Divine Defiance looks like it might give us immunity to Divine magic at higher levels. Blessing of the Wind might do the same for ranged attacks, while Enlightened Soul effectively handels all Arcane and Spiritual stuff as it gets leveled up.


We'd just need an immunity to Unholy right?
So the +10 HP is unnecessary if you want to max it out, +4 is what you'll want to do.

@Terran Imperium Thanks for the clarifications, seems like I really did understand the system completely wrong. Something still doesn't add up here though, and I think it's this last part I quoted.

We get +20 HP from 'Body Over Mind'. You say that abilities are a way to go over the cap. Shouldn't we then be able to get to 120 HP, with the help of 'Body Over Mind'? Or are you actually saying that the order in which the stats and abilities are gained matters (that getting stat points from abilities before the stat reaches the cap doesn't contribute to getting over the cap)? This would be really weird, even with Yggdrasil dev standards.

Divine Defiance looks like it might give us immunity to Divine magic at higher levels. Blessing of the Wind might do the same for ranged attacks, while Enlightened Soul effectively handels all Arcane and Spiritual stuff as it gets leveled up.


We'd just need an immunity to Unholy right?

I don't think blessings of the wind will give ranged immunity, just wind-immunity. 5 ranks to divine defiance just to have immunity to one element, the positive karma-aligned one to boot, is also perhaps too much of an investment. And immunity, as constantly reminded, is not absolute anyways. Still, not the worst idea. Maybe we should take it after all, since we don't need to put points in TWotADF anymore.
I don't think blessings of the wind will give ranged immunity, just wind-immunity. 5 ranks to divine defiance just to have immunity to one element, the positive karma-aligned one to boot, is also perhaps too much of an investment. And immunity, as constantly reminded, is not absolute anyways. Still, not the worst idea. Maybe we should take it after all, since we don't need to put points in TWotADF anymore.

I wouldn't write off divine defiance so soon. It's protection from Divine spells and Divine mind altering affects as in it needs to be linked to divinity aka a god. Holy and Divine are two different things. This would mean resistance to something that can't normally be resisted as a God isn't something you can just ignore. Remember that Divine does not mean good, so there can be a divine being composed of Negative Karma.
I wouldn't write off divine defiance so soon. It's protection from Divine spells and Divine mind altering affects as in it needs to be linked to divinity aka a god. Holy and Divine are two different things. This would mean resistance to something that can't normally be resisted as a God isn't something you can just ignore. Remember that Divine does not mean good, so there can be a divine being composed of Negative Karma.
Ah, so this was how it went. There are so many systems, I lose track of them all. In that case I agree, we should definitely take it!

To all voters, please consider the cash shop reset though. Thanks to the stat mechanic reveals, we kind of need to buy the reset anyway before long, because otherwise we would have overflow in HP. Getting 1 automatic HP per level means that all stat points deliberately allocated to HP will have to be reallocated elsewhere to get them out of the way.

Can people at least comment on their thoughts on why we shouldn't do the reset?
Can people at least comment on their thoughts on why we shouldn't do the reset?

I don't see a reason not to do it. It's just a respec and it'd allow us to go over everything we've gotten to consolidate our ideal build.

I would argue that we should wait till we hit max level before we do such a thing though. Otherwise we might just do another reset later on because we messed up the build with too many abilities.

Let's see what we get before we push the purchase button.
We get +20 HP from 'Body Over Mind'. You say that abilities are a way to go over the cap. Shouldn't we then be able to get to 120 HP, with the help of 'Body Over Mind'? Or are you actually saying that the order in which the stats and abilities are gained matters (that getting stat points from abilities before the stat reaches the cap doesn't contribute to getting over the cap)? This would be really weird, even with Yggdrasil dev standards.
I actually thought about that a lot but unless I used a computer program, I can't reliably keep track of that without making heavy errors with already the heavy amounts of mechanics I have to deal with in the background. I think you already have an idea better than everyone here, Paroni since you're the most familiar with the mechanics of the quest from my players. I would end up either giving you less or too much.
So yeah, I am saying that getting stat points from abilities before the stat reaches the cap doesn't contribute to getting beyond it. That's a flaw, I have to admit it and even YGGDRASIL dev weirdness wouldn't do that as you pointed out.
I guess I could solve that by putting a higher cap but that would be just delaying it and a violation of canon in which we know 100 is the cap for stats with the only exception being items and some skills.
I actually thought about that a lot but unless I used a computer program, I can't reliably keep track of that without making heavy errors with already the heavy amounts of mechanics I have to deal with in the background. I think you already have an idea better than everyone here, Paroni since you're the most familiar with the mechanics of the quest from my players. I would end up either giving you less or too much.
So yeah, I am saying that getting stat points from abilities before the stat reaches the cap doesn't contribute to getting beyond it. That's a flaw, I have to admit it and even YGGDRASIL dev weirdness wouldn't do that as you pointed out.
I guess I could solve that by putting a higher cap but that would be just delaying it and a violation of canon in which we know 100 is the cap for stats with the only exception being items and some skills.
This is fine. Weird and unrealistic is much preferable to many errors or opaqueness. There actually being a system, the system being coherent, and us getting accurate information about the system, are all more important than what the system actually is.

