It doesn't turn around as your other friends pick up pretty quickly and get its attention. Edith unexpectedly joins in too! She's right beside you. You're not sure how she just got here but she's attacking the Grox Warrior with her daggers.
Best NPC, clearly.
Edith is not as agile or as intelligent as a human and once, she caught his attention, you had to grab her in a princess carry and get her out of the way of the Grox's might blow or you're pretty sure she would have taken all of that blow head-on.
I'm sure Edith will have fond memories of this day.
[X] Plan Fist To Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass
-[X] Opening strike, Heavenly Bull's Charge with Fire elemental punch to the knee, try to limit its motion. Don't stop after landing the strike, keep going to get clear of its weapon's action range. Repeat this with other joints once you have the cooldown on the charge to do it again, varying the elemental damage used until you find something that works better. Once its taken enough leg damage to sink down, go for the boot to the head
-[X] Every melee fighter times attacks to strike whenever it focuses on an opponent opposite them. Whoever is being attacked at the time just 100% defends.
-[X] Ranged attackers take opportunistic pot shots, but only when its not going to draw the boss attention. Powerful and Area attacks are in reserve, you need a signal for all the melee dudes to disengage so they don't fry and stand ready to re-aggro the bad guy. You need to agree on something simple beforehand, you don't all share the same language after all.
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A knife throwing time stop maid?

I'd be cool with it. We 100% control her growth as well, so yeah, we could do that if we want. Thief/Mage/Time Mage (Time Mage)/Assassin

The last 10 levels to round to 100 into Assassin, it should be a second rank class so 10 levels to max it? I'll admit that I don't quite get how the class and level system works completely. But I think this works?
Lvl 50 boss :cry:. We are clearly in the wrong place here, but oh well, I guess we can try the boss once. Not like IC Karen would turn back here. And even if one of the party dies, the rest might be able to escape.

The current plan is kiting. The party doesn't have experience working together and the boss is a question mark, so this plan will probably end in tears if the boss is not colossally slow. Still, it might be the best plan we have, since Nofuku likely won't be able to tank the boss fully. At least I can't think of a better idea.

The other part of the plan seems to be to inflict the Cripple or Knockdown status effects by striking a specific part of the enemy. I don't think this is a thing in Yggdrasil, since there has been zero indication of such a thing being possible thus far. Maybe this boss indeed has multiple stages or a weakness at the knee, but that's pretty random speculation. Still, nothing wrong with hitting the knees in itself, since that's something we can reach without spending way too much time hanging in the air.

All in all, I think we are screwed :D. The whole plan hangs around the opponent being slow enough for us to kite, and I just don't think a melee warrior will be that slow. Even if the boss was slow enough, it would likely compensate with armor enough to limit our damage potential to tickling. And don't forget that the huge level difference is taken into account in Critical Hit (and other) calculations. All it takes for us to lose is the boss getting mildly lucky and critting (9% chance per attack), which would make toast of anyone except Nofuku. Heaven forbid if the boss has a weakening aura that would hit a 25 lvl lower Karen like a truck, a charge attack that would instantly wipe a support off the board, or almost any other reasonable warrior ability like we have.

[X] Plan Fist To Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass
We should tell our friends to go a bit easy on the damage. Make sure they do not aggro it. The last fight our buddies and even maid managed to aggro the mob. And they payed for it.
We're the only person skilled in fighting and in stats to stand a chance at tanking it. Even if we're like 15 levels below it.
We've got a support too? Long as the buffs are concentrated on us we could be the fulcrum that allows us to slay it.
Obviously if we fall our buddies should scram. Unless the boss is on its last dregs... Tho my days from league of legends tell me that's how you get total party wipes....
Kinda a random thought but since we have such a xianxia style going for our character I wonder if it would be possible to get a quest/class that changes our race from human to Immortal in the Chinese sense. Maybe a quest based on one of the ways sun wukong became immortal he had like seven of them lol

Also I really want to later see if we can start our own guild and create a badass guild base

On the plan front I'm all for punch until death.

[X] Plan Fist To Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass
I mean if we die it gives us an excuse for our character to play some fight songs and do a classic training montage.

