[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already - now, with hugs
-[X] Fly to Mary and Iris, because this is something best discussed in person.
-[X] To Mary: We both knew this was coming, we both know how important this is, and we both know that I'd still rather be here with you and Iris. I'll be back as soon as I can.
-[X] To Iris: We discussed this, and I know you want to help, and in truth I really want to show you off, but right now we don't know how they'll react to you. There's plenty of time to impress them later.
-[X] To both: hugs

This works.
And letting Iris know to keep Mary company while we're away works.
-[x] Offer to let them come along if they want to and if Mary thinks it's a good idea (but they'll have to get their own rides)
Mary is a squishy biological, and arguably even more fragile than Iris.
Furthermore, her presence serves no real purpose; Iris at least is a representative of the human AI subspecies .
Why would we want her there?
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[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already

So I just did a reread of this entire story.
((you might have noticed the likes ;)))​
If Amanda is trying to not be seen as a godess she's doing a pretty bad job.
The thing I'm looking forward the most right now is the reaction of the aliens to humanity's history and/or more specifically Amanda's history.
She's even more of a scientist than Amanda is. It could be very valuable to have her on-site for debriefing after the diplomatic contact.
Exactly. She's a scientist, not a diplomat.
She'll have access to full telemetry of anything that Earthgov ajudges necessary.
She isn't a Practice-user, or bonded to a Unison platform; there's nothing her physical presence will give her that sensors aren't capable of doing better.

Literally the only reason she should be there would be if Iris was visiting and wanted an escort, in which case having her mundane human caretaker helps with the image of portraying how humanity treats it's children, created or born.

This is their first Contact team, not a scientific or educational team.
There is no reason for the greatest mundane scientist of the Earth system to be here during initial negotiations.
Mary is irreplaceable, and a much squishier NPC than most. Keep her away.
I really just turned all your fear off with that Raksha comment way back when, didn't I :V

Also, tfw discussion about things but only two votes ;-; Questbase pls!

It's the internet, someone's wrong. :p Also I'm totally not worried about the Raksha, I know how they work. ;)

(But yea, I learned to not worry about problems that might not even exist. Plan in case? Sure. But not stress over it)

[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already

If Amanda is trying to not be seen as a godess she's doing a pretty bad job.
The thing I'm looking forward the most right now is the reaction of the aliens to humanity's history and/or more specifically Amanda's history.
Still hoping that Amanda ends up having to live with being a religious figure, in spite of herself. God-Empress of Mankind!

Ok, not hoping. Planning to laugh my ass off it the dice will it tho.
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She's getting there. Splitting her tasking like that isn't exactly hard, but it's a skill that is still in process of being mastered. In general? Yes, she could just project herself. That said, it's not exactly the same. She does use that ability on occasion when she needs to, but she seems to prefer her avatar when she's around people. Although it does quite effectively hide your ability to construct a chassis capable of synthesising an organic's physical existence. If you want to do that.
The point would be more to let Iris attend without exposing her very expensive and more fragile than data body to the alien diplomatic contingent that hasn't passed a truly stringent security screen (and won't, because a complete workup would require the kind of probing that most species would likely be uncomfortable with). I still don't think it's a particularly good idea: right now is time for introductions and developing a rapport, not for opening up and introducing soon-to-be business partners to our family. That's about two or three steps down the line at best.
The point would be more to let Iris attend without exposing her very expensive and more fragile than data body to the alien diplomatic contingent that hasn't passed a truly stringent security screen (and won't, because a complete workup would require the kind of probing that most species would likely be uncomfortable with). I still don't think it's a particularly good idea: right now is time for introductions and developing a rapport, not for opening up and introducing soon-to-be business partners to our family. That's about two or three steps down the line at best.
Plus, remember the Shiplords still compromise plenty of people along the aliens even with their super agents doing constant checks and elimination of compromised individuals. I wouldn't bet on them having been able to eliminate every single Shiplords agent from the fleet.
Unlike Humanity 2.0

Bets on the station discovering Shiplord plants?
Well, we know their standard tricks, but I'd be astonished if the Nilean Community hasn't known those for centuries and devised counters. Their conflict with the Shiplords seems to be a tit-for-tat covert ops war which somehow involves suborned and/or covertly inserted biologically invasive nanites that have invaded their own covert military vessels, which is a bit astonishing because it implies that the Shiplords have regular physical access to Nilean ships.
The SL have been on top of the pile for >1M years, they must have a lot of (dirty) tricks in their historical databases.

