The Passing of Beautiful Histories (Civ Quest)

[X] Accelerate the Metalworks Project (-Wealth, adds another completion step to the Metalworks Project)
Martial: 6 [Adequate] (+Maye, +Gadawa, =Aging and Attrition, ++Influx of Experience, ----Rebellious Tributaries)
Economy: 10 [Booming!] (++++Gadawa, --Maye, -Anye, ++++Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, =Silfi Forestlands)
Wealth: 6 [Rich] (+Gadawa, ++Maye, =Anye, -Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, +Adjusting to Copper Currency)
Stability: Low (-Difficult Subject, ++Economic Boom!, ---Troubled Times)
Legitimacy: Moderate (Difficult Subject, Long Prosperous Times, Oracle of Gadawa Undecided, Total Faction Support(+2, -1, 1 undecided))
Stability is currently Low and set to drop a net -2. of which one is due to the Upriver Tribes.
Tributary Martial penalty went up to -4(from -2).
Difficult Subject is keeping Legitimacy from growing.

Ignoring the Troubled Times or Rebellious Tributaries is probably going to increase its Martial Penalty until they can break free. And we don't have the stability to risk Hunt for Corruption or Begin Removing Local Enforcement.
As such, we kinda have to risk:

[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

On the upside, reducing Rebellious Tributary probably turns the:
--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability
into a:
=/-Martial, -Wealth, ++Stability, +Legitimacy
Which is ridiculously good.
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
Mind, "Difficult Subject" could just as easily refer to Anye or Dalwa. In which case erecting a fortress amongst the Tributaries might not remove the stability penalty and we might see an Econ penalty at the start of next turn.
And our massive Econ is currently keeping our Stability afloat.

On the other hand, Gadawa should keep our Econ firmly in the positive, even if we take a big hit in Anye or Dalwa.

Wealth: 6 [Rich] (+Gadawa, ++Maye, =Anye, -Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, +Adjusting to Copper Currency)
-Moral Asceticism (To have not is virtuous. To obey is to be enlightened. Wealth has minor negative impacts when at least 7, but Stability is much harder to lose)
Next turn will probably see us start to experience negative impacts caused by excess Wealth.
On the upside, we're rich and the cities that have Military Garrisons generate Wealth, so this:
Fortify [city] (-Wealth, -Martial, -Stability, +Martial later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
Might need to be updated to include a +Wealth later(unless its absence is intentional as a sign of the troubled times).
[X] Accelerate the Metalworks Project (-Wealth, adds another completion step to the Metalworks Project)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
Mostly doing this for the +stability as raising that is probably the most important at the moment
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
Sometimes its best to reach for the stars even if you get burned by the sun. Seems like our construction and math tech took massive leaps.

[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

When that palace finishes its going to be so hype in the future.
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Riverbank] as a deterrent (--Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

Out of curiosity, will the basic parts of the Palace be useable once we get a certain amount of progress in? Generally the most important areas of a building are constructed first, and thus useable, before adding the extra wings.
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Heaven Smiles on You
Despite the incredible drain on time and resources, the new King managed to perservere in the Project. Perhaps because of the incredible hubris of the project laid before the King at the death of Omon, he was even able to thrive. The continuing glut of manpower and cheap food offered King Sawi ample opportunities to direct labor and ships brimming with eager young men wherever he had the desire to, while negotiating for the transfer of master artisans and prodigious apprentices back towards Maye to assist in the planning. King Sawi's shrewd dealings even managed to utterly stymie the new Cabals at Anye and the Lords of Dalwa from regaining any footing after Omon's systematic purge of the ranks.

Further still, despite the efforts put into building up a local fort using the waste stone from the Silfi quarries, the armies grew, and the coffers expanded. When his Prince, the High General Responsible for the Silfi Regions, reportedly stamped out an almost immediate response to the fortification effort, the cycling of the conflict's veterans - many only lightly injured despite the ferocity of the First Silfi Rebellion - only served to tempt more young men to service and glory, as the Royal Family often considered marriages with high-achieving common-born officers.

And when Sawi died, and his war hero Prince was elevated to King, it seemed that destiny favored Maye, and the spirits smiled on her dream. The new Oracle, visiting for the funeral of the late King Omon, was shown several finished designs and was so taken by the display that she immediately offered her support for any King that supported the project. In the same span of years, the grand Metalworks had also become fully operational, churning out hundreds of tools to draw good stone from the quarries at Anye and the Riverlands. At the same time, the ever-rising need for more and faster boats brought to the fore a simple square sail design that could draw on the wind to pull barges laden with raw materials in the direction of the city. Already, entire districts in old Maye were under mandated order to refine the materials shipped in for use in building the central complex.

King Ulrah could only smile at such obvious divine approval.

The Metalworks is fully developed! With only copper, the benefits of this project are primarily focused towards technological advancement, but the Land Grants action is permanently improved.
-The Metalworks automatically opens Bronzeworking to trickle progress.

The King is a skilled General, though he is... afflicted, similarly to his predecessors, by the majesty of the Project. He can perform a single project, with bonuses to projects that involve military elements.

