The Passing of Beautiful Histories (Civ Quest)

Gadawa and Dalwa already have isolated reports. It might just be a matter of time before the infection spreads even if we did manage to maintain a good quarantine.
As such:

[X] Plan Ex Fervor Incendo
-[X] Ulrah declares a state repossession of Salt for distribution in ritual washing (Major Wealth Loss, Neither popular nor unpopular)
-[X] Ulrah declares a state repossession of Alcohols for distribution in ritual washing (Moderate Wealth/Slight Econ Loss, Somewhat unpopular move)
-[X] Ulrah declares the burning of any granaries that may be tainted (Unpopular move, Major Economy Loss)
-[X] Ulrah declares the burning of those dead by sickness (Unpopular move, may affect legitimate support + or -)
-[X] Ulrah declares the burning of the possessions of the sick (Slightly unpopular move)
-[X] [Refugees] Take only the healthy and unmarred, the sick will be killed and treated in accordance to any active plague measures (burial or burning), the rest will be turned away (Small chance of positive econ effect)

No Quarantine. Especially not with our specialized economy and tributary system. Instead, we are more thorough in the culling purging cleansing of our civ.
Our Econ/Wealth is good for it.
If you'd had any walls, they would have actually helped enormously now.
Uwali, take my offering of Salt so that the land might be cleansed.
-[X] Ulrah decrees the forceful quarantine of the following cities, on penalty of death. None shall enter or leave for any reason
(Massive effects on city productivity and economy access, Makes military faction happy, Strongly unpopular move locally, can lead to revolts in the area, especially those without local garrisons or stable food production)
--[X] In Anye (Severe Plague, already produces nothing this turn, will absorb martial)
--[X] In Maye (Regular Reports, production already affected)
This looks potentially risky...
For ease of viewing

Breadbasket cities

Non-Breadbasket Cities

Garrisoned cities

Maye and Anye are cities that will experience the decision as an extremely unpopular move locally. The only location with a way to have damage control is Maye's garrison. We can expect Anye to suffer collapse? maybe a rebellion, Anye would be told to die from starvation and the disease. Maye would likely experience the same thing only they can be said to be forced into it through the garrison.

The only city that might be able to handle being quarantined is Gadawa. It is healthy, so quarantining only it might not be a bad decision to make. Try and have one piece of the civ as a survivor...
[X] Ulrah surrenders to the Death god, giving his peoples' due to death in the quantities it demands (Immensely unpopular, unless it starts working...)
Trial by Fire
Maye was in turmoil. Ulrah, the King, had died suddenly as the infection took hold through the capital, and his replacement contracted it immediately after, confined to bedrest and constant care from the severity of the infection. With the quarantine preventing the priesthood from properly declaring a temporary replacement, the various Royal-led army bands began enforcing the quarantine to the best of their ability on their own, not a difficult prospect as docks were required to get to Dalwa or Gadawa, as the cities were on the other side of the Great River.

But the granaries were nearly empty, due for shipments prior to the ban, and the people were ferocious in their twin fears of Death and starvation. Common tools, personal weapons, tooth and nail, the populace of Maye used anything, everything, to break the quarantine, even as they would collapse overstraining their addled bodies in the midst of their riots.

The healthiest people hid quietly in their homes, tossing generations of acquired wealth to the flame in hopes that, in doing so, they would avoid the fates of their friends and neighbors. In Anye, already so many were dead that there was little difficulty maintaining quarantine, the survivors living off of grain meant for those they outlived.

Outside of the capital, and Anye, Gadawa and Dalwa were mysteries. Only when the god had exhausted his armies and the survivors shrugged off his hand did the first ships go forth...

And, at the end of the crisis, when the Crown Prince survived his ordeal, the final tally of damages was immense.

The Crown Prince survived, but the Oracle (and some Unmarred Royals) have raised questions as to his fitness for leadership.
[] [Heir] Mayep will not have an addled King (emergency replacement without typical quality protections)
[] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)

In Gadawa, a man has risen up with preternatural talent.
[] [Great Person] Bring him to work in the capital (Accelerates the Palace)
[] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)

You may choose a single project, unless you replace your King, in which case the healthy, Unmarred replacement may take two. (Reform on Legal Precedent Established, regained a project)
The Oracle
**Consult the Oracle (Spends an action, ???)
Push for an Heir [Type] (Spends an action, types the heir) [Administrator, Diplomat, Warrior]

[A consultation is a ceremonious visit to the Oracle's Seat in Gadawa. It looks favorably on the King and all but ensures support from the Oracle, and might prompt strange opportunities, but the political power of that particular King is somewhat diminished for it]
[A push for an Heir prompts the king to put pressure on the Oracle and the priesthood to elevate a particular relative to Prince. This choice will have talents the King believes necessary to the Mayep. Such a choice will upset the priesthood and the Oracle]

Military Training (~Martial)
Land Grants (+Economy)
Artisan Trades (~Wealth)
Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)

Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
Begin removing local enforcement rights (--Stability, Removes a step of Troubled Times)

Mission to [Polity] (-Wealth, ?Wealth Later, ???) [Long-Coast, Oathtribes]
The Oathtribes are suffering from a disaster. Send them aid (--Economy, -Wealth, ???)

