trace their origins back to. They were the first to look up to the stars, the first to explore their galaxy, the first to suffer troubles. Now, they did not hesitate in taking the first initiative to break this deadlock with a shift in their government, allowing for the rise of the First Stellarch.

The First Stellarch was an individual who beheld the current state of mankind and wept, seeing the future in tatters. But instead of simply bemoaning the status quo, they instead raised their voice to inspire their disillusioned populace to think bigger, to think more than just themselves for the sake of their future descendants. No more could selfish isolationist dialogue be tolerated, ignoring the desperate plights of your neighbor to selfishly hoard for one's self. The First Stellarch instead envisioned a humanity that, while far from perfect, would never be able to act as if they were in a vacuum any longer.

And so began the trappings of what would be the grandest unification effort so far. From Sol to Alpha Centauri to beyond, the people listened to the words of the First Stellarch to consider a better tomorrow. Slowly, surely, the most industrialized and developed systems flocked under one banner to form the Core, the personal lands and concentrated power of House Sol under the leadership of the First Stellarch.

The Core which would make up the heart of what would become known as the United Empire.

It was now the singular most powerful power ever born so far, boasting technologies and might beyond whatever the disjointed others could bring to bear. Yet the First Stellarch was nothing if not a follower of their philosophy, understanding that to act so selfishly was to merely invite the mistakes of the past to haunt the dreams of the future. So in that regard, they instead reached a hand out first, employing a variety of methods to bring the lost children of mankind back into one recognized entity.

For those who met with swords, military might was demonstrated.

For those who met with words, masterful dialogue was employed.

For those who met with coin, beneficial trade was engaged.

For those who met with intrigue, dark shadows grew deeper.

For those who met with faith, gentle hope was given.

It was not perfect, but it was acceptable and critically, it finally reopened dialogue between peoples. Member states could at least meet and make their pleas or proposals heard across a Senate platform of their galactic peers, moderated by the First Stellarch and whatever descendants they would have. Perhaps no solution could be achieved, no agreement reached, but at the very least all could be guaranteed to have their words heard out and considered by powerful individuals. Members would even be granted a measure of universal technologies, to ensure all could meet a basic standard of living as so needed.

None would be turned away, so long as they were willingly to both receive and provide aid when the moment came.

Yet even then, there were those who did not believe the words of the First Stellarch and labeled them as a tyrant in the making. As the United Empire grew larger, so too did troubles out on the fringes with those who called themselves Free States fiercely opposing the idea of a united humanity under one banner. There also rose great powers within the United Empire known as the Great Houses, those who had amassed ability that could very well contest House Sol. Be it at the hands of the Free States or the Great Houses, the First Stellarch met their end with both body and dreams poisoned.

In the wake of the loss, the United Empire shuddered, perhaps about to fall apart now that their leader's vision was beginning to cool. But cooler heads too prevailed and the line of House Sol passed on. A new Stellarch was declared, the second of many that would faithfully carry out their line's vision of a united humanity. But they lacked the ability and greatness brought about by their progenitor and so would need to turn to the aid of other peoples loyal to the cause.

One of these such people was that of your sire's. Perhaps integrated early into the United Empire or joining up when the benefits of membership was made clear, the people hailed from a distinct and unique personality enough to warrant their own title, the Helmsmen. An aptly named title, as their world was also known as Helm. They were a people born from the Age of Exploration, innovating and developing unique approaches to technologies. They were a people who struggled during the Age of Troubles, finding new aspects of themselves that have since embedded into their way of life.

They were your people filled with many traits, both advanced and illogical. These combined to weave the tale of humanity's development in a part of the stars, a future to take pride in developing. The question now was what these aspects were.

Your people had one (1) primary technology that set them apart, and two (2) secondary technologies that were further born from this expertise. Order the primary technology first, then the secondary below. Pick only one specialty per chosen technology.

-[ ] [Technology] Star Metal. When regular earthly metals are fused together under the heat of the stars, the resulting material is an alloy that seems to encompass space itself.
--[ ] Forged in fire. The material is stronger than any known compound, and easily withstands much stress in spite of all logic to make it perfect for both armor and blades.
--[ ] Energy itself. It radiates with the heat of the stars themselves, meaning that it is capable of generating self-sustaining energy for a variety of purposes.

-[ ] [Technology] Power Crystals. Naturally forming or artificially created, the crystalline material is inordinately useful while providing a measure of spiritual connection.
--[ ] The esoteric source. The crystals radiate an unknown form of energy that when harvested and channeled properly can induce a variety of distorting effects.
--[ ] Weapons of intent. Energy put through the crystals induces a reaction of a more violent nature from the structure, one that can be put to use in destructive applications.

-[ ] [Technology] Dusty Spice. A grainy material harvested from dangerous sources that is well worth the risk if ingested.
--[ ] Red gold. The material is inordinately valuable due to its scarce nature, and many would pay well for an exotic taste.
--[ ] Maker of heroes. When ingested, the inert sand suddenly seemingly becomes alive, boosting the body to new limits.

-[ ] [Technology] Dream Gas. An element that is entirely gaseous in its natural state which can then be applied to purposes once only found in imagination.
--[ ] Reagent of imagination. When the gas is added to refining processes, the materials seem to warp and twist under its influence with a new variable in the equation.
--[ ] Projection of will. Under the right circumstances, the gas may seemingly taken on a different form to fulfill the need of the user.

-[ ] [Technology] Solar Plasma. The stars are made of an energized plasma material that must be suspended through the use of electronic magnets for safe containment.
--[ ] The weaponized sun. The material when applied directly to surfaces immediately burns away all but the most resistant materials, resulting in devastation unlike any other.
--[ ] Fuel between stars. Ships going between the stars use said material to travel far and wide, burning bright in the skies above.

-[ ] [Technology] Vacuum Fungi. A biological material that is able to survive in the vacuum of space, even perhaps growing and expanding in spite of such factors.
--[ ] The eternal growth. Being able to withstand the most extreme of conditions means that it can grow anywhere when a sufficient condition is met, being a resource always on hand for use.
--[ ] Symbiotic connection. The material not only bonds easily to humans, but is receptive to chemical signals produced in the body for further direction.

-[ ] [Technology] Clone Experts. From artificial growth vats comes more life, refined and optimized in a way that cannot be found through natural biology.
--[ ] Life continued. Those born from the vats are near-identical copies of the donor, to the point of copying both strengths and flaws.
--[ ] Life anew. The vats are artificial wombs in which genetic material is remixed to bring about wholly new life, one that varies from the donors.

-[ ] [Technology] Genetic Manipulation. One's own body is a laboratory in itself, with the very building blocks at one's fingertips to manipulate as so willed.
--[ ] The perfect human. Remove the limits of growth and accentuate the strengths of the form, creating the perfect being so sought after.
--[ ] The deviant human. Incorporate aspects of others to strengthen the body, sprouting a variety of features to accelerate evolution through diversity itself.

-[ ] [Technology] Magic Circuits. An implant into the human genome, capable of being passed down, that invokes seemingly mystical powers from the body's natural energy reserves.
--[ ] Form acceleration. A directed form of converting reserve energy into feeding various functions of the body with newfound strength to accentuate one's self.
--[ ] Energy manifest. Potential energy reserves are rapidly transformed into a burst of active kinetic energy manifesting in a variety of forms, all of which are usually destructive in one way or another.

-[ ] [Technology] Psionic Mind. Targeted activation of certain parts of the human brain along with intense refinement of will result in a psychic awakening of cognitive faculties to translate will into reality.
--[ ] Telepathic enlightenment. The mind hears and speaks all, from wordless communication to intruding into the thoughts of others.
--[ ] Psychokinesis manipulation. Imagination and willpower made manifest through the concentration of willpower to make it so.

-[ ] [Technology] Artificial Intelligence. When software has become so advanced to outpace human learning, the next step is to make the computer that outpaces humanity itself.
--[ ] A digital mind. Scanning of human brains, either alive or dead, provides the perfect logical matrix to perfectly replicate the mind in code form.
--[ ] A digital life. Start from scratch with learning models that improve with every passing moment and experience, limited only by the hardware they are based upon, until they are their own person in totality.

-[ ] [Technology] Robotic Form. The body is but a machine using biology, meaning that a machine of mathematics is can only be superior in comparison.
--[ ] Form extended. Linking flesh to machine until they are one and the same means that one could replace almost all of themselves, at which point one must ask if they are still them.
--[ ] Form anew. Understand that the flesh is weak, the machine strong, and that neither should mix for the superior droid to remain truly eternal.

-[ ] [Technology] Mech Walker. The stars are filled with a variety of terrain not conducive to mere treads and wheels, in which case the walker becomes a preferred vehicle.
--[ ] Terrain freedom. The walker has evolved to the most extreme conditions, even including the vacuum of space itself, reaching extreme speeds through a variety of means.
--[ ] Land fortress. The ground is churned beneath their presence, a hulking nightmare for all that cannot penetrate the next evolution of the mobile bunker.

