Tenten's hell is eerily similar to Gossip Girl.
Yeah, that's what happens when your only family is a group of antisocial guys.
Lee is an orphan, Gai probably terrifies people out of getting closer , and Neji is too busy with bad boy angsting to have developed much in the way of family ties.
There is a reason why he turned to Tenten as a sparring partner for developing Gentle Fist techniques.
Just an FYI, but bringing Ino to Tenten's training is much more likely to give Shikamaru intel on Tenten than it is to get Tenten intel on Shikamaru.
So there is that.
I doubt she's an intentional spy, but she'll probably leak something unintentionally.
But that was always a risk with trying to scout Shika.
The juice is worth the squeeze though.
Given our significant lack of social contacts who can help in future training, cultivating connected clan kids who do know people and can recommend them is kinda important to our future development.
Besides, all of our team pretty clearly exhibited our specialties during the exams; not much secret there.
Shikamaru OTOH didn't do much fighting; his opponent walked right into his trap card and got hammered.
Sparring with Ino will give us some insight into the general conditioning level of her team, without us asking a thing.
Is it wise to have the teammate of our first opponent in the finals train with us?
Ideal? No. But the juice is worth the squeeze.
Tenten does not have enough in the way of social contacts or friends to turn away people because paranoia.