[X] Sign the contract
[X] Keep it as it is with mentions of Karen's daily life and some interludes from time to time.
Good news! @kelgar04 was generous and benevolent enough to bestow upon this quest his magnificient proofreading skills. You can already see the results of that in the last update.
Fear not, @Dark as Silver you don't have to suffer through horrible mangled English like that ever again.
I'm positively happy right now. I don't really have the time to proofread my updates so this really does lift a weight off my shoulders.
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It kinda is, or was, been a while since I last visited RR. Things might have changed, or they might have not.
RRL has high standards of writing and you can only find the best at the top there. Although a few average ones do get the spot-light sometimes if the plot is interesting.
I mean if you go to some random fiction there that's just in the trending list not the 'best of the best' list, you can find really harsh reviews about the plot, the writing and so on.
RRL popped off many web novels that were officialized and sold in the market. Generally, when people go there, they have pretty high expectations.

Anyway, let's stop the subject here. I don't wish to further derail the thread.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Dec 13, 2018 at 2:24 PM, finished with 70 posts and 23 votes.
[X] Sign the contract
[X] Keep it as it is with mentions of Karen's daily life and some interludes from time to time.
The Port City - Part 8
Incoming update; Proofread by @kelgar04

Mr. Shawn's anxious smile brightened like the sun at dawn as he sees you pick up the pen. You somewhat awkwardly sign, you never really needed to sign anything like this before and you can see his eyebrow rise as he looks at your signature. He looks up at you somewhat reluctantly.

"We'll have to work on your signature, Miss Natalia," he said.

You huff annoyed at him and do not deign him an answer. He stands up as he tucks the contract in his suitcase and for the first time, you see him relax from his stiff professional posture as he stretches his arms tiredly. Seeing him like that only remind you of your own stressful and fatiguing day and you have to stifle a yawn. You really want to change out of this awful outfit already and just fall onto your bed and sleep for a week.

Shawn walks up to you and pats you on the shoulder, "take a rest, you deserve it," he said tiredly.

He then calmly walks out of the room. You look down at the floor as, despite how tired you are, you can't help but think how your life has changed. You're not sure yet if it is for the worse or the better but that's not something you generally worry about anyway. The possibilities are laid out right in front of you. All the things that you can be and just because of a single lucky encounter. You chuckle quietly as you start getting out of this costume.

You're tired but not that tired, you have friends waiting for you on YGGDRASIL and you don't want to just dump them. You can put off sleep for a few hours. You're sure you're not gonna start working immediately tomorrow. At least, until Shawn comes back to you with some more job offers.

~~Back to the Present~~

"Let's just wait for the others," you said changing the subject after a firm rebuttal from Yasu-bud.

Seriously, does he never have fun or something? A few risks are something to always be expected in any undertaking. If you're not willing to take on those risks, you'll never advance forward in anything but you know better than try and argue with him. Maybe you're a bit more tired than you initially thought. You suddenly lose your balance and stumble forward and you see Yasu-bud looking at you weirdly, or you assume he is behind that expressionless character.

"StormDoom-san?! Are you okay?" he rushes forward and catches as you are about to fall flat on your face and dent the ground.

"I'm sorry," you mumble muzzily, "just a bit tired. I had a bit of a busy day, anyway, don't worry I'll be-."

Whatever you were going to say was interrupted as your heard Yaoi-chan's soft voice crying out. She's running toward you at full speed and you're in no state to dodge her nor is Yasu-bud while you're in his arms. She flying hug tackles you both to the ground and you grunt from the heavyweight suddenly slamming onto you.

"What were you doing?" she asks in feigned innocence, hell you can hear it in her voice.

You're a bit confused as Yasu-bud cooly stands up, and dusts off his dress despite it being in pristine condition. He then flicks Yaoi-chan on the forehead pretty hard, nearly sending her stumbling backwards.

"Stop it," he says simply and you can audibly hear Yaoi-chan pout.

You resist the urge to scratch your head in confusion at the whole situation. You shrug and just put it down as being some sort of weird Japanese cultural quirk or something. You then hear someone sigh heavily from just behind you. You all turn around to see Nofuku standing there with her hands on her hips.

"A day is never uneventful with you both, Yaoi-san, Storm-san," said Nofuku with a sigh.

You raise an unseen eyebrow at the use of a shortened version of your username. You guess it gets a bit tiring to always say 'StormDoom-san that, StormDoom-san this'. You grin at her comments, however, Nofuku is finally going back to her old self without the overly antagonizing parts.

That leaves you waiting for KaptainFredy and UnseenEye but they don't log-in and you feel like if you don't start moving soon, you'll fall asleep up standing here. You decide to just leave them a message as to where they can find you while you go to claim that quest reward.

+10 Million Gold
+Monk's Wushu Uniform
This outfit offers no protection what so ever but it is one most effective as it offers a +50% EXP gain if a Monk-class Player wears it.
It is a high risk, high reward opportunity.

You briefly try it on and you're pretty surprised that it fits you so well. The only thing that bothers you is that unlike standard Wushu uniforms, the lower part is not the usual pair of pants but a long skirt instead. But did you expect any less from the Devs? Anyway, this was only your part of the reward. The others got some sort of Ice Sword, there is a Bow made out of pure flames, a shield and some sort of armor. All of the things that you don't need for your character build. You're fairly unlucky in that regard if you're being honest with yourself since you only got this martial art uniform. With Fredy and Eye's part of the reward, you keep it with you to give to them later.