-[ ] [Technology] Powered Armor. Miniaturization of mechanical components gradually accomplish the ability to mount it on exo-suits meant for direct personal control.
--[ ] Mobility suits. The mountings highlight and augment one's ability to traverse about, circumventing insurmountable obstacles if need be.
--[ ] Armored protection. The suit features heavy armor plates meant to deflect or absorb blows as needed while installed subsystems prolong the user's survival for as long as possible.

-[ ] [Technology] Mobile Factory. When built at a large enough scale with enough automation, it is possible for spaceships to become vessels of industry themselves.
--[ ] Ark homes. The spaceship features all the necessities to host a population onboard for theoretically forever, should resources continue to resupply its holds.
[ ] Drifting berth. A vessel of sufficient size can host a shipyard that is capable of repairing, retrofitting, and even restoring damaged vessels onboard with host clamps.

-[ ] [Technology] Quantum Layer. There exists a level of existence right beneath that of reality, in which time and space are now another construct at which to manipulate.
--[ ] Quantum teleportation. An offshoot of beacon technology that instead illuminates a guiding light to appear around when traversing the second layer.
--[ ] Quantum prediction. The future writhes and changes at a single moment's notice, but the immediate next few seconds have already been laid out in the second layer and needs only to be read to change.

-[ ] [Technology] Shield System. Projected energy barriers drawing from connected energy reserves absorb local hazards and provide a modicum of protection for large ships capable of outfitting them.
--[ ] Personalized shielding. The technology is scaled downwards carefully to makes the best efficiency out of limited battery reserves that will at least turn away the first lethal blow.
--[ ] Layered shields. Shields are condensed and stacked on top of each other to provide a system that will self-regenerate to an extent when under stress.

-[ ] [Technology] Laser Foci. Concentrated rays of light form into superheated beams that apply increasingly uncomfortable temperatures the longer they are applied to a surface.
--[ ] Las cells. Lasers require no source of hard ammunition to function off, only rechargeable battery packs that need only to be exposed to sources of heat to replenish.
--[ ] Energy blades. The fine control over lasers means that one could shape to form a dangerous glowing weapon into whatever shape they prefer, with an edge that needs never to be sharpened.

-[ ] [Technology] Phantom Cloaking. A special material which bends and reflects light surrounding it provides a way for something to practically vanish from visible view.
--[ ] Sensor ghosts. The cloak also discretely interferes with electronic systems to create false readings meant to confuse any sort of detection and recognition software.
--[ ] Hologram clones. The bent light is carefully redirected into fake projections that confuse the eye even further.

-[ ] [Technology] Gravity Thrusters. Manipulating the forces emitted by gravity allows for perfect control over what is affected by said gravity, including what repels it instead.
--[ ] High-energy maneuvers. Sudden surges in the coils can rapidly shift the way the attached object moves, allowing for seamless movement when the occasion calls.
--[ ] Sustained hover. A constant stream of energy emitting from the thrusters allow for objects to stay in perpetual flight as needed.

Your people developed two (2) pillars of society that stuck with them through the ages, foundations to hold dear no matter what.

-[ ] [Pillar] Knight's Code. Among those who bear arms, there is a code of conduct and chivalry to be held up to to aspire to be more than just barbarians with brute force, but noble heroes who fight in a certain manner.

-[ ] [Pillar] Fortunate Soldier. Patriotism for the nation is a good reason to fight for, but the lure of coin is an even stronger one for these people.

-[ ] [Pillar] Military-Industrial Complex. When it comes to the security of the nation, there is never no such thing as a price too expensive, and so where there is demand, there shall be supply.

-[ ] [Pillar] Defense Clause. It is enshrined in the tenants of these people to never be the first to draw the sword, only the one who is left standing.

-[ ] [Pillar] Sacred Texts. The art of learning is sacred and must be accorded so, according to these people who would go to extreme lengths to safeguard such knowledge.

-[ ] [Pillar] Backroom Politics. Few can trust the words said on a podium when they merely need crane their head to see what is already unfolding behind.

-[ ] [Pillar] Merchant Guilds. Exchanging goods and services is sacred to the people, and those who dare seek grand profit in the vastness of the stars revered appropriately.

-[ ] [Pillar] Machine Cult. The purity of the machine shall stand when the temple of flesh fails, for it is divine.

-[ ] [Pillar] Free Underworld. Law and order means little in the face of the people's will, leading to a blossoming criminal society just barely tucked out of view.

-[ ] [Pillar] Shadow Army. Private citizens may call it a gathering of like-minded individuals, others would call it a hired militia ready to act at a moment's notice.

-[ ] [Pillar] Stellarch Worship. The people hold a strong belief that the First Stellarch was a mortal saint, and their descendants harbor a shard of divinity for the hope of mankind.

- What? A Third Quest? How am I going to fit this in with my others! Well, by mainly having this one be far less character-driven, and more focused on the people and nation as players in the grand scale of things. There will still be characters of my usual variety, but I'll definitely say that this one will definitely more focus on the grand scale of things instead of personal drama.
- Regarding the setting, it's definitely going to be among the more fantastical takes on sci-fi, though not without an element of hard science also involved. My inspirations include stuff like Rimworld, Stellaris, Star Wars, Endless Space, Warhammer 40k, Halo, Starsector, and much more.
- You will be taking command of a vassal-nation newly emerging on the frontier of civilized space as a matter of disclosure. Think of it as being the one in charge of founding the Roman outposts in Britain, or the first settlers in America. There's exciting undiscovered stuff mixed with the politics of home. See how you navigate it all!
- Part 1 will determine your people's background, Part 2 will figure out who your sire is, and Part 3 shall handle you yourself. I'm actually going to avoid disclosing mechanical effects of various picks for the sake of narrative flow. It also will give me a bit more freedom to cobble together what your personal rules/aspects will be given how freefrom this all is.
- The long moratorium is to both encourage discussion, ask questions, and also suggest new technologies or flaws! I'll be keeping an eye out and adding the ones I do like to the list of options. Even if your suggestion isn't in the final plan, if it appears on the list, it may appear in a future rival/ally state for you to work alongside.

24 hour moratorium to found a new people among the stars.
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The Story of Your People
An Divided Start
The Helmsmen set out to colonize a new system, only for tragedy to strike during their FTL jump that splintered their people. This included the sudden and abrupt death of the Solar King at the hands of a traitorous child, resulting in a fractured succession. Worst of all, contact with Helm had been lost, so there were only two candidates for the people to follow at the moment. Two Solar Princesses who stood opposite of one another, leading their followers and developing their cities. Tensions continued to grow, and it was not long before conflict broke out.
The Battle of Bastion
Blows were exchanged but they were mostly indecisive outside the climactic invasion of Bastion. A fierce battle was waged through the streets but in the end, the victor was the forces belonging to Violet d'iris. In follow-up events, her sister perished and she was left the sole present heir, a burden she did not wish. Yet even then, the ravages of the civil war seemed to pale in comparison to the greater horror that awaited the Helmsmen upon finally making contact with the wider universe.
A Fresh Slate
The universe that the Helmsmen had known is no longer. While a few constants remain the same along with general organizations, the exact details are wholly different. So now, led by the newly crowned Solar Queen armed with naught but their heritage of solarium, House Iris makes a debut to the United Empire.
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Dramatis Personae
Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
Daughter of House Iris. Prefers to manipulate and spy from the shadows. Loves laughing maniacally in dark rooms. Hates bright lights. This is you.
Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 5
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 18
Learning: 10

Radana, Camellia Knight
Violet's best friend and minder. Enjoys tea and gossip in equal manner. Calm and collected talker. Abhors coffee.
Martial: 8
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 7

Kat, Hyacinth Prism
Shy and withdrawn in public. Confident and foul-mouthed in workshops. Passionate industrialist. Hates picnics.
Martial: 7
Diplomacy: 2
Stewardship: 17
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 15

Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
Zealous devotee. Firm and unyielding follower. Dangerous fighter. Has a secret stash of cheap romance-action movies.
Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 6
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 14
Learning: 6

Hifumi, Holly Knight
Outgoing yapper. Seems to not have an off button. Has hero-worship syndrome.
Martial: 7
Diplomacy: 14
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 14
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Ruling Great House Sol
The figurehead rulers of the United Empire, now and hopefully forever. Their prosperity is that of the largest galactic human civilization, so be mindful of it.


Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: 0
Current Agreements: None
Spies: 0
Cells: 0

Great House Orochi
To wage war is cruel, but to lose it is even worst. That is what these people believe in, and they have made it their way in life to never be those who do not profit in some way from conflict.
Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: -10
Current Agreements: None
Spies: 1
Cells: 0

Great House Ababil
A simple concoction of a single ingredient does not do much. This, they know to be true and devote themselves in search of even more to add to their concoctions to their ever growing elixirs of power.
Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: 0
Current Agreements: None
Spies: 0
Cells: 0

Great House Tyto
Silence can mean many things, especially when it comes to the telepathic communications among these people. Small mercies that they are very insular, but there is always that doubt.
Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: +10
Current Agreements: None
Spies: 0
Cells: 0

Great House York
Humanity's greatest advancements came when the fires of industry roared. So too do their factory-cities roar as they devour planets to fuel the next great step of civilization.
Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: -10
Current Agreements: None
Spies: 4
Cells: 0

House Archon (Vassal of Great House Tyto)
A reclusive research enclave that would prefer being kept to themselves. Do not mistake their reluctance for meekness.
Standing: Neutral
Goodwill: 10
Current Agreements: Trade Post (Bastion)
Spies: 0
Cells: 0
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Capital System Andernia
Andernia I
Frequent blizzards coat the land in a thick layer of snow above the frozen oceans, a rugged and difficult combination to live off. It is necessary then to seek shelter in the rocky terrain that breaks up the monotony of eternal chill, allowing for those hardy enough to create an existence in the cold.


The Marquisate: Named in the wake of the Helmsmen's initial success in developing native firearms, the city has soon become a mecca for such like-minded individuals who share considerable enthusiasm of said weapons. Many enjoy the sport of hunting imported wildlife in the area.
Industry: 5
Max Buildings: 3
Sunrise Bank: -1 Resources, +3 Wealth

Andernia II
A frozen comet is locked in eternal orbit around this planet, perpetually shedding ice to create a constant snowfall that descends down bless the land below. However, the snow fades quickly before it can build, leading to a mostly frozen surface broken up only by ravines and canyons decorated with jagged rocks.


Pendragon: A city in the shadow of a snow comet, creating a frozen landscape and sky that reflects the determined people who making a living here.
Industry: 5
Max Buildings: 3
Rilou Bank: -2 Resources, +5 Wealth
Camp Barracks: -2 Wealth, -2 Influence, +2 Military
Camp Barracks
- 1st Andernian Guard Regiment

Andernia III
A volcanic and resource-rich planet, with plenty of liquid riches for those who dare. Even then, the scars of civil war still linger and strike deeper than that of the natural formations. Still though, if flowers can grow before the Princess Memorial, then perhaps something can grow from the ashes.

Bastion: The site of the first and only ground battle for the civil war over the future of House Iris. Here, extractors harvest liquid minerals from the molten seas of the planet to turn into valuable resources. The people here seem to work with extra effort in this regard, perhaps determined to prove that they are willing to make up for past mistakes.
Industry: 10
Max Buildings: 5
Princess Memorial (FREE SLOT): +5 Resources, +5 Influence
Sunrise Bank: -1 Resources, +3 Wealth
Lycoris Sanctuary: -4 Wealth, +10 Influence
Trade Post (House Archon): +2 Resources, +2 Wealth

Andernia IV
The heat emanating from this large planet is fierce, enough so that it should be impossible for life to emerge. But in spite of such odds, the local flora is alive and active, creating flame blossoms that radiate heat long after they have been plucked. Some believe it to be a testament that even in the harshest and most difficult of conditions, life can still thrive.


New Helm: When the grand colonial expedition of the Helmsmen were struck with tragedy, they were forced to make landfall here. However, said location has since been consecrated as the start of some unknown grand effort, one that will perhaps echo for a very long time.
Industry: 10
Max Buildings: 5
Solar Reliquary (FREE SLOT): +5 Wealth, +15 Influence
Chrysanthemum Scales: -2 Resources, +8 Wealth
Commercial Spaceport: -2 Wealth, -2 Influence, +2 Military
Solar Drydock (Corona-class): -3 Resources, -6 Wealth, -3 Influence, +6 Military
Sunrise Bank: -1 Resources,+3 Wealth
Arms Facility (Lily Guard): -4 Resources, -4 Wealth, +4 Military
Commercial Spaceport
- HMS Wisteria (Wisteria-class Mk1 Destroyer)
- HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class Mk1 Destroyer)
Gawain: An oasis of sanctuary and relief that helpfully shields those within from the forests of flame blossoms nearby. It is said that when one takes a step within, they feel suddenly protected and safe in the arms of an invisible guardian spirit.
Industry: 5
Max Buildings: 3
Camp Barracks: -2 Wealth, -2 Influence, +2 Military
Sunrise Bank: -1 Resources, +3 Wealth
Solarium Forge: +5 Resources, +5 Influence
Camp Barracks
- 2nd Andernian Guard Regiment
Dinadan: Build near the northern pole, the area is significantly cooler than the overall average on the planet, meaning that it is merely sweltering instead of scorching hot. Still, it is a popular improvement especially if one enjoys a more open and wider urban landscape.
Industry: 5
Max Buildings: 3
Sunrise Bank: -1 Resources, +3 Wealth

System Total

Building Chains Limit: 8
Chrysanthemum Scales
Solar Drydock (Corona-class)
Arms Facility (Lily Guard)

Solarium Forge
Lycoris Sanctuary
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Armed Forces
1st Andernian Guard
Home Base: Pendragon (Camp Barracks)
Current Assignment: Battlegroup Rampart-One (B-R1)
Campaigns: 1
Victories: 1
1st Royals Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 1/4
Bastion Victory Medal: Attack +5
1st Tigers Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4
1st Easters Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4
1st Panthers Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4

2nd Andernian Guard
Home Base: Gawain (Camp Barracks)
Current Assignment: Battlegroup Rampart-One (B-R1)
Campaigns: 1
Victories: 1
2nd Royals Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 1/4
Bastion Victory Medal: Attack +5
2nd Tigers Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4
2nd Easters Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4
2nd Panthers Battalion (Lily Guard)
Medals: 0/4

HMS Wisteria (Wisteria-class MK1 destroyer)
Home Berth: New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
Current Assignment: Battlegroup Rampart-One (B-R1)
Campaigns: 1
Victories: 1
Medals: 0/4

HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class MK1 destroyer)
Home Berth: New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
Current Assignment: Battlegroup Rampart-One (B-R1)
Campaigns: 1
Victories: 1
Medals: 1/4
Iron Hornet: +5 Ship AA

HMS Coral Queen (Corona-class MK1 cruiser)
Home Berth: Kingsdream (Coral Parade)
Current Assignment: Battlegroup Rampart-One (B-R1)
Campaigns: 0
Victories: 0
Medals: 0/4

HMS Luminary (Corona-class MK1 cruiser)
Home Berth: Prydwen Serol (Fleet Port)
Current Assignment: None
Campaigns: 0
Victories: 0
Medals: 0/4