Long-Term Projects
Subjugate more tributaries from the [faction] (-??? Martial, ???) [Long-Coast Tribes (tough), Oathtribes (toughest)]
Settle [region] (-Economy, +??? later) [North Coast (trade), South Coast (trade)]
Prospect [region] for metals (-Wealth) [Maye, Gadawa, Dalwa]

City Improvements (Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa)
*Build walls for [city] (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
Fortify [city] (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
Build up the Tin mines at Maye (--Economy, -Wealth, +Wealth later)
Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)

Regional Improvements (Silfi Riverbank, Silfi Forestlands)
Send warriors to act as a more permanent deterrent in [region] (-Martial, +Stability, maybe reduces Rebellious Tributary a step)
*Force the Silfi to gather together in [region] (--Martial, -Stability, might increase or decrease Rebellious Tributary, converts a region into a city)
Expand the mine at the Silfi Riverbank Region (--Wealth, -Martial, might find more copper, +Regional Wealth)

Great Projects
*Formalize Gadawa as the Seat of the Oracle by expanding the temple there. Such a complex will attract many sages and learned men, possibly from very far away. (---Wealth, counts as two projects, begins the Great Temple early wonder)
*Consult the priests for a more thorough protection against the Death God, who brings Pestilences (-Wealth, Strengthens Faction, begins the Spiritual Protection project)

*Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
Put even more men to work at the Palace (--Economy, -Wealth, does an extra step check for the Palace Project)

Now that the Project has entered it's construction stage, you can suspend work on the Palace project on rare occasions as needed. Be aware that using it too many times, or more than when it's availability is refreshed, will confer a strong chance for the project to go defunct every turn it's been suspended.
Martial: 1 [Bare] (=Maye(Devastated), +Gadawa, -Rebellious Tributaries)
Economy: 5 [Moderate] (+++Gadawa, -Maye(Devastated), -Anye(Devastated), +++Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, =Silfi Forestlands, -Palace Construction)
Wealth: 4 [Comfortable] (+Gadawa, =Maye(Devastated), +Anye(Devastated), -Dalwa, =Silfi Riverbank, -Silfi Forestlands, --Palace Construction)
Stability: Critically Low (-Troubled Times, --Plagues, +Military Support)
Legitimacy: Poor (Stability Problems, Sudden Loss of King, New King, King's Legitimacy Questioned, Oracle of Gadawa Against, Total Faction Support(++MIL, +ROYAL, =TRADER, -PRIEST))

[] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
I think we should keep the current king for the stability boost

Also we should do:
Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
So we do not run out of resources

And finally use the great person for an additional action to get the support of the oracle:
**Consult the Oracle (Spends an action, ???)
Whelp. We all know what to do.

[] Plan Double Megaproject
-[] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[] *Consult the priests for a more thorough protection against the Death God, who brings Pestilences (-Wealth, Strengthens Faction, begins the Spiritual Protection project)

Oracle endorsement means Legitimacy gain and they're currently the only faction questioning our legitimacy.
Maye and Anye will suffer but on the other hand? Double Megaproject. Hopefully the King will either die or recover before the Great Person does.

[X] Plan Recovery
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
--[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
-[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
-[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]

Oracle wants us to suspend work on the Palace, which not only gives an extra action but also covers the cost of starting to build walls around Anye(the better to Quarantine the trade city with) which the Oracle also approves of, which might allow us to swing the Oracle back into liking us without the consultation.
Encouraging immigration so Maye will start producing Martial for us again.
Fortifying Dalwa because the soldiers were good at enforcing a quarantine, because our Martial needs to recover faster(even if it means Martial will dip dangerously low) and because we really need the stabilizing factor of our military. Not sure if the [Suspend Palace] action takes an action though...

Crossed out impossible plan. Made new plan below:

[X] Plan Recovery through Wealth
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
--[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
-[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
-[X] Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)

Gambles on the Stability issue and barely appeases the Oracle but it does not spend Martial and creates job opportunities in Maye to draw more people for when we resume work on the Palace(and gives us more Wealth generation to fund the palace).
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X] Plan Recovery
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
--[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
-[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
-[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
Whelp. We all know what to do.