You also take this chance to give Yaoi-chan the loot you got from the Grox Warrior, which were merely alchemical ingredients which you have no need for. You then go and look through the cash shop for a bit. Its been a while since you went there and who knows? You may find a good offer and as luck would have it you do find one. Cloak of Shadows is its name and looking at its abilities makes it pretty enticing even if it is ridiculously pricey for just a random virtual item in both dollars and in Gold. Well, five dollars aren't that much in the scale of things but still...

Okay, you give up! You'll take it and you think it'll go well with the Wushu uniform if you ever decide to wear it.

Cloak of Shadows
By @Captain Spatula
Legacy-Class Item
A cloak that seems to envelop and obscure the body.
Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once a battle is finished.
Upgradeable through Data Crystals to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold.

[] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[] Yes
-[] No
[] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[] Yes
-[] No

The final stages are a bit of your preparation. Your head feels a bit fuzzy but you can still play on and none of your friends seems to notice. You won't repeat your earlier blunder after all! You'll just play for an hour more or maybe two then you'll go to sleep. You can at least manage that! You're pretty confident you won't fall asleep in game. For now, though you're doing the last tidbit of preparations before you go take on all the low-key quests in the city and general area. You estimate at least all of them would be worth 10 levels. You don't actually know the number of quest around here so you may be way off but its a rough estimate from the number of low-level quests back in your starting city.

[] What is your general strategy?
-[DEFAULT] Stay cautious and wary of other players and if an opportunity shows up, go in and kill them. In a combat situation, Nofuku is in front while you and Yasukazu are right behind her. YaoiSensei is further back to support you with her potions and sneak in attacks.
-[] Write-in

[] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks.
-[] No. You'll like to keep a boundary between your virtual life and your real life. You barely met these people a week ago after all!
(Note: This is a pretty important vote)

[] Write-in
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Yeah I think a week is far to soon to start giving them info on our personal life. I would think we should at least know them a few months before anything like that.
Yeah I think a week is far to soon to start giving them info on our personal life. I would think we should at least know them a few months before anything like that.
But then we'd miss out on being the stereotypical overly-friendly American foreigner with no understanding of Japanese social norms!

Edit: Also, considering that vote is called out as important, I feel like it's gonna heavily define how we interact with our online buddies for a long time. Doesn't seem like something we can just take back in a few updates.
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There is a write in option so we can decide at what time we think it would be appropriate to start telling them about our lives instead of doing it now or not at all.
[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes
-[X] Automatically switch to 'Ahkriin's Heritage' for especially difficult encounters
[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes

Let's switch the old armor on whenever there is a difficult enemy like a PvP-situation or a Boss-battle. In low-threat situations more XP is golden, and ~11 Physical Damage Resistance isn't that important.

On another note, we should get rid of this Rogue Armor at some point, and get some more specialized gear. Possibly after we see how the Monk class handles armor in general. We can still do the Armor Upgrade Quest just for fun; it's not a big deal if it doesn't take a lot of resources.

[X] What is your general strategy?
-[X] Stay cautious and wary of other players. If an opportunity shows up, go in and kill them, except if they seem to be much lower level than you. In a combat situation, Nofuku is in front while you and Yasukazu are right behind her. YaoiSensei is further back to support you with her potions and sneak in attacks.

I added a note to avoid PKing noobs, which Karen has tried to avoid in the past.

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] No. You'll like to keep a boundary between your virtual life and your real life. You barely met these people a week ago after all!

I'm of the "Only YGGDRASIL in this quest plz" school of thought, so my vote on this one is pretty obvious. Not trying to argue for it, it's a matter of taste.
There has been some time skips guys. Might of only been a couple days but we probably have known them for more than a week at this point.

[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes

[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes

[X] What is your general strategy?
-[DEFAULT] Stay cautious and wary of other players and if an opportunity shows up, go in and kill them. In a combat situation, Nofuku is in front while you and Yasukazu are right behind her. YaoiSensei is further back to support you with her potions and sneak in attacks.

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks.
--[X] Only little bits. Nothing too personal, like where you live or birthdays unless they share that first.

With this cloak our goals of being a dodge tank can come to fruition! Not sure of a max level cloaks dodges per battle, left that up in the air but a guaranteed dodge against critical hits with our agility bonus?

Dodge tank for days!
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[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] No
[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes
[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] No. You'll like to keep a boundary between your virtual life and your real life. You barely met these people a week ago after all!
[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] No
[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes
[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] No. This is too soon however in 3 or 4 months you would probably feel comfortable sharing some of your personal life.
Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Dec 13, 2018 at 6:28 PM, finished with 119 posts and 35 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Dec 13, 2018 at 6:29 PM, finished with 119 posts and 35 votes.
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[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes
-[X] Automatically switch to 'Ahkriin's Heritage' for especially difficult encounters

[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks.
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We are really strong against enemies using physical attacks now. If we get more Magic Damage Resistance and some additional status resistances, we will wipe the floor with many mages as well, especially in a duel. Some self-healing should help as well. Going for Resist over Special later completes the build of an invincible pummeler.

I'm guessing that the very top level of end-game formal PvP will be a matter of gear, technical skill and strategy instead of builds and stats, but at least Karen won't be having a handicap in that area :)