None so far.
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Jan 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM, finished with 43 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Royal Order of SPACE KNIGHTS
    -[X][Technology] Star Metal. When regular earthly metals are fused together under the heat of the stars, the resulting material is an alloy that seems to encompass space itself.
    --[X] Forged in fire. The material is stronger than any known compound, and easily withstands much stress in spite of all logic to make it perfect for both armor and blades.
    -[X] [Technology] Magic Circuits. An implant into the human genome, capable of being passed down, that invokes seemingly mystical powers from the body's natural energy reserves.
    --[X] Form acceleration. A directed form of converting reserve energy into feeding various functions of the body with newfound strength to accentuate one's self.
    -[X] [Technology] Powered Armor. Miniaturization of mechanical components gradually accomplish the ability to mount it on exo-suits meant for direct personal control.
    --[X] Mobility suits. The mountings highlight and augment one's ability to traverse about, circumventing insurmountable obstacles if need be.
    -[X] [Pillar] Knight's Code. Among those who bear arms, there is a code of conduct and chivalry to be held up to to aspire to be more than just barbarians with brute force, but noble heroes who fight in a certain manner.
    -[X] [Pillar] Sacred Texts. The art of learning is sacred and must be accorded so, according to these people who would go to extreme lengths to safeguard such knowledge.
    [X] Plan: Deviance is Bliss
    -[X] [Technology] Genetic Manipulation.
    --[X] The deviant human.
    -[X] [Technology] Phantom Cloaking.
    --[X] Sensor ghosts.
    -[X] [Technology] Dusty Spice.
    --[X] Red gold.
    -[X] [Pillar] Free Underworld.
    -[X] [Pillar] Backroom Politics
    [X] Plan Shroomy Spacebornes
    -[X] [Technology] Mobile Factory.
    --[X] Ark homes.
    -[X] [Technology] Vacuum Fungi.
    --[X] The eternal growth.
    -[X] [Technology] Star Metal.
    --[X] Energy itself.
    -[X] [Pillar] Military-Industrial Complex.
    -[X] [Pillar] Shadow Army.
    [x] Plan: Mage Poets of Crystal and Flesh
    --[x] The deviant human. Incorporate aspects of others to strengthen the body, sprouting a variety of features to accelerate evolution through diversity itself.
    -[x] [Technology] Power Crystals. Naturally forming or artificially created, the crystalline material is inordinately useful while providing a measure of spiritual connection.
    --[x] The esoteric source. The crystals radiate an unknown form of energy that when harvested and channeled properly can induce a variety of distorting effects.
    -[X] [Technology] Magic Circuits. An implant into the human genome, capable of being passed down, that invokes seemingly mystical powers from the body's natural energy reserves.
    --[x] Energy manifest. Potential energy reserves are rapidly transformed into a burst of active kinetic energy manifesting in a variety of forms, all of which are usually destructive in one way or another.
    -[x] [Pillar] Defense Clause. It is enshrined in the tenants of these people to never be the first to draw the sword, only the one who is left standing.
    -[X] [Pillar] Sacred Texts. The art of learning is sacred and must be accorded so, according to these people who would go to extreme lengths to safeguard such knowledge.
    [X] Plan - Bootleg Cybran
    -[X] [Technology] Artificial Intelligence. When software has become so advanced to outpace human learning, the next step is to make the computer that outpaces humanity itself.
    --[X] A digital life. Start from scratch with learning models that improve with every passing moment and experience, limited only by the hardware they are based upon, until they are their own person in totality.
    -[X] [Technology] Robotic Form. The body is but a machine using biology, meaning that a machine of mathematics is can only be superior in comparison.
    --[X] Form extended. Linking flesh to machine until they are one and the same means that one could replace almost all of themselves, at which point one must ask if they are still them.
    -[X] [Technology] Phantom Cloaking. A special material which bends and reflects light surrounding it provides a way for something to practically vanish from visible view.
    --[X] Sensor ghosts. The cloak also discretely interferes with electronic systems to create false readings meant to confuse any sort of detection and recognition software.
    -[x] [Pillar] Defense Clause. It is enshrined in the tenants of these people to never be the first to draw the sword, only the one who is left standing.
    -[X] [Pillar] Shadow Army. Private citizens may call it a gathering of like-minded individuals, others would call it a hired militia ready to act at a moment's notice.
    [X] We are not the warriors you seek.
    -[X] [Technology] Star Metal.
    --[X] Energy itself.
    -[X] [Technology] Powered Armor.
    --[X] Mobility suits.
    -[X] [Technology] Phantom Cloaking.
    --[X] Sensor ghosts.
    -[X] [Pillar] Shadow Army.
    -[X] [Pillar] Defense Clause.
    [X] Plan: Mind Manifest
    -[X] [Technology] Psionic Mind. Targeted activation of certain parts of the human brain along with intense refinement of will result in a psychic awakening of cognitive faculties to translate will into reality.
    --[X] Psychokinesis manipulation. Imagination and willpower made manifest through the concentration of willpower to make it so.
    -[X] [Technology] Dream Gas. An element that is entirely gaseous in its natural state which can then be applied to purposes once only found in imagination.
    --[X] Reagent of imagination. When the gas is added to refining processes, the materials seem to warp and twist under its influence with a new variable in the equation.
    -[X] [Technology] Robotic Form. The body is but a machine using biology, meaning that a machine of mathematics is can only be superior in comparison.
    --[X] Form extended. Linking flesh to machine until they are one and the same means that one could replace almost all of themselves, at which point one must ask if they are still them.
    -[X] [Pillar] Knight's Code. Among those who bear arms, there is a code of conduct and chivalry to be held up to to aspire to be more than just barbarians with brute force, but noble heroes who fight in a certain manner.
    -[X] [Pillar] Merchant Guilds. Exchanging goods and services is sacred to the people, and those who dare seek grand profit in the vastness of the stars revered appropriately.
Origins, Part 2
[X] Plan: The Royal Order of SPACE KNIGHTS
-[X][Technology] Star Metal. When regular earthly metals are fused together under the heat of the stars, the resulting material is an alloy that seems to encompass space itself.
--[X] Forged in fire. The material is stronger than any known compound, and easily withstands much stress in spite of all logic to make it perfect for both armor and blades.
-[X] [Technology] Magic Circuits. An implant into the human genome, capable of being passed down, that invokes seemingly mystical powers from the body's natural energy reserves.
--[X] Form acceleration. A directed form of converting reserve energy into feeding various functions of the body with newfound strength to accentuate one's self.
-[X] [Technology] Powered Armor. Miniaturization of mechanical components gradually accomplish the ability to mount it on exo-suits meant for direct personal control.
--[X] Mobility suits. The mountings highlight and augment one's ability to traverse about, circumventing insurmountable obstacles if need be.
-[X] [Pillar] Knight's Code. Among those who bear arms, there is a code of conduct and chivalry to be held up to to aspire to be more than just barbarians with brute force, but noble heroes who fight in a certain manner.
-[X] [Pillar] Sacred Texts. The art of learning is sacred and must be accorded so, according to these people who would go to extreme lengths to safeguard such knowledge.

The Founding of Helm, and the Founding of Solarium
The first settlers of the planet Helm were a mix of scientists, miners, and metallurgists who had chosen their new home in search of new rare materials to enrich their patrons. Even in the seemingly infinite vastness of space, the factories of humanity were ever hungry for more. So at first, the location was meant to house nothing more than a mining and research colony at first, a simple outreach of their sponsors without a plan for larger growth.

Then, recorded as a popular origin story among your people, star watchers noticed a meteor entering the system on a near-collision course with the local star. This was first observed and noted with idle interest by local experts, who predicted rather mundane results at first and simply recommended attaching a disposable observation drone for data gathering. It was with disinterested expressions they watched the meteor rocket close to the star, with only lazy note-taking recording the meteor's material composition. Yet unknowingly, they had set the course of events for a truly inexplicable turn of fate for their people.

The observation probe that had latched onto the meteor had done so at just the right angle to subtly adjust its path, resulting in a near-slingshot around the star instead of a direct impact. This alone was enough to make most observers sit up in surprise, an accidental error that meant the cosmic entity instead entered a gravitational-assisted trajectory that slingshot around the sun and towards Helm itself. Small mercies that it was only a small meteorite all things considered, but appropriate caution was taken to ensure the impact site would not result in casualties.

After the panic passed and calm reasserted itself, observers checked the observation probes and were shocked. Recordings indicated that when the meteor's composition was exposed to the heat radiated by the stellar body, a previously unknown reaction was observed in which the materials melted and bonded together in a form that defied known alloy projections at the time. Now there was a scramble and race to collect the meteorite once it landed on Helm, with the first to arrive to the scene being a native-born patriot. With shaking hands, they collected the golden lump of what would soon become named 'solarium' and claimed it not in the name of their sponsor, but for the people of Helm. To create the Helmsmen.

Lab stress tests demonstrated that this new material could revolutionize the colony, and it did so. It was stronger than any known material while retaining only a fraction of its weight, leading to a wide variety of uses that turned Helm from an outreach colony into a power on its own right once production of solarium was established. Knowing that this was what made Helm a power in its own right, a strict gag order was issued about its creation process and all involved in the production were given only fragments of the formula related to their work. None save the leaders of Helm would be ever allowed to know the full formula and process, such was the intense secrecy surrounding its creation method.

The first attempts to make more revealed that the slightest error would greatly disrupt the integrity of the final product, with even the already unreliable heating process of using the star being a factor. It meant that the very best and purest solarium could only ever be made under the supervision of a master's eye. The unbalanced and impure forms were still usable, but to a much lesser degree and held far less value. Due to the strict restrictions of such knowledge, it meant that there was only ever going to be a limited amount of solarium, both pure and impure, being manufactured regardless of size.

Yet still, the impure was good enough for many and so, it entered widespread circulation.

The Development of Helm, and the Development of Circuits
New properties about solarium were still being discovered even while it was entering widespread usage across Helm. It wasn't long before everyday human life involved exposure to solarium at least once a day, even if in an impure form. This lead into a very nasty shock when scientists concluded there was a rather unique form of cosmic radiation emanating from the material, even in the lesser form. Thankfully it was swiftly reassured that this was not an immediate danger, and more of a new anomaly about the material needing to be followed up on. Soon, concern faded from public memory and slowly, but surely, the shackles on pure solarium were gently released though never eased with the leaders still maintaining their iron grip on its manufacturing process.

Pure solarium was still extraordinary rare, being made in a method not unlike that of artisans. Its value was immeasurable, to the point where it was considered almost wasteful to use. Thus, those who acquired it so did so more as a symbol of status, displaying their wealth and power openly as those who could lay hands on this incredible material. Pure solarium transitioned into an almost sacred material as a result, its ownership and display a symbol of greatness instead of its usage.

But then, as if that was simply not enough, the boundary for its usage was further pushed. In a rash act that could only be attributed to the recklessness of youth, one of them underwent a procedure in which pure solarium was carefully injected and weaved into the subdermal layer of the skin. This was a procedure only possible thanks to advances in medicine, and after confirming that when properly handled, pure solarium did not interrupt existing biological processes. It was an experiment meant to, at first, merely impress others with one's devotion to demonstration through cosmetic alterations. But once again, an idle curiosity soon blossomed into a new revolution.

When the procedure was complete, the seemingly cosmetic changes which took the form of glowing lines running across the skin were treated as they first were, with mild interest and amusement. Then, anecdotally, the newly augmented youth suddenly pulled an entire wall down on accident. That was when what seemed to be a cosmetic procedure on oneself suddenly became a scientific incident needing further study.