The Oracle
**Consult the Oracle (Spends an action, ???)
Push for an Heir [Type] (Spends an action, types the heir) [Administrator, Diplomat, Warrior]

[A consultation is a ceremonious visit to the Oracle's Seat in Gadawa. It looks favorably on the King and all but ensures support from the Oracle, and might prompt strange opportunities, but the political power of that particular King is somewhat diminished for it]
[A push for an Heir prompts the king to put pressure on the Oracle and the priesthood to elevate a particular relative to Prince. This choice will have talents the King believes necessary to the Mayep. Such a choice will upset the priesthood and the Oracle]

Military Training (~Martial)
Land Grants (+Economy)
Artisan Trades (~Wealth)

Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
Begin removing local enforcement rights (--Stability, Removes a step of Troubled Times)

Mission to [Polity] (-Wealth, ?Wealth Later, ???) [Long-Coast, Oathtribes, Alwethi]
The Long-Coast peoples are suffering from a Natural Disaster, send them aid (--Economy, -Wealth, ???)

Long-Term Projects
Subjugate more tributaries from the [faction] (-??? Martial, ???) [Alwethi (easier), Long-Coast Tribes (tough), Oathtribes (toughest)]
Settle [region] (-Economy, +??? later) [North Coast (trade), South Coast (trade)]
Prospect [region] for copper (-Wealth) [Maye, Gadawa, Dalwa]

City Improvements (Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa)
*Build walls for [city] (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
Fortify [city] (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]

Regional Improvements (Silfi Riverbank, Silfi Forestlands)
Send warriors to act as a more permanent deterrent in [region] (-Martial, +Stability, maybe reduces Rebellious Tributary a step)
*Force the Silfi to gather together in [region] (--Martial, -Stability, might increase or decrease Rebellious Tributary, converts a region into a city)
Erect a fortress in [region] as a deterrent (-Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
-Silfi Riverbank Fortress Completed
Expand the mine at the Silfi Riverbank Region (--Wealth, -Martial, might find more copper, ++Regional Wealth)

Great Projects
*Formalize Gadawa as the Seat of the Oracle by expanding the temple there. Such a complex will attract many sages and learned men, possibly from very far away. (---Wealth, counts as two projects, begins the Great Temple early wonder)

Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
Put even more men to work at the Palace (--Economy, -Wealth, does an extra step check for the Palace Project)

Now that the Project has entered it's construction stage, you can suspend work on the Palace project on rare occasions as needed. Be aware that using it too many times, or more than when it's availability is refreshed, will confer a strong chance for the project to go defunct every turn it's been suspended.
Martial: 4 [Adequate] (~Maye, ~Gadawa, =Aging and Attrition, ~Veterency, -~~Rebellious Tributaries)
Economy: 8 [Surplus] (+++Gadawa, --Maye, --Anye, +++Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, =Silfi Forestlands, -Palace Construction)
Wealth: 4 [Moderate] (~Gadawa, ~Maye, +Anye, -~Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, -~Silfi Forestlands, --Palace Construction)
Stability: Low (shielded loss) (-Difficult Subject, +Reigned in Troublemakers, +Crushed Revolt, --Troubled Times, -Ascetic Critics)
Legitimacy: Good (Difficult Subject, New King, Generations of Prosperity, Oracle of Gadawa Supporting, Total Faction Support(+1, -1, 2 undecided))

You might have noticed that Economy is rapidly starting to swing toward lower incomes and higher expenses. This represents the change in scale of your empire. Where initially your empire supported perhaps ten thousand, the continuous agricultural boom has ballooned that number to nearly a hundred thousand people, and bear in mind that the average unit value of each resource has gone up to match this massive change. To compare a point of your Martial with any other faction at this point, it would be a gross underestimation of your military's strength. Many of your action costs have changed in response to the new robustness of your civilization's values.
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I think dealing with the low stability is what needs to be adressed,
[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Forestlands] as a deterrent (-Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

Raises stability and likely to help in dealing with both the "Difficult Subject" and "Rebellious Tributary" negative modifiers, and our king has experience as a general so this should be something he would be good with.
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And when Sawi died, and his war hero Prince was elevated to King, it seemed that destiny favored Maye, and the spirits smiled on her dream. The new Oracle, visiting for the funeral of the late King Omon, was shown several finished designs and was so taken by the display that she immediately offered her support for any King that supported the project.
The Twenty and Five Support our grand project!

I mean, of course they do. When we first designed Maye, didn't we do so specifically with a Shrine to the then-nameless Spirits that govern us all? It is only obvious then that they recognize this larger endeavour as the fulfillment of an even greater design to their glory it truly is.

[X] **Consult the Oracle (Spends an action, ???)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Forestlands] as a deterrent (-Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)
[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Forestlands] as a deterrent (-Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

I kinda doubt that we can pay the cost of another fortress without first building up the lost resources. So, I'll take a gamble on the hunt for corruption.

Why has the natural disaster the long coast people have been afflicted with gone unmentioned in the update fluff, though?

Edit: "Heaven Smiles On You" that threadmark title is so right, considering only the Oracle supports King Ulrah, and Sawi did fantastic as King managing to keep down some of the corruption issues from getting worse.

Edit2: Changed my vote.
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[X] Erect a fortress in [Silfi Forestlands] as a deterrent (-Martial, -Wealth, +Stability, most likely reduces Rebellious Tributary)

Once we deal with rebellious tributary we are going to need to swing back to building walls in our cities to trigger a law reform again. The great palace chugs along too.