[4] Concert Set
[3] Multi-tool
[2] Void Crystal
[1] Nothing

'Nothing' simply interpreted as "I'm myself the tool".
Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 37 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[1] Void Crystal
[2] Nothing
[3] Concert Set
[4] Multi-tool

Total No. of Voters: 20

I'll call this vote in 10-12 hours.
Bah. Void Crystal, really? Is there any IC justification for this? If the Tool is meant to be used in the test, then what is the point of taking something we can't use? If the Tool itself is part of the test - that is, if we are judged on which tool we took - then what virtues do we display by bringing an item that we don't know what to do with?

I understand the choice of Concert Set; it is the finest representation of the practice we have chosen to pursue this past decade, and it will help if we need to talk to people, especially groups.
I understand the choice of Multi-tool; it is the best option if we need to do stuff with our practice physically.
I understand the choice of Nothing; it is a bold statement to whatever is evaluating us.

But Void Crystal, I just don't see.
Primal, it's a mystery box option. This is SV. I'm kinda feeling bad saying this, but what did you expect? <3
Bah. Void Crystal, really? Is there any IC justification for this? If the Tool is meant to be used in the test, then what is the point of taking something we can't use? If the Tool itself is part of the test - that is, if we are judged on which tool we took - then what virtues do we display by bringing an item that we don't know what to do with?

I understand the choice of Concert Set; it is the finest representation of the practice we have chosen to pursue this past decade, and it will help if we need to talk to people, especially groups.
I understand the choice of Multi-tool; it is the best option if we need to do stuff with our practice physically.
I understand the choice of Nothing; it is a bold statement to whatever is evaluating us.

But Void Crystal, I just don't see.

Neither does the main character, or her genius best friend who was there when she made it. The reasoning is along the lines of, "Well, we were clearly driven to make this miraculous object for some reason, and it seems likely to be this."
The reasoning is along the lines of, "Well, we were clearly driven to make this miraculous object for some reason, and it seems likely to be this."
That only makes sense in narrative logic. "Oh, the mysterious thing I made decades ago is actually exactly the thing I happened to need!" Yes, this is a game, and these sorts of things happen in games - but the characters aren't supposed to know that.
That only makes sense in narrative logic. "Oh, the mysterious thing I made decades ago is actually exactly the thing I happened to need!" Yes, this is a game, and these sorts of things happen in games - but the characters aren't supposed to know that.
Practice is literally magic, as are the Secrets themselves. Narrative logic could totally apply.
That only makes sense in narrative logic. "Oh, the mysterious thing I made decades ago is actually exactly the thing I happened to need!" Yes, this is a game, and these sorts of things happen in games - but the characters aren't supposed to know that.
Practice is all about magical thinking and narrative logic; it very explicitly does not function according to physical laws, and seems to be intertwined with souls, which the physical universe tells us don't exist.

Not saying I don't agree that it's a perplexing choice. That's why I voted for Concert Set. I can, however, see why so many liked it.
Practice is literally magic, as are the Secrets themselves. Narrative logic could totally apply.
Practice is not narrative magic. There are magic system which are inherently linked to narrative (such as Pact), and more generally worlds where "there is no such thing as a coincidence" and similar narrative tropes are actually built into the metaphysics. This is not such a world.
Alright, extending the vote deadline to tomorrow morning. I'll do an infodump post regarding what you're discussing when I get home in about three hours.

Clarity is important.
[1] Concert Set
[2] Multi-tool
[3] Void Crystal
[4] Nothing

Most Practice is about tool making and use. This was even more true of the first Potentials who didn't have the range of themes prevalent now. A tool we can use is the best fit for the likely mindset of the ones who left this place.
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Alright, some things that seem to have come up here and that I feel need addressing.

First off, let's talk about souls.

As you probably should have guessed from narrative description as well as various available Learning actions, Souls exist in this universe. This was theoretically proven before the Week of Sorrows, and much of what Mary has been trying to do to understand how Practice and Potentials work is practical exploration of the field. At present human science can take pictures of souls, that's how you know about the imprint the Dragons gave humanity, but it's hard to go deeper than that. Every human has a varying amount of power sitting in those imprints, but it's not an equal split. Potentials have 80-90% of it between them, the rest of humanity has what's left. That's about the limit of your knowledge on the subject at present.

This has some important links to Practice. Now, let's talk about that a little.