After many tests were run alongside careful biological observation, experts realized that the unique cosmic radiation emanating from solarium did indeed have an effect on the human body, namely by quietly warping some genetic sequences that seemed useless on their own. But what they did in reality was resonate with solarium, seemingly deriding and producing new energy stores drawn in from the background radiation of solarium. In turn then, when pure solarium was injected into the veins of the host, the warped genetic sequencing kicked into overdrive to merge flesh and metal into intricate circuit lines that ran along the body, filled to the brim with extra energy that would enable its host to perform superhuman feats. They were faster, stronger, tougher, and quicker now, more so than the baseline human.

Word of this development spread quickly and soon, pure solarium turned from merely something of incredible worth and property into something practically worshiped as sacred and holy. It did not help that its discovery was seemingly divine intervention itself, a collision of circumstances that had revolutionized once outpost colony into a system of immense wealth and power, fueled by its local stars. The demand for pure solarium skyrocketed as everybody wished for it so, but once again, the exacting nature of its refinement along with the drastically increased secrecy protocols meant that there was only so much that could be produced, both impure and pure.

Then, like much of humanity in space around these times, disaster struck.

The Troubles of Helm, and the Troubles of Guardian Suits
It all began when Helm's existing trade partners began to eye solarium with greed and envy. Soon, they began to demand a handover of the process to make their own solarium. The leaders of Helm rejected this, knowing that the moment the formula was leaked, their people would be reduced to a mere colony outpost once more, vassals to uncaring overlords. At first it was a polite refusal, then as the demands repeated, it became both firmer and more hostile.

Trade was soon cut off and a brutal closed borders policy enforced by the Helmsmen. But just right before, spy teams posing as traders slipped in and made their way quietly to the solarium refinery orbiting around the star. They then forced their way in and attempted to rip the secrets of solarium from the refinery by force, even going so far as to killing the surprised workers to try and maintain their cover. But word spread quickly of the assault and the remainder of the refinery staff were both outraged and terrified, knowing that if the knowledge fell into the wrong hands, the Helmsmen were doomed.

So they, most of them augmented humans by now, took action against this black ops team. But they needed protection, and there was a convenient source nearby in the form of experimental hazard suits meant to shield workers from the intense dangers of working so close to the sun. They had always had them before, but at the height of production for your people, these were made using plates of pure solarium in yet another casual experiment to see if it provided any additional protection against the stellar body.

With yet another turn of fate, it did just that, and more. Far more than what had not only been predicted, but made for when used in combat. Burning circuits of pure solarium in the skin protected by solarium armor sections resonated with one another, leading to even new heights of augmentation and power brought about by this harmonious union. Enhanced eyes allowed them to see the flight of bullets, enhanced reflexes meant that they could evade the projectiles, and enhanced strength gave them the ability to shatter both protective ballistic armor and bones with a single punch.

Unknowingly, they were the first breed for a new kind of warfare to their people, led by the chief refinery manager to drive out these intruders.

When the spies realized the danger, they chose to spite the Helmemen by instead destroying the solarium refinery by disrupting its orbit to cause it to fall into the star. Despite the workers' best efforts, they were ultimately unable to stop the destruction sequence, struggling up until the very last seconds where they desperately threw themselves from the refinery and into the vacuum of space. Their suits built with powerful thrusters for their work near the star allowed them to enter a safe orbit, watching the solarium refinery burn in the consuming stars. Soon, a shuttle came to rescue the survivors and bring the dire news back to Helm.

The loss of the solarium refinery was regarded as a powerful blow to the ego to the Helmspeople, coinciding with the renewed paranoid xenophobia against those who sought their secrets. The closed borders policy was escalated to a total cessation of all traffic, both trade and civilian with grave warning that the penalty for trespass would be death. Then, to the shock and horror of those watching, the FTL beacon which linked the system to the greater galactic community was willingly turned off, a true travesty that bordered on renouncing one's connection to humanity.

This threat of the outside went further still, fueled by earlier paranoid delusions. So eyes then turned to the survivors of the incident, wearing solarium power suits meant initially for just hazardous working conditions but now proving themselves of great combat prowess when combined with the augmented human. Almost immediately, orders for more suits were sent out, consuming even more of the rapidly dwindling stockpiles of pure solarium. These rebranded Guardian suits soon became the face of apex military might, only needing a few trained warriors in suits to match the equivalent of many platoons of ordinary soldiers.

This ultimately proved to be the final tipping point upon which paranoid, delusion, and fear consumed Helm.

Efforts to build a new solarium refinery was soon faced with surprising opposition from all sides when new voices made themselves known. Some called solarium a squandered gift from the divine, and the destruction of the refinery an act meant to humble its widespread usage. A few insisted that instead, it was the curse of solarium that had consumed their people, driving them to an obsession that none would ever be free from. All these and more voices combined to form a staunch anti-establishment movement, one that would insist on a new approach to the usage and distribution of pure solarium.

The present lawmakers and order keepers, already plagued with extreme xenophobia from the recent loss, jumped to false conclusions too soon. That this movement and all other dissenting voices were the work of spies and agents already sown within their populace. They perceived enemies where there had been protests, and so fittingly declared them insurrectionists with only one recourse: military action. In kind, the contrarians declared that only an armed uprising can break the hold solarium had over Helm. Both sides readied themselves for war, convinced that they were right, and deaf to all others calling for peace and reconciliation.

What followed was generations of conflict that was apocalyptic to the Helmsmen. Powered enhanced suits fought one another in the streets, their wielders pushed into killing one another in fulfillment of their sworn duties. All efforts to rebuild the lost solarium refinery were foiled when infrastructure on Helm began to collapse under the weight of such brutal armed conflict. More critically, the knowledge on how to create solarium was seemingly lost in the wars with every destroyed city, every destroyed repository, every destroyed archive. Slowly, surely, a crippling form of technological regression began to set in.

In the end, the Helmsmen obliterated almost every single major population center on their home planet through their infighting, with only populations that lived on the fringes who survived the catastrophes. These few untouched centers picked through the remains of those who came before, scavenging for every iota of pure solarium that could be pulled from broken armor and refashioned into replacement parts. It was unheard of for these suits to not be cobbled together from at least a dozen other models with mismatched connections.

Yet even with such drastic recycling measures, with how pure solarium had to be consume for new wielders to achieve their full potential, the material that had once made the Helmsmen was fading from history and turning into legend. Its true ability to both uplift and cripple civilization had been exposed. The question now was if it was too late to find the necessary balance.

Slowly, surely, these small settlements began to reclaim parts of the ruined planet back. There was still underlying tension, but the destruction beheld was a sobering sight for any with hot heads, so skirmishes were few and brief. Such exchanges were almost always duels between chosen warriors, those who had circuits, suits, or both. In this measured exchanged, a new attitude was developed: that with great might came about responsibilities and duties that only those gifted must bear for the sake of the common human.

The use of solarium transformed from an enabler of great power into a crown, one that was heavy for those who bore the power at their command with the responsibility it came with.

This new disciplined approach to the usage of solarium changed the Helmsmen into an ordered and focused people from their former selves. Those who lived without solarium were those with the least responsibilities, who had only to do their part in society to keep it functioning. But those who lived with it in their veins and bearing its arms must direct said society. It was a code of honor and chivalry, where those with solarium had an obligation to protect those without.

By the end of this period, civilization had rebuilt itself, but in a muted fashion. Without the ability to make more solarium, much of the old world's infrastructure that even used impure solarium was in a bad state of disrepair, and those left with circuits were dwindling every passing year. Small mercies that it had been discovered then that one could acquire biological immortality with enough control over their circuits, but they looked on in worry at their children who could not elevate themselves as such.

That was, until the sacred texts were unearthed.

The Reunification of Helm, and the Reunification of Humanity
A fortuitous discovery of a sealed data vault beneath the ruins of Helm's capital was what first sparked hope. Hope which turned into wonder when it was discovered to be still working after all these long years, and information was carefully coaxed out of it with all the gentleness of revered ancient knowledge. First was the record on the discovery of solarium. Then the doctor reports on circuits. Next the schematics for Guardian suits. And finally, much to the growing awe of the expedition leader, the complete formula for solarium.

At long last, what was once thought lost forever was returned to the people. This time, they would not be so foolish or reckless with it either. The information was still carefully guarded as it was the lifeblood of the Helmsmen, but now it would be sheltered as that of a religious holy text instead of a state secret. Those ordained and trained in the arts of its manufacture would be the only ones permitted to consult it, and those who partook in the gifts the obligation and responsibility to defend the knowledge to their dying breath. The unearthed data vault became a church of knowledge and honor, of where solarium was brought before, blessed, and then gifted to those who swore to become worthy of wielding it so in the name of those who cannot.