That said, I can't believe you aren't using excel or the like for this quest! The horror. Using such a tool would really make things a lot easier for you. I'd almost say it's mandatory to keep track of everything.

To voters: It's confirmed, we are going to waste automatic HP point gains in four levels if we don't do the stat reset now.

Also, we can easily circumvent the aforementioned problems by doing a max-level reset and delaying the ability point allocation, so no worries there.
That said, I can't believe you aren't using excel or the like for this quest! The horror. Using such a tool would really make things a lot easier for you. I'd almost say it's mandatory to keep track of everything.
I've been using google docs to keep track of information but I feel kind of stupid to not have used Microsoft Excel to facilitate book-keeping things.
I just never thought of it... I don't have anything to say. x)
Anyhow, I'll be using Excel from now on. It should make things a lot easier.
It is already at rank 5, I just forgot to change it from rank 3 to 5. The bonuses are the same. I'll give you the option to merge it with its parent, next update.
Thanks for catching that.
Cool time to rejig the plan, just incase, any votes to spend ability points on Defensive will be uncashed and we can spend them on something valid next update?
Ah, so this was how it went. There are so many systems, I lose track of them all. In that case I agree, we should definitely take it!

To all voters, please consider the cash shop reset though. Thanks to the stat mechanic reveals, we kind of need to buy the reset anyway before long, because otherwise we would have overflow in HP. Getting 1 automatic HP per level means that all stat points deliberately allocated to HP will have to be reallocated elsewhere to get them out of the way.

Can people at least comment on their thoughts on why we shouldn't do the reset?
Hang on work this through with me. If we get 1 automatic stat (or just hp) per level. And we have 100 levels and a stat cap of 100. Isn't any investment going to be wasted eventually?

[X] Plan Time for more Actions
-[X] PHY DEF 10
-[X] MAG. DEF. 14
-[X] Unlock 'Blessing of Wind'
-[X] Unlock 'Battle Continuation'
-[X] Unlock 'Way of Wuxia'
-[X] Improve...
--[X]Heightened Combat Reflexes x3

I'm not convinced by Divine Defiance it seems like our immunities are spread across so many skills I'm not certain we can get all of them up to 100 reasonably, so I don't see a reason to add to that if it doesn't provide better coverage than existing abilities.
Thinking about it now we can do the reset when we hit max level and then put in everything. 1 hp/mp per level and we have 100 levels, so by max level it'd be maxed out naturally.

It'd certainly help in terms of putting in all the various stat bonuses.

Edit: Ninja'd
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Thinking about it now we can do the reset when we hit max level and then put in everything. 1 hp/mp per level and we have 100 levels, so by max level it'd be maxed out naturally.

It'd certainly help in terms of putting in all the various stat bonuses.

Edit: Ninja'd
Oh while you're here would you update your vote? Terran confirmed that Defensive is at lvl 5 so we can't invest further in it.
Cool time to rejig the plan, just incase, any votes to spend ability points on Defensive will be uncashed and we can spend them on something valid next update?
Yes, of course. I'm not that much of a bitch as to make them count and let them be wasted. :tongue:
Hang on work this through with me. If we get 1 automatic stat (or just hp) per level. And we have 100 levels and a stat cap of 100. Isn't any investment going to be wasted eventually?
Before anyone jumps at me, I did talk about the automatic increase really early on in the first few pages of the quest, at least in the first dozen pages. Although, to be honest. The investment itself is not bad. Are you really going to wait until you're level 100 until then your MP and HP reach the cap? That's risky. Imagine if, at level 20, you still had only 20 HP...
While technically, the automatic increase is there, it's only to help the players, not essentially rule out any investment on the two stats.

