That they think we'll eventually agree, though, is.
Is it, though? That big of a surprise, that is. Consider that apparently there have been races that have 'transcended' the Shiplords' fleets, with the full intention of getting revenge... and yet they did not. We even speculated (or at least I remember doing so) that that might be because they realize that the Shiplords serve a vital role.
They thought we were willing pawns. Their rage shifted to pity once they realized we're not.
this is surprising... and intriguing; definitely food for thought. And here's one such thought...
So there's something that humanity touched on in the dark, when it was hunting for answers - something
really bad. What if that same... force, race, entity, what-have-you... were able to suborn species, particularly ones that didn't really know what they were doing, through the Secrets. The Shiplords seem to see the Secrets (at the very least the one(s) which Practice and particularly Speaking arise from) as sacred... and yet able to be blasphemed; this is a power reserved only for the pure, the untainted - untainted by
what, though? And that leads back to the 'greater evil' the Shiplords believe in.
Hmmm... a side thought - they have Tribute Fleets, and name them such... but in which direction does the "Tribute" flow? Does it refer to the flow of people to the Shiplords' purpose... or perhaps are the Fleets
themselves a tribute to the Shiplords' (perhaps self-imposed) 'holy' purpose?
Postulate then that the Shiplords' purpose is to prevent a race to arise that's both powerful and a pawn of their 'enemy' (whatever its nature)... something like a cross between a quarantine and a damper. Races inclined to 'rise up' can only do so through extensive effort and they're provoked, tested and even forged into shape. Note that humanity was only forbidden to utilize the Secrets they already knew - they weren't forbidden from researching areas that lead to other Secrets. Now it could be a coincidence - that the ones that the Shiplords consider truly dangerous are those two (FTL, allowing a race to travel beyond their home system, and super-bio-engineering, allowing them to either masquerade or perhaps take on some shape or substance that leads to Bad Things). Or it could be that one purpose of the restrictions is to force a race to understand, if not all, then at least a significant number of the Secrets before they're able to reach the larger galaxy. In that case, perhaps the more Secrets a people grasp, the safer they are from... whatever is 'out there'. Or perhaps there's one or two Secrets in particular (say... Practice) that could allow a race to perceive the true danger and avoid it.
The destruction of races that don't fight back well enough could either be a culling of those that may never contribute to the 'grand war' or simply of those who would never be strong enough to resist... again, whatever the foe is. But that's back to speculation.
I wonder... what if Practiced humanity had failed this fight? Would Practice too be forbidden, forcing humanity to try and grasp yet another aspect of the universe to try and fight off the Tribute Fleets?
Moving back, the purpose of the Tribute Fleet/War Fleet structure. Obviously, a Tribute Fleet allows the Shiplords to check over a species (incidentally, all those taken? It could be a very comprehensive checking for hidden 'contamination'. If no contamination is found, eh, useful raw materials) - if the tributary race either demonstrates a refusal to obey the strictures or shows signs of influence by the 'enemy', then the War Fleet wipes them out. Humanity got a bit of an enhanced Tribute Fleet perhaps because there was a bit of a warning sign that required more serious attention (for example, destroying the observation infrastructure).
Now - the second Tribute Fleet was beaten back, and apparently something about Amanda's confrontation turned rage into pity. How will those two items impact the Shiplords' future actions? Will there be a third Tribute Fleet? If so, will it be the original strength, the same as this time or even stronger? Will it arrive sooner, same period or later? Heh... how often does a race fight off Fleet #2 (as opposed to Fleet #12, 23 or even greater)? Actually, how often does a race fight off Fleet #1?
Actually, I don't remember if it was mentioned, but do the Shiplords ever stop sending Tribute Fleets, even if a race never succeeds in fighting one off?