Word spread quickly and soon, the survivors of an apocalypse united a single banner, the humans of the planet under one banner once more. It was not long before finally, after so long, the solarium refinery was finally launched and put into orbit around the star, now crewed by those learned and oathsworn to provide for the people. Finally, the FTL beacon was reactivated, broadcasting the system's coordinates and routes back into the greater galactic community. The first ships soon jumped in, curious and shocked to see what had previously been a xenophobic and hostile people now stalwart guardians of knowledge. They were still wary of outsiders, but it was mixed with a hint of practicality and understanding that while solarium could never be shared with others, those who wielded it so were free to bring forth its blessings across the galaxy should they desire.

This resolve coincided then with the arrival of the United Empire, looking to integrate a new people into the greater human community among the stars. Leading the way was none other than the ruling Stellarch at the time, who was more than curious given the wondrous stories of solarium that had now since passed into myth. What they found only reinforced their desire to bring the Helmsmen in as a member of the United Empire, and a passionate plea was made.

In the end, the Helmsmen accepted, adding one last condition in addition to all the normal membership benefits. That their leader at the time, your sire, was to be taken in as a new member of the Stellarch court After much discussion and meetings between the two, the Stellarch agreed and extended a personal hand of welcome to your sire. This agreement turned out to be a mutually beneficial one that helped the United Empire weather a series of crisis in the years to follow, for your sire was indeed great.

They were long lived thanks to the circuits, and in them ran the blood of legends. The great figures of Helm were your direct ancestors, from the first person to lay their hands on that miraculous meteor of solarium to the first one to inject themselves so with the circuits. Then they were related to the ones who were among the first to use Guardian suits in defense of the first solarium refinery and, more recently, the one who led the expedition that excavated the lost data vault that brought greatness back to the Helmsmen.

Your line was great, and your House even more so. It simply meant that your sire had heavy expectations of themselves when they joined the Stellarch's court with naught but duty in mind, the belief that being the lone authority on solarium on the wider stage, they had an oath of responsibility to carry out. In time, the Stellarch themselves would learn of this zealous determination matched with great ability and come to rely upon your sire as a trusted advisor, a close consultant, and a reliable friend above all else.

Such companionship was what enabled the United Empire to weather a series of tumultuous events and happenings in the time, from the aggressive attack of the Free States to the machinations of the Great Houses. Your sire proved their worth time and time again, becoming known as the Stellarch's trusted arm in spite of their barely notable origins. It is recorded so that they were an individual capable of much, but they often preferred to return to your House's specialty. The question was if it was something you were proud of now.

Pick a House name. Write-ins are accepted so long as they are appropriate.
-[ ] [Name] House Auriga

-[ ] [Name] House Uther

-[ ] [Name] House Noctis

-[ ] [Name] House Narita

-[ ] [Name] House Bismarck

-[ ] [Name] House Ryouji
Pick a House banner from the list below, or make one of your own.
-[ ] [Banner] The red star that rises amid the stars above a green wreath.

-[ ] [Banner] A silver sword to the stars, intertwined in petals.

-[ ] [Banner] The window to the forbidden outside, within grasp.

-[ ] [Banner] The crest of Helm, a design inspired by the ancient sponsors who enabled this path.

-[ ] [Banner] A banner of unification, a people reunited and divided no longer.

-[ ] [Banner] A crest of discipline and might, hand in hand as worshiped by your people.

Through the reunification of Helm, a new form of government arose that your House took the reins of, with special titles for various roles of government. Pick or create one (1).
-[ ] [Titles] Praetor King. The Praetor King leads the nation, supported by the Oracles who forge the solarium and the Quaestor Princes who wield it so.

-[ ] [Titles] High Templar. The High Templar leads the nation, supported by the Priests who forge the solarium and the Templar Guardians who wield it so.

-[ ] [Titles] First Councilor. The First Councilor leads the nation, supported by the Advisors who forge the solarium and the Knight Guardians who wield is so.

-[ ] [Titles] Lord Coordinator. The Lord Coordinator leads the nation, supported by the Enshrined who forge the solarium and the Battle Warriors who wield it so.

-[ ] [Titles] Chancellor Prince. The Chancellor Prince leads the nation, supported by the Wisefolk who forge the solarium and the Peace Keepers who wield it so.

-[ ] [Titles] Blade Master. The Blade Master leads the nation, supported by the Forge Smiths who forge the solarium and the Blade Brethren who wield it so.

Your sire stood at the side of none other than the Stellarch themselves, forging an unlikely friendship among the stars built on trust and duty. Choose how they had made a name for themselves by picking one (1) of the options below. This will grant an inheritance aspect for yourself.
-[ ] [Sire] Martial Might. Your sire was the armed fist of the Stellarch, leading loyal vassal soldiers of the United Empire into battle against whatever enemies refused to heed decrees or orders sent forth from the Senate.

-[ ] [Sire] Diplomatic Tongue. Your sire was the gloved hand of the Stellarch, being a silver-tongued diplomat who could be trusted to act reliably on their behalf in whatever negotiations were requested throughout the United Empire.

-[ ] [Sire] Stewardship Mastery. Your sire was the open palm of the Stellarch, a genius adminisrator that could take the poorest worlds of the United Empire and turn them into industrial powerhouses of the United Empire.

-[ ] [Sire] Intrigue Cloak. Your sire was the hidden dagger of the Stellarch, the shadowed spymaster who weaved a web of information across the United Empire to uncover what lurks in the darkness.

-[ ] [Sire] Learned Mind. Your sire was the calculating mind of the Stellarch, the learned and faithful pillar upon which the United Empire turned to in its darkest hours for hope and innovation to come together.
- I do think all this history is slightly too thick, but I feel like it's necessary given that it's your own people's story. In the future, hopefully other factions won't have this long of a backstory unless people actually like this. In which case, huh.
- You can mix and match or create your own for the name/banner/titles, so go wild in case none of these appeal to you.
- Remember that this is what your parent/predecessor has done, who was pretty much the right hand of the Stellarch at their height. The character you will be mainly seeing the eyes through did inherit some talent for that, but nowhere near the degree that they once specialized in unless you too wish to specialize in that category.

24 hour moratorium to build upon your sire's legend.
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Feb 4, 2024 at 12:43 PM, finished with 29 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Sword-Flowers
    -[X] [Name] House Iris
    -[X] [Banner] A silver sword to the stars, intertwined in petals.
    -[X] [Titles] Solar King. The Solar King leads the nation, supported by the Prisms who forge the solarium and the Brilliance Knights who wield it so.
    -[X] [Sire] Martial Might. Your sire was the armed fist of the Stellarch, leading loyal vassal soldiers of the United Empire into battle against whatever enemies refused to heed decrees or orders sent forth from the Senate.
    [X] Plan: The Sword-Flowers (Flower Harder Edition)
    -[X] [Name] House Iris
    -[X] [Banner] A silver sword to the stars, intertwined in petals.
    -[X] [Titles] Solar King. The Solar King leads the nation, supported by the Prisms who forge the solarium and the Blooms who wield it so.
    -[X] [Sire] Martial Might. Your sire was the armed fist of the Stellarch, leading loyal vassal soldiers of the United Empire into battle against whatever enemies refused to heed decrees or orders sent forth from the Senate.
    [X] Plan Stewart of Worlds
    -[X] [Name] House Noctis
    -[X] A large white star in the middle with a golden sword behind it, its pommel, hilt, and blade point all visible. with eight smaller stars of different colours surrounding it in a circle. (made a picture of it using CK3 character gen but couldn't figure out how to upload the pic onto SV from my computer.)
    -[X] [Sire] Stewardship Mastery. Your sire was the open palm of the Stellarch, a genius adminisrator that could take the poorest worlds of the United Empire and turn them into industrial powerhouses of the United Empire.
    -[X] [Titles] First Councilor. The First Councilor leads the nation, supported by the Advisors who forge the solarium and the Knight Guardians who wield is so.
    [X] Plan: Stellar King of Knights
    -[X] House PenDragon
    -[X] A large white star in the middle with a golden sword behind it, its pommel, hilt, and blade point all visible. with eight smaller stars of different colours surrounding it in a circle. (made a picture of it using CK3 character gen but couldn't figure out how to upload the pic onto SV from my computer.)
    -[X] [Titles] Stellar High King The Stellar High King leads the nations, supported by his court of Magi who forge the solarium and the honourable knight order of the round table who wields it so.
    -[X] [Sire] Martial Might. Your sire was the armed fist of the Stellarch, leading loyal vassal soldiers of the United Empire into battle against whatever enemies refused to heed decrees or orders sent forth from the Senate.
Origins, Part 3
[X] Plan: The Sword-Flowers
-[X] [Name] House Iris
-[X] [Banner] A silver sword to the stars, intertwined in petals.
-[X] [Titles] Solar King. The Solar King leads the nation, supported by the Prisms who forge the solarium and the Brilliance Knights who wield it so.
-[X] [Sire] Martial Might. Your sire was the armed fist of the Stellarch, leading loyal vassal soldiers of the United Empire into battle against whatever enemies refused to heed decrees or orders sent forth from the Senate.