Also if we max level our ambition to reach heaven ability I think we should go full female All Might and use state names for our attacks while going Plus Ultra haha
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@veekie Do you think we should use the Explosives, and maybe other Stuff, as a First Strike or keep them back?
How about this:

[X] Plan Fist To Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass
-[X] Opening strike, Heavenly Bull's Charge with Fire elemental punch to the knee, try to limit its motion. Don't stop after landing the strike, keep going to get clear of its weapon's action range. Repeat this with other joints once you have the cooldown on the charge to do it again, varying the elemental damage used until you find something that works better. Once its taken enough leg damage to sink down, go for the boot to the head
-[X] Every melee fighter times attacks to strike whenever it focuses on an opponent opposite them. Whoever is being attacked at the time just 100% defends.
-[X] Ranged attackers take opportunistic pot shots, but only when its not going to draw the boss attention. Powerful and Area attacks are in reserve, you need a signal for all the melee dudes to disengage so they don't fry and stand ready to re-aggro the bad guy. You need to agree on something simple beforehand, you don't all share the same language after all.

Going to bed now tho
Are they the same kind as before or does she have other stuff? That can make a difference.
YaoiSensei's class operates under the western(ancient Greek) elemental system which is Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. You can expect her to have multiple potions hanging around with multiple 'explosive' effects without it being necessarily Fire.
Does she have the same fire explosives like the one she threw at the Youngling Groxs? That would be a yes but not much. Yaoi kind of freaked out at used more firepower than she needed there.
YaoiSensei's class operates under the western(ancient Greek) elemental system which is Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. You can expect her to have multiple potions hanging around with multiple 'explosive' effects without it being necessarily Fire.
Does she have the same fire explosives like the one she threw at the Youngling Groxs? That would be a yes but not much. Yaoi kind of freaked out at used more firepower than she needed there.
That's pretty cool. Does she have anything less AOE oriented and more single target focus? What about something that slows or blinds them?
That's pretty cool. Does she have anything less AOE oriented and more single target focus? What about something that slows or blinds them?
Nothing like that. All of her potions are AoE, not ST. She does have some poisons that could slow it down. Although, it depends on how strong they are. If they're not potent enough, they'll just not work on a level 50 boss.
YaoiSensei's class operates under the western(ancient Greek) elemental system which is Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. You can expect her to have multiple potions hanging around with multiple 'explosive' effects without it being necessarily Fire.
Does she have the same fire explosives like the one she threw at the Youngling Groxs? That would be a yes but not much. Yaoi kind of freaked out at used more firepower than she needed there.
Why did she freak out? I thought she was just over enthusiatic but you wouldn't describe that as a freak out. I had the impression that the front line was holding off the Grox just fine was I mistaken and she panicked because one got past?
Why did she freak out? I thought she was just over enthusiatic but you wouldn't describe that as a freak out. I had the impression that the front line was holding off the Grox just fine was I mistaken and she panicked because one got past?
Yaoi-chan is enthusiastic about a lot of things but insects are not of them. Recall that YGGDRASIL is so hyper-realistic you cannot distinguish it from reality if not for your dulled senses. Now imagine a swarm of horse-sized centipedes swarming toward your friend. I'm pretty impressed she even got the potions out of her inventory without fucking up.
Actually, you should be more impressed at Nofuku who held out wonderfully. :V
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Right, Karen had no issue whatsoever dodging the last one so IF this thing follows the same style but more AKA really big, hits really hard and has tons of health but is slow then we'll have a very good shot if we can keep its minions off us that will inevitably join in.
Yaoi-chan is enthusiastic about a lot of things but insects are not of them. Recall that YGGDRASIL is so hyper-realistic you cannot distinguish it from reality if not for your dulled senses. Now imagine a swarm of horse-sized centipedes swarming toward your friend.
Actually, you should be more impressed at Nofuku who held out wonderfully. :V
Well in that case I guess my mistake was in thinking there was longer between the fight starting and the bomb hitting. I guess Yaoi threw it as soon as they were inside throwing distance.