And another (now vastly reduced) mechanics section has been completed.

See what I mean about vastly reduced? This was wonderful!

Feeling tentatively hopeful about translating it into narrative tomorrow. Probably will be a short piece, but not as small as the last one. Purify was a special case.
There is a reason I linked this as relevant music:
I guess the music delivered on the Promise.
Scary question if the answer is: Tribute Fleet < Regular Fleet < War Fleet, because that would mean we missed until now the 'Regular Fleet' part of the SL's assets.
So it looks like:
-Tribute Fleet - Tax collectors with armed escort, theoretically facing peasants armed with large farm tools at best.
-Regular Fleet - Garrison and patrol forces, primarily used to enforce borders, quell bandits and minor rebellions.
-War Fleet - International forces, primarily used as a threat against peer polities or existential hazards.

Sounds about right?
We're facing the taxman with a couple of real soldiers backing up the armed escort.
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But they didn't expect us to have anti-tank ordnance.

I'd say it was closer to a mini-nuke from Fallout....

So about the only thing I have gathered from the QM's breakdown is WE NEED TO UNLOCK MORE UNITS! We need to fix that roadblock with the 223's construction as fast as we can. Number 1 priority.

This is our game breaker to escape here. We knew it, but seeing it in action. So fun.
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Someone else finding it funny that the player's have to roll bad to get average rolls when takinginto account the dice the GM rolls FOR them?
Someone else finding it funny that the player's have to roll bad to get average rolls when takinginto account the dice the GM rolls FOR them?

I mean, only two of the rolls I'm having you make interface with the Shiplords, and they've been rolling pretty poorly too. You've also leveraged a somewhat silly number of bonuses into this battle, and Lina is one of the finest tactical minds of her generation.

You're also getting a re-roll per round on those rolls thanks to the action you made last turn.

And the Mini-nuke is far more appropriate, given what Amanda and the Two Twenty Three did. As to unlocking their construction? Yeah, that's gonna take a while ;)
I mean, only two of the rolls I'm having you make interface with the Shiplords, and they've been rolling pretty poorly too. You've also leveraged a somewhat silly number of bonuses into this battle, and Lina is one of the finest tactical minds of her generation.

You're also getting a re-roll per round on those rolls thanks to the action you made last turn.

And the Mini-nuke is far more appropriate, given what Amanda and the Two Twenty Three did. As to unlocking their construction? Yeah, that's gonna take a while ;)
Wonder how that fight would have gone without our ridiculous luck in preparation ...
As to unlocking their construction? Yeah, that's gonna take a while ;)

As I said.


Do whatever we need to do to get there. I know we need to learn the sciences and details behind what we accidentally did. BUT WE NEED IT DONE YESTERDAY!

Wonder how that fight would have gone without our ridiculous luck in preparation ...

Bloody, costly, likely down to the planetary defenses...

As it is, like they said, we're the conquered tribe that just jumped the king's tax men with a few of his troops that came along for muscle. With mini-nukes.
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Other top priority? Figuring out how to have more than 0.0001 percent of our population be Potentials. I'm guessing all the obvious things like population studies and genetic studies have been tried already?
"We blew up your sun, hahaha!"

"Bitch, I am Amanda the Mender."​
I'm remembering the scene from Andromeda, when they Nova Bombed the Magog world-ship, and the Abyss noped them right back.

If the Shiplords had any doubts about who they caught sneaking around in the Void, they are gone now. In some ways, it would be better to beat them without using our super-duper new Amanda-gun. My reasoning is this: They changed the game by sending regular military with their taxmen. If we nuke the soldier, and then use our 'regular forces'* to kill the collectors, we are saying that we can beat them while still following their rules. That is, we can and will hold back just like they do. But if they escalate, we can too. I think that may be what the Uninvolved have to pull off, we are just doing it much earlier than usual.

*223 are regulars now. LoL.

Snowfire insists that Potentials in general, and the 223 in particular, aren't magical girls. An alternative came to me reading the discussion from this chapter. Amanda is a genius who bends reality to her will. Her Practice is expressed best in song. Amanda is like a Heterodyne. Potentials are sane Sparks.
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Fair note, I know literally nothing of the Girl Genius universe. So whilst an interesting theory, it's completely off my radar as far as a viable one.

I also know exactly what Practice is, how it came to be, and why humanity ended up getting access to it in the form of the Potentials.

But that's another story.
No, seriously, that's like 70% of what The Secret's Crusade is slated to be about.
Fair note, I know literally nothing of the Girl Genius universe. So whilst an interesting theory, it's completely off my radar as far as a viable one.

I also know exactly what Practice is, how it came to be, and why humanity ended up getting access to it in the form of the Potentials.

But that's another story.
No, seriously, that's like 70% of what The Secret's Crusade is slated to be about.

The spark is... Unknown.

It's literally the Spark of Creation, and those who have it are Mad Scientists, with strength on the SCIENCE!!!