If the mention of the Helmsmen with their famed solarium circuits was enough to make people take interest, then the presence of House Iris was what made others pay attention with wide eyes. When civilization was finally firmly reestablished on the planet, it was agreed in accordance to their new philosophies that only the greatest among them could faithfully chart a new course for the Helmsmen upon their return to the galactic community. In particular, it would be a lineage for which the history of their home flows through veins of blood and solarium, intertwined together despite the generations between them.

The decision was made between those wisest and strongest circuit wielders, those whose minds and bodies had been honed and enhanced by solarium for many long years. To them, the gifted, fell the responsibility of selecting who would be honored with the burden of leadership. In the end, the choice was unanimous, all concluding that just as blessed circuits shall run through their skin, blessed too must be the blood if nothing else.

So the day that the beacon was finally lit, your sire was crowned the first Solar King of Helm in a ceremony greatly celebrated by the people. The Prisms, those revered master craftsmen of solarium, approached first and presented to their new liege a new set of armor and arms, one uniquely tailored to their personal preferences to bestow upon them even greater power to accompany their new duties. The Brilliance Knights, those bestowed upon circuits to become defenders of knowledge, were next and they fell to a knee regardless of status, swearing oaths of loyalty to they who had the greatest burden and power among them all.

Your sire accepted both blessings and curses for what they were, duty and might intertwined with faith to create a dutiful leader that was determined to see the faith put into them right. Such zealotry did not go unnoticed when the Stellarch arrived to discussion integration into the United Empire, and your sire stood out as one who would wield great power in carrying out their vows. Perhaps it was for that reason, or some other personal detail which convinced the Stellarch to accept Helm's membership with your sire being directly given a pass into the personal court of House Sol.

No time was wasted at all the moment the deal was agreed upon. Your sire attended theses sessions hosted by the Stellarch without fail, present at every meeting to offer quiet thoughts and suggestions on unfolding events presented in the Senate. These were private and direct meetings without the grand tapestry of tradition or ceremony, simple gatherings between like-minded individuals to discuss the course upon which to steer the United Empire and humanity as a whole.

But even though they had been personally invited, many others of the court were skeptical of your sire's words. Helm was known more for its fierce isolationism until recently, so it was understandable that they looked at your sire with doubt, believing that they were ignorant of the wider galactic politics at play. Even the Stellarch would have to speak up for your sire in some of these moments, defending the inclusion of a newly inducted member-state's leader in this exclusive circle. Your sire calmly accepted the criticism for what it was and took it in stride, going to great lengths to make sure that their people strove to soon match the expected standards of member-states across the United Empire. That was, in their opinion at the time, the truest way to prove themselves equal.

An opportunity presented itself sooner than expected, however. House Sol was the heart of the United Empire, but those surrounding it were powerful in their own right as well, the so-called Great Houses which were the largest member states with might slowly catching up to match the Core. In bid for greater influence, a Great House made a gamble and moved to occupy a Core world through political machinations, an act that sparked much outrage within House Sol. Such an act, if unaddressed, would give the other Great Houses leave to also begin to intrude on the Core. This was a crisis in itself, one that had to be addressed. As the act was done through political maneuvering, it had been thought that words could be enough to address this wrong and the Stellarch made to visit the world in question to resolve this misunderstanding.

However, the Great House had plotted for this so and had already deployed military might to entrench themselves planetside. They had invaded with words, and now they planned to defend with steel. The transport carrying the Stellarch and their entourage was conveniently misidentified and fired upon, a hit forcing the lander to make an emergency descent into the wilderness where a prepared black operations team would ensure that their daring and brazen act would go unpunished.

When they set upon the grounded lander, what greeted them was not the pitiful mewling of diplomats or even the ordered fire of the Stellarch's personal guards. Instead, they found their assault suddenly blunted and turned away by what many thought not human and instead monsters, for they weaved through the attackers with an unnatural prowess and finesse matched by truly frightening strength. Even when engaging range, these individuals boasted incredible reflexes that seemingly allowed them to dodge bullets, a chilling sight that made one wondered what was beneath those helmets. That was if one could escape their reach, which was an exercise in futility itself with how swift these mysterious hunters were.

As it had happened, the Stellarch had chosen your sire to escort them down onto the planet and accordingly, the leader of House Iris had handpicked the highest of the Brilliance Knights to accompany them so. Now for the first time, eyes were once again on the Helmsmen with a singular defining image spread throughout known space, one of your sire stepping forward to bisect an attempted ramming by enemy armor, the Stellarch calmly positioned protectively behind them.

With the ambush a thorough failure and the scheme fully exposed, the Stellarch grimly gave a single order to your sire: to purge this planet of the Great House soldiers. They took it in stride with a simple vow to see it down and received command authorizations to take command of the House Sol army waiting in orbit, the emergency option if the talks had soured (though they hadn't even begun in this case). Some were apprehensive but the act of saving the Stellarch had quieted their concerns, so all turned now to your sire for their orders.

It was then that the legend of the Stellarch's 'Iron Flowers' began.

Within a few cycles, the Great House troops still on the planet surrendered. Another cycle passed and then, acting on orders from House Sol in wake of a refusal to negotiate, House Iris was granted authority to invade one of the Great House's systems with a combination of personal and vassal soldiers. The fight was brutal and fierce, with many victories and defeats on either side, but at the end of the day, the flag of a sword intertwined with petals was flown over the captured system capital.

Negotiations finally began afterwards and your sire surprisingly stayed their blade from further bloodshed, patiently awaiting for new orders even if it meant allowing the enemy to reinforce themselves in anticipation of the coming invasion if talks soured once more. However, word soon came down to stand down and House Iris obeyed without question, a gesture that cemented the Stellarch's intent to simply demand reparations for the damage caused, along with a suggested change in leadership within the Great House. Further concessions made by the Great House were of little relevance to your sire, who simply returned back to the Stellarch's side, the blade sheathed once more for now.

It would not be long before it was drawn once more in service of the United Empire and at the behest of House Sol. From handling internal disputes within member-states to leading military operations against the Free States who rejected the call of unification, Helmsmen and House Iris began to cultivate a reputation within the United Empire of being the sword of the Stellarch, the trusted martial arm upon which might was employed when all else failed to achieve resolution. Some even dared whisper that if House Sol and House Iris ever came to blows against one another, the resulting conflict would be close. Many would wonder just what sort of people could boast to have that kind of power to themselves, to be able to hold a monopoly over such a fantastical material that graced their people with enhanced bodies combined with augmented mobility suits, but remain ultimately subservient to a perceived duty and loyalty.

Little widely known then was that thanks to this cultivated trust and loyalty, your sire had the personal favor of the Stellarch in far more than just official affairs. A close bond of sorts was formed, where your sire unhesitatingly bore whatever duties the Stellarch could not handle to help manage the workload, allowing for House Sol to truly cultivate greatness in what they could. Were it known to the wider public, some could call friendship. Others of a daring sort would go so far as to label it as trust between not leaders, but fellow humans.

These rumors, whispers, and more all combined to make House Iris a well-known name in their region of space, leading way to much speculation that this very well could be a new Great House on the rise. As if then to affirm this ascension, the Stellarch granted Helmsmen ownership of a new recently discovered system, which in itself was normally unremarkable when House Iris had already established new outposts. This one in particular though was observed to be far richer than normal, enough so to act as a true industrial expansion that could serve as a clear step up in the United Empire's hierarchy, to be on the way to becoming a Great House. More than that, it was located in the Frontier, the furthest fringes of occupied space so far, so there would be plenty of room for expansion without the Great Houses being able to have a say in the matter.

To that end, a grand colonization effort was put forth. Your sire themselves would lead the expedition to ensure its success while many of Helm's best volunteered to leave their old homes behind to seek new ones in the untamed Frontier. This included much of House Iris though notably not your sire's primary heir, who would stay behind as a test of independence. You, being some ways away from the position, bore no such exception and thus joined without any sort of reservations.

Truth be told though, you were something of an overlooked potential successor to House Iris, with your sire having had many other options throughout their long life. It wasn't that you weren't incompetent so, otherwise you would have never qualified for having solarium circuits implanted into you. It wasn't that you weren't ill-suited either, you had learned a bit from your sire as well as having your own specialty either. It wasn't that you were unpopular especially, not when you had your own devoted follower who stuck by your side through thick and thin.

It was just that you were, simply put, not very interested in the leadership position and had no grand ambition or drive to take it directly. If it were to fall to the designated heir or one of your siblings, so be it. You had already carved a niche for yourself within House Iris that you were quite happy with, enjoying the benefits and duties of your assigned specialty in spite of being so distant from the crown. That was quite fine in fact, you had how rather stressful the position was and wondered how your sire could bear it all.

Then you shook your head and returned to stowing away your belongings and effects, making sure that they would be all secured for the impending FTL drive spin up. You glanced at a wall-mounted mirror, then turned to face a knock at your cabin door. You already knew it was your trusted aide and close friend, wanting to check up and perhaps spend time with you while the final beacon calculations were being commuted.

You gave yourself one last long look in the mirror before speaking up.

Pick your current title.