[X] Plan Double Megaproject
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Consult the priests for a more thorough protection against the Death God, who brings Pestilences (-Wealth, Strengthens Faction, begins the Spiritual Protection project)

Oracle endorsement means Legitimacy gain and they're currently the only faction questioning our legitimacy.
Maye and Anye will suffer but on the other hand? Double Megaproject. Hopefully the King will either die or recover before the Great Person does.

[X] Plan Recovery
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
--[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
-[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
-[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]

Oracle wants us to suspend work on the Palace, which not only gives an extra action but also covers the cost of starting to build walls around Anye(the better to Quarantine the trade city with) which the Oracle also approves of, which might allow us to swing the Oracle back into liking us without the consultation.
Encouraging immigration so Maye will start producing Martial for us again.
Fortifying Dalwa because the soldiers were good at enforcing a quarantine, because our Martial needs to recover faster(even if it means Martial will dip dangerously low) and because we really need the stabilizing factor of our military. Not sure if the [Suspend Palace] action takes an action though...
It will not cost an action to use the Work Suspension.

The Palace project is such an absurd commitment of effort that it is literally impossible to run concurrent major projects because it exists.
[X] Plan Recovery through Wealth

It is too soon to be building walls. We don't have the military force required to handle cities with walls. When we have all the cities garrisoned, and the palace/city project complete, then we should be fine to start building walls.
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[X] Plan Recovery through Wealth
-[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
-[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
-[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
--[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
-[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
-[X] Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)
Freed from summer course finals, I return with fury!
Adhoc vote count started by Powerofmind on Aug 23, 2019 at 6:37 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Recovery through Wealth
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
    -[X] Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)
    [X] Plan Recovery
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
    -[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
    [X] Plan Recovery through Wealth
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
    -[X] Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
    --[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
    [X] Plan Recovery
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] *Build walls for Anye (-Economy, -Wealth, slow project) [Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
    -[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Fortify Dalwa (-Wealth, -Stability, +Martial later, +Wealth later, removes a step of Troubled Times) [Anye, Dalwa]
    [X] Plan Recovery through Wealth
    -[X] [Heir] Any man who survives the wrath of the gods has proven his worth (keep the current Prince, a moderately skilled Administrator, might gain significant stability)
    -[X] [Great Person] Set him to work on something important (Choose an extra project for the turn)
    -[X] *Temporarily suspend work on the Project (Currently Available) (+Economy, ++Wealth, gain an additional action, ???)
    --[X] Incentivize immigration for the recovery of Anye and Maye (--Wealth, Accelerates recovery from Devastated effect)
    -[X] Hunt for Corruption (+/-Wealth, +/-Stability, Possibly remove a step of Troubled Times)
    -[X] Build up the Gold mines at Maye (-Economy, -Wealth, ++Wealth later)
Grasping Pretenders
You are no fool. You know, with time, that you will be a nameless, unwanted king, like rare few are in Mayep's history. You know your cousins and distant kin salivate for the throne, and you know you are no longer the best fit for the post.

But you'll be damned if you roll over and allow them to have what the spirits have granted you. You'll be damned if you surrender the throne when you did not surrender your life to a god. The priests - some of the priests - support you for that, the tradesmen support you for lifting the bans, and the people support you, for weathering the onslaught...

But, you are no fool. The armies are headed by royal officers, and royal courtiers plot behind your back. Kin, you think, snorting into your cup, surrounded by liars and schemers, truly there are none who can harm a man more.


The King is dead. Long live the King.

Due to a monumental check failure (consisting of no less than two critical failures and a severe failure), your chosen King will not be surviving the turn. This failure is so absurdly severe, you won't be able to benefit from the replacement option's bonuses either. Although, you do get to function as the priestly caste for once, and elevate the replacement.

[] Tabaa, an officer who remained unblemished despite serving on the quarantine, credited with quelling the riots in Maye and preventing the spread of disease.
[] Daume, an advisor tasked with managing the burning of goods and the drawing of good washing water during the crisis in Gadawa, credited with preventing the spread of the plague there.
[] Houn, the royal charged with managing the metalworks, which remains at all functional, despite the loss of skilled labor, due to his efforts.
[X] Daume, an advisor tasked with managing the burning of goods and the drawing of good washing water during the crisis in Gadawa, credited with preventing the spread of the plague there.
[X] Daume, an advisor tasked with managing the burning of goods and the drawing of good washing water during the crisis in Gadawa, credited with preventing the spread of the plague there.
[X] Daume, an advisor tasked with managing the burning of goods and the drawing of good washing water during the crisis in Gadawa, credited with preventing the spread of the plague there.
[X] Houn, the royal charged with managing the metalworks, which remains at all functional, despite the loss of skilled labor, due to his efforts.