Edit: That means I'm sure there are surveillance means of the SL with the contact fleet, I'm just unsure whether or not we recognize them (all).
I don't believe that most species manage to completely locate and recover EVERY hidden tombstone ship for one thing... I wouldn't be shocked if Humanity had far more skill with cyberwarefare than anyone else at this point. (Practice+AI+assertive VI's+....)

And then the GM spawns more hidden Tombstone ships to spite me. :p

(edit) And then Snowfire rates me Insightful. *sighs*
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because it implies that the Shiplords have regular physical access to Nilean ships.

Not at all. It means that they have some method to get to Nilean military personnel when they're on leave, despite regular security screening. There's more to it than that, on both side, but just because they were able to subvert a high ranking officer in their navy doesn't mean that they, y'know, stuck something on the window of the ship to do so.

Anyway, I was busier than expected yesterday, so I'll see about getting the baseline 'status screen' deal for the negotiations done today. Assuming the weather doesn't banjack my internet, of course.

Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 367 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 9163-9205]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already
-[X] Fly to Mary and Iris, because this is something best discussed in person.
-[X] To Mary: We both knew this was coming, we both know how important this is, and we both know that I'd still rather be here with you and Iris. I'll be back as soon as I can.
-[X] To Iris: We discussed this, and I know you want to help, and in truth I really want to show you off, but right now we don't know how they'll react to you. There's plenty of time to impress them later.
No. of Votes: 4
[x] Plan If You Want to Tag Along
-[x] Fly to Mary and Iris because this needs to be discussed in person
-[x] Get Mary's opinion
-[x] Offer to let them come along if they want to and if Mary thinks it's a good idea (but they'll have to get their own rides)
-[x] If Iris wants to come, recommend that she use her holographic avatar when meeting with the aliens (no obvious reason to say no to bringing her real body to Concordia though)
-[x] Verify the plans with Adriana and the security team
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already - now, with hugs
-[X] Fly to Mary and Iris, because this is something best discussed in person.
-[X] To Mary: We both knew this was coming, we both know how important this is, and we both know that I'd still rather be here with you and Iris. I'll be back as soon as I can.
-[X] To Iris: We discussed this, and I know you want to help, and in truth I really want to show you off, but right now we don't know how they'll react to you. There's plenty of time to impress them later.
-[X] To both: hugs
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Plan Why am I the one to make the plan?
-[X] Call up both Mary and Iris immediately. Lead up with the arrival of the delegation of other species. (OOC - since we told Adri not to bother with locking the lagless data we want to be the ones to break the news to them)
-[X] Tell them you're coming home to give them a hug and a kiss, but you'll have to leave for Concordia right after (OOC - this is full of guesses and assumptions)
-[X] Tell them that you invite them to join you on Concordia at their convenience (read - as soon as possible, you'd very much like their support).
-[X] Tell them you are genuinely sorry you cannot take them with you, but Sidra isn't exactly designed for passengers.
-[X] And contact Adri to tell them of their decision to join you or not.
-[X] Call up both Mary and Iris immediately. Lead up with the arrival of the delegation of other species.
-[X] Tell them you're coming to give them a hug and a kiss, but you'll have to leave for Concordia right after. Suit your actions to your words and fly to them if you aren't already.
-[X] Naturally, they're welcome to join you on Concordia at their convenience (read - as soon as possible, you'd very much like their support).
-[X] Apologise you cannot take them with you right away, but Sidra isn't exactly designed for passengers. Promise you'll work on it.
-[X] And contact Adri to tell her you've extended the invitation to your family as well, so any help is appreciated.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 8

I'd prefer a few more votes before I close this, however.
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BTW, is my vote okay? I'm concerned mostly because my assumption is that Amanda has talked this over with Mary and Iris already, and she's not springing this on them--Mary especially--for the first time today.