I think I've discussed this before, but it was a while ago. Practice is an exertion of the power that's been woven into humanity's souls, channeled through the imprint that contains it. From the basic theory Mary has come up with (and the fact that it's only basic should tell you something) trying to just dump power into a soul ends badly for all involved. You also need to put the right kind of power in, and you've got no clue how to manipulate or generate that. Obviously the Dragons worked out part of that, but they weren't able to put enough energy into humanity's imprints. This lends some credence to the idea that the souls of a species are all linked, but that's just an idea. Some key points, however:

The Secrets are...complicated. The easiest way to describe them is as a fusion of science and belief made into something real. Scientists discovered the First and Second secrets, but if humanity hadn't believed that there was more out there, we might not have ever found a way to unlock them. The First secret gave a means to move through space-time in a way that had never even been imagined before, a method that remains the Shiplords' primary means of FTL travel. It worked in defiance of physics, in defiance of every theory that said its energy cost should be higher than the annual power output of earth.

Actually understanding what the Secrets are beyond what they do is something that Insight isn't even sure that the Shiplord's know. It's certainly beyond you right now. What they can do, however, is incredible. The First Secret gave humanity the stars - or would have without the Shiplords being what they are. The Second gave you genetic engineering on a truly incredible scale. The dragons were a product of this, but because of how they were made they weren't automatons. You made protectors, but in doing so extended the family of humanity. No, before you ask, the dragons weren't once humans. But you made sentient beings, living things with a powerful protective instinct keyed to humanity, and engineered as much in the way of power into them as you could.

What they gave you was a product of their intelligence, however. They had some ability to manipulate the world around them, something that had not been engineered but simply happened. It's what led humanity to reality physics. And when they died...well no one has any idea how they did it, but they passed that gift on. Somehow.

Further research could discover more.

Cliff notes, the Secrets and Practice aren't magic. Not really. They seem like it sometimes, but that's just a matter of not understanding what's beneath them. We're talking something different about the way that this reality works. And this is where some misconceptions seem to have crept into things.

Narrative logic is not a thing for Practice. It can apply on a metaphysical level, yes, but you're only just beginning to be able to do that.

Let's be clear, there is no wrong answer to this vote. That's part of why I was so glad that spike suggested a priority vote, I'd completely forgot about them. And in general I won't correct what might or might not be faulty logic. But I will say this: precog like what @Lailoken suggested to create things is something that a multi-person Trance might be able to do, but we're talking months (maybe years) and not decades. You made this item alone. It's strange, yes, and I will admit to it being a blatant mystery box option. That said, the reasoning for people springing for it seems to be just because of that mystery box nature, and...I can't help but find it difficult to parse that as an IC motivation.

Again, no wrong answers, etc, and I do know how I'll probably explain it if it wins.

I'm going to bed now, but if people have further questions, I'll be happy to try and answer them in the morning. If there's more discussion, I'll extend the vote deadline again. To be honest, I expected I'd have to do it once, this is an important decision.

Current vote tally:

Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 37 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[1] Concert Set
[2] Void Crystal
[3] Multi-tool
[4] Nothing

Total No. of Voters: 22
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You made this item alone. It's strange, yes, and I will admit to it being a blatant mystery box option. That said, the reasoning for people springing for it seems to be just because of that mystery box nature, and...I can't help but find it difficult to parse that as an IC motivation.
Void Crystal - it's an expression of our soul through Practice we don't have a conscious clue about (so far my interpretation). So, in the absence of hard data about what we are going to face beyond the door, why not take the thing that illustrates a (Practice) part of us we cannot explain just yet?

Edit: Added a quote to make clear what I'm referring to.
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Void Crystal - it's an expression of our soul through Practice we don't have a conscious clue about (so far my interpretation). So, in the absence of hard data about what we are going to face beyond the door, why not take the thing that illustrates a (Practice) part of us we cannot explain just yet?
This seems like a very strange question to ask the QM? This seems better aimed at the voter base, since the subject of the question is meant to be as mysterious as it is, meaning that answering the question is... self defeating?

Anyway, point is that you should probably rephrase the question, because it sounds like your trying to peak at the story notes right now. No spoilers!
If phrased as a statement more than a question, it actually makes a reasonable amount of sense. Thanks!

Anyway, calling it.

Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 37 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[1] Concert Set
[2] Void Crystal
[3] Multi-tool
[4] Nothing

Total No. of Voters: 23

Vote is now Closed.
If we were meeting some skilled Elders directly and merely looking to improve our own Practice then taking the crystal so we can say "I made this but what does it do?" would be a good idea. However, we're going to investigate something that the pragmatic and warlike Elders felt they had to lock away and our priority is not personal growth so a random factor is unlikely to be helpful.

The crystal is better than going in empty handed - it's a product of our Practice and if its use does crop up we'll probably realise and probably work out how to apply it. We have two better choices though.

edit: Stop campaigning? But I've had all these bumper stickers made up.
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