If you're curious, here are your passive bonuses. This doesn't include, immunities, special effects, and active bonuses.
I was a bit worried but my own calculations which I did on Google Docs weren't wrong so there's that at least. Excel is much easier to keep track of statistics although I still do have to recall my old computer classes about Excel commands.
Before anyone jumps at me, I did talk about the automatic increase really early on in the first few pages of the quest, at least in the first dozen pages. Although, to be honest. The investment itself is not bad. Are you really going to wait until you're level 100 until then your MP and HP reach the cap? That's risky. Imagine if, at level 20, you still had only 20 HP...
While technically, the automatic increase is there, it's only to help the players, not essentially rule out any investment on the two stats.
Well technically we didn't start with 0 stats so we'd probably cap more like lvl 90.
Maybe MP and HP should be on a scale of 150 rather than 100 but I don't think it really matters, I assume we'll still be getting the same total respec either way.
Also, Damage resistance... do we have a flat -70 to physical before armour? Damn.
An obvious solution would be a dev noticing the problem and chucking a "redistribute HP stat points* potion into the cash shop.

We'd just need someone to track down the amount of points we spend on HP.

Also, Damage resistance... do we have a flat -70 to physical before armour? Damn.
We also have Enlightened Soul, so its actually even higher depending on the situation.

Physical damage needs to reach a certain threshold before it can even register.
We also have Enlightened Soul, so its actually even higher depending on the situation.
I'll elaborate a bit more on that. Enlightened Soul while does nullify if it doesn't reach that certain value, it doesn't reduce it.
A quick example would be: An enemy's final result in damage is 40. It doesn't reach that certain value and so it is nullified.
If it is let's say 150. It does reach that certain value and ES doesn't deduce anything from that value so you'll take head on 150 points of damage.
This is just an example about Enlightened Soul that's why I'm not taking into account damage absorption, armor, that sort of thing.

This does remind me that I did not say what was that certain value is. It is 50. Yeah, its kind of weak but that value will increase as you put more AP into it.
Consider the spider having even more insane stats, dealing us essentially ~140 damage before resistances and armor etc. Also, the spider hit us through our cool dodge as well, which I dislike. More dodge it is.

Also, Breath Control MVP.

When it comes to HP becoming 100 automatically, yes that's exactly true. I propose resetting now and taking all points away from HP, leaving us with 51+20=71HP. In 29 levels (at level 80) we should do another reset, and take away all ranks from 'BOM', leaving us with 80 HP. Then at level 100, we do another reset, and put points back to 'BOM', and voila, 120 HP. The instruction manual bonuses may or may not interfere a bit, but this should approximately work.
Edit: ah, we didn't start with 1HP. Oh well, the spirit of the plan stays the same, and should get us to 120HP without wasting more points than necessary.

If we do not do a reset now, we stand to lose/waste approximately 45HP, which converts to 45 stat points. (Aka all the automatic HP gains up to level 100.)

Since I'm gunning for reset, I'm going to want to take Divine Defiance as well. Why not, since it will be reset anyways right?

[X] Plan Slaggedfire

[X] Insist on going down to loot the Spider. It's a level 60 monster, it must have some good loot for you.

[X] Go down the Tree. You can come back later when you're stronger.
-[X] Go back to Arresalt, you're nearing level 50.

[X] Buy a cash shop reset after allocating these points.

Gonna say it again: if we do not buy the reset before lvl 100 we permanently lose 45 stats. (Unless Terran keeps track of wasted stats and returns them later, which I doubt.) We lose 1 stat per level.

Get the reset! Vote for it! Yay cheerleading things?
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When it comes to HP becoming 100 automatically, yes that's exactly true. I propose resetting now and taking all points away from HP, leaving us with 51+20=71HP. In 29 levels (at level 80) we should do another reset, and take away all ranks from 'BOM', leaving us with 80 HP. Then at level 100, we do another reset, and put points back to 'BOM', and voila, 120 HP. The instruction manual bonuses may or may not interfere a bit, but this should approximately work.
Don't forget we've been told multiple times that StormDoom will dislike resetting due to how grindy and meticulous it is. She's playing to kickass and take names, not make the perfect build.
@Terran Imperium Is resetting not just respeccing or is it literally setting your lvl to 1 and then leveling again? Or is it just a redo of all previous levels basically just one big vote encompassing all levels?
Didn't momo like super cheat by farming minions to go way beyond his cap and maxed out all other stats?
Cause that's something I remember reading, and looking at his character sheet.
There's just no balance in the game. My impression.
Don't forget we've been told multiple times that StormDoom will dislike resetting due to how grindy and meticulous it is. She's playing to kickass and take names, not make the perfect build.
No no, I'm talking about the cash shop reset item, which essentially just allows the reallocation of the ability points and stat points, but being limited to our currently unlocked abilities. A respeccing if you will. This has been confirmed and discussed with Terran many times now. Our whole build is planned eyeing that item. The thing being negotiated here is just the timing. I think I have made good arguments for the first reset time being now.