The 'required' level 50 is just a bit less than double our level.

They're fire demons, using WaySura to make our attacks water element will probably be super effective, and since they're demons we might be able to double up on the extra damage with Mystical Holy Strikes as well, and while defence isn't likely to make much difference when they're so much higher level we've focused on both agility and physical attack anyways, but that might not be enough.
Either way,iI don't think we should decide to go unless both Nofu and Yaoi wants to, considering the rather likely chance that we'll all die horribly if we do it.

You ever try to do a quest that nearly doubles your level? I have, and it's not a fun experience.
I mean, the mobs are scaled for level 50 but we'd have a group and both Nofuku and Yasukazu are around the 40's range right? Maybe we can't do it now but if we all group up we might have a shot later.
That being said:

[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
[X] Buy one of every healing/resistance -type consumable that costs <= 100 gold. The best in every category, while staying within the cost limit, is sufficient.

Let's wait until we're at least all like 35 or something and have our 2 level 45-ish players available before trying the big thing, Leveling up is fun but not dying while doing so is more fun.
Btw, should we stop by the markets for a bit? We have a shitton of gold so we might as well check it out if anything good is available. Some potions of Fire Resistance like that showed up in the beginning shop might make the quest a lot more feasible.
Potion of Fire Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds, or some other gear.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.
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[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.

I agree with your sentiments. Tho going to the daemon hunting quest and seeing if there are low level side objectives that our group can tackle would be an option as well. So I am not averse to joining them even if I'm not voting to tackle the quest right now.
[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.

[X] Buy one of every healing/resistance -type consumable that costs <= 100 gold. The best in every category, while staying within the cost limit, is sufficient.

Invasion quest sounds awesome, but I agree with everyone that we are way too underleveled for it. Let's just go and level up a bit, while keeping an eye out for something interesting on the way.

@Ulrad I'm game with the market idea, we can easily buy one of everything that costs less than 100 gold. I'm not sure if things like that potion would actually be that useful, since "immunity" seems to be a shady concept in Yggdrasil, but buying them doesn't really hurt us either.
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Is it a party for a solo lvl 50 player or a group?
We might be able to cheese if its the former but anyone making a mistake would probably get 1hit.
Is it a party for a solo lvl 50 player or a group?
We might be able to cheese if its the former but anyone making a mistake would probably get 1hit.
That's kinda why I want to check out the shops, if we can get some better potions of Greater Fire Resist or something it would be a lot safer. Although I suppose we could do that when we are about to do the quest, not necessarily right now.
[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
That's the problem. The devs aren't specifying. :V

Although, if you really want to try your luck. You can keep to the outskirts of the invasion area. The enemies aren't weaker there but they're fewer and you can bail out if things go south.
Observation question: In YGGDRASIL are there hard borders between where mobs start spawning and rapid level changes? If things transition gradually we could probably test the waters by checking the area around the quest and seeing how much resistance we face.
Observation question: In YGGDRASIL are there hard borders between where mobs start spawning and rapid level changes? If things transition gradually we could probably test the waters by checking the area around the quest and seeing how much resistance we face.
They do transition gradually. What you're going to be sure about, however. Is that the lowest of the lowest in the outskirts of the area, it would be something a level 50 player can take on with relative ease. The regular Fire Demon Soldier would probably be something in between 40 to 50 levels. The bosses would be 60 to 70.
The required level being 50 here means 'the minimum required level'. This quest can be taken regardless if you fit that requirement.
The Ahkriin's Heritage armor upgrade quest, however, you'll need to fit the requirement to get it.
[X] Make up a party with KaptainFredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.

[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
[X] Make up a party with KaptainFredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.

[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.

We can grind a bit before trying
[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
[X] Make up a party with KaptainFredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.

[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
[X] Make up a party with Kaptain Fredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.
[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.
[X] Make up a party with KaptainFredy and UnseenEye.
-[X] Friend-request them.
-[X] Suggest something else, preferably a lot less risky. Maybe your original plan of going to see the quest givers in the city.

[X] Ask your party members to give you their current total levels and classes.

I'm tempted to add something like
[] Ask Nofuku what she thinks about the Invasion Quest and how Quest and other Game Mechanics work.

She is somewhere around Level 40 so she should know more about the Game than we do.
The Port City - Part 4
Alert! Incoming Update!​

You read the quest's description and damn does it look awesome! When you get to the end, however, you see the required level to not get killed and the warning that it is highly dangerous which makes you grin even further. Now you want to do it even more! Challenge accepted! You turn excitedly to your friends both ancient and new. You can even see Fredy's eyes lightening up somehow. He probably expected a positive answer from you and he's absolutely right.

