Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 40 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[9] "Humanity is in danger. The Shiplords are on their way here, will be here in little more than three years. Much has already been done to prepare, but we cannot leave any stone unturned, and so I have come seeking whatever help you have to offer."
[6] To seek what truth I may find, to best heal and protect humanity
[2] I have completed my duty to my family. I now come to take you up on your offer and learn how to do my duty to humanity.
[2] "I came here because I want to heal the deepest wounds the Shiplords have left on humanity as a collective. All our accomplishments, all our efforts have revolved around the Shiplords- of how to fight them, how to avoid their notice until the time to strike. Ever since humanity was originally brought down by them- we have been casted in their shadow, made our decisions based around them,
lived to spite and defy them. No more, humanity deserves to live for itself, to decide for itself, to get it's own soul back- marred but still whole. And for that I need whatever the First Elders have to offer, in order to heal the wounds humanity earned in the past, we need to guarantee them a future"
[1] Humanity is in danger. I need whatever I can get to protect it.
[1] "Understanding and help. The shiplords sent another Tribute fleet which will arrive latest in three years, and humanity needs any edge it can get to survive it. And what comes after. So, any help you can offer to beat the shiplords, and any help to understand what Practice is would be appreciated."
Total No. of Voters: 21
Will call this when I get home from work tonight. I don't expect the tally to change much, but this is your final opportunity.