Completely fine. You have talked about it before, this is just a "how do you resolve the matter" question.
(edit) And then Snowfire rates me Insightful. *sighs*
He also rated me 'Insightful'; perhaps he's just likebombing on a phone and missing the correct pixel?
I could have just been rating you Insightful regarding other races not finding all the Tombstone platforms and other little widgets that the Shiplords leave floating around! Why must you always suspect me so ;-;
Although history seems to indicate otherwise, I stick to the myth of people being able to learn from past experience.
Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 367 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 9163-9219]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
[X] Plan I'm Sure We Planned For This Already
-[X] Fly to Mary and Iris, because this is something best discussed in person.
-[X] To Mary: We both knew this was coming, we both know how important this is, and we both know that I'd still rather be here with you and Iris. I'll be back as soon as I can.
-[X] To Iris: We discussed this, and I know you want to help, and in truth I really want to show you off, but right now we don't know how they'll react to you. There's plenty of time to impress them later.
No. of Votes: 8
[x] Plan If You Want to Tag Along
-[x] Fly to Mary and Iris because this needs to be discussed in person
-[x] Get Mary's opinion
-[x] Offer to let them come along if they want to and if Mary thinks it's a good idea (but they'll have to get their own rides)
-[x] If Iris wants to come, recommend that she use her holographic avatar when meeting with the aliens (no obvious reason to say no to bringing her real body to Concordia though)
-[x] Verify the plans with Adriana and the security team
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Plan Why am I the one to make the plan?
-[X] Call up both Mary and Iris immediately. Lead up with the arrival of the delegation of other species. (OOC - since we told Adri not to bother with locking the lagless data we want to be the ones to break the news to them)
-[X] Tell them you're coming home to give them a hug and a kiss, but you'll have to leave for Concordia right after (OOC - this is full of guesses and assumptions)
-[X] Tell them that you invite them to join you on Concordia at their convenience (read - as soon as possible, you'd very much like their support).
-[X] Tell them you are genuinely sorry you cannot take them with you, but Sidra isn't exactly designed for passengers.
-[X] And contact Adri to tell them of their decision to join you or not.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 11

Alright, that'll do it.

Vote Closed
Mini-turn: Second Contact - Part 1
"Mary! Iris!" You called from the door to the Residence. Saying no to Adri hadn't been an option. The Contact Fleet promised so much, you knew, but it wasn't without dangers. The dominance of the Shiplords was one that had endured as much through trickery as through strength, after all. Over a million years of life had given them plentiful time to master every way in which the Secrets at their command could be used to break the unity of those who passed their tests. The security apparatus that you'd helped build had been enough to break the hold that the Tribute Fleet had left behind in Sol, and you knew that the relevant Ministries had worked tirelessly to try and ensure that Concordia would be secure. But no one could be sure that it would be enough.

"Mandy?" Mary's question was rife with confusion, but it confirmed her location. A moment later, you were blurring through rooms and up a flight of stairs.

In other words, Adri's request had been more than just asking you to represent humanity. The type of subversion that you knew was most commonly used by the Shiplords wouldn't work on you, it required physical contact that your Aegis wouldn't allow to occur. More importantly, you might even be able to sense the presence of that sort of control. It wasn't a sickness, but if your reaction to the Shiplord craft during the Second Battle of Sol was any indicator, it would be close enough for you to feel.

"I thought you we-" was all that your friend got out before you swept through the door she was standing by, catching her around the waist to stop her from falling. Iris giggled at the display from the couch, but it was clear she was confused too. Setting Mary down on her feet again, you stepped back.