"I say-" "No." Whatever you were going to say was interrupted by Nofuku's surprisingly strong voice. She looks at you and even faced by her expressionless character, you can tell she's daring you to say otherwise right now. Did she finally grow a spine when you briefly looked away? Ha! You just shrug and she sighs. Fredy is visibly disappointed while Eye just sighs in relief.

"The quest is beyond our current capabilities right now. I'll rather not die horribly." Nofuku elaborates, she didn't really need to. Everyone got the message and you understand but still, you can't help but feel disappointed too. You'll have to level up quickly so you can do that quest of epic proportions. You won't give up that easily!

"Anyway, guys? How about we look for some other cool quest that we can do right now?" Preferably an Extermination quest, you're itching to try out your new abilities. As you go through the city, you enter into what looks like a wide street. and people are crowding around the sides as they seem to let someone pass. You jump up and stand on KaptainFredy's shoulders who seems barely fazed by your action. You see what looks like a pretty big group of player marching to the city's gate. If you had to guess, they're at least 40 or 30 players there and the people around are giving them a wide berth.

They all have what looks like awesome armor, during your observation of the 'parade', you catch a familiar person's gaze at the head beside four other players. That Kyon guy who approached you a few hours ago. You're not sure what he is thinking right now as your eyes met. Is it irritation, anger or indifference at you not having been to the docks as he had suggested? You can't really tell through this fucking expressionless face. Your stare match was soon broken as he turned to a player beside him whom he started talking with. At this distance and with so much noise, you can't really hear what they're talking about. Not that you care or anything. It's none of your concerns.

"Who're these guys?" "The Scarlet Crusaders; they're a pretty prominent guild in the area. They're probably going to try their luck at that Musphelheim quest." "Eh?! An entire legion for that?" "I don't know why they would take that much firepower. Who knows what they're planning?" you hear a nearby conversation. You kind of feel a bit stupidly angry; these guys will beat you to doing the quest first but you're not that petty. Who cares who goes at it first? You jump down from Fredy's shoulders.

"What is going on?" he asks curiously. "Just some pretty big guild passing through," you answer vaguely. As soon as the Scarlet Crusaders are no longer in sight, players once more start flooding the wide avenue. You and your group continue on your way to the area where there are the quest givers. You collectively decide to take up an Extermination quest; the quest giver a gruff nobleman is asking for the extermination of heteromorph scum infestation near his farmlands. A Grox group settled in a cave near his lands and they're tearing his crops. The peasants working there are not thrilled either at their hard work getting destroyed.

Your walk there is uneventful and no players or monster interrupt you as you arrive at the cave's entrance. It somehow looks like a tiger's open maw or at least it's the impression you got. It must be intentional from the devs' part. Before you and your friends enter the cave, you turn to them.

"Hey, guys. Could you share what classes and level you're at? Just so we can know our capabilities." you ask curiously, you're wondering why no one even bothered to do that before. "You can know that by going on the party menu then party info." UnseenEye's timid voice is the one to answer and you feel somewhat sheepish. How did you miss that? You take a quick look at it.

Nofuku: (42 levels total)
Fighter(15 levels)
Warden (10 levels)
Sentinel (5 levels)
Inquisitor (12 levels)
A good balance between tanking and damage, she doesn't excel at either but she can do both well enough.

YaoiSensei: (30 levels total)
Rogue (15 levels)
Lore Master (10 levels)
Great Sage (5 levels)
A debuff, support-focused build, she must not be hit at all or she could even be killed instantly.

KaptainFredy: (27 levels total)
Fighter (15 levels)
Gladiator (10 levels)
Warlord (2 levels)
Damage-focused build, it can tank hits somewhat decently but not for long.

UnseenEye: (32 levels total)
Cleric (15 levels)
Holy Priestess (10 levels)
Holy Maiden (5 levels)
Sorceress (2 levels)
Buffer and support-focused built, she absolutely must not be hit as probably even one hit could one-shot her.

Holy shit! Everyone and you mean everyone is higher leveled than you. This cannot stand! You're supposed to be the leader of the team due to Yasu-bud's absence but if you're of a lower level than everyone, how can you do that?! You grumble for a bit under your breath before you enter the cave proper. It isn't too tight, fortunately. Eye lights up the surrounding with a spell. Your maid Edith is still following behind you. You nearly forgot she existed in fact! You didn't find any opportunity to use her yet. You hear there is an option in which you can see through your NPC's eyes or even a familiar which would be extremely useful if you want to scout an area or spy on someone.

How do you decide to approach this?