-[ ] [Title] Solar Prince

-[ ] [Title] Solar Princess

Pick your name. Write-ins are accepted so long as they are appropriate.

-[ ] [Name] Pip Iris

-[ ] [Name] Ariel of Iris

-[ ] [Name] Weisz de Iris

-[ ] [Name] Hai von Iris

Pick your specialty, along with your personality.

-[ ] [Specialty] Martial. You are well-versed in military leadership and strategy, as well as being a good fighter yourself if the moment calls for. You could also put out a pretty good rousing speech yourself to inspire your soldiers or discourage enemies.
--[ ] War Life. "All I know all my life is how to fight. I don't care as to the greater background behind war, all I need is a reason, and comrades to fight alongside with!"

--[ ] Lazy Tactician. "War is such a waste of effort for all, from the industry put in to the politicking to not use it at all. Better to just resolve this with a few efficient strokes, so I don't have to think so hard."

--[ ] Cowardly Hero. "Listen, I saw the opportunity to withdraw and ordered it so to save my skin. How was I supposed to know we were going to run into a stealth flanking enemy force on the way, one that we routed no less!"

-[ ] [Specialty] Diplomacy. You are a smooth talker, one that can persuade and convince others to see your argument while sympathizing with that of others. You can weave together alliances with bonds of friendship and trust while sowing seeds of distrust and suspicion among united enemies.
--[ ] Smiling Fox. "Oh my, I do rather like this proposal. I suppose though it lacks finesse in some regards, perhaps I ought to offer some advice for next time. Or should I not? It would be quite amusing if nobody else understood this."

--[ ] Humbly Misunderstood. "How did you get 'put me in charge' from 'we should have a leader!' I only just brought us together for a causal talk, I hadn't intended on this becoming talks for an alliance!"

--[ ] Dragged Introvert. "I really didn't want to attend at first, but then if there's some food, I guess I'll come along. Maybe I could even get the others talking with each other instead to leave me alone."

-[ ] [Specialty] Stewardship. You are a skilled industrialist, understanding the pull and push of the economy in all things. You know how to persuade the right businesses to sponsor a development and can strike a profit for all, except your enemies.
--[ ] Opportunity Wolf. "Of course it'd be a major scandal if our agreement became public. But that's only if we get caught, otherwise we both stand to profit quite richly. Now then, let's start this party!"

--[ ] Golden Hands. "Money, money, money! Look at that glint of coin, and tell me that you don't understood it's tantalizing gleam that is the lifeblood of this, and any other galaxy!"

--[ ] Sleeping Genius. "Ah, all the latest adjustments and proposals are already approved and are in motion. Please, just let me sleep to the sound of profits in the background."

-[ ] [Specialty] Intrigue. You are adept at keeping out of sight, out of mind with your schemes. Unexplained events may occur that benefit solely you, but few can make the connection to trace the cause back to the plotter in the shadows.
[ ] Hidden Protector. "What goes on behind the scenes is nasty and ugly. But if it can make a beautiful world, then it all feels worth it for me to let others take the spotlight."

--[ ] Domino Webs. "To think, all it takes is a little push with my finger to have everything cascade into a chain of events that puts me ahead of my competition. Now then, push that button for me."

[ ] Secret Seller. "You know, selling out this country is going to be incredibly profitable! Just as soon as I find the right buyer to take care of it after I disappear. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to plump it up a bit more to inflate my asking price."

-[ ] [Specialty] Learning. You are a learned mind, more so than most with an intellect and enthusiasm that few could match. Your belief and knowledge is strength that others can look towards with envy and longing for fantastical reasons.
--[ ] Information Disciple. "The secrets of our people are mighty and great, which makes safeguarding them above all else the right thing. I have little interest in anything else."

--[ ] Research Enthusiast. "The cutting-edge is always moving forwards, so will I! Safety? Bah, a word for the last generation, the future is now!"

--[ ] Gilded Saint. "All I have to do is smile and wave, and the people love me for doing nothing else! They even call me a blessed soul, what a riot!"

Pick a trusted aide. They are those who know your true self and accept it regardless, knowing to speak of it only in private settings.
-[ ] [Aide] Vivi, Rose Knight. Hailing from a lesser but no less honored line on Helm, Vivi was the result of an illegitimate union and was thus disinherited from succeeding anything from her sire. She languished for a while, trapped in a gilded cage until you intervened and persuaded her guardians to give her a chance with solarium. Now, she is sworn to repaid your gratitude by being your arm no matter what, sometimes a bit too enthusiastically.

-[ ] [Aide] Ian, Chrysanthemum Knight. The son of a distinguished captain who had served your sire as their vessel through the stars. He seeks to follow in the footsteps of his sire and was thus assigned to be your minder, a task that was at first disliked. But since then, over time, you two have since eventually bonded together to be just as close as your respective sires. He's loyal without a doubt, and you've heard rumors of him defending you in honor duels between other officers.

-[ ] [Aide] Radana, Camellia Knight. Radana had always exuded a distinguished sort of atmosphere even when she was a young child. She's always hosting some sort of tea party, freely inviting all those to settle their disagreements or friendships at her behest. That was how you two actually met, with you being her first human guest instead of with stuffed animals. She greatly appreciates your company and wants to make sure you are always available for more tea. Just make sure it's the right one.

-[ ] [Aide] Anakin, Poppy Knight. With the Helmsmen encouraging merit as a way to advance in society, there are those who tend to possess incredible ability but little finesse. Anakin is one such individual, having so thoroughly demolished any organized debate opponent in an uncouth and mocking manner. He professes himself to be realpolitik and is unhesitating critical of things, stating them as they were without any sort of dressing. This almost proved to be his downfall had you not been practical to intervene. He's glad that there's at least one other frank individual around.

-[ ] [Aide] Dionysus, Dandelion Knight. Honor and duty may dictate how Helmsmen act, but it is coin that enables such actions and Dionysus knows it well. His sire contributed much supporting the war effort of your own sire, in exchange for the opportunity for their aforementioned child to be given a chance to be inducted into the Blossom Knights. At first, the young child was clearly out of his depth and at risk of being considered unworthy, had you not stepped in and acted like a tutor to aid him so. Now he wonders how much aid he could provide as a full knight would be the appropriate payment for your help.

-[ ] [Aide] Kat, Hyacinth Prism. Prisms are more often than not somewhat reclusive, and Kat fits that stereotype with a nervous demeanor outside her workshop. Many wondered if she was going to be a shut-in forever until you yourself stumbled on her work, only to find her overflowing with life and excitement when working on various projects bordering on revolutionary. The only thing is that she has issue expressing her thoughts outside her safe space, but enough time spent with you has her slowly considering you as a safe companion to freely speak without fear of criticism.

-[ ] [Aide] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight. No matter how far down you were in the chain of succession, you still were a member of House Iris and thus needed a minder willing to keep you safe, no matter the cost. Dorothea was selected to be that protector, chosen for a combination of talent and similar age to ease social interaction between you. She at first was fully committed solely to a professional relationship, but a few close calls over the years has finally gotten you two to open up to each other. Now she sees it less as a duty, and more of a personal desire.

-[ ] [Aide] Algirdas, Dahlia Knight. Algirdas, as a young orphan, had the gall to try and pickpocket from an incognito Brilliance Knight in the market. He was almost immediately caught but instead of being disciplined, your sire saw great potential in those determined eyes and raised him as if their own child, albeit without a claim to House Iris. He and you were of identical age when you were first raised, and so you two became close, more so than even whatever blood siblings you had. Beneath his jovial and friendly attitude is a willingness to do whatever you ask, believing it to be the only way to make sure an orphan would never attempt what he had done as a child with a less generous knight.

-[ ] [Aide] Atlanta, Blossom Prism. When one considers those few masters on the art of making pure solarium, Atlanta is consistently named as one of those experts capable of doing so. It almost didn't turn out that way, given that during her tutelage she had been the boisterous and revolutionary lot that didn't take well to rigid teachings. On the verge of being expelled despite her prodigious skill, you took time to aid her in adopting the strict lessons into something more relaxed and freeform, enabling more Prisms to follow in her footsteps in the future. She's still loud, but she's got your back no matter what.

-[ ] [Aide] Barakat, Lilic Knight. In Barakat's youth, he had been a fearsome Brilliance Knight on the ground, fighting under your sire though many campaigns. But a combination of battlefield injuries and promotions up the ranks resulted in him being chosen as a lifeguard for you. He had been greatly opposed to the role at first, but has since devoted an obscene amount of time in learning whatever he could to pass onto you. He is a trusted mentor and veteran for you, willing to be a source of direct criticism or feedback for your efforts.
- This comes a little bit later than I had planned, but brain is mush. We ball regardless.
- Your aide background does not have to match your own chosen background, but there could be narrative synergy to work off it. Consider that an aide picked here is going to basically be your confident to your inner thoughts- the others can still appear later, but are not so close. So pick wisely.
- The 'Reluctant' in the title is sorta literal based off these personalities, don't you think?

24 hour moratorium to make yourself.
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