"I know, I was planning on working with the Ministerial teams through the day. But something came up. Something big." Sidra shifted data into the Residence holo projectors, and you saw Iris' eyes start to widen a fraction of a second before the image sprang to life. "The Contact Fleet is here, and Adriana's asked me to do what we knew she would." Mary sucked in a breath, then sighed gently as she recognised the lines of your face.

"And you agreed." She said softly.

"We both knew this was coming, and how important it is." You caught her hand and pulled her gently across to where Iris was sitting. "You know I'd rather be here, with you and Iris, but this is so much bigger than just us." There were more words that you could have spoken, but they'd all been said before. As the deadline for the Contact Fleet's arrival had drawn closer, you'd talked of it a great deal, and how you'd be almost certain to play a part in it. You could have refused to, but Mary had never once suggested it. But there was something you could give her, at least. "Adri asked me to be there for the initial contact stages, a month or two at most. That's all I agreed to," you saw the worry in her eyes, its source her knowledge of who you were. "And all that I will, I promise."

She nodded, and a wan smile forced its way past the fear as you turned your attention to Iris, who was doing her very best impression of someone jumping foot to foot…whilst sat down. You'd talked to your daughter about this too, and her fascination with the concept of other races come to treat with humanity ran deep. Unfortunately, the conclusion you'd reached with her and Mary wasn't one she would be happy to hear again.

"Iris, I know you want to go, and I would love to offer you that, but," her movements stilled as you spoke, the excitement in her eyes fading swiftly, making you hate every needed word. "We have no idea how they'll react to you. True synthetic life like yourself doesn't seem to exist outside of Earth and the Shiplords, and-"

"Then why is Vision going to be there? I can understand not taking my frame along, but I can still manifest virtually." She wasn't quite snapping at you, but it was close, and that the anger was directed more at the situation than yourself didn't really help. "There are going to be half a dozen envoys observing through the link, why can't I be one of them?"

"Iris," you started to say.

"No." She shook her head, eyes flashing with emotion. "No! Not being there in person, I can understand. Vision could be considered a VI, if a very advanced one, and this body is clearly inorganic to even cursory scans. Not being there in person makes sense, until we know who they really are and what they really want. Insight says that they're friendly, but that might not mean all of them. I get it." She glared at you and Mary, but there was reason behind it, not petulance.

"I know you're trying to protect me from them. And I love you both for that, for caring enough, and being what I wished you would be for me." She looked down at her hands, then back up again. "But I need to be there, to see, and to watch your back if anything actually does go wrong." Mary started at that, opening her mouth to reply more swiftly than you, but Iris was faster. She'd always been faster.

"I'll just watch. That's all I wanted to be there for anyway, and I've been practicing my multitasking. But don't take this from me," she pleaded, clearly aware that you could tell her no. "Please." You looked over at Mary, and she stared back, both of you torn by the instincts you'd never imagined could be so strong. On the one hand, you could say no. But the consequences of that action…denying her the opportunity to take part in something when she had a valid argument for how she could. Her physical avatar would be a dead giveaway, but a hologram? No one would be able to tell that it wasn't just another human, not with Vision there, and the numerous others who would be attending only through holo to begin with.

Do you agree to let Iris attend the conference through a virtual projection?
[] Yes
[] No
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Really sorry about how long this took, I was trying to work in another section and realised sometime between last night and now that what I was trying to add was vastly more suited to being a separate post. You will note that Mary took what you had to say reasonably well, but Iris didn't. There are various reasons for this, but only some of them have been expressed. There will be a considerable number of people attending or observing through holographic interface - the entire press contingent will be, for one. This is partially politeness and not wanting to overwhelm your new guests, but is also something of a security related decision. The fewer humans actually interacting with the Contact Fleet reps, the less chance there is of Shiplord infiltration systems getting hooks into people. And yes, Amanda is entirely immune to those due to the combination of Potential, Unisonbound and her Focus.

Again, sorry for the elongated wait. Next one should come much faster as it's about halfway done already.