[] Send Edith as a scout, look through her eyes and give her orders accordingly.
-[] Try to find out as much as you can.
(Note; If you're too careless, Edith may be spotted and she'll get into a fight alone. You'll be too far away to come quickly enough)
-[] Don't take any risk and be careful.

[] Just go in with your team blind. You are well-equipped and high-level enough.

[] Any battle-plan or tactic?
-[] Write-in.

[] Write-in.
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[X] Send Edith as a scout, look through her eyes and give her orders accordingly.
-[X] Try to find out as much as you can.

You read the quest's description and damn does it look awesome! When you get to the end, however, you see the required level to not get killed and the warning that it is highly dangerous which makes you grin even further. Now you want to do it even more! Challenge accepted! You turn excitedly to your friends both ancient and new. You can even see Fredy's eyes lightening up somehow. He probably expected a positive answer from you and he's absolutely right.

"I say-" "No." Whatever you were going to say was interrupted by Nofuku's surprisingly strong voice. She looks at you and even faced by her expressionless character, you can tell she's daring you to say otherwise right now. Did she finally grow a spine when you briefly looked away? Ha! You just shrug and she sighs. Fredy is visibly disappointed while Eye just sighs in relief.

Our character is an idiot, and I thank all that is unholy that Nofuku is with us.
YaoiSensei: (30 levels total)
Rogue (15 levels)
Lore Master (10 levels)
Great Sage (5 levels)
A debuff, support-focused build, she must not be hit at all or she could even be killed instantly.
She betrayed us! She's meant to be the group noob! :p
Its interesting that she has no racial levels, if I'd known players could find peoples levels like that I'd probably have not joined up with them for fear of her being outed as a vampire.
E: In other news I think Kyon was planning on using us as ablative raid armour. Dodged that bullet.
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[X] Send Edith as a scout, look through her eyes and give her orders accordingly.
-[X] Don't take any risk and be careful.
Its interesting that she has no racial levels, if I'd known players could find peoples levels like that I'd probably have not joined up with them for fear of her being outed as a vampire.
E: In other news I think Kyon was planning on using us as ablative raid armour. Dodged that bullet.
Surprised someone caught that. I really should stop being surprised at you catching my little hints.

Well, Yaoi is obviously not telling you everything. You don't really even know if she's truly a vampire or not, Karen just kind of assumed she was heteromorphic and her last private discussion with her did cement that impression on Karen even though she never quite directly confirmed she was a vampire. You'll probably only learn when you ask her directly if you want to know her true race. And, yes I'm confirming here she's not just a vampire.

I like to throw some random things like that while writing. :tongue: If you want, I'll just tell you outright. It's not really that important.
Surprised someone caught that. I really should stop being surprised at you catching my little hints.

Well, Yaoi is obviously not telling you everything. You don't really even know if she's truly a vampire or not, Karen just kind of assumed she was heteromorphic and her last private discussion with her did cement that impression on Karen even though she never quite directly confirmed she was a vampire. You'll probably only learn when you ask her directly if you want to know her true race. And, yes I'm confirming here she's not just a vampire.

I like to throw some random things like that while writing. :tongue: If you want, I'll just tell you outright. It's not really that important.
She's a parasitic insect player who's highjacked some unfortunate human!
Erm, a mind flayer doing basically the same?
Doopleganger? That one is far too probable.
Anyway don't give me too much credit. I just assumed that you had decided that racial levels also had to be done as trees so that your grouping of three classes + a special worked for them too.
Anyway don't give me too much credit. I just assumed that you had decided that racial levels also had to be done as trees so that your grouping of three classes + a special worked for them too.
Racial levels work the same way too for them with three 'classes' going from the base(15) to advanced(10) to epic(5). Its just means they have only two class trees for them to use since one is used for their racial levels. Humanoid players have greater versatility and are capable of having three class trees instead of just one.

I'll just say it here outright since I doubt you would come up with it. Yaoi is a Dhampir and by YGGDRASIL's standards a demi-human. I did mention earlier that some demi-humans could spawn in humanoid cities only and other could spawn in heteromorphic cities only and some rare one in both. Lizardmen are a demi-human race that can only spawn in a heteromorphic city. Dhampirs are for both, depends on the player's preference.
I'll just say it here outright since I doubt you would come up with it. Yaoi is a Dhampir and by YGGDRASIL's standards a demi-human. I did mention earlier that some demi-humans could spawn in humanoid cities only and other could spawn in heteromorphic cities only and some rare one in both. Lizardmen are a demi-human race that can only spawn in a heteromorphic city. Dhampirs are for both, depends on the player's preference.
Erm, you didn't have to. Leave some reveals for the story.